8 strategies for launching a successful blog

8 Strategies For Launching A Successful Blog

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Post on 15-Jul-2015




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8 Strategies For Launching A Successful Blog

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1. Choose your platform

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WordPress, Blogger, Ghost, Svbtle, Tumblr- the list is endless.

There are so many blogging platforms for you to get started:

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I am personally a WordPress fan.

The reason I believe WordPress is the best platform for bloggers is because of its huge community, the simple interface, and the crazy amount of plugins and widgets available.

Get started with Wordpress

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2. Know your audienceIts crucial that you know your exact niche and write about things that your target audience will want to

read about.

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Create A Buyer’s PersonaWrite down your ideal buyers name, sex, age, location,

career, interests & biggest challenges

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Where does your audience hang out?Use Typeform or Surveymonkey to help you.

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Know your keywords and search terms:You need to do keyword research based on the topics that your audience are interested in and exactly what

they are likely to search for.

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Use these tools for keyword research: Keyword planner, WordStreams Keyword tool, Freshkey, Keywordtool.io

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See what content is resonating with your target audience:

The perfect tool for this is BuzzSumo.

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3. Find your blogging voiceWriting with personality is the most important thing to do if you want people to get a feel for who you

really are.

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But how can you find your unique tone of voice?

• Tell personal stories and open up to your readers.

• Remember that they have not come to the blog to read about you – they have come to learn something from you.

• Write like you talk. Speak with your audience, not at them.

• One of the best tips (which I got from Neil Patel) is to find a blog you love reading and start imitating their style until you feel secure enough to develop your own.

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4. Create an online communityBuilding a devoted blogging community is one of the

biggest struggles. To do this you need to be constantly active and constantly engaging with your


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Consistently post content.

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Participate and engage in your blog.

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Get active on social media. Use Buffer to manage your social media efforts.

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Know the secrets to overcoming blogger’s block.

•Join social media groups & ask questions on Quora and Reddit.

•Carry a notepad with you and write down ideas.

•Read an old blog post of yours.

•Set yourself deadlines and stick to them.

•Take a breakm go for a walk and brew yourself a coffee!

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6. Write content regularly:The reason you have a blog is because you are an expert in a certain field – you

need to be posting updates regularly.

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You have to post regularly if you want your blog to be successful.

•Blogging regularly is good for SEO. Search engines just love fresh content.

•Create a posting schedule to make things easier. Decide how many times you are going to post a week and stick to it.

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7.Make sure your blog design is visually appealingWhen you are designing your blog, make sure that its key purposes are met. Your content should be easy to

find, your blog easy to navigate, and your content easy to read.

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Key blog design tips:

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Use graphics to break your text up and space up your post.

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Use ‘H2’ headlines to break the text. This would help your design and make it easier for the user to decide if your post is worth reading.

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Use quotes. This is a great way to break the text flow as well as a good resource to tweet.

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8. Become best friends with Google analyticsTo launch a successful blog you need to master

Google Analytics, so that you can track your visitors and monitor the traffic on your blog.

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Here are the most important Google Analytics metrics you should make sure to monitor:

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Bounce Rate: What percentage of your visitors left immediately

after the page loaded.

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New Vs. Returning Visitors: A high percentage of returning users would mean

people are coming back to read your posts.

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Demographics: Your audience’s age, gender, location and interests.

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Time of Day: Track visits by hour to see if your posts are more

effective on a specific time.

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Traffic sources: Check where your traffic comes from.

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A list created by Captain UpRead Full Blog Post Here


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