5 things you need to know about ux webcamp kl

Let’s talk about UX let’s talk about you and me by Izwan Ismail Thursday, August 1, 13

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A deck that I presented in Webcamp KL on the 5 things that we should know about UX


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Let’s talk about UXlet’s talk about you and me

by Izwan Ismail

Thursday, August 1, 13

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UX Practice Lead & VLT Labs

Founder, Secretary, do-er, whiner. . .

Thursday, August 1, 13

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I Love UX

Thursday, August 1, 13

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Thursday, August 1, 13

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Thursday, August 1, 13

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Thursday, August 1, 13

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5 things we should know about User Experience.

*the longer version has 10, but Wu Han says 15 to 20 mins. So you get 5 okay.

Thursday, August 1, 13

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UX ≠ Wireframes

Thursday, August 1, 13

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There is no right way to wireframe... it is simply a tool in the design process that you can utilize to quickly get feedback, prove out your design decisions and help you make a better product.  

“ 52weeksofux.com

Thursday, August 1, 13

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! It’s a tool!

Thursday, August 1, 13

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UX is Strategy & Planning


Thursday, August 1, 13

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UX strategy is therefore about the big picture. The ability to deliver a compelling, engaging and successful user experience is directly impacted by your organization's ability to orchestrate marketing, engineering, IT, product development, sales, and operational efforts. To that end, it must be approached from a higher vantage point – at the organizational level – not from a project level.

“ Johnnyholland.com

Thursday, August 1, 13

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UX is Testing & Evaluation


Thursday, August 1, 13

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Usability testing will keep you honest...Usability testing gets your project out of the realm of opinion-based design, or 'I'm more important than you'-based design, and elevates it to empirical, verifiable, user-based design."

“ Jim Ross http://www.uxmatters.com/mt/archives/2011/08/client-reactions-to-user-research-findings.php#sthash.y41dlcnL.dpuf

Thursday, August 1, 13

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! Here’s something useful

Thursday, August 1, 13

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UX is Iteration


Thursday, August 1, 13

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Great design strategy is as much about saying “no” as it is about trying to be all things to all people. To achieve a unique and valuable market position, tradeoffs need to be made.

“ Paul Noble-Campbellhttp://uxmag.com/articles/an-iterative-approach-to-innovation-strategy

Thursday, August 1, 13

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! That one company that iterates.

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Good UX is Invisible


Thursday, August 1, 13

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“Good design, when it’s done well, becomes invisible. It’s only when it’s done poorly that we notice it.”

“ Jared Spoolhttp://www.inspireux.com/2009/01/21/good-design-when-done-well-becomes-invisible/

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Alvin Chai Jonathan HirschInformation Architect & UX ConsultantFounder & CEO

July 2013 September 2013

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Thursday, August 1, 13