5ibg - nys historic...

«ffattfcY, MHfiNt V 1 & t *"- l * ,, **«**i»i« wmmmim 4 M ^u€»£MENTS ^ATTSBUJMH IPRESSI^ Marcl 4 «-^7 Lloyd and Chnrclull Oom^dy gibgiag and Talking * "Almost a Flirtation" Prince and Lapolita Tango Dancers, Vocalists and Musical; ;"•• : ui d] j'l^iiwIJpij'iXt'l 1 iBjjpj SATURDAY, HARCH 7, m « . U U J M U U 1 ) . "•,' . I "••! "lllU..Tr"" WU5 PRESS HAS A LARGER ORtirnATION THAN ALL tlHL omKR PAPERS or -raas siao- TfON OOMBWHO. ¥<M0B ADVER- TISING m fHfi PRK88 WHAi THEREFORE BE RRAD BT TIE MOST PEOPLE. V ^2&i : #A*.%«tfe: OF BARR %y* Stttee it Mwwi if tettt Stt fitter H«w fcif 3d Bp Maide Rowlands llie Australian Entertainer t%ursday--"Auto Bandits of i&ewYork" a sensational story of a Baring Band of Thives iuia* %heir Capture by l the Police* Warner Feature Co, Friday-'A Waif of the Plains" a Masterful Production made bj Miller Bros. 101 Ranch, featur* i n t Baby Early and Elsie Albert, Warner Feature Co, SatMrday-"l1ioraa of the Gay White Way" a Powerful Drama with a timely Moral-a photoplay of heart mtterest—Warner Fe* tare Co. Prices: Orcfe, Bah S, SJU 19 * Gal 5c Performance 2.30, 7.30--&O0 vSS* Palace Theatre THE <1R1P OP CtBCUMSTAJTCK £&sanay two reel. THIS tab^WMENTAL SISTKR Biograph xiraroa. PRIMATIVK MAJT Kalem. .Asi Monday LJXCOOf THE LOVER Vita&r*ph, lead, Anita Stewart. SPEAK NO EVIL Essanay. TH> MISTRESS EX BOS HOUSE MR GASTON FROM PARIS I'aUie comedy. w f UllULCJl 1 n i l J-r fiie;t)ri^iaai.itaTOag J^ctom : Moaes of Fiattslmrgii ©TJB M0TTO - We Lead isnsije other* Wtittem '. ; Pternwes We Ron Nothing But Universal We» ' - .'tar®/ " OTK OF -CQNSCffiSrOEJ A Nestor drama, Ieatarta$y Wal- lace Reid. ••,.-• • „' A Crystal draina, with Pearl 'WMtft- THE FOURTH PROP0SAti A roaring "eomedy. feattsrl&gr Bob Leonard. Also a two reel special We give the X/Har^arF Coupons. - Afternoon aiid Evening No Pictures over PO) ten day* <Md shown, Pletares propected trot* » fiickerless MacMna Boors 2 to § ?t»U Admission ft» Cambridge Steal Plows »re backed wp by CI years experience i» HowtsBfll ng. AH useless weight !s eHnriaatta l)jrWPW?ii: -__,_-- I «*»**»«***,„, **„*.-*» tfe»*Ki«* ja lk with uualisy. Ou: eo« center Stwl monk |tTO«We r { ^^aft«5SB mm? &*%&*• boards, steel beiUQltWMBeafrl standards arc f ally-*»»***%" foxflfcyeur) We want to uniisliyoo ^ith «or Plow »nd Ponn Un* >intn8Dt Cata- . _ ~--,--• _. ogae. ard tf thsre is no OamtalS^*J^«»2* Kxim, oar special proposition will I*QS»4ls5"fflfWf •o yoa. Write now to CAMBRIDGE STEEL PLOW «„ t JO to 40 Foundry Street, CambzldK*> Wj. * Mei tiou this paper. —There ««m be no Mem** meeting at- the Y. " i M. C. A. tMnowoir atte*-- mtooft <m sjooopm Of tfte special ser- tieee at S ; o'clock at the M«hodist clwircfa eoudMieted t>y Evangel*tt Mil* •lee..