5d astrology report: march 2017 igniting your 5d energy ... · point for a flood of new impulses,...

1 5D Astrology Report: March 2017 Igniting your 5D Energy Signature “Ride the energy of your own unique spirit” Gabrielle Roth. Spinning in the down draft of February’s eclipse infinity points, the astrology of March 2017 brings us to a Crossing, a Separation or Fork in time-lines most crucially at the Equinox Star Gate when a split between 3D and 5D and lower and higher consciousness culminates. 2017 is all about moving through the nuances, the hidden levels of what is invisible to the human spectrum. About choosing a more soul honouring trajectory where, seen or unseen, everything is felt. About letting an old life go dark and allowing a new one to light up. About making meaningful choices about the arc of your chosen path, your service work. About creating an energetic time-line to your purpose in the midst of myriad unsettling cross currents and dimensional flux. When you learn to read the invisible ink of 5D astrology, a whole other landscape beyond the 3D emerges:

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5D Astrology Report: March 2017

Igniting your 5D Energy Signature

“Ride the energy of your own unique spirit” Gabrielle Roth.

Spinning in the down draft of February’s eclipse infinity points, the astrology of March

2017 brings us to a Crossing, a Separation or Fork in time-lines most crucially at the

Equinox Star Gate when a split between 3D and 5D and lower and higher consciousness

culminates. 2017 is all about moving through the nuances, the hidden levels of what is

invisible to the human spectrum. About choosing a more soul honouring trajectory where,

seen or unseen, everything is felt. About letting an old life go dark and allowing a new one

to light up. About making meaningful choices about the arc of your chosen path, your

service work. About creating an energetic time-line to your purpose in the midst of myriad

unsettling cross currents and dimensional flux.

When you learn to read the invisible ink of 5D astrology, a whole other landscape beyond

the 3D emerges:


The expansion of our solar system by 8 deep space planets is reshaping your view of

yourself, connecting you to Source frequency via the noosphere, demonstrating that the

universe is a responsive, living thing in which your contribution is necessary for co-creation

…… if you act on yourself, you act on the world. For the first time in human history, you no

longer have to access esoteric information by climbing the Himalayas to find a Sage or by

removing yourself from the world to meditate in a cave. Reaching the end of the Galactic

Alignment 2008-16, crossing of the Zero Point Zone and starting a new 9 year cycle, now

you are able to contain and access the light. You are no longer hardwired to looking

outside for “answers” or guidance. At this point of universal shift, which began in 2016 and

will continue to 2022, we all are becoming the Avatars of our life whether online or in the

real world.

The Frequency of your 5D Energy Signature

determines which timeline you align with moving forward into the next cycle at the March

Equinox and how to consciously participate with it by embodying the highest expression for

yourself and others. It is time for a reality check about to whom and what - family, friends,

partners, tribes, groups and belief systems - you are energetically linked. Consistently let

go of lower level entanglements throughout this process. The more you withdraw your

energy from anything external that leads to soul defragmentation, the more energy you

have available to self -sustain, self-generate and self-realise. Any misalignments will meet

full disclosure. During the next 6 months to August’s eclipses, it’s going to be vital to close

any congruency gaps and walk your talk.

“Only make high energy commitments. Only say “Yes!” when you

truly deeply mean it” Danielle laPorte

Many of us are still processing last September’s death of an old self, an old way of being and

just starting to understand what it might mean for our personal path, our service work, our

life stream and the unfolding global evolution. If you haven’t already, it’s beyond time to

release the old design of Self so you can move forward with the next influx at the Equinox

on March 21st.


March 2017 Astrology Time-Line

2 March Jupiter opposite Uranus/Eris 22° Libra/Aries

4 March Venus Retrograde at 13 Aries until April 15 at 26° Pisces

5 March Saturn conjunct Galactic Centre/Quaoar /Ixion

16 March 3rd Uranus Eris Conjunction 3rd Uranus Eris Conjunction

18 March Mercury Venus conjunction at 5° Aries

21 March The Equinox Time-line shift

25 March The Venus Star Point at 5° Aries opposite Makemake 3 Libra on

Super Galactic Centre.

The Venus Aries Star Point is a three-month window to incorporate the meaning of this

particular VSP into our lives. The Venus Star Point will be a Morning Star, which last

occurred eight years ago on 27 March 2009 at 7° Aries. The Evening Star Venus occurred

four years ago, on 28 March 2013 at 8° Aries. So the areas of your chart that are most

sensitive to this are 4-8 Aries or 4-8 Cardinal, where Venus’ message will be felt most

intensely. Anticipate a quest for co-creative intelligence, self-identity, self-discovery and

self–agency along with the overarching trend of 2017 - the radicalisation of

disenfranchised citizens.

