6b fairy tale crimes

6B Fairy Tale Crimes After days of fighting in Happy Land on Gummy Bear St the police have finally found the perpetrator of the death of one of the locals. On Thursday Sheriff Cupcake and his team of police investigators charged Grumpy White for the attempted murder and hostage. He was found outside Mrs Evil’s apartment after the attempt. When Snow White heard screams from next door she immediately called 000. “I couldn’t really make out who it was but he was small,” she said. After Snow White’s cry for help, the police searched the neighbourhood for any clues about what happened that night. “It wasn’t easy to find him but we eventually caught him outside Mrs White’s apartment with a black mask on,” said Sheriff Cupcake. Investigators found a bag with a gun, a bloody knife and tissue boxes. From this evidence Grumpy White will be charged for attempted murder and taking a hostage. On Monday next week Grumpy White will be going to court to have a trial on this horrible incident. Snow White relieved that’s it’s all over By Chloe

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Year 6 students reported on fairytale crimes.


Page 1: 6B Fairy Tale Crimes

6B Fairy Tale Crimes

After  days  of  fighting  in  Happy  Land  on  Gummy  Bear  St  the  police  have  finally  found  the  perpetrator  of  the  death  of  one  of  the  locals.    

On  Thursday  Sheriff  Cupcake  and  his  team  of  police  investigators  charged  Grumpy  White  for  the  attempted  murder  and  hostage.  He  was  found  outside  Mrs  Evil’s  apartment  after  the  attempt.  When  Snow  White  heard  screams  from  next  door  she  immediately  called  000.  “I  couldn’t  really  make  out  who  it  was  but  he  was  small,”  she  said.    

After  Snow  White’s  cry  for  help,  the  police  searched  the  neighbourhood  for  any  clues  about  what  happened  that  night.  “It  wasn’t  easy  to  find  him  but  we  eventually  caught  him  outside  Mrs  White’s  apartment  with  a  black  mask  on,”  said  Sheriff  Cupcake.  

Investigators  found  a  bag  with  a  gun,  a  bloody  knife  and  tissue  boxes.  From  this  evidence  Grumpy  White  will  be  charged  for  attempted  murder  and  taking  a  hostage.    

On  Monday  next  week  Grumpy  White  will  be  going  to  court  to  have  a  trial  on  this  horrible  incident.  

 Snow  White  relieved  that’s  it’s  all  over  




By  Chloe

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6B Fairy Tale Crimes  

“We have caught he r .”

Mrs and Mr Ste p and the ir daughte r White Snow have be e n going through comple te trauma dur ing the las t couple of we e ks . T he re have be e n two atte mpte d murde rs by Que e n Eme rald that have fa ile d.

Que e n Eme rald tr ie d to s abotage White Snow by pois oning apple s . We don’t know what che micals Que e n Eme rald us e d to pois on the s e apple s .

“We are s o s care d to e ve n walk out of the hous e ,” Mrs Ste p s aid.

“But now we have caught he r , we all fe e l bit s afe r in our Small litt le town,” Mr Ste p s aid.

Que e n Eme rald was je alous of White Snow for taking he r child’s place on the throne . T his now me ans that he r pr ince s s has to wait

until White Snow s he pas s e s away for he r daughte r to be que e n.

T he Que e n is now in ja il, and will be he ld in cus tody for thre e to four mouths until s he is a llowe d to go on patrol.

Mis s Eme rald s aid to the family that s he ; “is ve ry s or ry about what I have done , and I will try to make it up by only not be ing he ld cus tody and als o do the ir hous e work.”












By  Kirby  



The  apples  that  the  Queen  used  to  poison  Miss  White  Snow  

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6B Fairy Tale Crimes    


  The  three  pigs  Bacon,  Ham  and  Pork  have  broken  their  silence  about  the  attempted  murder  by  Mr  Wolf  in  the  Deep  Dark  forest.  One  of  the  youngest  pigs  Bacon  said,  ‘’I  was  making  a  brick  house  when  I  The  three  pigs  Bacon,  Ham  and  Pork  have  broken  their  silence  about  the  attempted  murder  by  Mr  Wolf  in  the  Deep  Dark  Forest.  One  of  the  youngest  pigs,  Bacon,  said,  ‘’I  was  making  a  brick  house  when  I  heard  my  brother  Pork  screaming.”  At  that  very  moment  he  knew  that  it  was  the  wolf  he  had  seen  earlier  standing  next  to  the  tree  licking  his  lips.  

 When  we  interviewed  Mr  Wolf  he  said,  ‘’I  didn’t  want  to  murder  Bacon,  Ham  and  Pork.  I  was  only  trying  to  get  some  sugar  for  my  cake.”  


The  pigs  said,  ‘’He  was  blowing  and  blowing  and  trying  to  blow  the  house  down  so  he  could  eat  them  for  dinner.”  



So  they  called  the  F.B.I  to  sort  it  all  out.  When  the  F.B.I  sorted  it  out,   they  came   to  a   conclusion  and   it   seemed   that   the   wolf  was  trying  to  murder  them.  


So   they   took   the   wolf   off   and  put   him   in   jail   for   12   years.  While   he   was   in   jail,   he   was  nearly   bashed   up   by   Jonny   the  cow.  




By  Luke  

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6B Fairy Tale Crimes  









Aulour`s  attempted  murderer  has  been                  arrested  and  thrown  in  jail  by  the  National  Fairy  Guard  police.  

Malfainat  tried  to  murder  Princess  Aulour  by  casting  a  spell  on  her  16th  birthday.  She  pricked  her  finger  on  a  spinning  wheel  and  every  one  fell  into  a  deep  sleep  for  100  years.  Only  a  prince’s  true  love  kiss  could  break  the  spell.  

Police  have  thrown  the  all-­‐powerful  Malifainat  in  a  dungeon  far,  far  away.                  

Police  have  quoted  that  Malifaint  isn’t  so  powerful  after  all.  

Young  Aulour  is  still  scared  but  luckily  very  safe.  She  has  been  put  under  protection  by  the  National  Fairy  Guard  police.  

Luckily  Prince  Phillip  brock  the  spell  and  beautiful  Princess  Aulour  was  saved!  


