50 top secret deep fried recipes

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  • 50 Top Secret Deep Fried Recipes Main Source www.recipies2u.tk

    This Do cum ent Co ntent t he to p 50 D ee p Fried Recipes and t he m enus all t he c o nte nt in t his do cum ent is

    co py right pro tected

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    Co ntents

    1. kakarakaya stuff ed

    2. bread fr y

    3. Capsicum B ajji

    4. Kas hmiri Dum Aloo

    5. Av ada / Av ada

    6. Tendli fry recipe

    7. pakodi

    8. Kacha kolar dalna recipe

    9. R idge gourd fr y

    10. Green gram dal bhaji

    11. Yam kababs

    12. Sabudana Fr y

    13. Dum Ar bi

    14. Tapio ca Chips

    15. R ice Fl our Wada

    16. B esan Stuffed Tendli

    17. Cabbage Vada

    18. Fr itters wi th Skins of Split B lack


    19. Julienned Plantain Cri sps

    20. Plain Vada

    21. Sun Dried Chilli wi th Ajw ain

    22. B endi in Yo gurt

    23. Pakodi wi th Chilli Ginger

    24. Plantain Fr itters Mix ture

    25. Mysore B onda

    26. Plain Chana Dal Fritters

    27. Poo ri

    28. Sw eet R ice Flour B alls

    29. R oti Batter Fr itters

    30. Chickpea Fr itters

    31. Gujiyas

    32. Poo rnam B oor elu

    33. Spicy B oo ndi

    34. Urad Dal Fritters

    35. Mint Coconut R ice

    36. Masala Chana Dal Fritters

    37. Dahi Wada

    38. B lack - Eyed Pea Fr itters

    39. Onio n and Chilli Fr itters

    40. R ice Papad

    41. Pumpkin Fr itters

    42. Plantain Fl ow er Fritters

    43. R oasted Tindor a

    44. Cucum ber Sesame Salad

    45. B rown Onio n Paste

    46. Kajalu

    47. Cor n Vada

    48. Onio n B onda

    49. Idly B atter Fr itters

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    kakarakaya stuffed

    Publis hed N ov ember 19, 2011 | B y admin

    kakarakaya stuf fed


    Ingredient s

    B itter guard 3

    onions 2

    red chilli es 10

    salt to taste

    oi l for fr ying

    Met hod of prepa ration

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    was h and cut the caps icums into long sli ces.

    Mix gram flour, ginger paste, green c hilli paste, salt into paste h aving fl owi ng

    consis tency using suff icient amount of water.

    Heat oi l in a pan fo r deep fr ying.

    N ow dip the capsicu m sli ces into the past e and fr y in t he oi l till golden bro wn.

    Serve hot as evening snacks.

    Pos ted in Deep Fr ied

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    Kashmiri Dum Aloo

    Publis hed N ov ember 19, 2011 | B y admin


    Ingredient s:

    potatoes 18 - 20 small sized

    oi l for deep fr ying

    kashmiri redchilli es 5 - 6

    asaf oetida a generous pinch

    green cardamom po wder 1/2tsp

    dry ginger pow der(soonth, so nti) 1tsp

    Fennel (saunf) pow der 2tbsps

    murs tard oi l 1/4cup

    clo ve pow der a generous pinch

    yogurt 2 cups

    salt to taste

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    ro asted cumin pow der 1/2tsp

    garam masala pow der 1/2tsp

    Met hod of prepa ration :

    Peel, was h and prick potatoes with fork. Keep in salted water fo r 15min. Drain

    and wi p e dry.

    Heat suff icient oi l in a kadai & deep - fr y potatoes on medium he at till golden

    bro wn. keep aside.

    R emov e stems and make a paste of kashmiri red chilli es using a little water.

    Whisk yogurt wi th kashmiri red chilli paste, cardomom pow der, dry ginger

    po wder and fennel p ow der.

    Heat mustard oi l in a pan. add clo ve pow der & asafo etida. Add half a cup of water

    and salt to taste & br ing to boi l.

    Stir in yogurt mix ture and bring to boi l. add fr ied potatoes & coo k till the potatoes

    abso rb the gravy and oi l come s on top.

    Serve hot, garnished wi th ro asted cumin p ow der & garam masala pow der.

