77521508 ebook facebook marketing

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  • 8/14/2019 77521508 eBook Facebook Marketing


  • 8/14/2019 77521508 eBook Facebook Marketing


    Table of Contents

    How to Use This Book 5

    Part 1: Introduction

    Why Bother Marketing With Facebook? 9

    Getting Started With Facebook 11

    The Facebook Page 1

    Main Bene!its o! Facebook Marketing 1"

    Starting #o$r %o$rney 19

    Strategic Ti&s !or Stat$s U&dates '

    Uti(i)ing the *(e+ents o! a Facebook Page ,

    Facebook Page -esign G$ide(ines 5

  • 8/14/2019 77521508 eBook Facebook Marketing


    Part 2: Building & Strengthening Your Business

    B$i(ding #o$r Facebook Page.s Fan Base 9

    Fan Base Strategies ,'

    Who is #o$r /$dience? ,0

    n Foc$s2 Facebook Me+bers That Matter ,5

    The Fo$r Main Goa(s o! Facebook Marketing ,3

    4ra!ting a Brand ,"

    Boosting Sa(es ,

    The 4o++$nity /ro$nd #o$r B$siness 0'

    The Three6Ste& Facebook Page Strategy 0

    Ste& 12 Create 0,

  • 8/14/2019 77521508 eBook Facebook Marketing


    Ste& 2 Communicate 0,

    Ste& ,2 Intensify 00

    S$cceeding in Fi7e 4r$cia( /reas 05

    Prod$ct 4reation 05

    ncreasing /wareness 0"

    *nco$raging Pre!erence 87er 8ther Brands 0

    Boosting B$yer Tra!!ic 09

    He(&ing B$i(d Brand oya(ty 5

    87er7iew2 Facebook /ds 50

    /d : 12 The Basic ike /d 55

    /d : 2 The Po(( /d 55

    /d : ,2 The *7ent /d 53

    /d : 02 The Sa+&(ing /d 5"

  • 8/14/2019 77521508 eBook Facebook Marketing


    /d : 52 The ;ideo 4o++ent /d 5

    The book has been di7ided into two +ain

    &arts> The !irst &art dea(s with 7ario$s introd$ctory detai(sassociated with socia( +edia +arketing 66 s&eci!ica((y=Facebook +arketing>

    ! yo$ want to know why yo$ sho$(d start $sing Facebook asa too( to reach +ore c$sto+ers today= head o7er to thesection Why Bother Marketing With Facebook? ! yo$.reready to begin with Facebook +arketing= ha7e &re&ared asi+&(e and easy6to6!o((ow &rocess !or beginners in the

    section !etting "tarte# With Facebook$

    / detai(ed disc$ssion o! the Facebook Page can be !o$nd in%he Facebook &age$ ! yo$ need so+e insight as to howthis &artic$(ar socia( network can he(& yo$r +arketinge!!orts= check o$t Main Benefits of Facebook Marketing$

    /t a (oss as to what to write on yo$r b$siness. FacebookPage? Head o7er to the section "trategic %i's for Facebook

    ('#ates$ To +ai+i)e a(( o! the a7ai(ab(e !eat$res on abasic Facebook Page= ha7e &re&ared an in6de&th disc$ssionin the section (tili)ing the *lements of a Facebook &age$Ti&s !or designing an e!!ecti7e Facebook Page geared !or

  • 8/14/2019 77521508 eBook Facebook Marketing


    +arketing can be !o$nd in Facebook &age Design!ui#elines$

    Part o! the book dea(s with ad7anced techni@$es inFacebook +arketing> ! yo$ need he(& with identi!ying yo$ra$dience in Facebook= read In Focus+ Facebook Members%hat Matter$ For a concise g$ide on the ad7ertise+entsa7ai(ab(e on the socia( network= read -er-iew+ Facebook.#s$

    Check this out



  • 8/14/2019 77521508 eBook Facebook Marketing


    "a#t $: %nt#oduction

    It/s time to get off the lone islan# of the tra#itional website to connectwith Facebook fans in your locality 0 an# aroun# the worl#$

    ike +any &eo&(e !ro+ +y generation= ne7er tho$ght thatsocia( +edia wo$(d beco+e a signi!icant de7e(o&+ent innternet +arketing>

    B$t socia( +edia has beco+e one o! the to& o$t(ets !or

    ad7ertising= brand awareness= and direct +arketing> t.shard to ignore it= (et a(one be left out o! the bandwagon> /ndbeing on a new +arketing bandwagon Aat (east in thissit$ation is not a bad thing= not at a((>

  • 8/14/2019 77521508 eBook Facebook Marketing


    When !irst started +arketing +y own b$siness on(ine= #i#not know where to begin> With the !ast &ace o! de7e(o&+ent

    o! nternet +arketing= there is no !ied starting &oint> Thereis no Cstarting (ine.D there are hun#re#s o! starting (ines=instead> There was no sing(e entrance to on(ine +arketing>nstead= !o$nd +yse(! e&(oring #oor after #oor ando''ortunity after o''ortunity$

    .7e had +y !air share o! di!!ic$(ties thro$gh the years> B$t(ike yo$= these !ai($res #i# not dri7e +y &assion !or on(ine+arketing to the gro$nd> nstead= these di!!ic$(ties and

    st$+b(ing b(ocks showed +e which a-enues were not goodchoices> *7ent$a((y a(( those dead ends (ed +e to strategiesand a7en$es that #i# work !or +y needs as a b$siness+an>

    Marketing on Facebook was +y /chi((es hee( E $nti( wasab(e to crack the code> .+ not going to &retend that knewwhat to do at the beginning> B$t o7er ti+e= social me#iamarketing As&eci!ica((y= Facebook +arketing beca+e one o!+y !a7orite a7en$es !or growth and &ro!it>

    The si+&(icity o! Facebook.s &(at!or+ and the sheer 7o($+eo! &otentia( b$yers or niches that yo$ can reach withFacebook are $st two o! the things that ha# to takead7antage o!= beca$se to an nternet +arketer= these traits+ade Facebook +arketing (ook (ike'ure gol#$

    /nd Facebook +arketing can be &$re go(d to any nternet+arketer who knows how to do it right> That.s why wrote

    this book> Hea7en knows that i! $st had so+eone to teach+e how to +arket with Facebook when was starting o$t= wo$(d ha7e acco+&(ished so +$ch +ore by today>

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    B$t now that .+ in the &osition to share +y know(edge= .+going to ha7e the satis!action o! knowing that you, +y

    !riend= wi(( ha7e the ad7antage that #i# not ha-e when was $st starting o$t with Facebook +arketing>

    Why Bother arketing With !ace"ook#

    So+e o! yo$ +ay not be i+&ressed at all with Facebookbeca$se at !irst g(ance= it $st (ooks (ike a &o(ished 7ersion o!

    o(der socia( networking websites (ike MyS&ace>

    t +ay ha7e been b$i(t $sing so+e o! the !o$ndationa(&rinci&(es o! o(der socia( networking sites= b$t it.s certain(y$ni@$e in the sense that it has been ab(e to s$ccess!$((yco+bine reg$(ar socia( networking acti7ities Asharing &osts=i+ages= 7ideos= and other on(ine +edia= ga+ing= rele-antad7ertising= and acti-e networking in a neat= easy6to6$se&ackage>

    /&art !ro+ the technica( !eat$res o! Facebook= this socia(network is growing e7ery day> To date= Facebook has o7erfi-e hun#re# million acti7e $sers> By Cacti7e. we +eanin#i-i#ual Facebook $sers who (og on to the socia( networke-ery #ay to interact with contacts= &(ay cas$a( on(inega+es= c(ick ads= etc>

    /ccording to the +ost recent Facebook statistics= the

    a7erage Facebook $ser has at the -ery least 1,' contacts>Fi7e h$ndred +i((ion Facebook $sers a(so s&end anaggregated se7en h$ndred billion +in$tes doing the st$!!they (o7e on the socia( network>

  • 8/14/2019 77521508 eBook Facebook Marketing


    Whether yo$.re targeting a local +arket or an international+arket= Facebook is the right &(ace to be>

    Thirty &ercent o! Facebook.s +e+bers are !ro+ the US/>The (arger ch$nk A"' is !ro+ other co$ntries aro$nd theg(obe> To date= it is esti+ated that o7er >5 +i((ionco++ercia(= non&ro!it= go7ern+ent= and &ri7ate websitesha7e a(ready (inked direct(y to Facebook to reach +ore&eo&(e in a +ore con7enient and s'ee#ier +anner>

    With one c(ick= a &erson can ikeI a Facebook &age or a

    (inked website> This in!or+ation is !(ashed instant(y on that&erson.s Facebook wa(( and on the Facebook wa((s o! that&erson.s contacts> Facebook is the de!inition o! 7ira(= rightnet to #o$T$be Aanother socia( +edia o$t(et worthe&(oring>

    What abo$t &eo&(e who are constant(y away !ro+ theirho+e co+&$ters? Jo &rob(e+> Facebook has !oreseen this&artic$(ar need and has estab(ished a s&eedy and

    satis!actory etension o! the origina( Facebook website2Facebook Mobi(e> /nyone with a basic nternet connectionand a ce(($(ar &hone can access Facebook +obi(e>

    t.s doesn.t +atter what ty&e o! de7ice yo$ ha7e> Whetheryo$ ha7e a B(ackberry= iPhone= iPad= Sa+s$ng= or Jokia Ethey a(( work> %$st (og on to Facebook and yo$ can acti7e(yinteract with &eo&(e and e7en &(ay ga+es with yo$r +obi(ede7ice>

    The +obi(e 7ersion is constant(y being i+&ro7ed and s&ecia(!oc$s is being s&ent on gi7ing &eo&(e +ore !reedo+ witha&&(ications a7ai(ab(e on the Facebook &(at!or+>

  • 8/14/2019 77521508 eBook Facebook Marketing


    n +y ana(ysis= the goa( o! Facebook Mobi(e is not to createa +irror o! the origina( Facebook &(at!or+ !or &ersona(

    co+&$ters and (a&to& co+&$ters= b$t to create a who(e newFacebook e&erience !or +obi(e $sers>

    8! co$rse= there is the con7enience !actor= b$t that.s $stone co+&onent in an etre+e(y s$ccess!$( !or+$(a> To date=a staggering two h$ndred !i!ty +i((ion Facebook $sers (og onto their acco$nts $sing Facebook Mobi(e>

    $etting Started With !ace"ook

    /ccording to the (atest statistics !ro+ Facebook= this socia(networking &(at!or+ is not an ec($si7e ha7en o! teenagers>! yo$.re thinking yo$ ha7e to &(ease teenagers to get so+e

