5b40fjudicial review

AMITY UNIVERSITY RAJASTHAN Name of School: AMITY LAW SCHOOL, Jaipur Program : BA, BBA, BCOM /LLB (VIITH SEMESTER) Course Code : ILB/BBL/BCL/902CP Course Title : JUDICIAL REVIEW (GROUP PAPER) Faculty-in-charge : RAHUL MISHRA Credits : 04 Course Details Course Objectives: To acquaint students with historical background on constitutional relevance of the concept of Judicial Review and related laws in India & how they shaped perspectives of Indian law makers to give a new shape to the same in post-liberalization period in India. To help students understand the statutory framework in which laws relating to Judicial Review operate. To develop an understanding of the interface of Constitutional Law and matters pertaining to Judicial Review. To facilitate an understanding of the politics behind such legal framework and the emerging public policies concerning this field. ODD SEMESTER 2014-2015 Course

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5b40fjudicial Review


Page 1: 5b40fjudicial Review


Name of School: AMITY LAW SCHOOL, Jaipur


Course Code : ILB/BBL/BCL/902CP


Faculty-in-charge : RAHUL MISHRA

Credits : 04

Course Details

Course Objectives: To acquaint students with historical background on constitutional relevance of

the concept of Judicial Review and related laws in India & how they shaped perspectives of Indian law makers to give a new shape to the same in post-liberalization period in India.

To help students understand the statutory framework in which laws relating to Judicial Review operate.

To develop an understanding of the interface of Constitutional Law and matters pertaining to Judicial Review.

To facilitate an understanding of the politics behind such legal framework and the emerging public policies concerning this field.

Learning Outcomes:Having completed the above said course, students will be able to:

1. Understand the historical background, constitutional and statutory framework, policy aspects pertaining to Judicial Review.

2. Explain the conceptual and operational parameters of various special principles/doctrines pertaining to Judicial Review.

3. Understanding the utility of judicial review and justice delivery system in India.4. Critically understand the efficacy of the above said law in toto.

ODD SEMESTER 2014-2015

Course Handout

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Prerequisites: Constitutional Law and related subordinate Legislations.

Pedagogy/ Instruction Methodology:

Lecture/Discussion/Power point presentation/Case study/Assignments.

Suggested Text and Reference Books:

Text Books:

1. M.P.Jain.,(2014).,Indian Constitutional Law.(7th ed),New Delhi: LexisNexis.

2. D.D.Basu.,(2013)., Introduction to the Constitution of India.(21st ed).New Delhi:


Reference Material:

1. D.D.Basu.,(2011)., Commentary on the Constitution of India,(8thed).New Delhi:


2. C.D.Jha et.el.,(2009).,Judicial Review of Legislative Acts,(2nded).New Delhi:



1. Google Scholar (to be visited regularly).2. Oxford Journal (to be visited regularly).3. Indian Law Institute Digital Library to be visited regularly.4. Class discussions to be taken seriously (Crux and Nucleus to be


(c)Tentative Delivery Schedule:



Topics to be covered

Module No

Learning Outcome

Suggested reading/s

1. Introduction to the concept of Judicial Review:

One 1 Class discussions/T-1/II

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An eye opener2. Contd….. One 1 do

3. Contd….. One 1 do

4. Contd…… One 1 do

5. International Perspective

One 2 do

6. Contd….. One 2 do

7. Judicial Creativity: An


One 1 do

8. Contd…. One 1 do

9. Contd… One 3 do

10. Concept of Stare Decisis

One 2 do

11. Contd…. One 1 do

12. Case Laws…. One 1 do

13. Notion about Judicial Review

Two 1 do

14. Contd… Two 2 do

15. Judicial Activism Two 2 do

16. Contd…. Two 2,3 do

17. Contd….. Two 1 do

18. Case Laws… Two 2,1 do

19. Accountability and Judicial


Two 2 do

20. Contd…. Two 1 do

21. Contd…. Two 2 do

22. Contd….. Two 2,3 do

23. Role of Judges while dispensing

with Justice

Three 1,2 do

24. Contd…. Three 2,3 do

25. Case Study Three 1 do

26. The Independence of


Three 1 do

27. Contd.. Three 1 do

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28. Contd… Three 1 do

29. Public Interest Litigation Movement

Three 2,3 do

30. Contd… Three 2 do

31. Contd… Three 1 do

32. Contd…. Three 2,3 do

33. Contd… Three 2 do

34. Case Laws Three 1 do

35. Case Laws Three 2,1 do

36. The concept of Equality

Four 3 do

37. Contd… Four 3 do

38. Contd…. Four 3 do

39. Contd…. Four 3 do

40. Contd….. Four 3 Class discussions/Constituti

on of India41. Upliftment of

Backward classes

Four 2,3 Class discussions/Constituti

on of India42. Contd… Four 3 Class

discussions/Constitution of India

43. Contd…. Four 3 Class discussions/Constituti

on of India44. Human Rights of

the Marginalized Groups

Four 2,3 Class discussions/Constituti

on of India45. Contd…. Four 3 Class

discussions/Constitution of India

46. Institutional Liability of the

Courts and Judicial Activism

Four 3 Class discussions/Constituti

on of India

47. Contd… Four 3 Class discussions/Constituti

on of India48. Contd…. Four 3 Class

discussions/Constitution of India

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49. Contd… Four 3 Class discussions/Constituti

on of India50. Case study Four 3 Class

discussions/Constitution of India

51. Case study Four 3 Class discussions/Constituti

on of India52. Case study Four 3 Class

discussions/Constitution of India

53. Revision-M-I One 4 Class discussions/Constitution of India

54. Revision-M-II Two 4 Class discussions/Constitution of India

55. Revision-M-III Three 4 Class discussions/Constitution of India

56. Revision-M-IV Four 4 Class discussions/Constitution of India

Evaluation Scheme:

S. N.

Evaluation Component Weightage % Remarks

1 Mid Term/Class Test 15 Closed Book

2 Continuous Evaluation :Project Assignments including presentations


3 Attendance 05

4 Final Examination 70

Total 100

Name of Faculty-in-charge :RAHUL MISHRA

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Mobile : 9694865994

Email : [email protected]

Chamber Consultation Hours : One hour per day.(04.15pm to 05.10pm)


(Signature of the Faculty-in-charge)