    Pos ted in Deep Fr ied

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    Avada / Avada

    Publis hed N ov ember 19, 2011 | B y admin


    Ingredient s:

    urad dal 2 cups

    yogurt 2 cups

    green chilli es 5

    ginger one inch piece

    urad dal 1/2 tsp

    chana dal 1/2 tsp

    mustard seeds 1/2 ts p

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    Sabudana Fry

    Publis hed N ov ember 19, 2011 | B y admin


    Ingredient s:

    Sabudana/ Pearl sago / Saggu biyyam 1/2 cup

    Green chilli es 3 - 4

    Peanuts 2 - 3tbsps

    Oil fo r deep fr ying

    Met hod of prepa ration :

    Deep fr y sabudana a nd drain on abso rbent paper.

    R oast peanuts and ke ep aside.

    Fi nely chop green c hilli es and fr y until light bro wn.

    In a big bow l, add fr ied sabudana, green c h illi es, peanuts, salt and mix well.

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    N ot es: Take care while fr ying sabudana. Yo u can squeeze lime ju ice if you wi sh.

    Pos ted in Deep Fr ied

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    Dum Arbi

    Publis hed N ov ember 19, 2011 | B y admin


    Ingredient s :

    Ar bi/ Col ocassia/ Chama dum palu 4

    Oil fo r deep fr ying

    Gri nd the fo llowi ng into smoo th paste

    Onio n(choppe d) 1 s mall

    Ginger(peeled and ch opped) 1 inch piece

    Garl ic(crushed) 2 - 3 p ods

    Poppy seeds/ Khus k hus(so aked in water fo r 15min) 2 t bsps

    Whisk the fo llowi ng and keep aside

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    Yo gurt 1cup

    R ed Chilli Pow der 1 tsp

    Cumin pow der 1 tsp

    Turmeric pow der a pinch

    Gri nd the below 3 ing redients into fine pow der

    Clo ves 2

    Cinnamon 1/2 inch pi ece

    Cor riander seeds 2 tsps

    Green cardamoms 2 - 3

    B ay leaves 1 - 2

    Oil 2 tbsps

    Salt to taste

    Met hod of prepa ration :

    Wash, peel and chop arbi into small cubes.

    Deep fr y until golden bro wn and drain on a bso rbent paper.

    Heat oi l in a pan, ad d green cardamoms, b ay leaves and the fi rs t gro und paste.

    Fr y for about 5 min, or until the paste cha nges col or to light bro wn.

    Add whisked yogurt, fr ied arbi, last gro und masala pow der and salt.

    Stir and cov er the pa n wi th tight lid a nd si mmer fo r about 15 m in.

    This pro cess is called dum. So that all the fl avo urs donot escape.

    R emov e the lid only befo re serving.

    Not es : Yo u can also add fr esh cream b efo re servi ng.

    Yo u can alternatively cov er the pan wi th al uminium fo il.

    Pos ted in Deep Fr ied

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    Spicy Tendli

    Publis hed N ov ember 19, 2011 | B y admin

    Do nda kaya vepudu


    Ingredient s:

    Tendli/ Do ndakaya 10 - 15

    Sesame seeds 1 tbsp

    R oasted B engal gram 1 tsp

    R ed chilli pow der 1/2 tsp

    Salt to taste

    Oil 2 tbsps

    Met hod of prepa ration :

    Wash, remov e ends and c hop ten dli vertically twi ce.

    Heat oi l in a pan, ad d tendli and fr y fo r 3 - 5 minutes or until t hey are tender.

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    Peel, was h and fi nely chop onion.

    R emov e stems, wash and fi nely chop gree n chiles.

    Wash and fi nely chop curry leaves.

    Wash and so ak chan a dal fo r 3 hours.

    Drain the water and grind the so aked c ha na dal coar sely wi thout adding any


    Combine the gro und chana dal wi th chopp ed onion, green c hilli es, curry leaves

    and salt.

    Take 1 - 1 1/2 inch sized ball out of abov e c hana dal mix ture.

    Place the ball on left hand an d press it ligh tly to fo rm a 2 inch disk.

    Heat oi l in deep vess el on medium high h eat.

