5 ways to make back pain disappear

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5 formas de hacer que desaparezca tu dolor de espalda


  • Copyright 2013 - John Amaral - All Rights Reserved Worldwide. wellbeingcenter.com 1

  • Disclaimer: This report is not a replacement for medical advice from a licensed physician, nor is it intended to be used to diagnosis or treat specific spinal conditions. If you are in doubt please seek professional help from a qualified physician.

    Copyright 2013 - John Amaral. All rights are reserved. You may not distribute sell or reprint any part of this report without written consent from the author, except for the inclusion of brief quotations in a review.

    If you suffer from back pain (or any other kind of pain) and youve already tried conventional or alternative treatments with little or no improvement, then the information contained in this report could very well change your life.

    Im about to take you on a fantastic journey through the world of back pain, exposing some common misunderstandings and enlightening you with some cutting-edge yet ultra-simple things you can do to put an end to your pain.

    As you read along, I encourage you to do the exercise Ive included here. Why not try the concepts on for size to see if they work for you. What have you got to lose?

    I appreciate your openness to explore and I invite you to sit back, relax, and let the learning begin.

    Step 1: It Starts By Opening Your Mind...

    Copyright 2013 - John Amaral - All Rights Reserved Worldwide. wellbeingcenter.com 2

  • Youve probably heard one of Albert Einsteins most quoted remarks, We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them." Well, this is equally true when it comes to back pain.

    The truth is, if you want to end your pain and what youve been doing hasnt been working for you, the first thing youre going to have to change is how you think about your pain.

    So, what does pain mean to you?

    For some people pain is a nuisance. Its something that they have to deal with, overcome or push through.

    For others pain is something theyre afraid of. When theyre in pain, they get scared and feel powerless.

    Some people feel like they are innocent victims of pain. They believe that they have nothing to do with their pain at all. To them it feels unfair and unjust, because they were just going along normally until pain showed up and ruined their life.

    Still others get a feeling of significance from their pain. Subconsciously, being in pain is a way to get love and attention.

    There are as many possible meanings for pain as there are potential causes but the truth is, pain is just a form of feedback

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  • that your body gives you when more subtle ways of getting your attention arent working.

    By opening your mind to the possibility that you can end your pain by responding to it in new ways, redefining your relationship to it, and making up your own story about what it means, you make the possibility for change and progress easier.

    Are you game?

    Another Way To Look At Your Symptoms

    Usually when people come to see me, they have a symptom. Something hurts, something doesnt feel right, or something feels off and they want their pain or symptom to go away.

    This is normal in our culture, since our entire healthcare system is built around trying to make peoples pain and symptoms go away.

    If you go to a healthcare practitioner and say My back hurts. What can you do to make the pain go away? Nine times out of ten theyll treat you to try to reduce your pain and get you back doing what you were doing before the symptom occurred.

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  • The problem with this approach is that your symptom becomes something to get rid of, overcome or push through, when its really your body saying Hey pay attention, something needs to change.

    Thats what a symptom really means: Stop and pay attention because something needs to change.

    What exactly needs to change though? Unfortunately, not enough people ask themselves that question.

    If you touch the painful part of your back and ask yourself Why wont this stop? How can I make this go away? How can I make this less? How can I get back to doing what I was doing before? youre using a reactive mindset and youll get one set of answers. But if you ask yourself I wonder what the message is here? I wonder what needs to change? I wonder what needs to change about what I am doing, thinking, or focusing on? youre using a proactive mindset and youll get an entirely different set of answers. Most people dont have a framework to address and interact with their body in that way though. They dont ask how they can pay even more attention to the painful part of their body and ask it What do you want? or How can I listen better? Instead, they just try to numb out the pain and make it disappear.

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  • A big part of healing has to do with the relationship between the physical feedback from your body, and how well you can sense and act on it to create a greater sense of ease, energy and freedom. Dont worry this report isnt just going to be some mind-over matter rant! Im about to walk you through how your body, mind, and emotions are really all connected and relate that to your pain, so you can start on the path to true healing.

    Your Mind And Body Arent Separate.

    Brain researcher Dr. Candace Pert, author of Molecules of Emotion, discovered that the brain and the nervous, endocrine, and immune systems are interlocked in a "psycho-immuno-endocrine" network that serves as a multidirectional, body-wide system in which every part communicates with every other part.

    Perts research nullified the prevailing idea that your brain is the physical location where you process all of your emotions. As it turns out, emotions are actually a full-body experience.

    "Emotions are the nexus between mind and matter, going back and forth between the two and influencing both," says Pert.

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  • Why am I bringing up emotions here? Because opening your mind isnt just about changing the way you think conceptually.

    Opening your mind means learning to feel whats going on in the parts of your body that youve been ignoring, avoiding or blaming as the cause of your pain. Opening your mind means learning to think with your whole body...as youll soon learn.

    Why Youre Wasting Your Energy Looking For The Cause...