- | —The "Studeftt CommM" at fee .pteitfesttsuBrgfh H^h school yesterday «<r«»niteed fc»d seleebed for chairman, Anmoi^ McQuillan, ama for secretarj 'HfeRiry Ooltta. T*ie o h a i r m « o agjfffoiifflt- «d <tjieft>MowtfB«i«t«>ite«y coJiwrfttee, S2e%T^ CoilSn, AtrtJhrar WkasWip, Miss JVfsrfctti t^vi* and liise Mtomte 95rt*e. Hon. H. T. Keaidesi ©resiaeat of ttie 'board oif eiS&cattoift, A-*ite«' the new JTi©h schbott yesterday mud viewed the different classes at their work. He esp«rea*a 9Un«9etf as sareafly ftleas. ed ^Sth the- mem' coodttioMB «ad tft* iaclBity with wtoleBi the transfer had aseegi ntadel. -—The ftimeiral of lim. D. M. CWe wfil be heM ftfen* ^er 3ate home to Beelcmiaotawn thte afternoon «t S o'eloCk. ' c - .... * —There *m he a hasfcet tftBl p m o between a [picked team from the three \-*lle*es of Tteo»deir«Ba, Oi»w« Poftw aa»d Port Henry aad ««t ^ Inifaotffy fgayens. tihe present dh«l»i> 5pioi» <tf nprChertt New Yoric, tomor- row aftjer^ooet «t « t o'eSock «t MJM Poet cymnasiium. Tile Uaeup W4H he as follow*: Picked *eam f LeHOkd and Bentoa, of Ta. forwards. Lelarm*. of CrtowBi P«Abt, oente^, 1lray»or. .of. Orown ?»©fl8t, Loclre, «f Port H«wry, aatd Iftdpabe yof Ciwrti PeMt. «oara>. %«h toftMrtiry. 8h«w» and Wefstnger, l^ksDMril^ - <e*Bjter, ««My, -B«iwii|E;-'4il % th#^. ««arda. The to surprise the aoldton oaWy ha« ft* own flaay te basket b*« darinff the p«wt wSawr. .- ' ' — c 4 aceotmt of qiwraataae fcecaii* oif small 90s *n Pwra tfce Meettt« of c*hawa»iain Vaftey Fwift Oimvers as- sovDMIon aamounoed tor this after* ntooti •mm toe «poctpo»«>d tmtil •ftittir^ »ot«ce. * : TO STAND IN HUlffUN PAM.FHIlADEIMi COST .\BOUT 99*,«M ANT> WA« THB WORK OF JOHN 9. BOSLE, A NEU r TCtftK SCtJLPT >R— BARRT WAS ONE OF NA- TfON'S fcARL¥ #Mm > JOSOES WaB&IttgjtoiK D. C , JlWtteh « : — T * * hnpoBtag- fbromse statu* or Commod- ore Jofc* Ra«*, the "Watt**- of the AioatioMi mmi" % uow belwsr ftet top in finuBKHtt P»rtt IB tihis olty and anwDKesaents tor its tmvelteait «« 111 ill iiiiitliaiii W Mhl ll'lniii'ifiti < <P w%»^P"^* V! , T!*W wlr% R™ "*T*BCW*'*" , .. _...„..J5»#fr' ' -d*«»f«y>«e.ae»#a»o*i a_|iii^i»; fow^^«s** ha»» i* wiiH^^SS^ •*iwy w w * w $ftift^~ fmst itotusa^^-^ ^e esrty heroes of the t?titod.«iat^ J^vy. » * w « th* ««#». offk*'«t ttte rtavy, sad at Olasses cannot be right unless fitted right, and they cannot he fitted rl«ht unless the right one ftts them. Knowi- e«8re aeqotred by yesrs of study and practice enables the Walker»Sherm»n Co. to stiarantoe that yoa win do the rigttt thins by lettiag them right your ey» wro»f«.—Adv. : AMcesanaras ; Star Theatre There will be an entire change of program alt the Star today. The pie* tures wW Ibe of recent jreioaae and high-class. Plsttsburgh Theatre One of the finest and best balanced bills of vaudeville to appear in the Plattsburgrh Theatre this season will dote with! this afternoon and this evening's performances. 3ev«ry act is a bit *t the most pronounced kind. Miss Maisie Rowlattd^ thO Aastwaian eatertaiaef presentfeig a high class musical and comeay act, Jjoyd and Churchill jjn their grotesQue sofiCr*- gettt maSjenp ore a noaitire scream. Prisoe a»£ laPoMta are a dancinu number that typ^ies *the ^Oetiy *f motion, toie solo daacinjr atimbsr and i. pre'try iSpanW^ waits followed fey the Tisigo aaid* Beaiteitlon #&%* presented to a «ery pleasing manner. On th* bill today With these tfer*e ex- •eeHent acts w4t be prese»tef a.