By  Sophie  




  All  you  need  is  true  loves  kiss.  

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6B Fairy Tale Crimes  


The  mystery  of  the  disappearing  children  has  been  solved  as  undercover  agents  unveiled  the  true  reason  for  their  disappearance.  

The  agents  from  G.I.A.N.T  Coral  HQ,  secured  secret  surveillance  cameras  around  the  serial  kidnapper’s  home  because  they  suspected  that  the  banjo  playing  elf  was  the  perpetrator.  

Red  and  Blue,  the  victims,  were  wandering  through  the  Black  Forest  four  pm  last  Tuesday  when,  as  suspected,  the  elf’s  house  appeared;  enticing  them  to  approach  the  house.    

What  agents  found  extremely  suspicious  was  that  the  perpetrator’s  house  was  made  entirely  of  liquorice.  Investigators  are  still  trying  to  figure  out  why,  specifically,  was  the  house  made  of  liquorice.  

The  perpetrator  was  arrested  at  the  scene  and  will  face  trial  next  week  along  with  a  series  of  charges.  

Witnesses  say  they  are  glad  that  he  is  gone  and  we  are  now  able  to  get  along  with  other  citizens.  



“I  am  so  relieved  now  that  my  family  and  I  can  carry  on  with  our  daily  dues.”  

By  Lucas  

Image  of  the  location  where  the  perpetrator  was  arrested.  Picture  taken  by  Fredrick  Corn.  

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6B Fairy Tale Crimes  







After   weeks   and   weeks   of   investigating  the  attempted  murder  of   the  Three  Little  Pigs,   the   serial   killer  was   finally   captured  outside  the  Lamozon  Forest.  Dr.  T  has    killed  many  pigs  before  but  he  always  gets  away  with  it.    Mr   Bacon,   Mr   Ham   and   Mr   Pork   were  threatened  by  Dr.  T  and  also  Dr.  T  tried  to  murder  the  three  brothers.                              

Mr   Bacon,   Mr   Ham   and   Mr   Pork   were  living   happily   in   their   three   homes  made  out  of  sticks,  bamboo  and  bricks,  until  late  

in   the   afternoon   Dr.   T   tried   to   commit  illegal   murder   with   a   machete.   Mr   Pork  escaped   his   home   and   ran   to   his   local  village  to  call  the  FBI.  The  FBI  arrived  that  day  but  Dr.  T  had  already  escaped   to   the  Lamozon  Forest  and  was  on  the  run.  

Luckily   today   the   FBI   captured   Dr.   T  outside  the  Lamozon  Forest  about  to  go  in  the  Lamozon  Forest.    Dr.  T  has  been  ruled  guilty   and  will   be   sentenced   for   90   years  in   jail.   ‘’LUCKILY   NOW   WE   CAN   LIVE  SAFLEY   IN   OUR   HOMES   WITH   NO  INTERUPTION.’’  

By  Jedd  










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6B Fairy Tale Crimes

After weeks and weeks of investigation the police had

found the Three Little Naughty Pigs hiding in a small shack

where no one could find them after they had destroyed Big W’s house and threatened to

kill him.

It was hard to arrest Piggy Jeff, Piggy Scott and Piggy Greg because they were all very strong and kept forcing themselves out of the cuffs. But the officers eventually put them in the cuffs.

Everyday the three offenders were breaking walls destroying clothes and jewellery. They were also beating him up and threatening to kill the poor wolf.

Big W is now lying down in a hospital bed at North Shore hospital after the bitter assaults from those awful three little pigs.

The three little pigs will now spend ten years in jail. Then when they’re released they will be on a good behaviour bond for three years.

By Max


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6B Fairy Tale Crimes


After  three  years  of  being  a  slave,  Cinderella  is  now  free.  

On  Thursday  at  about  10am  police  knocked  on  the  door  of  Cinderella’s  beach  shack  in  Hawaii  to  investigate  Cinderella’s  evil  stepmother.  When  they  knocked  on  the  door  of  the  beach  shack  they  caught  Merideth  at  the  scene  yelling  at  Cinderella  to  come  downstairs  and  clean  the  dirty  clothes  that  her  beautiful  step  mother  only  tried  on  once  and  threw  on  the  floor.      

Cinderella’s  step  mother  was  reported  to  police  for  child  slavery  by  Cinderella’s  Prince  Charming.  

 When  Merideth,  the  evil  stepmother,  opened  the  door  the  police  and  his  team  of  investigators  asked  Merideth  some  questions.  After  about  half  an  hour  of  questioning  the  police  arrested  the  evil  stepmother.  She  will  go  to  jail  for  seven  years  for  child  slavery  and  installing  surveillance  cameras  in  Cinderella’s  room.  

The  evil  stepmother  went  to  court  on  Friday  at  12pm  (midday)  and  the  judge  decided  to  send  the  evil  stepmother  to  jail.  While  the  step    



mother  is  in  jail  the  evil  stepmother’s  children  Jessica  and  Maddie  will  go  to  an  orphanage  in  the  city  for  seven  years  and  learn  some  manners.  

 Cinderella’s  evil  stepmother  admitted  that  she  was  making  Cinderella  work  so  hard  because  she  didn’t  want  to  do  all  the  work  she  said  “I  deserve  to  go  to  jail  for  what  I  did  to  that  beautiful  lady”.  Cinderella  now  lives  with  her  Prince  Charming  Toby  and  will  have  her  possessions  moved  tomorrow  morning  by  Royal  movers.  Cinderella  enjoys  her  new  home  she  said,  “  I  didn’t  want  to  report  anything  because  I  thought  I  might  get  into  trouble”.  Cinderella  deserves  to  sit  down  in  front  of  the  television.  Will  Cinderella  have  a  happy  ending  after  all?    

 By  Bella  

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6B Fairy Tale Crimes  


Afte r two long we e ks of pa in and hor ror the police have fina lly and s ucce s s fully impr is one d Mr B.B Wolf.

On May the 7 th, We dne s day afte rnoon, it came to de te c tive Mr Frog’s a tte ntion tha t a c r iminal has be e n lurking in the de e p dark fore s t , trying to a tte mpt murde r . Ms Litt le Re d Riding Hood (witne s s ) has be e n working with Mr Frog, te s ting ne w traps to impr is on this c r iminal. T wo we e ks la te r the y had forme d a plan and s ucce s s fully impr is one d the numbe r one cr iminal of a ll t ime .

