6 hours formal

Distance Education Modules 2016/17 NEW! MINI-MODULES AVAILABLE ONLINE Spondylolisthesis, Scoliosis Facet Syndrome. Spondylolisthesis, Scoliosis & Facet Syndromes – Drs. Rowe & de la Harpe NEW The Cervical Spine The Lumbar Spine Examining the Child Dr. Teo – Neurological Examination Craig Liebenson’s Functional Performance Training Flexibility, Yoga Training & Ergonomic Postural Advice Core Stability McGill’s Ultimate Back Assessment & Therapeutic Exercise Plus many more Complete your CPD the easy way Choose from over 30 Distance Education Modules covering many topics including: Find out more at www.cea.org.au

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Distance Education Modules 2016/17

NEW!MINI-MODULES AVAILABLE ONLINE Spondylolisthesis, Scoliosis Facet Syndrome.

◆ Spondylolisthesis, Scoliosis & Facet Syndromes – Drs. Rowe & de la Harpe NEW

◆ The Cervical Spine◆ The Lumbar Spine◆ Examining the Child

◆ Dr. Teo – Neurological Examination◆ Craig Liebenson’s

Functional Performance Training

Flexibility, Yoga Training & Ergonomic Postural Advice

Core Stability

◆ McGill’s Ultimate Back Assessment & Therapeutic Exercise

◆ Plus many more

Complete your CPD the easy wayChoose from over 30 Distance Education Modules covering many topics including:

Find out more at www.cea.org.au

Page 2: 6 hours formal

Case Studies of Interest to Chiropractors Drs. Lindsay Rowe & David de la Harpe

✓ Explanatory notes

✓ Audio-visual presentation (either on DVD or USB) on the topic “Case studies of interest to chiropractors” presented by David de la Harpe & Lindsay Rowe

✓ 1 x Question sheet

This very special DE module provides a unique opportunity to update your understanding of new and exciting advances in spinal imaging and the management of patients with spinal conditions. Drs. Rowe and de la Harpe present interesting case studies that will assist in enhancing your clinical knowledge and skill set. Topics include:

• Learning more about what imaging study is considered the “gold standard” for many of the common presentations in chiropractic practice

• When do you refer and why?

• Managing a patient post-surgery

• Cases studies of non-biomechanical lesions masquerading as biomechanical syndromes

CEA Members $240.00 / Non-CEA Members $255.00

Assessing Movement Dr. Craig Liebenson, Prof. Stu McGill & Gray Cook

✓ Explanatory notes

✓ 6 DVDs

✓ Accompanying notes

✓ Clinical Papers

✓ 1 x Question sheet

One of the most popular assessment tools that has come from the movement-based approach is Gray Cook and Lee Burton’s Functional Movement Screen (FMS).

The FMS assessment tool has gained popularity due to its simplicity and ease-of-use. It allows many professionals to screen and assess their clients’ movement patterns, and make subsequent decisions on further assessments, rehabilitation or programming.

Drs Cook and McGill discuss the supposed differences in their approach to screening, assessment and spine stabilisation. In the DVD:

• Gray explains the principles, intent and incorrect assumptions people make about the FMS

• Stuart reviews the literature surrounding the FMS, and highlights areas of agreement and disagreement

• Stuart outlines his approach to assessments in Developing the Ideal Screen or Assessment

• Gray demonstrates the FMS tests, and Stuart demonstrates some of the assessment tools he uses with clients

• Craig discusses the history of human movement in medicine and patient care

• Gray and Stuart take questions about both their methods

• ...and much more

Whether you find yourself in the more restrictive environment of the clinical side, or the strength and conditioning and fitness end, Assessing Movement: A Contrast in Approaches & Future Directions will dig deep and help you think about the principles that will guide you in bridging the gap between rehabilitation and performance.

You will walk away more informed about the movement approach, the FMS tool, and how to critically analyse the tools available for you to help your patients get a better end result.

