53508147 93 physics mcq and answers ias exam

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  • 7/26/2019 53508147 93 Physics MCQ and Answers IAS Exam


    Reflection of Light - Multiple Choice Test

    Question 1

    Question: Light is a form of energy produced by a ______.

    1. luminous object2. transparent object

    3. non-luminous object

    4. opaque object

    1.luminous object2.transparent object3.non-luminous object4.opaque object

    Answer: 1

    Question 2

    Question: An eample for non-luminous object is ___________.

    1. a candle

    2. the sun

    3. an electric bulb

    4. the moon

    Answer: 4

    Question 3

    Question: !he phenomenon by "hich the incident light falling on a surface is sent bac# into

    the same medium is #no"n as ________.

    1. polari$ation

    2. reflection

    3. refraction

    4. absorptionAnswer: 2

    Question 4

    Question: %hen light is incident on a polished surface ___________ reflection ta#es place.

    1. regular

    2. irregular

    3. diffused

    4. normal

    Answer: 1

    Question 5Question: An object becomes in&isible "hen it undergoes ______ reflection.

    1. regular

    2. irregular

    3. diffused

    4. normal

    Answer: 1

    Question 6

    Question: According to the la"s of reflection'

    1. i ( r2. i ) r

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    3. r ) i


    Answer: 1


    Question: !he image formed by a plane mirror is al"ays _______.1. real and erect

    2. &irtual and erect

    3. real and in&erted

    4. &irtual and in&erted

    Answer: 2

    Question !

    Question: !he centre of the sphere of "hich the spherical mirror forms a part is called


    1. centre of cur&ature

    2. focus

    3. pole

    4. &erte

    Answer: 1

    Question "

    Question: !he focus of a conca&e mirror is ________.

    1. real

    2. &irtual

    3. undefined

    4. at the pole

    Answer: 2

    Question 1#

    Question: A con&erging mirror is #no"n as ________.

    1. con&e mirror

    2. plane mirror

    3. conca&e mirror

    4. cylindrical mirror

    Answer: 3

    Question 11Question: !he relation bet"een the focal length and radius of cur&ature of a mirror is



    2. * + 2 ( f

    3. f ( *,2

    4. f ( 2 *

    Answer: 3

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    Question 12

    Question: *adius of cur&ature of a conca&e mirror is al"ays _____ to the mirror.

    1. parallel

    2. perpendicular

    3. inclined at


    4. inclined at 4/o

    Answer: 2

    Question 13

    Question: An image formed by a con&e mirror is al"ays ________.

    1. &irtual' erect and diminished

    2. &irtual' real and magnified

    3. real' in&erted and diminished

    4. real' erect and magnified

    Answer: 1

    Question 14

    Question: 0f the image formed by a conca&e mirror is &irtual' erect and magnified' then the

    object is placed __________.

    1. bet"een the pole of the mirror and the focus

    2. beyond the centre of cur&ature

    3. at the centre of cur&ature

    4. at the focus

    Answer: 1

    Question 15Question: entists use a _____________ to focus light on the tooth of a patient.

    1. conca&e mirror

    2. con&e mirror

    3. plane mirror

    4. cylindrical mirror

    Answer: 1

    Question 16

    Question: An object is placed 1./ m from a plane mirror. o" far is the image from the


    1. 3 m

    2. 1./ m

    3. 2 m

    4. 1 m

    Answer: 1

    Question 1

    Question: An object placed 2m from a plane mirror is shifted by ./ m a"ay from the

    mirror. %hat is the distance bet"een the object and its image

    1. 2 m

    2. 1./ m3. / m

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    4. 3 m

    Answer: 3

    Question 1!

    Question: %hat is the &alue of q in the follo"ing diagram

    1. 3o

    2. 4/o

    3. o

    4. o

    Answer: 4

    Question 1"

    Question: %hat is the angle bet"een the incident and reflected rays "hen a ray of light is

    incident normally on a plane mirror

    1. o

    2. 4/o

    3. 15o


    Answer: 4

    Question 2#

    Question: 6ame the type of image that can be obtained on a screen.

    1. 7irtual

    2. *eal

    3. i&erging

    4. 8on&erging

    Answer: 2

    Question 21

    Question: A ray of light is incident on a plane mirror and the angle of incidence is 2/o.

    %hat is the angle of reflection


    2. /o

    3. o

    4. 2/o

    Answer: 4

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    Question 22

    Question: A ray of light is incident on a plane mirror and the angle of reflection is /o.

    8alculate the angle bet"een the incident ray and the reflected ray.

    1. /o

    2. 2/o

    3. o

    4. 1o

    Answer: 4

    Question 23

    Question: %hich of the follo"ing is used to ma#e a periscope

    1. 8onca&e mirror

    2. 8on&e mirror

    3. 9lane mirror

    4. Lens

    Answer: 3

    Question 24

    Question: %hich mirror has a "ider field of &ie"

    1. 8on&e mirror

    2. 8onca&e mirror

    3. 9lane mirror

    4. 8ylindrical mirror

    Answer: 1

    Question 25

    Question: !he focal length of a conca&e mirror is 1/ cm. %hat is its radius of cur&ature1. 1/ cm

    2. 3 cm

    3. :./ cm

    4. 4/ cm

    Answer: 2

    Question 26

    Question: !he focal length of a mirror is 1/ cm. 0dentify the type of mirror.

    1. 8onca&e mirror 2. 9lane mirror

    3. 8on&e mirror

    4. 8ylindrical mirror

    Answer: 3

    Question 2

    Question: A ray of light passing through the _______ retraces its path.

    1. focus

    2. centre of cur&ature

    3. pole

    4. &erte

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  • 7/26/2019 53508147 93 Physics MCQ and Answers IAS Exam


    Answer: 2

    Question 2

    Question: !he part of the lens through "hich the ray of light passes "ithout suffering

    de&iation is called ________.

    1. optical centre2. focus

    3. centre of cur&ature

    4. pole

    Answer: 1

    Question 3

    Question: 8on&e lens al"ays gi&es a real image if the object is situated beyond _______.

    1. optical centre

    2. centre of cur&ature

    3. focus4. radius of cur&ature

    Answer: 3

    Question 4

    Question: 9arallel rays of light entering a con&e lens al"ays con&erge at _______.

    1. centre of cur&ature

    2. the principal focus

    3. optical centre

    4. the focal plane

    Question 5Question: %here should an object be placed so that a real and in&erted image of the same

    si$e is obtained' using a con&e lens

    1. ;et"een < and =

    2. At =

    3. At 2 =

    4. At infinity

    Answer: 3

    Question 6

    Question: >0 unit of the po"er of a lens is ___________.

    1. dioptre

    2. cm

    3. metre

    4. "att

    Answer: 1


    Question: 1 is the po"er of the lens of focal length of ______ cm.

    1. 1

    2. 1

    3. 1,14. 1,1

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    Answer: 1

    Question !

    Question: 0n a simple microscope lens used is __________.

    1. bicon&e

    2. biconca&e3. plano con&e

    4. cylindrical

    Answer: 1

    Question "

    Question: *eciprocal of focal length in metres is #no"n as the ______ of a lens.

    1. focus

    2. po"er

    3. po"er of accommodation

    4. far point

    Answer: 2

    Question 1#

    Question: A con&e lens is called _________.

    1. con&erging lens

    2. di&erging lens

    3. both con&erging and di&erging lens

    4. refracting lens

    Answer: 1

    Question 11

    Question: A positi&e magnification greater than unity indicates _____________________.

    1. real image

    2. &irtual image

    3. neither real not &irtual image

    4. distorted image

    Answer: 2

    Question 12

    Question: !he po"er of a con&e lens of focal length / cm is ______.

    1. + 2

    2. - 23. /

    4. - /

    Answer: 1

    Question 13

    Question: !he focal length of a lens "hose po"er is -1./ is _______.

    1. -. cm

    2. + 1./ m

    3. + . cm

    4. -1./ mAnswer: 1

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    Question 14

    Question: *eal images formed by single con&e lenses are al"ays ________________.

    1. on the same side of the lens as the object

    2. in&erted

    3. erect4. smaller than the object

    Answer: 2

    Question 15

    Question: An object is placed 12 cm from a con&e lens "hose focal length is 1 cm. !he

    image must be.

    1. &irtual and enlarged

    2. &irtual and reduced in si$e

    3. real and reduced in si$e

    4. real and enlarged

    Answer: 4

    Question 16

    Question: %hen a person uses a con&e lens as a simple magnifying glass' the object must

    be placed at a distance.

