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  • 8/8/2019 6x25WD Full Manual ENG



    Users GuideVersion 1.0

  • 8/8/2019 6x25WD Full Manual ENG




    Please read this Notebook Users Guide carefully before

    operating this device. The companys obligation covers repairingor replacing the notebook, which prove to be defective during thewarranty period. The warranty does not apply if any data stored inthe notebook is lost or deleted resulting from unauthorizedmodification or misuse of the product, or other abnormal eventsand the company is not liable for consequential damages.

    The content of this document will be updated periodically withoutfurther notice. The updated content will be added to this UsersGuide and will be published when a new version of this UsersGuide is issued.

    Microsoft, MS-DOS and Windows are trademarks or registered

    trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States, othercountries or both.

    Intel and Centrio, MMX are trademarks or registered trademark ofIntel Corporation.

    Other trademarks or registered trademarks referred in thisNotebook Users Guide are the properties of their respectivecompanies.

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    Thanks for choosing our notebook. It is our honor to have you as

    one of our valued customers, and the purpose of this NotebookUsers Guide is to help you to get familiar with this notebook assoon as possible.

    This Notebook Users Guide is exclusively desiged in a complete,simple, and user friendly format. We believe that the informationprovided in the Notebook Users Guied is correct and reliable, andwe have tried our best to avoid human errors. However, despiteof our efforts, there might still be errors in the contents of this

    Notebook Users Guide before publishing. If you do find incorrectinformation, please do not hesitate to let us know.

    The words the computer, the notebook or your notebookused in this Notebook Users Guide are referring to this specifictype of notebook model. Also, the following terms are used in thisNotebook Users Guide to bring your attention.

    Attention: refers to the reminder messages that can help you usethis notebook more effectively.

    Warning: refers to the warning messages and if you do not usethis notebook porperly, it might cause harmful effects.

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    Chapter 1 How to Maintain Your Notebook

    Basic Accessories and Specifications of Notebook: ...................1-2

    How to Protect Your Notebook....................................................1-3

    Chapter 2 Hardware Overview

    Standard Accessories .................................................................2-2

    Appearance of your notebook.....................................................2-3

    Top Open View ...................................................................2-3

    Diagram of Display .............................................................2-4Pointing device 1 ................................................................2-4

    Pointing device 2 ................................................................2-5


    Front-Lateral View of Your Notebook .................................2-7

    Left-Side View of Your Notebook........................................2-8

    Right-Side View of Your Notebook .....................................2-9

    Rear-Side View of Your Notebook....................................2-10Bottom-View of Your Notebook ........................................ 2-11

    CD-ROM drive...........................................................................2-12

    Connecting Standard Peripherals .............................................2-16


    Chapter 3 How to Use Your Notebook

    Tips to Use Your Notebook Safely and Comfortably...................3-2

    Know Your Keyboard ..................................................................3-5

    Know Your Touch Pad.................................................................3-5

    Function Keys .............................................................................3-8

    Other Function Keys ...................................................................3-9

    Hot keys ....................................................................................3-11

    Using the Remote Control (optional device-depending on themodel purchased) .....................................................................3-13

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    Chapter 4 Power Management

    Connecting to the Power.............................................................4-2

    Know Standby Mode ...................................................................4-3

    Using the Emergency Shutdown Procedure...............................4-4

    Power Options.............................................................................4-5

    AC adapter..................................................................................4-7

    Battery Pack................................................................................4-8

    Low Battery Control ..................................................................4-12

    Chapter 5 Audio and VideoAudio Function ............................................................................5-2

    S-Video Output Connector..........................................................5-4

    Playing CD with Windows Media Player.....................................5-5

    Display Mode ..............................................................................5-6

    CMOS Digital Camera ................................................................5-8

    Chapter 6 Expanding and Upgrading Your Notebook

    Using a PC Card .........................................................................6-2Checking the Memory and Hibernation File................................6-4

    Removing or Inserting the Memory Upgrade Module.................6-4

    Upgrading Your System ..............................................................6-7

    Chapter 7 Troubleshooting

    Initial Check-up ...........................................................................7-2

    Power Failure..............................................................................7-3

    Hard Drive Failure.......................................................................7-4

    CD-ROM Drive Failure................................................................7-4

    Display Failure ............................................................................7-5

    Keyboard Failure.........................................................................7-6

    Touch Pad Failure .......................................................................7-6

    External Mouse or Keyboard Failure ..........................................7-6

    Audio Failure...............................................................................7-7

    Memory Failure ...........................................................................7-7

    Modem Failure ............................................................................7-8

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    PC Card Failure ..........................................................................7-8

    Memory Card Failure ..................................................................7-9

    LAN Failure .................................................................................7-9USB Failure...............................................................................7-10

    IR Connection Failure ...............................................................7-10

    Performance Failure .................................................................7-10

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    Chapter 1

    How to Maintain Your Notebook

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    How To Maintain Your Not ebook


    Basic Accessories and Specifications ofNotebook:

    Item Specification

    LCD Display 15.4 TFT WXGA

    Measurement 354 x 264 x 28~38 mm

    Weight 2.8 Kg (6-Cell LI-Ion battery included)

    Keyboard 28.5mm full-size keyboard

    CPU Intel

    Yonah series (Support 667 FSB)Chip Set Intel 945 PM+ ICH7-M (Calistoga)

    Memory DDR II with 2 slot (expand able to 2GB)

    Wireless LAN Supports Intel Claxico 802.11 b/g, 802.11a/b/g and mini-PCI Type-III

    CMOS Digital Camera Equipped 0.35 M or 1.3 M pixels digitalcamera (depending on the modelpurchased)

    Stereo Surround SoundSystem

    Two built-in speakers and stereomicrophone

    CD Rom Drive 12.7mm, supports DVD Combo/Dual/SuperMulti

    3-in-1 Card Reader Supports MMC, SD and MS card

    LI-Ion Battery Assembly 6 cell (14.4V, 4800mAH) SBS Main BatteryPack

    TV Tuner Card Supports digital/analog/Hybrid

    Graphic Controller nVidia G73M (only support Discrete model.)

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    How To Maintain Your Not ebook


    How to Protect Your Notebook

    In this chapter, you will learn how to maintain your notebook

    quickly and thoroughly and to avoid the danger of using it.Particularly for regular travelers, there are Use Tips provided forreference.

    Suggestions for Travelers:

    Please turn off your notebook.

    Please remember to backup important data stored in youcomputer system regularly.

    When you need to use the notebook in a meeting for a longtime, please fully charge the battery. If the meeting will last forabout 2 hours, it is suggested to prepare a backup battery orto use the AC adapter just in case.

    If you intend to travel without your notebook, please store it ina cool and dry place. If your notebook is stored in hightemperature and humidity environment, the system may fail.

    Please keep the hard drive away from the magnetic devices.

    (The magnetic products include videos, CD Rom drives, CDs,displays, speakers, etc.)

    Please treat your notebook as general carry-on luggage.

    Please remember the airport X-ray machines will not damageyour Notebook but the hand-held metal detector will.

    If you travel a lot and need to use your notebook while youtravel, please always check the local voltage, power cord andthe socket type.

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    How To Maintain Your Not ebook


    Secure Your Notebook

    When you have to use your notebook in a public place, you canuse a notebook anti-theft lock (Kingston lock) to lock yournotebook with a fixed object (such as the surface of the table).

    1. Please wind the cable around your notebook and the fixedobject.

    2. Please insert the key into the anti-theft lock hole, and then useit to lock it.

    3. Please carry the key with you all the time or keep it in a safeplace

    Figure 1-1 Secure Your Notebook

    Attention: Notebook anti-theft lock (Kingston lock) is the optionalaccessory. You can buy it from a distributor orcomputer outlets. It can secure your notebook fromtheft.

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    How To Maintain Your Not ebook


    Password Setup

    Operating System (OS) Password

    You can set a password for the OS, such as login password orstandby password. Once you have set up a password, theWindows will require you to enter the user name and thepassword when you log in.

    Anti-Virus Protection

    Computer viruses are self-duplicating programs and may attachto other program files, such as .exe, .com and .dll files.

    When you use your notebook to send/receive e-mail or connect tothe Internet, these viruses might infect your notebook.

    To avoid the computer viruses to damage the system, you shouldprotect your notebook from virus attacks by installing theanti-virus software.

    To learn more about computer viruses, please refer to thewebsites related to virus software.

    Attention: 1. Once you have set up the password, please

    memorize it by heart. If you forget the password,please contact sales distributors for help.