-3hf*e' part tTanier feature entliied '"SftamiB of the Great White Wm? He»d»3^B «how will'b© tmade «p ir«ra 9,9 '$sak[ tEarner's «easaM«a|i Je*t«i$:i&tfQ©a- "Red Spiders?' "The vaydc^itle acta mil be B'ougiass and Douglass Jna; utile bit of e^eryiaana a jwfeno-4 iiaist, mind Teftdiwg «toa mo*»1^ «OTB- edy also 'Paai, '<!«' ^an ,«nti* IBEel^ three pi tb©>est asriAiatft bfWjg ispg- sehted oii ~5S» AweriyBaii a3sts§§"«c&n»l prising a '^131 tip to the standard of thlf POpttJaf *hea£fefo-*A#Sf. : ^Palace Tbcsatre -, -.-' •*..•;. ^'The 4rt& of Ctoo«TOs^cfe» , *,38*- «anay T 2 reel-speeial». : .fea^E^f 1 ^ % Stonehoaee and Rlcbard '^, v 'Tra^a^i,: 'The Seiwimeiftall ^_JWSHB^* WO|B0|^,' featuring! Blanche Sweet .-'Ser "«d*; miration fot «ie onpjstte fes ^aJtees of ^ Past** «»rf ^e o y a ^ o r j ^ t e J*ewl?M%, phfiedel. •Iita IMH ^ e » # * m ****#«- «W«a «0«. «*» evet>ihw «*ftowln« «he cere- moti>e»% «r*at b a s k e t ^ to be ^v-«*' 4*i this ©Xy. PreM4e« Wttie*. m«(r- here off tfce mbW»H «a»d aoembem-jlr of Otsagf^jwi * » * ^ - b*_-*avit*d; » - ' Th«-«ariyaUtM^^abOBt|5o,*** ««d ts the *mx*. of ^ajn J.. Boyie, ia tf-fc«Wle *i*e a*4 ifreW%,tBe *hf s A ^ ihftaalsJSsitrji^TTai inti^ 1 % ^iilliKkkk —*..J..J< <t-^~ —^ ^ ^if 11 " o»gisip(W 4 «si»»j fBpesr mt)frnw$ *W' bis 4i«» Hiyi *Jfc Sib Mtltfltii ajsst' -•^—t W . ^ ^ a ^aajn£s^^^ -teaiv ^M^^, .- , k~... t^.^ «^An«-A....* 5 <P» ^ p s » ^MBliP V!p «s» «•«« iifJMft*:: ataislR^-iB, Wttiti. *t IHHL> ilk a- «iiftf « P * • " * Wjs%ijMWW^*««j|il«: in May are a)oia« forward. Commod- bat 'ajad * fceavy .MMHMV ««*>-^ * , v -«« ii» 1^»i|y ««^-«iia*W|» *W» Jo*e* served te«»r/. a^>ta.4r^a«» wb:««?Wwaa 1* year» s e%a\ d^HM^^MgtfaA te *»**• Ptrtl>fs»»rtn , * » > a t % ^ »h*- (eadteg. »ttf>«aW. A r~ ^B^AsfttHMBteanbat. Jk Ja^ %arfa^Tha«'^> * ^^^••Mjv^w^^^^^^Pa^ •^•w' ^aa^» ^c^a^a^a^^-^Bj^ •u, ofi. r ^^j^*jL^^2j, i^gjji^ ^_^ jtA^ _,.v tarts !T^ %^wj|^w» ^aWwli^M/ rtilWii rjaTftir'la. engine hewsMuwi, |««0; fire Mid, $1 tone de4lar>;,general fand, |*%0; »K»Uee fw»»» 1t.l%** kbrary fund. *JW; p r ^ ^ <^ »il#4 «»ht tund, :; *M*6; vfifeMl'boitd, oV eerie*, »!,*««; Inlet&t *n vilttwe b^U boada, f»m set** mt.Ui vitta*^ hail bond, seeofid serro*, |««^ Interest o* rU- oaltloft to taV voter. a«k<n« wh«tb«M- *h« sum e t n ^ « 9 «»ti ** berrovr^ «d and toprie i«*«ed th*&f*fer, «w««y te be a)Mtt m twgf»ovtbjt th* water ;«wt«n '«hi to esoetruet, * KMK erretr. Tft« *K>**» would b* " at tfce low«it t * ^ or itttereat 1KK3WO* SAr^flABY When aaadtoaT Uda alaUfa b*»*, ifa» B«ftt Of Atbo 1 -. )b)a%J •t^ d * * ^ r ^ > l d * that but would net Uve, bat i giwl J©h«*a_kedle1ii« ant naw ana strong. The med|cl*e '"' aad gave bift WaUt.'