    1. less than one focal length

    2. more than one focal length

    3. less than t"ice the focal length

    4. more than t"ice the focal length

    Answer: 1Question 1

    Question: !he image produced by a conca&e lens is ________.

    1. al"ays &irtual and enlarged

    2. al"ays &irtual and reduced in si$e

    3. al"ays real

    4. sometimes real' sometimes &irtual

    Answer: 2

    Question 1!

    Question: A &irtual image is formed by _______.

    1. a slide projector in a cinema hall

    2. the ordinary camera

    3. a simple microscope

    4. telescope

    Answer: 3

    Question 1"

    Question: An object is placed 2/ cm from a con&e lens "hose focal length is 1 cm. !he

    image distance is ________ cm.

    1. / cm

    2. 1. cm3. . cm

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    4. 1 cm

    Answer: 2

    Question 2#

    Question: !he least distance of distinct &ision is ______.

    1. 2/ cm2. 2/ m

    3. .2/ cm

    4. 2./ m

    Answer: 1

    Question 21

    Question: A con&e lens has a focal length of 2 cm. 0ts po"er in dioptres is ___________.

    1. 2

    2. /

    3. ./

    4. .2

    Answer: 2

    Question 22

    Question: An object is placed before a conca&e lens. !he image formed _____________-.

    1. is al"ays erect

    2. may be erect or in&erted

    3. is al"ays in&erted

    4. is al"ays real

    Answer: 1

    Question 23

    Question: A ray of light tra&els from a medium of refracti&e inde n1to a medium of

    refracti&e inde n2. 0f angle of incidence is i and the angle of refraction is r.

    !hen is equal to

    1. n1

    2. n2

    3. n21

    4. n12

    Answer: 3Question 24

    Question: !"o thin lenses of po"er +/ and -2 are placed in contact "ith each other.

    =ocal length of the combination is

    1. +3 m

    2. -3 m

    3. .33 m

    4. -.33 m

    Answer: 3

    Question 25

    Question: !he lens formula in cartesian frame is ______________.

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    Answer: 3

    The %u&$n '(e $n) the Colourful *orl) - Multiple Choice Test

    Question 1

    Question: !he change in focal length of an eye lens to focus the image of objects at &arying

    distances is done by the action of ________.

    1. pupil

    2. ciliary muscles

    3. retina

    4. blind spot

    Answer: 2

    Question 2

    Question: =ar point of a normal eye is situated at _________.

    1. 2/ cm

    2. infinity3. / cm

    4. 4 cm

    Answer: 2

    Question 3

    Question: A long-sighted person cannot see objects nearer to his eye than / cm. !o enable

    him to read a boo# 2/ cm a"ay' he should use spectacle lenses "hose po"er in dioptres is


    1. -

    2. -4

    3. -2

    4. + 4

    Answer: 4

    Question 4

    Question: !he process by "hich a beam of "hite light splits into its constituent colours is

    #no"n as _________.

    1. reflection

    2. dispersion

    3. di&ergence

    4. con&ergence

    Answer: 2

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    Question 5

    Question: !he band of colours obtained due to dispersion is #no"n as ______________.

    1. spectrum

    2. rainbo"

    3. image4. mirage


    Question 6

    Question: 9o"er of a lens is epressed in

    1. dioptre

    2. cm

    3. metre

    4. millimetre

    Answer: 1


    Question: 1 is the po"er of a lens of focal length ______ cm.

    1. 1

    2. 1

    3. 1,1

    4. 1,1

    Answer: 1

    Question !

    Question: ypermetropia is rectified by using

    1. con&e lens

    2. conca&e lens

    3. cylindrical lens

    4. progressi&e lens

    Answer: 1

    Question "

    Question: *eciprocal of focal length in metres is #no"n as the ______ of a lens.

    1. focus

    2. po"er

    3. po"er of accommodation4. far point

    Answer: 2

    Question 1#

    Question: !he po"er of a con&e lens of focal length / cm is ______.

    1. + 2

    2. - 2

    3. /

    4. - /

    Answer: 1Question 11

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    Question: !"o lenses ha&ing po"ers +2 and -4 respecti&ely are put together. 9o"er of

    the combination "ould be

    1. -2

    2. +2

    3. -4

    4. +4

    Answer: 1

    Question 12

    Question: !he fluid bet"een the retina and the lens is called _______.

    1. aqueous humour

    2. &itreous humour

    3. aqua

    4. humus

    Answer: 2

    Question 13

    Question: !"o thin lenses of po"er +/ and -2 are put in contact "ith each other. =ocal

    length of the combination is

    1. +3 m

    2. -3 m

    3. .33 m

    4. -.33 m

    Answer: 3

    Question 14

    Question: !he least distance of distinct &ision for infants is _________.

    1. 1/ cm

    2. 2 cm

    3. 2/ cm

    4. / cm

    Answer: 4

    Question 15

    Question: !he focal length of a lens "hose po"er is -1./ is _______.

    1. -. cm

    2. + 1./ m

    3. + . cm

    4. -1./ m

    Answer: 1

    +oun) - Multiple Choice Test

    Question 1

    Question: %hen a "a&e tra&els through a medium ______.

    1. particles are transferred from one place to another

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    2. energy is transferred in a periodic manner

    3. energy is transferred at a constant speed

    4. none of the abo&e statements is applicable

    Answer: 3

    Question 2Question: !he minimum distance bet"een the source and the reflector' so that an echo is

    heard is approimately equal to ______.

    1. 1 m

    2. 1: m

    3. 34 m

    4. / m

    Answer: 2

    Question 3

    Question: ;ats detect the obstacles in their path by recei&ing the reflected ______.

    1. infrasonic "a&es

    2. radio "a&es

    3. electro-magnetic "a&es

    4. ultrasonic "a&es

    Answer: 4

    Question 4

    Question: %hen sound tra&els through air' the air particles ______.

    1. &ibrate along the direction of "a&e propagation

    2. &ibrate but not in any fied direction

    3. &ibrate perpendicular to the direction of "a&e propagation4. do not &ibrate

    Answer: 1

    Question 5

    Question: !he relation bet"een "a&e &elocity ?&?' frequency ?f ?' and "a&elength ?l? is






    Answer: 2

    Question 6

    Question: !he frequency of a "a&e tra&elling at a speed of / ms-1is 2/ $. 0ts time

    period "ill be ______.

    1. 2 s

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    2. ./ s

    3. 2/ s

    4. .4 s

    Answer: 4

    Question Question: !he amplitude of a "a&e is ______.

    1. the distance the "a&e mo&es in one second

    2. the distance the "a&e mo&es in one time period of the "a&e

    3. the maimum distance mo&ed by the medium particles on either side of the mean position

    4. the distance equal to one "a&e length

    Answer: 3

    Question !

    Question: %hich of the follo"ing is not a characteristic of a musical sound

    1. 9itch

    2. %a&elength

    3. @uality

    4. Loudness

    Answer: 2

    Question "

    Question: >ound "a&es do not tra&el through

    1. solids

    2. liquids

    3. gases4. &acuum

    Answer: 4

    Question 1#

    Question: !he physical quantity' "hich oscillates in most "a&es' is

    1. mass

    2. energy

    3. amplitude

    4. "a&elength

    Answer: 3Question 11

    Question: >ound "a&es are

    1. longitudinal

    2. trans&erse

    3. partly longitudinal and partly trans&erse

    4. sometimes longitudinal and sometimes trans&erse

    Answer: 1

    Question 12

    Question: !he frequency "hich is not audible to the human ear is

    1. / $

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    2. / $

    3. / $

    4. / $

    Answer: 4

    Question 13Question: !he speed of sound in medium depends upon

    1. amplitude

    2. frequency

    3. "a&elength

    4. properties of the medium

    Answer: 4

    Question 14

    Question: %hich of the follo"ing "ill remain unchanged "hen a sound "a&e tra&els in air

    or in "ater

    1. Amplitude

    2. %a&elength

    3. =requency

    4. >peed

    Answer: 3

    Question 15

    Question: A sound source sends "a&es of 4 $. 0t produces "a&es of "a&elength 2./ m.

    !he &elocity of sound "a&es is

    1. 1 m,s

    2. 1 m,s3. 1 m,s

    4. 3 #m,s

    Answer: 2

    Question 16

    Question: !he time period of a &ibrating body is ./ s. !he frequency of "a&es it emits is

    1. / $

    2. 2 $

    3. 2 $

    4. 2 $Answer: 2

    Question 1

    Question: A source of frequency of / $ emits "a&es of "a&elength .4 m' ho" long

    does the "a&es ta#e to tra&el m

    1. 3 s

    2. s

    3. s

    4. 12 s

    Answer: 1

    Question 1!