  • 8/14/2019 77521508 eBook Facebook Marketing


    b$siness on Facebook= think again2 the lea#ing &o&$(ationon Facebook be(ongs to the 3 to ,0 age bracket>

    That +eans yo$ ha7e a (arge &o&$(ation o! $sers who ha7ethe ca&acity to fre1uently b$y with their own inco+e> /nd i!yo$ are +arketing digita( goods= it beco+es that +$cheasier to #irectly connect with yo$r +arket beca$se once&eo&(e &ress the ikeI b$tton on yo$r Facebook &age= yo$gain instant access to &eo&(e.s Facebook wa((s> n an instant=yo$ can send &rod$ct o!!ers and &ress re(eases to i+&ro7ebrand awareness and brand (oya(ty>

    The !ace"ook Page

  • 8/14/2019 77521508 eBook Facebook Marketing


    %o create a Facebook 'age for your business, sim'ly 'ress

    on the Facebook home 'age at


    / reg$(ar Facebook acco$nt &ro7ides a way !or indi7id$a(s to&ersona((y network with each other> / Facebook 'age, onthe other hand= &ro7ides an easy6to6$se &(at!or+ !orb$sinesses to estab(ish a direct (ink with a growing +arketon Facebook>

    Facebook &ages are a$to+atica((y set to 7iewab(e by the&$b(icI and can begin a+assing !ans and s$&&orters on the!irst day o! o&eration> 8nce yo$ ha7e been ab(e to set $& aFacebook !an &age= yo$.re a(( set to recei7e contacts and!eedback !ro+ yo$r +arket>

    / &erson can connect to a reg$(ar Facebook &ro!i(e as acontact2 &eo&(e connect with Facebook'ages by beco+ing aFan> To beco+e a !an= one si+&(y has to &ress the ikeIb$tton that can be !o$nd on e7ery Facebook &age>

  • 8/14/2019 77521508 eBook Facebook Marketing


    Coca3Cola, un#oubte#ly one of the biggest soft #rinks bran#s on the 'lanet,

    is also harnessing the 'ower of Facebook to get e-en more fans$ Coca3Cola/s#esign is sim'le, eye3catching, an# base# on its 456 million Facebook fans,

    truly effecti-e$

    / si+&(e ikeI b$tton can do so +$ch when yo$.rea+assing +e+bers o! yo$r niche on Facebook> *7en+$(tinationa(s (ike 4oca64o(a are getting in on the socia(+edia bandwagon> /s yo$ can see !ro+ the &re7io$s i+age=4oca 4o(a is a(so ta&&ing into other socia( +edia o$t(ets (ikeTwitter= #o$T$be= and F(ickr>

    Twitter is one o! the +ost resi(ient +icro6b(ogging websitesaro$nd= whi(e #o$T$be is considered the nd (argest search

    engine in the wor(d>

    F(ickr on the other hand= !eat$res +i((ions o! i+ages and isreg$(ar(y $sed by &eo&(e aro$nd the wor(d to share i+ageswith each other and with the genera( &$b(ic> / co+bination

  • 8/14/2019 77521508 eBook Facebook Marketing


    o! socia( +edia o$t(ets can +ake a b$siness that +$ch +ore7isib(e to its c$sto+ers>

    Jow so+e o! yo$ +ay be wondering2 why sho$(d anyonebother $sing a Facebook &age i! a reg$(ar &ro!i(e can be$sed to connect with &eo&(e?

    First= reg$(ar Facebook &ro!i(es ha7e a contact (i+it o!aro$nd 0=5''K> 8nce yo$ hit this $&&er (i+it= the &ro!i(e wi((cease to acce&t new contact re@$ests> Second= Facebook&ro!i(es are $s$a((y 'ersonal in nat$reD yo$ don.t want to

    +i yo$r &$b(ic (i!e and &ri7ate (i!e in Facebook>

    Third= yo$ wi(( not be ab(e to add third &arty a&&(ications toa reg$(ar Facebook &ro!i(e> Third &arty a&&(ications and &($g6ins can he(& +ake a Facebook &age rea((y shine>

    / Facebook &age is goodD an interacti-e and interestingFacebook &age is e7en better> We stri7e !or ece((encewhene7er we o&en $& channe(s o! o&&ort$nity in nternet

    +arketing E the sa+e &rinci&(es o! ece((ence a&&(y toFacebook +arketing>

    et.s brie!(y e&(ore the di!!erent co+&onents o! a Facebook&age2

    1. Wall% Both Facebook &ro!i(es and &ages ha7e wa((s>

    The wa(( was designed to act as the centra( acti7ity h$bo! the Facebook &age> Both yo$ and yo$r !ans can$&(oad +ateria( to the Facebook wa((>

  • 8/14/2019 77521508 eBook Facebook Marketing


    #o$ can &ost &ict$res= tet= and 7ideos on yo$r ownFacebook &age wa((> #o$r fans A&eo&(e who c(ick ikeI

    on yo$r &age can do the sa+e> When yo$ or a !an&osts +ateria( on your wa((= these bits o! acti7ity wi(( be&$b(ished on the news fee#$

    2. ews 'eed% The news !eed is the end(ess ro(( o!storiesI that is generated by acti7ity on yo$r Facebook&age> /ny new acti7ity on yo$r wa(( wi(( a$to+atica((ybe re!(ected on yo$r news !eed>

    So with a sing(e g(ance on yo$r news !eed= yo$.(( beab(e to te(( how interacti7e yo$r +arket is> #o$.(( a(sobe ab(e to co++$nicate with +e+bers o! yo$r niche or+arket by res&onding to co++ents &osted on yo$r&age.s wa((>

    3. Status u(date% /s thead+inistrator o! yo$r own Facebook &age= yo$ can

    easi(y &ost stat$s $&dates= too> Fans o! yo$r &age wi((a$to+atica((y see yo$r stat$s $&date on their own news!eed when they o&en their Facebook &ro!i(es>

    Posting stat$s $&dates is a @$ick and con7enient way o!in!or+ing yo$r !ans o! &ro+otiona( e7ents= changes ino&eration ho$rs= etc> Be brie! tho$ghD a Facebookstat$s $&date is (i+ited to $st 13' characters> ! yo$ha7e a +ain website= yo$ can direct yo$r !ans there to

    !ind o$t +ore abo$t a new &ro+otiona( e7ent= sa(e= etc>

    The i+&ortant thing here is that yo$ were ab(e toin!or+ the+ a(( at the sa+e ti+e> #o$ can a(so $sestat$s $&dates to he(& boost a 7ira( 7ideo ca+&aign> By

  • 8/14/2019 77521508 eBook Facebook Marketing


    asking &eo&(e to re&ost yo$r stat$s $&date= &ersona(contacts o! yo$r !ans wi(( be ab(e to see yo$r 7ira(

    7ideo> There is a(so a chance o! attracting +ore !ans !oryo$r &age>

    4. )iscussions% The -isc$ssions !eat$re o! the Facebook&age a((ows &eo&(e to create indi7id$a( threads so thats&eci!ic to&ics can be disc$ssed on the &age>

    So+e o! yo$ +ight be a bit ner7o$s abo$t ha7ing a!or$+ about your business on yo$r own Facebook

    &age= b$t don.t worry E $n(ess a socia( +edia crisiss$dden(y e+erges !ro+ yo$r own disc$ssion board= it.s&er!ect(y !ine !or &eo&(e to ha7e gen$ine dia(ogs abo$tyo$r &rod$ct>

    Peo&(e nor+a((y &ost &ositi7e !eedback on dedicated&rod$ctLb$siness &ages> Howe7er= there wi(( be ti+eswhen so+e irate c$sto+ers wi(( &ost their negati7ere7iews>

    /s the ad+inistrator and owner o! the Facebook &age=yo$ ha7e the &ower to res&ond to these irate &osts andc(ari!y &oints and iss$es> /s the owner o! the &age= yo$a(so ha7e the &ower to remo-e &osts that +ightda+age yo$r b$siness. re&$tation>

    5. *((lications% Jothing +akes a Facebook &age +oreinteresting than the right Facebook a&&(ications or

    a&&s>I There are +any websites on the nternet that!eat$re Facebook a&&s !or b$sinesses 66 $st +ake s$rethat these a&&s are co+&(ete(y co+&atib(e with aFacebook'age be!ore $sing any a&&(ication>

  • 8/14/2019 77521508 eBook Facebook Marketing


    ain Bene'its o' !ace"ook arketing

    When Facebook !irst ca+e on(ine in ''0= no one rea((yen7isioned an on(ine wor(d that wo$(d be &er+eated by its7ario$s techno(ogies>

    Today= no one can e-en think o! the @$intessentia( on(inee&erience witho$t $sing Facebook> t has beco+e that&o&$(ar> S+a((= +edi$+= and (arge b$sinesses now $seFacebook to increase bran# awareness, which wi(( grad$a((y

    de7e(o& bran# loyalty$

    M$(tinationa( cor&orations ty&ica((y $se Facebook tostrengthen brand (oya(ty> U&6and6co+ing brands= on theother hand= work hard to increase word6o!6+o$th interest> !yo$ want one word to describe what Facebook +arketing isa(( abo$t= think -iral$

    When so+ething goes 7ira(= it s&reads $nabated (ike wi(d!ire

    and &eo&(e start ta(king abo$t the hottest thing on the webright now>

    Granted= not e7ery b$siness can create a 7ira( hit o7ernight=b$t it.s a(ways worth trying E and when yo$ #o s$cceed increating so+ething bu)) worthy, the best &(at!or+ on whichto share yo$r 7ira( ge+ is Facebook E with yo$r !ans andsoon3to3be !ans>

    When a 7ira( hit is introd$ced on a Facebook &age= !ans wi((+ost (ike(y generate so+e b$)) by writing abo$t the 7ira( hiton their own Facebook wa((s>

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    When indi7id$a( networks o! &ersona( contacts read abo$tthe 7ira( hit and ike it= the &rocess is re&eated> t.s not

    $nco++on !or $st one 7ira( hit to be 7iewed and ta(kedabo$t millions o! ti+es in $st a +atter o! days>

    #o$ don.t ha7e to de&end on the Facebook &(at!or+ at a((when creating yo$r 7ira( hit> #o$ $st ha7e to share the 7ira(hit on this socia( network> t can be a 7ideo on #o$T$be or aset o! aweso+e &hotos on F(ickr>

    ! yo$ ha7e a new ga+e co+ing o$t and yo$ want to

    generate eno$gh b$)) to se(( on the (a$nch day= why notcreate a test 7ersion and gi7e it away on Facebook? Thereare h$ndreds o! ways to create a hit>

    Here.s another reason to (o7e Facebook +arketing2Facebook &ages are a$to+atica((y indeed by Goog(e andother search engines (ike Bing and #ahoo>