    2. If you are working on confidential documents, it issuggested to set up a password to protect yournotebook from unauthorized access.

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    How To Maintain Your Not ebook


    Where to Place and Operate Your Notebook

    If you want to transport your notebook, please pack it in thepackage box and mark Fragile Handle with care on thepackage to prevent damage to your notebook.

    Please use your notebook, CD-Rom drive and disk driver in a

    proper environment with the temperature ranged from 10C to

    35C. The humidity should not exceed 80%.

    Please place your notebook on a flat and stable surface.

    Please do not block the air outlets when you use yournotebook.

    Please do not place any heavy object on your notebook. Please do not touch the LCD screen with any sharp object,

    such as fingertips, scissors, rulers, pencils, etc. It mightscratch the display screen and damage it.

    Please keep your notebook away from electronic devices,such as mobile phone, TV, etc., to prevent any interference.

    Please do not spray any detergent on the CD-Rom drive.

    Please place the CD in the CD-Rom drive properly to prevent

    the CD-Rom drive being jammed or damaged.

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    How To Maintain Your Not ebook


    Clean Your Notebook Carefully

    Please turn off your notebook when you clean it.

    Please clean your notebook with a dry and soft cloth . Do NOTuse alkaline detergent to wipe the housing of your notebook.

    Please do not use alcohol or detergent to wipe the LCD screen.Always use a soft, dry, lint-free cloth or anti-static cloth to wipethe LCD screen gently.

    Please do not spray any water, detergent or chemical productson the LCD screen directly. It might damage your notebookpermanently.

    Please clean the keyboard regularly to prevent the keys beingjammed. You can use a compressed air spray gun or a brushto clean it.

    Please do not spray any liquid on the keyboard or use ageneral vacuum to clean it as it might lead to contrary effectand damage the keyboard.

    The dust and dirt on the touch pad will cause the cursor on thescreen to move irregularly. To prevent it, please wash yourhands before you use your notebook or clean the touch pad

    with a wet cloth.

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    How To Maintain Your Not ebook


    Use the Battery Carefully

    Replacing or handling the battery improperly may create therisk of fire or battery explosion, and further cause more seriousdamages. Please refer to the related information and handlethe battery with care.

    Always replace the battery with the same battery type or itsequivalents.

    Please do not disassemble or incinerate the battery. Please donot cause the battery to short circuit or expose the battery in

    the environment of temperature more than 60C(+140F),either.

    Please do not keep the battery together with other subjects.Also, please keep it away from children.

    Please do not use rusted or damaged batteries.

    Please follow your local regulations to dispose the usedbattery. Also, please ask your local waste disposal authorityfor battery recycling in detail.

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    Chapter 2

    Hardw are Overv iew

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    Hardw are Overview


    In this chapter, you will learn more about the hardwarecomponents of your notebook and how to use your notebook withease. So, what are you waiting for?

    Read this chapter right away to learn more about outstandingfeatures and functions of your notebook.

    Standard Accessories

    The supplied accessories may be different in different regions andnotebook models.

    First, please check all of the accessories supplied with your

    notebook carefully. If there is anything damaged or missing,please contact your local dealer immediately.

    Please keep the package box and all of the accessories fortransporting your notebook in the future, if necessary.

    Please check the standard accessories

    AC adapter and power cord

    6-cell high-power LI-Ion battery pack.

    CD containing all the drivers and utility programs.

    Users Guide

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    Hardw are Overview


    This chapter is provided with the brief figures of your notebook tohelp you to understand your notebook quickly. This chapter willalso use the figures to introduce you the simple functions of each


    Appearance of your notebook

    Display Latch Button

    Figure 2-1 Appearance of your notebook

    Please press the display latch button to open the cover, and thenyou can access the control area of your notebook. Now, lets enterthe main control area.

    Top Open View

    Figure 2-2 Top open view of your notebook

    Item Description

    Cover Lock To lock the cover of your notebook when the cover isclosed.

    Display 15.4 WXGA.

    Keyboard The keyboard provides all the functions of 28.5 mm

    full-size keyboard.

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    Hardw are Overview


    Diagram of Display

    Figure 2-3 Diagram of Display

    Item Description

    0.35M or 1.3M

    Pixels CMOSDigital Lens

    The lens can be adjusted vertically. It features the

    recording and shooting functions for motion picturesand still pictures (depending on the modelpurchased). Please refer to Chapter 5 for moredetails.

    Pointing device 1

    Figure 2-4 Pointing device

    Item Description

    Touch Pad You can move the cursor, select or activate theitems on the screen. It works just like a normalmouse, such as scrolling, select and double-clicks.

    Please refer to Chapter 3 for more details.

    Left and RightButtons onTouch Pad

    The buttons work just like the left and right buttonsof an external mouse.

    Please refer to Chapter 3 for more details.

    Latch To securely lock the cover of your notebook whenthe cover is closed.

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    Hardw are Overview


    Pointing device 2

    Figure 2-5 Pointing device

    Item Description


    There are two built-in speakers and a stereomicrophone. When you play the music with amulti-media program, the speakers will createstereo surround sound.

    Please refer to Chapter 5 for more details.



    This button is designed to turn on or off the

    Camera. Also it incomerswith Snapshotfunction. (When Notebook is on, the defaultsetting of Camera Switch is Off.)

    Internet Press this button to access the Internetimmediately.


    Press this button to activate Outlook to accesse-mails.

    CustomHot Key 1 P1 You can define or change the function of thishot key.

    CustomHot Key 2

    P2 You can define or change the function of thishot key.


    A hot key to turn on or off your notebook.

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    Hardw are Overview



    Figure 2-6 Pointing device

    Item Description


    When it is on, the memory card is inserted in thecard reader.


    When it is on, the hard drive or the CD drive isaccessing.

    Num Lock


    When it is on, the number lock or the embedded

    number pad is activated. Caps Lock

    IndicatorWhen it is on, the uppercase function isactivated.

    Scroll LockIndicator

    When it is on, the scroll lock function isactivated.

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    Hardw are Overview


    Front-Lateral View of Your Notebook

    Figure 2-7 Front-Lateral View of Your Notebook

    Item Description Wireless LAN

    SwitchIt is designed to turn on or turn off the wirelessLAN.

    Wireless LANIndicator

    When the blue light is on, the wireless LAN isactivated.

    When the yellow light is on, the Bluetooth isactivated.

    When the violet light is on, the wireless LAN

    and Bluetooth is activated.

    PowerIndicator(2-color LED)

    When the blue light is on, the power is on.

    When the orange light is on, your notebook is instandby mode.

    When the light is off, your notebook is either insleep mode or off.


    Indicator(2-color LED)

    When the blue light is on, your notebook is poweredby the battery.

    When the blue light is blinking, the power of thebattery is low.

    When the orange light is on, the battery is charging.

    When the orange light is blinking, the battery isabnormal.

    When the light is off, either the battery charging iscomplete or your notebook is in sleep mode.

    Infrared Port It is designed for wireless communication IrCC


    AV Buttons These buttons are hot keys for AV functions.

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    Hardw are Overview


    Left-Side View of Your Notebook

    Figure 2-8 Left-Side View of Your Notebook

    Item Description


    It is a Ethernet connector to connect to LAN toaccess the Internet.


    You can connect your notebook to the RJ-11telephone line cord through an RJ-11 plug.You can also make a dial-up connection to theInternet through it at the speed of 56Kbps.

    Air Outlet It is designed to cool down the insidecomponents by allowing the air to go through.

    TV Tuner It is designed to watch TV programs on theLCD (depending on the model purchased).


    It is designed for USB interface devices, suchas keyboards, mice, modems, external harddrives, printers and other devices.

    IEEE 1394Connector

    IEEE1394 is a high-speed bus that connectsto advanced digital devices, such as DV(digital video).

    Card Reader

    It supports MMC (Multi-Media Card), SD(Security Digital) and MS (Smart Media Card).

    PCMCIACard Slot

    It supports Type II PC card to expand otherfeatures.

    PC CardEject Button

    This button is designed to release the PCcard.

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    Hardw are Overview


    Right-Side View of Your Notebook

    Figure 2-9 Right-Side View of Your Notebook

    Item Description


    It is designed to control the volume.

    Audio Jackfor Stereo

    Speakers orEarphones.

    It is designed to connect S/PDIF optical fiber,earphones, and TV sound effects. It supports

    6-channel surround sound stereo and otheraudio output devices.


    It is designed to connect external dual waymicrophone.


    It means the optical device that supportsDVD-Dual, DVD-Combo and DVD SuperMulti. You can use this device to readCD/DVD to install software, access data or

    play music and movie in your notebook.