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    Question: >ound and light "a&es both

    1. ha&e similar "a&elength

    2. obey the la"s of reflection

    3. tra&el as longitudinal "a&es

    4. tra&el through &acuumAnswer: 2

    Question 1"

    Question: !he method of detecting the presence' position and direction of motion of distant

    objects by reflecting a beam of sound "a&es is #no"n as _____.

    1. *AA*

    2. >peed

    2. ass

    3. atter

    4. Bnergy

    Answer: 4

  • 7/26/2019 53508147 93 Physics MCQ and Answers IAS Exam


    Question 24

    Question: 0f a &ibrator stri#es the "ater 1 times in one second' then the frequency of "a&e

    is _________.

    1. 1 $

    2. ./ $

    3. / $

    4. .1 $

    Answer: 1

    Question 25

    Question: Cnit of "a&elength is __________.

    1. ne"ton

    2. erg

    3. dyne

    4. angstrom

    Answer: 4

    Question 26

    Question: !he distance bet"een a compression and the net rarefaction of a longitudinal

    "a&e is __________.


    2. 2l



    Answer: 3

    Question 2

    Question: >0 Cnit of time period is __________.

    1. second

    2. hour

    3. minute4. nanosecond

    Answer: 1

    Question 2!

    Question: !he &ibrations or the pressure &ariations inside the inner ear are con&erted into

    electrical signals by the_________.

    1. cochlea

    2. tympanic membrane

    3. pinna4. an&il

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    Answer: 1

    Question 2"

    Question: 7ibrations inside the ear are amplified by the three bones namely the _________

    in the middle ear.

    1. hammer' an&il and stirrup2. hammer' an&il and pinna

    3. hammer' cochlea and stirrup

    4. auditory bone' an&il and stirrup

    Answer: 1

    Question 3#

    Question: !he persistence of audible sound due to the successi&e reflections from the

    surrounding objects e&en after the source has stopped to produce that sound is called


    1. reflection

    2. echo3. re&erberation

    4. rarefaction

    Answer: 3

    ,orce $n) L$ws f Motion - Multiple Choice Test

    Question 1

    Question: 0nertia is ________

    1. a property of matter

    2. a type of force3. the speed of an object

    4. none of the abo&e

    Answer: 1

    Question 2

    Question: A and ; are t"o objects "ith masses 1 #g and :/ #g respecti&ely' then

    ________ .

    1. both "ill ha&e the same inertia

    2. ; "ill ha&e more inertia

    3. A "ill ha&e more inertia

    4. both "ill ha&e less inertia

    Answer: 3

    Question 3

    Question: !he resultant of balanced forces is ________

    1. non $ero

    2. equal to $ero

    3. not equal to $ero

    4. equal to the acceleration produced in the body

    Answer: 2

    Question 4

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    Question: !he physical quantity' "hich is the measure of inertia' is ________

    1. density

    2. "eight

    3. force

    4. massAnswer: 4

    Question 5

    Question: !he spar#s produced during sharpening of a #nife against a grinding "heel

    lea&es the rim of the "heel tangentially. !his is due to ________

    1. inertia of rest

    2. inertia of motion

    3. inertia of direction

    4. force applied

    Answer: 3

    Question 6

    Question: !he la" that gi&es a qualitati&e definition of force is ________

    1. 6e"ton?s second la" of motion

    2. La" of inertia

    3. 6e"ton?s third la" of motion

    4. La" of gra&itation

    Answer: 2


    Question: 6ame the property of matter due to "hich a body continues in its state of rest or

    uniform motion unless an eternal force acts on it.1. 0nertia

    2. Blasticity

    3. 7iscosity

    4. ensity

    Answer: 1

    Question !

    Question: !he >.0. unit of force is

    1. erg

    2. joule3. ne"ton

    4. dyne

    Answer: 3

    Question "

    Question: %hen a force of 16 acts on a mass of 1#g that is free to mo&e' the object mo&es


    1. a speed of 1 m,s

    2. a speed of 1 #m,s

    3. an acceleration 1 m,s2

    4. an acceleration of 1 m,s2

    Answer: 4

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    Question 1#

    Question: !he acceleration in a body is due to

    1. balanced force

    2. unbalanced force

    3. mass4. electrostatic force

    Answer: 2

    Question 11

    Question: %hen an object undergoes acceleration

    1. its speed al"ays increases

    2. its &elocity al"ays increases

    3. it al"ays falls to"ards the Barth

    4. a force al"ays acts on it

    Answer: 4

    Question 12

    Question: A force of 1 6 is acting on an object of mass 1 #g. %hat is the acceleration

    produced in it



    3. 1 m,s2

    4. 1 m,s

    Answer: 1

    Question 13

    Question: %hat is the force acting on an object of mass 1 #g mo&ing "ith a uniform

    &elocity of 1 m,s

    1. 1 6

    2. 1 6


    4. 1 6

    Answer: 3

    Question 14

    Question: An athlete can ta#e a longer jump if he comes running from a distance as

    compared to that "hen he jumps suddenly. 0dentify the type of inertia.1. 0nertia of rest

    2. 0nertia of motion

    3. 0nertia of direction

    4. 0nertia of position

    Answer: 2

    Question 15

    Question: 1 ne"ton ( ________



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    Answer: 2

    Question 16

    Question: !he physical quantity' "hich is equal to change in momentum' is

    1. force

    2. impulse

    3. acceleration

    4. &elocity

    Answer: 2

    Question 1

    Question: !he physical quantity' "hich is equal to rate of change of momentum' is

    1. displacement

    2. acceleration3. force

    4. impulse

    Answer: 3

    Question 1!

    Question: 1#g m,s ( _________.

    1. 1 6 s

    2. 1 6

    3. 1 6 m

    4. 1 6 sAnswer: 1

    Question 1"

    Question: An eample for a &ector quantity is __________

    1. speed

    2. momentum

    3. distance

    4. length

    Answer: 2

    Question 2#

    Question: 0mpulse ( _________.





    Answer: 2

    Question 21

    Question: >0 unit of impulse is ___________.

    1.6 s6 s

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    2. 6 s2



    Answer: 1

    Question 22

    Question: !he momentum of a toy bus of .1 #g mo&ing "ith a &elocity of / m,s is

    1. ./ #g m,s

    2. ./ #g m,s

    3. ./ 6 s

    4. ./ #g m,s

    Answer: 2

    Question 23

    Question: !he product of mass and &elocity is #no"n as ____________ .

    1. acceleration2. force

    3. momentum

    4. &elocity

    Answer: 3

    Question 24

    Question: %hat is the momentum of a man of mass 1 #g "hen he "al#s "ith a uniform

    &elocity of 2 m,s

    1.2. 2 6



    Answer: 1

    Question 25

    Question: !he t"o factors on "hich the momentum of a body depends are ______ and

    _________ .

    1. &elocity' time

    2. mass' "eight3. mass' distance

    4. mass'&elocity

    Answer: 4

    Question 26

    Question: !he gra&itational force of earth acting on a body of mass 1 #g is _______.

    1. 5. 6

    2. .5 6

    3. 5 6

    4. 1 6

    Answer: 2

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    Question 2

    Question: omentum of a massi&e object at rest is _______.

    1. &ery large

    2. &ery small

    3. $ero4. none of the abo&e

    Answer: 3

    Question 2!

    Question: !he resultant of action and reaction forces is _______.

    1. greater than $ero

    2. less than $ero

    3. $ero

    4. none of the abo&e

    Answer: 1

    *or. $n) 'nerg( - Multiple Choice Test

    Question 1

    Question: %or# done ( =orce _______

    1. distance

    2. acceleration

    3. &elocity

    4. speed

    Answer: 1

    Question 2

    Question: 1 joule ( 1 _______

    1. 6 m2


    3. 6 m

    4. 62m2

    Answer: 3

    Question 3

    Question: %hich form of energy does the flo"ing "ater possess

    1. gra&itational energy

    2. potential energy

    3. electrical energy

    4. #inetic energy

    Answer: 4

    Question 4

    Question: A body of mass 2 #g is dropped from a height of 1m. 0ts #inetic energy as it

    touches the ground is _______

    1. 1. 62. 1. D

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    3. 1. #g

    4. 1. m

    Answer: 2

    Question 5

    Question: !he unit of po"er is _______1. "att per second

    2. joule

    3. #ilojoule

    4. joule per second

    Answer: 4

    Question 6

    Question: 3:3 "atts ( ______h.p.

