5 reasons our children are about to miss out on the greatest opportunity in the world! mini...


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Technology they say has come to stay for good and it's only just getting started. We believe strongly that sooner rather than later, in our highly competitive global knowledge economy, the ability to code would set apart those that would be world leaders in almost all career paths. This presentation summarizes what we mean.


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REASONSOur Children

Are About To Miss Out On The

Greatest Opportunity In

The World

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How the world has changed

It's hard to believe how much the world has transformed in

the past decade but our handy info

graphic tells the whole story

Charlie Jane Anders

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In-Spite of These Changes

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Handling Change

For us to take advantage of

these changes, we need to know what the future


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No 1.

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What is Technology? Paul Zane Pilzer defines technology as a better method of doing

something you already do more efficiently. 

We tend to think of technology as a new computer, a new semiconductor, something we don't


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What is Technology? If you drive to work and

it takes you 30 minutes, and there's a better way of getting

there in 25 minutes, that's better technology. In the twentieth and the current

century, the personal computer and the Internet

have been the greatest drivers to progress and economy -

Paul Zane Pilzer

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The Computer

“The Computer is the only product since the beginning of time that the maker or designer cannot determine or limit what it can be

used for.” Dr. Tunde ADEGBOLA

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The Future of the Computer & The Internet

In the coming century, being able to command a

world that will be thoroughly

computerized will set apart those who can live

successfully in the future from those who will be utterly left


Yishan Wong

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Some Facts

"Even with the *105million penetration of mobile phones with *less than 10%

Smartphone and even less than 1% of our population can utilize these technologies,

neither do we have local apps relevant and beneficial to this population "

*National Bureau of Statistics

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No.2The Future of No 2.

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Why?"The recession of 2008

wiped out the credit and asset bubbles that had been fueling over-

consumption and overproduction around

the world". Ken Robinson

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Among the worst affected are young people. As I write this, global levels of unemployment among young people, aged from 15 to 24, are the

highest on record.  Ken Robinson

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“Unemployment, while it is painful for the workers who are temporarily displaced, is

a necessary and positive sign that the economy is growing".

Paul Zane Pilzer

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Consider this...

About ten years ago there were no social networks.

Ten years before that we didn't have the Web.

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Consider this...

If you work in the web programming, online marketing, or mobile phone


… your job did not exist twenty years ago.

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Consider this...

Who knows what jobs will exist twenty years from now? The people out of work today will soon find jobs again.

But the work won't be the same.  

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The Future


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Language & Literacy: The last 6 inches of the divide

“Over the past few years, the Internet has rapidly become part of the daily lives of most people in the first world. This

trend in easy access to unlimited information

resources for first world users mirrors the growing 'central-

peripheral divide' in the developing world”:

Andie Miller

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The Truth is...

"The future's already happened, it's just

unequally distributed." 

a quote by science fiction writer William Gibson.

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The Truth is...

“The Computer needs to speak our language and vice

versa. Until technology is applicable in our local

language and appropriate applications that allow our huge population to benefit

from it we would continue to look at technology as foreign and reserved for a selected

few”. Dr Adegbola

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No 4.

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"Errors using inadequate data are much less than those using

no data at all.”

Charles Babbage

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Making Sense of Data and InformationAt the heart of any

management system you need good decisions and

good information. In his book on Leadership, Rudy Guiliani,

ex-mayor of New York tells how timely access to accurate information helped improve decision making in

New York City’s fight against crime.


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Making Sense of Data and InformationNew media (particularly

electronic media) have made it possible to communicate

information faster and more directly and through many more channels. From e-mail to pagers and mobile phones, PDA’s, wikis

and Intranets, the options to present information through

different channels and formats is now immense.


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Making Sense of Data and Information

Ultimately the tremendous amount of information

that is generated is only useful if it can be applied to create knowledge within the organization. Building and managing knowledge is one of the greatest challenges that

faces organization in the twenty first Century.  Elearn

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World Wide WebThe biggest source of secondary data is now the World Wide Web

and you need to be able to

search it.

