7 tips to attract potential buyers by renovating your home in the right way


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Post on 06-Aug-2015




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Page 2: 7 tips to attract potential buyers by renovating your home in the right way

Selling a property is no rocket science. Hire a real estate agent, post an advertisement and you are good to go. But the question is whether you will get a good profit margin from potential buyers or not? To ensure that your property – residential in particular does grab the attention of buyers, one of the steps that will rarely let you down is renovation. Yes, think of it as doing the final touch-ups to your property and making it every bit presentable as well as saleable for its future owners.

Want to know how to go about doing this? Take a look at the tips that follow

Hire the best renovation contractor:

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To get your property renovated to its full glory, you need to pull up your socks and hire no less than the best renovation contractor you can find. Your real estate agent or contractor will know many professionals who have expertise in this field. Do take their help and choose the best firms to do the job for you. The benefits you ask?

You will most certainly get high quality work done with minimal supervision.

You will get value for each and every penny that you spend.

Here is a great renovation job that will definitely pique your interest

Painting is just the beginning:

If you thought that a great painting job will hide all the flaws or the anomalies of your property, then you need to reconsider it. A paint job is just the

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very beginning of a decent renovation. You cannot just use it to hide away tell-tale signs of water seepage, fungus, cracks in doors among other defects!

What it can do, is enhance the exterior appearance of your property (which is its face value) to a great extent. Another tip that you need to implement here is to choose ‘safe’ tones or neutral shades so that the buyer can make changes easily after signing the deal.

Take care of the basic amenities:

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Sample this – your real estate agent brings in a potential customer to show the property and when he tries to switch on the light in the living room, the lights are either fused or there is a problem with the electrical circuit board. Also, think of the situation when the buyer tries on a tap in the kitchen sink or in the bathroom only to find it jammed. These are no doubt very small defects, but nevertheless it puts off the buyers and they might bring these points up when signing the deal. It is a must that you take care of these very basic amenities before even thinking of putting your property for sale.

Emphasise the major parts:

Depending upon the type of property that you have, it is essential that you highlight only the major parts to draw the attention of your buyers. For instance, if it is a commercial entity, you need to stress more on the reception area and the cabins as

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these are the two areas a buyer will be more likely to take interest in. Similarly, for residential properties, you need to focus on the kitchen, bathrooms and of course the living room. A garden or any other outdoor area will also need to be worked upon if you want to make a great first impression.

Don’t put all your eggs in one basket:

It sure is important to make your property saleable but this doesn’t mean that you pool in all your resources and energy only in renovating it! Think smart and apart from beautifying the property inside out, put efforts in marketing and advertising it effectively using the latest tools and techniques. What I mean is you must ensure that you try all sorts of methods in the book to sell your property at a high profit without just resorting to renovation only.

Calling it a day

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These are some of the home renovation tips that you need to follow if you want to increase the selling price of your property or at least get a decent rate. Let us know your experience after

trying these out practically.