8 steps to mastering a medicare_medicaid audit

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  • 8/7/2019 8 Steps to Mastering a Medicare_Medicaid Audit







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    Eight Steps to Mastering

    the Audit Process

  • 8/7/2019 8 Steps to Mastering a Medicare_Medicaid Audit



    Audits can be time consuming and very costly i not managed properly. Being unprepared

    is no longer an option. With the expansion and success o the Recovery Audit Contracto

    (RAC) program audits and increased fnancial repercussions or audits that have been

    around or years, audits are ramping up.Additionally, more and more entities are actively trying to identiy improper Medicare and Medicaid payments and recentlPresident Obama stressed the importance o recapture audits. Today, healthcare acilities are being inundated with audits romMACs and MICs as RAC audits continue to slowly trickle in. Additional audits rom CERT, ZPIC and OIG are not ar behindmaking the need or a systematic and consistent process more important then ever. Missteps related to ulfllment or misseddeadlines can be the cause or recoupment and missed opportunity or appeals.

    With over 30 years o Health Inormation Management experience, our extensive knowledge o HIPAA regulation, and interviewswith various healthcare leaders, we have developed a list o best practices that we are certain will help you be more preparedor the onslaught o audits coming your way.

    We believe that there are eight key actions that you need to put in place to ensure that each and every audit request is optimally

    managed education, communication, workow creation and management, release o inormation, decision managementappeals management, revenue impact analysis, and the mitigation o uture denial issues. Putting a process in place thamanages all o these key unctions can eventually make audits just another task in your teams daily activities.

    1. Educate Key StakeholdersProvide your key stakeholders with access to historical inormationabout the various types o audits so they can better understand howeach can potentially aect revenue. Introduce them to importantWeb sites to increase their level o awareness and understanding oederal and state audits. For additional insight, have stakeholderssign up to receive blog discussions hosted by industry thoughtleaders and experts. These tools can provide a orum or them toask specifc and targeted questions.

    2. Identify a team and schedule regularly occurring

    meetingsConsider the complete acility impact when creating your team(Health Inormation Management, Compliance, Revenue Integrity,Finance, Business Ofce, Medical Sta and Case Management).Audits aect many dierent areas o the hospital and diverseexpertise is needed or optimal management o medical recordrequests and appeals determination and management. It isimportant or team members to be accountable and understandeach step o the process. Their responsibilities should be linkedto deadlines.

    Once your team has been established it is imperative that regular meetings are scheduled to discuss all audit related issuesMeetings should be a orum to share and discuss ideas and experiences as well as to analyze and plan ways to handleknown vulnerabilities. Subcommittees are also helpul to address parts o the auditing process like appeals or proactivereviews.

    3. TrackingCreate a specifc workow or use database and tracking technology that ollows a specifc process, to manage auditrequests. Keeping track o various audits and their specifc due dates is almost impossible to do with a simple spreadshee

    Blog Discussion Web Siteswww.cms.hhs.gove/rac







  • 8/7/2019 8 Steps to Mastering a Medicare_Medicaid Audit


    www.healthport.com | 800.737.2585

    Consider using tested sotware that tracks and trends inormation. Updating and sharing the inormation needs to be easyand requent. Seek out a technology that is intuitive and allows you to easily use your data to look or patterns and toprevent uture recoupment.

    4. Request letter management processProper management o medical record requests is vital to optimal audit management. A process must be put in placethat will allow you to quickly launch the release o inormation activity immediately. An undefned process can causeunnecessary delays which could jeopardize your ability to appeal and avoid recoupment. It is important to realize that thefrst step in the audit process is eectively responding to requests or medical records. Consider working with a trustedrelease o inormation vendor that employs associates who are highly skilled in HIPAA regulation and records processingto manage the request ulfllment.

    5. Decision letter management processThe decision letter must be reviewed and processed quickly.Ensure that the letter is attached to the matching records bycreating a fle that is complete and easily accessible. I you decideto appeal the results o the decision letter, easy access to the

    complete fle signifcantly reduces the response time.

    6. Appeals management processAppeals must be meticulously tracked to ensure that deadlines arenot missed. Concurrent appeals are inevitable and a process mustbe put in place to careully track and manage multiple requests,due dates and storage. The use o an automated tool thatprovides reminders and emails to trigger action is recommendedto properly track this complicated process. Look or technologythat includes preset audits, is easy to use and that is trusted byyour peers.

    7. Establish real-time nancial management and a

    dashboard review processTracking the dollars at risk is key to understanding the potentialimpact audits can have on your revenue. Invest in a tool that iseasy to read and will provide real-time reports. It should have adashboard view o dollars at risk as well as dollars won and lost.Data is power. Thereore, it is important to have reporting tools thatallow you to review your aected revenue, get a comprehensivesnapshot o the fnancial impact o all audits, identiy DRG trends,and more.

    8. Establish a process and procedures to prevent denial

    issues from reoccurring

    Conduct internal audits and track and review the results regularly.Use data rom internal audits and key reports to validate that anyand all vulnerabilities are identifed and fxed. Consider workingwith clinical documentation experts to improve documentation.

    Audits are disruptive and a real threat to your revenue. We recommend using the eight steps above as your guide, fnding andemploying trusted technology, implementing a workow and utilizing consistent reporting wil l help you take control o audits.

    HealthPort AudaPro

    HealthPort AudaPro

    is a powerulcomprehensive audit management tool

    designed to relieve the stress related to

    managing the many audits that can negatively

    aect your revenue. Our unique technology

    acilitates the automation o medical record

    request ulfllment, appeals management,

    tracking, reporting and communication.

    Additionally you have access to real-time

    fnancial compliance and HIM dashboard

    eatures to capture critical data.

    HealthPort AudaPros intuitive workow is

    designed to uidly walk you through an audit

    request, ulfllment and distribution process.

    Additionally it navigates you through all o the

    possible levels o appeal. Detailed reports, and

    dashboards along with the ability to deploy

    internal audits and provide data will help you

    fnd vulnerabilities to improve your processes.

  • 8/7/2019 8 Steps to Mastering a Medicare_Medicaid Audit






    For more information on HealthPort AudaPro,

    please visit www.healthport.com

    or contact HealthPort Marketing at

    800.737.2585 or [email protected]

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    Audit Denitions

    MIC Medicaid Integrity Contractors

    Reviews provider claims, audits provider claims, identifes overpayments

    and educates or trains Medicaid employees

    Not involved in collections or over payments

    PERM Payment Error Rate Measurement

    Measures payment accuracy rate

    Each state is reviewed once every three years

    CERT Comprehensive Error Rate Testing

    Calculates a national paid claims error rate or Medicare Fee-or-Service


    Reports on Carriers, and Fiscal Intermediaries

    OIG Ofce o the Inspector General

    Oversees all programs

    Conducts independent investigations, audits, inspections and special


    MAC Medicare Administrative Contractor

    New contract entitiy

    Will eventually replace current payment contractors

    QIO Quality Improvement Organization

    Staed by healthcare proessionals trained to review medical care andimplement quality improvement

    Contracts last or three years