7th august 2019 message...a win by them will allow my pies to slip into 5th place. the pies were...

Developing Responsible Learners for a Changing Society PO Box 126 HAMPTON PARK 3976 Web: www.kilberryps.vic.edu.au Phone: 9702 8688 Term 3— Issue 4 7th August 2019 Dear Parents, Last Friday was Principals Day. We had these lovely posters presented to us from the Year 2 class. Thank you! What does the Vice Principal do all day? Here are some of the responses. When Mrs Taylor goes home she feeds her cat. In her office Mrs Taylor looks at important stuff on her computer. When Mr Graham is not in his office he inspects the school grounds. When Mr Graham goes home he has a rest. In his office he calls people to fix things in our school. The preps celebrating their first one hundred days of learning at school. Wednesday 7th August to Friday 9th August Dental Van Visit Melb Museum & IMAX Grade 1 Junior Assembly 2.40pm Monday 12th August to Friday 16th August Dental Van Visit Moonlit Sanctuary Grade 3 Senior Assembly Monday 19th August Book Week Junior Book Parade 9.10 - 9.40am Senior Book Parade 9.45am-10.15am Edwin Flack District Basketball— selected students Tuesday 20th August Book Week School Musical rehearsals Wednesday 21st August Book Week Assistant Principal’s Message

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Page 1: 7th August 2019 Message...A win by them will allow my Pies to slip into 5th place. The Pies were able to get a much deserved percentage boost against the Gold Coast Suns and maintain

Develop ing Respons ib le Learners for a Changing Soc ie ty

PO Box 126 HAMPTON PARK 3976 Web: www.kilberryps.vic.edu.au Phone: 9702 8688

Term 3— Issue 4

7th August 2019

Dear Parents, Last Friday was Principal’s Day.

We had these lovely posters presented to us from the Year 2 class. Thank you! What does the Vice Principal do all day? Here are some of the responses. When Mrs Taylor goes home she feeds her cat. In her office Mrs Taylor looks at important stuff on her computer. When Mr Graham is not in his office he inspects the school grounds. When Mr Graham goes home he has a rest. In his office he calls people to fix things in our school.

The preps celebrating their first one hundred days of learning at school.

Wednesday 7th August

to Friday

9th August Dental Van Visit

Melb Museum & IMAX

Grade 1

Junior Assembly 2.40pm


12th August to

Friday 16th August

Dental Van Visit

Moonlit Sanctuary Grade 3

Senior Assembly


19th August Book Week

Junior Book Parade

9.10 - 9.40am

Senior Book Parade 9.45am-10.15am

Edwin Flack

District Basketball— selected students


20th August Book Week

School Musical


Wednesday 21st August Book Week

Assistant Principal’s


Page 2: 7th August 2019 Message...A win by them will allow my Pies to slip into 5th place. The Pies were able to get a much deserved percentage boost against the Gold Coast Suns and maintain

Assistant Principal’s


Envision Hands Last Wednesday Sean Teer came to speak to the students about the work of Envision in creating prosthetics using plastic bottle tops. On last week’s episode of Kilberry Live you are able to see the interview Year 6 students Nathan and Manan had with Sean. Thank you for continuing to support this great work by bringing plastic bottle tops and placing them in the container in the foyer.

RESPECT One of the school’s 7 values is Respect and term 1 was devoted to developing a greater understanding of what this value felt like, looked like etc. We demonstrate respect by showing care and understanding for myself, for others, for property and the environment .We value all the things that make up the amazing world around us. During term1 we looked at: Being a good friend- sharing, cooperating and including others Being kind – including others, helping others and encouraging others Working well in groups – taking turns, listening to others, being a good sport and talking through

problems / disagreements Using manners – please, thank you, excuse me, waiting your turn and listening respectively Being a responsible learner – following the 5 golden rules Since returning from the break, there have been numerous incidents that have required us to remind students about the importance of demonstrating respect. This was addressed at assembly last Friday with Grades 3-6. Please help promote our value of Respect by discussing the above with your children. Good Bye!!!! This Friday we say Farewell to Ms Weston and Ms Fakeerah as they commence Family Leave and prepare for the next stage of their life’s journey. We wish them all the best with the impending birth of their child and look forward to hearing the news sometime in September. On a sadder note we say farewell to Mrs. Christian - Business Manager who has been at the school in this role since the school opened in 1998 [21 years]. We wish her well in her retirement ………. I hear lots of travelling is planned with her husband George and more time to spend doing the things they enjoy in life as well. The grandkids will be spoilt more often now. Thanks Chris for the enormous contribution you have made to the school community in your job, as well as state wide and network positions held. We welcome Tracey DiLollo to the school who will now be the new Business Manager. Tracey has spent the week with us as part of her transition into the new role and meeting the other office staff.

