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  • 7/31/2019 67017 SC QP


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    Important Instructions for the

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    1) This question paper is strictly meant for the use in School Based Summative Assessment-II, March-2012 only. This question paper is not to be used for any other purpose except

    mentioned above under any circumstances.

    2) The intellectual material contained in the question paper is the exclusive property ofCentral Board of Secondary Education and no one including the user school is allowed to

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    3) The School Principal is responsible for the safe custody of the question paper or any othermaterial sent by the Central Board of Secondary Education in connection with School

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    II, 2012


    Class X / X

    Time allowed : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 80

    3 80General Instructions :

    (i) The question paper comprises of two Sections, A and B. You are to attempt both the


    (ii) All questions are compulsory.

    (iii) There is no overall choice. However, internal choice has been provided in all the five

    questions of five marks category. Only one option in such questions is to be attempted.

    (iv) All questions of Section-A and all questions of Section-B are to be attempted separately.

    (v) Question numbers 1 to 4 in Section-A are one mark questions. These are to be answered in

    one word or in one sentence.

    (vi) Question numbers 5 to 13 in Section-A are two marks questions. These are to be answered

    in about 30 words each.

    (vii) Question numbers 14 to 22 in Section-A are three marks questions. These are to be

    answered in about 50 words each.

    (viii) Question numbers 23 to 25 in Section-A are five marks questions. These are to be answered

    in about 70 words each.(ix) Question numbers 26 to 41 in Section-B are multiple choice questions based on practical

    skills. Each question is a one mark question. You are to select one most appropriate

    response out of the four provided to you.





    (v) 1 4

    (vi) 5 13 30

    (vii) 14 22 50

    (viii) 23 25 70

    (ix) 26 41


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    1. Carbon does not form ionic compounds. Why ? 1

    2. What is dispersion of light ?

    3. Write the full form of CFC. Give its one harmful effect.


    4. Which of the following belong to the same trophic level ? Grasshopper, Snake, Frog, Deer

    5. (i) Define atomic size.(ii) How and why does the atomic size vary as you move from left to right across a period ?



    6. (a) What is the basis of Modern Periodic Table ?(b) Define the following terms in relation to Modern Periodic Table :

    (i) Groups (ii) periods



    (i) (ii)

    7. Which parts/ organs of the human reproductive systems perform the following functions :-(a) Maintains a temperature 1-3 degrees lower than body temperature for sperms(b) Development of embryo.

    (a) 1-3



    8. Give suitable two differences between Testes & Ovaries. 2

    9. An object is placed between the principal focus and centre of curvature of a convex lens. What will

    be the nature of the image ? With the help of a ray diagram show how will the nature and position

    of image change if the convex lens is replaced by a concave lens.

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    10. A beam of light is allowed to pass through two beakers A and B, containing a true solution and acolloidal solution respectively. What do you observe ? Name the phenomenon responsible foryour observation.

    A B

    11. What is the role of (i) pupil, and (ii) retina in the human eye ?(i) (ii)

    12. Name the products of combustion of fossil fuels like coal and petroleum. How do they affect ourenvironment ?

    13. State the purpose for which the khadin technique is used in Rajasthan. Mention one of itsadvantage.

    14. (a) Give any two tests to identify whether a compound with formula C2H4O2 is an acid.

    (b) What happens when this compound reacts with ethanol in the presence ofconc. H2SO4 ? Name the product formed and write chemical equation for the reaction.

    (a) C2H



    (b) H2SO


    15. Using the part of the periodic table given below, answer the questions that follow :GroupPeriod


    1 H He

    2 Li Be B C N O F Ne

    3 Na Mg Al Si P S Cl Ar

    4 K Ca

    (i) Identify the elements with which K has similar physical and chemical properties.(ii) Out of Li, Be, C which one has smallest atomic size ? Give reason for your answer.(iii) Out of O and S, which one of them is more electronegative and why ?


    1 H He

    2 Li Be B C N O F Ne

    3 Na Mg Al Si P S Cl Ar

    4 K Ca

    (i) K

    (ii) Li, Be, C

    (iii) O S

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    16. (a) How do organisms reproduce by regeneration ? Name an organism that reproduces byregeneration.

    (b) Why some plants are grown by vegetative propagation ?





    17. In a cross between tall plants and dwarf plants the offsprings of F1

    generation were all tall. When

    the F1

    generation was self crossed, it was observed in the F2

    generation that out of 100, 75 plants

    were tall. Make a cross and answer the following :-(a) What are the genotypes of the parents ?(b) What is the ratio of Tall : Dwarf plants in the F

    2generation ?




    100 75


    (b) F2

    18. (a) Explain Genetic Drift.(b) Giving reasons state whether the following are Homologous or Analogous organs :-

    (i) Wings of insect and bat(ii) Forelimbs of frog and bird





    19. (a) Identify the given picture and give its title. Also give its significance in the study ofevolution. (Any 2 points).