    Back pain is very complex. There are many possible contributors to back pain. Is it your disc? Is it a muscle tear? Is it sciatica? Is there an existing injury? Are your vertebrae degenerating?

    This report isnt focused on finding the cause of your back pain, because in my experience working with thousands of people, and even throughout the scientific literature on the subject, theres no direct correlation between a patients level of pain and the findings that show up on their X-Ray or MRI.

    In other words, one persons x-ray can show significant spinal misalignment and degeneration yet they can have no pain at all, while another persons x-ray can be totally normal yet they can have debilitating pain. Why is this?

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  • One reason is that your body is a dynamic non-linear system, in which everything is interconnected through very complex networks that link your thoughts, emotions and physical structures together.

    Just looking at one thing (the mechanics of your spine on x-ray for example) is not enough to determine whats causing your symptoms in most cases. Youve got to look at the whole body-mind-emotion complex as ONE.

    The Straw That Broke The Camels Back

    I cant tell you how many times people have come into my office over the years and said, All I did was bend over to pick up a piece of paper and my disc blew out. This is the classic story of the straw that broke the camels back.

    You might have herniated your disc picking up a piece of paper but was that one action really the sole cause?

    What were the circumstances surrounding that injury? What was going on with you mentally and emotionally at the time? How much tension was in your body at that moment? What was going on under the surface that you werent even aware of?

    Then again, you might be in excruciating back pain without ever having had a significant physical injury or any evidence of spinal

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  • damage at all. Often, there doesnt seem to be any cause. I see it all the time.

    Either way, when it comes down to it youre eventually going to end your pain by focusing on a solution rather than just trying to figure out the cause and fix it, so...

    This report is focused on helping you nd a solution.

    Im not saying that you shouldnt investigate why youre in pain and seek to find out what might be contributing to it. On the contrary, I urge you to explore, inquire and discover whats really going on within you so you can move forward with your life.

    I want to give you a new way to look at and address your pain thats so simple I think youll be able to use it right away to improve your situation, no matter how bad it might seem right now...

    How To Think Using Your Whole Body.

    In his research, Dr. Donald Bakal author of Minding Your Body, found that virtually all symptoms, diseases, and illnesses can be improved or managed through something called Somatic Awareness.

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  • The word somatic is derived from the Latin word soma, whichmeans body.

    Somatic Awareness is the ability to tune in to a type of inner bodily experience, or subtle body-feedback that too often gets ignored. This feedback can then be used to take control of your life and end your pain. In essence, Somatic Awareness is the ability to think using your whole body.

    Trillions and Trillions of Cells...

    So how do you think using your whole body? Ill explain in a moment, but first a little background on the body-mind...

    Your entire body consists of upwards of 75 trillion cells (100 billion of them are brain cells - spread out their surface area would cover 4 soccer fields).

    Your brain snakes out of your skull, turns into your spinal cord (which contains another billion nerve cells) and then branches out of your spine into the rest of your body, eventually networking with every single cell.

    Although you process massive amounts of information in your brain - there are over 0.15 quadrillion connections or synapses between your brain cells alone - the brain in your head represents

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  • only a fraction of the connections going on in your nervous system.

    Your enteric nervous system (the nerve network in your gut known as your second brain) influences how you process emotional information and your cardiac nervous system (the nerve network within your heart) influences your ability to experience gratitude and compassion.

    If youre not registering many of the subtle cues and feedback vying for your attention from your entire body through somatic awareness, then youre not really thinking with your whole mind.

    Because of this, you end up needing a stronger form of feedback to get your attention: Pain.

    Without Somatic Awareness, You Are A Victim Of Your Pain. But With It, Youre In Charge.

    In a moment, Im going to let you in on a secret to ending your pain, starting with a simple exercise that works by increasing your somatic awareness.

    At first, this exercise might seem too basic to actually do anything but dont be discouraged, it has helped thousands of people who were in pain, distress or suffering, and it will very likely help you too.

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  • But before I teach you the exercise, I want to clear up one of the biggest misconceptions about pain: The myth that pain should be controlled at all costs.

    Step 2: Stop Trying To Control Your Pain.

    Even though controlling pain doesnt create true healing, the goal in our current healthcare paradigm is still to suppress your pain and get you back doing what you were doing before the pain started as quickly as possible.

    Makes sense though, right? Nobody should have to be in pain. Or is that really true? What if pain can actually be a positive thing? What if pain is ultimately there to help you?

    You see, when you do things to control and suppress your pain, you also suppress the other forms of subtle, somatic feedback that your body is sending you. What if by trying to control your pain youre actually causing more damage to yourself, physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually because youre missing out on those signals?

    It is astounding the lengths that people will go to, and the amount of bodily damage theyll endure in order to control their pain. To give you a sense of this, lets explore some of the most common pain-controlling approaches:

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  • The Trouble With Trying To Control Pain

    One of the most popular ways to try to control pain is to use over the counter pain-relief medications like Advil, Aleve, Motrin, etc. This family of medicines is called Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatories or NSAIDs and they control pain pretty well in the short-term, but when used regularly there can be a long-term cost.

