80 ran calgary scomhdgs.ca/calgary city 1935 jan s to z.pdfafter 7 jim cad , r1s02 st johns...

80 Ran Ruud Albert E res 321 Roxboro Rd Ryan A ft rc5 809 lit Ave W ! Ryan Basil W res 237 ,5th Ave W ... Ryan Ed f res SOS 2Srd Ave W .... Ryan Miss Edythe res 24 Healy Apts Ryan Geo F res 24 Westminster Blk - Ryan HJ res 102 loth Ave E M7356 Ryan James res 210S Hope St ..._..-_.„.._..-W1969 Ryder Ernest «» 1207 14th Ave W .W4987 S Sacretl Heart Church 13th Ave 6 14th St W.... W3397 Sacred Heart Convent 19th Ave A 1 St W.-..M2530 Sadleir J U R rei 929 ISth Ave W W3611 Sadler A res 713 Dth St NE H1720 Sadler G W Belting Ct> 527-Sth Ave W R1061 SAFEWAY STORES LTD District Office lOlh Ave & 3td St E.,... M43U Store No 201—2.36 Sth Ave E M4367 Store No 202—1423 17th Ave W .W1910 Store No 205—2509 4th St W M7142 Market Dcparlraent—2509 4lli St W M7144 Store No 206—1104 Centre St N H32SS Store No 209—324 16th Ave NW H3252 Sto.-* No 215—120 10th St NW L2232 Store No 217—839 17fb Ave W VV2117 Sage C E res 924 18th Are W W443S Saga F A—Ogden .... .91-4114 Sage Miss W G re* 1914 13th St W. W2603 Sahlln's Bert Service Station 0th Ave A 4tl> St W M9022 Saieh S J res 141 28th Ave NE H1436 St Ann's Rectory Her A E Rouleaa 922 21st Ave E E5736 St Clair L re* 108 DeveiOsh Apt* - W143X St George Lodge No 39 20 0 F 1314 9th Ave E E5550 St Hilda's School For Giris 830 12eh Ave W.... R1352 After 7 jim caD , R1S02 St Johns Confectionery J Melino 104 lOlh St NW U684 St Joseph Rectory 18(b Ave A 6th St NW H156a St Louii Hotel G H Culls Sth Ave A 4tb St E.. M1S5S St 1.0U1* Hotel Barber Shop St Louis Holcl....M3282 St Mary's Cathedral (Rectory) 18th Ave W... M2526 St Regis Hotel 124 7th Ave E - M4541 Private Branch Exch connecting ail Rooms St Stephen's Church Ven Archdeacon C Sivanson Office A Memorial HnU 14th Ave A 10th St W ..Wd879 SALADA SALES CO LTD Land BIdg M9740 Sales Al res 2517 16-A St SE .... E4044 Sales Mrs F W res 2-319 Bth Ave W M2156 Salloway Roderick C res 007 20th Ava W Ivt7860 Salt Walter res 412 19th Ave NW H1404 Sailer Mrs A Elliott res 2418 Curicton St ._.,...W29&5 Sailer Hardy E res 18 Central BIdg M4464 Saltcr Hector W res 1420 Ca St NW. H2574 Saltvrell GW res 437 12th St NIV .i...L2164 SALVATION ARMY THE MEN'S SOCIAL LS'STITUTION (Wagon Calls Enquiry Labor Bureau) Maior H C Uabkirk 214 9tb Ave E M4596 Major HC Halkirk re* 1025 13<h Avo W W2284 Citadel No 1 Corps 704 1st St E.... - M17S4 C'adg Oifli^r No X Corps re* 135 16th Ave E - M3248 Omdg Officer No 2 Corps ni* 1137 Kensing ton Rd - ! U784 rinanria) Secretary res 1028 18th Ave W .... W2297 Children'* Home cor 17tti Ave A 29th St W W1937 Evontide Home for Womon Mainr RIeknII Matron 311 11th Ave E M1601 Grace Maternity Hospital 81b Av* A 13th St NW - L2149 Sam Wo Market Garden* 46tb Ave NE H3464 Samson Rotary Rod Weeder 1019 10th Ave W W4022 Samuel G B rei 237 7th Av* NE H3477 Samuelson C H res 1083 5th Ave W ..... M9042 Samuelson V L res 1309 Sth St NW H3X09 Samwcll C P res 6 Roumore Apts M9682 Sanden Ml** S L res 514 23td Ave W M5469 Sandercock Dr Frank E Dentist 709 Southam BIdg M2334 Sandercock Oi; Frank £ res 205 Prasldent Apts RXS29 _.S0S48 _..RZ776 .... M42S3 _,H3353 MS3S6 MS741 CALGARY ' Sanders—Sc« alio Saiuiders Sanders Cot G E res 3014 CtencBC F.d S0334 Sanders W H res 839 S4tt> .Vve N\V .H2883 Sanderson Kiss C I res 1302 Clodstone Rd LI073 Sanderson F G Depot Rooms 132 9tta Ave 95-112 Sanderson I L—Midnapore .91-SOH Sanderson Jas 0 G res 60S Blvd N\V U65B Sandgathe F N Dis-ision Elevator Supt United Grain Growers Ltd Lousliced BIdg M5561 Sandgathe F N res B19 Salem Ave W1736 Sandllands J R—Delacoiir _,..91-22Z3 Sands Miss Sarah res 2-510 Cth Ave W M1043 Sanford P L res "17 Roxboro Rd. :S0667 Sangster A ft—De Winlon „.91-5112 SangsUr L. J res 17 Acadia Apts R225S SANITARY CLEANERS Repairing Presiing & AlleraGons 240 ISttt Ave M2643 SANITARY MARKET 7th Ave Si 3rd St W Sanimait Grocery Si Meat itarket Sections 8-10 M428S Van's Specialty Meals Section 42 M9045 Manager's Olfice Robert K Oakiey _...M5S0S Sanitary Supply Co of Alta 1006 2ad St E...M7S09 Sanofsky N res 1500 2nd St E M5093 Sansom Walter Shoe Store No 1 P Bums Bids M303S Store No 2 808 1st St W M3112 Sansoin Walter res 627 Alexander Crescent.. H3279 Santucci F res 216 4th St NE - R1722 Sara F Leslie res 105 Slith Ave W ...M4974 Sara GS C office 418 P Bums BIdg „..M25S3 Sara G S C res 422 P Burns BIdg M9216 Sargeant D V—Calaary 91-4722 Sargent Henry res 2207 21st Ave W W2983 Sargent P A res 210 18th Ave E M1335 SASKATCHEWAN LIFE INSUR ANCE CO 402 Loughccd Bids .....M5915 SASKATCHEWAN MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO Itanaglian ii Could Agenls iOSa 7th Ave E. M2202 Saskatoon Piano Co Ltd The 1309 ist St W M9233 Sathcf C L res 127 I4th Ave NW H1S42 Sallman Miss A res R3fi 23fd Ave \V M7239 ' Saucier X res 106 26lh Ave W ...,/.M7135 Sauer Peter—Hubalta _...9I-3013 Saults W ft res 3040 Clcncoe Rd S0414 Saunderv—See also Sandcn Saunders A L W res 2218 14A St W Vil3744 Saunders C 0 res 1721 7lh Ave NW. L1289 Saunders EA res 123S 14th Ave W ,W2161 Saunders E C res 1020 8lh Ave E _...E5934 Saunders Mrs J res 207 31st Ave SE M2e25 Saunders M S res 820 2nd Ave NW L1906 Saunders ft W res EOl S2nd Ave NW H1419 Saunders Thomas res 1050 Ootvness Rd L2183 Saunders Or W E Pliys & Surg 220 6lh Av E M3368 Saunders Or W E res 220 6lh Ave E. M2262 Savage Mrs E A res 1518 3r.l St NW H1467 Savage F P Bleaching Fluid 613 71li Ave W.... M3307 Savage H N res 319~ 13th Ave NW HIOSS Savage S S res 720 14lh Avo W ftll73 Savage W A res 3 Anne Bik H3366 Savaiy H P0 res 3022 Cleacoe Rd S0456 Savary J W res 829 ISlli Ave W M4543 Savlll Mrs S E—RR 4 Calgary .91-1422 Sawyer A res 062 Ist Ave W R2724 SAWYER OR E R Dentist 4-231 Sth Ave W M3242 Sawyer Or E R res 21 Drake Apts R1527 SAWYER-MASSEY LTD Union Traclor & Harvester Co Ltd eor Dth Ave & 8lh St W M5916 Sawyer Mrs W J res 2 Jensen Apts M7S69 Sawyers CE res 1414 Shclbourns St ...,.,...VU1409 Saxby AJ res 425 12ih Ave E M3759 Saxby WS res 433 12th Ave E M3280 Saxton Henry G res 3012 E-A St W „...S0175 Sayer A G res 1-J19 2nd St NW H1272 Sayers Gerald B res 203 Roxboro Rd S0864 Scalfe Chu re* 2503 lOtb St E E5804 Stales—Sec also Sceairt Scales G F res 6 Aflort Apt* - M7840 Scales Stanley rte 807 14ib Ave W...„.„........Rie27. SCO Scandinavian Atnerlcan Line 60 Union BIJg....M9560 Scarboro Service Station M Folkman l*lb Ave and lO-A St W W2fl4l Scarlshrick J res 33ga 15lh Ave W. M5221 Scarlsbrltk Waller res 321 24ch Ave W M7471 Scarlett Dr E P Pfays Z14 Cth Ave W. —,M9577 Scarlett Dr E P res 409 Roxboro Rd SOIBB Scarr J A ret 240 lOlb Ave NW H2313 Scatcherd TC (C.MR) res 225 26tb Ave SE....M9867 Sceales—See also Scales Sccales J A res 3220 7lh St W 50198 Schang Bros—Sliepard .91-3922 Schaulele A res 331 9-A St NW L2S66 Scheelar Mr* Mabelle res 626 4th Av* W R2304 Schlafsmitz Rosle Produce Merchant Stall 21 City Hall Market R2026 SCHMIDT TRANSFER 240 3rd Ave fc M9022 Schofierl Ralph res 506 1st St W M512(} SCHOOL BOARD OFFICES General Ofhce A Information 3rd Floor City Hal! M3437 Supt of Public Schools F G Buciianan. M3437 Accountant G ft Cell _.,.M3437 Supt of High Sehoois Dr A M ScotL M2837 Medical Dept Dr Gcratdine Oaidey,..., ....... „.M1237 Building Dept W A Branton J. M1837 Storekeeper R W Slccle M1837 Stores Receiving. Dept R217X Secretory-Treasurer D C Bayne M5269 SCHOOLS Balmoral High School cor 17 Av & 2 St NW....H3455 Central High School IJth Ave A Stii St W...W4043 Commercial High School 4tli Av Si 1st St W M4815 Crescent Heights High 10 Ave A1 St KW.. Hllll East Calgary High Dth Ave A 19th St C.... E5472 Technical High A Prevocotlonei 17th Ave A fi-A St W W4611 Western Canada High ITth Ave A College Lane W2268 SCHOOLS—Separate J F KInalian BA Seo-Treas and Supt St\ Mary's School 2nd St W ..M3684 Schooley D B res 815 Srd Ave NW ... L1929 Schopp W res 926 6(h Ave NE R1271 Sthram J E rrs 205 SOlti Ave NW .H3Q17 Schrocder C F res 1 Florence Apts _..„L2744 Schroeder Ida L res 19 Argyle Court,. M2722 Sehfoeder W res 103 6ih Ave E M1287 Schuldt Edwatd W res 1309 14th Ave W .Wil41 SchuiU H 0 res 605 Anderson Apt* .,W3232 Schultx L G res 201 12th Ave NW H2423 Sthutoski Marie res 1214 lit St E M2569 Schwanz W E res 1726 28rd Av* SW S0S29 Scotia Confecliooery T Niekelson 230 17th Ave E M9971 Scotland John re* 403 13th St NW L1S91 Scott AM res 485 2lsi Ave NW H2982 Scott A Melville (Supt of High Schools) res S07 18th Ave W W4792 Scoll AW (Gen Supplies) res 711 4-A St NW U267 Scott Dr Aftbur W les 317 89th Av* W S1X15 6COTT-BATHGATE CO Lend BIdg M974a G M PiirdU res 123 10th Ave NW H3452 Scott CT res 820 3fd Avo W ...... M1925 Scott D res 1701 7lh Ave NW L2348 Scott Dave—Calpiry _.___.91-4421 Scott Mrs E—Forest Lawn ..91-2813 Scott Mrs F M res 202 6lh St W ..n2473 Scott Frank res 1030 4-A St NW H3028 Scott Fred res 430 18th Ave NW H249a Soott Fred W res 1010 15th Ave W .,.W4275 SCOTT FRUIT COMPANY LTD THE hUchael BIdg General Olfice M343X .... (M38i5 Orders and Shipper tM7S90 V S Oekenden Mgr res 1040 l4th Av* W ...,W2246 Scott Mrs C re* 2303 50th Ave SE.... ESS79 Scott George res 1205 Riverdale Ave S12S2 Scott H E res 227 Sth Ave NE H1473 Scott H G re* 619 Biveidaie Ava .50624

