8 dangerous foods

8 Most Dangerous foods that are killing us. 1.White Sugar and artificial Sugar The average person consumes over 100 lbs of refined and artificial sugars each year, this includes sugars that are hidden in processed packaged foods and drinks, Sugar is used as an additive in many packaged foods such as ketchup and baked beans etc. In packaged foods sugar can take the form of glucose, dextrose, sucrose, or high-fructose corn syrup. Artificial sweeteners in diet and other drinks are not even a foods but pure chemicals that are 300-500 times sweeter than refined sugar. The artificial sweetener Aspartame has been linked as a cancer causing substance but yet still found in many drinks and foods. Sugar is basically concentrated crystallized pure poison and acid so affects your PH balance and so your blood and other organs become more acidic. Excess acid in the blood will eventually be stored in the fat cells so will be very difficult to lose weight while taking these substances into your body. The more acid your body the more susceptible you are also to disease. The body uses sugar as a drug; it’s extremely addictive, puts a huge strain on the organs and destructive to the body. Refined sugar and artificial sweeteners have many detrimental effects on your body, many people worry about ageing not realizing that the sugar they are consuming is ageing them faster than any other processed food substance. The pancreas responsible for producing insulin, can only process and burn up natural sugars, so any processed or artificial sugars go straight to the blood, Spiking your sugar levels and overtime it will damage your pancreas leading to diabetes. Sugar impairs the mineral balance in your body. Essential calcium is pulled from your bones, teeth and tissues to neutralize the consumption of acid sugary treats, leading to osteoporosis and brittle bone, suppressing your immune system, lowering your body’s natural defenses and imbalances your hormones. Sugar clogs your arteries because unused glucose becomes saturated fat and cholesterol, which stores in your arteries, leading to high blood pressure and clotting. Other conditions effected by a high sugar diet are: Arthritis, Alzheimer’s, parkingsons, headaches, cancer, stomach gas, intestinal gas, heart disease, psoriasis, weight gain as it turns to fat in the body, PMS, Candida, tooth decay, Multiple sclerosis, inflammation, cataracts, gallstones, bowel disease, kidney stones, cystic fibrosis and depression. Sugar fuels bacteria, viruses, parasites, fungus, mold, yeast and cancer cells, all these are fed by sugar.

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Post on 29-Mar-2016




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in this document we describe the 8 dangerous foods to avoid if you would like to live a long an happy, healthy life


Page 1: 8 dangerous foods

8 Most Dangerous foods that are killing us. 1.White Sugar and artificial Sugar The average person consumes over 100 lbs of refined and artificial sugars each year, this includes

sugars that are hidden in processed packaged foods and drinks, Sugar is used as an additive in

many packaged foods such as ketchup and baked beans etc. In packaged foods sugar can take the

form of glucose, dextrose, sucrose, or high-fructose corn syrup.

Artificial sweeteners in diet and other drinks are not even a foods but pure chemicals that are

300-500 times sweeter than refined sugar. The artificial sweetener Aspartame has been linked as

a cancer causing substance but yet still found in many drinks and foods.

Sugar is basically concentrated crystallized pure poison and acid so affects your PH balance and

so your blood and other organs become more acidic. Excess acid in the blood will eventually be

stored in the fat cells so will be very difficult to lose weight while taking these substances into

your body. The more acid your body the more susceptible you are also to disease. The body uses

sugar as a drug; it’s extremely addictive, puts a huge strain on the organs and destructive to the


Refined sugar and artificial sweeteners have many detrimental effects on your body, many people

worry about ageing not realizing that the sugar they are consuming is ageing them faster than any

other processed food substance.

The pancreas responsible for producing insulin, can only process and burn up natural sugars, so

any processed or artificial sugars go straight to the blood, Spiking your sugar levels and overtime

it will damage your pancreas leading to diabetes.

Sugar impairs the mineral balance in your body. Essential calcium is pulled from your bones,

teeth and tissues to neutralize the consumption of acid sugary treats, leading to osteoporosis and

brittle bone, suppressing your immune system, lowering your body’s natural defenses and

imbalances your hormones. Sugar clogs your arteries because unused glucose becomes saturated

fat and cholesterol, which stores in your arteries, leading to high blood pressure and clotting.