    Every time you take NSAIDs you risk damaging the lining of yourstomach. If you regularly take NSAIDs youll likely end up with internal bleeding.

    Over time repeated use of NSAIDs can lead to perforated ulcers, that when left untreated allow digestive juices and stomach acid to literally eat a hole in your intestinal lining; a serious medical problem that requires hospitalization, and often surgery. Swelling and scarring from an ulcer may even close the outlet of your stomach, preventing food to pass and causing vomiting and weight loss.

    But a lot of people in significant back pain find that over-the counter pain-killers just arent enough to control their pain...

    So, they get a prescription for something even stronger!

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  • Two of the most popular prescription pain-killers, Celebrex and Vioxx work much better. But after over 27,000 people died of Vioxx related heart-attacks and strokes, the manufacturer Merck pulled it off the market.

    Pfizer, who makes Celebrex, found that users in their study weretwo and a half times more likely to suffer an adverse cardiovascular event than a placebo group, but Celebrex is still being prescribed today.

    Hop on the internet and Google Vioxx or Celebrex and youll pull up dozens of websites featuring class-action lawsuits by people whove lost parents, husbands, wives and children to these drugs.

    Not only are your chances of heart-attack and stroke over doubled by regularly taking these drugs, you also run the very real risk of kidney and liver damage.

    But if thats not enough to make you wary of pain-killers, considerthis:

    Pain-Killers Dont Even Provide A Lasting Solution. They Only Temporarily Control Your Symptoms.

    So, what are you supposed to do?

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  • If controlling pain is a bad thing, are you supposed to just grin-and-bear it when something hurts? What if your pain is so bad that you cant do the things that bring you pleasure any more? Is there another way to get out of pain that doesnt involve pain-killers?

    The medical establishment hasnt solved this one yet. Instead, they keep coming up with new pills and procedures to override or control your bodys pain signals. The very signals...

    ...That Are Alerting You To Make Immediate Change!

    Think about this: When you take pain medications, you are literally tricking your brain into believing that everything is ok.

    But why wouldnt you want to do that? After all, who in their right mind wants to be in pain?

    Of course nobody wants to be in pain. But fooling your brain intobelieving that it is safe to use an injured area when its not, is a recipe for even more damage.

    Pain is one of the most primal forms of feedback that your body can give you. Its an ancient knee-jerk signal that ensures your very survival. Do you own a stove? Imagine going into your kitchen and turning it up until it gets glowing red-hot. Then, imagine pressing your finger down on the burner!

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  • What do you think would happen in less than a split-second? Of course you already know the answer: Youd immediately feel a jolt of pain and youd pull your finger away!

    Thats because pain is how your body lets you know that you need to make an immediate change. It alerts you that what youre doing isnt safe.

    Ultimately pain means 2 things:

    1) Pay attention.2) Something needs to change right now!

    Imagine what would happen if you blocked out that pain signal and just left your finger sitting on the burner? Can you see how trying to control or take away that pain without removing your finger first would be disastrous?

    Ignoring Or Controlling Pain Over Time Only Results In More Damage To Your Body.

    If pain-killers dont work to control the back pain, a commonmedical procedure is to inject steroids into the spine to try to reduce the inflammation in the painful area. Does it work? Well, apparently not very well.

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  • According to an editorial in the New England Journal of Medicine (Oct. 3, 1991), the practice is no better than injecting saline solution.

    In Other Words, If You Just Injected Salt Water Into Your Spine Youd Get Similar Results!

    But even when they do work, injections also have dangerous side-effects like possible dural punctures, which cause spinal fluid to leak out, bleeding, infections, and neurological complications and damage.

    And steroids are pretty nasty too. If you use them in high doses or for a prolonged period you also run the risk of increased weight gain, high blood pressure, cataracts, diabetes, osteoporosis, and reduced immunity.

    Then of course, theres the option of spinal surgery. But can spinal surgery really end your pain?

    In an article published in 1990 by the International Society for the Study of the Lumbar Spine, Professor Gordon Waddell, an orthopedic surgeon at Glasgow's Western Infirmary summed up this appalling track record...

    Dramatic Surgical Successes, Unfortunately, Apply To Only Some 1% Of Patients With Low Back Disorders.

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  • (The Lumbar Spine, James Weinstein and Sam Wiesel, eds., WB Saunders Co, Philadelphia, 1990)

    Ok, that was over 20 years ago and procedures have improved since then, but if only 1 out of 100 people were experiencing dramatic surgical successes, what happened to the other 99?

    Surgical statistics indicate that out of the 200,000-400,000 patients who go under the knife in the US every year...

    About 30,000 will actually emerge with considerably more pain than they had before they went to their doctor!

    But wait! Dont go getting angry at the medical establishment. They are doing the best job they can, considering the huge problems they are trying to solve. Yes, its true drugs, surgery and spinal injections do pose a significant risk to your health...

