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  • 8/20/2019 5 Years QLF


    5 The Quality Learning Foundation (QLF)



    Current Achievements& Future Perspectives

     October 2010-2015

  • 8/20/2019 5 Years QLF


    in the Thai Education Reform

    QLF’s Roles


    In order to improve the efciency of the national education reform, the Thai Government

    issued the Ofce of the Prime Minister’s Decree on the Promotion of the Learning Society

    and Quality of Youth B.E.2553, establishing the Quality Learning Foundation (QLF).

    Its mandate is to mobilize both education and non-education sectors for the creation

    and expansion of the learning society so that life-long learning conscience could be well

    implanted in the Thai society and the quality and well-being of the citizens could be



    The components of QLF Executive Board responsible for policy issues are:

    •  Prime Minister Chairperson

    •  Minister of Education First Vice-Chairperson

    •  An distinguished expert designated by the Prime Minister Second ViceChairperson

    •  7 ex ofcio members: Permanent Secretary of the Ofce of the Prime Minister, Permanent

    Secretary of Finance, Permanent Secretary of Social Development and Human Security,Permanent Secretary of Education, Secretary-General of the National Education Council,

    Director of the National Budget Bureau, and the Managing Director of Thai Health

    Promotion Foundation

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    •  9 distinguished members designated by the Prime Minister: Prof. Sompong Chitradab,

    Mr. Prakit Limsakul, Mrs. Suwannee Kamman, Assoc. Prof. Narong Chaihan, Mr. YongyuthWongpiromsant, Prof. Praket WateeSatokkit, Ms. Walairat Sri-aroon, and Mr.Issara


    •  Member & Managing Director appointed by the Prime Minister, Mr. Supakorn Buasai.


    Strategic Goals

    To mobilize the participation from all parts of the society to support the education reform

    processes and the promotion of quality learning in the society, QLF has 4 goals:

    •  Closing the gap. By reducing the inequality of the opportunity to quality learning

      and attempting to achieve the universal equal opportunity for all, with the emphasis on

      the disadvantaged group that now accounts for over 40% of the 6-17 age group


    •  Opening the gateway to quality learning. By enhancing the innovation or the expansion

    of quality learning process which is the key to quality education system as well as drawing

    from the successful experience from the Quality Education Fund in Hong Kong.

    •  Exploring new networks and mechanisms. By inviting the non-education sector,

    including provincial, local administration organizations and other public and private

    organizations all over the country to support the education reform on various projects andactivities and sharing the ownership and responsibility for this multi-stakeholder


    •  Developing Systems Research for Education Reform and Public Policy. By mobilizing

    the research collaboration between international and domestic partners for the necessary

    system-knowledge for the education reform and quality learning society as well as

    improving the capacity, effectiveness and efciency of the education system and


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    Highlight:  Teachers were given opportunity to take new initiatives 

    in improving their own teaching and students’ learning for better quality 

    by themselves. This initiation took into account the suitability to

    the environment and interest of the learners, readiness of the schools

    and compatibility to the community.

    Example:  QLF provided direct funding support for over 2,000 projects

    which were implemented by the elementary, secondary and vocational

    education institutions all over the country.

    Highlight: The project identied and supported good teachers who had

    consistently played signicant role in developing successful students

    and potentially would serve as the catalyst of the education and learning

    society reform by using the participation of non-educators, who have

    witnessed the achievements of good teachers, serving as the good

    teachers’ selection committee.

    Example:  Nearly 20,000 “Kru Sondee” (Good Teachers) were selected

    by provincial and local committees in all over 7,000 municipalities in all 

    77 provinces. Then the “Fellowship projects for good teachers” was set

    up to support the selected 529 “Good Teachers” who had been voluntarily

    working on the projects to improve learning for the disadvantaged group

    according to their skills and interest.

    Highlight: QLF helped put the effort in solving the problems of the

    disadvantaged kids in each province with its own initiation:

    •  Developed the “Case Management Unit” (CMU) to look after individual

    kids•  Developed the prototype of “Area-Based Education Reform”

      in 10 provinces 


    •  Project to reform funding support for over 1.6 million poor kids in the

    formal education system to ease the problems of learning opportunity

    inequality and the drop outs.

    •  Project to improve information system to guarantee the learning

    opportunity of the country.•  Project to reform the learning system to prepare the youths for future


    • Developed the National Education Account together with UNESCO

      and the Ofce of National Education Council.

    5 Years of QLFDevelopmentand Utilizationof Innovations

    in Teachingand Learning

    Improvementof the capacities

    of teachersto mobilize

    the learningreform

    Developmentof the


    for learningreform




    Green:  work 

    currently undertaken 

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    Achievements• 2,000 innovation projects in 2,580 schools were conducted• 350,000 kids including 250,000 disadvantaged beneted from the projects• Better learning results of the target groups -- their 2011 O-NET score increased

    signicantly from 2010


    • 18,870 Good Teachers (“Kru Sondee”) were selected

    • Over 108,000 disadvantaged and ordinary kids participated in various types of

    learning activities under the “Good Teacher Fellowship Project”

    • Over 150,000 representatives of all local sectors served as the committee to select 

    “Kru Sondee” in their respective areas

    • The network of some 30,000 people, who played important part in building learning

    capabilities for kids, continuously participated in the teachers’ quality improvement