    ! a Facebook &age is tee+ing with acti7ity and has a

    steadi(y growing !an base= search engines a(so note thisconstant b$)) o! acti7ity> *7ent$a((y= the acti7ity on yo$rFacebook &age wi(( a!!ect the signi!icance and ranking o!yo$r +ain website Asince yo$r &age links to yo$r +ainwebsite>

    Since Facebook has a (arge +e+bershi& base= b$sinessesare a(so !inding it easier to recr$it &eo&(e direct(y !ro+ theirFacebook &ages>

    /(tho$gh other ser7ices (ike inkedn are better e@$i&&ed !orthis ty&e o! acti7ity= it hasn.t sto&&ed co+&anies !ro+ad7ertising on their Facebook &ages and attracting the right&ro!essiona(s> So+e co+&anies are e7en $sing Facebook to

  • 8/14/2019 77521508 eBook Facebook Marketing


    gather 7ita( !eedback !ro+ their cons$+ers be!ore (a$nchinga new &rod$ct>

    /s yo$ can see !ro+ these bene!its= Facebook +arketingact$a((y enco+&asses a (ot o! acti7ities> #o$ can achie7ea(+ost anything 66 whether yo$.re se((ing so+ething=strengthening an eisting brand= or cond$cting researchbefore &rod$ct de7e(o&+ent> Facebook +arketing o!!ers a7en$e where interaction with the +arket is easy and stress6!ree>

    Starting Your +ourney

    .+ ass$+ing that by now yo$.7e a(ready signed $& !or aFacebook acco$nt> ! not= si+&(y 7isit www>!acebook>co+ andsign $& today> t.s easy as &ie and rea((y= it on(y takes a !ewseconds to create an acco$nt>

    /(( yo$ need to do is &ro7ide yo$r na+e= e+ai( address=

    birthday= and &assword> Then c(ick the b$tton(ocated on the botto+ right section o! the FacebookWe(co+e Page>

    8nce yo$r acco$nt has been acti7ated= high(y reco++endthat yo$ $se Facebook.s Friend Finder !eat$re to check i! anyo! yo$r e+ai( contacts ha7e a Facebook acco$nt a(ready>

    The Friend Finder !eat$re wi(( he(& yo$ connect with !riends=

    !a+i(y= co((eag$es= and c$sto+ers +ore easi(y> This !eat$rea$to+ates the &rocess that yo$ wo$(d otherwise ha7e to do+an$a((y Ai>e> ty&ing in the na+e or e+ai( address on theSearch bar o! yo$r Facebook &ro!i(e and searching !or!riends>

  • 8/14/2019 77521508 eBook Facebook Marketing


    8nce yo$.7e !a+i(iari)ed yo$rse(! with a reg$(ar Facebook

    acco$nt= yo$ can create another acco$nt> This ti+e= yo$ cancreate a se&arate Facebook acco$nt !or yo$r b$siness> /s +entioned be!ore= a(( yo$ ha7e to do is c(ick on the (ink

    be(ow the Sign U&I b$tton2Then &ro7ide the re@$ested in!or+ation> n a !ew +in$tes=yo$r new Facebook &age is ready to go

    Strategic Ti(s 'or Status U(dates

    1. Peo&(e (o7e Facebook &ages that ha7e !resh= engagingcontent> #o$ +ay ha7e heard o! the o(d nternet+arketing adage Content is ing$We((= it sti(( is$

    B$t (et.s +odi!y this adage a (itt(e bit2 Content is ing,but Distribution is 8ueen$ Good content that is notdistrib$ted to the right +arket is a (ost ca$se> Ba#content that is distrib$ted to a target niche is a(so a

    (ost ca$se> So &ost reg$(ar stat$s $&dates= b$t be sureto +ake yo$r &osts worthy o! yo$r !ans. reading ti+e>

    2. Staywithin to&ic and ask on(y re(e7ant @$estions> #o$r !answill res&ond i! they dee+ yo$r @$estions re(e7ant andsensib(e> Why wo$(dn.t they?

    3. Forthrightness is -alue# when it co+es to b$siness&resences on Facebook> For ea+&(e= (et.s say ab$siness se((s c$&cakes !ro+ a roa+ing tr$ckL!oodstore>

  • 8/14/2019 77521508 eBook Facebook Marketing


    Then a Facebook !an &osts a co+&(aint2 don.t (ike

    yo$r new cherry !(a7ored c$&cake t tastes horrib(eIn this sit$ation= +any b$siness owners wo$(d $stscow( at the Cerring. !an and de(ete the &ost>

    -on.t be (ike this> ! so+eone co+es $& to yo$ with a&ersona( o&inion= be !orthright and don.t ignore theiss$e> ! &eo&(e are co+&(aining constant(y abo$t yo$r&rod$ct or se7era( o! yo$r &rod$cts= don.t 7iew theco+&(aints as an attack to yo$r brand>

    nstead= 7iew e7erything as a (earning e&erience>/nswer @$estions and co+&(aints res&ect!$((y and!rank(y= and i! yo$ can i+&ro7e yo$r &rod$ct or ser7ice=in!or+ yo$r !ans>

    ! yo$ ignore yo$r !ans or res&ond r$de(y to theirco+&(aints= yo$r other !ans +ight not (ike yo$rtreat+ent o! yo$r c$sto+ers> This is ba# 'ress and no

    one wants bad &ress E es&ecia((y on an on(ine &(at!or+where in!or+ation can be &assed on to h$ndreds ortho$sands o! other &eo&(e in a b(ink o! an eye>

    0> Je7er (ea7e yo$r Facebook !ans in the dark> ! yo$want to in!or+ the+ abo$t a signi!icant de7e(o&+ent inyo$r b$siness= be &re&ared to &ro7ide additiona(in!or+ation and reso$rces>

    ! yo$ want to share re(e7ant news ite+s= inc($de a linkto the +ain so$rce o! the news ite+> Posting (inks isa(so an e!!ecti7e way o! drawing attention to yo$r&osts> A

  • 8/14/2019 77521508 eBook Facebook Marketing


    5. /ccording to recent st$dies= the shorter the (ink= the

    +ore (ike(y &eo&(e are to click$ /nd when yo$ want toshare so+ething with yo$r !ans= nothing +atters +orethan the click$ 8n(ine ser7ices (ike TinyU Try this ser7icetoday by 7isiting htt&2LLtiny$r(>co+L> Ha7e !$n +akingthose gargant$an (inks Facebook6worthy

    6. #o$r Facebook &age is not a &ersona( Facebook &ro!i(e>! yo$ want to share an a(b$+ doc$+enting yo$r tri& to

    -isney(and= do that e(sewhere> 4ons$+ers are notinterested in the &ersona( (i7es o! the &eo&(e behindb$sinesses>

    ! yo$ own a Facebook b$siness &age and contin$e toshare irre(e7ant +ateria( with yo$r !ans= &eo&(e wi((7iew yo$r &age as a distraction and +ay cease being!ans>

    "> /(tho$gh so+e &eo&(e ha7e s$ccess!$((y $sed Facebook&ages to direct(y se(( &rod$cts to &eo&(e= the +aorityo! &eo&(e who beco+e !ans o! &ages genera((y do note&ect sa(es o!!ers>

    Hard se((ing &rod$cts or ser7ices on yo$r Facebook&age +ay res$(t in &eo&(e (ea7ing yo$r ca+&> So kee&yo$r &ro+otions (ow6key and !riend(y> ! yo$ want todo a hard se((= direct &eo&(e to yo$r website instead>

  • 8/14/2019 77521508 eBook Facebook Marketing


    Master Facebook Marketing in 7 Days

    Utili,ing the -le.ents o' a !ace"ook Page

    n an ear(ier section o! the book= we disc$ssed the +ain

    &arts o! a Facebook &age or &ro!i(e> et.s +o7e on to thes+a((er Ayet bri((iant(y $se!$( e(e+ents o! a Facebook &age>

    Jote that a(( o! these e(e+ents co+e together to increasethe in!or+ati7e nat$re and $se!$(ness o! yo$r Facebook&age> -on.t !orget to $se each e(e+ent when the needarises>

    1. Picture% .+ going to re&eat another o(d adage here2.

    'icture s'eaks a thousan# wor#s$ So don.t waste theo&&ort$nity o! creating a (asting i+&ression on&otentia( !ans by &osting a bad &ict$re on yo$rFacebook &age>

    ! yo$ r$n a b$siness= it is considered a best &ractice to&ost a shiny= we((6cra!ted (ogo or insignia as theFacebook &age.s +ain &ict$re>

    t.s a worthy in7est+ent beca$se &eo&(e +ight !orgetabo$t yo$r stat$s $&dates and a((= b$t a striking (ogocan +ake &eo&(e re+e+ber yo$r b$siness (ong a!terthey.7e c(icked the ikeI b$tton on yo$r Facebook&age>

    ! yo$ r$n a b$siness s$ch as (i!e coaching or b$sinesscoaching and yo$ want yo$r na+e and !ace to be o$tthere= 7isit a &hoto st$dio to get a bright and winning

    &ortrait shot> The+ed shots are a great choice beca$se&eo&(e wi(( associate yo$r b$siness with yo$r &hysica((ikeness> There.s instant reca(( an# instant recognitionat the sa+e ti+e>

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    Master Facebook Marketing in 7 Days

    2. In'or.ation% Peo&(e c(ick on the n!or+ation tab o!Facebook &ages to !ind o$t +ore abo$t a b$siness> !yo$ r$n a s&ecia(ty b$rger oint= &eo&(e wi(( e&ect to

    see yo$r o&erating ho$rs= (ocationLaddress= ownershi&detai(s= etc>

    ! yo$ own a co+&$ter retai( sho&= &eo&(e wi(( (ikewisewant to know when yo$r store o&ens and how tocontact yo$r store !or sa(es in@$iries= re&air in@$iries=and warranties>

    So when yo$.re !i((ing $& the n!or+ation area o! yo$r

    Facebook &age= think broa# and s'ecific$ P$t yo$rse(! inthe shoes o! yo$r c$sto+ers and think2 What wo$(d Iwant to know i! were a c$sto+er?