    ...But, The Symptoms That They Are Trying To Alleviate Are Overwhelmingly Complex.

    General practitioners, back specialists and orthopedic surgeons know this and are constantly experimenting with new procedures. But they havent figured out just what exactly causes most back conditions.

    In a British Medical Journal article (April 3, 1993), Andrew Frank,

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  • consultant physician in rheumatology and rehabilitation at Northwick Park Hospital in Harrow, England, stated:

    Up to 85% of patients with low back pain cannot be given a definitive diagnosis because of the poor associations between symptoms, signs, imaging results and pathological findings.

    So in other words, doctors definitively know whats going on but...

    ...In Only 15 Out Of 100 People!

    Would you take your car to a mechanic who could fix the engine in only 15 out of 100 cars?

    I mentioned earlier, this report isnt just focused on trying to figure out the cause of your back pain. Are you starting to see why?

    So, whats the answer? What can you do? Well, this is where an open mind really pays off!

    How Your Back Can Hurt Even When There Is Nothing There.

    To find a sustainable solution, youve got to look deeper, beyond the symptoms, even beyond the structure itself, right down to the

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  • subatomic level.

    Few people realize it, but although it may look and feel dense and solid, your body is actually quite fluid.

    Researchers Drs. Mae-Wan Ho and James Oschman have shown that while alive, your body functions much like a liquid crystal, where every part is energetically connected via a connective-tissue matrix that allows instantaneous communication everywhere at once.

    And when you look even deeper to the subatomic level, youll find the trillions of atoms that make up your body whizzing around at incredible speeds without even touching each other at all.

    But you are also flesh and blood, so you have a very real physical structure. However, we all know what happens when you die: Your physical structure breaks down in a hurry.

    So whats the glue holding everything together so that your physical body maintains its form? The answer is...


    Energy is what keeps you alive, growing and regenerating at all times

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  • If youre alive, youve got energy coursing through every part of you. And this energy is organizing how every structure, organ, tissue and cell, down to the tiniest atoms in your body, function.

    Albert Einstein said that The field is the sole governing agency of the particle, which means that the invisible field -- the energy force in and around you -- is ultimately what determines what happens to the matter in your body.

    Your trillions of cells are all vibrating in specific patterns at the molecular level. Invisible fields act on the matter in your body much like a magnet acts on iron filings, shaping them into different structures and patterns.

    When an organism dies, the energy organizing its pattern of vibration is no longer available to keep it together, so the existing structure begins to quickly break down -- thus ashes to ashes and dust to dust.

    Life Involves Constantly Reorganizing Yourself.

    There are forces in the universe that are always breaking systems down to less organized, more chaotic, more random states, but living systems work against that breakdown, moving toward more order and complexity instead.

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  • When the forces outside of you are promoting breakdown, and the forces inside of you can no longer organize and maintain you at a certain level, your system ceases to grow. Its at this point that you start to experience the most breakdown and pain.

    Finally when you can no longer adapt and reorganize yourself enough within your environment, your body breaks down completely and you die.

    Balance isnt achieved by keeping things so tightly controlled that that nothing can upset you, balance is really about the ability to keep adapting yourself to a constantly changing universe.

    Once you realize that pain and suffering is related to your inability to adapt and change in a constantly changing world, you can start finding new ways to use your energy to transform your life.

    The problem is most people dont understand the nature of their energetic system, never-mind the role it plays in their back pain -- and unfortunately neither does the medical establishment.

    When your back chronically hurts, its really a sign that youre notmoving or integrating energy effectively.

    Whether youve got a bulging disc, sciatica or strained or sprainedmuscles...chronic back pain means:

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  • 1. Pay attention to the energy here and now.2. Something has to change immediately.

    Since your body is a living matrix made up of mostly empty space, and matter organized by energy fields, mastering how you use your energy is one of the keys to ending your back pain.

    Step 3: How To Master Your Energy

    Over the past 17 years Ive had the unique opportunity to travel around the world caring for hundreds of high-performing individuals from over 50 countries, including CEOs, celebrities, professional athletes, and even peak performance guru Tony Robbins.

    In the process Ive realized that there are specific ways to use your body that optimize how your energy flows, that most people dont know anything about.

    Have you ever watched a master martial artist break a seemingly impossible stack of bricks? How does he or she do it? It isnt through brute force.

    Instead it is accomplished by systematically changing the way energy is being used.

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  • Changing how you use your energy involves modulating a number of key factors within your body. Small tweaks in these key factors are what create accelerated mastery in every area of your life, including your ability to end your back pain.

    Perhaps youre thinking, Ok sounds interesting, but how do I do it?

    Well, the first thing you must do to master your energy is learn how to master your...


    Stop right now and focus on the energy within your body. Can you feel it? If you cant feel what the energy in your body is doing at this very moment its because...

    You arent in the habit of focusing on it.

