6.2 drafting msca itn practical exercise.pdf

The EU-JordanNet II project (311910) is co-funded by the European Community's Capacities Programme under FP7 (2007-2013) EU-JordanNet II Enhancement of Jordan-European S&T Partnerships Practical exercises MSCA ITN Ana Martinez OGPI- International Project Management Office University of Alicante (SPAIN)

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The EU-JordanNet II project (311910) is co-funded b y the European Community's Capacities Programme und er FP7 (2007-2013)

EU-JordanNet IIEnhancement of Jordan-European

S&T Partnerships

Practical exercises MSCA ITN

Ana Martinez OGPI- International Project

Management Office University of Alicante


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Practical exercise MSCA ITN

General indications:

The purpose of these exercises is to deal with the essential aspects to consider when preparing a proposal in ITN

Each group has to be assigned one of the 8 scientific panels established in MSCA and one sub-modality ITN (ETN-EID-EJD).

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The exercise is to be performed in groups

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Practical exercises MSCA

EXERCISE 1: Consortium Configuration.

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Finding associates and creating a winning consortium for ITN network is an arduous task that we must develop months in advance, you might take a long time, always trying to identify the best possible associates to get involved in an adventure that will last 48 months approximately.

With this exercise, we would like to help you identify the search tools available to associates and also go in depth in the administrative part of the process and learn to establish the budget of a Red ITN.

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Practical exercises MSCA


•Searching for associates: Which tools do you use for identify them?/Which criteria do you use to select them?

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• Preparation and budget:� Identify the beneficiaries (name of the institution, number of

beneficiaries, sector,…)

� Specify the number of Partners Organisations, explaining the contribution to the project .

� Identify the number of ESRs hired and the contract duration.

� Budget internal distribution (you can use the form from part A)

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Practical exercises MSCA

Results to be presented:1.ITN consortium in the scientific area suitable for your group.2.Beneficiaries and Partner Organisations: reason why they are included.3.Budget: explanation of it.

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EXERCISE 1: Configuration of the consortium

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Where to find the right partners

Researcher personal links:–contacts, colleagues, people known at conferences, etc.

Initiatives: –CORDIS: other projects funded

–EEN Enterprise Europe Network: partner search service


–EUROPEAN INITIATIVES (JTI, EIT, JPI..)–Government Support Organizations: CDTI in ES, The Higher Council for Science and Technology in JO–EURAXESS


–OTHER WEBS/projects: MEDSpring

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Practical exercises MSCA

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Who to choose?• Institutions with previous experience: commitment!• We try with a novel business? Yes or no• We look for end users? There are end users in our project ?

Where we look for them?

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Partner Organizations

Partner Organisation number: 1


Organization legal name: FUNDACION madri+d

Country: SPAIN

Academic Sector NO

Role of associated

•Provide training YES

•Host secondmends NO

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Practical exercises MSCA

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Practical exercises MSCA

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Role of non-academic sector in the training program me

•The industries will take part in the network-wide training activities by directly participating in the schools and in the workshops . Indeed, a number of lectures will be delivered by the industrial partners.

•The industries will take part in the training by ESR research projects through their supervision and through hosting secondments . In particular, SME1, LE and COMPANY 2 will directly supervise ESR-10, ESR-11 and ESR-12 respectively, and TELCOMPANY will supervise ESR-13. Their research is focused on industrial applications of personalised systems. In addition, all other ESRs in academic organisations will have at least one co-supervisor from relevant non-academic organisations.

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Role of non-academic sector in the training program me

•The added value of these organizations is to test and characterise their products with the topmost technologies in Europe and to exploit the knowledge and know-how of European scientific experts to further improve the quality and the application of their products. They also expect new ideas to orientate their innovation strategy and to develop new products.

•In addition, through supervision and secondments of the ESRs, they will strongly participate in the training in transferable s kills , and act as exemplars of entrepreneurship. All the ESRs will be visiting at least one non-academic beneficiaries or partners.

•Finally, the companies will be member of the supervisory board and will take part in the strategy and decision making of the consortium . They will be asked to propose new practices to the actors of theacademic sector.

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Role of non-academic sector in the training program me

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Role of non-academic sector in the training program me

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Recruitment Strategy

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•ETN will adhere to the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the recruitment of researchers, demonstrating a commitment to acting in a responsible and respectable way and providing fair framework conditions to research. Some partners have already endorsed the principles of the Charter and Code

•The selection committee composed of five representatives of academic and non-academic sectors with a wide experience, broad background and adequate gender balance will be in charge of recruitment based on the criteria initially defined by the Supervisory Board, to ensure the process is open, transparent and tailored to the type of position advertised. If several candidates apply for the same position and in the absence of a four-fifths majority in the recruitment committee, external experts will be invited to assist in the final decision.

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Recruitment Strategy

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•There will be no discrimination on the basis of age, race, family status, marital status, physical disability, place of origin (provided candidate is eligible according to the mobility rules), political belief, religion, gender or sexual orientation.

•Advertisements providing broad job descriptions, entitlements and working conditions will be posted at the start of the project (by month 3) on the PROJECT website, institutional websites of all partners, EURAXESS website and other relevant websites (e.g.FindaPhD.com). The email lists of XXXX NETWORK, XXXXXX divisions and other networks, will also be used to disseminate the advertisements.

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Thank you !

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