    3. Photos% ! yo$ ha7e re(e7ant &hotos to share with !ans=don.t hesitate to tag &eo&(e in yo$r &hotos> By tagging&eo&(e= s&eci!ic &hotos wi(( a&&ear on the !ans.Facebook wa((s> /t the sa+e ti+e= this creates a $ni@$eite+ that wi(( a&&ear on yo$r !ans. Jews Feed>

    When yo$ tag so+eone= &eo&(e wi(( be ab(e to re6tracethe so$rce o! the &ost> This act$a((y he(&s s&read thenews o! the eistence o! yo$r &age> ! done correct(y=this +ay increase the n$+ber o! !ans yo$ ha7e on yo$rFacebook &age>

    4. -/ents% n7iting &eo&(e to e7ents has ne7er beeneasier with the *7ents !eat$re in Facebook &ages> This

    !eat$re a((ows yo$ to send an instant alert to yo$r !ansabo$t an $&co+ing e7ent> The a(ert wi(( show $& onyo$r !ans. ho+e &ages>

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    Master Facebook Marketing in 7 Days

    5. 0ideos% Whether yo$ ha7e a &ricey H- 7ideo ca+eraor an iPhone= yo$ can shoot= $&(oad= and share 7ideoswith yo$r !ans instant(y on yo$r &age thro$gh

    Facebook.s 7ideo &(at!or+> n addition to high6s&eedsharing= yo$ can a(so tag &eo&(e in yo$r b$siness7ideos> Jeat

    !ace"ook Page )esign $uidelines

    1> Si+&(icity is sti(( the best way to go e7en in the age o!socia( +edia +arketing> Peo&(e are a(ready barraged byend(ess ad7ertise+ents thro$gho$t the day> When

    &otentia( !ans 7isit yo$r Facebook &age= they.((a&&reciate a si+&(e= neat design that.s easy on theireyes>

    /7oid bright co(ors and &ain!$((y sti+$(ating ani+ationson yo$r Facebook &age> Pro7ide stimulating an#engaging content instead>

    ! yo$ ha7e to $se Facebook a&&s= choose the ones that

    absolutely ha-e to be on the 'age and discard the rest>The (ess the c($tter on yo$ Facebook &age= the better>

    2. /s ha7e +entioned be!ore= content is king> #o$ needto kee& yo$r Facebook &age !resh and interesting andgi7e yo$r !ans a reason to ret$rn> ! yo$ $&date yo$rFacebook &age once e7ery si +onths= can ass$reyo$ E &eo&(e wi(( notbe interested in what yo$ ha7e tosay>

    When a Facebook &age is rare(y $&dated= &eo&(e getthe i+&ression that yo$.re on(y there to dabb(e in so+esocia( +edia e&eri+ent and yo$ don.t rea((y careabo$t yo$r c$sto+ers> Peo&(e are 7ery sensiti7e abo$tthese things and i! yo$ want &artici&ation and !eedback

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    Master Facebook Marketing in 7 Days

    !ro+ yo$r c$sto+ers= yo$ ha7e to first interact withthem$

    3. /(ways kee& in +ind that yo$r Facebook &age is therefor your customers and !ans> t.s not abo$t $s Athe+arketersD it.s abo$t them$ ! yo$r Facebook &age isa(( abo$t +e= +e= +e and +ore +eI= &eo&(e wi(( takeone good (ook and ne7er co+e back>

    B$t i! yo$ are ab(e to hook the+ in with engagingstat$s $&dates= contests= and other s&ecia( &ro+otions=yo$ wi(( win o7er !ans !or life$ /nd rea( !ans wi(( go to

    bat !or yo$ i! yo$r b$siness see+s to be in i(( sha&ebeca$se o! bad &ress>

    +agine !ans 7o($ntari(y de!ending yo$r b$siness whenothers are +ore interested in attacking it> That.s thetr$e &ower o! estab(ishing a dee& and +eaning!$(connection with c$sto+ers> Treat the+ we(( and theywi(( treat yo$r b$siness we((= too>

    0> Page 7isitors can easi(y tr$st yo$r b$siness i! yo$ showthe+ that yo$.re an a$thority or e&ert in whate7er itis that yo$ do>

    The key word here is e9cellence$ Position yo$rse(! ins$ch a way that &eo&(e belie-e that yo$.re the best inyo$r chosen +arket> This +ay take a !ew ho$rs or aday or two o! serio$s brainstor+ing= b$t tr$st +e E itworks

    5> When it co+es to brand awareness= nothing beats aFacebook &age that has been designed to &roect a(ikab(e &ersona(ity>

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    Master Facebook Marketing in 7 Days

    website (ooks (ike> / Facebook &age is no di!!erent> t.sstill a website= e7en tho$gh it.s &art o! a (arge socia(networking &(at!or+>

    ;isit the Facebook &ages o! yo$r !a7orite brands andsee what those co+&anies are $& to> #o$.(( get instantins&iration $st by st$dying what other b$sinesses aredoing>

    8! co$rse= don.t reco++end that yo$ i+itate anotherFacebook &age co+&(ete(y> Foc$s on how things were#one rather than the s&eci!ics o! the !ina( &rod$ct>

    3> et.s not take away the social nat$re o! socia( +edia> ha7e obser7ed this in +any= +any Facebook &ages2&age ad+inistratorsLowners si+&(y #o not take noticeo! !eedback !ro+ !ans> So+e !ans e7en e&ress their!r$stration that they see+ to be co++enting on aninacti7e b$siness &age>

    So+e Facebook &ages +aybe gen$ine(y inacti7e= b$t

    bet +ore than ha(! o! those &ages ha7e owners whodon.t know how 7a($ab(e c$sto+er !eedback can be> Sodon.t be (ike those g$ys> When so+eone (ea7es asensib(e +essage on yo$r &age.s wa((= res'on# to theco++ent>

    ! so+eone co+&(ains= res&ond tact!$((y> When &eo&(esee that yo$ 7a($e &eo&(e.s !eedback= they.(( !a(( in (o7ee-en more with yo$r b$siness or brand>

    "> Je7er !orget to rewar# yo$r !ans !or any e!!orts they+ay eert on yo$r b$siness. beha(!> The reward syste+is the easiest way to con7ince so+eone to be aFacebook &age !an= !or ea+&(e>

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    Master Facebook Marketing in 7 Days

    Many Facebook &ages o!!er ec($si7e +ateria( that wi((on(y beco+e a7ai(ab(e to a Facebook $ser if he or shec(icks on the ikeI b$tton (ocated on the to& o! the


    ! a &erson is rea((y interested in yo$r b$siness= thechoice is easy2 c(ick once and get ec($si7e content8ther b$siness owners a(so $se their !an base as athink tank>

    For ea+&(e= i! yo$ se(( don$ts and yo$ want a sna))ys(ogan !or yo$r b$siness= yo$ can o!!er disco$nts and

    !reebies to &eo&(e in echange !or their !eedback>

    For the &rice o! a !ew !reebies= yo$.(( be ab(e to accessthe 7ery heart o! yo$r niche or +arket> /nd that itse(!is a &rice(ess o&&ort$nity that no marketer worth his orher na+e sho$(d +iss>


  • 8/14/2019 77521508 eBook Facebook Marketing


    Master Facebook Marketing in 7 Days

    'uilding ( )t#engthening*ou# 'usiness

    Building Your !ace"ook Pages !an Base

    / Facebook &age with )ero !ans is $tter(y &oint(ess and is o!no $se to the b$siness owner who wishes to connect tocons$+ers thro$gh the socia( network> B$i(ding a Facebook&age is the easy &art E getting the word o$t that yo$r &ageeists and that &eo&(e sho$(d beco+e !ans is a co+&(ete(ydi!!erent cha((enge>

    s it &ossib(e to a+ass h$ndreds o! tho$sands o! !ans? 8!co$rse /nything is &ossib(e i! yo$ rea((y work on it>Facebook +arketing is not a shortc$t +ethod tho$gh> %$st(ike other +arketing a&&roaches= Facebook +arketingre@$ires a (ot o! hard work>

    4o++$nicating with &eo&(e is easy2 it.s the search !or act$a(!ans that.s hard> That.s why .+ here> .7e been down thatroad and .7e (earned a co$&(e o! things that will he(& yo$a+ass a (arge n$+ber o! !ans> et.s get started

    !an Base Strategies

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    Master Facebook Marketing in 7 Days

    It/s time to make your Facebook 'age shine like a rock star:

    The !o((owing are so+e easy6to6!o((ow strategies that yo$can $se to increase the n$+ber o! !ans o! yo$r Facebookb$siness &age>

    I% n an ear(y section o! this book= s$ggested that yo$create a reg$(ar Facebook &ro!i(e> There is a reason!or this> #o$ see= when yo$ start adding &ersona(contacts to yo$r &ro!i(e.s network= yo$ are act$a((y

    gaining &otentia( !ans !or yo$r Facebook &age>

    We a(( ha7e to start so+ewhere= and what better&(ace to start than yo$r own Facebook &ro!i(e? #o$rac@$aintances wi(( be easy to con7ince= too Thereare se7era( ways to in!or+ yo$r !riends andac@$aintances abo$t yo$r b$siness &age> Thesi+&(est way is to take ad7antage o! yo$r contacts.news !eeds>

    When yo$ (og on to Facebook= the !irst thing thatyo$.(( see is yo$r news !eed> 8n the to& &ortion o!the news !eed is yo$r stat$s $&date bo> Write ashort= co+&e((ing descri&tion o! yo$r Facebook &age

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    Master Facebook Marketing in 7 Days

    and then add a (ink to the &age> Then c(ick Share>I#o$r stat$s $&date wi(( a&&ear on yo$r contacts.news !eeds>

    /nother way to get yo$r contacts. attention is bycreating a s&ecia( i+age o! yo$r Facebook &age> P$tthe detai(s o! yo$r Facebook &age on an i+age andtag yo$r !riends> #o$ can tag many !riends in $stone &ict$re so !ee( !ree to c(ick away>

    When an i+age has reached its +ai+$+ taggingca&acity= si+&(y $&(oad an identica( co&y o! yo$r !irst

    digita( &osterLi+age and tag yo$r other contacts>-on.t !orget to c(ick -one TaggingI on the (ower (e!tside o! the &age so any changes on yo$r i+ages wi((be sa7ed>

    #o$r Facebook &age a(so has a basic sharing !eat$rethat wi(( a((ow yo$ to send an a$to+ated +essageabo$t yo$r &age to $& to twenty indi7id$a( contacts>Use this !eat$re= too> reco++end that yo$ $se

    multi'le a&&roaches when s&reading the word abo$tyo$r Facebook &age>

    II% / Facebook &age can be o&ti+i)ed so that searchengines wi(( be ab(e to inde it +ore @$ick(y>

    The idea here is to he(& interested !o(ks !ind yo$r&age !aster when they ty&e s&eci!ic keywords in asearch engine (ike #ahoo or Goog(e> A%$st +ake s$re

    that yo$r &age can be 7iewed by anyone$ ! not=search engines won.t be ab(e to inde it

    For ea+&(e= i! yo$r &age is abo$t yo$r s&ortinggoods store= yo$ can add content that is re(ated tos&orting goods>

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    Master Facebook Marketing in 7 Days

