7 tips to find time for your fitness · i'll tell you my personal tips and tricks on how to...

7 tips to find time for your fitness I'll tell you my personal tips and tricks on how to easily integrate sports into your everyday life Author: Kerstin Goldstein

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Page 1: 7 tips to find time for your fitness · I'll tell you my personal tips and tricks on how to easily integrate sports into your everyday life Author: Kerstin Goldstein. ... should spend

7 tips to find time for your fitnessI'll tell you my personal tips and tricks on how to

easily integrate sports into your everyday life

Author: Kerstin Goldstein

Page 2: 7 tips to find time for your fitness · I'll tell you my personal tips and tricks on how to easily integrate sports into your everyday life Author: Kerstin Goldstein. ... should spend


Are you wondering how you’re able to manage

everything you have to do in a 24 hour period?

Work, family, household, friends, social

commitments - no wonder your personal desires

and fitness will fall to the waist side. After all, it

doesn’t have to be that way.

Every day has exactly the same number of

hours, you have no control over it. Yet what you

do in these 24 hours, can decide your day and

even your future.

You decide…

➢ Whether you start your day with good vibes

or in a bad mood

➢ How much you allow yourself to be stressed

by certain things

➢ What priorities you set for the dayIntroduction

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“I have no time for fitness!” is just an excuse!

Everyone can integrate more exercise into their life.

But there is a prerequisite!

You have to want it!

How serious are you to incorporate more exercise into your life?

Before we start, think about these 2 questions for a moment:

➢ WHAT is your exercise goal?

➢ WHY do you want to achieve this goal?

If you know exactly what you want and have your goals in mind,

then it will be easier for you to motivate yourself and find time for

your fitness.

In this short E-book I give you 7 tips on how you can find time

for your fitness.

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Hi, I’m Kerstin

I’m a Personal Trainer and Healthy Lifestyle Coach.

I have supported (mostly) females in reaching their health and weight

goals for more than 20 years.

You are not alone, believe me. Many are like you! I have already

helped hundreds of women to successfully integrate sports and a

healthy lifestyle into their busy everyday lives. With success!

In this E-book, I'll tell you my personal time management strategies that

I always share with my clients.

E-Mail me at [email protected] and tell me which of my

tips you could easily implement into your day to day life and if

they helped you.


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1. Are you wasting your time?

Are you one of those people whose days are always

too short and who never has enough time to keep up

on your health?

I'll tell you something and you can look forward to it

now: you have time for your health!

Take a close look at your everyday life. The day has

24 hours. Apart from work, where do you spend most

of your time? Watch TV, Facebook, Cleaning, Ironing,

Cooking, Meeting friends, Taking care of elderly

parents or kids, …? You have time, you just do not

use it properly.

➢ What are your priorities?

➢ Where can you save time?

➢ What can you delegate?

➢ Where can you eliminate time-wasters?

Let's first find out what your everyday life looks like.


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Are you ready?

Take a piece of paper and take notes for at least 3 days, better

1 week. In 15 minutes time units, write down how you spend your

time. It’s important that you do this task carefully. Only then

you’ll find out where you can find extra time for your athletic

goals. You'll be surprised where you fritter away time.

When you take your notes, have these questions in mind:

➢ What time do you get up in the morning?

➢ How long do you need to get ready in the bathroom?

➢ How much time do you need for breakfast?

➢ How long is your way to work?

➢ What are you doing while you drive to work?

➢ How long are you working on specific tasks at work?

➢ How much time do you spend at the coffee machine talking to


➢ What about your lunch break?

➢ What time do you usually stop working?

➢ How long is your way home?

➢ What kind of things do you do after work and in the evenings?

➢ How long do you need for your household chores?

➢ How often do you meet friends?

Believe me, after taking notes for 1 week, you’ll notice interesting

a-ha! moments. You see where you’re spending a lot of your work and

leisure time.

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2. Change your time-wasters!After finding out where you're wasting your time, you can now

start thinking about how to better manage your time.

Morning: Do you spend hours in the bathroom? Think about

why you do that, who do you want to impress, what do you

want to hide that you need so long?

How can you save some time?

Select your work clothes the night before, then you save

yourself thinking about what to put on in the morning.

Can you prepare parts of your breakfast in the evening and set

the table so you’re ready for breakfast?

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Change your time-wasters!

▪ On your way to work: Instead of reading the newspaper or watching cat videos on Facebook, listen to an inspiring podcast

about personality development or motivation or use the time to read a book on nutrition or health topics. Use your travel time to

educate yourself.

▪ Housework: Hire a cleaning crew to do the cleaning for you and maybe even ironing or taking your husband's shirts to the dry

cleaner. Yes it costs money but it frees up time for yourself and your personal goals.

▪ What can you delegate to other family members? After all, you do not have to do everything yourself, even if you think you

can do it best. Others can learn. Be loving and patient with them and put your perfectionism aside.

▪ Meet friends: Do you always want to please everyone? You can’t say no to invitations? Of course, friends are important and you

should spend as much time as possible with family and friends. But consider whether you can postpone meetings or reduce them

to once per week. Or even better, ask your girlfriends to do something active together like playing badminton, going for a run or

walk. Tell your friends about your goals and your desires to be more healthy and that you need more time to accomplish those

ambitions. If they are REAL friends, they will understand and support you.

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3. Turn off the TV (the same goes for laptops, cell phones, and tablets)

The biggest time-waster gets an extra point.

The average German watches TV for 3 hours a day. In the US, the TV runs for an average of 5 hours a day. For the future, only watch those TV shows that you really want to see because they teach you something new. Skip on everything else that is just a waste of time.

Are you one of those people who lie in front of the TV to relax after a busy day at work?