    USBConnector (2)

    It is designed to connect optional USBdevices.

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    Hardw are Overview


    Rear-Side View of Your Notebook

    Figure 2-10 Rear-Side View of Your Notebook

    Item Description

    Anti-theftlock slot

    It is designed to lock your notebook on a fixedsubject to prevent theft.


    Through the connector, you can output thecomputer images to the devices, such as TV(NTSC/PAL), video player, and videorecorder, to get the best visual effect.


    It is a 15pin D-sub VGA connector. You canuse it to connect external display or otherVGA-compatible devices, such as projector,to output the computer images to get bettervisual performance.

    AC AdapterConnector

    It is designed to connect AC power cord tosupply the power to your notebook.

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    Hardw are Overview


    CD-ROM drive

    CD-ROM drive ModelSummaryThere is an optical storage device configured with your notebook.

    It might be a DVD Combo drive, a DVD Dual drive or a DVDSuper Multi Drive depending on the model you bought. Pleaseinstall the device in correspondence with the model you bought.

    DVD Combo Drive This model combines the features ofDVD-ROM drive and CD-RW drive forcost-effective purpose.

    DVD-Dual Drive It is a DVD-RW drive capable of writingtwo formats of DVDs, which are -R/RWand +R/RW. (Optional)

    DVD Super MultiDrive

    It supports 8X speed DVD+R/-R, 4X speedDVD+RW/-RW and 5X speed DVD-RAM.

    How to Maintain the CD-ROM drive

    The CD-ROM drive is one of the components of your notebookand must be handled with care. The following notes areapplicable to all of the CD-ROM drives.

    Attention: Please be careful when you remove the CD to preventdata lost. The CD-ROM drive would be damaged if you use too

    much force on it. Please insert the CD into CD-ROMdrive with appropriate force.

    Please do not spray any detergent or other liquid onthe CD-ROM drive or expose the CD-ROM drive inthe environment with extreme temperature.

    Please do not remove the CD-ROM drive from your

    notebook, unless the CD-ROM drive requires repairor replacement.

    To protect the CD-ROM drive from static electricity,please:

    1. Touch any grounded metal objects to dischargethe static electricity from your body before youhandle the CD-ROM drive.

    2. Do not touch the connector on the CD-ROM drive.Protect your notebook from exposing to the

    devices with magnetic fields, such as the metaldetector and hand-held metal detector at theairports boarding gate.

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    Hardw are Overview


    If you deliver your notebook by post, please pack itwith electric-shock-proof, shockproof, heatproof anddamp-proof package. Also, please markFragile-Handle with care on the package.

    The security device that checks your carry-on

    luggage (usually put on the belt) in the airport usesX-ray. It is not a magnetic device so it will notdamage your notebook.

    Insert a DVD

    1. Turn on your notebook.

    2. Press the EJECT button on the side of the CD-ROM drive toeject the tray of the CD-ROM drive.

    3. Pull the tray out fully . Then put a CD or a single-side DVDon the tray. Place the label side of the CD or single-side DVDupward.

    4. Push the CD into the central axis gently until the CD is fixed.

    5. Push the tray back into the CD-ROM drive.

    Figure 2-12 Insert the CD into the CD-ROM drive or DVD drive

    When you insert the DVD, it is normal for the system to pause fora while before the system auto-executing the DVD program.

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    Hardw are Overview


    Remove a DVD

    1. Turn on your notebook.

    2. Press the EJECT button on the side of the CD-ROM drive toopen the tray of the CD-ROM drive .

    3. Hold the CD by the edge and gently press the central axis toremove the CD from the tray. When you remove the CD,please hold it by the edge. Do not touch the surface of the CD.If the tray of the CD-ROM drive is not fully ejected, please tiltthe CD a little when you remove it from the tray.

    4. Close the tray and keep the CD in a CD case.

    Figure 2-13 Remove the CD from the CD-ROM drive or DVDdrive when the power is on

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    Hardw are Overview


    Manually eject a DVD

    1. Insert a clip or a sharp object into the eject slot on the sideof the CD-ROM drive.

    2. Push the clip gently until the tray of the CD-ROM drive is open.Then pull the tray out fully .

    3. Hold the CD by the edge and gently press the central axis toremove the CD from the tray . When you remove the CD,please hold the CD by the edge. Do not touch the surface ofthe CD. If the tray of the CD-ROM drive is not totally ejected,please tilt the CD a little when you remove it from the tray.Please keep the CD in a CD case for protection.

    4. Close the tray of the CD-ROM drive.

    Figure 2-14 Remove the CD from the CD-ROM drive orDVD drive when the power is off

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    Hardw are Overview


    Connecting Standard Peripherals

    All of the jacks and connectors illustrated in this users guide

    support standard external peripherals. For the information of what types of the jacks and connectors

    that you need, please refer to the related sections.

    For the information of installing and uploading the softwarerequired, such as the drivers required by the peripherals,please refer to the operating system manual or visit themanufacturers website.

    If you want to connect the pointing device and keyboard to the

    keyboard/pointing device connector (PS/2), please use PS/2 YAdapter. It is available in most of the notebook or electronicgadget outlet.

    When you connect standard external peripherals to yournotebook, please follow the procedure illustrated below:

    1. If the peripheral requires external power, please make surethat its power is off.

    2. Please connect the peripheral to the correct jack or connectoron your notebook.

    3. If you connect the peripheral that requires external power toyour notebook, please insert the peripherals electric plug intothe grounded socket.

    4. Turn on the peripheral.

    If you connect the external display to your notebook correctly butthe display doesnt work, try to press Fn+F4 to switch the display.

    Attention: When your notebook is connected to a docking station,do not connect the RJ-11 cable for modem and RJ-48network cable to your notebook and the docking stationsimultaneously. It will not work if you do so.

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    Hardw are Overview



    Connecting Network Cable

    There is an 8-pin RJ-45 connector on both ends of the networkcable. The cable might also include noise suppression circuit toprevent interference from TV or radio.

    1. Insert the network cable into the RJ-45 connector of yournotebook.

    2. Insert the other end of the network cable into the networkconnector.

    3. Start or re-start your notebook.

    4. Connect to the Internet.

    Figure 2-15 Connecting Network Cable

    Connecting the Modem

    Using RJ-11 Cable

    There is a 6-pin RJ-11 connector on both ends of the modemcable and one of them must be connected to analog telephone

    line. The connector for digital PBX system might be similar toanalog telephone connector but is not compatible with the modem.Please interrupt it immediately and connect it to the digital line.

    1. If the modem cable includes noise suppression circuit that canprevent the interference from TV and radio, please make thecable end with the noise suppression circuit toward yournotebook.

    2. Insert the modem cable into the RJ-11 connector of your


    .3. Insert the other end of the modem cable into the telephoneconnector.

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    Hardw are Overview


    Attention: Connecting your notebook to the digital line mightdamage the modem permanently. Please interrupt theconnection between your notebook and the digital line

    immediately. To reduce the risk of electric shock, fire, orother factors that would damage the device, please donot insert the telephone line into the RJ-45 connector.

    Figure 2-16 Connecting RJ-11 Modem Cable

    Specific cable adapter used in different countries

    The telephone connectors are different from country to country. Ifyou want to use the modem and RJ-11 cable in another country

    instead of the country where you bought your notebook, pleaseacquire the specific modem adapter used in that country.

    Please refer to the other detailed information of using notebooksin different countries or search the Internet for the information.

    1. If the modem cable includes noise suppression circuit that canprevent the interference from TV and radio, please let thecable end with the noise suppression circuit face toward yournotebook.

    2. Insert the modem cable into the RJ-11 connector of yournotebook.

    3. Insert the specific modem adapter used in a country into thetelephone connector.

    4. Insert the modem cable into the specific modem adapter usedin a country.

    Attention: To reduce the risk of electric shock, fire, or other factorsthat would damage the device, please do not insert thetelephone line into the RJ-45 connector.

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    Hardw are Overview


    If you want set the infrared device for best transmission,

    Set up the infrared ports for the two devices that will use theinfrared transmission.

    Put the infrared ports of the two devices fact to face. Thedistance between the two infrared ports should not exceed 3.3inches (1 meter).

    Put the infrared ports of the two devices fact to face. Thebiggest receiving angle is 30 degrees. Therefore, the twoinfrared ports shall not deviate from the central line more than15 degrees.

    Protect the infrared ports from direct exposure to sunlight,white heat blinking light and energy-saving fluorescent light.