    I havent said anything new here. Im just re-stating the well known concept that what you focus on expands.

    The more you focus on the energy within your body the more aware youll become of how you are using it.

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  • But dont take my word for it.

    Try this experiment:

    Start by focusing on your body. Focus on your arms, legs, chest, neck, back etc. Do your best to tune in to the outer surface of your body.

    Feel the sensation of your clothes touching you or the breeze from an open window on your skin.

    Now change your focus to the ENERGY inside your body.

    Is it moving? If so, what direction is it moving? (Is it moving up or down?) Is it expanding? Is it contracting? Are there any obstructions? Is it freely flowing or bottled up somewhere?

    Which statement best describes what you felt?

    1. I didnt feel any energy inside my body.2. I only felt areas of blocked or stuck energy.3. I felt a combination of blocked and freely moving energy.4. I only felt areas of freely moving energy.

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  • Many people have trouble feeling the energy inside their body. Out of those who do feel it, most only feel the places where the energy is stuck or blocked... which leads me to a critical point.

    Theres one thing you can always count on. Energy flows where your attention goes. So if you always focus on whats stuck, blocked or restricted in your body, youre going to always feel stuck, blocked or restricted.

    Whether or not youre aware of it, the energy in your body is doingexactly what youve taught it to do out of habit!

    For most people this means stagnating in some part of them that they now believe is the reason why they cant get what they want out of life.

    Said another way, the feeling of that stuck or blocked energy getsinterpreted by their brain as a physical object or thing and then...

    The energy thats not moving becomes an IT in their consciousness.

    In the case of back pain, the IT is usually the energy thats stuck or blocked in or around the spine.

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  • The truth is most people spend their lives focusing on whats notworking or whats stuck or blocked, then they gripe about how they would do this or that if only IT wasnt hurting them so much.

    Then, they point to the part of their body that is supposedly betraying them or causing their problems and they blame IT.

    Or better yet they go to a doctor who gives IT a diagnosis (a Greek word meaning a discerning between two possibilities, that our culture has distorted to mean Heres whats wrong with you.)

    So now IT has a name, giving it an even more significant status.

    IT is now a real THING. Now IT needs to be controlled, reduced or abolished.

    But you dont heal by trying to get rid of the part of you thats stuck or in pain. You heal by allowing IT to be integrated back into the rest of you (so the energy and information contained in that part of you can be used for growth and progress).

    To end your back pain you do have to become aware of whats not working and acknowledge it, BUT then you have to start focusing on what is working and create more of it.

    So, how do you do that?

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  • Step 4. A Gentle, Energetic And Life-Changing Form Of Bodywork...

    Dr. Donald Epstein is one of my greatest mentors. He discovered that most chronic pain and health challenges start when a person experiences an injury, emotional trauma or stress and their bodys fight or flight mechanism kicks in (altering their spinal posture, breathing rhythm, energy flow, emotional state, and mental focus).

    Dr. Epstein developed an entire research-based system to help people shift out of this fight or flight state, end back pain and dramatically improve their lives. Its called Network Spinal Analysis or NSA.

    One of Epsteins breakthroughs while creating NSA was the discovery that when you get stressed or injured, your central nervous system is physically stretched inside your spine in specific and predictable tension patterns called phases.

    As your spinal cord gets stretched, the vibration of the tissues changes (the way the vibration changes when you tighten a guitar string, altering the frequency and the tone). This phasic change in vibration happens at the cellular level, and dramatically affects your body and mind, often without you even knowing its happening.

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  • There are 5 different phases that occur within all human beings. Each phase involves different regions of the spine and creates a different (and un-resourceful) experience/consciousness state.

    The 5 phases are:

    Phase 1 - This tension pattern involves the tailbone and base of the skull and is associated with remaining concerned, preoccupied with or doomed by the past.

    Phase 2- This tension pattern involves the 1st or the 5th cervical vertebrae and is associated with fear, apprehension or worry regarding the future, anger or preparation for future confrontation.

    Phase 3- This tension pattern involves the pelvis/sacrum and is associated with the shoulds in life, including your identity in the culture and your perceived or imposed roles and responsibilities.

    Phase 4- This tension pattern involves the 2nd cervical vertebra and is associated with a decreased connection with your emotions and overuse of your educated mind as a distraction from feeling.

    Phase 5- This tension pattern involves the 5th cervical vertebra and tailbone or the 2nd cervical vertebra and tailbone and is associated with the experience of not being enough or having enough, not feeling worthy, or feeling powerless or victimized.

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  • Rather than just trying to release tension and reduce symptoms, the NSA system helps people integrate the phasic energy bound up in their bodys pain and symptom patterns and learn, grow and positively transform their lives with it.

    Unlike traditional chiropractic or alternative healthcare techniques,the NSA method uses a process called spinal entrainment to free up energy in your body with only very light touches to the spine at specific points.