CEA Members $360.00 / Non-CEA Members $385.00

Pain Prof. Lorimer Moseley

✓ Explanatory notes

✓ 2 DVDs

✓ Accompanying notes

✓ Clinical Papers

✓ 1 x Question sheet

Most chronic pain patients are stuck in a medical system based on an outdated understanding of pain and pain management. Because of this, they often don’t get the proper diagnosis or treatment that takes into account the multiple systems and factors that make up the pain.

Professor Lorimer Moseley is one of the top clinical researchers of pain, and has dedicated his life to understanding why things hurt, why they keep hurting, and how we can better prevent and manage chronic pain.

He has sought to develop evidence-based treatments that work in the real world, and that target the real cause of pain and factor in the multiple factors involved.

In his presentation, Pain, Lorimer will provide you with a current state-of-the-art, scientifically backed, straight-forward science on how pain works. You’ll learn what you need to know and do to manage it, and how to help your patients recover normal function.

In this 140-minute DVD, Lorimer will explore—

• The traditional yet erroneous understanding of pain

• How pain actually works: the concept of neurotags that integrate the last 50 years of experimental and clinical pain research

• The cortical body matrix theory: a model for understanding research from the last 5-10 years on chronic pain disorders

• and much more

Lorimer has authored or co-authored three books on pain, and published more than 140 journal articles on the subject.

In this presentation, he takes complex, cutting-edge scientific information and translates it into an easy-to-understand, coherent framework for practitioners who work with people suffering from pain.

You’ll walk away from this presentation with a modern understanding of how pain works, the factors that make up pain. You’ll learn strategies and frameworks to build better treatments to help get your patients back to normal and free of pain.

CEA Members $250.00 / Non-CEA Members $275.00

Spondylolisthesis, Scoliosis & Facet Syndromes Drs. Lindsay Rowe & David de la Harpe

✓ Explanatory notes ✓ 4 x DVDs or USB on the topic: “Spondylolisthesis, Scoliosis & Facet Syndrome” presented by David de la Harpe & Lindsay Rowe

✓ Accompanying notes ✓ 1 x Question sheet

Augment your clinical skills, improve your diagnostic expertise and broaden your knowledge base with this distance education module presented by Australia’s foremost chiropractors/medics.

Dr. David de la Harpe provides great clinical tips for assessing and manag-ing scoliosis, spondylolisthesis and syndromes arising from the facets. He also discusses what cases should be sent for non-conservative management and present audio-visual material of his surgical interventions.

Dr. Lindsay Rowe discusses the appropriate diagnostic imaging modalities for each of these spinal syndromes including the differential diagnosis. He also presents relevant case studies and proposes a blueprint to incorporate contemporary imaging modalities into the clinical setting.

CEA Members $230.00 / Non-CEA Members $250.00


Chiropractic Education Australia




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The Cervical Spine ✓ Explanatory notes ✓ 4 x DVDs or USB on the topic: “The Cervical Spine” presented by David de la Harpe & Lindsay Rowe

✓ Accompanying notes ✓ 1 x Question sheet

Dr. Rowe begins with an analysis of the diagnostic imaging modalities commonly used to assess cervical spine syndromes applicable to chiropractic practice. Particular emphasis is given to reading MRI and CT images (including T1, T2 & STIR) and a discussion follows relating to “what imaging studies should be requested for the various clinical scenarios”. Dr Rowe presents a number of case studies throughout the presentation that enhances the audience’s knowledge and clinical expertise in managing disorders of the cervical spine.

Dr. David de la Harpe provides great clinical tips for assessing and managing cervical spine disorders. He also discusses what cervical spine cases should be referred to a surgeon. This module also includes fascinating audio-visual footage of Dr. de la Harpe performing cervical spine surgery.

As mentioned in the Lumbar Spine module, it is a unique opportunity to have Australia’s foremost orthopaedic spinal surgeon and a world-renowned radiologist, both with qualifications in chiropractic, present on a topic so relevant to the practising chiropractor.

“Please note: The sound quality on this distance education module is variable”.