    Make sure that there is no signal of remote control or otherwireless devices (such as earphone or audio devices) pointingto the infrared ports.

    Do not move the devices and do not allow other subjects ormotions to interfere the infrared ray while infrared transmissionis taking place.

    Standby Mode and Infrared Transmission

    Standby mode is not compatible with the infrared transmission. Ifyour notebook is in the standby mode, you cant perform infraredtransmission.

    If the standby mode starts while infrared transmission is takingplace, the infrared transmission will stop. If you want to resumeyour notebook from the standby mode, please press the powerswitch gently. The infrared transmission will continue after your

    notebook resuming from the standby mode.

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    Hardw are Overview


    Connecting to Infrared Devices

    Your notebook is compatible with IrCC (4Mbps standard) andcapable of communicating with other infrared devices compatiblewith IrCC.

    Infrared signals are transmitted through invisible infrared ray. Thetransmitting route cannot be blocked.

    Figure 2-17 Connecting to Infrared Devices

    The infrared port of your notebook supports the minimumtransmission speed of 115 Kbps and the maximum transmissionspeed of 4 Mbps.

    The performance of infrared transmission is different based onthe performance of the infrared peripherals, the distance betweenthe infrared devices and different applications.

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    Hardw are Overview


    Using USB Device

    The USB devices functions are substantially the same asnon-USB devices in the system except that, as default, the USBdevices wont work unless the operating system that supportsUSB is loaded.

    If you want to use the USB keyboard, mouse or hub connected tothe USB connectors of your notebook when you start yournotebook or while using non-Windows applications or utilityprograms, please use old USB version to support it.

    Connecting USB Devices

    USB (Universal Serial Bus) is a hardware interface that used toconnect the low speed external devices (for example, USBkeyboards, mice, CD-ROM drives, printers, scanners or hubs) toyour notebook or the multi-function port replicator, which is anoptional device.

    USB hub can be connected to your notebook, the USB connectorof the multi-function port replicator, or other USB devices. Thehub supports a plurality of USB devices to increase the number ofthe USB devices of the system.

    Hubs that require external power must be connected toexternal power.

    Hubs that dont require external power must be connected tothe USB connector of your notebook or the connectors of thehub with external power.

    Some USB devices need additional supporting software. Thesoftware is usually included in the package of the device. Formore detailed information and software installing instruction,please refer to the related sections.

    Figure 2-18 Identify the four USB connectors of your notebook.

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    Chapter 3

    How to Use Your Notebook

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    How to Use Your Not ebook


    Tips to Use Your Notebook Safely andComfortably

    If you are a beginner, please read the following tips. These tipscan help you feel comfortable and safe while using yournotebook.

    Planning Your Work Environment

    A notebook is a portable platform. It allows you to work anytimeanywhere. However, if you want to work with your notebook for along time, it is very important to choose a good work environment.

    There must be sufficient light for the work area.

    Select a proper desk and chair. Adjust the desk and chair tothe proper height and adjust your sit position that suits you inorder to allow you to achieve the best results with yournotebook.

    Select a chair with a backrest that allows you to lean backwardand can support your back comfortably.

    Put your feet on the floor comfortably to make your knees and

    heels in the proper position. (The proper angle is 90 degree.)

    Put your hands on the desk comfortably to support your wrists.

    Adjust the angle of the LCD display for the best viewing angle.

    Avoid using your notebook in the work environment thatmakes you feel uncomfortable (for example, a soft cushion).

    Your notebook is an electronic device and may cause injury,so please use it with care.

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    How to Use Your Not ebook


    Developing Good Work Habits

    Figure 3-1 Planning Your Work Environment

    If you want to work with your notebook for a long time, it is veryimportant to develop good work habits. Otherwise, long work

    hours will cause discomfort or injury to you.Please remember the following tips while you work:

    Change your sitting position from time to time.

    Stretch or move your body from time to time.

    Take a break after working long hours.

    Put your feet and

    hands in the mostcomfortable position

    Adjust the angle ofthe LCD display.

    Adjust the heightof the desk.

    Sit upright and keepyour back straight.

    Adjust the heightof the chair.

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    How to Use Your Not ebook


    Attention: If you work with a notebook for a long time, it is possiblethat your body will be seriously injured. To lower theinjury risk and make you feel more comfortable, please

    follow the suggestions in this chapter to select goodwork environment and adjust a break properly.

    Typing for a long time, an inappropriate workenvironment, bad work habits, stressful workconditions and relationship, or personal health problem,all could lead to injuries. These injuries include carpaltunnel syndrome, tendon inflammation and other boneor muscle disorders. These disorder symptoms maypresent on the hands, wrists, arms, neck or back. Thesymptoms include sensation of paralysis, burning or

    sting sensation, inflammation, pain or minor pain,shivering or swelling, being nervous or stiff, feelingfaint or cold. All of the symptoms mentioned above maypresent when you are typing, using the mouse or evenwhen your hands are kept still. The symptoms maypresent at night and wake you up. If you have thosesymptoms or persistent pain, or other uncomfortablefeelings that you think may be related to using thenotebook, please consult a qualified doctor or yourcompanys health and security department (if available).

    The earlier you get diagnosed and treated, the lesslikely that the symptom will progress. The followingsections will illustrate information related to properwork environment, work position, and personal healthand work habits.

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    How to Use Your Not ebook


    Know Your Keyboard

    Your notebook provides the full functions of a 28.5 mm full-size

    keyboard and additional function keys [Fn].The function keys must work with other keys to activate specificdefault functions.

    Figure 3-2 Keyboard

    Know Your Touch Pad

    The touch pad integrated with you notebook is a pointing device

    that compatible with a standard mouse. The touch pad allows youto control your notebook by moving the cursor on the displayscreen and using the two buttons on the touch pad to select whatyou want.

    Figure 3-3 Touch Pad

    Cursor Moving AreaIts the pressure sensor of the touch pad. You can put you fingeron it and move your finger to control the cursor on the displayscreen.

    TouchPad scroll zone

    Scrolls up or down.Left ButtonIt works just like the left button of a standard mouse.

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    How to Use Your Not ebook


    Right ButtonIt works just like the right button of a standard mouse.

    How to Use the Touch Pad

    The table below describes some tips that you have to know whenyou use the touch pad:

    Locate and Move: Put your finger (usually index finger) on thetouch pad. The rectangle touch pad is just asmall duplicated screen. When you moveyour fingertip on the touch pad, the cursoron the screen will also move in the same

    direction simultaneously. When your fingertouches the edge of the touch pad, pleaseraise your finger and put it on a properposition of the touch pad again.

    Point and Select: When you move the cursor on an icon, i.e.when you want to execute a option or acommand, just hit the touch pad once gentlyor click the left button to select it. Thisprocedure is called Point and Select; it is abasic movement for operating yournotebook. Unlike traditional pointingdevices, such as mice, the touch pad canbe used just like the left button. Forexample, hitting the touch pad twice is justlike executing double click.

    Drag and Drop: You can also Drag and Drop to move thefiles or objects on your notebook. To do it,

    move the cursor to the item you want toselect and hit the touch pad twice gently,and then keep you finger on the touch pad.Now, all you have to do is to move youfinger on the touch pad and then you candrag the selected item to the desiredlocation. Then raise your finger to drop theitem. You can also hold down the left buttonand move your finger to the desired

    location, and then release the left button tocomplete the Drag and Drop.

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    Figure 3-4 How to Use the Touch Pad

    1. Do not put any heavy or sharp objects on the touch pad. Donot scratch the pad surface.

    2. Use a soft, dry cloth to clean the touch pad frequently toprevent dust or liquid on the touch pad.

    3. When you use the touch pad, please keep your finger and the

    touch pad clean and dry to get the best performance. Whenyou hit the touch pad, do not hit it too hard.

    Setting Up Your Touch Pad

    You can specify the pointing device to meet your personalrequirements. For example, if you are a left-hander, you mightwant to switch the functions of the two buttons. In addition, youcan change the size, shape and moving speed of the cursor andother advanced settings.

    You can use the drivers for standard Microsoft or IBM PS/2included in the Windows operating system to set up the touch pad.You can change the settings of the touch pad by selecting MouseProperties in the Control Panel.

    Slide your fingertip tomove the cursor.

    Put your wriston the deskcomfortably.

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    How to Use Your Not ebook


    Function Keys

    Fn Key

    Hot keys and quick keys are the default combination of the Fn keyand other keys, which can execute common system functions.

    This key must work with other keys to activate specific defaultfunctions.

