54 newsletter june july 2012

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Issue No. 54 Transpose Newsletter June July 2012





Transpose New






Miss Sparkle 2012 4/5

Tilly’s Blog 6/7

Monthly Tea Evenings 9

Girl of the Month 10/11

Teela says.....“This weather is a most welcomed change to all that rain we have had and I hope that you are all making the most of it!!! A lovely long weekend for our Queens Jubilee approaches, let’s hope the weather stays fine for that. For all of you partaking in festivities, street parties or just taking advantage of the extra day’s bank holiday, ENJOY!!

Sparkle is nearly upon us, so if you haven’t entered the Miss Sparkle Pageant, then you still have time. Get those entries in girls!!. We are holding 10 places open on the day, so if you want to enter at the last minute, please see me or Tilly before 12pm. I hope to see you around on the Saturday in the park and will get the other half to take some pictures which we will put in the next newsletter.

Remember, if you have a story to tell, or anything that may be of interest to other girls, please drop me an email with details and I will be happy to publish in the next Newsletter.

Sorry this Newsletter is a it on the light side - will make it up to you next time.

Hope to see you very soon!!

Love from Me,


In this Newsletter...

Our patriotic Cover girls

are Alyson & Zoe

Opposite is Hilary


Well, it could be YOU!!! All you have to do is enter.

A few weeks ago Transpose was approached by the aficionados of Sparkle to organise their Miss Sparkle 2012 Pageant. After the trauma of putting on a fashion show at Sparkle and the organising that took place for that, we weresomewhat hesitant but said we would give it some thought. After discussions with Tilly and her promise that she would be there to help, we said Yes.

So girls, the Miss Sparkle and Miss Golden Sparkle (for the over 50’s) will take place at Sparkle on Saturday 14th July in the park. There will be two prizes on offer – Miss Sparkle 2012 and Miss Golden Sparkle 2012 plus runner up prizes and goodies. All entrants will receive a Transpose Goodie Bag and for the winners, a 5* Makeover and Photoshoot and many more wonderful prizes.

There was no Pageant in 2011 due to lack of entrants, so let’s make Sparkle 2012 the best ever....................

What you waiting for? Get your entries in.

You can get your entry forms by visiting the Sparkle 2012 website, or write directly to [email protected] and we will be happy to email you one, fax you one or post you one!!





If you are wondering what to wear, there is only one category - wear what you want!!! There is no swimsuit round, there is no evening wear round, just wear whatever makes you feel good and makes you stand out.

And if you are still a little hesitant, we are holding an open evening on June 28th from 7 till 10 at the Transpose studio so you can eye up the competition ;-). No, seriously, we can answer any queries, worries or questions you might have; help with advice on what to wear; any make-up advice; maybe practice your walk or brush up on your poise and deportment. For those unable to travel far, we will be available on Facebook for an on-line chat.

Remember, it’s not the winning that counts, it’s the taking part!!!


Email:[email protected]



Hey Ladies,

Looks like the weather is going to be fabuloso for Sparkle

this year – I bet you are all look-ing forward to the event with glee, particularly those taking part in the wonderful pageant, Miss Sparkle and Miss Golden Sparkle 2012.

Most of you I’m sure are looking a little olive with all this good weather, some of you may even be a little ‘multi-coloured’ given the range of clothing you wear, tanned arms and white shoulders, drivers arms - hmmm oh dear! This is where the need for self tans can become quite urgent.

Try to choose a product in a large enough container that will do all the areas you need to do, legs in odd shades is not a good look in daylight, this is really important when you are looking at the spray versions.

My favourites are the lotions, and although I have very dry skin I prefer to use a little, often, rather than wallop a ton of cream on and strike a kind of warlord pose in the bedroom/bathroom for 20 mins

while it soaked in a little, but the choice is yours – whatever floats your boat! Most of the larger department stores and chemist type places (no plugs!) have samples you can try and I would suggest where there are sachets try these first to gauge what colour they will end up eventually before ladling it on for a special occasion, particularly if you are trying to match arms and shoulders for that special event - Sparkle!!

Another really important tip – make sure you wash your hands thoroughly after you have applied creams / lotions as they are really difficult to see before they ‘take’ and orange hands is also another ‘not good look’ – oh and don’t dry them on light towels as it can be difficult to wash off.

Reliable brands I have come across in the body lotion category which develop over a couple of hours are Johnsons Holiday Skin, probably the most famous of gradual tanners, has a fresh aroma making it a joy to use (it said on the bottle!). Garnier lotion which comes in 3 shades and Teela has used Dove Summer Body and loves the gradual tan it produces.

Tilly’s Blog


St Tropez tan intensifier goes on with a colour but there’s no need to wash this off, other than from your hands. Blends well and leaves a brown rather than yellow-based colour that’s ideal for medium to dark skin tones or for enriching an existing tan

In the spray range L’Oreal Sublime spray mist, how easy is this? Spray a fine veil of mist for an even colour. It dries instantly, but give eyebrows a quick wipe, if using face version, to prevent clogging. Repeat if you want a deeper result.

And for the ‘instant’ tanners Marks & Spencer Sun Formula Healthy Glow Self Tan wipes, are lightly fragranced and non-greasy, these wipes, which can also be used on your face, make application a doddle. Keep wiping thoroughly and only skim over knees and elbows at the end to ensure an even, golden, streak-free tan.

This application goes for whichever type of tan you use.

I could go on and fill pages with different products but these will give you the gist of what’s out there.

There are of course many ‘own brands’ within the supermarkets which I am sure will work but it really is trial and hopefully not too much error to find the one that suits both your needs and your skin tones.

As you will probably know by now, there are no tea evening scheduled until after Sparkle so I guess the next time I will see you will be at Sparkle in the Park! Looking for-ward to chatting and catching up on the goss then.

Teela and I are off shopping now, we need to buy a few bits and pieces for Miss Sparkle and remember girls, a goody bag will be given for all of you who enter and show up on the day!!

See you all soon

Lots love Tilly xxx

Tilly’s Blog



I will be sending out a separate email to all members

who attend the monthly Tea evenings but just in case

I miss anyone out, and to those of you who may be

thinking of coming along, please read on....

Due to workload for both Teela and Dave, the month-

ly Tea evenings have been temporarily suspended.

It is anticipated that these will resume again after

Sparkle but will let you all know.




Girl of theMonth


HILARYHilary has spent many a day as the Transpose secretary over the past couple of years. She always turns up immaculately dressed in her business suits and blouses.

As it happened, Hilary had purchased a beautiful ball gown which she had special tailored to fit her, so decided to go for it and have a photoshoot.

Not only did we take some stunning pictures in her new dress but Hilary also produced an exquisite wedding dress, together with hoop, petticoats - the lot!

I am sure you will all agree, she looks a million dollars!!

Hilary is also featured on page 2.

TransposeStation RoadEllesmere PortCheshireCH65 4BQ

Tel: 0151 356 8555

Appointments:Monday - Friday 09:30 - 17:00Saturday 10:00 - 16:00

Email: [email protected]: www.transpose.tvFB : lsl transpose

Issue No: 54 June & July 2012

Previous issues available on www.transpose.tv