    #o$ can add @$a(ity in!or+ation abo$t gy+e@$i&+ent= s&orts e@$i&+ent= etc> Use !ree on(ine

    keyword too(s (ike Goog(e /dwordsAadwords>goog(e>co+ to !ind keywords that ha7e ahigh (oca( Aor g(oba(= i! yo$ are targeting aninternationa( +arket search 7o($+e>

    There are +any considerations when choosingkeywords to $ti(i)e in on6site o&ti+i)ation Aand thisto&ic a(one wi(( re@$ire se7era( books. worth o!disc$ssion= b$t can gi7e yo$ this ad7ice2 choose

    keywords with a high +onth(y search 7o($+e b$twith (itt(e or no co+&etition>

    This way yo$ won.t ha7e to eert so +$ch e!!ort ino$tdoing others !or s&eci!ic keywords> #o$ can a(sotry ad7ertising yo$r Facebook &age $sing searchengine ad7ertise+ent &rogra+s> #o$ can choose to&ay &er c(ickI or &ay based on n$+ber o!i+&ressions or 7iews>

    The na+e o! yo$r &age a(so has a (arge bearing onFacebook search res$(ts and search engine res$(ts>For ea+&(e= i! yo$ are se((ing s&ecia( ice crea+ with!resh !r$it b$t yo$r Facebook &age.s na+e is $st%$dy N Ben.sI= &eo&(e won.t associate yo$r &agei++ediate(y with s&ecia( ice crea+ with !resh !r$it>Think o! +ore creati7e ways o! re&resenting yo$r&age thro$gh yo$r &age.s tit(e or na+e= so &eo&(e

    are enticed to click when yo$r &age a&&ears onsearch res$(ts>

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    Master Facebook Marketing in 7 Days

    that they click on the (ink that (eads to yo$rFacebook &age>

    Peo&(e +ay write a ga)i((ion things abo$t keywordre(e7ance and a(( that= b$t in the end= it.s the clickthat +atters> 8nce a &otentia( !an c(icks= yo$rFacebook !an &age +$st then act as !(y &a&er so yo$can get the +ost o$t o! each &erson.s 7isit>

    8! co$rse= the !irst goa( is to get the+ to c(ick on the

    b$tton> #o$ can ty&e so+ething (ike We lo-eyou guys: ;o'e you

    8!!er ec($si7e content and e7en reso$rces> ! yo$.rese((ing &rod$cts on(ine= o!!er a s+a(( disco$nt !or!ans Agi7e away digita( co$&on codes that yo$ can

    &ost when so+eone c(icks on the ikeI b$tton>

    %%%!-o yo$ see those (itt(e boes on the right co($+n o!yo$r Facebook ho+e &age? Those aread7ertise+ents> /s yo$ can see= many o! thosead7ertise+ents are !or Facebook &ages> ! yo$ ha7ethe b$dget !or it= yo$ can a(so try ad7ertising onFacebook to get +ore Facebook !ans to oin yo$r


    Who is Your *udience#

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  • 8/14/2019 77521508 eBook Facebook Marketing


    Master Facebook Marketing in 7 Days

    I#entifying an# connecting with your target au#ience is your 'rimary goal

    when marketing on a social network like Facebook$

    Facebook +arketing o!!ers the ($$ry o! ha7ing access to a7irt$a((y $n(i+ited &oo( o! c$sto+ers> Howe7er= the nature o!Facebook Aas a socia( network a(so +eans yo$ ha7e to&er!or+ a (itt(e &aradig+ shi!t i! yo$ want to s$cceed> /socia( network is not an on(ine +arket&(ace>

    Peo&(e (og on to Facebook to connect with !riends and

    !a+i(y= not to b$y st$!!> AWe((= not &ri+ari(y> ! &eo&(e dodecide to b$y st$!! !ro+ Facebook= it.s beca$se they arereally interested in a &rod$ct> Howe7er= $n(ike an on(ine+arket&(ace (ike eBay= a &erson does not ha7e a b$ying+indset when on Facebook>

    4on7entiona( +arketing $s$a((y in7o(7es +aking a hard se((to &eo&(e> That.s the e@$i7a(ent o! $sing a +ega&hone toattract &eo&(e so they b$y so+ething !ro+ yo$> -o not $se

    this ty&e o! +arketing on Facebook> ! yo$ want to estab(isha (ong6(asting re(ationshi& with yo$r b$yers= this is not theway to go>

    nstead o! creating a Facebook &age that si+&(y ad7ertisesyo$r &rod$ct or ser7ice= it.s better to create a &age where

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    Master Facebook Marketing in 7 Days

    &eo&(e who are intereste# in yo$r &rod$ct and ser7ice canco+e to talk abo$t what yo$r b$siness is o!!ering>

    /(ternati7e(y= yo$ can create a genera( interestI Facebook&age that easi(y attracts (ots o! &eo&(e E not beca$se o! yo$rbrand Anot o$tright= b$t beca$se o! the genera( to&ic o!yo$r Facebook &age>

    ! yo$r Facebook &age beco+es a 7ira( hit beca$se o! then$+ber o! !ans and the to&ics being disc$ssed= yo$ caneasi(y +ake a so!t se(( o! yo$r brand> ! yo$ ha7e a good&rod$ct or ser7ice= &eo&(e will t$rn to yo$ i! they need yo$r

    &rod$ct or ser7ice>

    In !ocus: !ace"ook e."ers That atter

    -on.t e&ect e7eryone to be interested in what yo$ ha7e tose(( or what yo$ ha7e to say on yo$r Facebook &age> 8n(yyo$r market or s&ecia(i)ed niche wi(( res&ond= and this is agood thing>

    ! yo$ ha7e h$ndreds o! tho$sands o! !ans on yo$r Facebook&age b$t no one is act$a((y b$ying= that doesn.t do yo$rb$siness any good> So be!ore heading o$t to +arket yo$rb$siness on a socia( network= &$t yo$rse(! in the shoes o!yo$r a7erage c$sto+er>

    Here are so+e things that yo$ sho$(d research so yo$ canengage in e!!ecti7e Facebook +arketing2

    >$ What age bracket will most likely be intereste# in your'ro#uct or ser-ice?

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    Master Facebook Marketing in 7 Days

    4$ If you re'resent an organi)ation, what s'ecific 'ersonal-alues will be im'ortant to 'otential fans of yourorgani)ation?

    $ What common interests are share# by those in yourniche or market?

    @$ In what way #oes your 'ro#uct or ser-ice enhance thelife of your nicheAmarket?

    $ ;ow can you attract others to take interest in your'ro#uctAser-ice?

    $ Why woul# anyone want to hit the =ike button onyour Facebook 'age an# 'artici'ate in any of yourcontests, sur-eys, etc$? What can you offer 'eo'le sothey will willingly 'artici'ate in bran# awarenesscam'aigns, etc$?

    The !our ain $oals o' !ace"ook arketing

    Whether yo$.re a seasoned +arketer or $st starting o$t inthe b$siness= yo$r genera( +arketing &(an sho$(d alwaysinc($de the !o((owing2

    6 Brand creation and brand awareness6 Boosting act$a( sa(es6 4o++$nity6b$i(ding6 4o((ecting and $ti(i)ing !eedback abo$t yo$r &rod$ct or


    ra'ting a Brand

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    Master Facebook Marketing in 7 Days

    Branding a((ows &eo&(e to i++ediate(y recogni)e anddi!!erentiate a &rod$ctLser7ice !ro+ si+i(ar brandsLser7icesa7ai(ab(e in the +arket> / brand is essentia((y an anchor that

    ree(s in &eo&(e so that they &$rchase !ro+ your b$sinessinstead o! other b$sinesses> / brand attracts and gainsloyalty o7er ti+e>

    t.s the brand that &enetrates and stays in a &erson.s b$ying+indset> That.s why it.s so i+&ortant to create a strong !irsti+&ression with yo$r brand> The sa+e &rinci&(es a&&(y whenyo$.re creating a brand on a socia( network (ike Facebook>

    #o$r b$sinessL&rod$ctLser7ice brand is not $st the shiny(ogo and na+e that yo$ &ost on yo$r Facebook &age> /brand is +$ch +ore than $st a sign or sy+bo(> #o$r brand&ersoni!ies a $ni@$e e&erience tied inti+ate(y with the $seo! yo$r &rod$ct or ser7ice>

    ! yo$.re se((ing !ood= yo$r brand is tied inti+ate(y with thetet$re= co(or= and !(a7ors that yo$r !ood &rod$cts &ro7idewhen so+eone &$rchases so+e !ro+ yo$r b$siness> ! yo$r

    b$siness se((s !$rnit$re= yo$r brand isn.t $st a na+e E it.sthe entire 'ackage that yo$r b$siness has to o!!er>

    8ne o! the best things abo$t b$i(ding brand awareness on asocia( network (ike Facebook is that social interaction canocc$r nat$ra((y> Peo&(e can &ost their co++ents and!eedback easi(y>

    8ther &eo&(e can res&ond to !e((ow !ans and the b$siness

    owner can a(so res&ond to negati7e or &ositi7e !eedback>#o$r &ri+ary goa( when yo$ want to generate interest inwhat yo$r b$siness has to o!!er is to get your name outthere$

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    Master Facebook Marketing in 7 Days

    #o$ ha7e to &ost and share as o!ten as yo$ can to reach as+any c$sto+ers as &ossib(e> #o$r &osts a(so ha7e togenerate socia( stories that wi(( he(& &$sh a(ong yo$r

    +essage> When yo$r Facebook !ans begin marketing yo$rb$siness !or yo$= yo$.(( ha7e the !$(( bene!it o! Facebook+arketing>

    Boosting Sales

    *ar(ier in this book= +entioned that &eo&(e who $singFacebook aren.t genera((y interested in b$ying so+ething

    o$tright whi(e (ogged on to the socia( network>

    Whi(e it.s tr$e that doing a hard se(( wi(( +ost (ike(y &rod$cea back(ash on yo$r &art as the b$siness owner= creating anetension o! yo$r online store on Facebook is a co+&(ete(ydi!!erent &ro&osition entire(y>

    Boosting sa(es on a socia( network re@$ires s$bt(ety and agen$ine desire to connect to c$sto+ers and &otentia( !ans>

    That.s why a hard se(( won.t work> ! yo$ $st &ost B$yThisI and B$y ThatI on yo$r Facebook &age= &eo&(e won.tres&ond to yo$> They wi(( +ost (ike(y ignore yo$>

    8n the other hand= i! yo$ (a$nch a great ca+&aign thatengages &eo&(e in a dia(og Agen$ine Facebook +arketing=yo$ can con7ince &eo&(e to direct(y b$y !ro+ yo$r Facebook&age>