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No. 5No 5.

The Future

of Education

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What is missing?

“Our schools haven’t

changed; the world has. And so

our schools are failing”.

Tony Wagner

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Think about it“Children, young children, starting elementary school

this year will be retiring 'round about 2070, if they ever do retire. Think about that. 2070. Nobody has

the faintest idea what the world will look like in 2015, or 2020, let alone 2070".

Sir Ken Robinson

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What is missing?

In today‘s highly competitive global knowledge

economy, all students need new skills for college, careers, and

citizenship. The failure to give all students these new skills leaves today‘s youth and our

country at an alarming competitive disadvantage.

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What is missing?

“The greatest challenge is

creativity in Africa which comes out of an incomplete


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We are “Certified but not Educated”

We are “Certified but not Educated” It is the attitude of chasing after certificates and not an education that has become

the bane of our society. The problem in the society today is that skill is yet to be developed in people.  We are yet to come to a place where we truly use

our education to create wealth”.

Francis Madojemu

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Where Do We Go From Here?

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Now that we know the 5 Reasons...........

What can we do

about it?

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Skate to where the puck is going to beMake sure your company is not simply chasing where other companies in your industry have been. The

true ability of a successful company is to skate to where the industry is going

to be. Jeffrey Monaghan

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The Seven Survival Skills for Careers, College, and


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The Seven Survival Skills for Careers, College, and Citizenship

1. Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving

2. Collaboration Across Networks and Leading by Influence

3. Agility and Adaptability

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The Seven Survival Skills for Careers, College, and Citizenship

4. Initiative and Entrepreneurialism

5. Effective Oral and Written Communication

6. Accessing and Analyzing Information

7. Curiosity and Imagination

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Computer Programming

The program that best covers these

survival skills is

Computer Programming

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What Is Coding?

The word coding is a slang term for computer programming, used because programming

basically means writing source code.

Emma Mulqueeny

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What Is Coding?

These actions are understood by the computer in what is known as binary code, that lovely series of

ones and zeros loved by Hollywood futuristic films

Emma Mulqueeny

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“We consider it critical that students be able to read and write and understand

math, biology, chemistry and physics. To be a well-educated citizen in today’s

computing-intensive world, students must have a deeper understanding of the fundamentals of computing as well.“

Chris Stephenson

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Critical“Whether our children want to

become farmers, doctors, teachers, or entrepreneurs, it’ll be

easier for them to achieve their dreams in the digital age if they

have some background in computer science. We need our

children to learn 21st century skills for a 21st century world, and

coding teaches them the creativity and problem-solving skills that are

necessary for success.“

John Thune

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Give every child in our community the chance to learn to code. It is our aim to equip the next generation with this essential skill to


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Consider This

“I think everybody in this country should learn how to

program a computer because it teaches you how to think.”

Steve Jobs

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1. We believe and think every individual, parent, kids; youth should be encouraged to start to learn to Code no matter what

they want to do or are already doing in life.

This will teach them to think and solve problems.

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2.Campaign for, encourage and assist schools and parents

to introduce coding and computer programing into their


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3. To provide a melting point for leading hardware and software providers and developers as well programers and programing firms to meet and work

together  and to  come up with relevant applications for our local community and


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Why Code?

“Here we are, 2013, we ALL depend on technology to communicate, to bank, and none

of us know how to read and write code. It's important for these kids, right now, starting at 8

years old, to read and write code


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Why Code?

Kids spend an increasing portion of their lives interacting

with and through screens about

which they know little or nothing.

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Why Code?

Introducing kids to code reveals to them how computers are

really “anything” machines, capable

of doing pretty much anything we

program into them.

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Strategic Partnership

In strategic partnership with leading hardware and software providers and developers as well as

programming firms we would be using simple coding curriculums from code.org,

code academy.com and scratch.mit.edu just to mention a few to

develop appropriate and relevant courses and programs

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Everyone Can Learn To Code

Children, Youths,

Educators and Parents