    1. /

    2. 2

    3. :4


    Answer: 1


    Question: A coolie carries a load of / 6 to a distance of 1 m. !he "or# done by him is

    1. / 6

    2. /' 6m


    4. 1,/ 6

    Answer: 3

    Question !

    Question: !he 9.B. of a body at a certain height is 2 D. !he #inetic energy possessed by it

    "hen it just touches the surface of the earth is

    1. ) 9.B.

    2. E 9.B.

    3. ( 9.B.

    4. cannot be #no"n

    Answer: 1

    Question "Question: 9o"er is a measure of the _______

    1. rate of change of momentum

    2. force "hich produces motion

    3. change of energy

    4. rate of change of energy

    Answer: 4

    Question 1#

    Question: !"o objects of masses 1 1-3#g and 4 1-3#g ha&e equal momentum. %hat is

    the ratio of their #inetic energies

    1. 4F1

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    2. 2F1

    3. 1F1


    Answer: 1

    Question 11Question: A 4 ne"ton object is released from a height of 1 m. Dust before it hits the

    ground' its #inetic energy' in joules is _______

    1. 4

    2. 32

    3. 25

    4. 4

    Answer: 1

    Question 12

    Question: 0f the speed of an object is doubled then its #inetic energy is _______

    1. doubled

    2. quadrupled

    3. hal&ed

    4. tripled

    Answer: 2

    Question 13

    Question: 1./ #% ( ______ "atts

    1. 1/

    2. 1/

    3. 1/

    4. 1/

    Answer: 1

    Question 14

    Question: A man of mass / #g jumps to a height of 1 m. is potential energy at the highest

    point is Gg ( 1 m,s2H

    1. / D

    2. D

    3. / D

    4. DAnswer: 3

    Question 15

    Question: !he type of energy possessed by a simple pendulum' "hen it is at the mean

    position is

    1. #inetic energy

    2. potential energy

    3. potential energy + #inetic energy

    4. sound energy

    Answer: 1

    Question 16

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    Question: An iron sphere of mass 3 #g has the same diameter as an aluminium sphere

    "hose mass is 1./ #g. !he spheres are dropped simultaneously from a cliff. %hen they are

    1 m from the ground' they ha&e the same _______.

    1. acceleration

    2. momentum

    3. potential energy

    4. #inetic energy

    Answer: 1

    Question 1

    Question: A 1 #g mass has a #inetic energy of 1 joule "hen its speed is

    1. .4/ m,s

    2. 1 m,s

    3. 1.4 m,s

    4. 4.4 m,s

    Answer: 3

    Question 1!

    Question: 0f air resistance is negligible' the sum total of potential and #inetic energies of a

    freely falling body _______

    1. increases

    2. decreases

    3. becomes $ero

    4. remains the same

    Answer: 4

    Question 1"Question: 6ame the physical quantity "hich is equal to the product of force and &elocity.

    1. "or#

    2. energy

    3. po"er

    4. acceleration

    Answer: 3

    Question 2#

    Question: An object of mass 1 #g has potential energy of 1 joule relati&e to the ground

    "hen it is at a height of _______.

    1. .12 m

    2. 1 m

    3. .5 m

    4. 32 m

    Answer: 1

    'lectricit( - Multiple Choice Test

    Question 1

    Question: %hich of the follo"ing statements does not represent ohm?s la"

    1. current , potential difference ( constant

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    2. potential difference , current ( constant

    3. potential difference ( current resistance

    4. current ( resistance potential difference

    Answer: 4

    Question 2Question: !he unit of current is _____________.

    1. ampere

    2. "att

    3. &olt

    4. coulomb

    Answer: 1

    Question 3

    Question: !he potential difference required to pass a current .2 A in a "ire of resistance

    2% is ____.

    1. 1 7

    2. 4 7

    3. .1 7

    4. 4 7

    Answer: 2

    Question 4

    Question: !he resistance of an electric bulb dra"ing 1.2 A current at . 7 is ___________.

    1. ./ %

    2. / %

    3. .2 %4. 2 %

    Answer: 2

    Question 5

    Question: !he unit of resisti&ity is ____________.

    1. ohm

    2. ohm , m

    3. ohm-m

    4. mho

    Answer: 3

    Question 6

    Question: !"o resistances of 1 % and $ero ohm are connected in parallel. !he o&erall

    resistance "ill be

    1. 1 %

    2. / %

    3. 2/ %

    4. $ero ohm

    Answer: 1


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    Question: !hree resistors 2 % ' 3 % and 4 % are connected so that the equi&alent resistance

    is % . !he resistors are connected _________.

    1. all in series

    2. all in parallel

    3. 2 % and 3 % in parallel and the combination in series "ith 4 %

    4. 2 % and 3 % in series and the combination in parallel to 4 %

    Answer: 1

    Question !

    Question: 0n the figure'

    1. % ' 3 % and % are in series

    2. % and % are in parallel and the combination is in series "ith 3 %

    3. 3 % ' % and % are in parallel

    4. 3 % ' % are in parallel and % is in series

    Answer: 4

    Question "

    Question: !he resistance across A; is

    1. 42. 1

    3. 2

    4. ./

    Answer: 2

    Question 1#

    Question: %hen a current ?0? flo"s through a resistance ?*? for time ?t? the electrical energy

    spent is gi&en by ___________.

    1. 0 * t

    2. 0


    * t3. 0 * 2t

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    4. 0 2* , t

    Answer: 2

    Question 11

    Question: Iilo"att - hour is the unit of ______________.

    1. potential difference2. electric po"er

    3. electrical energy

    4. charge

    Answer: 3

    Question 12

    Question: %hen a fuse is rated 5 A' it means _____________.

    1. it "ill not "or# if current is less than 5 A

    2. it has a resistance of 5 %

    3. it "ill "or# only if current is 5 A

    4. it "ill melt if current eceeds 5 A

    Answer: 4

    Question 13

    Question: !he de&ice used for measuring potential difference is #no"n as _____________.

    1. potentiometer

    2. ammeter

    3. gal&anometer

    4. &oltmeter

    Answer: 4

    Question 14

    Question: !he "or# done in mo&ing a unit positi&e charge across t"o points in an electric

    circuit is a measure of ___________.

    1. current

    2. potential difference

    3. resistance

    4. po"er

    Answer: 2Question 15

    Question: !he potential at a point is 2 7. !he "or# done to bring a charge of ./ 8 from

    infinity to this point "ill be ________.

    1. 2 D

    2. 1 D

    3. / D

    4. 4 D

    Answer: 2

    Question 16

    Question: Doule , 8oulomb is same as ______________.

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    1. "att

    2. &olt

    3. ampere

    4. ohm

    Answer: 2Question 1

    Question: !he free electrons of a metal _____________.

    1. do not collide "ith each other

    2. are free to escape through the surface

    3. are free to fall into the nuclei

    4. are free to mo&e any"here in the metal

    Answer: 4

    Question 1!

    Question: !he path of a free electron in a metal is ___________.

    1. parabolic

    2. circular

    3. a straight line

    4. $ig $ag

    Answer: 4

    Question 1"

    Question: eat produced in a current carrying "ire in /s is D. !he same current is passed

    through another "ire of half the resistance. !he heat produced in / s "ill be _____________.

    1. D

    2. 3 D3. 1/ D

    4. 12 D

    Answer: 2

    Question 2#

    Question: !he current in a "ire ______________.

    1. depends only on the potential difference applied

    2. depends only on the resistance of the "ire

    3. depends on both resistance and potential difference

    4. does not depend on resistance and potential differenceAnswer: 3

    Question 21

    Question: %hen there is an electric current passing through a "ire' the particles mo&ing are


    1. electrons

    2. protons

    3. atoms

    4. ions

    Answer: 1

    Question 22

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    Question: A positi&e charge released from rest __________.

    1. mo&es to"ards the regions of lo"er potential

    2. mo&es to"ards the regions of higher potential

    3. mo&es to"ards the regions of equal potential

    4. does not mo&e

    Answer: 1

    Question 23

    Question: !hree equal resistances "hen combined in series are equi&alent to % . !heir

    equi&alent resistance "hen combined in parallel "ill be __________.

    1. 2: %

    2. 3 %

    3. 51 %

    4. 1 %

    Answer: 4

    Question 24

    Question: An battery is used to ________________.

    1. maintain a potential difference

    2. measure electric current

    3. measure electric potential

    4. safeguard against short - circuit

    Answer: 1

    Question 25


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    Question 2!

    Question: =or "hich of the follo"ing substances' resistance decreases "ith temperature

    1. 8opper

    2. 9latinum

    3. ercury4. 8arbon

    Answer: 4

    Question 2"

    Question: =our cells each of e.m.f ?B? are joined in parallel to form a battery. !he equi&alent

    e.m.f of the battery "ill be _______.