    By focusing on the areas in your spine where energy is already free and flowing (focusing on what is working and creating more of it), your body-mind learns to release its own tension and adjust and balance itself, so theres no need for any type of forceful manipulation.

    NSA Works For Back Pain, But The Additional Quality of Life Benets Are Extraordinary!

    Everybody knows that doctors treat the body, while psychologists treat the mind, right?

    Well, at least thats how it used to be in the outdated 20th Century healthcare paradigm. But times have changed...

    In the 21st Century, it has become clear that your mind and body must be treated as equally important parts of the same WHOLE.

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  • In other words, your body, mind (and ultimately, spirit) must all be addressed at the same time for true healing to occur.

    So instead of just treating people as patients who have symptoms that need to be fixed, in our practice we offer a comprehensive and holistic approach that helps our clients become participants in their own rescue.

    These participants or practice members are taught how to take control of their own health and wellbeing, and how to develop new strategies for reducing their pain, tension, and the negative effects of stress.

    The chart on the following page shows how fundamentally different the Patient model of healthcare, and the Practice Member model of healthcare are.

    Make the comparison and see which approach resonates with you:

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  • Patient Practice Member

    Care is symptom, disease or pathology centered

    Care is person centered

    The doctor is the authority to be followed

    The doctor and patient are in a dynamicrelationship or partnership

    Power is placed outside the individual

    Power is placed in participation andpartnership with the individual and doctor

    The person surrenders responsibility for himself, assigning wellbeing to the care of the doctor

    The practitioner and practice member have a cooperative, mutually responsible relationship

    The person is equal to the sum of his/her parts

    The person is greater than the sum of his/her parts and there are multidimensional factors influencing the individual

    The Practice Member model is not only empowering, it creates consistently transformational outcomes.

    Because you are participating in your own rescue, as youre getting out of pain, you are also learning and growing as a person.

    You are discovering the key patterns that contributed to your physical symptoms in the first place, and you are transforming yourself so that you dont have to repeat those patterns going forward.

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  • As a result your quality of life begins to improve...often dramatically.

    In a research project undertaken at the University of California, Irvine School of Medicine in the late 1990s, a retrospective study was done of 2,818 people receiving NSA Care. This study looked at the Health-Related Quality of Life Changes in people receiving NSA care in practices around the world.

    The results showed that people reported a significant increase in their well being in the following 5 categories:

    1. Physical State2. Mental/Emotional State3. Stress Evaluation4. Life Enjoyment5. Overall Quality of Life

    In other words, this new type of body-mind care not only improves your physical symptoms, it also makes you less stressed and helps your life become more enjoyable in the process...

    Step 5: How To Connect To The Power Within Using An Exercise Thats Not An Exercise.

    Ill tell you how you can experience an NSA entrainment shortly,but first I want to teach you a simple yet powerful exercise created

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  • by Dr. Epstein called Somato Respiratory Integration (SRI) that will literally help you take your healing into your own hands.

    This Exercise Alone Could Instantly Put An End To Your Pain.

    First, Ill briefly explain how and why SRI works, then Ill teach you the steps...

    SRI is an exercise thats not an exercise because unlike mostexercises, its not used to strengthen, stretch or change anything.

    So whats the point of doing an exercise to not change anything?

    The point is to simply observe, acknowledge and accept whats going on in your body by focusing your attention within and building your somatic awareness. As your somatic awareness increases, you become more conscious, open, expanded... and often pain-free.

    Suering And Chronic Pain Happen When Youre Not Able To Fully Experience Your Experience.

    When youre suffering, youre struggling or striving to be someone, something or somewhere else because it feels so bad

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  • to just be where youre at.

    So what if instead of trying to be somewhere else, you focused on being so fully present and accepting of your body in this moment, that the struggle for things to be different went away?

    The SRI exercise will help you get fully into the present moment and become aware of, acknowledge and accept whats going on, even if you are feeling disconnected, helpless, scared, angry, frustrated or in pain right now.

    Through the process of deeply getting in touch with yourself, you can instantly be liberated to profound new levels of health and well being.

    How To Do The SRI Exercise:

    Before you begin please note: This exercise is best done lying on your back on a soft but firm surface. Be sure to carefully read through the instructions and familiarize yourself with the entire process before proceeding to get the best results.

    The SRI exercise is done by placing your hands on the front of your body in the following positions:

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  • Position 1On your upper chest just below your collar-bones.

    Position 2On your lower ribcage over your solar-plexus (several inches below your nipples).

    Position 3On your belly right over your navel.

    Getting Started:

    1. Find A Place Of Peace/Ease

    To begin the exercise lie on your back, put one hand on top of the other, and place both of your hands on Position 1 (your upper chest).

    Youll be using your hands like a stethoscope, to tune in to what you are feeling underneath your hands.

    Start by lifting your upper chest up slowly and let your breath gently expand into the area under your hands. Breathe in through your nose.

    Once youve inhaled all the way, breathe out through you mouth. You will repeat this several times.

