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Catch Phrase Review Unit 454321

Question 1

absolutism; India, religious tolerance

Answer 1

Akbar the Great

Question 2

colonies; economically benefit mother country

Answer 2


Question 3

Columbus and the Americas

Answer 3

The Encounter

Question 4

conquered Byzantine 1453

Answer 4


Question 5

decline in power of church; question the Catholic Church; strict moral code;

Geneva, Switzerland

Answer 5

John Calvin

Question 6

end justifies the means

Answer 6

Machiavelli, The Prince

Question 7

Golden Age; rebirth; humanism; Greek and Roman; learning

Answer 7


Question 8

individualism; importance of the individual

Answer 8


Question 9

decline in power of church; question the Catholic Church; Act of Supremacy

Answer 9

Henry VIII

Question 10

led to Reformation; literacy

Answer 10

Printing Press

Question 11

Location and trade, rebirth

Answer 11

Italian Renaissance

Question 12

Muslim; admiral; seven voyages of exploration

Answer 12

Zheng He

Question 13

Muslim; law; religious tolerance

Answer 13


Question 14

nationalism; centralized power; England

Answer 14

Elizabeth I

Question 15

not of church; individualism; wealthy patrons

Answer 15

Renaissance literature and art

Question 16

question the Catholic Church; indulgences; 95 Theses

Answer 16

Martin Luther

Question 17

question the Church; ended Christian unity; power of monarchs

Answer 17


Question 18

restore power of Catholic Church

Answer 18

Counter (Catholic) Reformation

Question 19

Rid Spain of Muslims

Answer 19


Question 20

question the Catholic Church; reforms

Answer 20

95 Theses

Question 21

Sailed around the world

Answer 21


Question 22

science and engineering; isolationism; ethnocentrism

Answer 22

Ming Dynasty

Question 23

sent slaves to the Americas; new foods to Europe

Answer 23

Encomienda System

Question 24

sponsored Columbus; removed Moors and Jews from Spain

Answer 24

Ferdinand and Isabella

Question 25

terrace farming; adapted to environment; advanced civilization

Answer 25

Aztecs and Incas

Question 26

the Encounter; led to cultural diffusion; led to European dominance

Answer 26


Question 27

trade of goods; cultural diffusion; Europe and the Americas

Answer 27

Columbian Exchange