Mr B Wolf was hiding in the fore s t r e ady to pounce on the ac tor of the plan, whe n Mr Frog had the honour of a r re s ting Mr Wolf. Mr Wolf has tr ie d s e ve ra l a tte mpts of murde r in the pas t but luckily fa ile d. His mothe r is dis grace d with him and will be a t cour t.

Mr B.B Wolf will be s e nt to cour t on Fr iday morning, and the n we will confirm if Mr Wolf is innoce nt or guilty . Mr Frog will be a t the cour t with Litt le Re d Riding Hood and Mr Wolf’s mothe r . More information will come through on Saturday about what happe ns in the cour t room. T he pr is one r will be s pe nding the night in ja il whe re he can’t caus e

By Bianca

any more trouble ; Mr Ham will be watching him.

He re is what Mr Frog and Litt le Re d Riding Hood had to s ay:

“It was a br illiant plan, and we are ve ry happy with the capture . And we couldn’t have done it without Litt le Re d Riding Hood’s he lp and the wolf’s mothe r ,” s a id Mr Frog

“It was mainly Mr Frog’s plan; I jus t wante d to ge t tha t c r iminal in bars for good. I am glad I am able to go and s e e my poor old grandmothe r s afe ly, without any s trange rs haras s ing me ,” e xcla ime d Litt le Re d Riding Hood.

Mr Wolf’s mothe r had s ome thing to s ay as we ll.

“We are hor r ifie d a t Mr Wolf’s bad manne rs ; we thought we ra is e d him r ight, we ll a t le as t he is going to be with his grandfa the r ,” c r ie d Mrs Wolf.  











Mr  B  Wolf  planning  to  attempt  murder.  

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6B Fairy Tale Crimes

Afte r we e ks of te r ror in the Stone y Village it is finally at pe ace . Mis s White was caught in the act of placing pois onous apple s on he r s te pmothe r’s door s te p at he r cottage .

He r s e ve n dwarfs or known as the “s e ve n s lave s ” had calle d the police s aying Mis s White had take n he r fiancé hos tage and was going to murde r he r s te p- mothe r , who “would ne ve r hur t a fly,” s aid one of the dwarfs .

T he y guarde d Mis s White ’s s te pmothe r’s cottage day and night until finally the y caught Mis s White in the act.

Mis s White was us ing he r s e ve n dwarfs like s le d dogs . Mis s White had place d a bas ke t of apple s that s e e me d harmle s s but the y couldn’t take any chance s . T he apple s unde rwe nt a s e r ie s of te s ts until the y found a re s ult......T he y we re pois onous .

T he y tracke d he r down and the te am of an unde rcove r s ocie ty barge d into he r tiny mans ion and thre w a bag ove r Mis s White ’s he ad s he s tar te d s cre aming out, “this is not how you tre at a pr ince s s ,” and “I’m innoce nt! I’m innoce nt!” But the y ignore d he r cr ie s .

Mis s White was s e nte nce d to 15 ye ars in gaol for atte mpte d murde r and kidnapping.

Mis s White ’s s te p- mothe r and he r hus band to be are re unite d and he r dwarfs are living with he r s te p-mothe r and Pr ince Charming.

Miss  White  Might  Looks  Harmless  but  Don’t  Be  Fooled:  Posing  for  a  Photo  out  The  Front  of  Her  Stepmother’s  Cottage  

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6B Fairy Tale Crimes  


After  weeks  imprisoned  in  a  high  tower,  the  royal  lady  is  finally  reunited  with  her  son.  

Last  Thursday,  the  Princess  of  Far,  Far,  Away  walked  out  of  the  highest  tower  in  the  castle  with  terror  in  her  eyes  and  her  baby  in  her  arms.  Police  planted  outside  the  door  were  stunned  to  find  a  tiny  elf-­‐like  man  surrounded  by  solid  gold  straw.  

The  oddly  named  perpetrator,  Mr  R.  Umpelstiltskin  blackmailed  Princess  Charlotte  into  spinning  straw  into  gold  with  the  threat  of  harming  her  baby.  She  alerted  the  authorities  immediately  and  was  distraught  at  not  having  her  baby  with  her.  

After  calming  down  with  the  capture  of  Mr  Umpelstiltskin,  the  Princess  confirmed  that  she  had  to  guess  his  name  in  three  days  to  get  her  baby  back.  “I  heard  him  singing  in  the  garden,  saying  ‘She’ll  never  guess,  my  name  is  Rumpelstiltskin!’  I  knew  then  I  would  get  my  darling  little  boy  back,”  said  Princess  Charlotte  after  an  enraged  Mr  Umpelstiltskin  was  dragged  off  in  chains.






Miss  S.  Beauty,  expert  on  elfin  creatures  explains  Mr  Umpelstiltskin’s  possible  motive.  “Elves  and  fairies  and  the  like  are  very  cheeky,  witty  and  greedy.  The  perpetrator  may  have  needed  the  gold  for  a  wager  or  something  similar.”  

If  you  are  being  blackmailed,  threatened,  or  pestered  by  some  such  elfin  creature,  contact  the  Humane  Relocation  of  Elfin  Offenders  Squad  (H.R.E.O.S.)  to  have  a  professional  squad  relocate  them  in  an  utterly  humane  way,  and  to  ensure  the  safety  of  you  and  your  family.  

-­‐Miss  R.  R.  Hood  (Alice)  


Rumpelstiltskin  with  a  miserable  Princess.  (Artists  Impression)  

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6B Fairy Tale Crimes

The  Three  Bears  arrived  home  last  night  and  noticed  that  all  of  their  food  had  been  stolen.  

Police  have  been  investigating  the  home  for  any  evidence  of  the  thief  to  the  Three  Bear’s  home.  

Momma  Bear  told  channel  778  news  that  “the  house  was  like  a  pig’s  breakfast  it  was  a  mess”.  It  was  reported  by  police  that  there  was  porridge  all  over  the  floor.  