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80 Ran

Ruud Albert E res 321 Roxboro RdRyan A ft rc5 809 lit Ave W !Ryan Basil W res 237 ,5th Ave W ...Ryan Ed f res SOS 2Srd Ave W ....Ryan Miss Edythe res 24 Healy AptsRyan Geo F res 24 Westminster Blk -Ryan H J res 102 loth Ave E M7356Ryan James res 210S Hope St ..._..-_.„.._..-W1969Ryder Ernest «» 1207 14th Ave W .W4987

SSacretl Heart Church 13th Ave 6 14th St W....W3397Sacred Heart Convent 19th Ave A 1 St W.-..M2530

Sadleir J U R rei 929 ISth Ave W W3611Sadler A res 713 Dth St NE H1720Sadler G W Belting Ct> 527-Sth Ave W R1061

SAFEWAY STORES LTDDistrict Office lOlh Ave & 3td St E.,... M43UStore No 201—2.36 Sth Ave E M4367Store No 202—1423 17th Ave W .W1910Store No 205—2509 4th St W M7142Market Dcparlraent—2509 4lli St W M7144Store No 206—1104 Centre St N H32SSStore No 209—324 16th Ave NW H3252Sto.-* No 215—120 10th St NW L2232

Store No 217—839 17fb Ave W VV2117Sage C E res 924 18th Are W W443SSaga F A—Ogden .... .91-4114Sage Miss W G re* 1914 13th St W. W2603Sahlln's Bert Service Station 0th Ave A 4tl>

St W M9022

Saieh S J res 141 28th Ave NE H1436St Ann's Rectory Her A E Rouleaa 922 21st

Ave E E5736

St Clair L re* 108 DeveiOsh Apt* - W143X• St George Lodge No 39 2 0 0 F 1314 9th

Ave E E5550St Hilda's School For Giris 830 12eh Ave W....R1352

After 7 jim caD , R1S02St Johns Confectionery J Melino 104 lOlh

St NW U684St Joseph Rectory 18(b Ave A 6th St NW H156aSt Louii Hotel G H Culls Sth Ave A 4tb St E.. M1S5SSt 1.0U1* Hotel Barber Shop St Louis Holcl....M3282St Mary's Cathedral (Rectory) 18th Ave W... M2526St Regis Hotel 124 7th Ave E - M4541

Private Branch Exch connecting ail RoomsSt Stephen's Church Ven Archdeacon C Sivanson

Office A Memorial HnU 14th Ave A 10thSt W ..Wd879


Sales Al res 2517 16-A St SE ....E4044Sales Mrs F W res 2-319 Bth Ave W M2156Salloway Roderick C res 007 20th Ava W Ivt7860Salt Walter res 412 19th Ave NW H1404Sailer Mrs A Elliott res 2418 Curicton St ._.,...W29&5Sailer Hardy E res 18 Central BIdg M4464Saltcr Hector W res 1420 Ca St NW. H2574Saltvrell G W res 437 12th St NIV .i...L2164

SALVATION ARMY THEMEN'S SOCIAL LS'STITUTION (Wagon CallsEnquiry Labor Bureau) Maior H C Uabkirk214 9tb Ave E M4596Major H C Halkirk re* 1025 13<h Avo W W2284Citadel No 1 Corps 704 1st St E.... - M17S4C'adg Oifli^r No X Corps re* 135 16thAve E - M3248Omdg Officer No 2 Corps ni* 1137 Kensington Rd - ! U784rinanria) Secretary res 1028 18th Ave W ....W2297Children'* Home cor 17tti Ave A 29th St W W1937Evontide Home for Womon Mainr RIeknIIMatron 311 11th Ave E M1601Grace Maternity Hospital 81b Av* A 13thSt NW - L2149

Sam Wo Market Garden* 46tb Ave NE H3464Samson Rotary Rod Weeder 1019 10th Ave W W4022Samuel G B rei 237 7th Av* NE H3477

Samuelson C H res 1083 5th Ave W .....M9042Samuelson V L res 1309 Sth St NW H3X09Samwcll C P res 6 Roumore Apts M9682Sanden Ml** S L res 514 23td Ave W M5469Sandercock Dr Frank E Dentist 709 Southam

BIdg M2334

Sandercock Oi; Frank £ res 205 Prasldent Apts RXS29




Sanders—Sc« alio SaiuidersSanders Cot G E res 3014 CtencBC F.d S0334Sanders W H res 839 S4tt> .Vve N\V .H2883

Sanderson Kiss C I res 1302 Clodstone Rd LI073

Sanderson F G Depot Rooms 132 9tta Ave 95-112Sanderson I L—Midnapore .91-SOHSanderson Jas 0 G res 60S Blvd N\V U65BSandgathe F N Dis-ision Elevator Supt United

Grain Growers Ltd Lousliced BIdg M5561Sandgathe F N res B19 Salem Ave W1736Sandllands J R—Delacoiir _,..91-22Z3Sands Miss Sarah res 2-510 Cth Ave W M1043Sanford P L res "17 Roxboro Rd. :S0667Sangster A ft—De Winlon „.91-5112SangsUr L. J res 17 Acadia Apts R225S

SANITARY CLEANERS RepairingPresiing & AlleraGons 240 ISttt Ave M2643


Sanimait Grocery Si Meat itarketSections 8-10 M428SVan's Specialty Meals Section 42 M9045Manager's Olfice Robert K Oakiey _...M5S0S

Sanitary Supply Co of Alta 1006 2ad St E...M7S09Sanofsky N res 1500 2nd St E M5093Sansom Walter Shoe Store No 1 P Bums Bids M303S

Store No 2 808 1st St W M3112

Sansoin Walter res 627 Alexander Crescent.. H3279

Santucci F res 216 4th St NE - R1722

Sara F Leslie res 105 Slith Ave W ...M4974Sara G S C office 418 P Bums BIdg „..M25S3Sara G S C res 422 P Burns BIdg M9216Sargeant D V—Calaary 91-4722Sargent Henry res 2207 21st Ave W W2983Sargent P A res 210 18th Ave E M1335


SASKATCHEWAN MUTUALFIRE INSURANCE CO Itanaglianii Could Agenls iOSa 7th Ave E. M2202

Saskatoon Piano Co Ltd The 1309 ist St W M9233Sathcf C L res 127 I4th Ave NW H1S42

Sallman Miss A res R3fi 23fd Ave \V M7239 'Saucier X res 106 26lh Ave W ...,/.M7135Sauer Peter—Hubalta _...9I-3013Saults W ft res 3040 Clcncoe Rd S0414Saunderv—See also Sandcn

Saunders A L W res 2218 14A St W Vil3744Saunders C 0 res 1721 7lh Ave NW. L1289Saunders E A res 123S 14th Ave W ,W2161Saunders E C res 1020 8lh Ave E _...E5934Saunders Mrs J res 207 31st Ave SE M2e25Saunders M S res 820 2nd Ave NW L1906Saunders ft W res EOl S2nd Ave NW H1419Saunders Thomas res 1050 Ootvness Rd L2183Saunders Or W E Pliys & Surg 220 6lh Av E M3368Saunders Or W E res 220 6lh Ave E. M2262

Savage Mrs E A res 1518 3r.l St NW H1467Savage F P Bleaching Fluid 613 71li Ave W....M3307Savage H N res 319~ 13th Ave NW HIOSSSavage S S res 720 14lh Avo W ftll73Savage W A res 3 Anne Bik H3366Savaiy H P 0 res 3022 Cleacoe Rd S0456Savary J W res 829 ISlli Ave W M4543Savlll Mrs S E—RR 4 Calgary .91-1422Sawyer A res 062 Ist Ave W R2724

SAWYER OR E R Dentist 4-231 SthAve W M3242

Sawyer Or E R res 21 Drake Apts R1527

SAWYER-MASSEY LTD UnionTraclor & Harvester Co Ltd eor Dth Ave &8lh St W M5916

Sawyer Mrs W J res 2 Jensen Apts M7S69Sawyers C E res 1414 Shclbourns St ...,.,...VU1409Saxby A J res 425 12ih Ave E M3759Saxby W S res 433 12th Ave E M3280Saxton Henry G res 3012 E-A St W „...S0175Sayer A G res 1-J19 2nd St NW H1272Sayers Gerald B res 203 Roxboro Rd S0864Scalfe Chu re* 2503 lOtb St E E5804Stales—Sec also SceairtScales G F res 6 Aflort Apt* - M7840Scales Stanley rte 807 14ib Ave W...„.„........Rie27.


Scandinavian Atnerlcan Line 60 Union BIJg....M9560Scarboro Service Station M Folkman l*lb Ave

and lO-A St W W2fl4lScarlshrick J res 33ga 15lh Ave W. M5221Scarlsbrltk Waller res 321 24ch Ave W M7471

Scarlett Dr E P Pfays Z14 Cth Ave W. —,M9577Scarlett Dr E P res 409 Roxboro Rd SOIBBScarr J A ret 240 lOlb Ave NW H2313Scatcherd T C (C.MR) res 225 26tb Ave SE....M9867Sceales—See also ScalesSccales J A res 3220 7lh St W 50198

Schang Bros—Sliepard .91-3922Schaulele A res 331 9-A St NW L2S66Scheelar Mr* Mabelle res 626 4th Av* W R2304Schlafsmitz Rosle Produce Merchant Stall 21

City Hall Market R2026

SCHMIDT TRANSFER 240 3rdAve fc M9022

Schofierl Ralph res 506 1st St W M512(}

SCHOOL BOARD OFFICESGeneral Ofhce A Information 3rd FloorCity Hal! M3437Supt of Public Schools F G Buciianan. M3437Accountant G ft Cell _.,.M3437Supt of High Sehoois Dr A M ScotL M2837Medical Dept Dr Gcratdine Oaidey,...,.......„.M1237Building Dept W A Branton J. M1837Storekeeper R W Slccle M1837Stores Receiving. Dept R217XSecretory-Treasurer D C Bayne M5269


Balmoral High School cor 17 Av & 2 St NW....H3455Central High School IJth Ave A Stii St W...W4043Commercial High School 4tli Av Si 1st St W M4815Crescent Heights High 10 Ave A 1 St KW.. HllllEast Calgary High Dth Ave A 19th St C....E5472Technical High A Prevocotlonei 17th AveA fi-A St W W4611Western Canada High ITth Ave A CollegeLane W2268

SCHOOLS—SeparateJ F KInalian BA Seo-Treas and Supt St\Mary's School 2nd St W ..M3684

Schooley D B res 815 Srd Ave NW ... L1929Schopp W res 926 6(h Ave NE R1271Sthram J E rrs 205 SOlti Ave NW .H3Q17Schrocder C F res 1 Florence Apts _..„L2744Schroeder Ida L res 19 Argyle Court,. M2722Sehfoeder W res 103 6ih Ave E M1287Schuldt Edwatd W res 1309 14th Ave W .Wil41SchuiU H 0 res 605 Anderson Apt* .,W3232Schultx L G res 201 12th Ave NW H2423Sthutoski Marie res 1214 lit St E M2569

Schwanz W E res 1726 28rd Av* SW S0S29Scotia Confecliooery T Niekelson 230 17th

Ave E M9971Scotland John re* 403 13th St NW L1S91Scott A M res 485 2lsi Ave NW H2982Scott A Melville (Supt of High Schools) res

S07 18th Ave W W4792Scoll A W (Gen Supplies) res 711 4-A St NW U267Scott Dr Aftbur W les 317 89th Av* W S1X15

6COTT-BATHGATE CO Lend BIdg M974aG M PiirdU res 123 10th Ave NW H3452

Scott C T res 820 3fd Avo W ......M1925Scott D res 1701 7lh Ave NW L2348Scott Dave—Calpiry _.___.91-4421Scott Mrs E—Forest Lawn ..91-2813Scott Mrs F M res 202 6lh St W ..n2473Scott Frank res 1030 4-A St NW H3028Scott Fred res 430 18th Ave NW H249aSoott Fred W res 1010 15th Ave W .,.W4275


.... (M38i5Orders and Shipper tM7S90V S Oekenden Mgr res 1040 l4th Av* W ...,W2246

Scott Mrs C re* 2303 50th Ave SE.... ESS79Scott George res 1205 Riverdale Ave S12S2Scott H E res 227 Sth Ave NE H1473Scott H G re* 619 Biveidaie Ava .50624



Scott & Hinscri Foic Firm—Sprinsbiiik...-..,91-5832Scott Harry res 1140 21st Ave W Wi738Scott Harry P rss 830 Hiilc.m Rd S1255Scott Miss Ida M ra 2 Van Delindac Btlc._„...M2912Scott J rci 140C llch Ave B ._„._.E5075

Scott J C rss 1233 21st Ave NW _....H3078Scott J Fred rc» 2320 8lh St W W2320Scott Mrs J M res 1610 9tli St W .W22S2Scolt James res 130C ulh St E M2591

Scott Joseph W ns C22 ISth Ave NE.... K2225Scott Lottie res 327 21st Ave W M3162Scott H J res 901 19lli Ave W _.W1459Scott Miss M R res 7 Bessboroiigh Apts M1440

SCOTT A MILVAIN BsrrUten andSolicitors 611 Ilerold BIdg M1267J Fred Scolt res — .W2320J V 31 Milvala res —...H2773