Other conditions effected by a high sugar diet are: Arthritis, Alzheimer’s, parkingsons,

headaches, cancer, stomach gas, intestinal gas, heart disease, psoriasis, weight gain as it turns to

fat in the body, PMS, Candida, tooth decay, Multiple sclerosis, inflammation, cataracts,

gallstones, bowel disease, kidney stones, cystic fibrosis and depression.

Sugar fuels bacteria, viruses, parasites, fungus, mold, yeast and cancer cells, all these are fed by


Page 2: 8 dangerous foods

Healthier alternatives Raw unprocessed honey such as manuka honey, Stevia, raw unprocessed agave nectar, and xylitol. All these are natural sweeteners without any added chemicals or toxic ingredients and can be found in a good health food shop.

Steviaisanaturalsweetener made from the steviaplant.Steviaiscaloriefreeandcanbe

foundinmosthealthfoodshops.Make sure your stevia product does NOT contain

Maltodextrin. Somesteviapowdersincludeinsulinfiber.ThisisOK,asitisanaturalfiber

alsofoundinfruitsandvegetables (althoughsomepeoplecomplainthatthisparticular


your own body’s response.







raspberriesandplums.Ittastesandlookslikesugar.If you do not enjoy the taste of stevia,

you may want to try xylitol instead. Always be sure to monitor

your body’s response to any new food, as some people do not digest xylitol well.

The ingredients label should only list “xylitol” and no other additives.




Page 3: 8 dangerous foods

2. White Processed FlourWhiteprocessedflourandwhiteflourproductssuchascakes,biscuits,doughnuts,white


The natural grain is taken and stripped of the fibre and Nutrients needed by the body.

White flour becomes a sticky paste when mixed with water. This sticky gluey substance when eaten in the form of white bread, pizza, cakes, biscuits, doughnuts, and white pasta etc. does not change when it entered the body. So accumulation happens in the body leading to aching stiff joints. Even so called brown bread from the supermarket has been bleached and depleted of nutrition.

Chlorine gas is used to bleach wheat flour. In this process, a by-product called alloxan is created that actually destroys beta cells in the pancreas responsible for making insulin, it destroys the insulin-producing function of the pancreas, allowing glucose levels to shoot sky-high. So white and wholemeal processed and bleached flour damages your pancreas.

Consuming white flour products clogs the body and can raise blood Pressure levels; it also has the same effect on your blood sugar as eating table sugar!

Healthier alternatives. Sprouted bread made from Spelt or Kamut flour, contains no gluten and will not

bloat you. The bread or the flour to make your own bread can be found in your local health food shop or some supermarkets. Spelt and Kamut pasta’s are also available.

Page 4: 8 dangerous foods

3. Soft drinks, coffee, tea and �concentrated fruit juices.

Soft drinks and concentrated fruit juices contains lots of artificial sugars and other

chemicals that raise your blood sugar.

Coffee and tea contains caffeine and is an external stimulant so the body will always become dependent on it. This is the reason you get a headache when you have not had your caffeine fix. Coffee also pulls calcium from the bones.

Diet drinks containing artificial sugars contain more sugar than non diet drinks.�

For years, soft drinks companies have been selling products with ingredients that we now know are linked to diabetes, obesity, and kidney stones etc.

Those are some of the effects of products that contain High Fructose Corn Syrup and phosphoric acid found in some conventional soft drinks, despite the fact that these drink products are extremely harmful to human health.

Healthier alternatives. Freshly squeezed juices, herbal teas, fruit teas, dandelion coffee, natural

unsweetened cocoa and pure filtered water.

Page 5: 8 dangerous foods

4. Red Meat and Hormone fed Chicken

Red meat stays in the body for a long time before digested, sometimes it stays in the gut undigested for years. It sticks to the wall of the colon because of an impaired digestive system caused by eating too many processed foods.

Red meat nowadays contains poisonous toxins such as nitrates and antibiotics. Chicken contain growth hormones that mimics estrogen, causing all sorts of females problems such as young girls growing breasts earlier than normal and starting their periods much earlier than normal, some women find difficulty in conceiving because of too much estrogen in their body and male reproductive problems such as erectile dysfunction and lower sperm count also as a result of too much estrogen from the growth hormones.