Baby  Bear  slipped  over  some  porridge  and  was  badly  injured.  He  is  recovering  in  hospital  now  and  hopefully  he  will  recover  as  soon  as  possible.  

Neighbours  told  police  “we  saw  a  girl  with  lovely  curly  golden  hair”.  Investigators  also  found  strands  of  golden  hair  on  one  of  the  bed’s  pillow  cases.    

Apparently  someone  saw  a  girl  open  the  front  door  on  Friday    



the  13th  of  March  at  around  4:45  pm  and  was  reported  leaving  the  home  on  Saturday  the  14th  of  March  at  12:50pm  the  next  day.  

 It  was  caught  on  security  camera.  The  girl  had  a  very  dirty  dress  and  was  looking  tired  and  flustered.  

If  you  know  any  information  please  contact  thief  stoppers  at  24121994.  

Have you seen this girl before?

By Alkira

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Last  Wednesday,  the  5th  of  April,  the      riddling  robber  was  caught  in  the  basement  of  a  apartment  in  Chevington,  England.  

He  was  caught  after  a  neighbouring  resident  saw  a  golden  chicken  being  carried  into  an  apartment  at  across  the  road  at  around  midnight.  

The  police  had  been  searching  for  two  weeks  after  two  elderly  phoned  the  police,  999,  because  a  small  boy  had  stolen  their  prized  golden  chicken.  

In  court  the  boy  said,  “I  sold  my  mum’s  cow  for  money  but  instead  the  customer  gave  me  fake  money.  

“I  didn’t  know  that  someone  owned  it,”  





Jack  allegedly  stole  a  golden  chicken  costing  over  5.2  million  dollars  from  a  house  he  thought  was  derelict  and  had  heard  stories  that  it  was  haunted  by  two  oversized,  scarred  humans.  “He  hacked  the  door  down  with  an  axe,”  said  a  petrified  local  that  saw  it  out  of  his  bedroom  window.  

Jack  was  charged  with  burglary  and  was  jailed  for  five  weeks.  Relatives  and  friends  say  that  he  shouldn’t  be  jailed  because  he  didn’t  know  he  was  stealing.  Mr  C.Giant  and  Mrs  F.Giant  say  they  are  glad  to  be  reunited  with  their  prized  golden  chicken.  Jack  says,  “I  was  just  trying  to  make  a  living  for  my  mum  and  I”.  

The  Giant  community  are  assured  now  that  they  will  not  be  burgled  after  the  swift  detective  work  of  the  police.    


by  Shannon  


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6B Fairy Tale Crimes  


Jack  was  given  five  magic  beans.  Jack  planted  those  beans  and  that’s  when  it  went  all  wrong.  

Police  believe  that  Jack  was  approached  by  Mr  Bean  who  had  stolen  five  magic  beans  from  the  castle.  Mr  Bean  told  Jack  to  run  back  home  and  plant  the  beans  at  the  edge  of  the  forest.  

Jack  took  beans  home  that  afternoon.  Jack  had  said  in  his  interview  that  he  took  a  bag  that  had  the  five  magic  along  with  his  large  pocket  knife  and  a  blanket.  That  night  Jack  snuck  out  of  the  house  and  began  to  walk  to  the  edge  of  the  forest.  When  Jack  came  to  the  edge  of  the  forest  and  planted  the  beans  and  began  to  make  camp  for  the  night.  

That  morning  Jack  woke  up  out  the  front  of  the  giants’  palace.  

Jack  claims  that  the  giant  grabbed  him  and  tried  to  make  a  human  sausage  roll  out  of  him.  The  giant  put  jack  in  the  oven.  Jack  said  that  he  used  his  pocket  knife  to  cut  his  way  through  the  dough.  He  snuck  out  of  the  oven  and  climb  on  top  of  the  oven.  As  the  giant  pulled  out  the  dough  jacked  jumped  from  the  top  of  the  oven  and  stabbed  the  giant  in  the  back  and  killed  the  giant.  

As  Jack  made  his  way  home  he  saw  a  golden  duck  that  laid  golden  eggs.  He  grabbed  the  duck  and  climbed  down  the    





Bean  stalk  When  Jack  reached  the  bottom  of  the  bean  stalk  police  where  there  to  arrest  him.          


By  Dex  

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6B Fairy Tale Crimes

After  three  days  of  being  held  hostage  in  a  mysterious  forest  the  police  have  finally  investigated  the  crime  scene,  freed  the  Three  Little  Pigs  and  captured  the  serial  killer.  

 On  Wednesday,  3rd  April  Captain  Ralph  and  the  rest  of  his  crew  went  into  the  Three  Little  Pig’s  house  and  found  Mr  Wolf  holding  the  pigs  hostage.  The  police  surrounded  Mr  Wolf  which  forced  him  to  surrender.  

Mr  Wolf  has  raided  several  homes  but  the  police  were  always  too  late,  now  they  have  been  successful.    

The  serial  killer  used  his  big  lung  capacity  to  blow  down  two  of  the  pigs’  previous  houses  (a  leaf  house  and  a  tree  house)  and  had  found  a  way  into  their  third  house,  the  concrete  house  and  had  been  threatening  to  kill  them  for  three  days.  

Mr  Wolf  will  spend  the  rest  of  his  life  in  jail  for  taking  people  hostage  and  the  Three  Little  Pigs  will  live    




peacefully  with  no  harassment  or  being  hassled  again.  

“I’m  glad  we  are  safe  now  but  that  was  definitely  one  of  the  scariest  and  terrifying  moments  of  my  life,”  Mr  Porky  said.

 The  Three  Little  Pigs  finally  saved  


By  Angus  

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6B Fairy Tale Crimes

It  was  called  to  the  police’s  attentions  last  week  that  a  young  girl  called  Cinderella  was  being  terrorised  by  her  step  mum  and  stepsisters.

Cinderella’s  past  is  not  so  pretty.  Her  mum  died  from  a  heart  attack  and  her  dad  from  illness  so  she  was  left  with  her  stepmum  and  stepsisters  who  did  not  like  her  so  they  treated  her  like  a  slave.  