CEA Member $240.00 / Non-Member $265.00

Assessment & Management of the Geriatric Patient

✓ Explanatory notes ✓ 1 x DVD on the topic: “Senior Fitness Test”

✓ Educational papers ✓ 1 x Question sheet

The functional assessment of Seniors is an important part of chiropractic practice. The DVD shows seven individual test items, provides safety tips and demonstrates how to test each item. Additionally, the module includes strategies to help prevent falls in our ageing population.

CEA Member $230.00 / Non-Member $250.00

McGill – Enhancing Performance Stuart McGill

✓ Explanatory notes ✓ 1 x DVD on the topic: “Enhancing Performance”

✓ Educational papers ✓ 1 x Question sheet

Stuart McGill’s approach has helped leading athletes return to world class levels in many professional sports following injury. This DE module begins with assessment approaches to determine starting exercises and training loads. Progressions are then developed to ensure enhanced athleticism with balanced stability/mobility, endurance, strength, speed and power. The information presented in this module is also very suitable to assist in training the “average” patient to increase their functional capacity.

CEA Member $ 230.00 / Non-Member $ 250.00

The Lumbar Spine Drs. Lindsay Rowe & David de la Harpe

✓ Explanatory notes ✓ 4 x DVDs or USB on the topic: “The Lumbar Spine” presented by David de la Harpe & Lindsay Rowe

✓ Accompanying notes ✓ 1 x Question sheet

You will be updated, educated and entertained by Drs. David de la Harpe and Lindsay Rowe as they co-present The Lumbar Spine. Over the last few years both speakers have presented internationally at major medical and chiropractic meetings and bring a unique blend of knowledge, clinical skills and diagnostic interpretive insights that confront clinicians of all disciplines. This unique experience of inviting Australia’s foremost orthopaedic spinal surgeon and radiologist, both with qualifications in chiropractic, to speak has taken us many years to organise.

Dr. de la Harpe, orthopaedic spinal surgeon, provides great clinical tips for assessing and managing lumbar spine disorders. He also discusses what lumbar spine cases should be referred to a surgeon and what to look for in a spinal specialist when referring a patient.

Dr. Rowe, Associate Professor in Radiology and Senior Staff Specialist Radiologist, begins with an analysis of diagnostic imaging modalities commonly used that are applicable to chiropractic practice. Following this, he explores the various lumbar spine syndromes, including those masquerading as lumbar spine disorders, and finally by way of individual chiropractic case studies, develops a blueprint for incorporating contemporary imaging into the clinical setting so as to improve patient outcomes.

“Please note: The sound quality on this distance education module is variable”.

CEA Member $ 240.00 / Non-Member $265.00

The Ultimate Back Assessment & Theurapeutic Exercise Stuart McGill

✓ Explanatory notes ✓ 3 x DVDs on the topics: 1. “Assessment 1 & 2” 2. “Therapeutic Exercise” This DVD is packed with techniques which are demonstrated during actual clinical course and patient situations.This will help you become better in assessing troubled backs and designing therapeutic exercises. These new tools will enhance your clinical toolbox.

✓ Educational papers ✓ 1 x Question sheet

Stuart McGill is a professor of spine biomechanics at the University of Waterloo (Waterloo, ON, Canada). His advice is often sought by governments, corporations, legal experts and elite athletes and teams from around the world. Difficult back cases are regularly referred to him for consultation. Professor McGill currently serves on the editorial board for the journals Clinical Biomechanics, Applied Biomechanics and Spine.

CEA Member $230.00 / Non-Member $250.00



Distance Education Modules 2016/17




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The Neurological Examination Charles Teo - Neurosurgeon

✓ Explanatory notes ✓ 1 x DVD or USB on the topic: “The Basic Neurological Examination” - presented by Dr. Charles Teo The 97-minute video covers topics such as the neurological examination for headache, low back and neck pain. Discussion also includes the examination findings in patients presenting with upper motor neuron lesions, including cervical myelopathy, radicular symptoms and cauda equina syndrome.

