6 4 cav 3rd quarter fy12 newsletter

1) Command Team Msg 2) Family Readiness 3) Hatchet Troop 4) Anarchy Troop 5) Blackfoot Troop 6) Cherokee Troop 7) Dakota Troop 8) Contact Information Dear Family and Friends, This quarter has been an exciting time for CSM Murray and I. We have seen many of the Raider team move on to the next exciting job that the Army has for them while welcoming numerous new Soldiers and families to the Raider Squadron. This newsletter covers the 3rd quarter of fiscal year 2012 and I look forward to our future quarterly distributions. The squadron has been focused on getting our equipment and forces reset since returning from deployment. We have worked diligently on PT, get- ting reconnected with family and friends, and getting healthy. With the reset phase almost complete, the training phase is quickly approaching. The Raider team will begin to transition into training at the individual and unit level. As you may know, The Raider Squadron has a “be prepared to” mission to assist in fighting wildfires within the continental United States this summer and fall which could require the squadron to deploy for thirty days to assist. We will continue to plan to support this mission while simultaneously training to support our country’s next call abroad. We encourage your Soldiers to continue reconnecting with family and friends by taking advantage of many upcoming long weekends, a host of strong bonds training opportunities, and a strong, adaptable Family Readiness Group. We will continue to work on keeping families informed of what your Soldiers are doing by exercising the Family Readiness Group, providing some predictability in the training schedule, and disseminating information through the 6-4 Cavalry’s official facebook page. Have a fun and safe summer! Prepared and Loyal! Duty First! CSM John Murray LTC Michael Zernickow Inside this issue: Raider Review “Prepared and Loyal” April-June 2012

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Page 1: 6 4 cav 3rd quarter fy12 newsletter

1) Command Team Msg

2) Family Readiness

3) Hatchet Troop

4) Anarchy Troop

5) Blackfoot Troop

6) Cherokee Troop

7) Dakota Troop

8) Contact Information

Dear Family and Friends,

This quarter has been an exciting time for CSM Murray and I. We have

seen many of the Raider team move on to the next exciting job that the Army

has for them while welcoming numerous new Soldiers and families to the Raider

Squadron. This newsletter covers the 3rd quarter of fiscal year 2012 and I look

forward to our future quarterly distributions.

The squadron has been focused on getting our equipment and forces

reset since returning from deployment. We have worked diligently on PT, get-

ting reconnected with family and friends, and getting healthy. With the reset

phase almost complete, the training phase is quickly approaching. The Raider

team will begin to transition into training at the individual and unit level.

As you may know, The Raider Squadron has a “be prepared to” mission

to assist in fighting wildfires within the continental United States this summer

and fall which could require the squadron to deploy for thirty days to assist. We

will continue to plan to support this mission while simultaneously training to

support our country’s next call abroad.

We encourage your Soldiers to continue reconnecting with family and

friends by taking advantage of many upcoming long weekends, a host of strong

bonds training opportunities, and a strong, adaptable Family Readiness Group.

We will continue to work on keeping families informed of what your

Soldiers are doing by exercising the Family Readiness Group, providing some

predictability in the training schedule, and disseminating information through the

6-4 Cavalry’s official facebook page.

Have a fun and safe summer!

Prepared and Loyal!

Duty First!

CSM John Murray LTC Michael Zernickow

Inside this issue:

Raider Review “Prepared and Loyal”

April-June 2012

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Page 2

*Key Numbers*

Army Community

Service 502-624-6291

Military Police Desk


American Red Cross

Day-502-624-2163 After Hours-


Helping Hands



270-206-0856 270-307-2631

6-4 CAV Chaplain



Post Chaplain

502- 624-5255

Hospital (Ireland ACH)



Operator 502-624-9333

Veterinary Services


General information


Raider Review


Many of our unit FRG’s are looking for vol-

unteers just like you to fill vacant positions such as FRG Leaders,


and Key Callers. No experience is necessary, training classes

such as the ones below are designed to get

you started.