    • The CMU by multi-disciplinary volunteer teams in the pilot areas took care of 50,000

    disadvantaged kids according to each individual requirements

    • The provinces participating in developing their own education reform prototype with

    the cooperation of all parties in the area were successful in developing the prototypeand mechanism for education reform with multiplying effect such as the establishment

    of provincial education council

    • Improved the efciency in providing the unit cost funding support for 1.6 million poor

    children and follow up activities so that those children could complete their

    compulsory education with quality and get jobs

    • “Mae Hong Son Model” was modied to the “National System of Learning Opportunity

    Security” to prevent the drop outs and guarantee the 12-year education opportunity

    for all children especially the disadvantaged group within 5-10 years• 10 provinces were the pilot in curriculum development based on the result of local

    labor market research results for sustainable working opportunity

    • Supported the Ministry of Education and the Budget Bureau in using the National

    Education Account data in developing the education budget plan to reduce

      the inequality of education opportunity



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    Highlight: QLF has supported both technical and action research

    programs that aim to promote the research collaboration between

    the domestic partners and international organizations such as UNESCO,

    World Bank and OECD on critical leverage areas of education reform to

    deliver necessary knowledge and public policy proposals for

    Thai education reform processes. As stated in the World Bank report on

    Thailand (2015), QLF has a potential to serve as the academic mechanism

    for the reform similar to the Health System Research Institution.


    • Developed the Thailand’s rst National Education Account (NEA),

      one of the rst NEA systems in the world, to improve the efciency of

      the education reform and education budget planning that also helps

    reduce the equity and inclusive resource allocation in Thai education

    system. QLF is currently supporting the UNESCO-UIS’s development of

    the rst NEA international standard with other 10 pioneering countries

    around the world.

    •  Developed the school information management system (SIMS) to help

    school employ the evidence-based approach to improve schooleffectiveness and efciency in administrate teaching and students’ equal

    opportunity to quality learning throughout 12th years of basic education.

    Currently, over 500 schools in 10 provinces have been using this


    •  Developed the longitudinal database system for 60 pre-school children

    development centers in collaboration with the University of

      Thai Chamber of Commerce with the special advised by Professor

    James Heckman, Nobel Prize laureate in economics. This system can

    help systematically improve the capacity of the similar centers

      which locate in over 7,000 municipalities across the country to improve

    the school readiness of pre-school children that will eventually improve

    their future learning capacity in school.

    Main issue: Mobilized the reform by high potential workers leading to

    the change of learning in children.


    • Organized forums to discuss “Learning Reform Leading to Education

    for All” by presenting the best practices so that they could be extended

    to other areas

    •  Selected teachers to receive the 2015 “Princess Maha Chakri Award”

    •  Supported the networks to improve the standard of teachers like

      “Kru Sondee” network.



    Developmentof Learning


    Green:  work 

    currently undertaken 

    5 Years of QLF

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    • QLF participates in the OECD’s international research program on assessing progress

    in creativity and critical thinking with other 15 countries around the world to develop

    the developing tool and measures for these critical learning skills in the 21st century

    and over 1,000 students and teachers in Thailand will participate with this program

    between 2015-2016.

    • QLF developed the universal learning opportunity information system to promote

      the multi-stakeholder collaboration to help the municipality achieve the universal

    education opportunity or “zero-dropout” municipality. The main target for this system is

    the disadvantaged children group, who are poor, handicapped or live in the remoteareas. Some 2 million disadvantaged children would be able to benet from this

    system in the future.

    • It was found that half of the youths in the high school age group were drop outs.

    As a result, the curriculum reform was jointly undertaken by QLF and the primary

    curriculum and textbook reform committee.

    • Top prototype of vocational teacher were selected by the committees in 77 provinces

    to receive “Princess Maha Chakri Award” on October 2, 2015 together with another

      10 from other countries

    • Concept and model presented at the reform stage could be further experimented in

    raising the education standard in Phuket, Petchaburi, Kampangpetch, etc.

    • Management unit was set up to promote teacher development in the well prepared




  • 8/20/2019 5 Years QLF


    To move forward as the organization responsible for quality learning enhancement, galvanizethe learning society, and supporting the efcient education reform, the QLF has prepared the

    future strategies and operation plans as follows:

    The QLF Committee has endorsed the policy for QLF to become the “Quality Learning

    Institution” (public organization) with the following three missions:

    1. Develop the system knowledge to support the education reform and education public


    2. Develop mechanisms to enable the whole society to jointly drive the education reform

    and learning capabilities.

    3. Encourage and prepare the local organizations and non-education sector to play more

    active roles in quality education reform by themselves.

    QLF strategies focusing on linking its work with the government policy on education and

    learning reform have 5 main issues and respective implementation plans as follows:

    During the past 5 years QLF and our partners has been working with strong commitment to

    introduce the Thai society to the new era of the 21st century world of learning along with

    the international communities. The QLF as one of the education reform mechanisms is ready

    to move forward to enable Thailand to progress strongly onwards with the following mission:

    QLFFuture Vision

    Strategic Issues Implementation Programs

    “ QLF is the leading organization in developing the knowledgeand mobilize collaboration for education and learning reform ”

    1. Public policy for education reform


    2. Develop mechanism to promote

    education reform networks

    3. Provide opportunities for teachers

    to participate in the education


    4. Reduce the inequality in education


    5. Advocate the life-long learning


    1. System research program to support education


    2. Network promotion program to help enabling the

    society to participate in the education reform

    3. The program to support the development of

    teaching and learning innovations

    4. The program to support the reduction of education

    inequality especially in the disadvantaged areas

    5. Public knowledge management program