✓ 1 x Notes to video ✓ Educational papers ✓ 1 x Question sheet

Dr Teo graduated in medicine from the University of New South Wales in 1980 and was appointed as a Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons in 1992; teaching at the Sydney College of Chiropractic from 1982 to 1987 and from 1994 to1999. Dr. Teo is currently the Director of the Centre for Minimally Invasive Neurosurgery at the Prince of Wales Hospital in Randwick, Sydney and co-founder of the Cure For Life Foundation.

CEA Member $200.00 / Non-Member $230.00

Examining the Child ✓ Explanatory notes ✓ 1 x DVD “Examining the Child” ✓ Educational papers ✓ 1 x Question sheet

Dr. Maurice K Easton (Consultant Paediatrician) offers a comprehensive presentation on the technique of examining children at different ages. He demonstrates in detail, examination for the chest, abdomen, head & neck in addition to describing the assessment of growth. A large number of clinical slides complements the presentation as Dr Easton describes some of the more common problems likely to be encountered in chiropractic practice. The material presented by Dr Easton in this DVD is relevant to clinicians of all disciplines who see children as patients.

CEA Member $ 230.00 / Non-Member $250.00

Therapeutic Taping

✓ Explanatory notes ✓ 1 x DVDs on the topic: “Sports Taping Basics”

✓ Educational papers ✓ 1 x Question sheet

Taping is a significant clinical tool utilised by many chiropractors in helping prevent injuries and rehabilitate musculoskeletal conditions in both private practice and on the sporting field. The DVD demonstrates 22 specific taping procedures by showing the entire, uninterrupted process of taping the body part. The convenient DVD format makes it fast and simple for the chiropractor to find and select the specific taping procedure requiring review. This DE module is a spectacular learning tool and by practicing these procedures chiropractors will develop and refine effective taping techniques that will protect athletes and accelerate the rehabilitation process for both athletes and patients. This module reviews precautions and contra-indications to taping with commonly used tips for effective application.

CEA Member $145.00 / Non-Member $160.00

Soft Tissue Manipulation: According To Lewit ✓ Explanatory notes ✓ 1 x DVD “Soft Tissue Manipulation” - K. Lewit & A. Kobesova

✓ Educational papers ✓ 1 x Question sheet

Karel Lewit is one of the co-founders of the Prague School of manual Medicine and Rehabilitation, an internationally renowned neurologist and an authority on manual medicine. This module introduces the viewer/reader to Lewit’s “barrier phenomenon” and its relevance when assessing soft tissue in the clinic.

CEA Member $ 110.00 / Non-Member $ 125.00

Neurodynamic Techniques ✓ Explanatory notes ✓ 1 x DVD on the topic: “The Neurodynamic Techniques” presented by David Butler

✓ Accompanying book ✓ 1 x Question sheet

Just as a joint moves and a muscle stretches, the nervous system also has physical properties that are essential for movement. You can examine these properties via nerve palpation and neurodynamic tests. David Butler demonstrates how to assess and apply these techniques which can enhance your current treatment approach.

The virtual body exercises included in the program are designed to encourage pain sufferers to re-create a positive perspective to their movement - what better way to retrain the brain than to imagine your body moving well, then pace yourself back into healthy movement?

The DVD is easy to follow and is reinforced by the accompanying book covering the upper and lower extremities and also the spine, cord and meninges.

CEA Member $ 240.00 / Non-Member $265.00

Janda – Muscle Function Assessment & Treatment Prof. Vladimir Janda & Dr. Joanne Bullock-Saxton

✓ Explanatory notes ✓ 3 x DVDs on the topics: 1. “Muscle Length Assessment” .2. “Sensory Motor Stimulation” 3. “Assessment of Standing Posture and Muscle Form”

✓ Educational papers ✓ 1 x Question sheet

Professor Vladimir Janda was an eminent neurologist and a specialist in rehabilitation, who influenced the approach to practice in a range of health disciplines in many countries of the world. Janda developed the concept of functional pathology of the motor system and his approach to the assessment and management of muscle imbalance remains seminal to many of the rehabilitation techniques utilised today. This module introduces the viewer/reader to many of the clinical protocols utilised by Janda.