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  • As youre breathing in and out, keep your focus on the area under your hands. Only allow that one area to move, and hold the rest of your body still. Each time you inhale, let the area beneath your hands gently rise up and each time you exhale, allow it to sink down toward your spine.

    As you do this, imagine energy flowing through the area.

    IMPORTANT: If it doesnt feel easy DONT FORCE IT! Just relax and tune in to the sensations beneath your hands. Notice whether the area moves up and down smoothly or if it feels restricted, limited or uncomfortable.

    Then move your hands to Position 2 (over your solar plexus) and repeat the process. After several repetitions, move your hands to Position 3 (over your navel) and repeat the process again.

    Now decide which of the 3 areas moved the easiest and felt the most relaxed or peaceful. This will be your place of ease or peace.

    2. Amplify The Feeling Of Peace/Ease

    Next, with your hands on the area youve decided is your place of ease or peace (the most relaxed/open area), repeat the exercise.

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  • This time, imagine filling your hands up with the sense of the comfort, ease or peace that youre feeling there.

    Inhale through your nose, and as you exhale make the sound of ease (for example, Ahhhhhhh... or Mmmmm...) Let the sound gently vibrate the area and relax it even more, allowing more energy to flow.

    After a few repetitions, remove your hands and place them on whichever part of your body is feeling painful, restricted or uncomfortable. Focus on transferring the peace, ease or comfort that you were feeling in the first area into that area, and imagine it permeating into the painful part.

    Continue to breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth.

    * Note: If you get uncomfortable, or feel uneasy, take your hands off the painful/uncomfortable area and place them back on the place of ease. Breathe in and out of that spot until you feel the sense of ease once again. Then move your hands back to the area of discomfort for ONE BREATH ONLY, immediately going back to your place of ease afterward. Repeat this several times, focusing on sharing the ease from the more peaceful area with the area of discomfort.

    3. Make The Sounds of Both Ease & Pain

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  • After youve shared the ease from the most relaxed area with the area of most pain/discomfort, now make a tone or sound while touching the painful area.

    At first, this might feel foreign or difficult! However, when energy is bound up in your body, a powerful way to connect to it and get it moving is through sound (which activates your emotional brain and helps you fully associate with the area).

    You might moan, groan, whimper or even cry. Your goal is to make the sound that most closely approximates the energy or vibration of the painful area.

    Theres no right or wrong way to make the sound and youll know when youve done it because youll feel the energy in the area immediately begin to move.

    If youre having trouble making a sound, just state a declaration while holding the painful area instead. A declaration is an acknowledgement. If youve been suffering with pain the declaration will be an acknowledgement of suffering.

    Some declarations that work well are:

    Right here I feel DISCONNECTED.

    I feel like this is NEVER going to end.

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  • Sometimes it feels like NOTHING works.

    I feel like NOBODY CAN HELP ME.

    It feels like I have to do EVERYTHING myself.

    Right here I feel ________ (sad, scared, hopeless etc.)

    The idea is to make a declaration that authentically acknowledges the thoughts and feelings associated with the pain. This can be challenging because your ego-mind is working hard to stay in control, hide your weaknesses and appear strong and unshakeable!

    To fully embrace any feelings of weakness or hopelessness is not an easy task, however calling it as it is - getting real with where you are, is the first step to healing.

    Most people avoid staring their fear or concern in the face because theyre afraid that by focusing on it theyre going to get caught up in it and never get out.

    But the truth is the way out is through, meaning that when it feels like your pain is never going to end, the way that you finally get it to end is...

    Through allowing yourself to fully accept the feeling that it is never going to end!

    Copyright 2013 - John Amaral - All Rights Reserved Worldwide. wellbeingcenter.com 40

  • If this doesnt make sense its because its a paradox.

    One of my clients, Anthony Robbins, teaches that any time your inner experience doesnt match your blueprint/map of the world (what you believe is supposed to be happening) you will have pain/suffering.

    If your blueprint says that your back shouldnt be hurting, but your experience is that it is hurting and you cant accept it (even momentarily), then youre going to experience more than just pain... youre also going to suffer.

    The tendency is to want to change our experience to match our blueprint instead of changing our blueprint to match our experience.

    Putting your hands on your body and focusing on it, while breathing into, acknowledging and accepting what youre feeling is a powerful way to suspend your blueprint of what things should be, and get congruent with what is.

    4. Now Notice Whats Dierent

    How does the area of pain/discomfort feel after youve spent time with it, breathed into it, acknowledged it, brought ease to it and/or made the sound of it? Has the quality or intensity of the pain or discomfort changed?

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  • Now, put your hands back onto the most easeful or peaceful area and lift and breathe into it a couple more times. Then put your hands by your sides and rest. What do you notice now?

    Do you feel more connected or present with your body? Do you feel more energy or flowing? Has the intensity of the pain decreased or shifted? Do you feel more emotion? What are you aware of?