    Deep fr y the disks un til golden bro wn on both the sides.

    Drain on abso rbent paper and serve wi th any chu tney.

    Not es : Make sure oi l is not smoking hot.

    Pos ted in Deep Fr ied

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    Publis hed N ov ember 18, 2011 | B y admin

    G odh uma Pindi Pooril u


    Ingredient s:

    Wheat Fl our 3 cups

    Oil 1 tbsp

    Salt 1/2 tsp

    Oil fo r deep fr ying

    Met hod of prepa ration :

    In a mix ing bow l, add wheat fl our, oi l and salt.

    Knead all the ingredi ents together using little amount of water at a time to fo rm a

    tight dough wi thout s ticking to fingers.

    Leave the poo ri dough cov ered fo r 15 - 30 minutes.

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    Take golf sized balls out of the dou gh a nd fl at them wi th ro ller into so mewhat

    thick discs.

    Heat oi l in a wo k on medium - high heat u ntil smoking hot.

    Place one ro lled out poo ri at a time slo wly in hot oil.

    Press it lightly wi th a steel strainer until it puff s and becomes li ght gold.

    Turn on o ther side an d let it t urn golden as well.

    Serve hot with your favo rite curry.

    Not es: Make sure thickness of ro lled out poo ri is not too thin or not too thick.

    Pos ted in Deep Fr ied

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    Sweet Rice Flour Balls

    Publis hed N ov ember 18, 2011 | B y admin

    Ch ani vidi Vundalu/ Paa kundal u


    Ingredient s:

    R ice 1 cup

    Sugar 1/2 - 3/4 cup

    Dry Coconut (mince d or grated) 1 t bsp

    Ghee 1 tbsp

    Oil fo r deep fr ying

    Met hod of prepa ration :

    So ak rice in water for 6 - 8 hrs .

    Drain rice onto abso rbent clo th and sprea d on single layer.

    Dry the rice in sun un til it becomes almos t dry.

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    Once sli ghtly wet, gri nd rice into fine pow der.

    Fo llow the recipe befo re the gro und rice b ecomes dry.

    Heat 1 tsp of ghee on small pan, add dried coconut and fr y until it turns light

    bro wn.

    Heat small pot on me dium - high heat, add sugar and 1/4 cup of water.

    Stir fr equently until sugar mix ture attains the consis tency so mewhat thinner than

    that of honey.

    Then add the gro und rice, fr ied dried coconut an d remaining gh ee.

    Mix thor oughly wi thout any lumps and let i t coo l dow n.

    Take small golf sized balls out of the coo led rice fl our mi xture and keep aside.

    Heat oi l in wo k on medium - high fl ame, dr op one ball at a time.

    Fr y until they turn go lden bro wn on all the sides.

    Drain onto abso rbent paper and serve.

    Not es: Sto re in tight container and t hey st ay fo r weeks fresh.

    Pos ted in Deep Fr ied

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    Roti Batter Fritters

    Publis hed N ov ember 18, 2011 | B y admin

    Idly Pindi Punuku l u


    Ingredient s:

    Urad Dal (whol e or split and skinne d) 1 /2 cup

    Idly R awa 1 t 1 1/2 c ups Onio n 1

    Green Chiles 2

    Cumin Seeds 1 tbsp

    Curry Leaves 3 - 5

    Salt to taste

    Oil fo r deep fr ying

    Met hod of prepa ration :

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    So ak urad dal in water fo r 3 hours.

    Gri nd the so aked ura d dal into smoo th pa ste adding minimum amount of water.

    So ak ildy rawa in water fo r 1 - 2 hours and squeeze t he excess water out of it and

    keep aside.

    Mix together urad dal paste, so aked idly raw a and salt into somewhat tight

    mix ture wi th out adding too much water.

    Let the batter ferment fo r 10 - 12 hours.

    Wash, remov e stems and fi nely chop gree n chilli es.

    Peel and chop onion fi nely.

    Add choppe d onion, green chilli es, cumin seeds to abov e urad dal and raw a


    Heat oi l in wo k on medium - hi gh fl ame.

    When oi l gets very hot, take small amounts of abov e mix ture and gently dro p into

    oi l.

    Use the remaining ba tter until the wo k is almos t full.

