5 quick ways to get more cosmetic patientsperson articles, blog posts, answering realself questions...

Latest Edition C O S M E T I C I M A G E M A R K E T I N G A B E A U T I F U L W A Y T O G R O W Y O U R P R A C T I C E CATHERINE MALEY, MBA Author, Your Aesthetic Practice (877) 339-8833 www.CosmeticImageMarketing.com 5 Quick Ways to Get More Cosmetic Patients

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E •

CATHERINE MALEY, MBAAuthor, Your Aesthetic Practice

(877) 339-8833www.CosmeticImageMarketing.com

5 Quick Ways to GetMore Cosmetic Patients

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Hello, It’s Catherine. I want to get straight to the point because you’re busy so here’s what you’ll discover in this report…..

ü The quickest way to get more appointments and procedures from QUALIFIED patients who want to pay top dollar for your skill and expertise

ü How to increase your revenues by 33% within 90 days

ü What the most successful practices focus on to beat the competition

ü Automatic way to keep your staff trained, busy and revenue-generating vs. overhead

ü How to leverage your staff to set you up for SUCCESS rather than sabotage

ü Sure-fire ways to convert consultations so you are seen as the BEST choice over all the others

ü Best way to double your word-of-mouth referrals without lifting a finger

ü Easy way to eliminate no-shows costing you a fortune

Catherine Maley, MBA Author, Your Aesthetic Practice (877) 339-8833 www.CosmeticImageMarketing.com

Page 3: 5 Quick Ways to Get More Cosmetic Patientsperson articles, blog posts, answering RealSelf questions continuously so you stay current with fresh content. And, no matter what, you are


So, what is that the best way to grow your practice? Is it SEO?

SEO has been the #1 strategy for prospective patients to find your Website. These would-be patients have a problem and are looking for a solution. This seems like such an easy way to get new patients without spending your own time doing it. But SEO has its drawbacks… #1: Did you know only 3% of those prospective patients are actually ready to say YES now and only another 30% could be ready if they were nurtured? That leaves another 67% who are simply researching and curious but not ready. That’s why you get so many looky-loos and “flaky” consultations who don’t show up. Or who show up but don’t book. They are not yet serious about moving through with it and that’s why you’re frustrated with your conversion rates that can run as low as 5-25%...Yikes!

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#2: You may have heard “SEO is Dead”. In a nutshell, that means prospective patients have an increasingly harder time finding your Website organically unless you are willing to pay a lot more for internet advertising to drive them to your Website…. OR… spend a lot more time creating new, interesting content that is refreshed often and shared by popular authority sites that lead back to your website…organically. That means you have to spend your valuable time becoming a “content-generating machine” so you are seen as an authority on the subject of cosmetic surgery. That means writing lay-person articles, blog posts, answering RealSelf questions continuously so you stay current with fresh content. And, no matter what, you are paying thousands of dollars per month to technical “experts” to get you ranked over the millions of other websites competing for the same search engine rankings. That makes it difficult to understand what you get for your investment when you watch your rankings go up and down because Google changes the rules whenever they feel like it. Is it Pay Per Click?

This is where you “pay to play” to get your ads ABOVE the organic search results or on the right side margin so at least you’re on the 1st page of search rankings under “Sponsored Results”. But This strategy takes money… Since you are bidding on key words against your competitors, it becomes the war of the budgets. How much are you wiling to overbid other practices in your area to get the positioning you need to stand out?

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And, even if/when you get that positioning, it takes super good “sales” copy to get that prospective patient to click on your ad. THEN it takes a strategic follow up sales funnel to lead prospective patients through to take action, which is to call you and show-up for their appointment.

By the way, an interesting stat I got at a recent Internet marketing conference I attended says you can only hope to get a 5-19% conversion from this Pay-Per-Click strategy IF you follow-up in a structured way, as in 3 phone calls and 3 emails. I don’t know many (or any for that matter) practices who follow-up that aggressively. Do you?

Is it Consumer Directories?

The directories were popular and effective a few years back to not only lead new patients to you but also to get you ranked high in the search results. They worked pretty well until Google decided they were gaming the system for search results so they were de-listed and many practices saw their rankings plummet overnight.

Another issue with directories is that they, too, are playing the SEO and Pay-Per-Click game and that takes money so those costs are passed on to you. They also can’t control the quality of leads.

Lastly, directories list you AND your competitors in the area so you are automatically behind the 8-ball since the prospective patients can see they have lots of choices and they are in the drivers seat and this encourages the price-shopping mentality.

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Maybe it’s Social Media?

This includes blogging, your FB fan page, linked in, twitter, pinterest and thousands of other Social media sites that helps prospective patients get to know you in a more casual way – Through their friends or Internet “Fake friends” since this is a game of who do you know so we can all get to know each other in a viral way. This strategy costs you more time than money because it’s all about real-time communications with “the world” and tons of fresh, up-to-the-minute content so it needs your time, content and real-time attention. Social media is all about interacting so you must be in the position to actually respond to those connecting with you and it can’t be days and weeks later – it’s got to be a fluid conversation. Also, it can be tough to monetize this social media strategy because its difficult to track results since there can be a lot of clicking going on and you quickly lose track of how the prospective patient heard about you so you don’t know your ROI.