If you are interested in volunteering in your

unit, contact your unit Commander, FRG

Laura Anderson

Family Readiness Support Assistant

Office: 502-626-9880

Cell: 502-436-8413

Email: [email protected]

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Page 3

Raider Review


Dear Friends and Family,

Hatchet Troop welcomes many new leaders, Soldiers and families to the organization. The unit is al-

most complete with reset, and now has the daunting task of retraining the troop to once again serve

our nation. The troop has also assumed a deployable status as a “be prepared to” mission of Wild

Land Fire Fighting for the remainder of summer and fall. The Soldiers and families need to remain resil-

ient and be prepared for a 30 day deployment in addition to our training. The FRG is going to serve a

critical role in this, and will need to be prepared to handle the challenges as well. Our FRG team con-

sisting of Jessica Caito, Susie Arevalo, Sheila Sager and the key callers bring a breadth of experience to

the troop which will prove to be invaluable assets to the Soldiers and families. I want to thank them in

advance for their selfless service for supporting all the families within Hatchet.

For the remainder of the summer the troop will focus on individual training and move in to collective

training by early fall. Range operations will begin; some Soldiers will begin to work nights and some

weekends by exception. 1SG and I will abide by the schedule and continue to build some predictability

for the families as we ramp up training. During July and August the FRG will plan some troop events

for team building and relaxation. The goal is to have the FRG established and fully functional by the end

of July. All the Soldiers are doing a great job balancing their military and family lives. We will continue

ensure families are being taken care of and I look forward to meeting all of you throughout the sum-


Thanks for all the hard work, Hatchets!

1SG Jason Sager CPT Bernard Gardner

PFC Swinson (Above) SGT Marlble (Below)

and PFC Frias (Below) assisting in a Habitat

for Humanity project in the Louisville Area.

Fire Supporters participating in joint training with

the Air Force.


CPT Bernard Gardner

[email protected]


1SG Jason Sager

[email protected]

FRG Co-leaders

Jessica Caito

[email protected]

Susie Arevalo

[email protected]

Page 4: 6 4 cav 3rd quarter fy12 newsletter

Hello family and friends of Anarchy Troop, I am the new Troop commander, CPT John Kennedy . It has

been a busy third quarter for the troop, starting in March with the change of responsibility of 1SG

Humperies and 1SG Torres. Soon after, at the beginning of May, I completed the change of command

with CPT Robert Carter. Along with the change in leadership, Anarchy Troop Soldiers have been busy

resetting our equipment and conducting physical fitness training to prepare for the upcoming training


Training Highlight: Equitatus Militus Validus (EMV) (or “Strong Cavalry Soldier” in English) was a grueling

physical challenge undertaken by 1st Platoon at the end of May. This physical competition consisted of a

rope climb, push ups, rowers, pull ups, dips, clean and jerks, and a 5 mile foot march. It is a perfect exam-

ple of the emphasis that Anarchy Troop has had on physical training during the “reset” period.

Beginning in July, Anarchy Soldiers will begin an intense training phase that will get

them ready to fulfill future missions. As training ramps up, the Anarchy FRG will become an

important link to pass information to families. However, our FRG is suffering for volunteers

because many of the past volunteers have PCS’ed. I am looking into several exciting family ac-

tivities in the near future, but I need your help to make them happen. Please contact Jen Ken-

nedy for more details on what is planned and where we need volunteer support.

Anarchy 7 Anarchy 6

1SG Mauricio Torres CPT John Kennedy

Anarchy Troop

Page 4

Raider Review

SPC Saucier beginning the foot march

SPC Saucier doing Clean and Jerks

PV2 Owens negotiating the rope climb


CPT John Kennedy

[email protected]


1SG Torres

[email protected]

FRG Leader

Jen Kennedy

FRG Email

[email protected]

2LT Back and PFC Barham conduct a Hula-hoop race at GC Burkead Elementary

(L to R) SPC Ocilka, PFC Soderborg, and SPC Luster share lunch with children at GC Burk-head Elementary

Raider Review

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Raider Review

Black foot Commander

CPT Michael Hefti

[email protected]


1SG Shawn Tiarks

[email protected]

FRG Leader

Katie Hefti

FRG Email

[email protected]


Raider Review

Blackfoot Families,

It has been great to see so many of you at our FRG meetings and an awesome opportu-nity to start meeting the families of the new people joining the team. We miss those that have left or are leaving soon, however it is a small Army and we hope to see you again down the road.

We are finishing up with reset, which included making sure we received all the equip-ment needed for training and also making sure it was working to the correct standard. During this time, we got a change to focus on individual training with the Soldiers and get some of our administrative functions back in place.

We are now moving into the training phase, which will include large amounts of range time and field training. We will continue to focus on the individual Soldier and their ability to handle and fire weapons. We will also begin to maneuver in smaller forma-tions preparing for larger field training coming soon.