    Let them turn golden bro wn on one side and the n turn on othe r side.

    When they are compl etely fr ied on all the s ides, remov e onto abso rbent paper.

    R epeat the same wi th remaining batter.

    Serve hot with any ch utney.

    Not es: The fermented batter saves in fr idge and can be used fo r onio n or chilli

    ro ti.

    Pos ted in Deep Fr ied

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    Chickpea Fritters

    Publis hed N ov ember 18, 2011 | B y admin

    Seng al a Vad a


    Ingredient s:

    Chickpeas 1 cup

    Onio n 1 small

    Ginger 1 - 2 inch pie ce

    Green Chiles 3 - 5

    Cilantro few sprigs

    Salt to taste

    Oil fo r deep fr ying

    Met hod of prepa ration :

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    Peel, was h and fi nely chop onion.

    R emov e stems, wash and fi nely chop gree n chiles.

    Peel and mince ginge r.

    Wash and ro ughly ch op cilantro .

    Wa sh and so ak chick peas fo r 3 - 5 hours.

    Drain the water, wash thor oughly and gri nd the so aked chick p eas coar sely

    wi thout adding any water.

    Heat oi l in a wo k on medium high heat.

    Combine the gro und chickpeas wi th c hopp ed onion, green c hilli es, cilantro and

    sal t.

    Test the oi l by dro ppi ng small amount of abov e chickpea mixture into oil . If the

    batter ris es quickly th en the oi l is ready.

    Take 1 - 1 1/2 inch sized abov e mix ture onto left hand and press it lightly wi th right

    hand to fo rm a 2 in ch disk.

    Dro p the disk into hot oil slowl y and repeat the same wi th rema ining chick pea

    mix ture until the wo k is full.

    Fr y both sides until golden bro wn.

    Make sure the oi l is medium hot befo re you start a new batch.

    Drain on abso rbent paper and serve wi th any chu tney.

    E}W}v[ t ov ers oak chick peas. Pos ted in Deep Fr ied

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    Publis hed N ov ember 18, 2011 | B y admin

    G ulla Senaga Podem Kaj ji kayalu


    Ingredient s:

    All purpose Flour/ Maida 2 cu ps

    Pure Ghee 1 tbsp

    Salt a pinch

    Oil fo r deep fr ying

    Fo r t he fill ing :

    Dalia/ Gulla Senagapappu 1/ 2 c up

    Dry Coconut (grated/ cube d) 1/4 c up

    Cashews 1/4 cup

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    Poppy Seeds 2 t bsps (optional)

    Sugar 1/2 - 3/4 cup

    Met hod of prepa ration :

    Knead allpurpose fl our, ghee an d salt into tight dough using suff icient water.

    Leave the dough cov ered fo r atleast an hour.

    Gri nd all the fi lling ingredients into fine pow der and keep aside.

    Take sm all lime sized ball out of the allpurpose dough and ro ll into 6 - 8 inch thin


    Zoo}(o}}ZZ}PZ}v[]l}}oo]vP]vX Put a big spoo nful of the fi lling pow der in the middle of ro lled circle.

    Apply oi l to the outer ri m of the circle an d fo ld the circle into ha lf carefully to for m

    a semicircle.

    Press the edges tight and twis t it all the way to tightly lo ck the p ow der inside.

    R epeat the same wi th remaining dough a nd fi lling.

    Heat oi l in a pan on medium - high heat.

    Test th e oi l wi th a small piece of dough.

    When the dough fl oats to the top in no ti me, then the oi l is ready.

    Put each tightly pa ck ed gujhiya into hot oi l and fr y fo r 2 - 4 minutes or until it turns

    golden bro wn on both sides.

    R emov e onto absor bent paper.

    Serve and sto re tight the remaining gujiyas.

    Not es : Instead of dee p fr ying, you can use ov en to roas t them.

    Pos ted in Deep Fr ied

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    Poornam Boorelu

    Publis hed N ov ember 18, 201 1 | B y admin

    Poo rnam Boo relu


    Ingredient s:

    R ice 3 cups

    Urad Dal 1 cup

    Salt a pinch

    Oil fo r deep fr ying

    Fo r t he fill ing :

    Chana Dal 1 cup

    Jaggery 1 cup

    Cardamom 1 pod

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    Cumin Seeds 1 tsp

    Peanuts 2 tsps

    Oil 2 tbsps

    Met hod of prepa ration :

    Coo k the rice in 4 cu p s of water in a coo ker and kee p aside.