    4reating a sec$re b$ying en7iron+ent on a Facebook &age+ay re@$ire a (itt(e technica( tweaking= b$t it is being done>The trick is to ha7e an on(ine store a&&(ication insta((ed onyo$r Facebook &age so that &eo&(e can c(ick on a tab andb$y with their credit card or PayPa( acco$nt>

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    Master Facebook Marketing in 7 Days

    Peo&(e want secure transactions so yo$ ha7e to +ake s$rethat their credit card in!or+ation is sec$re when they dodecide to b$y or order so+ething !ro+ yo$r Facebook

    &ageLon(ine store>

    Jow yo$ are by no +eans (i+ited to Facebook ads when yo$want to direct(y ad7ertise yo$r &rod$ct or ser7ice>

    8nce yo$.7e estab(ished a strong base ca+& on Facebook=yo$ can begin $sing di!!erent ad7ertising +ethods toenco$rage yo$r !ans to &artici&ate= and $(ti+ate(y= to b$y!ro+ yo$> 8ne o! the easiest ways to get &eo&(e to try a

    &rod$ct or ser7ice is by (a$nching a 7ira( 7ideo>

    ;ira( 7ideos rare(y (ast +ore than a +in$te or two> So+e7ira( 7ideos are on(y twenty or thirty seconds in (ength> /7ira( 7ideo is $s$a((y co+edic or shocking in nat$re> The onlygoa( o! a 7ira( 7ideo is to get &eo&(e to 7isit a (ink or try a&rod$ct or ser7ice>

    ! yo$ cannot get a &erson.s attention in the !irst !ew

    seconds o! a 7ira( 7ideo= then the 7ira( 7ideo is not e!!ecti7e>

    / 7ira( 7ideo has to be etre+e(y +e+orab(e and $ni@$e soe7en i! a &erson doesn.t c(ick right away= he or she wi((remember yo$r brand or &rod$ct and +ay 7isit yo$r websiteor Facebook &age in the !$t$re>

    #o$ can a(so try the Facebook Market&(ace to estab(ish adirect connection with interested b$yers o! s&eci!ic

    +erchandise> ;isit the Facebook Market&(ace athtt&2LLa&&s>!acebook>co+L+arket&(aceL> #o$ wi(( need a 7a(idFacebook acco$nt to access this a&&(ication on Facebook>

    /nother way to generate socia( interest in yo$r b$siness isby $sing the !eat$re ca((ed Facebook *7ents> Facebook

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    Master Facebook Marketing in 7 Days

    *7ents is a great way to notify &eo&(e o! $&co+ing e7entsand to get &eo&(e to res&ond a$to+atica((y to an e7entin7itation>

    Peo&(e in7ited to a Facebook *7ent can c(ick on #esI= JoIand MaybeI when the noti!ication a&&ears on theirFacebook &ro!i(e> #o$ can contin$a((y tweak the contents o!yo$r *7ents &age to +ake the e7ent +ore attracti7e to yo$rintended a$dience>

    The o..unity *round Your Business

    Traditiona( b$sinesses rare(y care abo$t cons$+ers> Thatwas the +indset !orty or !i!ty years ago> Big cor&orationscreated &rod$cts and re(eased new &rod$cts witho$t e7enknowing what the +arket wanted> That.s a(so the reasonwhy many &rod$cts (asted on(y a year or two in the +arket>

    B$sinesses $st didn.t know how to (isten to theircons$+ers> Traditiona( b$sinesses tend to re(y on anti@$ated+ethods o! &rod$ct creation and +arketing> So+e

    traditiona(ists sti(( think that i! there is a &otentia( +arket !ora &rod$ct or ser7ice= &eo&(e wo$(d co+e in dro7es to b$yso+ething>

    Fort$nate(y= things ha7e changed !or the better in the age o!Facebook +arketing and socia( +edia> /re c$sto+erss+arter?

    8! co$rse they are Peo&(e are now +ore discerning Aand

    a(so warier o! new brands> That.s why yo$ ha7e to show&eo&(e that yo$r &rod$ct or ser7ice is tr$stworthy>

    t.s hard to +ake a (asting i+&ression i! yo$ don.t engageyo$r +arket in an ongoing dia(og> ! yo$ don.t initiate andcontin$e the con7ersation or dia(og with yo$r eisting

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    Master Facebook Marketing in 7 Days

    c$sto+ers and !$t$re c$sto+ers= yo$r b$siness won.t thri7ewithin the socia( network>

    n addition to yo$r +ain Facebook &age= yo$ can a(so start aFacebook Gro$& that re7o(7es aro$nd yo$r brand or e7en agenera( to&ic that is inti+ate(y associated with yo$r brand>

    B$sinesses can a(so create Facebook Gro$&s that s$&&ort&o&$(ar ca$ses> -isease awareness and other ca$ses are agood startD $st +ake s$re that yo$ genuinely s$&&ort yo$rca$se>

    arger b$sinesses can host ca$se6dri7en e7entsD &eo&(e canbe noti!ied o! these e7ents 7ia Facebook> Howe7er= be!oreyo$ can noti!y anybo#y, yo$ need to attract a (arge !anbase>

    8nce yo$ ha7e an acti7e Facebook Gro$&= don.t +iss theo&&ort$nity to (ead acti-e #iscussions with yo$r gro$&> #o$can hire an e&ert disc$ssant or yo$ can (ead thedisc$ssions yo$rse(!>

    /cti7e disc$ssions can be carried o$t once or twice a +onth=de&ending on yo$r b$siness. needs> ! yo$ are &(anning a+aor on(ine (a$nch and yo$ need in!or+ation abo$t whatyo$r +arket wants to see in a new &rod$ct= yo$ can ask !or!eedback $sing yo$r Facebook Page or Facebook Gro$&>

    So+e o! yo$ +ay ha7e ne-er tried on(ine +arketing= +$ch(ess Facebook +arketing> -on.t worry 8!!(ine +arketing and

    on(ine +arketing need not be se&arated> ! yo$ ha7e a brick6and6+ortar b$siness a(ready= a(( yo$ need to do is to in!or+&eo&(e that yo$ a(ready ha7e a Facebook Page or FacebookGro$&>

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    Master Facebook Marketing in 7 Days

    t can be as si+&(e as &$tting $& &osters abo$t yo$rFacebook &resence in yo$r b$siness estab(ish+ent> #o$ cana(so gi7e away si+&(e ite+s (ike s+a(( book+arks to

    enco$rage &eo&(e to 7isit yo$r Facebook Page>

    #o$ can o$tdo yo$rco+&etition= beca$se yo$ ha7e a 7irt$a((y $n(i+ited accessto rea( cons$+ers on the Web> /nd best o! a(( E yo$ don.tha7e to s&end tho$sands o! do((ars to do this

    The Three3Ste( !ace"ook Page Strategy

    Socia( +edia is a(ways abo$t the continuing #ialog$

    *7erything that we.7e $st disc$ssed can be s$++ed $& in athree6ste& &rocess2

    1> 4reate> 4o++$nicate

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    Master Facebook Marketing in 7 Days

    ,> ntensi!y

    Ste( 1: Create

    #o$ ha7e to create a strong &resence on the socia( networkwith a Facebook Page> Facebook &ages a((ow yo$ to createan on(ine &resence and a strong brand E not $st a staticbrand that &eo&(e cannot engage with socia((y> / Facebook&age a((ows &eo&(e to e&ress their interests= (ikes= anddis(ikes>

    /!ter creating yo$r on(ine &resence= yo$ ha7e to increase

    the re(e7ance and interacti7e nat$re o! yo$r Facebook &ageby $sing Facebook a&&(ications and re(e7ant third6&arty&($g6ins that are !$((y co+&atib(e with the socia( network>*7erything that yo$ &$t on yo$r &age +$st be co+&(ete(yre(e7ant and sho$(d be in (ine with short6ter+ and (ong6ter+b$siness goa(s>

    Ste( 2: Communicate

    The net ste& is to co++$nicate with &otentia( !ans> Theeasiest way to do this is by sharing yo$r Facebook &age witheisting contacts> Using the Facebook /ds ser7ice is anotherway to reach yo$r target +arket !aster> Peo&(e can c(ickikeI on yo$r ad i! they gen$ine(y !ind the to&ic and contento! yo$r ad interesting>

    ! not= they wi(( +ost (ike(y choose to ignore or e7en c(oseyo$r ad> When a b$siness owner decides to engage

    c$sto+ers or the +arket in a gen$ine dia(og= he or she wi((gain a go(d+ine o! insight that wo$(d ha7e otherwise been$na7ai(ab(e>

    Jothing is +ore 7a($ab(e than knowing what yo$r ownmarket (ikes or dis(ikes> This way= yo$ can tai(or yo$r

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    Master Facebook Marketing in 7 Days

    b$siness to satis!y the desires and needs o! yo$r +arket>#o$ won.t be working in the dark= at a((

    Ste( 4:Intensify

    ntensi!ication occ$rs when a Facebook &age begins togenerate social stories which are then shared by !ans> Thegoa( o! intensi!ication is to enco$rage other 'eo'le to takeaction>

    For ea+&(e2 i! yo$r b$siness !oc$ses on se((ing ice crea+=the goa( o! intensi!ication is !or as +any targeted Facebook

    +e+bers to take notice o! yo$r Facebook Page ande7ent$a((y= b$y yo$r brand o! ice crea+>

    /gain= $sing ad7ertising ser7ices (ike Facebook /ds wi(( he(&s&read the word abo$t yo$r Facebook &age +ore easi(y>

    ! yo$ don.t ha7e a b$dget yet !or a (ong6ter+ ad7ertisingca+&aign $sing Facebook /ds= yo$ can still s&read the wordabo$t yo$r Facebook &age by +an$a((y in7iting &eo&(e to

    ikeI yo$r &age>

    This re@$ires hard work on yo$r &art= b$t the &otentia(ret$rns !or yo$r e!!ort are ob7io$s(y h$ge> #o$ wi(( be ab(eto b$i(d brand awareness and at the sa+e ti+e= create aco++$nity that wi(( +arket yo$r brand !or yo$> /nd (et.s not!orget the +$ch needed sa(es boost= too>

    Succeeding in !i/e rucial *reas

    B$i(ding a &ro!itab(e and sustainable b$siness is &ossib(ewith socia( +edia +arketing> #o$ $st ha7e to be aware o!how to i+&(e+ent the best 'ractices !or each cr$cia( area o!yo$r b$siness> This section o! the book wi(( re7ea( to yo$ the

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    Master Facebook Marketing in 7 Days