    1. 4 B

    2. B

    3. B , 4

    4. B (

    Answer: 2

    Question 3#

    Question: !"o electric bulbs ha&e resistances in the ratio 1F2. 0f they are joined in series'

    the energy consumed in them are in the ratio _________.

    1. 1F2

    2. 2F1

    3. 4F1

    4. 1F1

    Answer: 2Magnetic Efects o Electric Current - Multiple Choice Test

    Question 1

    Question: A magnetic field line is used to find the direction of

    1. south-north

    2. a bar magnet

    3. a compass needle

    4. magnetic field

    Answer: 4

    Question 2

    Question: An electric current passes through a straight "ire in the direction of south to

    north. agnetic compasses are placed at points A and ; as sho"n in the figure.

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    %hat is your obser&ation

    1. !he needle "ill not deflect


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    Answer: 1

    Question 6

    Question: A soft iron bar is introduced inside a current carrying solenoid. !he magnetic

    field inside the solenoid

    1. "ill become $ero

    2. "ill decrease

    3. "ill increase

    4. "ill remain unaffected

    Answer: 3

    Question 7

    Question: !he direction of the force on a current-carrying "ire placed in a magnetic field

    depends on

    1. the direction of the current

    2. the direction of the field

    3. the direction of current as "ell as field

    4. neither the direction of current nor the direction of field

    Answer: 3

    Question 8

    Question: !he direction of induced curent is obtained by

    1. =leming?s left-hand rule

    2. a"ell?s right-hand thumb rule

    3. Ampere?s rule

    4. =leming?s right-hand rule

    Answer: 4


    Question: %ho first disco&ered the relationship bet"een electricity and magnetism

    1. =araday

    2. 6e"ton

    3. a"ell


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    Answer: 4

    Question 1!

    Question: 0n an electric motor' the energy transformation is from

    1. electrical to chemical

    2. chemical to light

    3. mechanical to electrical

    4. electrical to mechanical

    Answer: 4

    Question 11

    Question: A commutator changes the direction of current in the coil of

    1. a 8 motor

    2. a 8 motor and an A8 generator

    3. a 8 motor and a 8 generator

    4. an A8 generator

    Answer: 3

    Question 12

    Question: %hich of the follo"ing de&ices "or#s on the principle of electromagnetic


    1. Ammeter

    2. 7oltmeter

    3. Jenerator

    4. Jal&anometer

    Answer: 3

    Question 13

    Question: A de&ice used for measuring small currents due to changing magnetic field is

    #no"n as

    1. gal&anometer

    2. ammeter

    3. &oltmeter

    4. potentiometer

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    Answer: 1

    Question 14

    Question: An electric generator actually acts as

    1. source of electric charge

    2. source of heat energy

    3. an electromagnet

    4. a con&erter of energy

    Answer: 4

    Question 15

    Question: Blectromagnetic induction is the

    1. charging of a body "ith a positi&e charge

    2. production of current by relati&e motion bet"een a magnet and a coil

    3. rotation of the coil of an electric motor

    4. generation of magnetic field due to a current carrying solenoid

    Answer: 2

    Question 16

    Question: =or ma#ing a strong electromagnet' the material of the core should be

    1. soft iron

    2. steel

    3. brass

    4. copper

    Answer: 1

    Question 17

    Question: agnetic field inside a long solenoid carrying current is

    1. same at all points GuniformH

    2. different at poles and at the centre

    3. $ero

    4. different at all points

    Answer: 1

    Question 18

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    Question: Kou ha&e a coil and a bar magnet. Kou can produce an electric current by

    1. mo&ing the magnet but not the coil

    2. mo&ing the coil but not the magnet

    3. mo&ing either the magnet or the coil

    4. using another 8 source

    Answer: 3

    Question 1

    Question: %hich of the follo"ing describes the common domestic po"er supplied in 0ndia

    1. 22 7' 1 $

    2. 22 7' / $

    3. 11 7' 1 $

    4. 1 7' / $

    Answer: 2

    Question 2!

    Question: A fuse in an electric circuit acts as a

    1. current multiplication

    2. &oltage multiplication

    3. po"er multiplier

    4. safety de&ice

    Answer: 4

    Question 21

    Question: !he magnetic lines of force inside a current carrying solenoid are

    1. along the ais and parallel to each other

    2. perpendicular to the ais and parallel to each other

    3. circular and do not intersect each other

    4. circular and intersect each other

    Answer: 1

    Question 22

    Question: %hen the main s"itch of the house is put off' it disconnects

    1. li&e "ire

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    2. neutral "ire

    3. earth "ire

    4. li&e and neutral "ires

    Answer: 4

    Question 23

    Question: Iilo"att-hour is the unit of

    1. potential difference

    2. electric po"er

    3. electrical energy

    4. charge

    Answer: 3

    Question 24

    Question: %hen a fuse is rated 5A' it means

    1. it "ill not "or# if current is less than 5A

    2. it has a resistance of 5

    3. it "ill "or# only if current is 5A

    4. it "ill burn if current eceeds 5A

    Answer: 4

    "ra#itation - Multiple Choice Test

    Question 1

    Question: >0 unit of gra&itational constant is __________.

    1. 6 m2#g2

    2. 6 m2#g-2

    3. 6 m2s-2

    4. 6 m#g-2

    Answer: 2

    Question 2

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    Question: %hat is the &alue of gra&itational constant

    1. .:341-116 m2,#g2

    2. .:341-16 m2,#g2

    3. .:341-116 m,#g2

    4. .:341-116 m2,#g

    Answer: 1

    Question 3

    Question: 0f the distance bet"een t"o bodies is doubled' the force of attraction = bet"een

    them "ill be _______

    1. 1,4 =

    2. 2 =

    3. 1,2 =

    4. =

    Answer: 1

    Question 4

    Question: !he force of gra&itation bet"een t"o bodies in the uni&erse does not depend on

    1. the distance bet"een them

    2. the product of their masses

    3. the sum of their masses

    4. the gra&itational constant

    Answer: 3

    Question 5

    Question: 6ame the fundamental force "hich holds the planets in their orbits around the


    1. Jra&itational force of attraction

    2. Blectrostatic static force of attraction

    3. 6uclear force of attraction

    4. Blectro static force of attraction

    Answer: 1

    Question 6

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    Question: %hen an object is thro"n up' the force of gra&ity _________.

    1. is opposite to the direction of motion

    2. is in the same direction as the direction of motion

    3. becomes $ero at the highest point

    4. increases as it rises up

    Answer: 1

    Question 7

    Question: %hat is the final &elocity of a body mo&ing against gra&ity "hen it attains the

    maimum height

    1. ero



    4. 2gh

    Answer: 1

    Question 8

    Question: A stone is dropped from a cliff. 0ts speed after it has fallen 1 m is

    1. .5 m,s

    2. 44.2 m,s

    3. 1. m,s

    4. 5 m,s

    Answer: 2


    Question: A ball is thro"n up and attains a maimum height of 1 m. 0ts initial speed "as

    1. .5 m,s

    2. 44.2 m,s

    3. 1. m,s

    4. 5 m,s

    Answer: 2

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    Question 1!

    Question: A stone dropped from the roof of a building ta#es 4 seconds to reach the ground.

    %hat is the height of the building

    1. 1. m

    2. 3.2 m

    3. 1/.5 m

    4. :5.4 m

    Answer: 4

    Question 11

    Question: !he acceleration due to gra&ity is $ero at ______.

    1. the equator

    2. poles

    3. sea le&el

    4. the centre of the earth

    Answer: 4

    Question 12

    Question: 0f acceleration due to gra&ity on earth is 1 m,s2then' the acceleration due to

    gra&ity on moon is ________.

    1. 1. m,s2

    2. 1. m,s2

    3. 1 m,s2

    4. .1 m,s2

    Answer: 1

    Question 13

    Question: !he second equation of motion for a freely falling body starting from rest is




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    Answer: 3

    Question 14

    Question: !he acceleration due to gra&ity of a body mo&ing against gra&ity is

    1. .5 m,s2

    2. -.5 m,s2


    4. . m,s

    Answer: 2

    Question 15

    Question: A feather and a coin released simultaneously from the same height do not reach

    the ground at the same time because of the _______.

    1. resistance of the air

    2. force of gra&ity

    3. force of gra&itation

    4. difference in mass

    Answer: 1

    Question 16

    Question: !he "eight of an object of mass 1 #g on earth is_______.