My own personal philosophy is “if you can’t track it, don’t invest in it”

The marketing and advertising world today is too crowded, confusing and expensive today to spend willy-nilly without knowing your ROI.

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Is it Mobile Marketing?

This was showing promise since everyone has a smart phone and that’s where all the eyes went. BUT, it’s not enough to just have a mobile-friendly website (which is a must). You need to somehow drive new patients to it so mobile apps were created. A good app makes it fun for users to use it and share it with their friends and family so it goes viral and spreads your name throughout your community. That is no easy feat with millions of apps vying for attention, not to mention technology can still be baffling for a majority of your patients. I know that first-hand because I spent a year and tens of thousands of dollars and hours developing a patient rewards app for our aesthetic industry – only to get mediocre results. The lesson learned was not to underestimate the time, money and effort it takes to get your mobile app to catch on in a profitable way.

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So, is it External Marketing or Internal Marketing?

Conversion rates are another factor to take into account when deciding where to invest

your marketing dollars.

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Is it Word –of –mouth Referrals?

Here’s an easy way to find out that answer in your own practice. Simply go to your schedule and look up the last 40 surgeries or big-ticket procedures you’ve done:














































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Want to compare your results to the busiest surgeons’ results I collected from all over the country? I polled many of them and here’s what their data showed:

Word of mouth referrals, as well as current patients returning for more, have always been and will continue to be the bedrock of the growth of ANY aesthetic practice. Your patients who know, like and trust you are your goldmine. They are the MOST likely to return and refer and give you good reviews. The point is to budget proportionately to your own results. Of course you should invest in the Internet but don’t forget about the other 75% coming from those who know you or know someone who knows you.

So, what should YOU do to grow your practice? As you can see, the list seems to be endless, and many doctors are getting overwhelmed. And this leads to ONE of the two following outcomes: Either…. Outcome #1: You don’t do anything (because you’re confused about the “best” way to grow your practice and that means you remain stagnant but we all know if you’re not growing, you’re dying. or….

Outcome #2: You do everything and chase every shiny object – buying into the hype of the latest gimmick but does it really help you grow your practice with loyal, raving fans who pay, stay and refer? Looking at these options it seems that you can’t win… or can you?

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Of course you can win – with the right strategies! The first step is to stop for a minute, take a deep breath and take a look at your practice from the outside. It’s about identifying the “silent” practice gaps costing you new patients and profits and you don’t even know it.

Once you start looking at your practice (and all your marketing efforts) from a 10,000 foot view, you will discover what you’re losing in terms of patients and profits such as…..

5 Practice Gaps Costing You Patients and Profits Gap #1: Number (Quality) of Leads

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Obviously, this is one of the most important ways to grow your practice. If your phone doesn’t ring, you won’t get any appointments, consultations and procedures. But as you will see, busy phone lines are not necessarily a guarantee for profits. It’s the “quality” of those leads that determines if they are worth:

ü The time your receptionist spends with them on the phone to book the appointment ü That prospective patient actually showing up for their appointment so there aren’t

gaping holes in your schedule ü Then the consultation process they go through where they visit with your staff ü Then the time they spend with you, the physician, so, at the end of it all, you hope they

say yes to you. Because it’s not about the number of patients you see. It’s about them saying YES to you.

“I gotta think about it” You know what’s it like to spend the afternoon on new consults when you are working hard to bond and communicate with new prospective patients only to hear them say, “I don’t know yet. I need to think about it.” (When what they are really saying is “I’m going to shop around).

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GAP #2: Number of Calls Converted to Appointments

Can she convert callers? How well does your receptionist convert callers into appointments? It’s great if your phone is ringing off the hook, but if your receptionist doesn’t convert these callers into appointments, it doesn’t really matter. Your receptionist’s conversion rate will have a dramatic impact on your bottom line. So it’s vital to your success to keep an eye on THIS part of your practice. NOTE: The caliber of calls depends on how you go about marketing yourself. If the calls are poor quality, look at what you are doing to attract them and change your strategy. GAP #3: Number of Show/No-Shows

How many of the prospective patients who booked an appointment are actually showing up (especially if they came from the Internet or other Mass advertising channels)? You and your patient coordinator block time for a consultation, and if your prospective patients are not showing up for their appointments, your valuable time is wasted not to mention the wasted time your staff is now standing around getting paid for unproductive time. What a waste!

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Let me repeat: The caliber of consults depends on the way you are marketing yourself. If the consults are poor quality, look at what you are doing to attract them and change your strategy. GAP #4: Number of Consults Converted to Procedures?

Can Your Coordinator Close? How well do you and your patient care coordinator convert consultations into procedures? Everything that happened until this point is just “pre-marketing”. You don’t get paid for consultations. You only get paid if you can successfully convert a consultation into a paid procedure. Therefore, THIS step has the biggest impact on your bottom line. The better you convert consultations into procedures, the more revenues you’ll make for your practice. GAP #5: How Often Do Your Patients Return?