    Clean and was h mint leaves.

    Peel and ro ughly c hop ginger.

    Tear red chiles into small pieces.

    Gri nd mint leaves, ginger, red chi les, pepp ercor ns, coconut, yogurt and salt

    together into smoo th paste.

    Heat oi l in a deep ves sel, add peanuts and ro ast for few seconds.

    Then add cha na dal, mustard seeds and c umin seeds.

    When mustard seeds sto p spluttering, add the abov e mint past e and st ir fry fo r

    few seconds.

    N ow add the rice and mix thor oughly.

    Coo k cov ered fo r 2 - 3 minutes and stir in lemon juice..

    Serve hot with any raita.

    Not es: I liked this mi nt rice wi thout additi on of yogurt.

    Pos ted in Deep Fr ied

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    Masala Chana Dal Fritters

    Publis hed N ov ember 17, 2011 | B y admin

    Sena gapa ppu Masala Vad a


    Ingredient s:

    Chana Dal 1 cup

    Onio n 1 small

    Clo ves 1

    Cinnamon 1/2 inch pi ece

    Cor iander Seeds 1 tb sp

    Whol e R ed Chiles 3

    Curry Leaves 8 - 10

    Salt to taste

    Oil fo r frying

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    Met hod of prepa ration :

    Peel, was h and fi nely chop onion.

    Wash and tear curry leaves into small pieces.

    Gri nd clo ve , cinnamon, cor iander seeds and red c hiles into fine pow der.

    Wash and so ak chan a dal fo r 3 hours.

    Drain the water and grind the so aked c ha na dal coar sely addin g least amount of


    Combine the gro und chana dal wi th chopp ed onion, curry leaves, gro und ma sala

    pow der and salt.

    Take 1 - 1 1/2 inch sized ball out of abov e c hana dal mix ture.

    Place the ball on left hand an d press it ligh tly to fo rm a 2 inch disk.

    Heat oi l in deep vess el on medium high h eat.

    Deep fr y the disks un til golden bro wn on both the sides .

    Drain on abso rbent paper and serve hot.

    Not es : If chana dal m ix ture is little watery, add rice fl our to mak e so mewhat tight

    mix ture.

    Pos ted in Deep Fr ied

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    Dahi Wada

    Publis hed N ov ember 17, 2011 | B y admin

    Ava da / Aavada / Perug u Wad a


    Ingredient s:

    Urad dal 1 c up

    Salt to taste

    Oil fo r deep fr ying

    Yo gurt 2 cups

    Green Chiles 2 - 3

    Ginger 1 inch piece

    Turmeric Pow der a pinch

    Fr esh Cilantro few leaves

    Spicy B oo ndi few tbsps

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    Tal impu :

    Fenugreek Seeds a bi g pinch

    Urad dal 1/2 tsp

    Mustard Seeds 1/4 tsp

    Cumin Seeds 1/ 2 tsp

    Curry Leaves few

    Oil 1 tbsp

    Met hod of prepa ration :

    So ak urad dal in water fo r 1 - 2 hours.

    Gri nd the so aked ura d dal wi th little salt into smoo th paste adding minimum

    amount of water.

    Peel and ro ughly c hop ginger.

    R emov e stems, wash and ro ughly chop gre en chiles.

    Coar sely grind ginger and green chiles.

    In a wi de vess el, whisk tog ether yogurt, abov e ginger green chilli paste, turmeric

    pow der and salt.

    Heat oi l in a pan, ad d all talimpu ingredien ts in or der.

    When mustard seeds almos t sto p spluttering, remov e fr om heat and pour into

    abov e yogurt bow l.

    Fi ll another wide vessel wi th wa ter and ke ep aside.

    In a deep pan, heat o il on medium high.

    Wash left palm and l et it be wet all t hro ugh the pro cess.

    Using right hand, tak e little amount of urad dal paste, place in on left hand an d

    fl atten it.

    Make a small hol e in the middle and slo wl y leave in hot oil.