    To activate the following functions, please hold down [Fn] andpress one of the following buttons:

    Fn key

    Touch PadLock/Resume

    Press this combination key (Fn+F1)to lock or resume the function of thetouch pad.


    Press this combination key (Fn+F2)to activate Bluetooth. It allows youto connect your notebook to variousperipherals wirelessly.


    Press this combination key (Fn+F3)to stop all of the audio outputfunctions.


    Press this combination key (Fn+F4)to switch among LDC display, CRTdisplay and both CRT display andLCD display.



    Press this combination key (Fn+F5)

    to activate the Hibernation mode.


    Press this combination key (Fn+F6)to increase the brightness of theLCD display.


    Press this combination key (Fn+F7)to decrease the brightness of theLCD display.

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    How to Use Your Not ebook


    Other Function Keys

    Windows Function Keys

    There are two Windows keys on this keyboard to execute thefunctions of the Windows.

    Windows Key

    You can find a Windows Logo ( ) key and an Application

    Logo( ) key on the keyboard. These keys are used to execute

    the specific functions of the Windows, for example, to open theStart menu and the short-cut menu. For more detailed

    information of these two keys, please refer to the Windows usersguide or the on-line manual.

    Continuously using Fn Key

    By pressing the Fn key and other keys together, you can entermany commands. For example, by pressing Fn+ Function-key,you can enter hot key commands, or Fn commands.

    If you start the function of continuous Fn, you can press the Fnkey and another key together to enter all of the commands, or youcan use the function of continuous Fn and press another key to

    enter all of the commands.

    When the continuous Fn function is activated:

    Every time when you press the Fn key, the next key you press willbe considered as the other key for the Fn command.

    You can still enter the Fn command by pressing the Fn key andany key of Fn commands.

    Number Keypad

    This keypad provides 15 number keys embedded in the typingkeys.When the Num Lk is on, you can use these number keys toenter numbers or calculate.

    Figure 3-5 Number Keypad

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    How to Use Your Not ebook


    The number keypad might not work for some special applicationsoftware. When it happens, you can use the typing keys to enterthe numbers or using an external number keypad.

    Stopping using number keypad

    If you want to stop using the number keypad and return to thestandard keyboard mode, please press Fn+Num Lk.

    Using the number keypad as standard typing keys

    When the Num Lk is on, you can still use the number keypad asstandard typing keys temporarily:

    Hold the Fn key down to enter lowercase letters and numbers.

    Hold the Shift key down to enter uppercase letters.

    If you want to turn off Num Lk, press Fn+Num Lk.

    Turning on number keypad When the System Starts

    When you notebook starts, the default value of the numberkeypad is off. You can set up you notebook to turn on the numberkeypad when the system starts. You can press Fn+Num Lk toturn on or turn off the number keypad no matter in what mode thesystem starts.

    Cursor KeysCursor keys are located on the right-down corner of the keyboard.They includes the four arrow keys, [Home], [PgUp], [PgDn] and[End] keys and are used to control the cursor.

    Move the cursor one space to the left.

    Move the cursor one space to the right.

    Move the cursor down one line.

    Move the cursor up one line.

    Scroll backwards one page.

    Scroll forwards one page

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    How to Use Your Not ebook


    Move the cursor to the beginning of a sentence (or a text).

    Move the cursor to the end of a sentence (or a text).

    You can use the Backspace key, Insert and Delete keys locatedon the right-up corner of the keyboard to edit a text.

    Typing Keys

    The functions of the typing keys are the main functions of thekeyboard, just like a typewriter. The typing keys also include

    several keys for specific usage, such as [Ctrl], [Alt] and [Esc]keys.

    When you press the lock keys, the correspondence LED will be litto indicate the status.

    Num Lk Press this key to turn on or turn off the Num Lk (thenumber keypad). When the Num Lk is on, you can usethe number keypad.

    Scroll Lk Press this key to turn on or turn off the Scroll Lk (to

    lock the scrolling of the text on the screen). Thefunction of this key is defined by the individualprogram.

    Hot keys

    Through the hot keys, you can easily connect to the Internet,access your e-mail, and activate the CMOS digital camera orcalculator.

    Press this key to turn on or turn off the CMOSdigital camera.

    Press this key to activate the net navigator (forexample, Internet Explorer) to access the Internet.

    Press this key to activate the e-mail function (forexample, Outlook Express) to access your e-mails.

    P1 You can define or change the function of this hotkey.

    P2 You can define or change the function of this hotkey.

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    How to Use Your Not ebook


    Using the AV hot keys in front of your notebook allows you to playmusic CD call out Media-player when under operation system(Windows).

    Figure 3-6 AV hot keys

    Previous Track Press this hot key to play the previoustrack of music CD.

    CD Play/Pause Press this hot key to play or pausemusic CD.

    CD Stop Press this hot key to stop playing

    music CD.

    Next Track Press this hot key to play the nexttrack of music CD.

    AV Switch Press this hot key with call outMedia-player when under operationsystem (Windows).

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    How to Use Your Not ebook


    Using the Remote Control (optionaldevice-depending on the model purchased)

    Using the remote control allows you to control your notebookwithin certain distance. Using the remote control for yournotebook is just like using remote controls for electronic homeappliances. All of the buttons or keys on the remote control arecorresponding to the buttons or keys on your notebook with thesame functions.

    Turn System Power On/Off

    Number Key Set(Channel Selection)

    Turn On/Off TV Tuner

    Take a Snapshot

    Volume Up/DownGet Up/Down One Channel

    Turn Mute On/Off

    Enter (Selected)Up/Down/Left/Right

    Recall PreviousChannel (Page)

    Switch BetweenAir/Cable Reception

    E ect ODD

    Escape from CurrentMode (Page)Start/Stop Recording

    Turn-on Defaulted

    Media Player

    Media Playback Buttons

    Get Direct to Menu Page(for Power DVD only)

    Turn Full-Screen Mode On/Off(for TV Tuner only)

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    Chapter 4

    Pow er Management

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    Pow er Management


    Managing the power effectively can extend the life of the batterypack and enhance the productivity of your notebook.

    The advanced configuration and power interface (ACPI) can allowyou to manage the power for your notebook easily and effectively.Through ACPI, the power can be allocated to each componentbased on its demand. It can help you to fully take advantage ofthe battery pack and achieve the best system performance.

    Connecting to the Power

    Your notebook is equipped with a 6-cell high-power LI-Ion batterypack. You can use your notebook by the power of the battery packor the external AC power. However, when you use your notebookfor the first time, it is suggested that you connect your notebook tothe AC adapter and use AC power. When your notebook isconnected to the AC adapter, the battery pack will be chargingimmediately.

    Connecting to AC Power

    1. Unpack the carton and take out the AC adapter and power

    cord.2. Connect the power cord to the connector of the AC adapter.

    3. Connect the DC end of the adapter to your notebook. Andthen insert the plug of the power cord into the socket .

    4. When the AC adapter is connecting to your notebook, theorange LED ( ) on your notebook will be lit. It means that thebattery is charging.

    Figure 4-1 Connecting to AC Power

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    Pow er Management


    Interrupting AC Power

    To disconnect the AC adapter, first you have to remove the powerplug from the socket, and then remove the connector connectedto your notebook.

    Figure 4-2 Interrupting AC power

    1. The AC adapter included in your notebook is perfectlycompatible with your notebook. Using a different AC adaptermight damage your notebook or the devices with yournotebook.

    2. When you remove the power cord, please hold the plug . Donot pull the power cord .

    Know Standby Mode

    Standby mode is a function to save energy. It can save the powerand shorten the start-up time. The standby mode could beactivated either by the user or the system. Please refer to therelated sections.

    Standby Mode

    The power consumed by the system components is reducedwhen your notebook is in the standby mode. When your notebookis in standby mode, your work will be saved in the RAM (Random

    Access Memory) and the screen will be clear. When you resumeyour work from the standby mode, the data you left last time onthe screen will display on the screen again.

    Selecting the Standby mode

    When you leave your notebook

    If you intend to come back in a short time, activating the standbymode will clear the screen and the power consumed will be lessthan that of your notebook is in the normal mode. Also, when youresume your notebook from the standby mode, your previous

    work will return to the screen immediately. The fully charged newbattery pack can support the standby mode for about 2 hoursunless the battery has been charged and discharged very often.

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    Pow er Management


    When you use the infrared transmission or the media ofCD-ROM

    When your notebook is in the standby mode, it will interferethe operation of the infrared transmission and the media.

    If your notebook is in the standby mode, you cannot activatethe infrared transmission.

