6) evaluation post 6

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Post on 16-Apr-2017



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What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

Shahid Islam


Video Camera: I used a video camera to film our film opening and also our preliminary task. This was to use our skills in using different camera techniques, camera movement and shots. This was also to make it professional by using a high digital camera. I gained a variety of skills by learning a variety of shots to take, zooming and tilting. I learned how to shoot them and learned a huge amount of camera movements too. These could be used for future projects and different situations.

Tripod: I used a tripod when filming our opening and also small class projects. This was because our footage included and needed a steady camera shot at one straight level. A tripod gives you a professional outcome instead of using your hands to make a steady shot. Also with the Tripod you are able to shots like panning, track and tilt shots, which are difficult to achieve with just hands. I learned that the tripod is a essential piece of tool needed when making films and provides a professional finish. I also learned how to adjust and manage the tripod to your satisfaction.

iMac: We used the iMacs when editing our film opening and completing our tasks. The Macs are a professional equipment which allows you to use a variety of softwares and tools to make literally anything. I have gained skills of using and controlling the Mac computer to a standard level and now have confidence in using one, as they are not like normal computers.


Final Cut Pro: I never knew how to use Final cut pro but I had to learn to create a good understanding of my media skills. We used final cut pro as our final editing software to make our film as it allows you to use professional tools, effects and it really easy to use once getting the hang of. I learned how to use it with confidence and how to edit any video to a professional standard.

Photoshop: I used Adobe Photoshop to make my mood board for my genre. I also used this software to make some posters and effective pictures for small tasks. i also used Photoshop for my Production company logo and as of more I used this software I got better and gained more confidence. I was really pleased with my production company logo. Photoshop allows professionalism and clear, high quality photos. I am able to use Photoshop without any difficulty.

iMovie: I started off using iMovie for my film opening because it was a useful software and had some really good tools and effects. I gained a lot of skills using this software as it is a useful and essential iMac software but I then later decided to use Final Cut Pro as my final editing software. I learned how to use the editing tools and how to merge different clips together with confidence.

Online Tools

YouTube: YouTube has been the most used online tool for me as Ive been using it to check out how to precisely do camera shots, movements etc. I also use it to find some music to match my genre for my opening. I also used YouTube to upload my preliminary task, my audience expectations and my final film opening. I learned how to successfully upload my videos onto YouTube and how to embed them onto my blogger. I have also learned how to add annotations onto the videos and notes.

Slideshare: I used Slideshare when I created PowerPoint work which I then needed to upload and add to my blog. It was difficult to add PowerPoint presentations until I understood how to use Slideshare. Its quick, accurate and looks professional on my blog. I learned how to use HTML codes from Slideshare to add to my blog, which is very useful for future tasks.

Blogger: I used Blogger to upload all my coursework tasks and make it easy to keep track of my work for my teacher. Blogger allowed me to make my work more presentable and professional by using themes, colours, background wallpaper, fonts and layouts. Ive never made or used a blog before but now I learned how to effectively use one and make many changes and add posts. I have a lot of confidence with it now.

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