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LOGIN. *********. PASSWORD:. LOG OUT. WELCOME TO GREEK MYTHOLOGY. HERACLES. KOBALOS. HYDRA. Heracles. back. STATS Strength: 8/10 Courage: 8/10 Darkness:6/10 Power: 10/10 Stealth: 2/10. Labours of Heracles. Information. Heracles. back. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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Labours of HeraclesInformationbackSTATSStrength: 8/10Courage: 8/10Darkness:6/10Power: 10/10Stealth: 2/10


backHeracles is the half god son of Zeus. Even when he was a baby his days were dangerous. Hera, Zeuss wife, was jealous of him, and sent two snakes to kill him. Heracles was found later waving two long, slimy toys in his crib. He soon showed himself to be a great archer, and an amazing wrestler with incredible strength.Heracles was then driven mad by Hera, and killed his own family. As punishment he was made to perform ten labours for King Eurystheus.Heracles was eventually killed when his wife was attacked by a Centaur. Heracles slew the beast with an arrow, then told his wife to take its blood as a love potion. His wife covered the inside of Heracles tunic with the blood to keep him faithful, little realising that the blood was tainted with the Hydras venom from Heracles' arrow. Heracles was killed.

STATSStrength: 8/10Courage: 8/10Darkness:6/10Power: 10/10Stealth: 2/10HeraclesLabours of HeraclesInformationback

HeraclesLabours of HeraclesbackThe Lernean HydraThe Augean StablesCerberus The Nemean LionThe Eurymanthian Boar

The hydraA story of a swamp


Heracles killed the hydra by cutting off all its heads and then burning them with the torch his nephew had brought. This way, the head didn`t grow back and the hydra was slain. The second labour of Heracles was to kill the Hydra. It was the daughter of Typhoeus and Echidna and Cerberus`s sister. It lived in a murky swamp and attacked and terrorised the countryside. It had a foul poisonous breath which killed any mortal who breathed it. It had nine serpentine heads, one of which was immortal. What`s more, when one head was cut off, two more grew in it`s place!

Iolaus stood there frozen, hidden behind the gold chariot. His breath came in frantic gasps. His muscles were tense and rigid as his uncle slowly slipped towards the swamp`s edge. In his uncle`s hand was a lithe bow and upon his shoulders lay an enormous, furry lion skin. His uncle was incredibly strong, but he did not look as confident as he normally did. It was hardly surprising. Iolaus looked up as his uncle glanced over. `Keep down` he said reassuringly. His voice was deep and rich. Iolaus gave a thin smile that was in complete contradiction to how he felt. His heart beat like a drum, and the flaming torch in his hand shook. His uncle lit his arrow with the torch, and then raised the bow slowly, drawing back the string until it was held taut.`Come out, come out, wherever you are, ` he whispered. Then he fired, the arrow soaring through the air and striking the swampy marsh. Iolaus watched as his uncle sent more arrows through the air, until the ground was covered in flames. Then an unearthly scream cut through his heart like a knife.A flailing beast sprang from the muddy water like a cannonball. Iolaus forced down a scream of terror. The snapping, hissing creature in front him, was like a vision of hell. Eighteen, glaring eyes stared out from nine enormous heads, emerald green, but muddied, and scaled like a dragon. His uncle stood his ground, unleashing a war cry, `for Zeus! ` And springing towards the beast. But it had seen him. As he threw himself at the beast, it moved faster than the eye could see, all nine necks wrapping themselves around Iolaus`s uncle`s body. He gasped as his breath was forced from his lungs. The necks tightened, crushing his uncle. He struggled, but the beast continued unrelentingly. Finally, his uncle managed to gasp out a word from his burning throat. Iolaus! He gasped. Iolaus!

Iolaus didn`t move, his legs unable to flee or help. He felt like the creature was crushing him too.A small rock hard thing flew at his uncle; it was a crab, pincers snipping at his legs and arms. His uncle smashed it with a fist, and then beat at the scaly beast with one free hand. There was a splintered crack, a burst of slime, and a serpentine head sailed away. But Iolaus watched in horror as the neck writhed, stretching and growing until two new heads snapped and hissed at his uncle. Iolaus! cried his uncle. Use your torch! Burn it! Stop it! But Iolaus couldn`t. He wouldn`t help. He was no hero, no legendary warrior. What could he do? He was useless. Nothing could change that. His hands shook wildly; his breath came in ragged pants. His uncle hammered at the creature, but every time one head came off, two more grew back. His strikes became weaker, his struggles slowed.Iolaus, he whispered. Please.Iolaus stared. His uncle never said please. Never. But Iolaus wouldn`t help. He was a coward.And with this realisation came a new thought, one that swept aside all others. He may be a coward, but his uncle needed him. He might as well go down fighting.With a roar to rival any beast, he charged forward, dodging a hissing head and jabbed his torch into the stump of a recently beheaded neck. The beast screeched like metal scraping along metal, and released its grip on his uncle. Then his uncle leapt up, his eyes blazing like fire, and smashed his fist into a scaly head. It recoiled, screeching, and he seized two more winding necks, bringing them crashing together. Iolaus thrust his torch into their stumps, and no new serpentine heads grew out of them. His uncle continued remorselessly, striking like a spear. More heads fell, sparks flew wildly from Iolaus`s torch, and then It was all over.The battered shell of the creature swayed, then toppled sideways and sank swiftly beneath the swampy waters, leaving no trace of its existence.

Iolaus`s uncle stood above the place where the beast fell, staring deeply into the marsh. Then he looked over at Iolaus, looking long and hard at him.Thank you, he said. Iolaus gave a weak smile. His heart began to slow finally, and he took a deep breath. He`d done it.His uncle turned away. Do you see that, my lord Eurystheus! he cried to the sky. I have completed your deadly challenge! He gave a grim smile, like a predator. And may stories be told of it; I, Heracles! Defeating the Hydra!HOME



The kobalos was a sprite/goblin from Greek mythology, a mischievous creature fond of tricking and frightening mortals. Greek myths depict the kobalos as "annoying, thieving, mischievous, gnome-dwarfs" and as "funny, little triksy elves" of a playful nature.

KobalosKobalos myth


Kobalos crept into Heracles bedroom. He wanted his money

He transformed into a spider


He took the money

Heracles awoke suddenly

He spotted kobalos

Heracles attacks!!He then fell for kobalos hilarious charm and gave him mercy!!

KobalosKobalos mythThe kobalos was a sprite/goblin from Greek mythology, a mischievous creature fond of tricking and frightening mortals. Greek myths depict the kobalos as "annoying, thieving, mischievous, gnome-dwarfs" and as "funny, little triksy elves" of a playful nature.HOME