    If you accidentally activate the standby mode when you areusing the media of CD-ROM (for example, CD-ROM drive orDVD drive), it might interrupt the CD or DVD playing:

    You might see a flash notice, which says, Activating thestandby mode will interrupt playing. Do you want to continue?Please select No.

    Slide the power switch to resume the work from the standbymode.

    The audio and visual effect will continue to output, otherwise,you might have to re-start the media of CD-ROM.

    Attention: To prevent degradation of the audio and visual effectand losing function of audio and visual playing, pleasedo not activate the standby mode when you use themedia of CD-ROM.

    Using the Emergency Shutdown Procedure

    If your notebook is not responding, or you cannot turn off yournotebook normally, please try the following emergency procedure,

    Press Ctrl+Alt+Delete. Then:For Windows XP home, select Start>Shut down thecomputer>Shut Down.

    If you cannot turn off your notebook by pressing

    Ctrl+Alt+Delete, please press the power switch and hold it for4 seconds until it shutdowns.

    If you still cannot turn off your notebook after pressing thepower switch, please interrupt the connection between yournotebook and the external power and remove the battery packfrom your notebook.

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    Pow er Management


    Power Options

    Select the Power Source

    Your notebook can be powered either by the internal powersource or external power source. The table below describes thebest power source for your notebook.

    Work Power Source

    To be effective for mostapplication software


    From the external power source

    through one of the following

    device: AC adapter

    Airplane adapter (Optional)

    Auto adapter/charger (Optional)

    To charge the battery packinstalled in your notebookor to test your notebook.

    The external power supply:

    AC adapter

    Auto adapter/charger (Optional)

    To install or change thesystem software.

    From the external power sourcethrough the AC adapter.

    Setting up the Power Management Options

    You can change many default configurations of power options,such as waiting time, alarms and power switch setup, in thePower Options window.

    For keeping effective battery power to achieve the best system

    performance, please establish the best configuration for yournotebook. The following describes how to change power options,

    1. Select Start and Control Panel to open the Control Panelwindow.

    2. Select Performance and Maintenance.

    3. In the Performance and Maintenance window, select thePower Options to open the Power Options propertieswindow.

    4. Under the Power Schemes tab, you can establish the bestconfiguration.

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    Pow er Management


    5. Under Alarms tab, you can select the options of the Lowbattery alarm and Critical battery alarm columns, toactivate the function of power alarms.

    6. Select the Alarm Action in the column to specify the alarmaction when the power of the battery meets the standard oflow battery alarm or critical battery alarm.

    7. Under the Advanced tab, your can specify what yournotebook will do after you press the Power button, press theSleep button and close the cover of your notebook.

    8. Under the Hibernate tab, you can select Enablehibernation to enable the function of hibernation.

    Attention: 1. When the alarm indicates that battery is low, pleasesave your data immediately. You can keep workingby connecting the AC adapter to your notebook.

    2. When the battery is low, please do not use the cardreader or other storage devices. Otherwise, you maylose important files or data due to longer accessingtime.

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    Pow er Management


    AC adapter

    Your notebook provides a universal AC adapter and a 6-cell

    high-power LI-Ion battery pack. You can power your notebook bythe battery pack or the AC adapter.

    AC Adapter Introduction

    The AC adapter included in your notebook is a universal ACadapter. It works in the AC voltages ranged from 100V~240V.Therefore, it allows you to use your notebook anywhere. ACadapter supplies the power to your notebook after transformingAC power to DC power. It also can be used to charge the batterypack.

    The AC adapter has two parts: The adapter and the power cord.

    Figure 4-3 AC adapter

    Attention: 1. The AC adapter included in your notebook iscompatible with your notebook. Using a different ACadapter might damage your notebook or the devicesattached to your notebook.

    2. When you remove the power cord, please hold theplug. Do not pull the power cord.

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    Pow er Management


    Battery Pack

    Chargeable LI-Ion battery pack is the internal power source of

    your notebook. A fully charged battery pack can supply the powerfor about 2 hours depending on actual use time.

    Charging Battery Pack

    The battery pack charges when it installs in your notebook. Thebattery pack will charge automatically when the AC adapter isconnected to your notebook. Please charge the battery pack in

    normal temperature ranged from 0C(32F) to 50C(122F). If the

    temperature is higher than 60C (142F), the battery pack will

    stop charging to protect itself. After the temperature is down to50C (122F), the battery pack will resume chargingautomatically.

    While the battery charges, the battery pack status indicator, anorange LED ( ), in front of your notebook will be lit.

    In addition, you can check the battery charging status through thebattery pack power meter. The icon of the battery pack powermeter appears on the task bar. The icon is either or

    based on the current power source. Double click on the icon to

    open the battery pack power meter window, which will providerelated information for your reference.

    If the battery pack power meter doesnt appear on the task bar,you can set up through Start menu.

    1. Select Start and then select Control Panel to open theControl Panel window. Then select Performance andMaintenance.

    2. In the Performance and Maintenance window, select thePower Options to open the Power Options propertieswindow.

    3. Under the Advanced tab, select the option Always showicon on the task bar and click OK.

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    Pow er Management


    Attention: 1. The time required for battery charging depends onthe system mode. When the notebook is on, it takeslonger time to fully charge the battery (3~4 hours).

    2. The power meter only provides the estimated valueof how much power of the battery pack is left. Theactual operating time is based on actual use time.

    Removing the Battery Pack

    You can purchase another battery pack as a backup battery packfor traveling.

    To remove the battery pack:

    1. Make sure that your notebook is off.2. Put your notebook upside down.

    3. Push the battery pack switch on the left of your notebookbottom to the ON position.

    4. Then, keep pushing the battery pack switch on the right ofyour notebook bottom to the right-hand side.

    5. And then, remove the battery pack from the battery baysimultaneously.

    Figure 4-4 Removing the Battery Pack

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    Pow er Management


    Inserting the Battery Pack

    1. Push the battery pack into the battery bay.

    2. Push the battery pack inward and the battery will be lockedautomatically.

    3. Push the button to the OFF position and the battery pack isfixed.

    Figure 4-5 Changing the Battery Pack

    Attention: 1. Do not try to disassemble the battery pack.

    2. Please follow your local regulation to dispose thewaste battery pack.

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    Pow er Management


    Saving the Power of the Battery Pack

    Effective power of the battery pack is very important for keepingthe system to operate normally. If the power of the battery pack isnot well controlled, your data and personal configuration that yousaved in your notebook might be lost.

    The tips below will help you to extend the life of the battery packand prevent sudden power interruption.

    If the system is going to be idle for a while, you can keep thesystem in the standby mode or set the standby timer to a shorttime.

    If you are not going to use your notebook for a while, it is

    suggested to turn off your notebook.You can close unnecessary configurations or remove idleperipherals to save power. Please use AC adapter if possible.

    Charging the Battery Pack

    When the battery pack is installed in your notebook, you cancharge the battery pack. For charging the battery pack andreplacing the battery pack, please pay attention to the following

    notes:If there is no fully charged battery pack available, please save thefiles and close all the running programs. Then, please turn off thesystem and save it to the hard drive.

    External AC power.

    You can use, pause or turn off the system without interfering thebattery pack charging.

    The battery pack uses no memory effect LI-Ion battery. You

    dont have to discharge it before you charge it. However, wesuggest you to discharge the battery pack once a month toextend the life of the battery pack.

    If you are not going to use your notebook for a long time, wesuggest you to remove the battery pack from your notebook. It isvery helpful to extend the life of the battery pack.

    The time required for charging the battery pack depends on therunning applications.

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    Pow er Management


    Low Battery Control

    Identifying low battery of the battery pack

    When the power of battery pack, the only power source availablefor your notebook, is low, the alarm message will be displayed onthe screen.

    If you want to have an auditory alarm for low battery or to set yourdesired low battery alarm configuration, please open the PowerOptions window and select the Alarm tab.

    Identifying critical battery of the battery pack

    If the low battery of the battery pack is not solved, your notebook

    will suffer from insufficient power supply and the followingsituations might happen:

    If the hibernation mode is enabled, and your notebook is eitherin ON or in the standby mode, the alarm message will bedisplayed on the screen, and your notebook will starthibernation mode and shutdown immediately. You unsavedwork will be protected.

    Attention: If you want to protect your work from insufficient powersupply of the battery pack, please make sure that youhave enabled the hibernation mode.