    1. .5 6

    2. .5 #g

    3. 5 6

    4. 5 #g

    Answer: 3

    Question 17

    Question: !he "eight of an object of mass 1/ #g at the centre of the earth is _____.

    1. 14: 6

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    2. 14: #g

    3. $ero

    4. 1/ 6

    Answer: 3

    Question 18

    Question: ass remains ______ throughout the uni&erse.

    1. &aries

    2. $ero

    3. constant

    4. negati&e

    Answer: 3

    Question 1

    Question: >0 unit of "eight is ______.

    1. ne"ton

    2. #g

    3. %t

    4. #g."t

    Answer: 1

    Question 2!

    Question: 1 #g."t(________ .

    1. 5 6

    2. .5 6

    3. 1 6

    4. .5 6

    Answer: 1

    Question 21

    Question: o" much "ould a man' "hose mass is #g "eigh on the moon

    1. .5 6

    2. 6

    3. 6

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    4. 5 6

    Answer: 4

    Question 22

    Question: %hat is the mass of an object "hose "eight on earth is 1 6

    1. 2 #g

    2. .2 #g

    3. 1 #g

    4. 2 #g

    Answer: 1Question 23

    Question: !he up"ard force acting on an object submerged in a liquid is ______.

    1. thrust

    2. buoyant force

    3. pressure

    4. force of friction

    Answer: 2

    Question 24

    Question: !he normal force per unit area is called _______.

    1. pressure

    2. thrust

    3. balanced force

    4. pascal

    Answer: 1

    Question 25

    Question: 0f the mass of a ball is / #g on earth' then "hat "ould be its mass on Dupiter

    1. / #g

    2. / #g

    3. 4 #g

    4. / #g

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    Answer: 1

    Motion - Multiple Choice Test

    Question 1

    Question: 1 #m,h ( _____ m,s





    Answer: 1

    Question 2

    Question: !he distance GsH in metres tra&elled by a particle is related to time GtH in seconds

    by the equation of motion -> ( 1t + 4t2. %hat is the initial &elocity of the body

    1. 1 m,s

    2. m,s

    3. 4 m,s

    4. 1 m,s2

    Answer: 1

    Question 3

    Question: =or the equation - > ( 1t + 4t2"hat is the acceleration of the body

    1. 5 m,s2

    2. 1 m,s2

    3. 4 m,s2

    4. 5 m,s

    Answer: 1

    Question 4

    Question: A body mo&ing along a straight line at 2 m,s decelerates at the rate of 4 m,s2.

    After 2 seconds its speed "ill be equal to1. 5 m,s

    2. 12 m,s

    3. 1 m,s

    4. - 12 m,s

    Answer: 2

    Question 5

    Question: Ji&e the equation of motion connecting u' &' a and s "here the symbols ha&e

    their usual meaning

    1. & ( u + at

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    3. &2- u2( 2a>


    Answer: 3

    Question 6

    Question: An object mo&ing "ith a speed of / m,s comes to rest in 1 s' after the bra#es are

    applied. %hat is the initial &elocity

    1. $ero

    2. / m,s

    3. 1/ m,s

    4. / m,s

    Answer: 2

    Question Question: A body mo&ing along a straight line at 4 m,s undergoes an acceleration of 4

    m,s2. After 1 seconds its speed "ill be

    1. 2 m,s

    2. 25 m,s

    3. 1 m,s

    4. 5 m,s

    Answer: 4

    Question !

    Question: >0 unit of acceleration is __________.1.




    Answer: 1

    Question "

    Question: *etardation is __________.

    1. negati&e acceleration2. positi&e acceleration

    3. uniform acceleration

    4. &ariable acceleration

    Answer: 1

    Question 1#

    Question: %hen an object is mo&ing "ith uniform &elocity' "hat is its acceleration

    1. $ero

    2. uniform3. non-uniform

  • 7/26/2019 53508147 93 Physics MCQ and Answers IAS Exam


    4. negati&e

    Answer: 1

    Question 11

    Question: 0n the case of a rectilinear uniform motion' distance-time graph is a

    1. parabola2. straight line

    3. cur&ed line

    4. rectangle

    Answer: 2

    Question 12

    Question: >peed of #m,h "hen epressed in m,s is .

    1. 2./

    2. 2/

    3. 2/


    Answer: 2

    Question 13

    Question: %hen a graph of one quantity &ersus another results in a straight line' the

    quantities are .

    1. directly proportional

    2. constant

    3. in&ersely proportional

    4. independent of each other

    Answer: 1

    Question 14

    Question: %hat does the follo"ing >-t graph indicate

    1. uniform speed

    2. body is at rest

    3. non-uniform speed

    4. &ariable speed

    Answer: 2

    Question 15

    Question: %hat do you infer' if >-t graphs of t"o cyclists meet at a point

    1. !hey collide

    2. !hey pass each other

  • 7/26/2019 53508147 93 Physics MCQ and Answers IAS Exam


    3. !hey are at rest

    4. !hey are starting from rest

    Answer: 2

    Question 16

    Question: 6ame the physical quantity "hich "e get from a >-t graph.1. >peed

    2. isplacement

    3. istance

    4. !ime

    Answer: 1

    Question 1

    Question: %hat is the >0 unit of speed

    1. #m,h

    2. m,s

    3. m,min

    4. #m,s

    Answer: 2

    Question 1!

    Question: %hat is the distance co&ered by a car in / h if it is mo&ing "ith a speed of 3/


    1. 1:/ #m

    2. 1/ #m

    3. : #m

    4. 1:/ #m

    Answer: 1

    Question 1"

    Question: !he >-t graph for uniform speed is



  • 7/26/2019 53508147 93 Physics MCQ and Answers IAS Exam




    Answer: 2

    Question 2#

    Question: !he a&erage speed of a car "hich co&ers half the distance "ith a speed of 2 m,s

    and other half "ith a speed of 3 m,s in equal inter&als of time is _________.

    1. 2/ m,s

    2. m,s

    3. 24 m,s

    4. 2.4 m,s

    Answer: 1

    Question 21

    Question: isplacement is a ________ quantity.

    1. scalar

    2. &ector

    3. deri&ed

    4. linear

    Answer: 2

    Question 22

    Question: #m , h2is a unit of ________ .

    1. &elocity

    2. speed

    3. acceleration

    4. distance

    Answer: 3

    Question 23

    Question: !he speed-time graph for a particle mo&ing at constant speed is a straight-line

    ________ to the time ais.1. parallel

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    2. perpendicular

    3. aligned

    4. inclined

    Answer: 1

    Question 24Question: %hen an object mo&es in a fied direction "ith uniform acceleration' the speed-

    time graph is a ________.

    1. parabola

    2. straight line

    3. ellipse

    4. cur&e

    Answer: 2

    Question 25

    Question: !he area under the speed-time graph gi&es the ________.

    1. distance

    2. &elocity

    3. time

    4. acceleration

    Answer: 1

    Question 26

    Question: A speed of #m,h' epressed in cm s-1is ________.

    1. 2./

    2. 2/

    3. 34.

    Answer: 2

    Question 2

    Question: %hen an object of mass / #g starts from rest' "hat is its initial &elocity


    2. - / m,s



    4. 1 m,sAnswer: 1

    Question 2!

    Question: 0dentify the &- t graph representing uniform &elocity.


  • 7/26/2019 53508147 93 Physics MCQ and Answers IAS Exam





    Answer: 2

    Question 2"

    Question: 6ame the physical quantity that is defined as the rate of change of displacement.

    1. &elocity

    2. acceleration

    3. distance

    4. speed

    Answer: 1

    Question 3#

    Question: An object mo&es "ith a constant &elocity of .5 m,s' its acceleration in m s-2is


    1. .5 m,s2

    2. $ero

    3. .5 m,s

    4. 5 m,s2

    Answer: 2

    Question 31Question: 0n 12 minutes a car "hose speed is 3/ #m,h tra&els a distance of

  • 7/26/2019 53508147 93 Physics MCQ and Answers IAS Exam


    1. : #m

    2. 3./ #m

    3. 14 #m

    4. 25 #m

    Answer: 1Question 32

    Question: A body mo&ing along a straight line at 2 m,s undergoes an acceleration of 4

    m,s2. After t"o seconds its speed "ill be ________.

    1. 5 m,s

    2. 12 m,s

    3. 1 m,s

    4. 25 m,s

    Answer: 4

    Question 33

    Question: A car increases its speed from 2 #m,h to / #m,h in 1 seconds. 0ts acceleration

    is ________.