This  was  brought  to  the  police’s  attention  by  their  neighbour  Miss  Brown  when  she  saw  Cinderella’s  stepsisters  making  her  doing  horrible  things.  Then  they  just  walk  off.  When  Miss  Brown  told  the  police  she  said,  “they  treat  her  so  badly  when  she  tries  to  be  nice”.  But  Cinderella’s  stepmum  said  that  it  was  a  lie  so  the  case  was  closed.  

Miss  Brown  knew  that  Cinderella’s  stepmum  was  trying  to  cover  it  up  so  no  one  would  know.  But  Miss  Brown  kept  a  close  eye  on  Cinderella’s  stepmum  and  with  the  help  of  her  camera  Miss  Brown  had  the  proof  she  needed  to  prove  that  something  was  going  on  in  there.  

Miss  Brown  gathered  the  proof  on  the  night  of  the  ball.  When  she  saw  Cinderella’s  stepmum  yelling  at  her  saying  that  she  would  never  go  to  the  ball  with    

hair  and  a  dress  like  that.  Then  she  tripped  Cinderella  over  and  hurried  of  to  the  ball  with  her  daughters  leaving  Cinderella  on  the  ground  crying.  Miss  Brown  said  she  ran  over  to  Cinderella  and  gave  her  a  box  and  inside  the  box  was  a  dress  more  beautiful  than  any  of  the  dresses  her  stepmum  or  stepsisters  had.  It  was  blue  was  frills  and  ribbons.  Then  from  around  the  corner  a  carriage  with  two  white  horses  appeared.  Miss  Brown  said  that  she  would  do  whatever  she  could  to  get  Cinderella  to  the  ball  and  it  worked.  Cinderella  went  to  the  ball  and  danced  with  the  prince  all  night.        

The  next  day  Miss  Brown  went  to  the  police  who  went  to  Cinderella’s  house  and  showed  the  evidence  to  the  stepmum  and  stepsisters  who  gave  in  and  the  punishment  was  to  work  in  the  stables.  On  the  other  hand  Cinderella  married  the  Prince  of  Woodrick  and  the  party  was  so  big  everyone  was  invited.  The  only  people  that  weren’t  invited  were  Cinderella’s  stepmum  and  stepsisters  who  had  the  job  to  look  after  everyone’s’  horses  that  had  come  to  the  party.  So  in  the  end  only  good  people  live  happily  every  after.      

By  Ella  

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6B Fairy Tale Crimes  


On the Sunday 12th of July, las t we e k the T hre e Little Pigs re por te d the Big Bad Wolf for atte mpte d murde r . T he Bid Bad Wolf was trying to ge t into the ir hous e once again.

T he Big Bad Wolf was trying to ge t into the ir hous e many ways . T he T hre e Little Pigs we re be coming ve ry s care d s o the y calle d the police . T he T hre e Little Pigs s aid, “we we re ve ry horr ifie d that he is s till accus ing us ’’.

T he police race d to the s ce ne imme diate ly and ar re s te d Mr Big Bad Wolf. T he y we re ve ry happy to s e e Mr Big Bad Wolf be caus e the y have be e n trying to catch him for ye ars .

By Scarlett

On We dne s day the 15th of July Mr Big Bad Wolf we nt to cour t. He was s e nte nce d with a five - ye ar ja il s e nte nce .

T he y s aid, “We are ve ry ple as e d that he is now in ja il s o he can not accus e anyone e ls e ’’.

T he T hre e Little Pigs we nt back to the ir home in Me rryville and we re ve ry ple as e d to be s afe again.

“We will not be living in horror and als o be ing te r r ifie d for five ye ars . Hope fully he has le arnt a le s s on and won’t do it again,” the y s aid with re lie f.



Mr  Big  Bad  Wolf  trying  to  get  into  the  Three  Little  Pig’s  house.  

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6B Fairy Tale Crimes

After  one  week  of  fear  in  ‘Once  Upon a  Time  Land,’  throughout  the  forest  it  has  been  dead  silent.  The  police  have  officially  caught  the  perpetrator  that  committed  several  crimes  of  stalking,  trespassing,  fraud  and  attempted  murder.  Mr  Big  Bad  Wolf  attempted  to  eat  a  various  amount  of  young  girls  wandering  through  the  forest  going  to  their  grandmothers.  

On  Wednesday  Detective  Fred  and  his  ultimate  team  of  investigators  captured  Mr  Big  Bad  Wolf  inside  Mrs  Granny  Hood’s  house.  The  police  received  a  ‘000’  call  from  a  tree  cutter  man  called  Swfen.  Swfen  reported  to  the  police  that  Mr  Big  Bad  Wolf  was  attempting  to  eat  Little  Red  Riding  Hood.      

“I  was  just  wandering  in  the  forest  to  get  to  my  Granny’s  cottage,  but  a  gigantic  wolf  popped  out  of  nowhere  and  immediately  started  questioning  me.  Then  when  I  arrived  at  my  Gran’s  I  noticed  something  strange  about  her.  After  I  had  described  what  she  had  looked  like.  The  wolf  tried  to  eat  me!  I  was  so  horrified.  Fortunately  a  man  saved  me,”  she  exclaimed  after  the  incident.  

When  the  police  arrested  Mr  Big  Bad  Wolf,  they  discovered  that  he  had  stored  Granny  in  a  cupboard.  They  took  their  time  unravelling  the  rope  off  her.  

Swfen  was  named  a  hero  to  the  Hood  family.    





“I  am  so  proud  to  be  called  a  hero,  yeah,”  said  Swfen.  

The  government  of  Once  Upon  a  Time  Land  is  impressed  with  Detective  Fred  and  his  team  for  arresting  a  serial  criminal.  

“I  should  always  listen  to  my  mum  because  she  told  me  not  to  talk  to  strangers,”  Red  Riding  Hood  said.  

Mr  Big  Bad  Wolf  will  be  imprisoned  in  the  Once  Upon  a  Time  Land  jail  for  20  years.  

‘Mothers  are  always  right!’    

                                                                                                                   Mr  Big  Bad  Wolf  sentenced  to  jail  for  20  years  









20  years  in  jail-­‐  Mr  Big  bad  Wolf  Arrested  at  Granny  Hood’s  house.  