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    Chapter 5

    Audio and Video

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    Audio and Video


    Audio Function

    Connecting Audio Devices

    Your notebook is equipped with an audio subsystem. However,you can still connect your notebook to external audio devices forthe better audio performance. The audio output jack allows youto connect your notebook to speakers and earphones, and themicrophone jack allows you to connect your notebook toexternal microphone.

    Figure 5-1 Connecting Audio Devices

    1. It is strongly recommended to install the audio driver in thesoftware CD included in your notebook package in order to getthe complete audio subsystem.

    2. When you connect your notebook to external speakers ormicrophones and the audio subsystem, the built-in audiodevices will be off automatically.

    Volume Control

    Double click on the Volume Control icon on the task bar andthe Master Volume dialog box will appear. You can move thevolume slider bar to adjust volume levels.

    If the Volume Control icon is not on the task bar, select Startand then select Control Panel to open the control panelwindow. In the control panel window, select Sounds, Speech

    and Audio Devices and then select Sounds and AudioDevices to open the sound and audio devices propertieswindow.

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    Audio and Video


    Check on the Place Volume icon in the task bar and then clickon OK. Now you shall see the Volume Control icon on the taskbar.

    Identifying Audio Functions

    Your notebook provides the following audio devices:

    Using Microphone Jack

    Please use a two-channel microphone with 3.5-mm plug whenyou want to connect an external microphone to your notebook. Itis suggested to use a two-channel electrets condensermicrophone.

    If you connect a stereo microphone to your notebook, the two

    channels will both record the sounds of the left channel.

    If you connect a dynamic microphone to your notebook, thedesired sensitivity level might not be achieved.

    When your notebook is connected to an external microphone,the built-in microphone of your notebook will be off.

    Using Stereo Speakers/Earphone Jack

    Attention: To lower the injury risk, adjust VOLUME to acomfortable level after you put on the earphone or

    headphones.To avoid the damage to the external devices, please do

    not insert 1-channel connector to the stereo

    speakers/earphone jack (output).

    When you connect an external device to the stereo

    speakers/earphone jack,

    1. Only use a 3.5-mm stereo plug.

    2. Please use an earphone with the resistor from 24

    ohm to 32 ohm to get the best sound quality.

    When you connect external audio devices to the stereo

    speakers/earphone jack (output), the built-in stereo

    speaker of your notebook will be off automatically.

    Adjust the Volume

    You can use the following control methods to adjust thevolume:

    The volume button of your notebook.

    Adjusting the volume in the Windows Volume Controlwindow.

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    Audio and Video


    S-Video Output Connector

    The S-Video output connector is designed to connect optional

    S-video devices, such as TV, video player, video recorder,overhead projector, or video capture card.

    If you want to transmit video signals through the S-Video, youneed a S-Video cable. It is available in most TV, video player orelectronics retailers.

    S-Video connection usually provides better picture quality thancomposite video connection.

    If you want to connect a video device to S-Video output

    connector:1. Connect one end of the S-Video cable to the S-Video output

    connector of your notebook.

    2. Connect the other end to the video device.

    Figure 5-2 Connecting the device to the S-Video output connector

    If you cant access the S-Video output connector when yournotebook is connected to the docking station, you can connectthe device to the S-Video output connector of the port replicator(optional).

    Changing Video System

    The color TV in the same area could have different standardmode. However, in general, NTSC is more common in NorthAmerica, and PAL is more common in Europe, China, Africa, andMid-East. In Japan, it is NTSC-J and in Brazil, it is PAL-M. In other

    areas, such as South America and Central America, it might beNTSC, PAL or PAL-M.

    The default standard mode for a color TV is NTSC.

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    Audio and Video


    Copyright warning: Under appropriate copyright law, it is acriminal act to replicate the copyrighteddata without licensing agreements. The

    data includes computer programs, films,radio programs and tapes. It isprohibited to use them in yournotebook.

    Playing CD with Windows Media Player

    Playing Audio CD

    If you want to play an Audio CD:1. Put the audio CD in the CD-ROM drive tray and then close it.

    Please wait for a moment. Then:

    2. If Autoplay is enabled, Windows Media player will appear.Then go to step 4.

    If Windows Media Player doesnt appear:

    Please select Start>All Programs>Windows MediaPlayer.

    3. Press the Play button to play the CD and the Stop buttonto stop playing.

    Playing Video CD

    If you want to play a Video CD:

    1. Put the video CD in the CD-ROM drive tray and then close it.Please wait for a moment. Then:

    2. If Autoplay is enabled, Windows Media player will appear and

    start playing the video CD. Then go to step 5.3. If the video CD is not playing and Windows Media Player

    doesnt appear:

    Please select Start>All Programs>Windows MediaPlayer.

    4. On Windows Media Player menu bar, select Files>Open.

    5. In the Browse or Search column, double click on theCD-ROM drive contained the video CD.

    6. Select the folder that includes the video file you want to play,and then press Open.

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    Audio and Video


    7. If you want to stop playing the video CD, please press theStop button.

    How to Access Windows Media Player

    Window Media Player is an application program that is included inthe operating system.

    If you want to open the Help of Windows Media Player:

    1. Put the CD in the CD-ROM drive tray and then close it.

    2. Select the Windows Media Player icon on the task bar, or

    Please select Start>All Programs>Windows MediaPlayer.

    3. Select the Help on the menu bar.

    Display Mode

    The table below listed the screen resolution/color quality that yournotebook supports,

    Resolution Only for CRT monitor LCD Display

    800*600 8, 16, 32-bit color 8, 16, 32-bit color

    1024*768 8, 16, 32-bit color 8, 16, 32-bit color

    1280*800 8, 16, 32-bit color 8, 16, 32-bit color

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    Audio and Video


    When your notebook is connected to an external CRT monitor,the new frequency will be,

    Resolution CRT monitor (Hz)

    800*600 60, 72, 75, 80

    1024*768 60, 72, 75, 80

    1280*800 60, 75

    Setting Up your Display Mode

    Your notebook screen resolution and color quality is the defaultsettings as your notebook is manufactured. Now you can changethese settings in the operating system based on your personnelneeds.

    Changing screen resolution and color quality

    1. Click on Start on the task bar, and then select ControlPanel to open the control panel window.

    2. In control panel window, double click on Display to open theDisplay Properties window.

    3. Move the slide bar in the Screen Resolution column toadjust the resolution of the display. Select the desired colorquality from the drop down menu in the Color Qualitycolumn.

    Changing Display Output Device

    1. Click on Start on the task bar, and then select ControlPanel to open the control panel window.

    2. In Control Panel window, double click on Display to openthe Display Properties window.

    3. Click on the Advanced button to open the window.

    4. Click on Intel

    Extreme Graphics to select the icon contentsand open the window for more settings.

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    Audio and Video


    5. Under Display tag, if your notebook is connected to anexternal display device, such as a CRT monitor or a TV, justselect the display device you want to use and click on OK.

    (You can also switch the display output devices by pressing[Fn]+[F4] on the keyboard.)

    CMOS Digital Camera

    Your notebook is equipped with a super CMOS digital camerawith high picture quality (350000 or 1300000 pixels) andembedded with Bison CAM, USB 2.0. It allows you to take motionpictures, still pictures, and to perform photographing and

    capturing. In the mean time, you can send the pictures and theimages via Outlook. Please read the related sections thoroughlyto quickly learn how to operate CMOS digital camera.

    Turning On CMOS Digital Camera

    1. Press the button and then your notebook will generate a

    ding-dong sound. The sound means that CMOS digitalcamera is on.

    Figure 5-3 Turning On CMOS Digital Camera

    2. In the meantime, the Preview window of CMOS digitalcamera will pop out.

    3. Press the button again to take pictures.

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    Audio and Video


    Turning off CMOS Digital Camera

    1. Close the window of CMOS digital camera.

    2. Press and hold it for about 4 seconds, and then yournotebook will generate a ding-dong sound and the orangeindicator will be off. Now the power of the CMOS digital

    camera is off.

    Using CMOS digital camera to take pictures and save files

    1. Open the Preview window of CMOS digital camera.

    2. Adjust the CMOS digital camera lens vertically.

    Figure 5-4 Adjusting the CMOS digital camera lens

    3. Then press and your notebook will generate the

    shutter sound.

    4. In the meantime, the pictures taken by CMOS digital camerawill pop up.

    5. Next, save the picture to the file.

    Viewing the Pictures Taken by CMOS Digital Camera

    1. Open the Preview window of CMOS digital camera.

    2. Select File and the dialog box will appear.

    3. Next, move the cursor to select Open (Set Capture File),the pictures stored in the file will display on the screen.

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    Audio and Video


    CMOS Digital Camera Setup Photographing1. Open the Preview window of CMOS digital camera.