Scolt Norman L res 1E13 25th Ave W....^ W4044Scott P D—Dclaeour .J...51-2722Scolt P H res 327 4»h Ave W M3563Scolt R H res 8311 Royal Ave V/12ZSScott Roy res 808 8tli St E E5965Scolt Mrs Sarah res 21XC St W M3671Scolt T R res 1!I23 XOii St W .W4532Scott W B res 23S 12lh Ave E R1S775eolt-W D res 027 ls( Ave NW ..... .._.U740Scott W Jap res 3806 7tli St SW - S0292Scott W T res 237 OVi St NW L2438Scott W W res 1323 14th Ave W ..._.W2384Scotllih Private Hospital 2410 &-A St W.....,.M2596Scovlll T M res 437 U-A SI NW ...U182Scratch A C res 2-130 1-A St E ..M5346Scratch Rev C res 1036 Glh Ave W M2661Scrlmgcojf H 8 res 3209 2nd St SW S1126SGRIMGEOUR R W 300 Lcesen ^

Uocbam Blk M2520Scrimjeour Robert W res 1805 4',4 St NW .„.H3419Scrolon E res 702 Crescent Kd H1059Scully Jas J—Calgary 91-1033Seaborn Richard res 830 3rd Ave NW U1904Seajer G B M res 3044 Ist St W S0317Seaman E—Calgary 91-5631

SEARI.E GRAIN CO LTD010 Herald Bldg R2036L P Kirley Mgr res 1029 Hlllcrest Ave....W1777J It MacRae Gen Siipt res 1800 Sth St W ...W2244L M Hrock Supl res 1D02 11th Ave W ,...W2612

Seirwn Fred res 2612 16lh St W W2697

SECURITY STORAGEWatcliouse 216 lOlh Ave W M799a

SECURITY TRUST CO LTDyilE let ITIoor Leeton-Uneliam Blk M440fi

Sedjwick S W res 3032 Isl St SW $0778Segal—See also SiegelSegal M res 309 12ll> Ave E M4324Stglll S res 816 20th Ave W _.....W2910

SEIBERLING TIRE DISTRIBUTORS Taylor Pearson & Carson Ltd210 lllh Ave W R2021

SELBY OR E R Phy 4k Surg 4 Bonkof Toronto IlMg 11.0 Sth Ave W M1242

Selby Dr E R res 3714 Montcalm Crescent,.. W4S51Sefkltk John W res £24 'l2lli Ave NE HZZZOSellar J res 2;i05 2Iat Ave W W11S7Sellar Mrs W H res 216 33Ui Ave W S036SSellens Charles res 607 14th Ave W R2125Sellers—Sec also CellarsSellers H tea 321 6th Ave NE H3099

8ELWOOD FREDERICK SBarrister Solicitor St Notary 111 Bank ofCommerce Bldg M4488

SelwMd Frederick S res 830 llillciesi Ave. W4997Semmens Edmund J res 1421 4th St NW H337SSemple C—SprSngbank .91-6024

Sempic David D res 0014 Blvd NW L2710Senkow Rudolph res 320 12(h Ave NW H3185

Sen Yee Fruit Merchant Stall 24 City HaliMarket R2026

Sercai Peter res 1205 Bellevue Ave.... ..,.£5724Serlgtit G res 3620 Ist St W S0074Seright H res Blk 22 Albert Park £5233Seright John res 801 23rd Ave E £5162Seright Robert res 1122 8lh St E .£5699


Service Coal & Wood Co 1st Ave is Srd St W....M3223Service Garage 123 15th Ave \V M4818


Servwel Store 2623 14tli St W .W1444Seth Mrs E res St Andrew's Golf Cub I.2S10

Sctterington H A re> 3028 8th St W. S0331Seventh Avenue Confectionery 100 Tih Av W....95-100Severson E M res 806 12th Ave W..,. R2732Scwati C J res 1403 25 A St IV W1437

Sewall S D res 21 Bamhart Apts .M3T84Sewell Jim Men's Clolhing 8-236 Sth Ave W... M4880Sewell John J res 1809 14-A St W W2621SewHi Taxi N W Sewell 812 Centre St R1212Sexsmith G A—Calgary ........91-1022Seymour F E res S28 lOlh Ave NE ... H2001Seymour F ft res llpS 4th St NE .... H167SSeymour J 6 ras 3211 Alfcgo St W1429Seymour M F res 2014 ITth St SW W242SSeymour Mrs M J res 77 4lh St W. ..-..R28IMShackleford A res 9 ISth St NW U978Shackleton P C res 308 SSlh Ave W M2226

Shaddock Mrs E res 1823 16a St W ....W2502Shafer Mrs Ida F res 722 4lh St NE.... H1905

Shale Mrs H res 1024 18th Ave E £5698Shale Thomas res 135 SOlh Ave NE H3224

Shamrock Hotel Mrs B Cummins Prop 210111th St £ E5446

Shanahan Chemicals Ltd 204 Toole Peet Bldg... R1041Shanahan Mrs T J res 1102 7lh St W M470a

Shand Mrs E J res 1603 ISth Ave W ..W3S76Shand William res 623 Sih Ave NE R1281Shanghai Cafe 206a Centre St .R2278Shannon E res 2001 2ud St W ..,..„.....M7198Shannon Josepti res 1715 9<A St W ............WI250Shannon R res 1416 Sth Ave E .£5841Shannon S res 423 14th Ave £ „..,...IM1842

ShanoV' Mrs J res 3 Wcllingtou Apts ,.._......M7386Shanta E B res 916 Blvd NW .-.-...U675Shapiro E E res 2 Howard Apia M2S37Shapiro Morris res 640 Salem Ave W3171Shapiro Robert res 209 DevcniBh Apts W2351Shapiro S res 840 6lh Ave W .„.,M5201Sftaplro W res 130 2nd Ave W _...R2185Shaptor G C res 1029 Ifith Ave W W2223Shapter Mrs Margaret G res .535 13ih Ave W MSOOdSharkcy Frank res 431 Noble Hotel M4930Sharkey W P res 905 lllh Ave W....... W4953Sharman A E res 1703 Bowness Rd L17eBSharman C R res 2-637 Glh Ave W -....R257&

Sharp D R res 9.72 Blvd NW ...,.y. L1S87Sharp Ceo res 614 Snd St NE ' _...._.H2092Sharp Mrs J res 812 7lh Ave NE H2548Sharp S W res 214 14th Ave NE H2465Sharp Sam res 9S7 Srd Ave NW L120fi

SHARP W H B Theatre Supplies Calgaryr>im Exciiongc Sth Ave is 6th St W M407&

Sharp W H B res 513 Tlh St W M1667Sharpe H fl res 837 18ih Aw W W4525Sharpies H H rea 1003 18Hi St W W4497

Directory Advertising Pays

Sharralt F R res 230 Superior Ave V/2273

Shartau Mrs Florence res 217 14th Ave E...-.ld399X

Shartau Frank A res 805 6ih Ave W M7415

Shasu Smokes 8c News The 221A 8lb Ave £ hU42B

Shatford Miss A res 219 3rd Ave E R1393

Shaver A M res 845 Prospect Ave VJ-M95

SHAVER A M LTD 1208 1st St E...JI63030Funer.il Advisors and Directors

Shaver Bert res 629 ISth Ave W ........... M3813

Shaw—See also Shore

Shaw A F tea 309 13th Ave E ......___,..iyi3B41

Shaw A G res 1038 1st Ave NW L1945

Shaw A M res 1788 17th Ave W ,, , WJAfit

Shaw C A res 202 10th Ave NE ........ H296S

Shaw Claude B res 607 Bth St W M4fi81

Shaw D res 607 6tb Ave W , , agjva?Shaw Fcnwlek L res 928 14th Ave W-._ W1I65Shaw H K—Midnapore ___.91.5021Shaw Harvey res 628 Elbow Drive .......... M2431Shaw Helen—.Midnapore ....._.__._...91-4911Shaw Hugh Id res 1008 Durham Ave .„._...W4509Shaw J H W res 3914 5th St W IW7468Shaw Mrs James res 1313 lllh Ave W W4329Shaw Joseph T KC Barrister is Solicitor Im

perial Bank Bldg MIIIHShaw Joseph T res 1754 Sth Ave NW _,..L1102Shaw Mrs Kalherlne res., 732 13th Ave W R1322Shaw L C res 307 ISth Ave W M97S9Shaw Miss M res 821 4th Ave W M442aShaw Mailman—Midnapore -.._.___91-5131Shaw Norman R res 2705 lOth St W ...WUiSShaw Ralph W res 616 ISlh Ave NE _..,H2267Shaw Robert res 816 6th Ave W M5432Shaw Sallle res 15 El Palo Apts _...._.„„.Py!30SOShaw W res 627 Rlverdafi Ave .„..._...„....S1164Shaw W H res 1624 17ih Ave W W2959Shaw Walter res 2615 15-A St;W W2S72Shaw William S res 540 18th Ave E ._.......,M7370Shaw York res 1204 Salisbury Ave E5152Shaw's Grocery 429 lUh St NW L26USheane Ceo K res 1603 4-A St NW HlOifiShearer W R res 221 11th St NW „.L1104

Slieatlaw Alex res 1401 6-A St NW H1S05Shears H P re« 1406 6-A St NW .....H1S17Shecter Simon rea 624 Sth Ave E M7385Shedden David K tee 103 Sth Ave NW H1097Sheedy M J res 1635 ITth Ave W W4096Sheep Creek Coal Mines Holding Co 29 MiehacI

Btdg M5767Sheepy Mrs J—Midnapore 91-5324Sheepy John R—Midnapore ....„„....91-5223Sheepy W T res 1019 6lh Ave W M2559Sheets E J res 640 6ih Ave W M3142Sheffield Mrs G F res 1728 13th Ave W.... W3328Sheftei Ben Fruit Merchant Stall 18 Cty Hall

Market R2026

SIteltel Ben res 311 0th Ave E.... M2760Sheftei H res 25 Riverside ApU R145SSheinln S Live St Dressed Poultry City PubUs

Marlcet 81863Sheinln S res 1235 loth Ave W „.-W4367

Sheldon T A res S4IS lat St W M1627Shelltoe IVIrs Adelaide Clare res 101 34th

Ave W k. M2S68Shell C M res 1-1162 10th St E E507SShelley K J res 2233 16-A Se E ES540Shelley J res 1115 lllh Ave W —...WdBesShclton F W rea 615 Crescent Blvd 51114

Shepard—Sec also Shepherd and .SlieppardShepard f^unkipal Dlst No 220 501 Bever-

Idee Bldg M1743Shepherd H M re.< £03 llEh Ave NE H2134Shepherd Harry ret 432 SOtb Ava NW ........H3067

82 She

Shepherd John res 920 4th St NE H1670Shepp John res 215 Sth Ave NE H1353Sheppard—See olso Shepard and ShepherdShcppsrd Mrs C E res 1109 Slh St W _...W4340Sheppard Miss E t res 1 H & R Apts M7254Sheopard F res 15H Slh St E WddisSheppard Jas res 1445 lath St E E5956Sheppard John H res 718 4th Av« W R2616

SHERIFF'S OFFICE Court House M842 34Sherin J A res 2213 20ih Ave W W1414Sherlock Cbas res 1406 17th Ave N\V L1711Sherlock Jas C res 617 15th Ave W M9414

Sherlock S G—Shepard ^m»..^.91'3925Sherlock S J res 530 21st Ave W IH4197Sherman Mrs A res 1018 Sth Ave E E4Q61Sherman Dave res Spring Garden H1333Sherman H 8 res 2017 Carlelon St ....„._._...W1432Sherman John res 610 24th Ave W M5966

Sherman Right Rev L Ralph Bishop of Calgary res 1818 1st St E M4587

Sherman Mary res 116 6-A St NE R1404Stierra Stanley res 2I3a 17th Ave W ..IVI7487Sherrifl Wm res 1120 4th Ave NW L1553Sherriffs Wm res 137 ITlh Ave NE _.H2418Sherring A E res 1510 4tli St W M7170

SHERWIN-WlCl-IAMS CO OFCANADA UTD Hth Av d; 7th St tV....M7321W J .Miller Mgr

Shields Mrs G res 1405 4lh St E ....M4895Shields P R res 3110 Botvness Rd L1721

SHIELDS TOM Gasfitibg 1414 17lhAve W W2222

Shier Mrs L 0 res 1205 16th St E E5951Shiilinglon Or R N W. res 345 19th Ave W M4981Shipley Dr Mills Fbys St Siirg 205 P Bunts

Bidg M2282Shipley Dr Mills res 3039 Slh St W ...50176Shipley Dr William J res 1912 5 A St W M2742Shiita D R res 8 Drvenlih Apt* — W1594Shiafmlls Max res 416 7lh Ave E. .._.M7411Shnilka A Jr res 3050 2nd St W S0886Shoebotham E A res 702 7th Ave W M4137Sholamenko A res 1135 Sth Avs W R1562


Store No I 1502-1504 12th Art W |vV1034Store No 3 Meat Dept W3034Store No 2 116 lOtb St NW U705Store No 3 348 17th Ave W M3481Store No 4 1326 9th Ave E E5382Store No 7 014 Centre Sc N.. K1910

Shore—See also Sliat;

SHORE DR A E Eye Ear Nose sndThroat SIS Southam Bldg ....M3349Dr A E Shore res 206 Roxboro Rd S0636If no answer call M4747

Short D S res 2231 16 A St E E517SShoit James KC Barrister & Solicitor Im

perial Bank Bidg MIXISShort James KC res 202 2nd Ave W R2327Short Oswald—Calgary 91-1912

