6 pages…. in 1789 the constitution had been passed. 11 states sent electors to choose the first...


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Page 1: 6 pages…. In 1789 the Constitution had been passed. 11 states sent electors to choose the first president. Formed an Electoral College – each state


6 pages…

Page 2: 6 pages…. In 1789 the Constitution had been passed. 11 states sent electors to choose the first president. Formed an Electoral College – each state


Page 3: 6 pages…. In 1789 the Constitution had been passed. 11 states sent electors to choose the first president. Formed an Electoral College – each state

GEORGE WASHINGTON’S PRESIDENCY In 1789 the Constitution had been

passed. 11 states sent electors to choose the

first president. Formed an Electoral College – each

state legislature had chosen electors to represent popular vote in their states.

Congress declared that Washington was unanimous.

John Adams became Vice President.

Page 4: 6 pages…. In 1789 the Constitution had been passed. 11 states sent electors to choose the first president. Formed an Electoral College – each state

ELECTORAL COLLEGE This is the institution that officially elects the President and

Vice President of the United States every four years. The President and Vice President are not elected directly by the voters. Instead, they are elected by "electors" who are chosen by popular vote on a state-by-state basis. Electors are apportioned to each state and the District of Columbia. The number of electors in each state is equal to the number of members of Congress to which the state is entitledTotal Electoral

Votes: 538Majority Needed to Elect: 270

The allocations below are based on the 2010 Census. They are effective for the 2012, 2016, and 2020 presidential elections.

Page 5: 6 pages…. In 1789 the Constitution had been passed. 11 states sent electors to choose the first president. Formed an Electoral College – each state
Page 6: 6 pages…. In 1789 the Constitution had been passed. 11 states sent electors to choose the first president. Formed an Electoral College – each state

GEORGE WASHINGTON’S PRESIDENCY “The first of everything in our situation

will serve to establish a precedent.” George Washington

A precedent is an action or decision that serves as an example for later generations.

Established the role the President would play and how he would conduct himself

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EXECUTIVE BRANCH Washington nominated department

heads, Presidential Cabinet The Constitution does not mention a

cabinet, but it does state that the President may require opinions of heads of executive departments

Alexander Hamilton – Secretary of Treasury

Thomas Jefferson – Secretary of State Met with department heads as a group

called cabinet meetings. This defined the authority of the central


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JUDICIAL BRANCH Congress passed Federal Judiciary Act

of 1789 **This law set up the federal court

system Three levels – district courts – courts of

appeal – Supreme Court John Jay – Supreme Court’s first justice Edmund Randolph – Attorney General

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Page 10: 6 pages…. In 1789 the Constitution had been passed. 11 states sent electors to choose the first president. Formed an Electoral College – each state

NORTHWEST ORDINANCE OF 1789 Signed by George Washington in 1789 Congress would send out a governor and

judges to look after the district. When any section reached 5,000 male

inhabitants, they were to elect lawmakers of their own.

When a territory had enough inhabitants, it could become a new state.

Slavery was forbidden in the area. Methods for creating new states in

the future were established.

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“ELASTIC CLAUSE” OF THE CONSTITUTION “The Congress shall have Power ... To

make all Laws which shall be necessary and proper”

Based on this view, when the Constitution grants a power to Congress, it also grants Congress the “necessary and proper” means to carry out that power.

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Protective Tariffs – High tariffs (taxes on imports) protect

domestic manufacturers from foreign competition who sell their products at lower prices.

Prevented consumers from purchasing the foreign products at lower prices

Were favored by North because their economy was based on manufacturing

Tariffs caused economic hardships in the South because of the amount of goods that the South purchased from Europe

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Low Tariffs – Allows for greater volume of trade between

countries, but often at the expense of the domestic traders

Taxation – High taxes take money away from the

consumer so the government can create more programs and infrastructure that benefit the economy and the citizens.

Low taxes leave more money for the consumer to spend and stimulate economic growth.

Effected southern economy more than North. Most taxation was based on tariffs.

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ARGUMENTS OVER TAXATION AND THE BANKING SYSTEM Banking System – Industries began to start and expand – the

need for capital (in the form of loans) increased and the banking industry became very important.

Important to the farmers – borrowed money from banks, using future crop as collateral

Jefferson argued that a National Bank was not in the Constitution

Hamilton argued that having a bank was “necessary and proper” (elastic clause)

Page 15: 6 pages…. In 1789 the Constitution had been passed. 11 states sent electors to choose the first president. Formed an Electoral College – each state

ARGUMENTS OVER TAXATION AND THE BANKING SYSTEM National Bank – Based on a loose interpretation of the

elastic clause of the Constitution the bank was “necessary and proper” to carry out the government’s duties.

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FIRST BANK OF THE UNITED STATES Chartered for a 20 year period. Hamilton believed that a central bank

was necessary to stabilize and improve the nation’s credit.

