8 essentials for females when they travel


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Post on 22-Jan-2018




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8 Travel Essentials for

Females On The Go!

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Why You Need Travel Essentials

The feeling of going on a trip, hanging out with friends and families, getting to see new locations and discovering new cultures is absolutely mesmerizing.

When it comes to females, the excitement is even greater because they can already envision new shopping avenues!

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Good Pair of Jeans

This is on the top of my list of travel essentials to carry because a good pair of jeanscan actually help you save up a lot of space.

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Carry Your Favorite Book in Travel Essentials Kit

A lot of people might disagree and might not even consider this item but a good book can prove to be your best travel partner and a best fir for your travel essentials kit.

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Extra Phone Battery or Power Bank

One should always plan out the travel essentials before leaving the house, sometimes journeys can be really long and even if you have the best phones in the world.

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An Emergency Toolkit

While travelling you may come across unexpected challenges and problems so always be equipped. Include small items like band aid, pain reliever and extra cotton.

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Small Makeup Bag

Let us all accept that makeup is an important part of every girl’s life but it is not your whole life. While travelling only keep the essentials, the ones you cannot live without e.g. a good lip shade or mascara.

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Sunblock and Skin Lotion The one thing which girls completely ignore yet is the most quintessential item: Sunblock and Skin Lotion. Firstly a humble request to all girls please stop assuming that sunblock should only be used in summers.

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Ear Pods, Headphones and Eye Mask

Good songs and good journeys have a very strong connection therefore if you want to enjoy the travelling part then carry your headphones along and listen to your favorite songs.

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Wet Tissues and Wipes

After a really long journey your face may be really worn out so wet tissues or wipes can be extremely helpful. Just rub your face with some wet tissues and it will instantly give a fresh look to your face.

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Article by: Ayesha Sheikh Direct Link: http://bit.ly/2BoWqeb

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