    (b) Mention any two methods of estimating life of a fossil.



    20. (i) Define focal length and principal focus of a concave mirror.

    (ii) A concave mirror produces three times enlarged real image of an object placed at 15 cm in

    front of it. Calculate the position of image and focal length of the mirror.


    (ii) 15 cm

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    21. (i) Define absolute refractive index of a medium. Can refractive index of a medium be less than

    unity ?

    (ii) Why does a ray of light bend away or towards the normal while passing from one medium

    to another ?



    22. A person can see distant objects clearly but cannot see nearby objects distinctly. Name the defect ofvision he is suffering from. With the help of a ray diagram, show the correction of this defect ofvision. Also label cornea and the retina in the diagram.

    23. (a) Identify the compounds A and B in the following reactions :

    (i) C2H

    5OH + CH


    2COOH 2 4

    Conc. H SO A + H


    (ii) CH3COOC


    5+ NaOH B + C



    Write the term used for the reactions (i) and (ii) above.(b) Draw the structure of the following compounds.

    (i) Bromopentane (ii) Butanol

    (a) A B

    (i) C2H

    5OH + CH



    H SO2 4 A + H


    (ii) CH3COOC


    5+ NaOH B + C



    (i) (ii)(b)

    (i) (ii)

    OR(a) Write a chemical equation to represent the following :

    (i) Hydrogenation of vegetable oil(ii) Combustion of alcohol(iii) Dehydration of alcohol

    (b) Write two characteristics of a homologous series of organic compounds.

    (c) Write electron dot structure to show bonding in ethene (C2 H4) molecule.






    (c) (C2 H4)

    24. (a) Differentiate between asexual and sexual reproduction. Which one is beneficial for the

    survival of species and why ?(b) With the help of a suitable labelled diagram show the different parts of a bisexualflower.


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    OR(a) Give reasons : -

    (i) Insects act as pollinating agents.(ii) The inner lining of uterus thickens and becomes spongy if egg is fertilised.(iii) Male Female ratio has been disturbed.

    (b) With the help of suitable diagrams explain how reproduction occurs in Amoeba. Alsoname the process involved.

    (a) :







    25. (i) Draw the ray diagram in each case to show the position and nature of the image formed

    when the object is placed

    (a) at 2F of a convex lens

    (b) between O and F of a convex lens.

    (c) in front of a concave lens.

    (ii) An object of size 2.0 cm is placed at 30.0 cm in front of a convex lens of focal length 20.0 cm.

    Find the distance from the lens at which a screen should be placed in order to obtain sharp

    image. What will be the nature of the image formed ?


    (a) 2F

    (b) O F


    (ii) 2.0 cm 20.0 cm 30.0 cm


    (i) Draw a ray diagram in each of the following cases for a concave mirror when magnitude of

    magnification is -

    (a) less than one

    (b) greater than one

    (ii) The focal length of a rear view mirror in a car is 20 cm. At an instant, another car

    approaching from back side is at a distance of 400 cm from it. Find the position and relative

    size of image at this instant.

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    (a) (b)

    (ii) 20 cm 400


    SECTION - B /

    26. An aluminium strip is kept immersed in freshly prepared ferrous sulphate solution taken in a testtube. A change which is observed after some time is -(a) the green solution slowly turns brown.(b) the colour of the solution fades and lower end of the test tube becomes slightly warm.

    (c) a colourless gas with smell of burning sulphur is observed.(d) light green solution changes to blue.





    27. A student took Cu, Al, Fe, and Zn separately in four test tubes labelled I, II, III and IV. He added 10mL of freshly prepared ferrous sulphate solution to each test tube as shown below.

    Black residue would be obtained in test tubes :(a) I and II (b) I and III (c) II and III (d) II and IV

    Cu, Al, Fe Zn I, II, III IV

    (a) I II (b) I III (c) II III (d) II IV

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    28. The odour of ethanoic acid resembles with.(i) kerosene (ii) Vinegar (iii) rotten egg (iv) rose(a) (i) (b) ii (c) (iii) (d) iv

    (i) (ii) (iii) (iv)

    (a) (i) (b) ii (c) (iii) (d) iv


    29. Ethanoic acid was added to compound X and the gas Y was evolved. When passed through limewater, turned it milky.Four students identified them as (A) X is sodium hydroxide and the gas Y is CO2(B) X is sodium bicarbonate and the gas Y is CO2(C) X is sodium acetate and the gas Y is CO2(D) X is sodium bicarbonate and the gas Y is NO2Correctidentification was done by-(a) A (b) B (c) C (d) D

    X Y

    X Y

    (A) X Y CO2

    (B) X Y CO2

    (C) X Y CO2

    (D) X Y NO2

    (a) A (b) B (c) C (d) D


    30. Richa while testing the solubility of acetic acid, added some crystals of acetic acid in water takenin a beaker and stirred it. After some time she observed that (i) crystals settled in the bottom of beaker.(ii) a white substance was formed which settled in the bottom of beaker(iii) a clear colourless solution was formed.(iv) a clear green solution was formed.