He believed it would improve handling of the financial businesses.

All under the newly formed Constitution


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Storming the Bastille

Page 18: 6 pages…. In 1789 the Constitution had been passed. 11 states sent electors to choose the first president. Formed an Electoral College – each state

THE FRENCH REVOLUTION The French overthrew their

monarchy and created a republican government.

A few months after the French Revolution started, France and Great Britain went to war.

**George Washington declared neutrality.

He believed the United States must remain a third party in order to survive.

Napoleon Bonaparte

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WHISKEY REBELLION Congress passed a tax on American-made

whiskey. Farmers who produced small amounts of

whiskey argued that they could not pay the tax.

Farmers in western Pennsylvania staged a rebellion against the tax and the grain it was made from.

The taxes were decreasing the profits on the grain they produced.

George Washington sent out federal troops to put down the uprising, but the rebels fled.

It ended without a battle.

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George Washington reviews the troops near Fort Cumberland.

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WASHINGTON’S FAREWELL ADDRESS Urged the nation to be neutral and

steer clear of permanent alliances with any portion of the foreign world.

Recognized the dangers of political parties and warned that attacks by political parties could weaken the nation.

His advice guides U.S. foreign policy even today. (U.S. remained neutral through 19th century)

His Presidency- He was president for two terms He established the role the President would

play and how he would conduct himself.

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POLITICAL PARTIES This happened during Washington’s

presidency. There was a disagreement over the

role and strength of the national government.

Federalist Party In favor of a strong central government Loose interpretation of the Constitution Create a National Bank Promote Manufacturing Supported by Northern merchants and

manufacturers Led by John Adams and Alexander


Page 23: 6 pages…. In 1789 the Constitution had been passed. 11 states sent electors to choose the first president. Formed an Electoral College – each state

POLITICAL PARTIES Democratic-Republican Party In favor of limiting the federal

government power Strict interpretation of the Constitution Promoted agriculture No National Bank Supported by farmers and workers Expansion of states’ rights Led by Thomas Jefferson and James


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Page 25: 6 pages…. In 1789 the Constitution had been passed. 11 states sent electors to choose the first president. Formed an Electoral College – each state

XYZ AFFAIR The British and French were at war. The French were seizing American ships to

prevent Americans from trading with the British.

John Adams wants to improve relations with France.

He sent U.S. diplomats to Paris, but they learned that the French foreign minister would not meet with them.

X, Y, and Z referred to the French agents that met in secret with them and assured the American negotiators that they could meet with the French minister.

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XYZ AFFAIR The French agreed to stop if the

Americans agreed to give France a loan of $10 million and bribe the minister with $250,000

America refused and Congress canceled their treaties with France and set aside money to increase the U.S. military

Upon hearing this, the Federalists called for war with France.

John Adams avoided war with France – some people opposed this decision

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ALIEN AND SEDITION ACTS Laws that targeted immigrants (aliens) Immigrants had to wait to become

citizens They could be removed from the country

or jailed if they were disloyal or if they said or wrote anything false or harmful about the government (sedition)

This act basically restricted citizens from criticizing the government.

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States’ Rights – A theory that stated that states had rights that the federal government could not violate (Kentucky/Virginia)

States could nullify federal laws Used to fight the Alien and Sedition Acts

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appoints John Marshall as chief Justice of the Supreme Court

This is considered one of his most significant actions while in office.

Served from 1801-1835

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Page 31: 6 pages…. In 1789 the Constitution had been passed. 11 states sent electors to choose the first president. Formed an Electoral College – each state

MARBURY V. MADISON Right before Jefferson took office John Adams

appointed a lot of Federalists for various positions.

Jefferson was not going to fill the positions. He was a Democratic-Republican.

William Marbury, a man appointed by John Adams, wanted his commission/appointment.

Jefferson ordered Madison not to deliver Adams’ last-minute judicial appointments.

Issue – Does the Supreme Court have the authority to review acts of Congress and determine those acts unconstitutional? (can they make Madison give Marbury his appointment???)

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MARBURY V. MADISON John Marshal He thought that the courts could not force

the commission Decision – Law that allowed Marbury to

sue Madison for delivery of his appointment was unconstitutional

Significance – Establishes judicial review and expands the scope of Supreme Court’s jurisdiction

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ORIGIN OF JUDICIAL REVIEW It originated from the ruling on

Marbury vs. Madison. John Marshall declared that the Supreme

Court’s duty is to interpret the law (according to the U.S. Constitution

If the Supreme Court decides a law violates the Constitution it cannot go into effect, or if it is in effect, it is no longer legal

This allowed a balance between the three branches of government

Allows Supreme Court to determine the Constitutionality of laws made by Congress.