CEA Member $230.00 / Non-Member $250.00

Chiropractic Education Australia







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Critical Thinking in Clinical Decision Making

✓ Explanatory notes ✓ 5 x Audio CDs: “Critical Thinking in Clinical Decision Making” - N. Bogduk

✓ Lecture Diagrams on Critical Reasoning ✓ Educational Papers ✓ 1 x Question sheet

Please note, the primary focus of this module is to familiarise the chiropractor with the basic principles of epidemiology, critical reasoning, how to critically review the literature, and teach protocols to access the latest clinical evidence.

CEA Member $ 170.00 / Non-Member $ 190.00

Risk Management Program(Please Note: this material is a compilation of previous CEA Risk Management programs)

✓ Explanatory notes ✓ 2 x DVDs or USB: Topic 1: “Spotlight on cerebro-vascular accident” (plus Summary Statement on the topic) Topic 2: “Legal liability and the chiropractor” Topic 3: “Malpractice avoidance for chiropractors” Topic 4: “Three case studies” (incl. notes relating to the cases) Topic 5: “Failure of pre-manipulative tests to

diagnose patient who are vulnerable to vertebral artery accidents”

✓ Educational Papers ✓ 1 x Question sheet

This is the ultimate module for chiropractors wanting to familiarise themselves with contemporary issues in risk management in chiropractic practice. Presenters include Drs. Rand Swenson, Allan Terrett & John Kelly.

CEA Member $ 450.00 / Non-Member $495.00

Mobilisation & Relaxation Techniques in Pain of Spinal Origin Prof. Karel Lewit & Dr. Alena Kobesova

✓ Explanatory notes ✓ 3 x DVDs on the topics: “The Head & Neck”, “Thoracic & Lumbar Spine” “The Pelvis”

✓ Accompanying Booklets ✓ 1 x Question sheet

Karel Lewit is one of the co-founders of the Prague School of manual Medicine and Rehabilitation, an internationally renowned neurologist and an authority on manual medicine. This three - part DVD Series presents a complex didactic approach to the mobilisation and relaxation techniques including self-treatment. It corresponds to Prof. Lewit ‘s book “Manipulative Therapy in Rehabilitation of the Locomotor System“ and will be very useful for all chiropractors interested in new approaches to manage functional lesions in the spine. Each DVD is accompanied by the complete text with photographs of all mobilisation and relaxation techniques

CEA Member $270.00 / Non-Member $295.00

Mobilisation & Relaxation Techniques for the Extremities Prof. Karel Lewit & Dr. Alena Kobesova

✓ Explanatory notes ✓ 3 x DVDs on the topics: 1. “The Upper Extremities – Part 1” 2. “The Upper Extremities – Part 2” 3. “The Lower Extremities”

✓ Accompanying Booklets ✓ 1 x Question sheet

Karel Lewit is one of the co-founders of the Prague School of manual Medicine and Rehabilitation, an internationally renowned neurologist and an authority on manual medicine. This three - part DVD set presents a comprehensive approach to mobilisation and relaxation techniques for the extremities including self-treatment. Each DVD is accompanied by the complete text with photographs of all mobilisation and relaxation techniques

CEA Member $270.00 / Non-Member $295.00

Spondylolisthesis ✓ Explanatory notes ✓ 2 x DVDs or USB on the topic: “Spondylolisthesis” Presented by Drs. de la Harpe & Rowe

✓ Educational papers ✓ 1 x Question sheet


• Clinical classification of spondylolisthesis• A comparison of the effectiveness of spinal manipulation for low back

pain patients with and without spondylolisthesis• Evaluation of the specific stabilising exercise in the treatment of

chronic low back pain with radiologic diagnosis of spondylosis or spondylolisthesis

CEA Member $160.00 / Non-Member $175.00






Distance Education Modules 2016/17

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Functional Performance Training The DVD details movement patterns which are important for daily tasks and sport or recreational activities. In contrast to traditional strength training which isolates individual muscles, Dr. Liebenson guides the viewer through the functionally integrated patterns that are used in pushing, pulling, lifting or carrying activities. This DVD teaches basic movement literacy in the fundamental ABCs of agility, balance and co-ordination.