SHORT ROSS SHAW &MAYHOOD Law Ofriec Imperial BankBids MinePrivate Branch Bxch connecting all OepttJames Short KC res 202 2nd Ave W R2327Geo li Russ KC res 517 4Lh Ave VV M5S72Joseph T Shaw KC res 1754 8iii Ave NW... L1102L Frederick Mayhood res 3601 7lh St SW S0131

Short Miss S res 1411 1st Ave NW L1423Short W S res COS ISlii Avo W M7614Shorlt Lesmgham res 1512 llili St W W4102Shouldlce Jas res Shnuldice Park... 1.1875

SHOULDICE A MoEWENBarrislers Si Sgjicilors Do Canada Life Qldg.. M2025F L Shoiildice res 2905 Carlaton St W4410GDC .MrEtvoii res 213 9.A St NW. L1317

Showers W res 1419 lOtli Ave £ £5106Shrlner J res 487 Marsh Rd B1672Shrubsall A rea 1713 24tii St SW W2455

SHRUBSALL A J CO PiuinblngHealing i, Qaaritllsg 411 2iul St W.... M4451


Shuler H Grocery 623 4th St E M5849Shuler H res 425 5th Ave E M7461

ShLiman Mrs A J res 117 IStli Ave E M5257

SHUMIATCHER A I Barrister andSolicitor 603 Grain Exciia'hge BIdg M1717A 1 Shumiatcher res 316 2ard Ave W M1975

ShutUeworth Bros—Baliac 91-2322Shyback Morris ret 1215 9(h Ave E E5487Slbary Mrs Renee res 1002a 17th Ave W W2556Slbur's Mothproof Service 8-236 Sth Ave VV..„M4a80Sidctfin Mrs A P res 1318'Quebec Ave. _.W1086Sidorsky Myers res 535 13th Ave E MS793Siegel—See also SegallSicgel Theresa M tci 723 Slh Ave W M2308Siegner Mrs Margaret res 503 2iid St W M1620Siegrist William res 111 14th Ave E M5711SIGURDSSON S Alberta Furniture Co

Slingshy Bik Riverside R1566Sllcock'jas H res 130 9lh Ave NE H1690Silks Limited Wholesale Sllkt 24 Lincbam BIk M5223Sills Dr N J Dentist 323 8tb Ave W M3849Sills Dr H J res 11 Sills Apu K1508Silman W H res 307 12th Ave NW H2679

Silver Max—C.ilgary .91-1911Silver fi res 422 Memorial Drive R1732Silvester C res 1910 Sth St IV M1417SILVESTER G SUPPLIES LTD

Builders' Suppllvs Olflee and WarehouselOlh Ave & 4th St W M4448

Simen Harry—Ogdcn 91-4431SimingWfl P res 1418 26th St SW W4164Simmons Chailcs P res 1713 13th Ave VV W3419Simmons Dr E H Dentist 303'306 Alberta JM7349

Comer {M1237Simmons Dr E H res .930 I Slh Ave W.... W1454Simmons J res 310 13tb Ave E M2109

SIMMONS LTD Bedding Manufactur-era Gtii Aw & Sth St E M3456S Pcnscliy Mgr res 312 Superior Ave...,,.. W2324

Simmons R 8 Barrister etc 310 Grain Exchange BIdg M9243

Simmons R 8 res 3722 17lh Ave W W2213Simmons Hon Chief Justice W C res 2101 10th

St W - ..W4736Simon—See also SImen

Simon 8 Hide & Fur Co 620 4lh St E M768aSimon 8 res I'OI ISlh Ave W W1516Simon Ed res 2602 10th St SW -—W4680Simons—See also Syiiionds and SymoaaSimons Stanley res 730 4-A Si NW L1734Simonlen NIrs Frank E res 3S0C 0th St W ... S0344Simper E T res 1427 4-A St E M4501SIMPLEX MOTOR PARTS CO

611 Ist St E M1005

r L Roberts Mgr res H11S6Simpson—Sec also SimsonSimpson A J res 501 8th St W R2707Simpson Alfred res 1387 12»li St W W4J74Simpson D res 712 24lh St NW L2621Simpson J res Mox.im Apts Rl544Simpson J Stuart res 527 24th Ave W M5275Simpson Mrs L res 517 25tlj Ave W M4303Simpson L D res 110 Sth St NW- Li835SIMPSON A LEA Rate Furs S, Hides

708 Centre St M5190Dressed Furs 708 Centre St M4579Warehouse 534 5th Ave E M3190

Simpson Mrs Margaret res 27 Lorraine Apts ....M1472Simpson flobt K res 109 Balmoral Apia M9052Simpson W res 315 lath St NW L1621Simpson W A res 241 30th Ave SE M30B2Simpson Will res 4t0 17lh Ave E. M9883Simpson Wm—Calgary .91-6521Simpson Mrs Wlnnifred res 816 lOih St NW L2751Simson T S res 1333 loth Avo W W2386'Sinclair A res la Ward BIk M23B2Sinclair A Macleod res 714 86lh Ave W S0140

SINCLAIR A MAGLEGD AWALSH Barristers d: Solicitors 802 |M4461Insurance Ecchunge |M3096

Sinclair A W res 406 12th St NW L1245Sinclair C R m 1018 15ih Ave W W3536Sinclair Charles R res 0908 Bivil NW L1244Sinclair 0 Cameron res 1523 16lh Ave W .W3S27Sinclair G A ns S41 23iid Av« W JA7153


Sinclair J F res 1326 lllh Ave E ,E5«24Sinclair John res 413 2lst Ave NW. H2350

SINCLAIR A JULL Barristers andSolicitors SIO-SIl Lancaster BIdg M7770

Sinclair 0 N res 56 New St E5583

Sinclair R F ro 346 20th Ave W .......M17S4

Sinclair Reuben res 223 21st Ave NW H2S67Sinclair V res 918 ISth Ave W W1155SIndall J W res 627 13lh Ave E.._ M783SSine F E res 2105 7th St W W1527Sing Fat Co 1212 ISib St E „....„„,..ES016Sing Fruit Store 1504 ITtb Ave W .......W2226Sing Lee Wo Grocery 212 Centre St..._._ .R2372Sing M Ijuiidry 133 13ih Ave W MJ068Singer A C res 1002 ]4th Ave W W3S56Singer B res 701 4lh St F. M73ZSSinger H res 4 234 Hrd Ave E R1227Singer Hy res 810 Elh Ave W M7556

SINGER SEWING MACHINECO 325 8th Ave W M2928Sales end Service

SINGLETON DR A B Phys & Surg713 Southam BIdg M1825

Singleton Dr A B res 17th Ave St ScarhoroAve _.W4320

Singleton John res 317 Slh Ave NE...,._ H232SSlnnolt J J res 3808 Centre St S S0269Sirelt W res 3616 1-A St W .S0030

SISLEV DR E Surgery 307 6;h Av W... M2706Sltlington Mrs R res 403 Anderson Apts W3213Skein R S rvs 8 Westminster BIk W7264Skelhorne F Alexander res 7 Argyle Court ....M15S2Skelly J W res 303 Roxtwrougb -Rd 50883Skelton John res 3024 4lh St W S0S47Skelton Ralph T res 916 lOUi Ave W W2354'Skene C W res 2108 7tli St W W4154Skcnc Mrs Stanley D rca 7 Acailla Apts 144570Skene's Grocery Mrs C- F Skene 1401 20lh

Ave NW .U822Sketchley Mrs M res 1112 Bellevuc Ave E5158Sketchiey Mrs M res 3808 Isl St NW HDIS'Skllll.tg Samuel res 2527 lO A Si NW L2520

SKINNER T J S CO LTD InsuranceHeal Estate & Rvniuls 817 Ist St E M3910W H Skinner res 3222 Vcrcheres St W4610Gl-o C Topley re.s 1610 ICtli Ave W W3515

Skinner T J S res 1028 Hlllcrest Ave WISH

SKINNER OR THOS A DenUst Oil-913 Sciiitlinm BIdg M4442Dr Thos A Skinner res 2750 WeUe St W2058

Sklrlen H res 1233 19th Ave NW H1122Skorey V M res 1-126 4.A St NW H2439Skucc William res 1 flicks BIk H1833Skutsky J H res 128 ISlh Ave E M9737Slaalicn Miss Matgarel res 506 Underwood BIk M9383Slater 0 8 res 1122 lOlh Ave W W1747Slater G W res 222 34lh Ave SE S0021Slater Mrs J res 1105 Slh SI lij M90J7Slater R N res 540 9tii Ave NW ........ L1306Sligo S J res 4 221 I7th Ave W _.....„.M32S7Sllngsby J T res 3050 1st St W. S0735Slipper S E rea 2931 Wolle St ....W2991Sloan D L res 418 12th St NW L2644Stoan Earle B res 1229 14lh Ave W...„_ W3015Sloan J A res 3218 13lh Ave W Wi898Slocombe W 0 res 235 Sth Ave NE H1051Slocum Mrs H res 2203 I4lh St W W2663Sly M E tea 707 14 A St E E522SSmall A Slterilf—Ctdgary ,91-2531Small F res 3033 Ijl St W^ ...:S0a88Small R G rej 3 Wrillnglon Aptj IVI4756Small S B res 1520 IStli Ave W ..........W3341


SMALLEV JAS A CO Radio Serviceand SiijipUcs 329 Sth Ave W M3534

Smatlpiccc Mrs Frank C rea 3033 Sth St W.. S0193Smart Ernest J res 981 4th Ave VV M7842Smart Jas res 436 Blvd NW 1.1428Smart James rrs 1315 llth St W W2501Smart Shop Millinery Mrs Laura S Robertson

Slls 12tb Ave W Ji!l7523


Sm»rt Thos rt» 329 7th Av» NE/..:. H1120

Smirt W D m 1621 7lh St NW H3306Smeltnr Wm r«9 914 ISih Av« W WZftSOSinlllie Geomg m 1110 14th Avc W. „W4001SmfUl—Ses also Smyth aiid SmylhcSmith A r«s 3803 Dbon Driv« S0219Smith A C (Caljt Power Co) rcj 1718 9» St W W2551Srnllh A C res 2804 IGlh St W W2006Smith A J Its 329 ISlh Ave W MV231

SMITH (A L) EGBERT OtSMITH Barristers and Sollellors JMZldO600 Ijncaslcr BUg JM2141A L Smith KC rea 1119 22rd Ave W W1512W G Egbert KC res 322 S8th Ave tf.... S0S09C E Smith res 1722 lltii St W W1633

Smith A V res 2003 27lh St W W4337Smith A Vern res 1102 14th St W W1026Smith Mn Ada A res 331 7lh Ave KE K1889Smith Alexander res 227 ISth St MV L1530Smith Alfred res 3721 14 A St SW S0728

Smith Art res 1112 lOlS Ave W W1132Smith Arthur L KC res 1119 22nd Are W .W151ZSmith Mrs 8 C res 161S 14th Ave W W3393

SMITH BATTERY CO40T Centre St _,.M2771

B M Smith Mgr res 1407 I3th St W W2177Smith Mrs Beatrice res 122 Oth Ave W M3926Smith Mrs Bertram S res 1410 Kensington Rd L1631Smith Billy res 2 .Scwbury XpM M5473Smith Boll res 1048 lOlh Avc C ES454

Smith C F Vincent R res 2S1 17th Avc NE .. H2299Smith C M Floor Expert 314 SOtli Avc W M7705Smith C W res 2725 Carlelon St ... W4202Smith Mrs Carolyn R res 410 lOlh Ave NIV . H3J45Smith Mrs Catherine res 224 18th Avc W M7191Smith Charles res 324 20lli Ave W fyi2137Smith Chas Murray res 12 Albion Biic M54S2Smith Charles S res 933 lOlh Avc W W1967Smith Christopher res 827 I7ih Ave W W4S87Smith Mist Clara E ros 34 Drake Apts M4564Smith Clare W res 528 23rd Avc \V M225aSmith Clarence E res 1722 lHh St W W1633Smith 0 H res B16 12lh Avc NE H1477Smith David res 312 17th Ave IV M13403Smith Oavid res 1640 14th Ave IV W4231Smith David D res 1339 14th Ave W Wi317

SMITH DAVIDSON & WRIGHTLTD Wlml I'aper and Stationery ]M7230538 lllh Ave W {MS629G H Porritl Mgr's ros 224 24lh Ave W. M3565

Smith Mrs Delia res 1 Ncwbuiy Apts M457SSmith E I Its 340 14lh Avc VV M4934Smith MISS E J res 222 4lli Ave W R2873Smith E T res 211 4th Ave NE H1666Smith Mrs £ W—Ogdcn .91-4524Smith Edgar res 246 23fd Avc NW H12iaSmith Mrs Edith res 1512a 1st St M4439Smith Edwin S res 419 14th St NW US40Smith F res 2223 20th Ave W W2406Smith F L res 46 l.orraine Apts M1571Smith Mrs F W Dressmaker and Tailor 627