^Mfi. fn»b*nlt atreat, 'iieofttt^.tefiftea^er-:. MMl^ie i» * wfb nilfl«>sJiTiiiilr tlfitldtiib."" ' ^ S#-»^»Blf feataringr p&m Moore. A «»>ry -of &m ^Sttswart-and-ea^ fH^,' "'*i%]e,tgi». tra«r la ^Eb>.,®«!Aefi'.' • $&$-_ ^m^k •**$&, ®mt?m &?em iparig," iRa^e *bafe 4edy s »«^djB, GREEN TEA Green tea lovers who 1»$& I never tried " S A L A O ^ Green Tea have a great treat: before them. Sbn3ar in taste and flavor H$- Japan, Young Hyson or Guopow* der; bat of greater deliceoy a»4 smaller cost. Trial Pafifc- ege 18c HSieatre s •yot oorj fiftor^w'#6i^am. we lUeatf. ^Flfces. of t Itei^fmm,*''' ,.a ..i&r^an«: w:eate»n |dra^ai\;;.teatair*5sr '--'^KBll8«e; t i l , odrarna ^ptip^f" ia*at latNmi^l^' ^Proposal,"' Stes ©ofiredy ^witb a toa^tf at eyorf ppm ®l ifte bandie. W«e win ftlso Jiavo oar wsiialtwo reel epecia;!, iQjls -33i^ -|*!Ktog;iaie .«reat Library <?o»»oas, jidl^SslioB'Se»—-Ady.' : -W4n---^B.'«*. ^"Wftj wtettsBA m MB T&Mruaji^, tea?. -«tfc;«£ W:*mQit0s. f.ip,' ,gh«©»» ^#*„'ll0f% .l^rarnine 'Sfcom Wagons, p|^bjB,^H«3^«»*s and Hotwe hoTd fhirnitQre will be cold.' AiUw"*- 1at«e^aKntt$t3f of ^tsnbeir. a *0^- ! 1«P «*3 W» H; HarrJa ,admMat3«toni. W. A iMcMAKTIN, ATicUooe«f,. 1 '"' -'•'.'...' J/' *««4Ki , yet01 is made 01 nanasome tan 1< a patent snap clasp, that keeps the pouch closed when' instantly a|: your tbneh. Hiis ofltef M ftilide to getinore men acquainted with rtit wonderful qualities of PIPER Heidsteck Giewmg Tobacco, (Opily one pouch t|^| customer.) — *- >> 5IBG C .aaafe BB^^kMH| BH jg-w ^a^k ^g^-^-^^^^^ j ^ - . ._^aaa>^. j^-g^g--—^ ^^jgjasw. ^aaaaak. Ja\ jMak, ^aakM. jwHajaak. $ HEWING TOBACCO (CRompog^ iTlwor) We wattt e^ery dkmmi m t& efty to take advantage of this offer. ET^rytnan wto krres a |opdi dtew wii,prim this handsome, handy, serviceable leather pouch. Bfe snr# f w g ^ on&wMktwi fiM ^r^» a atVoni 4m$m^B £r Itfo W4irtfc 4 of i p ^ t ; H ^ # ^ k f^i#^^-^ferf^v . leaf Q&$k»M i^^P^WP iQlimm ms^ Sat ^BP|3L^M^-^^ is so. h i t o r tobacdo grown thaji that m MPBR Heidsieck fe distinguished from ril other tobaccosfeyite delightful "Champagne FMvor,**, Tbis i i w r has made #j WpPR ft famous the world over. It is wiwiiterfisly pleasing sootMiig md comforting, mA afer^fs lasting, health- ^ l^ojidteV what tobacco you thought wm fe^—try PIPER Heidsieck. That ^dbi wipe-like la^or never fmh to make if'.-- H t ^-11 *<* j S* 1 1 ~w *"*."'_ ,~*H* PD^ER Heid^feek has ^ 0 ^ friends w i t o aMy otlter high-grade chew- ^ g |rfpc^9 fe theyoi4|because*there , s Ipp M e w y chew. •% This Free X-eather Pouch 19% Clasp is offered % the enterprising merchants whose names appear below. Their supply of Leather Pouches is limited and they cannot obtain more—so call on the nearest of these up-to-date dealers right away. Get 10c - r'« "%.*£•' > > y- J ^ TIIK PIONEER, ' J ^ v ^ "• iW^liaaiwrtt-iSfc * J- ^ %• -it * *?" ^^-*jaW J|Wa3(3HPW 8* ^ /- I I ltwi|aiiii: in;" ]f*<t 1 f k >5- Sat JsaJ'flaa^^MriBaai 'Jai. 235 So>. C^tberlne St. D. 4 T-OMBABD, , , « . Brfdcet St, v f#