✓ Educational papers

CEA Member $160.00 / Non-Member $180.00

Core Stability Core Stability training, derived from Yoga, Tai Chi and Pilates, focuses on the importance of body form during a workout: the patient’s position and alignment will be emphasized on all repetitions. The DVD focuses on the quality of movement, which will help avoid the injuries associated with modern strength training and allow the enhancement of performance Emphasis is on the functional usage of muscles, providing the body with an envelope of stability. Each exercise teaches how to perform the movement, where to feel the stretch, and identifies the typical mistakes and how to avoid them.Specific methods covered include abdominal brace, dying bugs, the bird dog, side bridge, planks, curl-up, superman on the ball, bridges, hamstring curls and more.

✓ Educational papers

CEA Member $160.00 / Non-Member $180.00

Flexibility, Yoga Training & Ergonomic Postural Advice“Flexibility, Yoga Training and Ergonomic Postural Advice DVD” contains three parts: Yoga and Respiration, Ergonomics and Posture, and Flexibility and Yoga. Yoga and Respiration focuses on respiration, the foundation for all exercise.It teaches how to combat shallow breathing that comes from work-related stress. The Ergonomics and Posture section, provides information on how to manage the stress of working in an office environment and how to overcome the postural effects arising from extended sitting. Flexibility and Yoga focuses on good breathing techniques and perfect posture. The signature of this DVD is its emphasis on diaphragmatic breathing. Alongside proper breathing advice, awareness of functionally centrated postures is emphasized in all movements. Workstation ergonomics, postural micro-breaks, and spine sparing hip hinge techniques are all described. Finally, rather than simply show stretches for a myriad of muscles functional dynamic, release techniques are shown for the most common stiff regions - the hip and mid-thoracic spine.

✓ Educational papers

CEA Member $160.00 / Non-Member $180.00

BiographyDr. Liebenson publishes extensively and is the editor of the book/DVD Rehabilitation of the Spine: A Practitioner’s Manual (2nd ed), 2007. He worked as team chiropractor for the N.B.A. Los Angeles Clippers from 2005-2009 and is currently a consultant for the M.L.B. Arizona Diamondbacks, Athletes Performance International, and Boston Sports Medicine and Performance Group.

Chiropractic Education Australia

Three DE Modules featuring Dr Craig Liebenson!These modules have been produced for both doctor and patient. They are not only a valuable learning tool but an important resource to educate your patients about the key principles of neuromusculoskeletal rehabilitation.




Facet Syndrome ✓ Explanatory notes ✓ 1 x DVD or USB on the topic: “Facet Syndrome” Presented by Drs. de la Harpe & Rowe

✓ Educational papers ✓ 1 x Question sheet


• Clinical features of patients with pain stemming from zygapophyseal joints

• Lumbar facet syndrome: Spinographic assessment of treatment by spinal manipulative therapy

• The prevalence of chronic cervical zygapophyseal joint pain after whiplash

• The use of spinographic parameters in the differential diagnosis of lumbar facet and disc syndromes

CEA Member $145.00 / Non-Member $160.00


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Principles of Effective Headache Management

✓ Explanatory notes ✓ 4 x Audio CDs on the topic: “Effective Headache Management” - Craig Nelson

✓ 1 x Set of notes accompanying the CDs. ✓ Educational Papers ✓ 3 x Patient Self-Reporting Indexes ✓ 1 x Question sheet


• Cervicogenic headache: differential diagnosis• Anatomy of the cervical spine with respect to head pain• The tension headache, migraine headache continuum:

A hypothesis• A neurologist view on headaches• Spinal manipulation in the management of tension-type migraine and

cervicogenic headaches: The state of the evidence. Principles of effective headache management