Footy News Following their defeat last week by North Melbourne, the chance of a finals appearance by Mr. Cunningham’s Hawks has disappeared. They may have an uphill battle against GWS Giants this Friday night, but it will be one of the few times I am barracking for the Hawks . A win by them will allow my Pies to slip into 5

th place. The Pies were able to get a much

deserved percentage boost against the Gold Coast Suns and maintain 6th place and a finals

appearance. Looking forward to another win against the Dees Saturday afternoon

Have a great week

Christine Taylor & Kevin Graham

Assistant Principals

Page 3: 7th August 2019 Message...A win by them will allow my Pies to slip into 5th place. The Pies were able to get a much deserved percentage boost against the Gold Coast Suns and maintain



29th July to 4th August2019


Prep B Mena

Prep D Tanveer

1A Saikriya

2A Advika

2B Satvik

2C Jameel

2D Eliza

3A Rishika

3D Tyler

4C Eli Van Rees

4D Ishana

5A Chase

5B Imran

5C Brock

6C Paige Read

6D Qathem

Ayeza PA Jasmine Kaur PB Baneen PC Dion 3A Samia 4C Arsalan 6A Aara 6B Shahil 6B Codi 6C Manuel 6C

PARENT REMINDERS LATE PASSES If your child is late to school they must sign in at the office to receive a late pass to give to their teacher. EARLY LEAVERS If you need to collect your child before the end of school, please do not go straight to the classroom. They must be signed out at the office, then you will be given an Early Leavers pass to give to the teacher.

Page 4: 7th August 2019 Message...A win by them will allow my Pies to slip into 5th place. The Pies were able to get a much deserved percentage boost against the Gold Coast Suns and maintain

During Semester 1 our students have been busy participating in a wide variety of events.

These have included Swimming, Cross Country, AFL 9’s competitions,

Athletics, Rugby and Year 6 Interschool sport. Here are some snap shots of the

semester's achievements.

KVPS District Cross Country Team Our Grade 3/4 AFL 9’s in action at Sweeney Reserve.

Heidi Draai came 4th in the 11 year old girls, under 11 Division

Cross Country.

The winning Grade 6 Interschool sport Football Team.

Page 5: 7th August 2019 Message...A win by them will allow my Pies to slip into 5th place. The Pies were able to get a much deserved percentage boost against the Gold Coast Suns and maintain


Stand up for others

Making good choices

Helping others

Standing up for the rights of others

Being a bully stopper

Speaking up



Page 6: 7th August 2019 Message...A win by them will allow my Pies to slip into 5th place. The Pies were able to get a much deserved percentage boost against the Gold Coast Suns and maintain

To help create a sustainable environment Kilberry Valley Primary School has gone

wrapper free EVERYDAY!

What does it look like?

A “wrapper free” lunch box is one that has no plastic wrappers or rubbish that goes to landfill. Use re-useable containers and re-use snap lock bags to build a healthy and rubbish free lunch box. And remember, fruit scraps are not included as rubbish! Kilberry Valley Primary School has a composting program to reduce landfill and to educate students about sustainability.



Best Attendance

Year Prep Prep A 90%

Year 1 1A 95%

Year 2 2D 92%

Year 3 3A 90%

Year 4 4D 96%

Year 5 5A 92%

Year 6 6C 99%

At Kilberry Valley Primary School, we

believe that student success is dependent

upon good attendance at school. Students

need to attend school regularly in order to

participate fully and gain maximum benefit

from their schooling. Daily attendance

enables students to access a full

education, allowing them to reach their full

potential. Students with poor patterns of

attendance in primary school usually have

poor patterns in secondary school and

often disengage from school. There is a

direct link between school attendance and

achievement in later life. Poor attendance

also makes it difficult for children to form

positive relationships with their peers

therefore, we feel that regular attendance

is essential for KVPS students.