    R epeat the same u nti l there is so me space i n oi l.

    Fr y the wada on both sides until light bro wn.

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    R emov e fried wada from hot oil with a strainer and so ak in abov e water vess el for

    few seconds.

    Then tranfer the wad as fro m water vess el to yog urt vess el.

    R epeat the same wi th all the fr ied wadas.

    Leave the wadas in y ogurt fo r atleast 15 min. to so ak up all th e fl avo rs.

    Just befo re servi ng, garnish dahi wada wi th cilantro and boo ndi.

    Not es: Make sure the urad dal batter is on thicker side rather t h an on thin ner side.

    Pos ted in Deep Fr ied

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    Black-Eyed Pea Fritters

    Publis hed N ov ember 17, 2011 | B y admin

    Ala sanda Vada


    Ingredient s:

    B lack - eyed Peas / B obbarlu 1 c up

    Onio n 1 small

    Green Chiles 2

    Ginger 1 inch piece

    Clo ves 1

    Cinnamon 1/2 inch pi ece

    B ro ken Dried R ed Chiles 2

    Curry Leaves 8 - 10

    Salt to taste

    Oil fo r deep fr ying

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    Met hod o f prepa ration :

    Wash and so ak black - eyed peas in water fo r 6 - 8 hrs .

    Peel, was h and fi nely chop onion.

    Peel and mince the gi nger.

    R emov e stems, wash and fi nely chop gree n chiles.

    Wash and tear curry leaves into small pieces.

    Gri nd so aked black - eyed peas, clo ve, cin n amon, red chiles and salt coar sely

    adding least amount of water required.

    Heat oi l in deep vess el on medium high h eat.

    In a mix ing bow l, mix the gro und black - ey ed pea mixture wi th chopped onion,

    ginger, green chiles a nd c urry leaves.

    Take 1 - 1 1/2 inch sized ball out of abov e black - eyed pea mix tu re.

    Place the ball on left hand an d press it ligh tly to fo rm a 2 inch disk.

    Deep fr y the disks un til golden bro wn on both the sides.

    Drain on abso rbent paper and serve hot with any c hutney.

    Not es : If black - e yed pea mix ture is runny, add rice fl our to tigh ten it a little.

    Pos ted in Deep Fr ied

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    Onion and Chilli Fritters

    Publis hed N ov ember 17, 2011 | B y admin

    Ull ipaya Pacchi Mirapa kaya Pakodi


    Ingredient s:

    Onio n 1

    Green Chiles 2

    B esan / Chickpea Fl our 1 c up

    Cumin Seeds 1 tsp

    R ed Chilli Pow der 1/2 tsp

    So da bi carb a pin ch

    Salt to taste

    Oil fo r deep fr ying

    Met hod of prepa ration :

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    Chop pu mpkin into s mall pieces (about 2 cups) a nd ap ply salt.

    Tie pumpkin pieces i n a musli n clo th and place a heavy object on top to remov e


    Af ter an hour or two , squeeze excess water out of the pum pkin pieces.

    In a mix ing bow l, mix together urad dal pa ste, squeezed pum pk in pieces, gro und

    green chiles, cu min s eeds and salt (if n eed ed).

    Heat oi l in a deep fr ying pan on mediu m hi gh.

    Then add a tbsp of prepared mix ture into hot oil.

    R epeat until the fr ying pan is full.

    Fr y the pumpki n batt er on both sides until golden bro wn.

    R emov e onto absor bent paper.

    Serve immediately with steaming rice an d ghee.

    Not es: Pumpkin can be used wi thout rem ov ing water, but the f rit ters take mor e

    oi l and fl atten in min utes.

    Pos ted in Deep Fr ied

  • M ain So urce http:// recipes2 u.tk This Do cum ent is Autho rized By t he Any mo re info rmed Det ails Can be get from 1 0 0 00 + Recipes and Secret Ancient recipes fro m http: / /recipes2 u.tk

    Plantain Flower Fritters

    Publis hed N ov ember 17, 2011 | B y admin

    Arati Puv vu Vadalu


    Ingredient s:

    Plantain Fl ow er 1 small

    Chana Dal 1 cup

    Onio n 1

    Green Chiles 3 - 5

    Cilantro few sprigs

    Salt to taste

    Oil fo r deep fr ying

    Met hod of prepa ration :

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    R emov e the petals and seperate th e fl owers .