23rd Ave W M5668Smith Frank B res 1027 5th Ave W M2775Smith Frank J res 1909 2nd St W M7114Smith Frank M res 1409 VAi St NW M3119Smith Mrs Fred B res 209 17tli Ave E M7206Smith Fred G res 724 1st Ave NW L1847Smith Frederick A res 740 Hth Ave W R2a25Smith fi res 514 IBth Ave W M5284Smith Capt G E R res SflOG 4'/2 St SW S0675Smith George res 327 17lb Ave W M99S6Smith George res 823 6 Ave NE H3421Smith George F res 2417 2-A St E .M1853Smith Geo H res 812 Ifilh Ave W R1117Smith George L tea 1304 4>^ St NW N2620


Smith H A res 1237 14th Ave W W2404Smith H J res 2108 Oth St E - E5B52Smith H L res 1418 ISih St B E52B0Smith H Leonard res 203 8th Avc NE .... H3318

SMITH H M Cool & Wood 6tb St &7th Ave B M9892



























H M rej 1710 Centre St N ... H1199

H R Dudley res 1013 17th Ave W W443fiHarry res 308 Superior Avc W2621Many res 2129 Maelcod Trail E54&6Heber C—RR3 CaJgary ..._.9X-6134Howard P res 2210 14 A St W ....... W4181

Miss (sabel res 315 Sih Avc W M47X2

J res 1032 filh Avc W M470S

J res 3114 Centre St N H1958J res 3036 Srd St W S1173

Mrs J res 513 11th Ave E ..... M5438J H res 3031 4th St W . S0S79



Mrs J H res 526 2!st Ave W ...J I res 220 Btli Ave E

J S res 30 Marlborough Apts .....J T res 1234 12lh Ave WDr J W Dentist 24 Elks Bldg M4886Or J W res 213 9'yfe St NW tl649James—Sliep.ird 91-3911

James res SOS 11th Avc E M9465Jas H (O'R) res 315 ISch Ave E M2075James S res 114 7ih Ave NW H1741

Mrs K res 2109 17th St W W2306Mrs K res 608 Z2nd Ave W M4973

K H res 830 4lh Ave W 82919

K K res 2103 8lh St SE E5253


Smith Or L E Dentist 1-2 McNeil Block M3S92Smith Or L E res Sll 37lh Ave W S0902

Smith Lee 'CS 3620 I4th St W S0633Smith Len res 2013 20lh St W _._..„.W2.U7Smith Leo res 613a 33rd Ave W M5126

Smith Mrs M C res 331 lltU Ave W M5370Smith M R—Springbank 91-6031Smith Marjorie res 1C37 Botvness Rd L2S01Smith Maxwell—Calgary ..91-1021Smith Melville 0 res 1926 34Ui Ave SW S0682Smith Mike res 3022 3rd St W S0830Smith Morili rei 1914 lllh St W W2010

Smith Miss N res 720 Srd Avc W R2597Smith 0 C res 330 36th Avo W M4245

Smith R res 1211 8th Ave E ...E5096

Smith R & Co Ltd Bdg Car Contra Office &Warehouse 10th Ave & 4th St E M2288

Smith R C res 2906 I7ih St SW W2732

Smith R F res 3 Rnasmore Apts ............. 662194Smith R F—Springbank ....91-6032Smith R I res 1623 I5lh Ave W ._..W1272

Smith Reginald G res 2618 lOth St W ..WU59Smith S res 409 ll A St NW LL352Smith S res 124 2nd Ave E „..„...R2318Smith Mrs S rei 630 13th Ave NE .......H2119

><mith S T res 430 15th Ave NE H2779Smith Shadrach res 1523 14ih Ave W W3479

Smith Sherman res 2220 fith St W .. S0739Smith tc Sullivan Lumber Dealers 1017 lOth

St E ES577Smith T rea 1338 lOtb Ave E ES244Smith Thos res 73 8 A St W R2696Smith Mrs W B res SOS t3th Avs NE H2S2BSmith Walter res 822 8rd Ave NE H2987Smith Wlltted rea 335 llVi St NW L2099Smith William res €17 lith Avc W ...... M4318Smith Wm res 830 7lh Ave W M5761Smith Wm B res S2I5 Vereheret St W2326

Smith Mm William J res 130 glh Avc NE... H142GSmith's SOe Taxi 815 Centra St M3362

Sol 83

Your Ad. Here


Produce ResultsSmith's Grocery StaU 25 Gey Kali Market R202SSMITHBILT HAT CO 1208 1st

St W M4404Branch Store 105a 8th Ave E .............. M77.97M Smith Proprleiof res . ...,...»....W2D10

Smitheram R res 714 Eau Claire Avc..._._-.R2461Smolensky Jack res 213 Sth Ave NE H2135Smolensky Rev S res 409 1st St E R2202Smolkin Rofiert res SI4a 25th Ave W... M2920Smyth B E Hardware 1435 17th Ave W W3270Smyth R C res 334 22iid Avc W M4909Smyths 7 H Chiropodist 228 Alberta Corner M1213Snack Shop The M B Ellla 2210a 4th St W 95-250Snadrfon W J res 3817 Elbow Drive . . 50324Snap Shot Photo Finishers 22 Uncham Blk M9079Snappy Service Station F B Bloom 7th Ave &

Sih St W M7279Sncddon Peter res 838 14th Ave E ......._..._.M7393Snedden Thomas res 130 SSth Ave NE......H3359Sncll A E res 3043 7th St W :S0246Snell Fred r« 320 40tb Ave W S0752Snell Fred W rea B Connaugbt Apts R1319Snell H J res 122 Garden Crescent M2016Snell L E Ins Lns A Real Esi 5 Alberta Blk M3840Snell L E res ITOl I3lh Ave W .,.W330S

SNELL MISS L M Hosiery GlovesLmgerie di Corsets The Arcade M9167

Snell Lillian M res 714 I2th Ave W M3963Snell R J res 713 I2th Ave W 6111095Snidal M res 1301 Colborae Crescent .__..W1793Snider—See also SnydcrSnider D S—Shcpard ........_._„_.._91-3714Snider E res 510 14lh Avc E M4e34Snider Edward C Barr & Solr 4 Royal Bank

Chambers M9a97Snider Edward C ret 602 ScarlKro Ave W365XSnider Hilton res 519 20tli Ave W M1347


Snowden D £ res 1028 6th Ave W .M1046Snowdtn John res 1601 6th St NW... H321S

SNOWDON C C 0)1 Refiner and Mfr1810 1840 11th St E £5217Orders and Deliveries .ES318Accountant Credit Manager and Shipper. E5730NIGHT CALLS—

C C Snowdoti res 925 21sl Ave W Wllfi?J Anderson Mgr res 323 STth Ave W S1207J R Frank Credit Mgr res 1731 Snd Av NW L12B2

Snowdofl C C res 925 2lst Ave W WU67Snowdon G P res 1712 llth St W W1032Snowdon H H res 2205 Hnpe St .-....-.-..WZSASSnydcr—See alsn SniderSnydcr Miss A res 1304 4th St NW , H?d96Snydcr C E res 258 Scarlwro Ave .............. W4081Snydcr J B—Oclacour _.91-2713Snydcr L A res 1702 lOth St W ,, W41BASnydcr Stuart res 2013 flth St W..._. ....50173Soady J res 1319 8lh Ave E E5783Soanes Henry rcj 516 24lh Ave W M5395Sederberg Gordon—Conrich Qt.JSZ3Soldier Settlement of Canada M2674

(Sec Dominion Government)

SCLEX CO LTD THE WanbotisoLand BIdg M9740G Key-Jones Rep res 414 7th St NW LlObO



Dominion Taxto MONTREAL $7.00



THE McDonald granite co. ltd.Office M3305


ONLY ADDRESS: 2313 Second Street E.. Calgary


Residence M21o() -

Soley Miss Jennie res CSS 3rd Are W R2434Soley Otto res 1125 Prospect Ave .W4935Solomon W F VCG Securities Co Ltd Lougbeed

Bide - MSSeiSolomon W F res 1634 Cth St NW ._.H1871Soltlce S res 2207 13-A St E ..£5795Somerville—See also Sommervilie

SOMERVILLE CALGARYMONUMENTAL COII B Somerville & Son 121 13Ui Ave W....M1391

SOMERVILLE H B & SONMonuments Headstones etc 121 loth Av W....M139111 B Somerville res 113 14lh Ave E. M2225E Somerville rc» 825 3rd Ave \V __.R2574

Somerville G L res 839 14th Are W R122aSomerville R S res Braomar Annex _.....M1564Somerville Thos 0 0 res 1521 4th St NIV. H29i9Sommers A L res 0030 Blvd NW L263SSommerville—Sec also Somera'ilJe

SOMMERVILLE CO LTD THEHotel Supplies SIO &th Ave W _...M7686

Sommerviile Hujh res 1930 34th Ave SW _...S0672Sommerville John B res 1519 S2od Ave SW_....S0894SommerviHc John N res 1 Scarhoro Apts...-...W4191SONG <& GIFT SHOP THE

232 Sth Ave W M3262Soper F res 1815 16th St W W1456Sorby AJan res 237 U-A St NW „._,U594Sorensen Anton M res 127 13th Avn W _..._...M5130Sorensen Morris res 216 15th Ave W M3979Serenson C T res 1013 18lb Ave E £5526Sorenton Knud res 121 Hih Ave E _.M3125Soroka Alex res 709 4-A St NE _..,H3473Souter—See also Suitor and SutetSouttr B A res 711 IGth St KW U4«a

SOUTER L C R Barrister tt Solicitor2 Koi-al Bank Chartibcm U2653

Souter L C R res 615 14th Ave W - M7395

SOUTHAM BUILDING 7th Ave &1st St W Building Superintendent Room 713 M39

Soirtham John 0 res 635 Sifion Blvd S0914South East Grocery & Confectionery 540 13th

Ave E - M4620

SOUTHERN ALBERTADAIRY POOL LTD > (M4I38Orders 706 llth Ave W _..,(M3616

Southern R W res 2007 2C-A St W,_ W4272

South Hill Service Station £ Moorhous^—Ogden _.91-4S11

Southwell G G re* 902 18th Ave W W2367

SOUTH WEST MEAT MARKETGilham & WHjon 2203 4th St W .M1984

Sovereign Ufe Assurance Company 64 CanndaLife Bids M3939

Spalford S res 212 13lh Ave W M3416Spaiding Robert res 1511 2Sth Ave'W :W2634Spalding Thos rca 1327 Hth Ave W W4242Spaltling W P res 1619 12th Ave W W3434

SPANKIE ds 8PANKIE DRSEye £cir Nose £c Tliroat Speclalista 606:7*8Seutliam BIdgUr William E Spankle Oftire M2020Iir WlJIiam E Spankle res 234 ZClb Av* W M4189Dr Arthur T Sponkie Office tM2843Dr Artlmr T Spankle re* 1925 S-A St W,.-.M2077

Spare W C—Calgary 51-3315Spargo Peter rea 815 33nd Ave C E5081Spark F res 1-1821 18lh Ave W ...W317SSpark W M re* 1533 8lh Ave E ...ESOOSSparling George L res S College Apt* ..M9952

Sparling J J re* 220 9th Ave NE .H2193Sparling R C Mfm Agt 10 Liheham Bllt ...„..-.M9462Sparling W A res 846 Rideau Rd 50090Sparrovr A C res 2115 Eth St W M1483Sparrow Henry C res 1418 JoHct Ave* W2190Sparrow J F res 619 3rd Ave W - M21S7Sparrow S res 227 3rd Ave NE .H1644Spcakman F re* 1804 19lh Ave W W234aSpear—See also Spcer Speir and SpierSpear P J res ^31 VVs St NW L1751Specialty Mfg Co Battery Station 930 4tb

Ave W R2531

Speedway Cartage O Pedersen 808 Sth Ave W M2114Speer—See also Spear, Spelr and SpierSpcer John W Oil Broker Real Estate it

Insurance 516 Lancaster Bldg M5960Slock Exchange Phone _,.._._,M77S9

Spcer John VJ res 124 Scarhoro Ave ,„..W1B31Speer L W re* 30O9 Montealm Crescent .W1677

Speerslra r«rs M res 1224 17(h Ave W W129SSpeerstra W J res IBOC 6th St W M4809Spcir—-See also Spear, Spcer and SpierSpeir Mrs Vemon F res 3 King Apts M9934Spenct Mrs A res 811 15th Ave W R142SSpence Amos re* 307 20th Ave W M7869Spcncc Mrs G re* 601 l&th Ave NW H1332Spence J H T res 2736 14th St W W2074

SPENCE LTD Boot* it Shoes 130-1828lh Ave W M1400R JI Spcncc res 1933 Eth St W .....M2SB6

Spence P M Brokerage 303 WaeJean Blh M1077Spence Mrs W res 801 14th Ave E M3109Speneelty Bros—Calgary _.,.._..„._....91-4622Spencer £ res 317 9a St NW. L2350Spencer Cordon res 407 Eth St W MlflftdSpencer H re* 1811 4th St W M5834Spencer John A res 1808 17th Ave E - £5394Spencer-Leigh 0 L res 4003 Eth St W 30428Spencer Robetl CxhiUitlon Grounds M7524Spencer'* Beauty Parlor & Barber Shop 1316

Sth Ave E „.E5491Spier—See also Spear, Spcer and SpcirSpier Mr* S res 511 Sth Ave E M7385Splller John S res 1440 6th SI NW H1016Spiders Limited Bonnybrook Rd East Calgary ES277Spink F W res 1584 16ili Ave W .W1S67Splnk's Cartage 518 22nd Ave W M40O7Spinney B res 332 ISlh Ave E M9377