• Headache diagnosis/management algorithms: differential diagnosis of headache, differential diagnosis of serious headaches & management of benign headache

CEA Member $180.00 / Non-Member $200.00

Focus On Chronic Pain ✓ Explanatory notes ✓ 1 x DVD or USB on the topic: “Focus on Chronic Pain” The 60-minute DVD features Howard Vernon, D.C., Rand Swenson, D.C., M.D., Ph.D., discussing “Understanding chronic pain”. Other presenters are Nelson Hendler, M.D.,M.S., Psychiatric Consultant, Department of Neurosurgery, John Hopkins Hospital, addressing the issue of ”Commonly overlooked diagnosis in chronic pain patients”, Stephen Burns, D.C., FCCS ( C ), Director, Saskatoon Back School, discussing “Practitioner-based approaches to the treatment of chronic pain” and Andrew Fischer, M.D., Ph.D., Associate Clinical Professor, Rehabilitative Medicine, Mt. Sinai School of Medicine, presenting “Quantitative diagnosis of myofascial trigger points”.

✓ Educational papers ✓ 1 x Question sheet


• Pain-related fear and its consequences in chronic musculoskeletal pain• Predicting central sensitisation in the whiplash patient• Spinal Pain Syndromes: Nociceptive, Neuropathic and Psychologic


CEA Member $160.00 / Non-Member $175.00

Chiropractic & Primary Health Care ✓ Explanatory notes ✓ 1 x DVD on the topic: “Chiropractic and Primary Health Care”

✓ Educational papers ✓ 1 x Question sheet


• Defining primary care and the chiropractic physicians’ role in evolving health care system

• Barriers to expanding primary care roles for chiropractors: The role of chiropractic as the primary care gatekeeper

CEA Member $145.00 / Non-Member $ 160.00

Scoliosis ✓ Explanatory notes ✓ 1 x DVD or USB on the topic: “Scoliosis ” Presented by Drs. de la Harpe & Rowe

✓ Educational papers ✓ 1 x Question sheet


• An algorithm for the management of scoliosis • Decision making with scoliosis management• Is physical activity contraindicated for individuals with scoliosis• Exercises for managing adolescent scoliosis

CEA Member $145.00 / Non-Member $160.00

Understanding Fibromyalgia ✓ Explanatory notes ✓ 1 x DVD or USB on the topic: “Understanding Fibromyalgia”

✓ Educational papers ✓ 1 x Question sheet


• The pathophysiology of fibromyalgia• Differential diagnosis of fibromyalgia syndrome• Chiropractic management of fibromyalgia syndrome: a systematic


CEA Member $145.00 / Non-Member $160.00

Myofascial Pain and Trigger Point Therapy

✓ Explanatory notes ✓ 1 x DVD or USB on the topic: “Myofascial Therapy and Trigger Point Therapy” “Thermography in the Evaluation of Myofascial Pain Syndromes” Educational papers

✓ 1 x Question sheet


• Myofascial pain in low back syndromes• Understanding effective treatments of myofascial trigger points• Chiropractic management of myofascial trigger points and myofascial

pain syndrome

CEA Member $ 200.00 / Non-Member $ 225.00







Distance Education Modules 2016/17

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All our DE Modules are rated FORMAL LEARNING HOURS and can contribute towards the mandatory national registration requirements. Simply complete this form and send to CEA or order via our website to receive your distance education module pack.

DISTANCE EDUCATION MODULES: Along with your pack, you will receive a question sheet for each module. Fill in each sheet and submit to CEA where your answers will be scored. A letter of attainment will be posted to you for your CPD records.

PLEASE NOTE: THE LISTED COST IS PER INDIVIDUAL PER MODULE. Question sheets may not be photocopied and lodged for marking by persons other than the individual who purchased the module.

Name of Module CEA NonCEA Amount

CEA Membership $33 (optional)







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FAX TO: 02 9452 2387 or TEL: 02 9452 2385 or EMAIL: [email protected] or MAIL TO: Chiropractic Education Australia, PO Box 444, Frenchs Forest N.S.W. 2086

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