    R emov e the hard cov ering and hard stem i n each fl ow er.

    R efer to this plantain fl ower.

    Chop the fl ow ers finely, apply salt and leav e aside.

    Wash under water an d squeeze all the wat er out.

    Peel and fi nely c hop onion.

    R emov e stems, wash and fi ne ly chop gree n chiles.

    Wash and ro ughly ch op cilantro .

    Wash and so ak chan a dal fo r 5 hours.

    Drain the water, wash thor oughly and gri nd the so aked chana dal coar sely

    wi thout adding water.

    Heat oi l in a deep fr ying pan on mediu m hi gh heat.

    Combine the squeez e d plantain fl ow ers with gro und c hana dal, chopped onion,

    green chilli es, cilantro and salt.

    Test the oi l by dro ppi ng small amount of abov e plantain fl ow er mix ture into oil . If

    the batter ris es quick ly then th e oi l is ready.

    Take a lemon sized a mount of abo ve mix ture onto left hand an d press it lightly

    wi th right hand to fo rm a 2 in ch disk.

    Dro p the disk into hot oil slowl y and repeat the same wi th rema ining plantain

    fl ower mix ture until the fr ying pan is full.

    Fr y the disks on both s ides until golden bro wn and remov e onto abso rbent paper.

    Make sure the oi l is n ot smoking hot befo re you start the next b atch.

    Serve hot as a snack or serve wi th rice and ghee.

    Not es W}v[oZ(o}` }](}o}vP(}Zvol]oX Pos ted in Deep Fr ied

  • M ain So urce http:// recipes2 u.tk This Do cum ent is Autho rized By t he Any mo re info rmed Det ails Can be get from 1 0 0 00 + Recipes and Secret Ancient recipes fro m http: / /recipes2 u.tk

    Roasted Tindora

    Publis hed N ov ember 17, 2011 | B y admin

    Do nda kaya Vepudu


    Ingredient s:

    Tindor a / Ivy Gourd 1 cup

    R ed Chile Pow der to taste

    Turmeric Pow der a pinch

    Salt to taste

    Oil 1 tsp

    Met hod of prepa ration :

    Wash, remov e ends and sli ce the tindor a into thin circles.

    Place the choppe d ti ndor a on baking tray, drizzle oi l and mix th or oughly.

    Preheat ov en to 350 F and bake the tin dor a fo r 45 min to 60 min.

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    Met hod of prepa ration :

    Peel and ch op cuc um bers into small cubes.

    R emov e stems, wash and sli t green c hiles.

    Wash and mince cila ntro.

    Heat a small pan, add sesame seeds and to ast them fo r a minut e or two.

    Heat few dro ps of oil in a small pan, a dd ra w peanuts and fr y them until ro asted.

    R emov e from heat and crush ro asted peanuts wi th a pestle.

    Heat oi l in a deep pa n, add cumi n seeds a nd asaf oetida.

    When cu min seeds t urn bro wn, add gree n chiles and remov e fr om heat.

    Cov er the pan after a dding c hopped cuc u mber and salt.

    In a mix ing bow l, mix abo ve cucu mber, crushed pea nuts, toas ted sesame seeds

    and c hopped cilantro together.

    Serve immediately.

    Not es : Substitute wi th any other salad c uc umber by remov ing it s seeds.

    Pos ted in Deep Fr ied

  • M ain So urce http:// recipes2 u.tk This Do cum ent is Autho rized By t he Any mo re info rmed Det ails Can be get from 1 0 0 00 + Recipes and Secret Ancient recipes fro m http: / /recipes2 u.tk

    Brown Onion Paste

    Publis hed N ov ember 17, 2011 | B y admin



    Yellow Onio n 3

    Oil 1 tbsp

    Met hod of prepa ration :

    Peel, halve and thinly sli ce the onions.

    Apply oi l to sliced onion and spread on a b aking sheet in one layer.

    Preheat ov en to 350 F and bake the onion s fo r about 30 t 50 m in until th ey turn bro w n.

    Alternatively, deep fr y the sli ced onions until bro wn.