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Post on 31-Mar-2018




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«ffattfcY, MHfiNt V 1 & • t*"- l* , ,**«**i»i« wmmmim



Lloyd and Chnrclull Oom^dy g i b g i a g and Talking

* "Almost a Flirtation"

Prince and Lapolita Tango Dancers, Vocalists and


;"•• :ui d] j'l iiwIJpij'iXt'l1 iBjjpj


UUJMUU1). "•,' . I "••! "lllU..Tr"" WU5 PRESS HAS A LARGER


V ^2&i:#A*.%«tfe:


• %y*

Stttee it Mwwi if tettt Stt fitter H«w fcif 3d Bp

Maide Rowlands llie Australian Entertainer

t%ursday--"Auto Bandits of i&ewYork" a sensational story of a Baring Band of Thives iuia* %heir Capture by l the Police* Warner Feature Co,

Friday-'A Waif of the Plains" a Masterful Production made bj Miller Bros. 101 Ranch, featur* int Baby Early and Elsie Albert, Warner Feature Co,

SatMrday-"l1ioraa of the Gay White Way" a Powerful Drama with a timely Moral-a photoplay of heart mtterest—Warner Fe* tare Co.

Prices: Orcfe, Bah S , SJU 19 * Gal 5c Performance 2.30, 7.30--&O0 vSS*


£&sanay two reel.

THIS tab^WMENTAL SISTKR • Biograph xiraroa.



LJXCOOf THE LOVER Vita&r*ph, lead, Anita Stewart.




w f UllULCJl 1 n i l J-r fiie;t)ri^iaai.itaTOag J ctom:

Moaes of Fiattslmrgii ©TJB M0TTO

- We Lead isnsije other* Wtittem '. ; Pternwes

We Ron Nothing But Universal We» ' - .'tar®/

" OTK OF -CQNSCffiSrOEJ A Nestor drama, Ieatarta$y Wal­

lace Reid. ••,.-• • „'

A Crystal draina, with Pearl 'WMtft-THE FOURTH PROP0SAti

A roaring "eomedy. feattsrl&gr Bob Leonard.

Also a two reel special We give the X/Har arF Coupons. -

Afternoon aiid Evening No Pictures over PO) ten day* <Md

shown, Pletares propected trot* » fiickerless MacMna

Boors 2 to § ?t»U Admission ft»

Cambridge Steal Plows »re backed wp by CI years experience i» HowtsBfll ng. AH useless weight !s eHnriaatta l)jrWPW?ii: -__,_-- I «*»**»«***,„, **„*.-*» tfe»*Ki«* jalk with uualisy. Ou: e o « center Stwl monk |tTO«Wer { ^^aft«5SB mm? &*%&*•

boards, steel beiUQltWMBeafrl standards arc f ally-*»»***%"


We want to uniisliyoo ith «or Plow

»nd Ponn Un* >intn8Dt Cata- . _ ~--,--• _. ogae. ard tf thsre is no O a m t a l S ^ * J ^ « » 2 * Kxim, oar special proposition will I*QS»4ls5"fflfWf •o yoa. Write now to

CAMBRIDGE STEEL PLOW « „ t JO to 40 Foundry Street, CambzldK*> Wj. *

Mei tiou this paper.

—There ««m be no Mem** meeting at- the Y. "i M. C. A. tMnowoir atte*--mtooft <m sjooopm Of tfte special ser-tieee at S; o'clock at the M«hodist clwircfa eoudMieted t>y Evangel*tt Mil* •lee..- |

—The "Studeftt CommM" at fee .pteitfesttsuBrgfh H ^ h school yesterday «<r«»niteed fc»d seleebed for chairman, Anmoi^ McQuillan, ama for secretarj 'HfeRiry Ooltta. T*ie oha irm«o agjfffoiifflt-«d <tjie ft>MowtfB« i«t«>ite«y coJiwrfttee, S2e%T CoilSn, AtrtJhrar WkasWip, Miss JVfsrfctti t^vi* and liise Mtomte 95rt*e. Hon. H. T. Keaidesi ©resiaeat of ttie 'board oif eiS&cattoift, A-*ite«' the new JTi©h schbott yesterday mud viewed the different classes at their work. He esp«rea*a 9Un«9etf as sareafly ftleas. ed ^Sth the- mem' coodttioMB «ad tft* iaclBity with wtoleBi the transfer had aseegi ntadel.