    8! co$rse= we want o$r ads to be (iked= so yo$ ha7e towrite e!!ecti7e ads before (a$nching yo$r Facebook ads>

    ike other tet6and6i+age based ads= Facebook ads are(i+ited> -on.t worry>

    nstead o! +aking a grand gest$re with yo$r ads= focuson the to' features o! what yo$.re trying to &ro+oteand in7ite &eo&(e to take a (ook Aor at (east= c(ick theikeI b$tton>

    2. -."edded calls to action% When yo$ ask so+eone to

    c(ick on a (ink or answer an on(ine &o((= that.s a ca(( toaction>I The ca(( to action is the (ast thing that &eo&(eread when they see ads> B$t that doesn.t +ean thatyo$ can only &(ace ca((s to action on Facebook ads>

    emember+8nce &eo&(e start c(icking the ikeI b$ttonon yo$r Facebook &age= yo$r (ist o! !ans wi(( start grow>Fans wi(( see yo$r Wa(( &osts on their news !eeds and7oi(a2 yo$ can &(ace calls to action !or near(y anything>

    #o$ can in7ite yo$r !ans to an e7ent= in!or+ the+ o! anew &rod$ct o!!ering= and so on>

    -ncouraging Pre'erence 7/er 7ther Brands

    When &eo&(e start ta(king abo$t yo$r &rod$ct or ser7ice=that +eans yo$ were ab(e to &(ace a !ir+ anchor on yo$r+arket.s i+agination> #o$ can !$rther boost &re!erence !oryour &rod$ct or ser7ice by !o((owing these ste&s2

    1> !eed"ack is nu."er 1% 4ongrat$(ations= &eo&(e (ikeyo$r &rod$ct B$t that.s not the end o! the o$rney> #o$ha7e to !ind o$t why &eo&(e (ike yo$r &rod$ct so +$ch>

    s it the @$a(ity? s yo$r &rod$ct $ni@$e?.sk yo$r !ans

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    Master Facebook Marketing in 7 Days

    nice(y and they.(( res&ond> -on.t !orget to $se theO$estions !eat$re on yo$r Facebook &ageD then $se theFacebook Page nsights too( to !ind o$t +ore abo$t

    yo$r target a$diences>

    > urrent (erce(tions /s% ideal (erce(tion% When anew brand is introd$ced to a +arket= &eo&(e i+aginethe brand to ha7e certain characteristics> These&erce&tions are ca((ed current 'erce'tions and +ay notbe co+&(ete(y a(igned with what yo$ had in +ind in the!irst &(ace>

    ! yo$ think the current 'erce'tion is too !ar o!! the+ark= then yo$ +$st #efine the 7ario$s di!!erentiation&oints between the current 'erce'tion o! yo$r brandAwhat &eo&(e think abo$t yo$r brand now and thei#eal 'erce'tion Athe kind o! &erce&tion and brandawareness that is in (ine with yo$r +arketing goa(s>

    /gain= getting fee#back is the +ost e!!ecti7e way o!getting this 7ita( &iece o! in!or+ation>

    ! yo$ ad$st a ca+&aign witho$t !irst knowing whatyo$r +arket is act$a((y thinking abo$t yo$r brand= thenyo$r +arket +ight not res&ond at a(( to the change> !yo$ want guarantee# results !ro+ yo$r ca+&aigns= the!irst ste& is to dig dee& into the +indset o! yo$r+arket>

    ,> !ace"ook integration% When so+eone a&&roaches

    +e abo$t Facebook +arketing= a(ways te(( the &ersonthat Facebook sho$(d not be treated as a se&arate+arketing +ethod= es'ecially when on(ine +arketing is$sed> Facebook is not $st a websiteD it.s an entiresocial e9'erience$

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    Master Facebook Marketing in 7 Days

    #o$ wo$(dn.t want to se&arate this &artic$(ar ch$nk o!yo$r +arketing e!!orts !ro+ all the other +arketinge!!orts yo$ ha7e in +otion= wo$(d yo$?

    So whether yo$ ha7e one website or ten or e7en ah$ndred= +ake s$re that yo$ integrate yo$r Facebookca+&aign with a(( o! yo$r re(e7ant websites> *ngagingcontent that is tai(or6!it !or yo$r +arket sho$(d be&ro7ided reg$(ar(y= too>

    Boosting Buyer Tra''ic

    ! there is no tra!!ic to yo$r Facebook &age Aand a(( yo$rother websites= yo$ won.t generate any &ro!it !ro+ yo$ron(ine +arketing>

    So+e &eo&(e s&end so +$ch ti+e designing and bea$ti!yingtheir websites that they !orget the main goa( o! e7ery+arketing e!!ort2 sales$8n the Wor(d Wide Web= the twinsister o! sa(es is traffic$ Jeither wi(( eist witho$t the other>

    To kee& tra!!ic !(owing to yo$r Facebook &age= !o((ow theseti&s2

    1. $oals8 goals8 goals% n7iting &eo&(e to oin aFacebook Page or Facebook Gro$& is one thing> B$twhat abo$t sa(es? #o$ need to generate &ro!it !ro+ a((yo$r hard work> /nd to generate &ro!it= yo$ need sa(esE (ots o! sa(es>

    /n act$a( sa(e is the end6&ointD in order to arri7e at thisend6&oint= yo$ need s&eci!ic goa(s> ! yo$ are $ststarting o$t with on(ine +arketing= start s+a((> /skyo$rse(!2 What #o you want to sell to your fans, an#how #o you inten# to 'romote that 'ro#uct or ser-ice?

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    Master Facebook Marketing in 7 Days

    Think o! #ifferent ways to &ro+ote a sing(e &rod$ct andtest yo$r theories> Jot a(( Facebook *7ents and&ro+otiona( acti7ities wi(( draw eno$gh attention> Jot

    e7ery ca+&aign is a h$ndred &ercent s$ccess!$(> B$tthat is in itse(! not a bad thing

    Beca$se once !ans ignore a &artic$(ar ca+&aign yougain instant insight abo$t yo$r +arket>

    8! co$rse= yo$ won.t re&eat a bad ca+&aign e7eragain> nstead= yo$.(( be ab(e to (earn !ro+ what yo$r+arket #oes not (ike so yo$ can co+e $& with a new

    &ro+otiona( ca+&aign that they will (ike and res&ondto>

    2. Highlight your (ro.otion% -on.t be content with $st&osting in!or+ation abo$t a &ro+otiona( e7ent on yo$rWa((> nstead= create an e9clusi-e tab on yo$r Facebook&age abo$t yo$r e7ent>

    ! yo$ ha7e a contest and a &ro+otiona( ca+&aign

    r$nning at the sa+e ti+e= +ake two se&arate tabs>That way &eo&(e wi(( !ee( they ha7e st$+b(ed $&onso+ething 7ery i+&ortant and yo$ can generateecite+ent and social stories by a))ing $& theseec($si7e in!or+ation tabs>

    3. a9i.i,e the P%7%P% /t the 'oint of 'urchaseAP>8>P>= +any +arketers think they.7e !ina((ys$cceeded E and yes= who wo$(dn.t want to see those

    sa(es ro((ing in? B$t did yo$ know that yo$ can $se the'oint of 'urchase to !$rther ad7ertise yo$r &rod$ct orser7ice?

    By $sing the -ea(s !eat$re on Facebook= Facebook$sers who c(ick on yo$r -ea( wi(( a$to+atica((y be ab(e

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    Master Facebook Marketing in 7 Days

    ha7e a re(ationshi& with what yo$r Facebook &agere&resents2 yo$r b$siness>

    /nd what does a re(ationshi& entai(? #o$ g$essed it2co++$nication> Socia( +edia witho$t co++$nication is notsocia( +edia> t.s $st e+&ty s&ace> The ste&s be(ow wi(( he(&yo$ estab(ish a better connection with yo$r !ans>

    1. inse and re(eat% / sing(e &ost abo$t Cbeing onFacebook. wi(( not be eno$gh to gain the attention o!the +aority o! &eo&(e> That.s why yo$ +$st not sto&a!ter yo$r initia( e!!orts in in7iting !ans to yo$r

    Facebook Page> Je7er tire o! the&rocess= beca$se in the end= it wi(( a(( &ay o!!>

    Use reg$(ar e+ai( b(asts to in!or+ non6!ans o! the7ario$s e7ents on yo$r Facebook &age and a(ways te((&eo&(e abo$t yo$r &age>

    Make yo$r Facebook Page the center o! yo$r +arketingca+&aign and yo$ wi(( gain a (ot +ore insight abo$t

    yo$r +arket> When &eo&(e !ina((y arri7e on yo$rFacebook &age= don.t !orget abo$t !re@$ent $&datesand re(e7ant content>

    2. Beco.e a (art o' your 'ans li/es% This +ay so$nddi!!ic$(t to achie7e Awe((= at (east at !irst= b$t the +osts$ccess!$( socia( +edia +arketers are ab(e to drawtho$sands o! ikesI and h$ndreds o! res&onses with asing(e &ost>

    Take the &o&$(ar te(e7ision show !lee !or ea+&(e>!lee is abo$t a high schoo( g(ee c($b that !eat$res a7ery heterogeneo$s +i o! characters> When !lee+ade its a&&earance on Facebook= !ans (itera((y !(ockedto Coin the con7ersation.> /s o! this writing= the !lee

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    Master Facebook Marketing in 7 Days

    Facebook Page has thirteen +i((ion !ans and draws a+ini+$+ o! !i7e tho$sand ikesI with each &ost>

    #o$r b$siness +ay not be as big as this te(e7isionshow= b$t we can certain(y (earn things !ro+ the g$ysbehind the !leeFacebook &age>

    The !leeFacebook tea+ !re@$ent(y $&dates their &ageand &osts a lot o! !resh +ateria( on a reg$(ar basis>/&art !ro+ news ite+s= the !lee Facebook Page a(sobrings the !ans c(oser to the cast by &ro7iding ec($si7e&hotos= 7ideos= inter7iews= etc>

    3. Pro/iding /alue is essential% Peo&(e (ike beingrewarded !or their e!!orts= e7en i! it.s $st c(icking on aikeI b$tton> So .+ going to re&eat what said ear(ierabo$t &ro7iding 7a($e2 i! yo$ want yo$r !ans tores&ond= yo$ ha7e to gi7e the+ an incenti7e to do so>ncenti7es don.t ha7e to be grand or e&ensi7e at a((>

    For ea+&(e= yo$ can o!!er a digita( &rod$ct Ai>e> an

    MP, i! they answer a &o(( or s$r7ey> t.s that easy

    *7en i! the reward is s+a((= &eo&(e sti(( (ike the idea o!getting a gen$ine reward !or so+ething that they did!or a b$siness> Peo&(e wi(( think it.s a !air dea(= andconse@$ent(y= they.(( a(so think that yo$ r$n a greatb$siness beca$se yo$ treat yo$r c$sto+ers so we((>