    Tips For Enhancing The SRI Exercise

    There are many nuances to the SRI exercise and you might need some additional help to get the most out of it.

    Sometimes the area that youre doing the exercise in hasnt moved or had energy moving through it for a long time for example, so its like exploring a foreign land where you dont understand the language!

    Most often, when the exercise doesnt seem to have had much impact it is because you havent really connected. Youre still attempting to get out of your experience rather than get into your experience.

    By this I mean, youre still trying to get rid of your pain, rather than just become more aware of, acknowledge and accept what you are feeling.

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  • Ive found that most people tend to curse their pain, writhe and struggle against it, instead of embracing and accepting it.

    I know it seems counterintuitive, but pain usually diminishes greatly or vanishes altogether the moment it is fully accepted. By being with the pain rather than moving away from it, and by inviting the energy within the painful area to be known, your mind and body instantly become more at peace.

    If you feel more agitated, uncomfortable or youre in more pain after doing this exercise, here are some things that can help:

    1. For some people, breathing into any of the 3 areas Ive outlined above doesnt feel easy or natural. If this is the case for you, try focusing on the energy and the movement in the areas instead. Allow your body to move, imagine energy flowing through the area youre touching and lift that part of your body. Then let your breath follow in through your nose and out through your mouth as more of an afterthought. By changing your focus to the energy and/or movement first, you might find that it is much easier to connect to your body.

    2. Sometimes none of the 3 areas feel peaceful or connected. If everything feels disconnected, irritated or uncomfortable try this:

    ! a) Focus just on the region that is the most painful. ! Define the region of pain in your mind by noticing its size, ! shape, color, texture etc. while touching it with your hands.

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  • ! b) Notice what appear to be the boundaries of the ! painful area - the edges - both by visualizing and by ! touching the area with your hands and feeling for where it ! hurts and where it doesnt. Find the boundary that appears ! to separate the painful region from the non-painful regions ! around it.

    ! c) Notice the quality of the painful area with even more ! detail. Totally immerse yourself in that one spot. If the ! painful area seems dead or numb because there is no ! sensation or awareness other than pain there, hold the area ! and state, Right here I feel disconnected. Then, continue ! to hold the area and observe what happens.

    ! d) If the previous step brought a bit more sensation or ! connection to the area, then while continuing to hold the ! area, make a sound or tone that penetrates it. Try to ! match the vibration of it. You might have to experiment ! a bit. Your sound should vibrate any walls or !boundaries ! that separate the painful area from the surrounding areas.

    ! e) Notice what happened. Do you feel more present or ! connected to the area? Did the boundary/wall diminish or ! change shape? Is there more energy moving in your body? ! Did you feel any emotions? Is there more ease? What ! happened to the pain?

    Congratulations youre finished!

    You can continue to use this exercise to tune-in to your body and find a greater sense of ease whenever youd like.

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  • If you arent sure if youre doing the exercise correctly, and/or you want to experience the additional benefits of an NSA entrainment, you can call us and get help from a trained professional at the Well Being Center.

    Call us at (831)475-2448 and ask about our 2-visit Discover Well Being Package, which includes:

    A body-mind health consultation & evaluation A computerized spinal scan and report 2 hands-on NSA entrainment sessions

    *Be sure to mention that youve read this report, to receive a special discount on the package.

    I sincerely hope that you got value out of this report, and that the perspectives and exercises Ive shared here have opened up new possibilities for you.

    I believe that you found us for a reason. I don't know what that reason is, but what I do know is that I have met and worked with thousands of people who were probably in a very similar situation to what you may be in now.

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  • Many of those people picked up the phone and called us, and guess what? The results that so many of them got have been nothing short of life changing.

    But unfortunately, there are plenty of others who never took that step, and just continued to say "I've tried everything, this won't work etc." and chances are, they still may be experiencing the pain that could have long ago been dealt with - giving them a brand new ticket and outlook on life.

    I know trying out another doctor can be a scary step, especially if this isn't your first go around. But if your curiosity is peaked then I must persist and tell you that I strongly encourage you to pick up the phone and call us.

    I cant tell you how many people I've worked with who have said to me "I was about to walk away and just accept the previous doctors opinion about my situation, when a voice inside my head told me to keep searching because there was something else out there - then they found us.

    Here at the Well Being Center we have truly figured out a holistic and comprehensive approach, backed by research, that helps people get well, and most importantly stay well, mentally, physically, and emotionally.

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  • I know that going through life with chromic pain can be absolutely devastating, which is one of the reasons why I wake up every morning and show up in my office. Ive seen first hand what we've been able to help our patients accomplish, and I believe that we can help you achieve similar results.

    You do not have to keep living at less than 100%!

    Pick up the phone and call us at (831) 475-2448 or request and appointment here and let's begin the journey that will finally get you to the point where you're able to enjoy life to the fullest once again.

    I hope to hear from you, and meet you in person soon.

    To your health and wellbeing,

    Dr. John Amaral D.C.

    Founder, The Well Being Center

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