A rare gathering of the dark female archetypes will birth us into Dharma warriors engaged

in reinvention, reclamation and revolution. The Venus Star Point in pioneering Aries aligns

with Black Moon Lilith in Sagittarius and the Super Galactic Centre; with Saturn, Quaoar and

Ixion on the Galactic Centre; the 3rd Uranus/Eris conjunction aligns with Haumea, Pluto and


The personal meets the political and vice versa. Two of the most powerful complex energy

vortices in quantum astronomy and astrology are activated: Saturn/Quaoar /Ixion are on the

Galactic Centre + the Venus Star Point on the Aries Point + Makemake on the Super

Galactic Centre. This is a direct line to Source and Source upgrades your diamond energy


Chaos meets Awakening via the 3rd Uranus/Eris conjunction – the Feminine Warrior

archetype in support of soul intention. Yet more inconvenient truths have to be

confronted. Yet more stagnant consciousness deleted.


The Chandra Symbol for VSP ARIES 4

A cup overflowing with clear water.

Magic when someone is ready and willing to stand there and allow all of existence to stream and

pour through them. They shall activate the forces of magic, the return of wonder, and the feeling for

what can be. Abandoning yourself to the frequency of boundless discovery in naive, raw, initial

disclosure -- exhilarated, ecstatic, triumphant. Unable to contain yourself one moment longer. So

enthusiastic and alive that you must find kin, playmates to go places with and cut loose together. A

state of being that begs to be shared, that must be spoken, invoked, and honoured. It is the release


point for a flood of new impulses, and when given full momentum, it rallies, inspires, sets the world

on fire, and laughs so delightedly and uproariously that no one can resist joining in.

Switching on your unique GPS/Energy Signature

Your Dharma dwells in your heart and now it’s come time to embody it, to ignite your 5D

energy signature - to wield it as your light sabre. Your Dharmic mission is to become the

world’s foremost expert on what you are supposed to be doing with your one wild and

precious life. Not what you’ve been brought up or told or trained to do but what summons

you, nudges you to live your passion without apology in the world.

As the evolutionary burn flares and flames through 2017, the point is to create what you’re

capable of creating to be aligned with the eternal Laws and Truths. This is the dialectic of

love. There are 3 interwoven levels of living a heart centered life:

Your natal Venus- by sign, House and aspects- is being upgraded from personal

wants, desires, love and material resources to bringing Collateral Benefit – in

Buddhist terms-for others by constantly adding value to the collective.

Whether you are a Morning or Evening Star Venus describes your emotional modus

operandi – how you think with your heart. If the Venus is ahead of the Sun in your

chart, you are a Morning Star Lucifer Venus - spontaneous, a warrior goddess. If

Venus rises after the Sun you are an Evening Star Hesperus Venus - more inner

oriented tending to react after the event.

Your Dharmic Venus is your Energy Signature. Discover the 5D Venus blueprint you

were born with by finding your natal Venus Star Point - the sign, degree and House


of your pre-birth Sun/Venus conjunction. Your VSP is not the Venus in your birth

chart and operates on a different dimension entirely. By using and understanding

the workings of the Venus Star within your astrological chart, you can tap into a

divine, natural and co-creative rhythm that is embedded in your life, repeating in

patterns of 9.5 months, 1.6 years, 4 years and 8 year cycles

Helpful Resource: ”Venus Star Rising” by Arielle Guttman

C*I*A webinar March 1st/2nd – Venus Star Point – Aries – with Agent 12 Julija

Simas, Agent Arielle - Arielle Guttman, Agent 1123 - Gemini Brett

Cosmic * Intelligence * Agency (C*I*A)

“Whenever you start guiding yourself by caring about how you feel,

you start guiding yourself back into your Stream of Source Energy,

and that’s where your clarity is; that’s where your joy is; that’s

where your flexibility; that’s where your balance is; that’s where

your good ideas come from. That’s where all the good stuff is accessed

from.” Abraham-Hicks

New! Lorna’s E-Book: “Bringing Your Astrology into the 21st Century”

introducing the 8 new planets recently added to our Solar system

+ Your unique 5D Birth Chart

Lorna Bevan – Agent 98

Cosmic * Intelligence * Agency