By  Victoria  

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6B Fairy Tale Crimes


The  one  wolf  was  in  his  home  playing  on  his  xbox360  and  then  the  mail  arrived  and  he  had  a  look  at  the  front  page  of  the  newspaper.  The  pigs  are  the  prime  suspects  in  the  3  deaths  of  Steve,  Bob  and  Junior.  The  wolf  was  terrified.  The  wolf  kept  reading  and  it  was  a  few  blocks  down  from  his  home.    

The  wolf  was  still  terrified  and  he  was  thinking  of  moving  to  Florida.  The  wolf  was  still  looking  for  a  place  to  live  by  that  time  and  the  three  pigs  had  their  plan  to  rig  the  wolf’s  home.  

The  wolf  heard  footsteps  on  the  roof  so  the  wolf  went  up  there  and  had  a  look  but  there  was  nothing,  but  one  of  the  pigs  who  pushed  the  wolf  down  the  chimney.  Before  that  the  second  pig  had  put  a  boiling  pot    




of  water  at  the  end  of  the  chimney  and  the  wolf  fell  into  the  pot  and  the  pigs  started  to  eat  the  wolf.  The  next-­‐door  neighbour  wanted  a  bit  of  fuel  for  his  lawnmower  but  the  next-­‐door  neighbour  saw  the  three  pigs  and  called  the  police.  The  police  locked  the  pigs  in  jail  with  a  mutant  donkey.  The  pigs  were  locked  up  in  jail  for  life.  On  the  third  day  in  jail  the  mutant  donkey  ate  the  three  pigs.  


By  Mitchell  

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6B Fairy Tale Crimes

On  Tuesday  afternoon  there  was  an  astonishing  news  update  about  the  Three  Little  Piggies.  Billy,  Bill  and  Bob  were  having  a  competition  in  who  can  make  the  best  house  to  live  in.  

“I  think  I  can  make  the  best  house,”  said  Bill.  “No  way,  my  building  skills  are  so  much  better  than  yours,”  bragged  Bob.  “I’m  gonna  win,”  cheered  Billy.  

They  all  gathered  everything  they  could  find  to  build  their  houses.  It  had  seemed  to  be  that  Bob  was  making  his  house  out  of  straw,  Bill’s  out  of  sticks  and  Billy’s  was  out  of  brick.  

Once  they  had  finished  the  judges  arrived  to  see  whose  house  was  the  best  build.  Billy  won  because  of  the  houses  stability  and  also  the  safest  to  live  in  without  it  collapsing  on  you.  

And  on  Wednesday  morning  Victor,  the  apparently  big  bad  wolf,  knocked  on  the  Little  Piggies    


door.  The  Little  Piggies  said  to  never  trust  a  wolf  and  out  of  nowhere  they  attacked  Victor  the  wolf  and  called  triple  zero  for  the  police  to  tell  them  they  knew  what  Victor  was  going  to  do  to  them,  eat  them.  

Rose  and  Bruce  the  police  reported  to  the  wolf  family  and  told  them  everything  and  asked  them  questions.  “He  was  only  going  out  to  make  some  new  friends  to  play  with”  said  Mr  and  Mrs  Wolf.  

The  police  caught  the  Three  Piggies  and  they  all  served  eight  years  in  jail  for  attempt  murder.  



By  Teagan  

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6B Fairy Tale Crimes

After  two  long  weeks  of  horror  in  Once  Upon  a  Time  land  police  have  very  successfully  caught  the  perpetrator  who  has  attempted  murder.  

On  Wednesday  afternoon  detective  Frog  Samsum  was  at  the  scene  after  the  ‘000'  call  from  Little  Red  Riding  Hood.  “He  tried  to  eat  my  grandma”  said  Little  Red.  The  Big  Bad  Wolf  was  put  in  hand  cuffs  and  sent  to  the  high  court  where  his  punishment  will  be  decided.  

“  We  have  one  person  to  thank  who  is  the  real  hero  and  that  is  Lumber  Jack,”  said  the  police.  “He  came  and  he  showed  the  Wolf  who’s  boss!”  said  Little  Red.  Lumber  Jack  was  there  in  a  flash  and  gave  the  Wolf  a    







beating  while  Little  Red  called  the  police.  The  police  came  but  half  their  work  was  done  because  Lumber  Jack  already  had  the  Big  Bad  Wolf  pinned  to  the  ground,  all  the  police  did  was  put  him  in  hand  cuffs  and  drove  him  away.  




By  Grace  

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6B Fairy Tale Crimes

After   four   weeks   of   searching,  seven  year  olds  Hansel  and  Gretel  were  found  yesterday  afternoon  at  approximately   4.39pm   police  came   across   a   large   scream.   They  quickly   rushed   to   the   scene.   The  police   caught   young,   but   ugly  women  trying  to  tackle  two  young  children,  who  were  later  identified  to   be   young   Hansel   and   Gretel  who  went  missing  four  weeks  ago  in  Deedley  forest.  

Their   mum   explained   “I   was  returning  home  from  work  when  I  noticed   the   door   wide   open.   I  rushed   inside,   desperate   to   see   if  the   kids   were   safe   but   couldn’t  find  them  anywhere.”  

 The  police  questioned  Hansel  and  Gretel   who   said   they   were   just  playing  outside   their   family  home  when  the  young  witch  came  along  and   asked   if   they   wanted   some  lollies,  that’s  when  things  all  went  wrong.   They   were   tricked   and  kidnapped   while   having   passed  out   from   what   must   have   been  poisonous   lollies.   Hansel   said   he  regretted  it  dearly  as  it  nearly  cost  him   their   lives.   He   also   explained  that   Witch   Irvine   was   trying   to  fatten  him  up  so  she’d  be  able  to              


cook   and   eat   him,   while   using  Gretel  as  a  servant.                                                                                                

The   decision   on   how   long   Witch  Irvine  will  be  sentenced  to  jail  has  yet   not   been   decided   but   is  estimated   sixty   years   and   a  $10,000   fine   for   kidnapping   and  attempted  murder.  

The  family  are  now  questioning  as  to   why   witch   Irvine   kidnapped  them.  More   updates   on   this   story  will  come  soon.  


Witch  Irvine  bringing  the  kids  into  her  home  after  kidnapping  them.  

