5. pre production(3)

Pre-Production Cameron Duncan

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Post on 13-Apr-2017




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Cameron Duncan

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Style sheetThis is going to be the colour scheme for the magazine and I chose these colours because they stand out next to each other and they are colours that people enjoy to look at. These colours will also go well with what my magazine is about (Music), because music is vibrant and has a lot of colours that describe songs, for this particular artist (Sabrina Carpenter), she writes quite colourful songs and they are good to listen to if you like this type of music.

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Style Sheet

This is going to be the layout I am going to use with the main images in the center and the title going over the image because the title of the magazine is more important that the images.

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Style Sheet

SabrinaSabrina Sabrin



These are some of the fonts I could use for the title on the front cover for the magazine that would stand out to the readers who actually like to read these sort o magazines (Music). The first one is called Bauhaus 93 this is a good font because it is bold and it stands out quite well. There is also Broadway, I chose this one because it would be a good font for a music magazine seeing as Broadway is the perfect place to go see a musical. Harlow Solid Italic is another one I chose because it is bold and seeing as it has curves, a lot of people like curves and they could get drawn in by them. The final one is called Copper Black, This is a good one because a lot of people use it so much that people must like it so I chose it because people like it.

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Layout 1 Listen InFor those who like to listen to the

latest hits.

Sabrina Carpenter

Check out page 7-8 for out new radio station.

Get a chance to win some prizes in the quiz. More info inside.

This is going to be one of my layouts with the main images underneath all the writing but still visible and the name of the artist (Sabrina Carpenter) next to the artist showing that she is the main image and the main attraction of the magazine.I will put other information on the front cover like what is inside and if there is any prizes to be won, or if there is anything you need to check out and what pages the are on.

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Layout 2 Listen InFor those who like to listen to the

latest hits

Sabrina Carpenter

Look inside for a chance to meet Sabrina!!

See what my top 5 favourite songs are by Sabrina on pages 5-6!

This is the other layout that I will be doing, the same as the other one the main image would be under the writing but it is still visible. The main attraction which is the artist (Sabrina Carpenter), her name is at the side of her and she is staring straight at the camera giving a fun but serious look, because she is smiling but she is wearing professional clothing for her generation (also my generation). I have added some information on there that involves the inside of the magazine as well.

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Props & LocationsProps/Costume needed Locations needed

Computer York College

Keyboard and Mouse

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Contingency PlanningPotential Issue Solution

Loss of work Save it to your H:Drive or Email it to yourself.

Computer goes corrupt Use a different computer e.g. Library or College

Mouse or Keyboard stop working Buy another Keyboard or mouse or Borrow one from a friend

Computer Monitor crashes Go to library or college and use their computers

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Health and SafetyPotential Issue How will the issue be

avoided? Eyes start to hurt Look away and take a break

Legs start to hurt Take a break and stretch your legs

Fingers/Arms start to cramp up Stop and take a break to stretch them

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ScheduleDay Plan of Action Resources Required

Day 1 Plan out where I am going to put stuff on the front cover and the double page spread.

Paper and Pencil/Pen

Day 2 Scan it onto the computer threw a printer onto my H:drive.

Computer, Keyboard and Mouse and Printer/Scanner

Day 3 Use the Planning to put stuff where I want them to on the actual front cover.

Computer, Keyboard and Mouse

Day 4 Put together everything that I have planed. Computer, Keyboard and Mouse

Day 5 Put the information in the double page spread for the artist I am doing.

Computer, Keyboard and Mouse

Day 6 Tell the readers what my top 5 songs by her are so they can check them out.

Computer, Keyboard and Mouse

Day 7 Start to finish up with the last minute details. Computer, Keyboard and Mouse

Day 8 Add the finishing touches E.g. Barcode, smaller images and extra details.

Computer, Keyboard and Mouse