Other dangers linked to meat: Saturated fats, Cancer forming, mucus forming, Deceleration of the metabolic system, weakened resistance, fermentation, acidity and putrefying (rotting) in the stomach, constipation and other bowel conditions.

If you feel you cannot give up red meat or chicken then make sure it’s totally organic without the chemicals and growth hormones and do regular colon cleanses.

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5. Dairy ProductsDiaryproductsarecheese,cream,icecream,milkandyogurt.

Dairy products are the biggest culprit of Sinus problems, Allergies, Asthma, Bronchitis, Emphysema, pneumonia, irritable bowel syndrome and Colitis etc.

All related to an accumulation of mucus in these areas that causes the area to become inflammed. This also depletes the immune system.

When the mucus is in the head, the person usually suffers from sinus problems, when it moves to the chest it’s usually, allergies, Asthma, bronchitis, emphysema and pneumonia, when the mucus moves to the bowels, it’s irritable bowel syndrome, colitis etc. and if left untreated can lead to crohn’s disease, where in some serious cases the bowel has to be removed.

But it’s all the same mucus in different parts of the body causing the area to become inflammed, accompanied with accumulation from undigested food. Very often the mucus hardens and causes lumps in parts of the body.

The average person carries around 25 pounds of excess mucus every day within their bodies. Hormones present in milk have also been linked to Breast, Prostate and testicular cancer.

Healthier alternatives Almond milk, coconut milk and oat milk are great alternatives to animal milk.

Alternative cheeses can be made from various nuts such as soaked cashew nuts or almonds by blending with olive oil, probiotic and other ingredients, they are delicious. Look out soon for our newsletter on healthy alternatives.

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6. Animal Milk Animalmilkinouropinionnotfitforhumanconsumption.Cowshavemuchshorter









Humansaretheonlyone'sthatcontinuetodrinkmilkafterweaning. Contrary to what we have been lead to believe all of our lives, that we need calcium from milk for strong bones and teeth. What do the cows eat to get their calcium? Certainly not milk. They eat Grass. Grass is a whole food that is full of calcium; humans have grasses such as barley grass and wheatgrass juice that is full of calcium and other nutrients. Studies have shown that animal milk leaches calcium from the bones, opposite to what we have been told, that we need it for our Calcium.

Some dairy related conditions: Breast, prostate and testicular cancers from hormones present in milk. Listeria, Crohn’s disease, Osteoporosis and Multiple sclerosis.

These photos looks Absolutely ridiculous and shocking. A woman drinking milk from the cows udder and women giving their breast milk to a baby cow. As ridiculous as this looks, also shows how ridiculous it is when we drink and give animal milk to our children. It may not seem ridiculous to us to drink cows or goats milk because we’re drinking the milk from bottles and not direct from the nipple of the animal. Animal milk is meant for baby animals just as human milk is meant for human babies. Are humans really supposed to drink animal milk?

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7. Animal Fats Animal fats - butter, margarine, lard etc.




Saturated fats, in the form of red meat also do the same thing as well as cooking oils such as vegetable oil, canola oil etc. There are tests such as the biological age test that can tell whether your arteries are clogged or not. It also tells you what age your cardiovascular system is operating at. The good news is that if your arteries are clogged, it can easily be unclogged using certain foods and an arganine product to clean the arteries and get good circulation going again.

Healthier alternatives Goods fats are cold pressed extra virgin olive oil, flaxseed oil, coconut oil and all

natural oils from foods such as avocado, nuts and seed.

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8. Junk Foods Most fast foods contain most, if not all of the above dangerous foods. So it will be

obvious what the effects on the body will be. It’s junk just as the name suggests.

Visible signs of Processed, Sugary and Fatty foods are Weight gain and Obesity

Invisible signs are Heart disease, Allergies, Asthma and other chronic conditions

Healthier alternatives

Snacks such as nut, seeds, dried unsweetened fruit, olives, spelt crackers, healthy snack bars (check ingredients) and fruit etc.