Page 7: 7th August 2019 Message...A win by them will allow my Pies to slip into 5th place. The Pies were able to get a much deserved percentage boost against the Gold Coast Suns and maintain


Our school is conducting a survey to find out what parents think of our school. The Parent Opinion Survey is an annual survey offered by the Department of Education and Training

that is conducted amongst a sample of randomly selected parents. It is designed to assist schools in gaining an understanding of parents’ perceptions of school

climate, student behaviour and student engagement. Our school will use the survey results to help inform and direct future school planning and improvement strategies.

Approximately 30 per cent of parents will be invited to participate in this year’s survey. All responses to

the survey are anonymous. This year the Parent Opinion Survey will be conducted from Monday 22nd July to Sunday 11th August.

The survey will be conducted online, only takes 10-15 minutes to complete, and can be accessed at any

convenient time within the fieldwork period on desktop computers, laptops, tablets or smartphones. Please speak to your child’s teacher if you would like more information.

Page 8: 7th August 2019 Message...A win by them will allow my Pies to slip into 5th place. The Pies were able to get a much deserved percentage boost against the Gold Coast Suns and maintain

Mindfulness will be running once a week in Term 3, Wednesdays - 2.40 to 3.25 for selected students in Grade 3 - 6

A few things that mindfulness offers:

Discussing how the brain works when you're feeling sad, angry, happy, anxious and other emotions.

Discussing emotions and how to recognize them.

How to love and believe in yourself.

Learning from your mistakes.

Persistence is my superpower.

Growth mindset.

Breathing techniques.

Positive thinking. Each session has a 10 minute meditation as well. What is mindfulness?

Mindfulness is a whole body-mind state of awareness that involves ‘tuning in’ to the present moment, with openness and

curiosity, instead of ‘tuning out’ from experience. Mindfulness is being aware and undistracted in the present moment.

It is about focusing attention on the present, rather than thinking about the past or worrying about the future- which is often

our brain’s default mode.

Mindful awareness is something that we all possess and that can be strengthened through practice. Mindfulness can be

developed through formal sitting meditation practices, or through informal everyday mindfulness activities that use the senses

to anchor the attention: such as mindful walking, listening to music, eating or conversation. Mindfulness is a clinically proven

tool to support wellbeing and mental health by reducing stress and allowing life to be experienced more fully.

The benefits of mindfulness with children

Research shows that mindfulness training increases connectivity in the frontal lobe of the brain, which is linked to

improved attention, memory processing and decision making abilities.

Mindfulness training involves tuning in to internal and external experiences with curiosity resulting in increased self-

awareness, social awareness, and self-confidence.

Mindfulness training increases children’s ability to self-regulate their emotions, especially difficult emotions such as fear

and anger, through breathing and other grounding techniques.

Mindfulness has been shown to improve empathy or the ability to understand what another person is thinking or feeling,

which improves children’s awareness of others and helps them to build positive relationships.

Mindfulness training has been to shown to reduce the severity of anxiety in children. Mindfulness builds resilience by

giving children skills to help them to cope better with stress, as well as engage more fully with themselves

and the world.




Page 9: 7th August 2019 Message...A win by them will allow my Pies to slip into 5th place. The Pies were able to get a much deserved percentage boost against the Gold Coast Suns and maintain

Mindfulness for parents

The best thing parents can do to help their children become more mindful is to commit to some regular mindfulness

practises themselves! The more present and mindful you are with your children, the more happy, mindful and resilient

they will be. Mindfulness training can assist parents to remain in the present moment and engage more fully when

interacting with their children. Research shows that parents and carers who practise being mindful around their children

contribute to improving their child’s sense of self-worth and self-esteem.

Mindful play: Dedicate a window of time each week to mindfully play with your child or children. Turn off all other

distractions such as TV, and put your mobile away and on silent. Try to give them your full attention during this time

and if your mind wanders off to all the things you should be doing, that’s fine – that’s just what minds do! Use your

child as an anchor to come back to every time your mind wanders away.

Mindful cooking: Cooking together can be a great way to spend quality time. Help your child notice the colours,

smell and taste of the ingredients as you add them to the meal, and the touch of the different items as you cook.