    7/er/iew: !ace"ook *ds

    When Facebook.s de7e(o&ers introd$ced the ikeI b$tton=the 7ery e9'erience o! being on the socia( network changed>Jow &eo&(e had a way o! e7a($ating content based on then$+ber o! &eo&(e who had c(icked the ikeI b$tton>

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    Master Facebook Marketing in 7 Days

    The !or+$(a behind the ikeI !eat$re on Facebook wassi+&(e2 the +ore 7otes a &artic$(ar ite+ has= the +ore (ike(y

    &eo&(e are going to take interest in an ad= Jews Feed ite+=etc> So the +ore 7otes yo$r ads get= the better the res$(ts>

    Be(ow are the basic !or+s o! ad7ertise+ent a7ai(ab(e onFacebook>

    *d ; 1: The Basic 5ike *d

    The +ost co++on ty&e o! ad on Facebook is the Basic ike/d> Basic ike /ds are $s$a((y &re!erred by estab(ished and$&6and6co+ing brands to increase brand awareness andstrengthen brand (oya(ty> This ty&e o! ad has !o$rco+&onents2

    6 %he title of the a# Ema9imum of 4 characters

    6 %humbnail Ethe thumbnail can feature either an image

    or a -i#eo

    6 =ike statistics Ethis 'art of the a## will show how many

    'eo'le ha-e alrea#y clicke# =ike on your a#

    6 "ales co'y Ethe te9t or story on the a#

    *d ; 2: The Poll *d

    The Po(( /d a((ows yo$ to get !eedback direct(y !ro+ targetedFacebook $sers whether or not the $sers are a(ready !ans o!yo$r Facebook &age or not> This ad7ertise+ent &resents asi+&(e @$estion to the Facebook $ser>

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    Master Facebook Marketing in 7 Days

    The Facebook $ser can then se(ect an answer !ro+ a dro&6down (ist o! choices> 8nce the $ser has +ade his se(ection=aggregated statistics !ro+ other $ser res&onses are shown>

    This Po(( /d has the !o((owing co+&onents2

    6 %he title of the a#

    6 %humbnail

    6 "ales co'y

    6 &oll 1uestion Ema9imum of @5 characters

    6 =ist of res'onses to the 'oll 1uestion Eminimum of two


    *d ; 4: The -/ent *d

    ike a reg$(ar *7ent= the *7ent ad a((ows &eo&(e to Cattend.e7ents thro$gh the Facebook ho+e &age> Facebook $serscan a(so in7ite their contacts to attend the sa+e e7ent>

    When a Facebook $ser res&onds to an *7ent ad= a dro&6down +en$ a&&ears a$to+atica((y so the $ser can ty&e thena+es o! !riends that heLshe wishes to in7ite> Facebook$sers a(so ha7e the o&tion o! adding a c$sto+i)ed +essageto the in7itation be!ore sending o$t the in7ites> Theco+&onents o! the *7ent /d are2

    6 Game of the e-ent Ema9imum of 4 characters2 the

    title of the e-ent must match what the e-ent is all

    about$ .lso, the title of the a# itself must link to a 'age

    within the Facebook network

    6 %humbnail

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    Master Facebook Marketing in 7 Days

    6 Date of the e-ent EMonth an# #ay, 'lus the time

    6 =ocation of the e-ent Ema9imum of 4H characters

    6 "ales co'y6 "& feature Ewill ha-e three buttons for three

    answers+ yes, maybe, an# no

    6 Dro'3#own in-itation feature Esearch bo9 for contact

    selections, te9t bo9 for customi)e# message for

    contacts an# a "en# In-itations button

    *d ; ! yo$ want yo$r brand to be tied strong(y to a&artic$(ar c(ass o! &rod$cts= this is the way to go>

    Peo&(e wi(( a$to+atica((y associate a &artic$(ar &rod$ct withyour brand> The Sa+&(ing /d is si+&(e and !eat$res a ca(( toaction that &eo&(e wi(( not ignore beca$se they are gettingso+ething o! 7a($e for free right o!! their Facebook ho+e&age or &ro!i(e &age>

    8nce a &erson c(icks the (ink that states Get a !ree I=a dro&6down +en$ a&&ears so the &erson can se(ect whatty&e o! &rod$ct they want> They wi(( a(so be ab(e to &ro7ide

    yo$ with the shi&&ing address> The co+&onents o! theSa+&(ing /d are2

    6 %itle

    6 %humbnail

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    6 "'ecific 'ro#uct Einclu#es information about contacts

    who ha-e also o'te# to recei-e the free 'ro#uct

    6 "ales co'y6 Dro'3#own menu Econtains three te9t fiel#s+ a##ress,

    townAcity, an# 'ostal co#e

    *d ; =: The 0ideo o..ent *d

    So+eti+es a reg$(ar 7ideo $&(oad is not eno$gh to draw

    attention to a 7ideo that si+&(y has to go 7ira(> That.s wherethe ;ideo 4o++ent /d co+es in>

    Peo&(e are ab(e to watch 7ideos direct(y !ro+ the ad7ertising&ane A(ocated on the right side o! the Facebook ho+e &ageor Facebook &ro!i(e and comment direct(y on thead7ertise+ent>

    Facebook $sers who see and interact with yo$r

    ad7ertise+ent can read the co++ents !ro+ other Facebook$sers who ha7e seen and res&onded to the 7ideo> Theco+&onents o! the ;ideo 4o++ent /d are2

    6 %itle

    6 %humbnail

    6 Comments section

    6 "ales co'y

    Be!ore yo$ start +aking ad7ertise+ents on Facebook= !o((owthese essential ti&s2

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    Master Facebook Marketing in 7 Days

    1> The easiest way to attract attention to anad7ertise+ent is by &resenting the reader with ab$rning @$estion or a striking @$estion>

    This is one o! the o(dest yet +ost e!!ecti7e co&ywritingtechni@$es and is still considered e!!ecti7e in the age o!socia( +edia +arketing> Think o! a @$estion that &eo&(ewi(( answer with a who(ehearted yes and yo$.7e got awinning ad on yo$r hands a(ready>

    2. Urgency is another i+&ortant !actor that !orces theFacebook $ser to (ook s'ecifically at the contents o!

    yo$r ad7ertise+ent>

    The word todayI is an e!!ecti7e anchor when yo$ wishto create $rgency in a Facebook ad> For ea+&(e= i! yo$want &eo&(e to sign $& !or a s&ecia( news(etter= yo$ canwrite Sign U& TodayI on yo$r ad7ertise+ent so &eo&(e(ook at the reason why yo$ ha7e to sign $&i++ediate(y> Then !o((ow $& with so+e con7incing teton the body o! the ad7ertise+ent>

    3. ! yo$r &ro+otion in7o(7es disco$nts or other s&ecia(&ri7i(eges= don.t !orget to high(ight these in yo$r ad>nstead o! trying to introd$ce yo$r brand direct(y toyo$r target a$dience= introd$ce yo$r s'ecial offer to getthe+ to c(ick on yo$r ad>

    Peo&(e nor+a((y (ook at the incenti7e be!ore (ooking atthe brand> ! a &erson sees Get ' -isco$nt TodayI

    he wi(( c(ick !irst and (ook at the so$rce o! the disco$nt(ater> That.s how the +arket genera((y res&onds tos&ecia( o!!ers>

    0> The (ang$age that yo$ $se in yo$r Facebook ads a(sohas a (arge bearing on their s$ccess> ! yo$r

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    Master Facebook Marketing in 7 Days

    ad7ertise+ent co+es across as $nc(ear beca$se yo$$se (ong6winded (ang$age= yo$r ads wi(( not generatethe res$(ts that yo$ want>

    So as a r$(e o! th$+b= e&ress big things with s+a((=si+&(e words> t +ay take so+e &ractice= b$t this&artic$(ar ti& wi(( carry yo$r ads a (ong way beca$seyo$r +essage wi(( be $nderstood by e7eryone>

    5. *7ery ad7ertise+ent on Facebook has a th$+bnai(i+age> -on.t $st $&(oad any o(d i+age !or yo$r ads>4hoose the +ost +e+orab(e and +ost engaging

    i+ages yo$ ha7e !or yo$r ads> Pict$res can draw e7enthe b$siest Facebook $ser toward the ad7ertise+ent&ane>

    ! the i+age generates eno$gh interest= the Facebook$ser wi(( read yo$r ad and c(ick on the ikeI b$tton or+ay e7en c(ick the (ink to yo$r website or Facebook&age> This ty&e o! res$(t wi(( on(y a&&ear i! thee(e+ents o! yo$r ad7ertise+ent are +e+orab(e and

    co+e together bea$ti!$((y when &resented to yo$rtargeted a$dience>

    3> ! yo$ want to se(( so+ething o$tright to yo$r a$dience=there.s no &oint in directing the+ to a Facebook &agethat does not ha7e an etension o! yo$r on(ine store>So i! yo$ want the+ to b$y direct(y= don.t +ake the&rocess +ore di!!ic$(t than necessary>

    ! the ad7ertise+ent &resents a 5' disco$nt onshoes= gi7e the+ a (ink that (eads the+ to a web &agewhere they can b$y shoes at 5' disco$nt>

    #o$ on(y ha7e a !ew seconds to con7ince so+eone tob$y E take !$(( ad7antage o! those seconds so yo$ can

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    +ai+i)e yo$r return on in-estment A

    7. ! yo$.re se((ing &rod$cts to $st one state or city= (i+itthe &resentation o! yo$r ads to a s&eci!ic state or city>There.s no &oint in showing yo$r ads to Facebook $sers!ro+ other co$ntries or states i! they aren.t yo$r act$a(+arket>

    *7ery ad i+&ression sho$(d bring yo$ c(oser to anact$a( sa(e> By (i+iting the 7iewershi& o! yo$r adsgeogra&hica((y= yo$ are )eroing in on yo$r act$a(


    > Uti(i)e eisting c$sto+er data so yo$ can deter+ineyo$r idea( target a$diences on Facebook>

    9. ! yo$ want to draw in &eo&(e based on what they like,!oc$s on gen$ine h$+an interests instead o! (onekeywords> Broaden yo$r sco&e when creating content!or yo$r ads to draw in as +any (ike(y c$sto+ers or

    !ans as &ossib(e>

    1'> nstead o! targeting $st one (arge +ass o! c$sto+ers=create c$sto+ ad7ertising ca+&aigns !or s&eci!ic seg+entso! yo$r +arket> That way yo$ can )ero in the s&eci!icinterests o! &eo&(e and the res&onse to yo$r ads wi((increase signi!icant(y>

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    To( 1? *d/ertising Ti(s


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