By  Sienna  

Page 23: 6B Fairy Tale Crimes

6B Fairy Tale Crimes

Caught in the act, the Big Wolf  had be e n found gobbling down Little Re d Riding Hood’s Grandmothe r!

On the 12 th of May at around 3:30pm a lumbe r jack by the name of Ge orge he ard a de afe ning s cre am from his s hack in the woods . He bolte d toward the s cre am to find hims e lf a t Little Re d’s Grandmothe r’s hous e . He kicke d down the door and charge d at Mr B. Wolf with his axe , s lice d ope n Mr B. Wolf and re s cue d Little Re d’s grandmothe r .

“My he ro,” Little Re d’s grandmothe r had told the police .

But, not long afte r police ar r ive d at the s ce ne , Little Re d s aid, “it was n’t the fir s t bad wolf e xpe r ie nce .” Police we re s hocke d by this ne ws ; the y told he r to te ll the m more .

“We ll, I was on my way to Grandma’s hous e whe n the Mr B. Wolf jumpe d out a t me . He was as king me que s tions like whe re are you going? Whe re doe s your

grandmothe r live ? and why are you going the re ?” Little Re d had told the police .

Ge orge had als o s aid whe n he kicke d down the door he s aw Mr B. Wolf in Grandma’s clothe s !

Police as ke d ne ighbours of Little Re d’s Grandmothe r if the y have s e e n the wolf be fore . Mos t of the m s aid ye s ! T he y s aid that Mr B. Wolf had be e n s e e n s talking pe ople .

Mr B. Wolf is now going to ja il for 25 ye ars for s ta lking and atte mpte d murde r .                    










By  Ashley  


Mr  B.  Wolf  is  angry  because  he  is  going  to  jail.  

Page 24: 6B Fairy Tale Crimes

6B Fairy Tale Crimes  

After  months  of  searching  Hansel  and  Gretel  are  home.  On  Tuesday  the  21st  of  October  at  approximately  9:33am  Hansel  aged  8  and  Gretel  aged  9  told  their  mother  and  father  Jane  and  Peter  that  they  were  going  to  walk  down  to  their  local  lolly  shop  which  was  located  just  400metres  from  the  family’s  house.  But  little  did  the  parents  know  that  their  two  beloved  children  would  not  return  home.  

After  an  hour  had  past  the  two  parents  started  to  become  concerned  because  Hansel  and  Gretel  hadn’t  arrived  back  from  the  shops.  The  mother  and  father  said,  “All  of  these  thoughts  started  to  rush  through  our  heads.”  Not  long  after  they  had  realised  that  Hansel  and  Gretel  hadn’t  come  home  they  called  the  Dobbler  police.  The  police  started  to  question  the  mother  and  father  about  when  they  last  saw  their  children  and  how  long  they  had  been  gone.  

It  had  been  seven  days  since  mother  Jane  and  father  Peter  had  last  seen  their  two  innocent  children.  Police  had  now  come  to  a  stage  where  they  had  become    



furious  with  trying  to  find  Mr  and  Mrs  Chubber’s  children.  They  decided  that  they  would  question  everybody  who  lived  near  the  Chubber’s  house.  

They  started  questioning  the  old  lady  who  lived  across  from  the  shops.  The  police  said  that  she  was  very  eager  not  to  let  the  police  even  step  foot  in  her  house.  

A  month  later  it  came  to  the  police’s  attention  that  after  questioning  all  of  the  neighbours  there  was  only  one  person  that  they  were  suspicious  about,  the  old  lady.  One  day  when  she  was  not  home  police  decided  that  they  would  undertake  a  house  search.  Just  as  the  police  broke  down  the  door  they  saw  Hansel  and  Gretel  run  out  in  fear.  

Weeks  later  the  old  woman  was  arrested  for  kidnapping  the  children  and  was  sentenced  to  5  years  in  jail.  

 Last seen on secured cameras in their

local lolly shop

By Tayla


Home at Last

Page 25: 6B Fairy Tale Crimes

6B Fairy Tale Crimes  


By  Luca  

The  Three  Bears,  Paws,  Growl  and  Roar,  have  alerted  the  police  the  police  of  a  mysterious  criminal  and  have  also  determined  their  suspicions  of  a  trespasser,  thief  and  vandalising  criminal  all  in  one  villainous  figure.  

The  Three  Bears  phoned  the  police  on  the  night  of  July  the  24th  to  inform  them  that  a  young  child  had  ran  out  from  their  house  as  they  came  home  from  their  walk.  They  stated  that  the  criminal  ate  the  youngest  bear’s  porridge,  broken  his  chair  and  messed  up  his  bed.  

“My  porridge  was  eaten,”  cried  the  youngest  bear,  Paw.  “And  my  chair  was  broken  and  my  bed  was  messed  up!”  

“This  is  an  outrage!”  roared  his  father.  “I  want  this  criminal  caught  immediately.”  

This   piece   of   information  determines   the   Police   of   Far   Far  Away   Land’s   suspicion   of   a  mysterious   serial   criminal  committing   several   crimes   per  month.  This  outrage  has  lasted  for    



three   months   and   now   the   police    finally   have   a   description   of   the  perpetrator.  

The   perpetrator,   presumably   a  child,  has  short  blonde  curls  and  an  appearance   of   a   nine   year   old   girl;  she   was   last   seen   wearing   red  sneakers,   green   shorts   and   a   pink  dress.  The  police  are  looking  for  this  girl;  if  anyone  has  any  clues  relating  to   these   crimes   please   contact   the  police  at  once.  

Police   are   everywhere   looking   for  this  girl,  investigating  everyone  who  claims   to   have   seen   this   villain.   No  one   has   found   this   criminal   yet   so  please,   if   you   have   seen   the  perpetrator   of   these   treacherous  crimes,   report   to   the   local   police  immediately.    

Scene  of  The  Crime:    

This  is  an  image  of  the  location  of  the  crime.  

Picture  taken  by  Henry  Apple.  

Page 26: 6B Fairy Tale Crimes

6B Fairy Tale Crimes

After  three  weeks  of  humiliation  in  Once  Upon  A  Time  Land  the  Three  Nasty  Pigs  were  caught  red  handed  for  attempted  murder  of  Mr  S.  Wolf.  