    1. 3 m,s2

    2. 3 m,s2

    3. 15 m,s2

    4. .53 m,s2

    Answer: 4

    Question 34

    Question: %hen the distance co&ered by an object is directly proportional to time' it is said

    to tra&el "ith ________.1. $ero &elocity

    2. constant speed

    3. constant acceleration

    4. uniform acceleration

    Answer: 2

    Question 35

    Question: 6egati&e acceleration means an object is mo&ing "ith ________ .

    1. increasing speed

    2. decreasing speed

    3. uniform speed

    4. constant speed

    Answer: 2

    Question 36

    Question: otion along a straight line is called __________ motion.

    1. rectilinear motion

    2. circular motion

    3. oscillatory motion

    4. parabolic

    Answer: 1

    Question 3

  • 7/26/2019 53508147 93 Physics MCQ and Answers IAS Exam


    Question: istance-time graph is a straight line for __________ motion.

    1. &ariable

    2. non uniform

    3. rectilinear

    4. circular Answer: 3

    Question 3!

    Question: A car is mo&ing "ith a speed of 3 #m,h. 0ts speed in m,s is _______.

    1. 1

    2. 1

    3. 2

    4. 1

    Answer: 1

    Question 3"

    Question: A car starts from rest and co&ers a distance of 1 m in one second "ith uniform

    acceleration. 0ts acceleration is _________.

    1. 1 m,s2

    2. / m,s2

    3. 2 m,s2

    4. 1 m,s

    Answer: 1

    Question 4#

    Question: %hich of the follo"ing is a &ector quantity

    1. area2. length

    3. distance

    4. displacement

    Answer: 4

    Question 41

    Question: !he slope of a &-t graph gi&es ________.

    1. acceleration

    2. &elocity

    3. speed4. distance

    Answer: 3

    Question 42

    Question: !he physical quantity describing motion and "hose measure is the product of

    distance tra&elled and the time ta#en to tra&el that distance is ________.

    1. speed

    2. mass

    3. "eight

    4. displacement

    Answer: 1

  • 7/26/2019 53508147 93 Physics MCQ and Answers IAS Exam


    Question 43

    Question: 0f you are tra&elling "ith a &elocity of 2/ m,s' ho" long "ill you ta#e to tra&el

    : m

    1. 2/ s

    2. 25 s

    3. 2/ min

    4. 2.5 s

    Answer: 2

    Question 44

    Question: 6ame the instrument used to measure instantaneous speed of a &ehicle.

    1. accelerator

    2. speedometer

    3. ammeter

    4. multimeter

    Answer: 2

    Question 45

    Question: A body co&ers a distance > in time t. %hat is its speed

    1. >,t

    2. t,>

    3. > t

    4. ero

    Answer: 1

    Matter $n %ur &urroun'ings - Multiple Choice Test

    Question 1

    Question: atter has ___________.

    1. no mass but occupies space

    2. mass but occupies no space

    3. mass and occupies space

    4. no mass and occupies no space

    Answer: 3

    Question 2

    Question: !he gaseous form of "ater is called as _______.

    1. "ater gas

    2. "ater &apour

    3. fog

  • 7/26/2019 53508147 93 Physics MCQ and Answers IAS Exam


    4. sno"

    Answer: 2

    Question 3

    Question: !he state of matter "ith only one free surface is _______.

    1. liquid

    2. gas

    3. solid

    4. plasma

    Answer: 1

    Question 4

    Question: 0n gases' particles &ibrate _________.

    1. about their mean position

    2. about a &ertical ais

    3. about a hori$ontal ais

    4. in any direction

    Answer: 4

    Question 5

    Question: iing of gases is called ______.

    1. diffusion

    2. effusion

    3. filtration

    4. sedimentation

    Answer: 1

    Question 6

    Question: A property not possessed by a fluid is _________.

    1. it can flo"

    2. it has mass

    3. it has a definite shape

    4. can be percei&ed by our senses

    Answer: 3

  • 7/26/2019 53508147 93 Physics MCQ and Answers IAS Exam


    Question 7

    Question: %hich among the follo"ing is a solid at room temperature

    1. 6itrogen

    2. 9otassium permanganate

    3. ;romine

    4. elium

    Answer: 2

    Question 8

    Question: %hich of these is a characteristic property of gases

    1. Jases are not at all rigid.

    2. Jases are not compressible.

    3. Jases ha&e particles in fied positions.

    4. Jases ha&e high density.

    Answer: 1


    Question: A solid has _________.

    1. maimum intermolecular space

    2. definite mass but no definite &olume

    3. &ery high compressibility

    4. maimum intermolecular force of attraction

    Answer: 4

    Question 1!

    Question: 8on&ersion of gas to liquid is called _________.

    1. condensation

    2. sublimation

    3. &apourisation

    4. solidification

    Answer: 1

    Question 11

    Question: !he process by "hich "et clothes dry up is called _______.

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    1. e&aporation

    2. boiling

    3. condensation

    4. solidification

    Answer: 1

    Question 12

    Question: A solid that sublimes on heating is _________.

    1. sodium chloride

    2. copper sulphate

    3. lead sulphate

    4. ammonium chloride

    Answer: 4

    Question 13

    Question: atter changes from one state to another "ith change in _________.

    1. density

    2. temperature

    3. &olume

    4. height

    Answer: 2

    Question 14

    Question: !he process of a solid changing into liquid is called ___________.

    1. liquefaction

    2. melting

    3. free$ing

    4. solidification

    Answer: 2

    Question 15

    Question: !he free$ing point of pure "ater is __________.

    1. 1o8

  • 7/26/2019 53508147 93 Physics MCQ and Answers IAS Exam


    2. o8

    3. /o8

    4. :5.3o8

    Answer: 2

    Question 16

    Question: !he force bet"een particles of matter is called as ___________.

    1. cohesi&e force

    2. adhesi&e force

    3. #inetic energy

    4. thermal energy

    Answer: 1

    Question 17

    Question: 9articles of matter are __________.

    1. stationary

    2. &ibrating in one position

    3. in continuous motion

    4. rotating about an ais

    Answer: 3

    Question 18

    Question: !he temperature at "hich &apour changes into liquid is called ________.

    1. free$ing point

    2. melting point

    3. boiling point

    4. liquefaction point

    Answer: 4

    Question 1

    Question: !emperature is a measure of ___________.

    1. total #inetic energy of molecules

    2. total potential energy of molecules

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    3. a&erage potential energy of molecules

    4. a&erage #inetic energy of molecules

    Answer: 1

    Question 2!

    Question: =or any substance the temperature remains same during the change of state due

    to ___________.

    1. loss of heat

    2. latent heat

    3. less supply of heat

    4. lattice energy

    Answer: 2

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    /+upercon)uctors $re those &$teri$ls

    1 %hich become non-conductors at transition point

    2 %hich looses all electrical resistance "hen cooled belo" a certain temperature

    3 0n "hich resistance rises to infinity belo" certain temperature

    4 %hich conducts electricity in etra "idths



    /*hich one of the following is not $ r$)io$ctie ele&ent

    1 Cranium

    2 *adium

    3 !horium

    4 8admium




    A o)( is thrown ertic$ll( upw$r)s with $ spee) of 1## &sec/ *hile co&ing $c.

    on groun) its spee) $t st$rting point will e

    1 1 m,sec

    2 1 m,sec

    3 / m,sec

    4 2 m,sec



    /*hen 1 litre of w$ter free7es the olu&e of ice for&e) will e

    1 . litre

    2 1. litre

    3 1.11 litre

  • 7/26/2019 53508147 93 Physics MCQ and Answers IAS Exam


    4 1./ litre




    An o8ect is pl$ce) etween the pole of conc$e &irror $n) the focus of the &irror

    the i&$ge for&e) will e

    1 ;ehind the mirror' &irtual' erect and magnified

    2 At infinity' real in&erted and highly enlarged

    3 ;yond centre of cur&ature' real in&erted and enlarged

    4 ;eyond 2=' real in&erted and enlarged




    A hollow c(lin)ric$l ro) is fille) with $ir to &$.e it $ reson$nce colu&n/ To

    pro)uce $ w$e of length 4! c& the &ini&u& length of ro) shoul) e

    1 12 cm

    2 24 cm

    3 45 cm

    4 cm




    0n $ telescope of &$gnific$tion power 1# the foc$l length of the o8ectie lens is 6#