-—The ftimeiral of lim. D. M. CWe wfil be heM ftfen* ^er 3ate home to Beelcmiaotawn thte afternoon «t S o'eloCk. ' c -....*

—There *m he a hasfcet tftBl p m o between a [picked team from the three \-*lle*es of Tteo»deir«Ba, Oi»w« Poftw aa»d Port Henry aad ««t ^ Inifaotffy fgayens. tihe present dh«l»i> 5pioi» <tf nprChertt New Yoric, tomor­row aftjer^ooet «t « t o'eSock «t MJM Poet cymnasiium. Tile Uaeup W4H he as follow*: Picked *eamf LeHOkd and Bentoa, of Ta. forwards. Lelarm*. of CrtowBi P«Abt, oente^, 1lray»or. .of. Orown ?»©fl8t, Loclre, «f Port H«wry, aatd Iftdpabe yof Ciwrti PeMt. «oara>. %«h toftMrtiry. 8h«w» and Wefstnger,

l^ksDMril^ - <e*Bjter, ««My, -B«iwii|E;-'4il%th#^. ««arda. The

to surprise the aoldton

oaWy ha« ft* own flaay te basket b*« darinff the p«wt wSawr. .- ' '

— c 4 aceotmt of qiwraataae fcecaii* oif small 90s *n Pwra tfce Meettt« of c*hawa»iain Vaftey Fwift Oimvers as-sovDMIon aamounoed tor this after* ntooti •mm toe «poctpo»«>d tmtil •ftittir^ »ot«ce. *:




TfON'S fcARL¥ #Mm > J O S O E S

WaB&IttgjtoiK D. C , JlWtteh «:—T** hnpoBtag- fbromse statu* or Commod­ore Jofc* Ra«*, the "Watt**- of the AioatioMi mmi" % uow belwsr ftet top in finuBKHtt P»rtt IB tihis olty and anwDKesaents tor its tmvelteait

«« 111 i l l iiiiitliaiii W Mhl ll'lniii'ifiti <

<P • w%»^P"^* V ! , T ! * W w l r % R ™ "*T*BCW*'*" ™

, .. _. . .„. .J5»#fr'

' -d*«»f«y>«e.ae»#a»o*i

a_|iii^i»; fow^^«s** ha»» i* wiiH^^SS^

•*iwy ww * w $f tift^ ~ fmst itotusa^^-^ ^ e esrty heroes of the t?titod.«iat^ J^vy. » * w « th* « « # » . o f fk* '« t ttte rtavy, sad at

Olasses cannot be right unless fitted right, and they cannot he fitted rl«ht unless the right one ftts them. Knowi-e«8re aeqotred by yesrs of study and practice enables the Walker»Sherm»n Co. to stiarantoe that yoa win do the rigttt thins by lettiag them right your ey» wro»f«.—Adv.

: AMcesanaras ; Star Theatre

There will be an entire change of program alt the Star today. The pie* tures wW Ibe of recent jreioaae and high-class.

Plsttsburgh Theatre One of the finest and best balanced

bills of vaudeville to appear in the Plattsburgrh Theatre this season will dote with! this afternoon and this evening's performances. 3ev«ry act is a bit *t the most pronounced kind. Miss Maisie Rowlattd^ thO Aastwaian eatertaiaef presentfeig a high class musical and comeay act, Jjoyd and Churchill jjn their grotesQue sofiCr*-gettt maSjenp ore a noaitire scream. Prisoe a»£ laPoMta are a dancinu number that typ^ies *the ^Oetiy *f motion, toie solo daacinjr atimbsr and i . pre'try iSpanW^ waits followed fey the Tisigo aaid* Beaiteitlon #&%* presented to a «ery pleasing manner. On th* bill today With these tfer*e ex-•eeHent acts w4t be prese»tef a.-3hf*e' part tTanier feature entliied '"SftamiB of the Great White Wm? He»d»3^B «how will'b© tmade «p ir«ra 9,9 '$sak[ tEarner's «easaM«a|i Je*t«i$:i&tfQ©a-"Red Spiders?' "The vaydc^itle acta mil be B'ougiass and Douglass Jna; utile bit of e^eryiaana a jwfeno-4 iiaist, mind Teftdiwg «toa mo*»1^ «OTB-edy also 'Paai, '<!«' an ,«nti* IBEel^ three pi tb©>est asriAiatft bfWjg ispg-sehted oii ~5S» AweriyBaii a3sts§§"«c&n»l prising a ' 131 tip to the standard of thlf POpttJaf *hea£fefo-*A#Sf. :