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Page 35: 6 pages…. In 1789 the Constitution had been passed. 11 states sent electors to choose the first president. Formed an Electoral College – each state

THE LOUISIANA PURCHASE – In 1803 Jefferson paid France $15 million

for the purchase of the Louisiana Territory. There is no clause in the Constitution

granting the President the power to purchase land.

With the purchase the size of America almost doubled.

Jefferson sent out an expedition to explore the new land. Lewis and Clark used rivers to go to the Pacific Ocean and back. They took notes along the way.

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Page 37: 6 pages…. In 1789 the Constitution had been passed. 11 states sent electors to choose the first president. Formed an Electoral College – each state


Thomas Jefferson sent the Corps of Discovery to explore the new land.

It was the first transcontinental expedition to the Pacific Coast.

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Page 39: 6 pages…. In 1789 the Constitution had been passed. 11 states sent electors to choose the first president. Formed an Electoral College – each state

12TH AMENDMENT Proposed in 1803,

passed in 1804 Cleared up the issue

involving Vice Presidential and Presidential offices.

The Vice President shall run with the President, instead of the second place Presidential candidate getting the position of Vice President

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1807 EMBARGO ACT Law banned trade with foreign countries Act intended to prevent American

entrance into the war by keeping the ships in the harbors

It failed and hurt the American economy

A political cartoon showing merchants dodging the "Ograbme",which is 'Embargo’ spelled backwards.

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SLAVERY The United States banned the

importation of slaves in 1808. It was still legal to own slaves, but

slaves could not be imported from Africa.

This led to domestic slave trade.

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Page 43: 6 pages…. In 1789 the Constitution had been passed. 11 states sent electors to choose the first president. Formed an Electoral College – each state

WAR OF 1812

Causes Impressments of U.S. Soldiers Shipping interference British supported American Indian

resistance against Americans War Hawks – persuaded Congress to

support a declaration of war against Britain

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WAR OF 1812 Events Attack on Washington D.C. Dolley Madison, First Lady, saved a portrait of George Washington.

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WAR OF 1812

Fort McHenry – Francis Scott Key wrote poem “Defence

of Fort McHenry” which became “Star Spangled Banner”

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Battle of New Orleans- Treaty of Ghent was “in process” when the

battle began General Andrew Jackson defeated the British The victory made Jackson a national hero

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Treaty of Ghent- Peace treaty that ended the War of 1812

and restored relations between U.S. and Britain to pre-war status

Restored land that each country had taken in the war

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Page 49: 6 pages…. In 1789 the Constitution had been passed. 11 states sent electors to choose the first president. Formed an Electoral College – each state
Page 50: 6 pages…. In 1789 the Constitution had been passed. 11 states sent electors to choose the first president. Formed an Electoral College – each state
Page 51: 6 pages…. In 1789 the Constitution had been passed. 11 states sent electors to choose the first president. Formed an Electoral College – each state

WAR OF 1812 Significance Established the U.S. as a country with an

identity as an independent and powerful nation.

Improved the professionalism of the U.S. Army.

There was no clear winner.

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WAR OF 1812 ECONOMICS The British had blockaded American ships

during the war. This made a shortage of the items usually

purchased from Britain – mainly cloth America had to figure out how to make

the cloth itself – factories built mainly in the North – Americans bought American goods

In the end the war made America economically independent from other nations as well.

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Page 54: 6 pages…. In 1789 the Constitution had been passed. 11 states sent electors to choose the first president. Formed an Electoral College – each state

“ERA OF GOOD FEELINGS” 1817-1825 Reflected a sense of national

purpose and a desire for unity among Americans

The U.S. settled into a period of rule by one political party. The War of 1812 saw the death of the Federalist party.

The bitter disputes between the Federalist and the Democratic-Republicans ended.

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AFTER THE WAR After the War of 1812 America enjoyed a

time of peace James Monroe is president, and won re-

election in 1820 Florida – another dispute involved the U.S.

border and Spanish Florida Adams-Onis Treaty of 1819 – Spain gave

east Florida to U.S. and gave up its claims to west Florida

In return, U.S. gave up claims to Texas U.S. agreed to take responsibility for debt

to Spain

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Page 57: 6 pages…. In 1789 the Constitution had been passed. 11 states sent electors to choose the first president. Formed an Electoral College – each state


1817-1836 Chartered for another 20

year period. Served during the “Era of

good Feelings” Ended in 1836 during the

Jackson administration.

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MONROE DOCTRINE James Monroe In his State of the Union address he

declared that the American continents were forever free and independent from European Powers

Monroe Doctrine The U.S. saw itself as a world power and a

protector of Latin America Prevented other nations from colonizing

in the Americas, even today

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John Quincy Adams

Secretary of State Authored the

Monroe Doctrine

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Mexico won its independence from Spain in 1821

American colonist began settling in Texas