    c& wh$t will e the tot$l length of e(epiece

    1 cm

    2 2/ cm

    3 3 cm

    4 / cm




    A o( h$s fie resist$nce of 15 oh& e$ch/ The &$9i&u& resist$nce th$t c$n e

    for&e) with the& is

    1 ./ ohm

  • 7/26/2019 53508147 93 Physics MCQ and Answers IAS Exam


    2 1 ohm

    3 1,2/ ohm

    4 1,/ ohm




    '$ch of 3 c$p$citors of c$p$cit( C $re connecte) together in series/ This

    co&in$tion is $))e) in p$r$lle) to $ c$p$citor of c$p$cit( C/ Result$nt c$p$cit(

    will e

    1 8

    2 38

    3 48 4 48,3



    /A f$lling )rop of r$in w$ter $cuires the spheric$l sh$pe )ue to

    1 >urface !ension

    2 Jra&itational force

    3 Atmospheric pressure

    4 7iscosity



    /A periscope wor.s ( the principle of

    1 *efraction

    2 !otal 0nternal reflection

    3 iffraction

    4 *eflection and refraction



    *hich of the following light w$es is outsi)e the isile spectru&

    1 7iolet

    2 ;lue

    3 Kello"

    4 Cltra&iolet



    /'sti&$te) ti&e perio) of $ pen)ulu& of length #/2& is closer to is

    1 ./ sec

  • 7/26/2019 53508147 93 Physics MCQ and Answers IAS Exam


    2 1 sec

    3 2 sec

    4 6one of these



    /*h$t is the $lue of .nee olt$ge of silicon )io)e

    1 .37

    2 .337

    3 .:7

    4 1.17




    There is 2# olt $ccross the in)uctor $n) 15 olt $cross the resist$nce in the $/c/

    supplie) series R-L circuit/ *h$t woul) e the suppl( olt$ge 1 2 &olt

    2 1/ &olt

    3 2/ &olt

    4 1:./ &olt



    /A tr$nsfor&er &$inl( tr$nsfor&s -

    1 8urrent

    2 7oltage

    3 =requency

    4 9o"er



    /*h$t is the power f$ctor of $ pure resistor circuit


  • 7/26/2019 53508147 93 Physics MCQ and Answers IAS Exam


    Q/*hich t(pe of oscill$tor is &ost st$le

    in si&ple circuit

    1 8rystalline oscillators

    2 8lapp oscillators

    3 8olepitts oscillator

    4 Armstong oscillator



    /*h$t is the proper use of sign$l gener$tor

    1 esigning

    2 !esting

    3 *epairing

    4 All of the Abo&e Ans:4



    0f one c(lin)er of $ )iesel engine receies &ore fuel th$n the others then for th$t

    c(lin)er the --

    1 Bhaust "ill be smo#ey

    2 9iston rings "ould sti# into piston groo&es

    3 >ca&enging occurs

    4 Bngine starts o&erheating



    /The infor&$tion is sent ( C* tr$ns&itter ( -

    1 8hanging the audio frequency

    2 0nterrupting radio signal

    3 Csing microphone

    4 Csing camera




    Moisture c$n e re&oe) fro& luric$ting oil using -

    1 !ubular centrifugal

    2 8larifier

    3 >par#ler filter

    4 7acuum leaf filter



    /er&$niu& possesses -

    1 !"o &alence electrons

    2 !hree &alence electrons

  • 7/26/2019 53508147 93 Physics MCQ and Answers IAS Exam


    3 =our &alence electrons

    4 =i&e &alence electrons



    / *hich of the following is not $ propert( of )ifference $&plifier

    1 8apacitor is used in it

    2 0t is used to compare t"o signals

    3 ifference amplifier yields more than the direct couple ampliier

    4 =requency of difference amplifier remains flat from $ero to high frequency



    /C$lorie $lue is the le$st of the following &$teri$ls -

    1 8oal gas 2 9roducer gas

    3 >team fiery gas


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    1 omentum

    2 7elocity

    3 isplacement

    4 ass



    ////sign$l will eco&e 7ero when the fee)$c. sign$l $n) reference signs $re eu$l/

    1 0nput

    2 Actuating

    3 =eedbac#

    4 *eference


    /Motor-gener$tor set for ;/ C/ $rc wel)ing h$s gener$tor of -

    1 >eries type

    2 >hunt type

    3 ifferentially compound type

    4 Le&el compound type




    *hich of the following &otors is preferre) when uic. spee) reers$l is the &$in


    1 >quirrel cage induction motor

    2 %ound rotor induction motor

    3 >ynchronous motor

    4 . 8. motor



    /0n c$se of $ll e$rings which p$rt is &$)e h$r)er th$n others -

    1 ;all


  • 7/26/2019 53508147 93 Physics MCQ and Answers IAS Exam


    4 ;y increasing gain of the recei&er




    An electronics circuits in which )ifferent co&ponents such $s ;io)e Resistor $n)

    C$p$citor etc/ $re connecte) sep$r$tel( is c$lle) -

    1 8hassis

    2 9rinted board

    3 0ntegrated circuit

    4 iscrete circuit



    /*h$t $re ,errites

    1 agnetic but ha&e lo" resistance

    2 agnetic but ha&e high resistance 3 6on-magnetic "ith lo" resistance

    4 6on-magnetic "ith high resistance



    /%ow will $ re) flower $ppe$r if it is seen through $ green gl$ss

    1 *ed

    2 ;ro"n

    3 %hite

    4 Jreen


    Q/ *h$t is the unit of electric$l energ(

    1 Ampere

    2 7olt

    3 %att

    4 Iilo"att-hour



    /A )io)e////

    1 =unctions only in one direction

    2 =unctions in both the directions

    3 oes not function at all

    4 0t gets damaged' "hen &oltage is applied




    *h$t is the freuenc( of the receier

    1 455 #$

  • 7/26/2019 53508147 93 Physics MCQ and Answers IAS Exam


    2 44/ #$

    3 4// #$

    4 4/ #$




    *h$t woul) e the e9pen)iture in 3# )$(s $t the r$te of 5# p$ise per unit if $ ul

    of 1## * is use) fie hours per )$(

    1 *s. 1./

    2 *s. 5./

    3 *s. :./

    4 *s. ./




    Leer functions on which of the following principles

    1 8ran#-shaft

    2 Doining rod

    3 8ran# pin

    4 8ross head




    2 ynamic

    3 >table and dynamic

    4 6either stable nor dynamic



    /A&ong the following st$te&ent which is the f$lse


  • 7/26/2019 53508147 93 Physics MCQ and Answers IAS Exam




    0n resist$nce he$ting highest wor.ing te&per$ture is ot$ine) fro& he$ting

    ele&ents &$)e of///

    1 6ic#el and copper

    2 6ichrome

    3 >ilicon carbide

    4 >il&er



    /*hen the lo$) is $oe ///// $ s(nchronous &otor is foun) to e &ore econo&ic$l/

    1 2 I%

    2 2 I%

    3 / I%

    4 1 I% Ans:3


    To conert &oing coil g$l$no&eter

    into $n $&&eter which of the following

    &etho)s is use)

    1 >mall resistance in series

    2 >mall resistance in parallel

    3 igh resistance in series

    4 igh resistance in parallel



    /*hich of the following c$n e use) to control the spee) of $ ;/ C/ &otor

    1 !hermistor

    2 !hyristor

    3 !hyratron

    4 !ransistor



    Minorit( c$rrier in

  • 7/26/2019 53508147 93 Physics MCQ and Answers IAS Exam


    2 !urning pair

    3 *olling pair

    4 >liding pair



    /*hile chec.e) with $ &ulti&eter $n open resistor re$)s -

    1 ero

    2 0nfinite

    3 igh but "ithin tolerance.

    4 Lo" but not $ero




    0n $&plitu)e &o)ul$tion -

    1 Amplitude of the carrier is #ept constant

    2 8hange occurs in carrier frequency

    3 Amplitude is &aried according to the instaneous &alue of modelling "a&e

    4 6one of these



    /The lue colour of the cle$r s.( is )ue to -

    1 iffraction of light

    2 ispersion of light

    3 *eflection of light

    4 *efraction of light



    /*hich of the following is use) in se&i-con)uctors

    1 Aluminium

    2 8opper

    3 >ilicon

    4 6one of these



    /*hich one of the following $llotropes of c$ron is use) for cutting $n) )rilling

    1 iamond

    2 Jraphite

    3 Acti&ated carbon

    4 8arbon blac#


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    /*hich one of the following is $ ector

    1 Iinetic energy

    2 9ressure

    3 *ate of change of momentum

    4 ensity


    Q/ =-r$(s co&prise of:

    1 Blectrons only

    2 9rotons only

    3 6eutrons only

    4Blectromagnetic radiations



    /The power of lens is - 2;/ *h$t is its foc$l length

    1 2m

    2 ./m

    3 1.m

    4 ./m