^Palace Tbcsatre -, -.-' •*..•;. 'The 4rt& of Ctoo«TOs^cfe»,*,38*-

«anayT 2 reel-speeial».:.fea^E^f 1 ^ % Stonehoaee and Rlcbard '^, v'Tra^a i,: 'The Seiwimeiftall _JWSHB * W O | B 0 | ^ , ' featuring! Blanche Sweet .-'Ser "«d*; miration fot «ie onpjstte f es ^aJtees

of ^ Past** «»rf ^ e o y a ^ o r j ^ t e J*ewl?M%, phfiedel. •Iita IMH ^ e » # * m ****#«- «W«a

«0«. «*» evet>ihw «*ftowln« «he cere-moti>e»% «r*at basket ^ to be v-«*' 4*i this ©Xy. PreM4e« Wttie*. m«(r-here off tfce mbW»H «a»d aoembem-jlr of Otsagf jwi *»*^- b*_-*avit*d; » -' Th«-«ariyaUtM^^abOBt|5o,*** ««d ts the *mx*. of ^ajn J.. Boyie,

ia tf-fc«Wle *i*e a*4 ifreW%,tBe *hf s A ^ ihftaalsJSsitrji^TTai inti^ 1 % ^ i i l l i K k k k —*..J..J< <t- ~ —^ ^ ^if11"

o»gisip(W4«si»»j fBpesr mt)frnw$ * W ' bis 4i«» Hiyi *Jfc Sib Mtltfltii ajsst' -• —t W . ^ ^ a ^aajn£s^^^ -teaiv ^M^^, .-,k~... t^.^ «^An«-A....*5

<P» ^ p s » ^MBliP V!p «s» « • « « iifJMft*:: ataislR -iB, Wttiti. * t IHHL> i l k a- «iiftf *» « P * • " * Wjs%ijMWW^*««j|il«:

in May are a)oia« forward. Commod- bat 'ajad * fceavy .MMHMV ««*>-^ * , v

-«« i i » 1 ^ » i | y ««^-«iia*W|» *W» Jo*e* served te«»r/.

a^>ta.4r^a«» wb:««?Wwaa 1* year»s

e%a\ d ^ H M ^ ^ M g t f a A te *»**•

Ptrtl>fs»»rtn , * » > a t % ^ »h*- (eadteg.



r~ ^B^AsfttHMBteanbat. Jk Ja^ %arfa^Tha«' > * ^^^••Mjv^w^^^^^^Pa^ •^•w' aa » ^c^a^a^a^ - Bj •u , ofi. r ^^j^*jL^^2j, i^gjj i^ _ jtA^ _,.v tarts !T


^ a W w l i ^ M / rtilWii rjaTftir ' la.

engine hewsMuwi, |««0; fire Mid, $1 tone de4lar>;,general fand, |*%0; »K»Uee fw»»» 1t.l%** kbrary fund. *JW; p r ^ ^ < ^ »il#4 «»ht tund,

:; *M*6; v f i f e M l ' b o i t d , o V eerie*, »!,*««; Inlet&t *n vilttwe b^U boada, f»m set** mt.Ui vitta*^ hail bond, seeofid serro*, | « « ^ Interest o* rU-

oaltloft to taV voter. a«k<n« wh«tb«M-*h« sum et n ^ « 9 « » t i ** berrovr^ «d and toprie i«*«ed th*&f*fer, «w««y te be a)Mtt m twgf»ovtbjt th* water ;«wt«n '«hi to esoetruet, * KMK erretr. Tft« *K>**» would b* " at tfce low«it t * ^ or itttereat

1KK3WO* SAr^flABY When aaadtoaT Uda alaUfa

b*»*, ifa» B«ftt Of Atbo1-. )b)a%J • t ^ d * * ^ r ^ > l d * that but

would net Uve, bat i g i w l J©h«*a_kedle1ii« ant naw ana strong. The med|cl*e

'"' aad gave bift

WaUt.'^Mfi. fn»b*nlt atreat, 'iieofttt .tefiftea^er-:. MMl^ie i» * wfb

t« nil fl«>s JiTiiiilr tlfitldtiib."" ' S#-»^»Blf

feataringr p&m Moore. A «»>ry -of &m

^Sttswart-and-ea^ fH^,' "'*i%]e,tgi». tra«r la ^Eb>.,®«!Aefi'.' • $&$-_ ^m^k

•**$&, ®mt?m &?em iparig," iRa^e *bafe 4edys»«^djB,

GREEN TEA Green tea lovers who 1»$& I never tried " S A L A O ^ Green Tea have a great treat: before them.