8PIRELLA CORSET SHOPMrs Adah lloivson Mgr 324 Alberta Corner... IVI4088

Splrow Nick Conlcctioncry 1210 1st St W .,.,M3S19Splanc Sidney G res 2 Hattield Court M2375Spooner F E res 3833 6lh St W S0295

SPOONER OILS LTD Bank of Commerce Bldg J2it. Ave & 1st St W M3942

Sports' Lunch 1211 1st St W IVI3113Sportsmen's Supply Co 217 Sth Ave"-E tel7450Spratt J Grant res 1 Clenwood Jitarior L1767Spreckley IIAiss Mildred Fhysiollwrapiit 809

Oddfellows Bldg MS122Springhank Municipal 01st No 221 214 P Burn*

Bldg M1494Springhank School DIst No 200—RR 3

Calgary 91-6D1

Sprlngfleltl Fire & Marine Insurance Co38 Cannda Lite Bldg .M1573

Sprojt A B res 37 Lorraine Apts MZ355Sproule R C res 1802 34(li Ave SW S0693Sproule's Depot Drug Store ICS Oili Ave W... M2860

G A Sproiiie res 3620 7lh St W S0271

SPRUNG-CLINDININ LTDClothing Mirs 13.3 lOlh Ave E M4409

Sprung D A res 2317 Carlcton St „.._.W1D90Sprung P 0 res 825 Durham Ave _...W1985Spurr W C re* 2617 14th Ave W .W4316

Square Service The 304 12lh Ave W M4388Squires W C res 3215 6th St W _.S0159Srolovltz Morris re* 625 7th Ave E ...___.......M9735,St—See Saint

Stacey—See also SteacyStacey E W res 7 Dufferin Lodge ...M27.liSudclbaocr S res 801 3fd Ave NE H2S27Stadium Tea Room IHO Sth Ave W M3264SUgg Albert J res 114 IBlh St NW ,.,L2545Stagg J W res 2741 Woife St .W113SStainei Charles res 1701 College Lane ...„...._.W1607Staines Frank E res 2750 Wolfe St W2033Stalker John res 528 15th Ave W M1988SUncer Electric Orval G Slaiicer 1416 Ist

St W M7844Stancer Gordon C res 3732 Eth St W M7425STANDARD BRANDS LTD

Fleisclimann Products 621 6Lb Ave W M9202'J B McKay Sales Agent res _.W1S27Chase ii Sanborn tk Glllett Products 522-226 9th Ave W M2172I. E Lick Sales Rep res HW72

Standard ConlecUonery & Grocery J GopmanProp 281 37lh Ave W U99U

Standard Drug Co Ltd—See Macdonald E CD'tb Co M2357



Standard Meat Market 521 4tli St E M3143Standard Oil Reclaimers 410 Mcmnri.vl Drive R1203STANDARD RADIATOR SER.


W Invin Prop rear 223 Cih Ave E 1^14491SUndard Typewriter Co—Sec L C Smith &

Corona Typesvrilcrs of Canada LtdStandel! Cleaners 320 8lli Ave E .. ., M2765STANDEN'S SPRING & TRUNK

MFRS 2415 2-A St U M7S64Auto 'frunk Dept 1406 4th St W M5032Cyril Standen rca 714 23rd Ave SE ES985

Slanderwick R H res 1130 Eth Ave NW L1240Standfield R E re* 801 20th Ave W .W4dlJ6Stanford Frank M res 207 Roxboro Rd ,',...50856Slangier Mrs B res 1102 5tb Ave W M3863

STANLEY BROCK LTD hUnufociurersAgcitls Laundry Machinery & Supplies 535lOih Ave W M39S0W Cochr.ine Manager re* S0357

Stanley Dr G D Rhys it Surg 214 6th Ave W....M9577Stanley Dr G D res 1006 22nd Ave W _.W197&Stanley J res 226 4th Ave W R2883Stanley J A res 1027 lOlh Ave W W2145Stanley J Wm res 617 22n(l Ave AV R1824

STANLEY PAPER CO LTDWholesale Paper & SuUontry 638 llthAve W : M5629

Stanley T E A res 1727 0-A St W <._...W4010Stanton ft Jr—Midnapore 91.5531SUnway Geo H res 3B10 6th St W S1170Slapeils F res 1204 Kronteiiae Ave W44J0Staples C R res 913 1st Ave NW L1464STAPLES M H Barrister & SoUcilor

409 Maclean BIk M454fiStaples M H res 7.30 Blvd NW a49iStar Grocery James W Rnrnsay 521 Centre St M5725Star Meat Market The R Bygrave Prop 1603

32iU Ave W W2759Stark Tom res 338 Sharon Ave ..W3134Stark W Florist 240 2711. Ave SE M9755Starke Robert J—RR 2 Bcddington _,91-2212SUrr C F res 818 4lh Ave E ft2987Starr Mrs Charles res 1613 19tJi Ave W W4757

Starr V E ret 1636 Broadview Rd __....L1911

Stff CALGARY Str 85

Vour Hat Cleaned with Speed


STARR'S AMBULANCESERVICE lO.I l^th Arc E ....M2428E II Sure rei 102 14th Are E _...M203S

Stsiralt SI Clair C na 192S Kth Av« W .W2805Slarrjtt Ted res 1737 2nd Avc NW __.U20SSlate rinancc Corporation Ltd Michael BIds....M4010Slitton Thos res 2331 5th Ave N\V .L16Z8Suulfcr Mrs Joseph E res 3 Georgian Court M5541Sleacy Sheet Metal Works 213 7(h Ave E. Md004Stead Percy res 380O 19th St S\V. S0665Steam G f res 2405 31st St W W4077

Steflman G N res 313 23ril Ave W M9715Stedman Major W G res South Calsaz7 South

ol Country Cliib S0570Sttel Col F M res 515 Sunderland Ave .W1817

STEEL WM J Florist 116 7th Ave W....M2612Steel Wm J res 40 New St £5663Steel's Garage 617 7ih Avc E IVt2450Stctlc Mrs C res 438 ISlh St NW L2543

Stcele Mrs E res 140 4tJi Ave W R2926Stcele Mrs E C res 832 17th Ave E E5524Steele J H ni 1931 12ih St W .W4091Siecle Mrs R L res 402 8th St NE .._...R1302Steeic S E res 1213 Srd St E M4380Stecic W A res 1415 7th St NW H3310Sltele W J a res 1517 CcnlrcA St NE H1076Steer Mrs 6 res 538 Eau Clain: Ave.,._ R2836Sleeves Or A C Dentist 211-212 Southnm Bids Mi903

Dr A C®Stccvej res 802 13th Ave W R1426

SteevCE Mrs C W res 028 15th Ave W M4875Sleeves Helen Barrister £: SoiicUor 65-67

Cann-la Life Bids — M1377Stccvcs M res 1723 2Cth Ave E E5332Sleeves Mrs Mary res 531 ISlb Ave W. M1640Stein Jack res S22 14tl. Ave W i. M3897

Stelnfield Mrs W res 6 Wallace Apts R2541


Slemp W C res 1433 Shelbourne St W1433Stephen—See alsu StevenStephen Ale* res 232 Sth Avc NE H2445Stephen Mrs Frtd res 3320 14Ui St SW S1108Stephen & Proctor Blacksmiths 411 4th St E... R2232

Wdliam Stephen res 218 6th Ave NE H202SStephen Robcil res 028 oth Ave W M9239Stephens—Sec also StevensStephens A res 1410 $th St NW ,..H293SStephens A E res 1315 4th St KW H2460

STEPHENS G F d; GO LTD 1005lull Ave W W1590

Stephens S 0 res 1306 lllh Ave E ES508Stephens Steve J res 107 SSrd Avc W R1963

Stephcnson—See also StevensonStephcnson Miss Gladys M res 1508 3 St KW....H243BSterling—See also StirlinsSterling F H res 324i ICth Avo NW H212a

STERLING FOOD MARKETSLTD Office Traders Bid); lUl 1st Si W....M5616Store No lUl.Tradiire Bldg M4738Store No 102 805 17lh Ave W W4384

Store No 103 1422a 17th Ave W W4602Store No 104 2609 I4th St SW W4S74Store No 106 2520 4th St W ... ..„-.M1217Store No 107 310 Sth Ave W ... M1518Store No 108 fllO Centre Si N H2205Store No 117 110 10th St NW .U2224

Sterling J G res 639 10th Ave NE H2813Sterling Mrs J H W res 726 4th St NE Hie24Steiling J M res 302 80th Ave W S0S79


Steven—Sec also .StephenSteven Jack rea 6 Jensen Apis M9130Steven Stanley res 230 IJth Ave E M7436

When We Clean and Reblock It.


Stevens—See also Stephens

STEVENS A L. Chartered Aeeouctant414 Maclean BIk M5433

Stevens A L res 3226 7lh St W S0860

STEVENS ALBERTA CO LTDTHE Sutgle.al Instruments llospUal Supplies2: Drugslsti Sundries 627 ith Ave W.... M2468A W HajdofI: Mgr res L1589

Stevens Charles W res 217 Sujierior Ave ..._...W2060Stevens Dorothy res 1951 12th St W ........_...W2530Stevens F res 2203 11th Ave W .W3013

STEVENS LETTER SHOP23 Elks BIdg - M2021llenuon Stevens res 839 19ih Ave W .......W1867

Stevens frlaurice T res 3 Drake Apis ,R1305Stevens Olive rea 21 Westminster Bik R1623Stevens S R res 501 Ale.tander Crescent ..,_..H1689Stevens W F res 1138 9ih St E £5490Stevens W J res 239 37th Avc SW S0139Stevens W P res 1829 16-A St W W1252Stevenson—See also SlephensnnStevenson Mrs Agnes res 1T20 14th Ave W... W3450Stevenson George res 621 10th Ave NE H1217Stevenson Mrs J res 310 Gth St W R2344Stevenson J B res 1007 2-A St NW H1733

Stevenson J D res 1.711 1st St E .R2386Stevenson J M res 607 23ni Avc W M9354

Stevenson John res 826 3rd Ave NW _.k2076Stevenson John (Tchr) res 1758 1st Ave NW... L1057Stevenson Joscpli res 1435 Ctli St NW H2552Stevenson Jos res 1304 lOth Avc E ES334Stevenson Mrs Maude res 809 IStli Ave W.,... M3552Stevenson Mrs R W—RR 4 Cnlipiry 91-1032Stevenson S res 413 13ih Ave E M1226Stevenson Thomas res 221 Bib Ave NE H26S1Stevenson W F res 1716 13th Ave W W3320Steward C A res 1311 4th St N'W tllosedale)... H2876Stewart—See also SfiiariStewart A res 1624 Centre St N H1576Stewart A rei 312 20th Ave W M5079Stewart Mrs Atvah res 529 6fh Ave E M9480Stewart Miss B M res 6 Central BIdg M9006Stewart Charles D res 2114 14 A St W .._,W4377Stewart Chas E ret 1624 IClh St E £5889Stewart D A res 617 Jtldeau ltd S1124Stewart D G B tea 815 13th Ave NW „,..H32S6Stewart Mrs D J res 1311 4-A St NIV ..H3D91

Stewart Duncan res 335 2Ut Ave W _...... .M278SStewart F R—Glcnmore Gardens -91-4835Stewart G M res 2739 Wolfe St W2020Stewart Geo & Co Machinery 606 7th Arc E... M3662Stewart George res 1719 10th St W W2923Stewart H D R res 1726 11th St W .W1637Stewart Mrs J A m 629 lltli Arc W M2159Stewart Lt Col J Crossley res 1723 lOA St W W4171

STEWART JAMES Plumber & Gas-filler 329 17lh Avc W M7334James Slcwatt rra 329 l?lh Ave W

Stewart Jesse res 2225 Hih St W _...W1484Stewart John fDI.S) r« 937 15lh Ave W ....W4644Stewart Mrs John res 4 Dufferin Lodge .M7414Stewart Mrs L G res 711 11th Ave W M308SStewart Mrs M A res 1805 2nd St NW H2604Stewart M W rej .713 33lh Avc W M1078Stewart R E res 409 ISth St NW ....U408Stewart R W res 497 13Ui St NW L2526Stewart Robert res 2510 16 A St W ...,.W1289Stewart Robert n-s OSfi Srd Ave NW L2082Stewart W C ret 630 25tli Ave W M1052


Stewart Wm res SOS 14th Ave E ,M2962

Stewart Mrs Wm res 111 15th .Ave £ ......M7X6fiStewart's Bakeiy 726 3rd St NE - H2376

. Stidolph H A res 249 20tb Ave NW H262E

STILLINGS W R rhotaziapher 721 4thSt W ..M4737

Stililngs W R «j 222 ISlh Ave NW H1192Stillwcll H res 1 Hanna, Apts ..MiS4SSlIMwell Win R res 205 Lawrence Lodge ,..-..M2069SUnson W M res 1C13 Centre St N H2e45Sllnton Waller res 14 16th St NW L1093Stirling—See also SterlinfStirling W C res 3020 Srd St W fitMllTStirton David M Barrister 30a Union Bldg...-...M'558Stlrton David M res 1405 7th St tV .....R2802Stable Mrs M res 3621 l-A St W $0038Slobo B rea 2530 17th St E ...£5560Slockand Mrs Grace res 1766 7th St W W3137Stockdile R res 140C 6ih St NW ."___.H1631Stockford 0 B res 3840 6lh St W S0342Stockton H C Office 22 A 23 Slichael Bldg. M1280Stockton H C res 1027 Prospect Ave ...„......_W4630Stockton Harry E res 228 7lh Ave NE :H18&4Stoddart D A res 316 12ih Ave NW H1293Stoddart G T res 301 4Ui Ave W R2e93