On  Tuesday  Mr  Drake  and  his  team  were  off  on  an  investigation  to  track  down  the  Three  Nasty  Pigs.    Mr  Drake  found  traces  of  the  suspicious  criminals  that  will  soon  be  charged  thousands  of  dollars.  

On  Thursday  last  week  Mr  S.  Wolf  was  making  a  cake  for  his  grandma’s  birthday,  when  he  realised  that  he  had  no  sugar.  Mr  S.  Wolf  thought  and  said,  “Maybe  the  Three  Nasty  Pigs  would  have  some.  When  he  arrived  at  their  house,  he  knocked  on  the  door  and  asked  if  they  had  any  sugar.  They  didn’t  reply.  He  told  them  the  reason  why  he  needed  the  sugar  but  they  still  didn’t  reply.  Mr  S.  Wolf  was  waiting  at  the  door  not  saying  anything  until  a  fly  flew  onto  his  nose.  Mr  s.  Wolf  was  trying  to  blow  it  off.  The  Three  Nasty  Pigs  thought  Mr  S.  Wolf  was  trying  to  blow  their  house  down.    

The  Three  Nasty  Pigs  wouldn’t  let  the  wolf  have  any  sugar  and  the  wolf  wouldn’t  go  away  from  the    



house.  The  three  nasty  pigs  opened  the  door  and  took  the  wolf  to  Mr  Dog’s  old  brick  house  and  tried  to  murder  the  wolf.  Mr  Dog  was  in  the  old  brick  house  and  saw  the  Three  Nasty  Pigs  murdering  the  wolf.    

Mr  Dog  called  219  and  the  Three  Nasty  Pigs  were  sent  to  jail  for  15  years.  


The  Three  Nasty  Pigs  took  Mr  S.  Wolf  to  Mr  Dog’s  old  brick  house  when  he  just  asked  to  borrow  some  sugar.  


By  Emma-­‐Jane  

Page 27: 6B Fairy Tale Crimes

6B Fairy Tale Crimes FRAUD QUEEN

MARRIED BELOVED KING Our  beloved  king,  King  Kevin  first  has  just  married  fraudulent  Queen  that  faked  her  talent  of  spinning  straw  into  gold.  

 A  strange  man  by  the  name  of  Rumpelstiltskin  is  the  real  expert  at  this  weird  but  wonderful  talent.  

On  Friday  the  13th  May  the  authorities  barged  into  the  Royal  Castle  to  interview  the  new  Queen  at  the  police  station.  

The  last  time  we  heard  from  the  police  was  two  hours  ago  telling  channel  57  that  the  Queen  would  be  attending  court  on  the  20th  of  May  which  will  be  live  on  channel  57  on  the  day.  

The  police  have  already  found  out  most  of  the  story  which  takes  away  the  crime  from  her.  This  is  what  Rumpelstiltskin  thinks  is  the  truth  and  probably  is-­‐  A  poor  man  had  a  chance  to  meet  and  speak  with  the  king  and  tell  him  that  his  daughter  could  spin  straw  into  gold.  So  the  king  believed  him  and  ordered  the  man’s  daughter  to  come  to  the  castle  and  spin  a  large  pile  of  straw  into  gold.  





As  she  arrived  to  the  castle  she  was  locked  into  a  room  with  straw  and  because  she  had  no  idea  how  to  spin  straw  into  gold,  she  began  to  cry.    

Suddenly  a  little  man,  who  was  Rumpelstiltskin,  appeared  and  spun  the  straw  for  her.  The  king  was  so  impressed  he  made  her  spin  two  more  rooms  full  of  straw  into  gold.  After  Rumpelstiltskin  did  that  for  her  she  had  given  him  her  ring  and  necklace  for  two  of  the  rooms  but  she  didn’t  have  anything  else  to  give  him  for  the  last  room  so  he  asked  for  her  first  child  and  she  said  yes.  

Two  days  later  the  poor  man’s  daughter,  Isabella  the  Queen,  married  the  king  and  thought  they’d  live  happily  ever  after.    

It  had  only  been  eight  months  since  the  wedding  and  Queen  Isabella  has  given  birth  to  a  little  prince.  Now  that  Rumpelstiltskin  has  turned  up  everything  has  turned  up-­‐side-­‐down.  



We  will  have  more  on  this  shilly  shally  on  the  news  on  channel  57  tonight.              

By  Georgia                          

Page 28: 6B Fairy Tale Crimes

6B Fairy Tale Crimes

Two  weeks  ago  on  Thursday  at  dusk,  terror  struck  the  friendly  little  town  of  Far  Far  Away  Land,  when  a  72  year  old  woman  was  murdered.  The  crime  took  place  at  5:30  in  Violet  McCurny’s  house.  Earlier  that  day  Violet  had  received  a  phone  call  from  her  granddaughter  saying  that  she  would  come  around  to  deliver  some  tasty  goods.  At  5:15  Violet  received  a  knock  at  her  door;  it  could  only  be  her  granddaughter,  Lily  Red  Riding  Hood.  So  Violet  said,  “Come  in”.  But  the  dark  figure  that  hovered  in  the  door  way  was  not  Lily  Red  Riding  Hood.    

That  terrible  night  struck  everyone’s  heart  with  unbearable  sadness,  as  Violet  Mcurney  was  a  beloved  community  member.  Violet  was  a  part  of  The  Garden  Crew,  The  Baking  Society  and  she  would  conduct  tours  of  the  area.      

An  hour  or  two  after  the  murder,  Lily  Red  Riding  Hood  arrived  at  the  scene  of  the  crime.  “I  was  horrified  to  see  my  Grandma  dead  on  the  floor  with  a  dark  figure  standing  over  her,”  Lily  said.                    



“As  soon  as  I  saw  him  I  knew  right  away  that  he  was  Mr  C.  Wolf  who  had  just  been  released  from  prison!”                        “I  can’t  believe  he  struck  again!  With  murder!”  said  Mary  (Violet’s  neighbour).  

Police  have  once  again  caught  Mr  C.  Wolf  and  he  will  once  again  return  to  prison  where  many  people  believe  he  belongs.  


The  big  bad  wolf  sentenced  for  the  rest  of  his  life  in  jail.  

By  Lily