Are you a one-hit wonder or are you growing a fan base of loyal patients? I am sure you’ve heard its 10x easier to sell to an existing patient than to attract a new patient. And the best part: It costs only a fraction to convince an existing patient to come back for another procedure. Having “patient retention systems” in place will dramatically reduce your marketing costs and therefore increase your profits.

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Patient Retention is where all your leverage is. You’ve already done the hard work of attracting this patient to you. It will take minimal time, money and effort to encourage them to return. If your patients are NOT returning, they most likely are still getting aesthetic rejuvenation. They’re just NOT getting it from you…ouch!! By the Way, How Are Your Online Reviews?

Patient Online Reviews are, by far, the fastest growing patient-attraction strategy at your disposal today, but how do you get the good ones? You and your staff may be uncomfortable asking for reviews. You may feel as if you are “pushing” or being aggressive. Or, you may believe if the patient is happy, they will spread the word naturally. No they won’t. They are busy, they have a life, they might like you a lot and love their result but this is not top-of-mind for them. They need your help to see it through. You know the unhappy patients are motivated to go the extra mile to give you a scathing review so it’s imperative your happy patients counter them with 5-star reviews of their own. Leads Are Only Part of the Solution So, as you can see, generating leads and making the phone ring is only PART of running a profitable aesthetic practice. However, most surgeons focus on THAT aspect of their practice only. But don’t get me wrong: when you’re getting more leads, you’re getting more calls, more consultations and, hopefully, more revenues. But you know how expensive this is to get that many more leads. We’ve talked about this. I have my own saying, “Just because you’re busy, doesn’t mean you’re profitable” The bigger point is if you have holes in your processes and don’t convert callers into appointments, or consultations into procedures, or set up systems so patients return, refer and review, then all the calls you receive are worthless –

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Leads are ONLY Step 1. You still need the leads to move through ALL the steps or you’re burning through money for nothing:

Here is the Solution The above diagram shows you this is a systematic approach that let’s you focus on the areas that will have the biggest impact on your schedule, budget, staff, bottom line and future! A more rational approach to the right fix is to Increase some of the variables by 10-15%: Have you ever heard that saying, “Small hinges swing big doors”

Look at this example below of how small increases in your 5 main variables dramatically increase your bottom line…. The secret is making small incremental changes in several of these areas. For example….. 10% Increase in converting callers to appointments 10% Increase in new patients showing up for their appointments 10% Increase in converting consultations into procedures

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Example of a typical solo aesthetic practice: Current WRONG Fix RIGHT Fix

Leads 100 150 110

Conversion #1 30% 30% 35%

Appointments 30 45 38.5

Conversion #2 70% 70% 80%

Show Up for Consult 21 31.5 30.8

Conversion #3 50% 50% 60%

Procedures 10.5 15.75 18.48

Average Cost $5,000 $5,000 $5,000

Total Revenues $52,500 $78,750 $92,400

Can you see how small changes make a big difference? You give yourself a $163,800 Raise Per Year without hiring more staff or spending more on marketing efforts that don’t bring in the results. It’s that simple.

So, how do YOU do that? You put a Patient-Attraction and Conversion System in place to plug up the holes so you know and can count on your promotional efforts working behind the scene to keep your phone ringing, your patients saying YES and your referrals and reviews increasing automatically.

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Here are case studies of other practices’ results ….

And, here’s what some of our clients have said about working with us:

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Does this make sense to you? Do you know where YOUR “practice gaps” are? Let’s do a FREE strategy session to find out. Give me same days/times you’re available to talk and I’ll pick the one that works the best. Dedicated to increasing your profits –

Catherine Maley, MBA Call: (877) 339-8833 Email: [email protected] Text: (415) 377-8700 P.S. You can continue to go along as you have been but if you feel like you could/should be doing more to strategically promote your services, than it’s worth a no-obligation call. I look forward to hearing from you.

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Speaker For:

Writer For:

Interviewed By:

Coauthor: Coauthored Social Media for the Health Care Professional

with Drs. Neil Baum and Andrew Schneider. Topics include

step-by-step for FaceBook, YouTube, Twitter and Blogging.


MBA, University of San Francisco

BS, Marketing, Golden Gate University, SF

California Medical Association (CMA), House of Delegates Coordinator

Illinois State Medical Society (ISMS), Sta� Coordinator

You will discover the quickest way to get more appointments and procedures from QUALIFIED patients who want to pay top dollar for your skill and expertise, as well as...

• How to increase your revenues by 33% within 90 days

• What the most successful practices focus on to beat the competition

• Automatic way to keep your sta� trained, busy and revenue-generating vs. overhead

• How to leverage your sta� to set you up for SUCCESS rather than sabotage

• Sure-�re ways to convert consultations so you are seen as the BEST choice over all the others

• Best way to double your word-of-mouth referrals without lifting a �nger

• Easy way to eliminate no-shows costing you a fortune

Inside this Report:

CATHERINE MALEY, MBAAuthor, Your Aesthetic Practice

(877) 339-8833www.CosmeticImageMarketing.com