Stoddart Misa Ida G rea 1228 14th Ave W.....W1S30Stakes Mrs A res 815 Sth St E MS31SStokes H E ret 419 ll',a St NW L2032Stokes W J res 1012 11th Ave E ... £5529Stokes W J rea 1949 11th St W „....Wi054Stone Mrs E S rea 226 Sth Ave NE Hl«3

Stone Freeman W res 41S ISlb Ave NW H137S

Stone T R res 3825 Gth St W ....S0297Slonchoute Lawrence rea 630 lOtb Si NW L2729

Stenehouse S R res 110 14th Ave W M3231Stoodley S C res 343 4th Ave NE H20Z0Storey H C res 913 ISlh Ave W .W4092Storey Mrs J res 1912 14th Ave W. W4053Storey Larry A res 6 Sills Apte ._....„_...M334(]Story Alex res 1110 Glh Ave W .>13413Story B res 8R4 Gib Ave W M9751Story R—Delacour ....„_._...91-2532Stott C e res 1130 20th Ave NW H1447Stott Helen M res 618 12t£ Ave E .........._.M3062Stott Irene E res 917 17tli Ave E _.E5919Stott Thomas rea 3830 Elbow Drive ......»_.-S0S09Stout C H res 310 Blh Avc NE H1674Stove! W D res 6-510 19th Ave W _..R2692Stow Mrs Herbert F res 1018 Sth Ave W M3SUStraarup N res Lowry Gardens —W4192Strachan Frank res 126 Garden Crescent ..„..M7868Strachan H res 908 Royal Ave _..W2337Strain 0 res 933 1st Avc NW L1565Straker R G res 1128 16lh Ave W ..._W2154


STRAND COFFEE CO LTD2nd Floor 113 iOth Ave E ....M7657Stewart Adams Mgr rea _........M3864

STRAND THEATRE U9 Sth Ave S...M5479Strang Robert res 628 ISth Are NW —H235SStrango G rra 403 15lh St NW „„...,L218»Strange R 8 res 340 14lh Ave E M9853Slratlord Myrtic res 7 Jensen Apts hll2834Strathcona Boys' School 740 IGth Avo W. ..RIS19

ST REGIS HOTEL 124 7th Ave £.....M4841Pru-alc Branch ICxdiangeeonnscting all RooBls

Streib J M res 16 Hatficid Court - M3676Strelght Miss Maude res 522 I8ih Ave W..._..,M96S3Strlck E L res 2419 l-A St E Parkview.... M2065

Strickland K H rea 814 8tti Avo NE ;.i...H3U7Strickland W E res 826 20lh Ave W R184SStringer C F res 1202 ISlh Ave NW ._.......;H27.WStringer Chas res 130 Uth Ave E M1S35

86 Str CALGARY Taw


stringer Gearge J m IISO ITth Ave W W2463Strfnslty H F res 106 Uth Ave NW H1095Strohan Dr R £ Fhysieian it Sargcoo I06-7

P Bums BJdg M1337Strom Mrs E 0 res 1225 IBtli St E E40U

Strem T res 32S 4t!i Ave W H2914Stronaeh Oavld P—Calgary —— .91-4922Stronach R S res 3040 3r<S St W S0664Strong L F res 707 Royat Ave 3rd Floor. W4671STRONG-SCOTT MFG CO LTD

THE 12?" 11th Ave W M2967Larry A Storey Local Mgr res 6 Sills Apts M3340

Strouther J E res 135 Illh Ave NW H2991

Strudwicke Ernest Leslie res 1034 IS Ave W....W2167Struthers Mrs 1 res 410 Crescent Rd HX353Sloart—See also Stewart

Stuart Mrs C A res 718 TIL Ave W M2563Stuart C E res 718 7Ui Ave W M2S63

Stuart D J res 1023 41h Ave W M2S81

Stuart Mafor Ouncan res 822 Hlllcrcst Ave... W4450STUART (DUNCAN) As CO

Barristers 6 Bank of Toronto Bldg .M32S0Stuart Hardware Co Ltd llS 7th Ave W M3Q32

W G Cartshore Mgr res 1310 Sth St W M1417Stuart Mrs T R res 3025 6th St W S1283Stubbs Chester A res 709 .hlcOougall Ild......-.R1250Stubbs G R res 1324 12lh Ave W W4230Stubbs Harry res 121B 14th Av# W W1352Stubbs J 8—Ogden _„...91-4215Slubley A E—Baliae 91-2231STUDEBAKER SALES At

SERVICE Mccbaniea htetora Ltd 230-232 GlJi Ave W M4916

Stunden W G res 3115 lOlh St NW H1006

Stunell C R res 528 18lh Ave NW H1238Stunnell Mrs C rea 1623 Bouness Rd L2092Stunzl John res 115 ISth Ave E ,„.-_...lVI5892Sturgeon Mrs B res 1825 18-A St W „..W26S5Sturgeon S res 2105 Sth Ave E ES28SSTYLE DRESS SHOPPE Mrs J J

•Wise 807 1st St W M7080Styles T J re* 118 lOth Ava NE H1779Styles T J & Co Wholesale Fruit OfSca (M2490

506 9lh Ave W IM947SWarehouse M2290

Suais F res 330 ISlh Ave W ..._ .....M23S1Suburban Meat Market Edward Su^sn Prop

2008 Sth Ave E £5213Subway Auto Exchange 1006 Ut St W M7282Subway Cigar Ed Clark 1st St W 4 9tb Ave... M4966Suckaw John res 1416 Centre St S M3713Sudre John res 2239 3rd Ave NW L1623Sue Vucn res 213 Centre St R1784Suey Sang Cheng Co 216 Centre StR2362SuHel e W res 1711 4tb St W .M7702Sugden £ res 1505 151h St C E5189Sugden G A rea 1939 7t)i Ave E E5757Sugden S C res 460 12lh St NW L2307Suitor—See also Souter and SutcrSuitor E B res 382 Otli Ave .NE .._...H2616Sulis Arthur W rea 1034 14th Ave W W1769Sullivan C res &5th Ave Windsor Park...,,.-.—S0433Sullivan Or P A res PallUer Hotel M82Sullivan Mrs Margaret J res 607 20lh Ave W....M71S5Sullivan N res BOS 18tb Ave W _.,M9810Surnmert—See also SommertSummera John P res 9JS 4th St NE H2698Summers Mrs M res 124 ISth Ave E M918?


SUN DRUG CO—See Creech Hany ....M1503Sun Grevr Fruit & Veg 1207 1st St W M1715Sun Jim Mkt Gardener 4102 16th St E £5608

Directory Advertising Pays

SUN LIFE ASSURANCE CO OFCANADA 614 Southam BIdg R1051Jjs A Isbistcr iMaiugcrJas A Pogue Brand) SecretaryPrivate Branch Exchange csiinccling all Depts

Sunalta Beauty Parlor & Barber Shop 1S06I2th Ave W WJ633

SUNALTA DRUGS LTD 1414 12thAve W - W3333

SunaiU Dry Goods ,G S Bailout 1501 17thAve W W3264

Sunny Beauty Parlor & Barber Shop T AVaJenli S06b lOlb St NW L2433

Sunny Confectionery 302 lOlh 5t NW 95-148Sunnynook Grocery & Confectionery 601 14lh

Ave W M4144

6UNNYSIDE AUTO BODYWORKS cor lOth St & 4ih Ave NW. U532W Brown res 1624 3rd St KW - H1764

SUNNYSIDE CARTAGED J WlllUmi 208 10th St NW .11855

Sunray Service Station Gordon B Himmelman9lh Ave it 3rd St E M2128

Sunset Service Station 501 16th Ave NW H1727Sunshine Motors 12B fith Ave W .M9018Sunshine Service Station James Taylor Centre

St i 4th Ave 95-137Sunshine Super-Service Station 17th Ave it 1st

St W .95-188Superior Bakery Robt M Kirkpatrlck 1413

9t)i Ave E E5966

Superior Cold Mines Ltd 6 Cameron BIk .M1311Superior Meat Mkt Fred James 700a Centre Si M2631Suprox Battery Service 121-125 Sth Ave W.,..M5Z33Surplls W rea 1045 21st Ave W .WU17Sutclitfe Mrs J res 2307 Mscleod Trail _.E5182Sutciiffe Richard res 111 8lh Ave NE .....H1568Suter—See also Souter and SuitorSutcr C R Oil Well Equipment 6lb Ave it

2nd St E - - RiB70Suter Ceo R ro 1513 Sth St W M7366Sutherland A R res 2109 IBth St W ...... W2947Sutherland Alex S res 2512 17-A St SW W420ISutherland Mis C res 637 Gtb Ave W M1321Sutherland D A res 1510 ISth Ave W W3473Sutherland Donald M—De Winton 91-5115Sutherland Hugh ret 1309 7tb St W R2721Sutherland J A res 311 1511) Ave W .M32aSutherland J F ret 1219 15ih' Ave W W1350SuUieriand Mrs Mary ret 408 Z2nd Ava NE..-.H1602Sutherland P res 1115 Sth Ave W M9251Sultie Mrs A res 4802 Burisland Ave 50903Suttle Jack A res 634 2Snd Ave W - M7753Sutton S W reo 48 New St E5918Svendsen G W ret 636 131h Ave W R1587Swalne Ronald F res 1314 Rivecdale Ave SllSlSwalnson MIss t D res 3 Sibley Apts M4662Swales C B res 1516 28lb Av* SW W42S4SwanboroUgh T W res 3703 8th St W W121BSwann Tom res 2929 WoUe Si W1333Swansen Ven Archdeacon C res 1407 lOth

St V/ .... - W4712Swanson John res 1224 ICth Avb W W1122Swanton Wm res IS37 lOlh Ave W W3537Swartalinder Dr H C Fhyi & Surg 816

Souiliem BIdg M1331Swarlzlander Or H C res 2703 Carlcton St .W1946Swcder Paul Meat Mkt & Groc 29 4th St NE.. R1625SWEDISH CONSULATE John W

Hugill KC Consul 21 >24 Land BIdg M2169SWEDISH MASSAGE INSTI-

•f^T'E J G MacKay Mgr 334 Alberta Cor M2385Sweet Home Confectionery 347 I7lh Ave W M1S83Sweeting G res 836 8rd Ave W M1835Sweet Sixteen Dress Shpppe 1211a 1st St W ,...M2784Swendsen C res 1132 Wrsloiount Bi«d L1362Swendsiifl H res 2419 lOlh Ave W .W3007

Swcngel H J res 109 9lh Ave NW HZ716Swiffert P C na 1743 2nd Ave NW ...L1776Swift Canadian Co Ltd 101 10th Ave W

Order Dcpt and Accounting Oept M4216Order Dept and Manager - M4418Produce Buying Dept and Creamery M2329Ure Stock Buying Dept Stock Varda E5386

Swift R res 1430 0th St NW .H1060Switaer Byron 0 res 1035 17lh Ave W .W1762Switzer Charles res 212 11th St NW L2295Swltier D res 3002 10th St W W1248Switier f P res 1035 lltb Ava W .._.........W4863Swiller M res 334 7th Ave E ......_.M3667Switzer Ma* res 511 6lh Ave B M78&3

Swltier Max res 1239 I2th Ave W W2293Sword Mrs R res 16 Belvedere Apts MS972SYKES-IMPERIAL FURNITURE

LTD lOS 8th Ave E M2927tVnrehouse 13th St 4: 17th Ave ^ E4QSX

Sykcs R 0—Calgary .91-1023Symes 8 W res 615 14th Ave W ...„.M7395Symes K £ ns 721 2mi Ave NW U920Symons—See also Simons and SymondsSyrnons Arthur res 2409 Centre St SW..,„,..,..M7856Symons D res 12 Acadb Apts R2503SYMONS As ELLIOTT Carag^ 331

25lh Ave W M4S35Symons Mrs M res 918 2nd Ave NW ..........LlSOlSymons N S re.s 624 Elbovr Drive .._i__...M7158Symons W res SIO 3rd Ave NW L1169Syms F res 29 Seven Oaks Court E560JSynod Ollicc fAngllcan) 5-10 Union BIdg ..,....M7S59SYSTEMS EQUIPMENT LTD

203 Foothills BIdg 229 Sth Ave W M43S6

TTaber Mrs M Agnes res 1319 15th Ave W .W1452Tail—See also Tate

TAIT C B (MIddlcton & Talt Ltd) CanadaLife BIdg _..._...R1055

Talt C E res 916 38th Ave W S0128Talt H A res 2034 Zlat Ave W ......_.-...-W1678Talt J C res 1739 lOih Ave w W30QSTait John .-cb 331 13lh Ave E .... „-,M9059Talt Mrs Martha res 32 Drake ApU R1678Tait R C res 415 15th St NW U022TALBOT DR A E Phys it Surg 14

Alberta BIk Isl St W & 8tb Ave M7117Dr A E Talhot res 1S38 14th St W .W44U

Talbot G F res 2313 17.B St W ..-W4323Talbot W H res 801 13th Avo W — R220*Tambling Wm W res 1713 14th Ave W .W3420Tanner Mrs C R res 235 a7tli Ave W S0332Tanner E Harold res 3124 Vereheres St S0304Tanner Edward S res 1113 7th Ave W ..._..M92S3Tansiey H res 101 14th Ave B ...-.M36S4Tapp G A res/ll Now St ....£5413Tiprell C D res 828 Royal Ave -.._..-W4S08Taprcll W Recs rea 1307 Montreal Av* ..„,_.W2371Tarbuck Albert E rei 1118 2lsl Ave NW „_,._.H2616Tarn A J res 910 Ist Ave NW I-18B8Tarrant F J res 118 Gtb Ave E ...—M1379Tart W E rea 1509 12th Are W - -W3048Tate—See also TaliTale Mrs Elisabeth G res 1221 20th Ave NW....H1524Tate Mrs Emma res 2S13 3rd Ave NW L141STate Mrs L res 1015 2nd Ave NW L1520Tallow Mrs S res 533. 14ih Avo W At5841Tattcrsall Arthur res 219 4th Ave NE HIZSOTaubman Mrs M res 324 17ih Ave W, M3869Tavender E F L res 1211 Colbome Creicstit ....WI872Tavender E H res 3006 g-A St W -50171Tavender Miss Jennie Hres 1 Rosimort Apts....M4791Tavender & Weir Ins it l«ant 404 Lancaster

BUg M2842Taverna S F res 913 4lh Ave NW —Taverner L W res 1717 I2tb Ave W „...-.-W3317Tawse J res 240 3td Ave W

Tay CALGARY Tho 87



Order Dept. MS828Pre«criplions MZSGAOfiice M5838

No. 2 STORE. .. M32-i1NIGHT CALLS—ft. M. DUFF, S0Z87 A. J. WcsL W2230.