We look forward to seeing you at the next FRG meeting.

CPT Hefti and 1SG Tiarks

Above: Training on weapon systems

Below: Claymore mine training

Above: Training on weapon systems

Right: Participating in Military apprecia-

tion run Blackfoot style

Below: AT4 training

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CPT Chad Chenoweth

[email protected]


1SG Paul Fedorisin

[email protected]

FRG Leader

Kelli Chenoweth

[email protected]

1SG Paul Fedorison CPT Chad Chenoweth

Raider Review

Cherokee started a new chapter upon redeployment and RESET with the welcoming of a

new command team, CPT Chad Chenoweth and 1SG Paul Fedorisin. 1SG Fedorisin has served

with C Troop for over two years now, and assumed the 1SG position with ease. CPT Chenoweth

joined the Duke BDE team during the most recent deployment, and is motivated to train the Sol-

diers of Cherokee Troop to the highest standards, and ensure the Soldiers have a great time in the

process. Cherokee has been very active in the community, partnering with Lincoln Trail Elemen-

tary School, assisting with a field day, as well as the end of the year BBQ and carnival. Cherokee is

excited for the next school year, and new activities that put our face in the community in the fu-

ture. Cherokee Troop is already getting after some good training, introducing the Soldiers to de-

fense in an urban environment, as well as a week long land navigation training event. The Soldiers

of Cherokee were able to spend two days in the COF going over critical skills training, and two

days navigating Training Area 14. This training was both challenging and fun, finally getting the men

back out in the woods after a long deployment reset period. Cherokee Troop is motivated to

build and grow the FRG, and invites all spouses and children to each and every event and meeting.

Thank you all for the support!

Cherokee Troop’s PFC Rasmussen and HHT Medics con-

ducting IV training at Land Navigation

CPT Scholl and SFC

Maldanado playing in the PFC

Huckenberry fund raiser and

golf tournament

Getting ready to move out

from the start point for buddy

team Land Navigation

Raider Review

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Raider Review

Page 7


CPT Casten

[email protected]


1SG Whitaker

[email protected]

FRG Leader

Tricia Smith

[email protected]


Friends and Family of Dakota,

This is our first newsletter since the deployment. A lot has changed since I last wrote in November 2011. We

have redeployed, gone through numerous mandatory training, turned in equipment, received a new squadron

command team, received a new first sergeant, drawn our equipment out of the Left Behind Equipment Program,

received a new brigade command team, and let’s not forget the strenuous physical training we have conducted

every day from 0630-0800.

D Troop received a new first sergeant, 1SG Whitaker. He comes to us from HHT, 6-4 CAV. He has been doing

an excellent job implementing systems and getting D Troop back into a garrison environment.

Starting in July, D Troop will begin the range density schedule. D Troop will begin to fire our weapons and qual-

ify on soldier/warrior tasks. We will also begin conducting maintenance operations and distribution operation in

support of the squadron. Further, the Cantigny DFAC is now ran solely by 92Gs, including Dakota’s!

During this recovery and rebuilding phase, D Troop has said goodbye to many leaders and Soldiers. We have

also received quite a few new leaders and Soldiers. I can’t help but be excited by the positive energy, enthusiasm,

and excitement the new Soldiers have brought to the organization.

Thank you for your continued support! God Bless!

1SG Christopher Whitaker CPT Timothy Casten

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Raider Review Page 8 Raider Review

Page 8


Squadron, 4th



Brigade, 1st


Bldg# 2366, 1889 Old Ironsides

Fort Knox, KY 40121

Contact Information:

Commander: [email protected]

Command Sergeant Major: [email protected]

Squadron FRSA: [email protected]

Squadron Staff Duty

(502) 626-9837

Be sure to check out the

6-4 CAV vFRG website

http://www.armyfrg.org (requires site registra-tion, check with your

FRG leader or the Squad-

ron FRSA for details)


Squadron FRSA

Useful Websites

Fort Knox Morale, Recreation and Welfare— Latest news and events


Military Onesource—Offering Army resources


3rd Brigade Combat Team, 1st Infantry Division—

3/1 updates and news


6-4 CAV Facebook Page


This newsletter contains official and unofficial information. The inclusion of some unofficial informa-

tion in this FRG newsletter has not increased the cost to the Government, in accordance with DOD