Sbn3ar in taste and flavor H$-Japan, Young Hyson or Guopow* der; bat of greater deliceoy a»4 smaller cost.

Trial Pafifc-

ege 18c

HSieatre s •yot oorj fiftor^w'#6i^am. we lUeatf.

^Flfces. of t Itei^fmm,*''' ,.a ..i&r^an«: w:eate»n |dra^ai\;;.teatair*5sr '--' KBll8«e;

t i l , odrarna ^ptip^f" ia*at latNmi^l^'

^Proposal,"' Stes ©ofiredy ^witb a toa^tf at eyorf ppm ®l ifte bandie. W«e win ftlso Jiavo oar wsiialtwo reel epecia;!,

iQjls -33i -|*!Ktog;iaie .«reat Library <?o»»oas, jidl^SslioB'Se»—-Ady.'

: -W4n--- B.'«*. ^"Wftj wtettsBA m MB

T&Mruaji , tea?. -«tfc;«£ W:*mQit0s. f . ip,' ,gh«©»» ^#*„'l l0f% .l^rarnine 'Sfcom Wagons, p|^bjB,^H«3^«»*s and Hotwe hoTd fhirnitQre will be cold.' AiUw"*-1at«e^aKntt$t3f of tsnbeir. W» a * 0 ^ - !

1«P «*3 W» H; HarrJa ,admMat3«toni.

W. A iMcMAKTIN, ATicUooe«f,. 1 '"' -'•'.'...' J/'

*««4K i , yet 01

is made 01 nanasome tan 1< a patent snap clasp, that keeps the pouch closed when' instantly a|: your tbneh. Hiis ofltef M ftilide to getinore men acquainted with rtit wonderful qualities of PIPER Heidsteck Giewmg Tobacco, (Opily one pouch t |^| customer.) — *-



.aaafe B B ^^ k M H | B H jg-w ^a^k ^g^-^-^^^^^ j ^ - . ._^aaa> . j^-g^g--—^ ^ jgjasw. ^aaaaak. Ja\ j M a k , ^aakM. jwHajaak. $

HEWING TOBACCO (CRompog^ iTlwor) We wattt e^ery dkmmi m t & efty to

take advantage of this offer. ET^rytnan wto krres a |opdi dtew wii,prim this handsome, handy, serviceable leather pouch. Bfe snr# fw g ^ on&wMktwi fiM ^ r ^ » a atVoni4m$m^B £r Itfo W4irtfc

4 of i p ^ t ; H ^ # ^ k f^i#^^-^ferf^v

. leaf Q&$k»M i ^ ^ P ^ W P iQlimm ms^ Sat BP|3L^M^-^^

is so. h i t o r tobacdo grown thaji that m

MPBR Heidsieck fe distinguished from ril other tobaccos fey ite delightful "Champagne FMvor,**, Tbis i i w r has made #jWpPRft famous the world over. It is wiwiiterfisly pleasing sootMiig md comforting, mA afer^fs lasting, health-

^ l^o j idteV what tobacco you thought wm fe^—try PIPER Heidsieck. That ^dbi wipe-like la^or never fmh to make


H t


3» *<*

j S*1

1 ~w *"*."'_ ,~*H*

PD^ER Heid^feek has ^ 0 ^ friends w i t o aMy otlter high-grade chew-

^ g |rfpc^9 fe theyoi4|because*there,s Ipp M e w y chew.


This Free X-eather Pouch 19% Clasp is offered % the enterprising merchants whose names appear below. Their supply of Leather Pouches is limited and they cannot obtain more—so call on the nearest of these up-to-date dealers right away. Get 10c

- r'« " % . * £ • '

> > y-J ^

TIIK PIONEER, ' J ^ v ^ "• iW^liaaiwrtt-iSfc

* J- ^

%• -it

* *?" ^^-*jaW J|Wa3(3HPW 8 *

^ /-

I I ltwi|aiiii: in;"

]f*<t 1 f k

>5- Sat JsaJ'flaa^^MriBaai 'Jai.

235 So>. C^tberlne St. D. 4 T-OMBABD,

, , « . Brfdcet St,

v f #