    (a) i (b) ii (c) iii (d) iv





    (a) i (b) ii (c) iii (d) iv


    31. While determining the focal length of a convex lens, four students obtained the image of a distant

    tree on the screen and represented the position and nature of the image formed as shown in the

    following diagram.


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    The diagram correctly showing the image of the tree on the screen is :

    (a) A (b) B (c) C (d) D

    (a) A (b) B (c) C (d) D

    32. After focussing the image of a distant object on the screen four students, Puneeta, Sachin, Rubinaand Anwar measured the distance between the screen and the concave mirror as shown in thefollowing diagram. The student who will get the correct value of focal length is :


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    (a) Puneeta (b) Sachin (c) Rubina (d) Anwar

    (a) (b) (c) (d)

    33. Which of the following sets represents the minimum material required for determining the focallength of a concave mirror by obtaining the image of a distant object on ascreen ?(i) Set A A candle, a concave mirror, mirror holder, a screen with stand, measuring

    scale.(ii) Set B A concave mirror, a burning candle, a screen with stand, a mirror holder,

    measuring scale.(iii) Set C A mirror holder, a concave mirror, a convex mirror, a measuring scale.(iv) Set D A concave mirror, a mirror holder, a screen with stand, a measuring scale.

    (a) Set A (b) Set B (c) Set C (d) Set D

    (i) A

    (ii) B

    (iii) C

    (iv) D

    (a) A (b) B (c) C (d) D


    34. A student suggested the following guidelines to his friend for doing the experiment on tracing thepath of a ray of light passing through a rectangular glass slab for three different angles of incidence

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    (A) Draw the outline of the glass slab at three positions on the drawing sheet.

    (B) Draw normals on the top side of these outlines near their left end.

    (C) Draw the incident rays on the three outlines in directions making angles of 30, 45, 60 with

    the normals drawn.

    (D) Fix two pins vertically on each of these incident rays at two points nearly 1 cm apart.

    (E) Look for the images of the heads of these pins while fixing two pins from the other side, to

    get the refracted rays.

    When he showed these guidelines to his teacher, the teacher suggested corrections in three

    guidelines labelled as :

    (a) B, C, E (b) B, D, E (c) B, C, D (d) C, D, E



    (C) 30, 45, 60

    (D) 1 cm


    (a) B, C, E (b) B, D, E (c) B, C, D (d) C, D, E

    35. A student performs the experiment on tracing the path of a ray of light passing through arectangular glass slab for different angles of incidence. He measures the angles of incidencei,

    angle of refraction r and angle of emergence e for all his observations. He would find that in all


    (a) i is more than r but (nearly) equal to e

    (b) i is less than r but (nearly) equal to e

    (c) i is more than e but (nearly) equal to r

    (d) i is less than e but (nearly) equal to r

    i, r e

    (a) i r e

    (b) i r e

    (c) i e r

    (d) i e r

    36. After observing slide of binary fission of amoeba under a microscope four students A, B, C, Dwrote the difference between parent amoeba and daughter amoeba showing binary fission as :

    Both daughter cells have nucleus but parent have no nucleus.Both parent and daughter amoeba have nucleus but lacks cytoplasm.Parent amoeba have nucleus but daughter amoeba lacks nucleus.

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    Both parent and daughter amoeba have nucleus and cytoplasm.t difference is written by :A (b) B (c) C (d) D

    A (b) B (c) C (d) D

    37. After observing the slide of binary fission in amoeba, a teacher asked her students to identify theprocess of reproduction in case of amoeba :(a) sexual reproduction (b) asexual reproduction(c) regeneration (d) budding

    (a) (b)

    (c) (d)

    38. The following sequence shows the stages in budding in yeast but these steps are not in rightorder :

    (a) (i), (ii), (iii), (iv) (b) (iv), (iii), (ii), (i)(c) (iii), (ii), (iv), (i) (d) (i), (iii), (iv), (ii)

    (a) (i), (ii), (iii), (iv) (b) (iii), (ii), (iv), (i)

    (c) (iv), (iii), (ii), (i) (d) (i), (iii), (iv), (ii)

    39. The protuberance or a bulge formed due to repeated cell division in yeast is :

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    (a) node (b) daughter cell (c) spore (d) bud

    (a) (b) (c) (d)

    40. Suppose weight of dry raisins taken 5g, weight of raisins swollen in water x g. To findpercentage amount of water absorbed by raisins a student should use the formula :

    (a) 5 1005

    x (b) 5 100





    x (d)




    5g xg



    x (b)






    x (d)




    41. student is :(a) Raisins should be clean.(b) Soaked raisins to be dried by rubbing them with a cloth.(c) Gently dry the soaked raisins with the help of filter paper.(d) Raisins to be completely immersed in water.





    - o O o -