5 skincare remedies using turmeric powder


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5 Skincare Remedies using Turmeric Powder

Page 2: 5 skincare remedies using turmeric powder

Turmeric is a magical spice that have been used since ages as an integral part of kitchen and women’s beauty regime. This old spice has a lot of health benefits, as well as works an effective remedy for many skincare problems. Let us have a look to some amazing skincare remedies using turmeric powder.

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1. Turmeric for Facial Hair Removal

• Facial hair is one of the main concern for women and they opt for various solutions like waxing, bleaching, threading, or laser treatment. But this amazing herb turmeric is one of the best home remedies to remove unwanted facial hair. It penetrates into the deep skin which gradually leads to thinning of hair and so it breaks off and stops growing.

• Take a tea spoon of turmeric powder and make a paste of it by adding some water. Apply it on the face where hair growth is in excess. When it dries completely, scrub it off gently and rinse with lukewarm water. Repeat this remedy 2-3 times a week for better and faster results.

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2. Turmeric for Stretch Marks

• Using turmeric is one of the some most effective ways to remove stretch marks.

• To make a turmeric recipe for stretch marks, mix turmeric powder with a little coconut oil and make a smooth paste of it. Apply this on stretch marks for few minutes before washing it off.

• Try this home remedy continuously for several weeks until the signs of stretch marks are removed completely.

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3. Turmeric for Hyperpigmentation

• Hyperpigmentation is caused by excessive melanin production which is generally triggered by sun exposure and hormonal imbalance. Apart from popular medications, hyperpigmentation can be treated by some easy home remedies.

• To prepare an effective remedy for hyperpigmentation, make a mixture of turmeric powder and lemon juice. Apply this on affected area for 20-30 minutes and wash off with plain water.

• Use this remedy daily or 3 times for several weeks to see visible results on skin.

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4. Treatment of Wrinkles

• Wrinkles and skin sagging is common signs of ageing. But premature signs of ageing is a big concern in modern hectic lifestyle. Several natural ingredients and proper food diet can control the skin ageing to a great extent.

• Take 1 tsp of gram flour, ¼ teaspoon of turmeric powder and mix it with 2 tsp of yoghurt. Prepare a smooth paste and apply it on your face for 10 minutes before rinsing it off with lukewarm water.

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5. Turmeric for Acne

• Acne is one of the major concern among teen agers. You can find here several home based remedies for acne where turmeric is one of the most effective ingredient used. Due to its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties it prevents clogging pores and bacteria from thriving.

• To prepare an acne face mask, mix turmeric powder in lukewarm water to prepare a paste and apply it on acne affected areas or entire face for 15 minutes. Then wash with lukewarm water.