5 things that make a website design effective

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Post on 27-Jan-2015




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It’s funny how everyone tells you to come up with an effective website design, but no one has the answer when you ask ‘how’. Ever wondered why? Frankly, there’s only one way of making a design effective – you make it user centric and that’s just about it. See, it’s simple; if the users (or the visitors, if you put it that way) don’t like your design, it’s not good. No two ways about it. Having said that, given below are 5 different things that can help you create a design that, well, may help you strike a chord with the users:


  • 1. 5 Things That Make a Website Design EffectiveCall : 1300 760 363 Visit On : http://awebsitedesigner.com.au/

2. If the users (or the visitors, if you put it that way) dont like your design, its not good. No two ways about it. Having said that, given below are 5 different things that can help you create a design that, well, may help you strike a chord with the users: Bestowment Relevance Simplicity User-friendliness TETO (Your knight in shining armour!)Call : 1300 760 363 Visit On : http://awebsitedesigner.com.au/ 3. Bestowment Bestow the control on them who visits your site morethan once. For making them feel that they are at the helm of affairs, avoid pop ups. Leave alone the visitors, even you want to be able to go back to the page you just visited with a single click or two may be.Call : 1300 760 363 Visit On : http://awebsitedesigner.com.au/ 4. Relevance Its true that the site may be an attempt to makemoney, but a site with too many ads is a big turn-off, maybe not for you (since youd be busy counting the monies!), but for the visitors. It should come as no surprise that they visit your site for content. Ads are something they tolerate. Dont test their patience, unless you dont mind losing them to a competing site. Call : 1300 760 363Visit On : http://awebsitedesigner.com.au/ 5. Simplicity Keep things simple for all age group of person. It may sound clichd, but the moment you make thevisitors think, they are likely to make an early exit. Everything has to be self-explanatory.Call : 1300 760 363 Visit On : http://awebsitedesigner.com.au/ 6. User-friendliness Put yourself in the visitors shoes.Call : 1300 760 363 Visit On : http://awebsitedesigner.com.au/ 7. Right Content At The Right Place You hire yourself a writer, who lets say, provides youwith some really catchy content for your site. If the visitors need to scroll down, chances are that many of them wont. Sad but true. If your content is above the fold, well, you have already increased the effectiveness of your design.Call : 1300 760 363 Visit On : http://awebsitedesigner.com.au/ 8. Limited Number Of Pages The more the better thats something we swear by,but truth be told, excess of everything is bad. Designing 10 different pages, thats totally understandable, but think from the users perspective. Make your design more effective.Call : 1300 760 363 Visit On : http://awebsitedesigner.com.au/ 9. Right Colour Scheme Use fewer colours unless ofcourse the content or the nature of the business for that matter calls for more. Play with words, if you may, but dont play with colours, period. you need to make your site more colourful, try using different shades of the same colour.Call : 1300 760 363 Visit On : http://awebsitedesigner.com.au/ 10. TETO Heres your answer: what looks like an effectivedesign to you may have its share of problems and issues. Just dont do it too late, when you cant do much and may not be able to make changes, if the need be. Do it whenever you can, even it means testing the design right in the very beginning.Call : 1300 760 363 Visit On : http://awebsitedesigner.com.au/ 11. Heres an example:Call : 1300 760 363 Visit On : http://awebsitedesigner.com.au/ 12. Now lets see what may happen if you test the design when its nearing completion:Call : 1300 760 363 Visit On : http://awebsitedesigner.com.au/ 13. Its also worth mentioning that testing is in fact, aniterative process. You test your design, find some errors and fix them. How can you be sure that the design is now errorfree? You need to test again. There may be problems that you might have missed during the first round of testing. Finding them is equally important.Call : 1300 760 363 Visit On : http://awebsitedesigner.com.au/ 14. Contact Us Website: http://awebsitedesigner.com.au/ Phone No.: 1300 760 363 Twitter: http://twitter.com/tanuj_rastogi Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/AWebsite-Designer/675016145842611