    2. Move the cursor to select Options and the dialog box willappear.

    3. Now you can start to set up the settings for pictures, such asaudio mode, audio settings, image quality, etc.

    CMOS Digital Camera Setup Capturing1. Open the Preview window of CMOS digital camera.

    2. Move the cursor to select Capture and the dialog box willappear.

    3. Now you can start to set up the settings for capture, such asstart or stopping capturing, audio settings, timer, etc.

    Attention: You have to close the Bisoncap program before turningoff the camera to prevent permanent errors to theprogram.

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    Chapter 6

    Expanding and Upgrading Your


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    Expanding and Upgrading Your N otebook


    Using a PC Card

    You can install type-II PC card into the PC card slot on your

    notebook to support various function you need, includingLAN/WAN card, modem card and memory card.

    Installing a PC Card

    The following is the basic instruction for installing a PC card,including how to install and remove it.

    1. Find the PC card slot on your notebook. If there is a dummycard in the PC card slot, please remove it first.

    2. Insert the PC card into the PC card slot (usually with the labelside of the PC card facing up), and then push it inward until itis totally fixed.

    Figure 6-1 Installing a PC Card

    Attention: If you install all of the software or any supportingprogram provided by certain PC card manufacturer, youmay not be able to use other PC card. If the usersmanual of a PC card instructs you to install the drivers,

    Please install the driver specifically for youroperating system only.

    Please do not install other software provided by themanufacturer, such as card service, slot service orsupporting program.

    Please do not push the PC card too hard into the PCcard slot.

    PC Card Slot

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    Expanding and Upgrading Your N otebook


    Removing a PC Card

    1. Please do not hold the golden finger of the PC card.Otherwise, it may interfere or damage the PC card.

    2. You have to turn off all the devices of your Windows operatingsystem before removing the PC card.

    Figure 6-2 Removing a PC card

    Attention: To prevent data lost or system lockup, please stopusing the PC card before removing it.

    Select the Removing Hardware Safely icon, andthen select PC Card. (If you want the RemovingHardware Safely icon to display on the screen,please select the Display Hidden Icon on the taskbar.)

    The installed PC card still consumes the power evenyou dont use it. If you want the save the power,please remove the PC card when you dont use it.

    RAM or Memory PC Card

    It is your choice whether or not to buy the memory upgrademodule or PC card to increase RAM (Random Access Memory).

    There are two memory upgrade module slot and one PC card sloton your notebook. The PC card slot supports a Type I PC card, aType II PC card or a Type III PC card.

    Eject Button

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    Expanding and Upgrading Your N otebook


    Selecting a PC Card

    The PC card size is similar to the size of a credit card. Thisaccessory is designed in accordance with the standardspecification made by Personal Computer Memory CardInternational Association (PCMICA). You notebook supports32-bit CardBus and 16-bit PC card.

    Checking the Memory and Hibernation File

    When the RAM increases, the hard drive storage space reservedfor the hibernation file will increase, too. If you encounter anyproblem relating to hibernation mode after increasing the RAM,please make sure that the hard drive has enough storage spaceto run bigger hibernation file:

    1. If you want the RAM size of the system to display on thescreen, Select Control Panel > System > General Tag.

    2. If you want to check how much storage space left on the harddrive, Select My Computer. Click mouse right button on the

    Hard Drive, and then select Properties.

    3. IF you want to check how much storage space is required bythe hibernation file, Select Start > Control Panel > Power Option icon

    > Hibernation Tag.

    Removing or Inserting the Memory Upgrade Module

    Attention: 1. If you dont disconnect the power cord and removing

    the battery pack from your notebook before

    installing the memory upgrade module, it may cause

    damage to your notebook and you might suffer from

    electric shock.2. Electrostatic discharge (ESD) will cause damage to

    electronic components. Before operating your

    notebook, make sure you have touched the

    grounded metal workpiece to release the static

    electricity from your body.

    1. Turn off your notebook. (If you are not sure whether yournotebook is off or in the hibernation mode, please turn on yournotebook first and then turn it off.)

    2. Disconnect all of the external devices from your notebook.

    3. Remove the power cord.

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    Expanding and Upgrading Your N otebook


    4. Remove the battery pack on your notebook.

    5. Open the cover of the memory upgrade module bay.

    Attention: Remove the screws from the memory upgrade modulebay, and then open the cover. If you are using tools,please be careful and do not scratch the surface of yournotebook.

    Figure 6-3 Opening the Cover of the Memory Upgrade Module Bay

    6. Insert the memory upgrade module.

    If you want to remove the memory upgrade module,

    Release the slot locks found on both sides of the memoryupgrade slot . The module will tilt up a little.

    Hold the edge of the memory upgrade module, and then pull itout from the memory upgrade slot gently .

    Figure 6-4 Removing Memory Upgrade Module

    To protect the removed memory upgrade module, please store itin a static-proof container.

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    Expanding and Upgrading Your N otebook


    If you want to insert the memory upgrade module,

    Set the concave side of the memory upgrade module towardthe convex side of the memory slot . (If there is no othermemory upgrade module in the memory upgrade module bay,please insert the memory upgrade module into the lower slot.)

    Set the memory upgrade module at the angle of 45 and pushit downward until it is in place . And then press it downwarduntil the slot locks click into place.

    Figure 6-5 Inserting Memory Upgrade Module

    7. Close the cover of the memory upgrade module bay and thensecure it with screws.

    Figure 6-6 Closing the Cover of the Memory Upgrade Module Bay

    8. Change the battery pack.

    9. Re-connect your notebook to AC power source and theexternal devices.

    10. Re-start your notebook.

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    Expanding and Upgrading Your N otebook


    Upgrading Your System

    You can use the following methods to upgrade you system:

    1. Expanding the memory to the maximum, 2GB.

    2. Changing the hard drive.

    3. Changing the CPU.

    Attention: Only the licensed retailers or maintenancerepresentative can upgrade the system. Otherwise, thewarranty for your notebook will be void.

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    Chapter 7


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    This chapter includes a list of common problems and possiblesolutions. Please follow the related sections in this chapter todiagnose and analyze the reasons that might cause computer

    failure.Attention: Please note that not all of the following solutions are

    effective. If you still cannot fix the problem of yournotebook after trying the recommended solution, pleasecontact your distributor immediately for professionalhelp.

    Initial Check-up

    If your notebook is not functioning or breakdown, it is suggestedthat you do the following simple procedures first:

    Remove all of the external devices, and then check whetherthe problem still exists.

    Check both ends of the power cord to ensure that they aresecurely connected (one end is connected to your notebookand the other is plugged into the power socket).

    Turn off your notebook temporarily and wait for a while. Thenturn on your notebook and check whether the problem still


    Check the BIOS set-up program to ensure that you do not setup anything wrong. Wrong setups in BIOS might lead tosystem failure. If you are not sure which setups of the BIOSyou have changed, please try to restore the default settings forthe BIOS.

    Check the drivers for all the devices connected to yournotebook to ensure all drivers are installed properly. Forexample, if the audio card driver is not installed properly, thespeakers and microphone will not work properly.

    Check whether all of the connection lines are connectedproperly and securely.

    Not all of the external devices are plug and play. Before youconnect an external device to your notebook, please turn offyour notebook. Your notebook will automatically identify thedevice after you re-start your notebook.

    If an external device (such as USB camera, scanner, SCSI

    card, etc.) does not work after connecting to your notebook,the problem is usually in the device itself. Please contact themanufacturer of the device for help.

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    Power Failure

    After pressing the Power button, your notebook does not

    start up and the power indicator is not on Check whether your battery level is extremely low. You can

    connect the AC adapter to your notebook immediately tocharge the battery to fix this problem. Please refer to ACAdaptersection in Chapter 4 Power Management for moredetails.

    Check whether the battery pack is properly installed. You canremove the battery pack and re-install it. Please refer to

    Battery Packsection in Chapter 4 Power Management formore details.

    The battery time becomes shorter and shorter

    The battery normally has shelf life and can be charged forapprox. 500 times. If you have used the battery for one or twoyears, it is about time to change a new battery. Please refer toBattery Packsection in Chapter 4 Power Management formore details.

    If partially charge the battery in the rapid charge cycle toooften, its charging potential will be weakened. Please fullydischarge and charge the battery at lease once per month.Please refer to Battery Packsection in Chapter 4 PowerManagement for more details.

    Higher energy saving setting is also recommended.

    You cannot charge the battery

    Check the socket in which the AC adapter is plugged toensure that it has