Mindful dinnertime: Create a time for your family to appreciate and savour their food at the start of a meal by

spending the first few minutes of dinner in silence, just eating and enjoying the food. It’s a surprisingly nice activity to

do with the whole family, and done regularly, can become a lovely ritual.

Mindful teeth brushing: Getting kids to brush their teeth can be a challenge, so why not make it a challenge, by

inviting them to try to do it mindfully with you? Invite them to pay attention to the feel of the brush in their mouth and

the sensation and taste of the toothpaste. Ask them three things they noticed that was different about their brushing

tonight than from the previous night.

Mindful phone/ipad apps: The Smiling Mind website and smartphone App provides FREE guided mindfulness and

meditation sessions for young children through to adults.

Page 10: 7th August 2019 Message...A win by them will allow my Pies to slip into 5th place. The Pies were able to get a much deserved percentage boost against the Gold Coast Suns and maintain


We would like to remind parents to provide a change of clothing in children’s

school bags—preferably some clean underwear, track suit pants,

windcheater, shorts or a dress.

This is handy for ALL children in ALL grade levels .

We ask for your co-operation with this matter as our Sick Bay is unable to cope

with the large volume of people requiring changes of clothing.

One of our children in the school community is receiving medical

treatment which puts them at serious risk if they are exposed to

infectious illnesses, in particular: Chicken -Pox, Measles,

Mumps or Shingles.

It is also important that while your child is unwell they remain at home until they

are no longer contagious. Please let us know immediately by calling

the school office on 9702 8688.

As a school community we value your support in relation to the wellbeing of

all our students.

Any parent who wishes to help out in

our classrooms or on excursions, must provide a current Working With Childrens Card (WWCC) to the office.

On the day you come to assist, please come

through the office and sign in using the visitors kiosk you will be given a “Classroom helper Privacy Agreement” to read and sign.

Please ensure you bring your Working With

Childrens Card with you, to display in our lanyard, which you will wear while in the

classroom or on excursions.

If your child is absent from school, please ring the office on 9702 8688

before 9.30am on the morning of the absence or notify us by e-mail

[email protected].


Page 11: 7th August 2019 Message...A win by them will allow my Pies to slip into 5th place. The Pies were able to get a much deserved percentage boost against the Gold Coast Suns and maintain


The following notices have been sent home to families

and require your prompt attention: MOONLIT SANTUARY - Grade 3 Please return consent form and payment by Friday 9th August. Cost $ 25.00 Mt MORTON CAMP - Grade 3 Please return consent form and deposit by Friday 9th August. Deposit $ 50.00 EDWIN FLACK DISTRICT BASKETBALL Grade 5 –6 Selected Students Please return consent form and payment by Tuesday 13th August. Cost $ 13.00 EDWIN FLACK DISTRICT ATHLETICS Grade 4-6 Selected Students Please return consent form and payment by Wednesday 21st August. Cost $ 10.00 FOOTY DAY LUNCH Please return order form and payment by Wednesday 28th August. MAD ABOUT SCIENCE - Prep Grades Please return consent form and payment by Wednesday 11th September. Cost $ 12.00

Students who do not return consent forms and payments by the closing date for incursions

excursions will not be able to participate in the activity. We would appreciate your support and co-operation

with these matters. Thank you.


Kilberry Valley Primary School ADVERTISING

Please Note: The Department of Education and Training

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Wednesday 7th August Dental Van Visit

Thursday 8th August

Dental Van Visit

Friday 9th August Dental Van Visit

Melb Museum & IMAX—Grade 1 Junior Assembly

Monday 12th August

Dental Van Visit

Tuesday 13th August Dental Van Visit

Wednesday 14th August

Dental Van Visit

Thursday 15th August Dental Van Visit

Friday 16th August

Moonlit Sanctuary—Grade 3 Senior Assembly - 5C Performing

Monday 19th August

Book Week Junior Book Parade - 9.10 am Senior Book Parade— 9.45am

Edwin Flack District Basketball— Selected Grade 5 & 6 Students

Tuesday 20th August

Book Week School Musical Rehearsals

Wednesday 21st August

Book Week School Musical Rehearsals

Thursday 22nd August

School Musical Rehearsals

Friday 23rd August AFL 9’s Grade 5 & 6

Junior Assembly