5 reasons smokers are switching to e cigarettes


Upload: andretyson88

Post on 26-Jan-2017




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• Many smokers feel like second-class citizens the moment they want to indulge in their habit

• Disliking of cigarettes automatically makes people treat smokers with disdain

• Despite many reasons of not to like the smoking, most smokers will continue with their habit

• In the past, this could have been a problem

• Smokers can now enjoy their habit without bothering others by smoking E – Cigarettes

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Smoke Free

When smoking a traditional cigarette, a smoker will bother people around him or her with smoke.

This is not the case with an e-cigarette as they do not produce harmful and annoying smoke. A smoker who has children or sensitive friends should consider switching to e-cigarettes.

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Smoking is not a cheap habit. With an E- cigarette, a smoker can enjoy their habit without breaking the bank. Once the smoker buys the e-cigarette, he or she does not have to spend money on his or her habit for a long time.

Over time, a smoker of e-cigarettes can expect to cut his or her monthly smoking bill in half

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Do it in Public

Now, it seems that most state and local governments want people to smoke in their homes and nowhere else. With an e - cigarette, a smoker can enjoy his or her habit without feeling like an outlaw as it is easy to light up outside or on the beach without bothering others. An e-cigarette does not produce smoke so friends and strangers alike will not suffer when a smoker lights a cigarette

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Some people may scoff at this, but e-cigarettes are healthier than traditional ones. A regular cigarette has a lot of toxins and chemicals and causes irreversible damage in most people. While an e-cigarette is not only perfect, it is also a healthier alternative to a traditional cigarette. Anyone wanting to enjoy their nicotine habit without the associated negative health effects must look into buying an e-cigarette

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Day after day, week after week, buying packs of cigarettes takes time. With an e-cigarette, a smoker can buy the cigarette of his or her choice and be on their way.

While some smokers go to the store multiple times a week, a smoker of electronic cigarettes will rarely need to go back to the store to get another electronic cigarette

People love to, and will continue to, smoke cigarettes. With an electronic cigarette, a smoker will not bother his or her friends.

While many smokers prefer the traditional way, many smokers have quickly discovered that an electronic Cigarette delivers the nicotine without all the associated negative side effects.

A savvy smoker who wants to save money and enjoy their habit more should consider investing in an electronic cigarette

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