5 reasons why passion is important when you're looking for a job or internship

5 reasons why passion is important when you're looking for a job or internship.

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Post on 16-Apr-2017




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5 reasons why passion is important when you're looking

for a job or internship.

People can tell

It is often much more obvious than you think. It even comes out over the phone or email. Most people can tell if you are working your way down a list of companies or if you have real interest in the company or role.

It can set you apart

Because it’s so obvious, if you are more passionate than the people you are competing against for the job, it can set you apart.

Passionate people want to work with people like them

Employees want to be surrounded by people that share their excitement and passion. They are more likely to recommend you if they sense real passion.

You’ll enjoy your job more

As Confucius said “Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life.”

You’ll be better at your job

Research by BYU professors show that “people who believe and espouse the unique values and mission of a company end up in positions of "status and influence."”*


Wait! What if you can’t get the job you’d be

most passionate about?


What if you can’t find anything you're passionate about?

Balance passion with opportunity

Shoot for the stars, but balance passion with opportunity. Not everyone can be an astronaut. You can find multiple passions.

Keep exploring

Talk to as many different companies and explore as many roles as you can. Often times as you learn about new companies or roles, you’ll find things to be passionate about.

Fake it until you make it

“Transferring your passion to your job is far easier than finding a job that happens to match your passion.” Seth Godin.

Ways to show your passion in the job hunt

1. Reach out to current employees of the company to learn more2. Stay up to date on current events at the company3. Use the products or services4. Share personal stories during the interview process about your interaction with the products or services5. Come up with a list of thoughtful questions for the interview that show how much research you have done 6. Tell them why you are so passionate about the company or job 7. Participate in the community of professionals for the role or industry you are pursuing