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PFB35602 SIX SIGMA METHODOLOGY “Catapult Exercise” Norazirah binti Mahmud 58214212016 Wan Ahmad Ashraf Bin Wan Ahmad Kamal 58214212049 Noorfadzlyana binti Haspi 58214212055 Suriani binti Basri 58214112010 Lecturer name: Sir Suhairi UNIVERSITY KUALA LUMPUR INSTITUTE OF PRODUCT DESIGN AND MANUFACTURING

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Post on 17-Aug-2015




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six sigma methodology


PFB35602 SIX SIGMA METHODOLOGYCatapult Exe!"#e$%&a'"a( )"*t" Ma(+u, 5-2./2.20.60a* A(+a, A#(a1 B"* 0a* A(+a, 2a+al5-2./2.20/3%&&1a,'l4a*a )"*t" Ha#p" 5-2./2.2055Su"a*" )"*t" Ba#" 5-2./..20.0Le!tue*a+e5S" Su(a""UNIVERSITY KUALA LUMPURI%STIT6TE OF P7OD6CT DESIG% A%D MA%6FACT67I%GTEAM CHARTER EVALUATIONTEAM CHARTERDMAICT(e DMAIC +et(&,&l&84 (a# 5 +a"* p(a#e#5 DEFINE.P(a#e9(eet(ep&)le+"#,e:*e,a*,t(e,e#"e, 8&al# #pe!":!all4; MEASURE;P(a#e9(eet(ee!t A*al4#"#B"# pepae,; CONTROL.P(a#e9(ee!&*t&ll"*8t(e1utue#tatep&!e##t& e*#uea*4,e="at"&*1&+t(eta8etae!&e!te,)e1&et(e4 e#ult "* ,e1e!t;VOC / VOB to CCR / CBRTranslat VOC/VOB to CCR/CBRO!"#t$%& T& pa!t"!e ta*#lat"*8 COCDCOB t& CC7DCB7Instr'#t$ons& 7e1e# t& t(e ALPHA EXP7ESS !a#e? ",e*t"14 COCDCOB a*, ee*t #(&&teSa+e e*="&*+e*tCATAPULTBS SHOOTIN. DISTANCECa's an; EC#t Matr$:Catapults Shooting DistanceY$l; C'sto>r Sat$sDa#t$on.0 - 6O,e a!8l T9 TstI*#",e t(e 35Q"# !&*:,e*!e "*te=al; C&*!lu#"&* "# t& eMe!t HO; T(e !ue*t a=ea8e ,"#ta*!e "# #"8*":!a*tl4 +&e t(a* -0 "*!(;MULTI9 VARI ANALYSIS $ulti%&ari Chart for 'istance (inch) b* +ame(shooter) % ,ngleR Conclusion:-hemulti%var*chartofdistanceb*shootershowan inconsistentspread..o,alltheshooterfailstoproduce samedistancebetweeneachshooterresult.Inthe conclusion,toachieveconsistenceresultof/00inch, thereisaneedtoimprovethereproducibilit*b*training theshooterorsettingupthecatapultintoasingle perfectl* ad!usted angleCORRELATION AND RE.RESSION ANALYSISRegression Analysis: Distant-1 versus Angle From the results, the P value is 0.00/. It shows that, it is below 0.05, so there is significance relationship in between the distances and the angle to release the ball.PROCESS CAPABILITY OF DISTANCEPart 0-here is different between the shorter. From the result the P value is 0.001, so P value 20.05 and we fail re!ect null h*pothesis ("#). -he model of distance versus name (shooter) is significant. -he average distance from all the shooters is differenceIMPROVEMENT ON STANDARD OPERATION PROCEDUREPepae t(e e@u"p+e*t Ball Catapult P&9,e S&le tape Alu+"*"u+ 1&"l Mea#ue+e*t tapeSetup e@u"p+e*t Set !atapult 9"t( :x a*8le .-/H 6#"*8 t(e #&le tape? tape t(e alu+"*"u+ 1&"l &*t& t(e S&& 0ap t(e )all 9"t( alu+"*"u+ 1&"l a*, ,"p"* p&9,e;IMPROVEMENTNO N = 8 (SHOT) NA! D"STANC!/ / 3,+ /040 03,+/005 53,+/051 13,+/005 53,+/046 63,+/007 73,+/058 83,+454 / F,' /01/0 0F,'/07// 5F,'/05/0 1F,'/00/5 5F,'/07/1 6F,'/07/5 7F,'4//6 8F,'/07/7 / .9: /00/8 0.9:/01/4 5.9:4600 1.9:470/ 5.9:4600 6.9:/0505 7.9:/0001 8.9:4705 / ,;I 4/06 0,;I/0/07 5,;I/0008 1,;I/0804 5,;I4750 6,;I/075/ 7,;I4450 8,;I48ANOVA & DISTANVCE ,BEFORE VS AFTER-On9Ea= ANOVA& D$stant91 %rs's D$stant90 F&+ t(e e#ult#? t(e P =alue "# 0;630; It #(&9# t(at? "t "# a)&=e 0;005? #& t(ee "# *& #"8*":!a*!e elat"&*#("p "* )et9ee* t(e ,"#ta*!e# a*, t(e a*8le t& elea#e t(e )all;3 )F=Bs Catapults Shooting DistanceE& ea,"*8 E& #etup &1 !atapultT(e #u&u*,"*8 e*="&*+e*t;.; L"8(t2; %&"#eD">ee*t pe#&* &1 tea+ +e+)e taee*t a*8le &1 t& taee*t pe1&+a*!e #(&&t"*8 #$y%T(e &t(e# 8&up ,& t(e #a+e expe"+e*t at t(e #a+e pla!e#$y% T(e #pa!e p&=",e ae l"+"te,#$y%#$y%#$y%"nvestigate"nvestigate"nvestigateC&*,"t"&* &1 e*="&*+e*t #$y%"nvestigate#$y%#$y%S$a L%l Us$n< DPMODPMOES"8+a Le=elEBa(a8"a* Fa,Pro#ss Ca8a!$l$t= Spe!":!at"&*#5 Ta8et E .00$ 6SL E .0-$ LSL E 32$6#"*8 t(e Cp a*, Cp< 1&+ula a# #(&9* )el&95S"8+a Le=elECPECP2ECpk= minUSL xbar3s,xbarLSL3sADtr I>8ro%>ntNO N = 8 (SHOT) NA! D"STANC!/ / 3,+ /040 03,+/005 53,+/051 13,+/005 53,+/046 63,+/007 73,+/058 83,+454 / F,' /01/0 0F,'/07// 5F,'/05/0 1F,'/00/5 5F,'/07/1 6F,'/07/5 7F,'4//6 8F,'/07/7 / .9: /00/8 0.9:/01/4 5.9:4600 1.9:470/ 5.9:4600 6.9:/0505 7.9:/0001 8.9:4705 / ,;I 4/06 0,;I/0/07 5,;I/0008 1,;I/0804 5,;I4750 6,;I/075/ 7,;I4450 8,;I48Co>8ar$son oD 8art 0 an; 8art 1Co>8ar$son oD 8art 0 an; 8art 1,Bo:8lot-Co>8ar$son oD 8art 0 an; 8art 1,H$sto-CONCLUSIONF&+ t(e expe"+e*t? 9e *ee, t& ,& a* a*al4#"# &1 t(e p&!e## t& e,u!e t(e ,e1e!t u*t"l a!("e=e 6 #"8+aI* t("# !atapult p&!e##? ,">ee*t #(&&te 9"ll a>e!t t(e e#ult "1 u#e t(e SOP