Define for yourself, what is relaxing about that? You're lying on the sofa (maybe with a bag of chips) like a couch potato, zapping from program 1 to 99 and back 5 times, just to waste your evening until you go to bed.

In the end you feel exhausted by the oversupply of information, and yet nothing really interesting was there. What do you learn when you watch one of these reality shows? Or if aliens destroyed the world? Or dozens of people are killed? You let TV channels dictate your relaxation, and you don’t have to, you have a choice!.

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What could you do with all your extra free time if you stop

vegging out in front of the telly twice per week?

You could:

➢ Go dancing again

➢ Have a nice long evening walk and discover new corners in your area

➢ Read an inspirational book that gives you tips for your advancement

➢ Listen to a podcast that brings you more knowledge in a topic that you enjoy

➢ Soak in the bathtub and listen to your favorite music

➢ Meditate for deep relaxation

➢ Call a friend/family member you haven’t spoken to for some time

➢ Attend a painting / photography / calligraphy / cooking class

➢ Do something that you always wanted to try, but never had the time for

Oh, and how about doing sports? In 180 minutes of skipped TV

time you can do a lot of exercises ☺ .

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4. Kill 2 birds with one stone !

If you're a TV junkie and you can’t (at least not yet) imagine watching less TV, then

combine television and fitness training.

Do you have a hometrainer, collecting dust in the corner? Get it out of its hiding

place and cycle 15 minutes every night while you watch the news or Netflix movies.

Do you feel tension in your back after sitting for too long? Take out your

blackroll or a tennis ball and massage your tight spots as you watch your favorite


No time to stretch? How about doing 3 stretching exercises during each

commercial break?

After every 30 minutes of television you do 20 squats.

Be creative, you'll find out how to combine movement and television. Of course you

can ONLY watch TV, but then you need not be surprised that no positive changes

happen in your body and your weight shoots up on the scale.

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5. Plan your week !

Every Sunday evening, take a few minutes to

plan your week. Add your sport appointments

to your calendar the same way you enter all

other professional and private appointments.

Write it down: When will you do sports? For

how long? What will you do during this

workout? Where will you do it at?


Monday: 12:30pm walk during lunchtime for

15 minutes to Sushi place in 3rd Street

Tuesday + Friday: 6:30am at home 30

minutes of training: 5 minutes of warm-up,

20 minutes of strength training according to

my training plan, 5 minutes of stretching

Wednesday + Sunday: 7:30pm at least 30

minutes brisk walking on Kite beach

Time for fitness

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6. Get up 30 minutes earlier !

I’ll admit, I like to lay in bed sometimes in the morning and

daydream. But I also know if I get up only 30 minutes earlier than I

normally do, I get a much more relaxed start to the day.

Personally, I often use this time to do some light exercises for my

knees and core on my mat. Some days I meditate or do stretching


On the weekend, I prepare a special breakfast and smoothie or I

walk / cycle to the bakery for fresh healthy whole wheat rolls, which

takes a little more time, but gives my husband and I a great start

into the weekend.

Try it and don’t think that you will lose 30 minutes of sleep, but

that you will gain 30 minutes for your health.

In those 30 minutes do anything that does you good, your

body, your soul, and your health. The important thing is you

don’t use the extra time to work, like doing your laundry or

emptying the dishwasher. There is still time for that later. See

points 1 and 2 – time-wasters.

You’re not a morning person? Wrong, that's a matter of habit.

If you wake up four times a week, 30 minutes earlier, for four

weeks, you will have 2 hours per week and 8 hours more per

month for your fitness. Isn’t that great? There is your time for

more exercise!

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7. Use waiting periods !

Do you often stand or sit around and wait? On the bus, the metro, your Uber, at

the cash register, in the waiting room at the doctors office?

I noticed for myself that long waiting periods sometimes make me nervous.

Especially when I'm in a hurry, because so many other things have to be done on

those days.

Do you feel the same?

Then use your waiting time wisely. Instead of idling your time away with reading

the latest gossip news or social media posts, do something productive.

I'll show you a few simple exercises that you can do while you’re waiting.

Have fun trying them!

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Standing (e.g. waiting for your Uber):

➢ Stand on your right foot, raise your left leg up, try to

balance well on one foot

➢ Do a few calf raises: keep your feet hip distance apart, come

up on the balls of your feet and down

➢ Circle one foot a few times in one direction, then in the other


Sitting (e.g. waiting at the doctor’s office):

➢ Sit upright, close your eyes, put your hands on your

abdominals and breathe in slowly through the nose and out

through the mouth

➢ Circle your shoulders backwards

➢ Tilt your head to one side of the shoulder and gently pull the

head down sideways with one hand to stretch the side of

your neck

➢ Bring your chin to your chest and put one hand on the back

of your head. Pull the head gently down to stretch the neck


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Now it’s your turn to try the 7 tips. Just reading and not implementing any

of them will not get you anywhere, so act now! There’s no time like today!

You do not have to implement all 7 tips right away, start with 2 tips and if

you have implemented them successfully, then add the next 2 tips.

Progress, step by step! I’m so happy for you to have more time for

yourself, your fitness and your personal goals.

Do you want to know more about me and how I can help you

achieve your healthy lifestyle?

In English:

Website: https://livefit-dubai.com

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/livefitanywhere/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/livefitdubaipt/

In German:

Website: https://livefit-anywhere.com

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/livefitanywhere/

Podcast: https://livefit-anywhere.com/podcast/

Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.de/livefitanywhere/

YouTube: Fitness videos: https://livefit-anywhere.com/youtube

I hope you have loads of fun searching and finding more time for your

fitness training and getting in the best shape of your life.