Taylor A M rei 739 Alexander Crcjccnt H1666Taylor Albert res 324 12tli Avc W MS942Taylor Albert res 540 22nd Avc W MZSSBTaylor Arthur S res 224 30th Ave NE H2377Taylor Chester R res 416 ll-A St NW L2269Taylor E B Fm.inci.il Agt 511) Lancaster Bidg M4Z77Taylor E Bruce res 206 President Apis R22&4Taylor Forbes res 2 Findlay Apts M3266

.TAYLOR-FORBES BOILERS &RADIATION Ucll & Morris Distributors 527 Sth Avc W R1061

'Taylor Mrs Frank res C33 10th Ave NE .H1157Taylor Frank 0 res 124 Sth Ave NE H3183Taylor Fred res 114 17tb Ave NE _,....,.B1385Taylor G res S40 3rd Avc NW Sunnyside ...L1308Taylor G H res 1208 5th St W „M9342Taylor Geo H (Court Reporter] res 3033 StJi

St W S0984'

TAYLOR DR H G Physician & Surseon207 Alberta Corner M3994Dr H G Taylor res 803 i9th Avi W W4933II no ansu'er call M4747

Taylor Mrs Helen B res 109 12t}i Avc E ..„....M1797Taylor Henry res 1507 22nd Ave W W2464Taylor J J res 1030 7tli Ave W M4436Taylor J M res 7 Hunlly Apts. R1823Taylor James res 217 27tli Ave SE R2509Taylor M ics 2100 Sth Ave E _..E5466Taylor 0 W res 1830 Broadview lid L1069Taylor Pearson & Carson Broadcasting Co Ltd

lOOfi Sautliain Bldg R1036

TAYLOR PEARSON & CARSONLTD 210 mil Ave \V RZOZlPrivate Branch Excliange connecting all DepartmentsH R Carson Mgr res .S0260Georcc F Ellis Asst Mgr res S0302C p'Uallard res M9981

Taylor Phillip res 117 7th Avc NE H2405Taylor Plumbing & Gaslitting P Taylor 634

17tn Avc W R1729Taylor ft res 826 18th Ave W W4615Taylor Richard res 1730 32nd Ave W S0545Taylor Ricliard Jr res 1403 4-A St NW.,._ .H3444Taylor S res 3715 15-A St W S0745

TAYLOR SIGN WORKS Main Offlcci Works 505 8t1i St W M3131

Taylor Mrs Sophie C res 505 Slh St W M2954Taylor Mrs T res 1D28 31st St W W4765

TAYLOR & TAYLOR Barristers &Solicitors 227a 8tli Ave W . M1320

Taylor & Taylor Drs Qiiropraelors 404-405Soiitham BIdg M7014

Taylor W res 301 Uth St NIV ,L2608Taylor W S res 1708 Ctti Ave NW L2437Taylor Wm P KC (of Taylor i Taylor) Bar

rister Oftice 22Tb Sth Ave W M1320Residence 739 IGth Avc W R1419

Taylor William Richard res 1706 Bowncss Rd...L1636Taylor's Meats 70(ia Ond St W .Ri607Taylorson Rottcrt S res 1233 I4lh Ave W W27S6TEA KETTLE INN LTD 220 7lh

Avc W M4077Tcagle E H res 310 40lli Avc W ,50390Tcague F G res 1338 12lh Ave W W203eTcbo W L res 1526 lOtli Avc W W3104TECHNICAL INSTITUTE—SeePro-

vincial Govt Dcpt ol EducationTccnic Confectionery 11124 Dili Ave E E53B9Ted's Smoke Shop Palace Tiie.itrc BIdg M7639tees & PERSSE LTD Manufacturerd

Agents 322 326 Olh Avc WGeneral Ollleo and Prices M3a44Orders M1505*Ianagcr L W Spear .__.._„.M1795

Tecs W J res 4 Jensen Apts R1669Tegg H J Vandcnberg res 635 14th Avc W ..... M2-I01Tcglitmcycr H R-^HR 4 Calgary 91-1123TELEGRAPH—See <2an Nat TelegraphsTELEGRAPH—Sec Can Pae Ry TelegraphsTELEPHONE SYSTEM

See Alberta Government TelephonesTeller Mrs E H res 3601 Sth St W S0530Tell Aug res 2536 16th St E E5359Telleson Mrs Emma res 602 17th Avc E. M3778

Tempest Mrs Ethel res 538 21st Ave W M2190Tempe« J S res 3002 4th St W SOS&lTempest W S res 1513 IGth Ave W W3251

TEMPEST W S & CO Rto Cars &Trucks 117 Olh Avc E M3656

Temple Mrs A M res 621 14th Ave W M7594


Order Department M582&Prescription Department vn—— -..M26640/rice - M581S

aVo 2 Store 2501 4lh St W M32UTemple Mrs L ret 1520 27tli Ave W W4041Templeton M<S Florence res 73'J 12th Ave VV... R2162Tcmpleton Mrs G I res 307 15tli Avo W IVI97&4Templeton J A res 318 Cth Ave NE H1257Tcmpleton William L res 533 lUvcrdale Ave ... S0676

TEMPLETON'S LTD Dyers i. Dry JM2419Cleaners 616 17th Ave W (M74S8J W Templeton res 2QG Scarbore Ai-c W4705

Tennant A res 1320 14th Ave W W2496

Tennant J T res 726 12lh Ave W R2I23Tennant Mrs Jessie E res 110 7th Ave NE H1094

Tennant R C les 1010 19th Ave W W1332

TERRILL A M LTD Florisu Store8tl9 1st St W M3812Olfiees Si Greenhouses (E53S2

9th Ave & IGlh St E _,...IE5123EVENINGS AND ^NDAYSLong O'lsLinee ano^W H Galley Gen Mgrres S004S

C 11 Kayier res M4798Store Manager's res 50347

Terry Maurice res 1308 14l1i Are W W1697

TERRY'S SILK SHOP 304 8tbAve W M5366

Teikey Mrs Ben res 1510 1st St E M3618Tcskey W A res 632 lOlh Avo W M9U9Tester E F res 1817 4tli St NW H1770

Tetrautl W A res 2113 2nd St W M9919Tewksbury B H res 219 14th St NW L1485Tewslcy Percy res 621 10th Ave NE H2348

TEXAS COMPANY OP CANADALTD THE Sales Dcpl Langman BIdg ....M9526

C D Mcltabarger District ManagerPrivate Branch Erchange connecting all DeptsWarehouse F A Campbell Agt 6th Ave dk7th St E M7709


De Luxe Service Station 4th Ave Se SthSt W 95-119Green "T" Service Station 9lh Ave St ISlliSt E E5762Lone Star Service Station 2003 4th St W... M2423Monty's Tire St Brake Service Cor 6th Avctc lit St W M2910Red Star Service Station *14t!i Ave St 14tliSt W 95-158Sguare Service 304 12lli Avc W M438SSunshine Service Siation Centre St d; 4 Av 95-137Sunshine Siiircr-Service Station l7lh Avc ScUl Si W 95.1881'ip Top Service Station 6th Ave & 2nd

St E M1826

Use LongDistance

Thain A J Auto Repairs 1616 6tb St W MS285Tharp e Stanley rea 410 Sundcriand Ave .W1510Theed E A res The Laurence 2404 Sth St W... ftl744Thlessen Wm—Midnaporc .91-5424Thiriwel! E W res 909 14(h Avo. W W1495Thiriwcll J W res 1022 17th Ave W _...W4140Thorn C C res 440 Scarboro Ave ..........„_...W2660Thorn E A ICS 225 37th Avc SE M106SThom Mrs Wm res 7 Sauodcrs Apts __.-M3529Thomas A res 624 3rd Ave W R2495Thomas A res 2 Western BIk M2261Thomas Miss Betty res 1213 Slh St W _.W3121Thomas Edmund res 1420 Premier Way .W4742Thomas Estates Ltd Hotel Wales _...R1031Thomas G res Holmpotrick _...._.W4638Thomas M res 2011 2nd St NW H1725Thomas Paul W res 130 24th Ave W R1503

THOMAS R C Rental Agent Hotel Wales R103IR C Thomas res 214 26lh Avc SW M26S7

Thomas T res 919 4th Ave NW L2618Thomas W ABC Cartage 726 4th Ave W ..._...R2601Thomas W E res 817 12ih Ave W R2182Thomas W Glynn res .306 6th St W R1S91Thomas William ft—Indus __..91-3932Thomassen A—Calgarj- _.91'4934Thomasson T—C^den ..._.91.4322Thompson—See also ThomsonThompson C R res 3.14 23rd Ave W M2406Thompson Charlotte Mres 416 11th St N\V.._.L13i3Thompson & Co Wholesale Sisallwares St Un

derwear 6 Lincham BIk M3327Thompson E res 410 Isl St E M9334Thompson Mrs E M res 1307 20th Avc NIV H146SThompson Felix res 620 IBlh Ave W M4X50Thompson & Flumerfelt Men'* furnishings St •

Sweaters 316a 8ih Avo W M3668Thompson Fred L res 3016 5-A St W.. ..S0990Thompson Mrs-G A res 418 13lh .Avc E M4776

Thompson G H (Calgary Power (To) res 822nivcrdale Avc - - .,..50498

Thompson G V res 2918 10th St W ;W2261Thompson Ceo res 409 Uth Ave NW H2&3SThompson Mrs Ira res IROO 6t]i St W.,.„__....M9924Thompson J B res 330 8rd Ave W R2617Thompson J S res .1237 12th Ave W ,..,W2338Thompson J T res 506 2Ist Ave W M4165Thoihpson J T res 5tb St S, ISlh Ave NW.....H204SThompson James res 620 4th Ave W R2336Thompson Mrs Jane res 906 2nd Ave NW_. .L2230Thompson Ltvlle J res 112 25th Ave W ... M7685Thompson L L res 450 Scarlwco Ave -W29i2Thompson R res 1638 Broadview Rd. ....._.L1321Thompson R G res 308 Sth Ave NE..H1240Thompson R J A res 24 Lorraine Apts .M1073Thompson R Percy res 4 Buwen Apts -..W29S7Thompson T rea 610 22nd Ave NW H1333Thompson W res 1209 lOih Ave E E5942Thompson W rej 2130 ISlh St W W299a

THOMPSON W HERBERT A ACO Chnrtcred Accouutants 10 Osrenee Blk M2277W Herbert A Thompson res 312 26 Ave W... M7S7a

Thompson W J res 115 15th Avc W M7267Thompson W J E res 324 Inlh Ave W M5113Thompson W K res lOSGa 8(ii Avc E E58fi8Thompson Mrs.Wm res 1789 2nd Ave NW LU98Thompson Wm J res 3038 Ist St W ...50873



, I

38 Tho

mson—See also Thompies

mson Alexander ra« 1111 11th Si W .W4222

msen C res 29 Marlborough Apts _.M9011imson Dauglas W res 1831 13th St W._..:..W215S>msdn G S res 323 Scarbera Ave V2642

>re$«n J res 1009 6th Ave

>mson J res 4821 Burosland Av« ..>..._^.^.S0921

amson J B res 206 Misuon I{d...„_„„._.....S0933

omson J C res 1514 26th Ave W _._.„_..W4635

omson J L res 2109 Centre St N H1249

omson James res 610 lllh Ave N£ H1277omson James S—Midnapore .......91-5023lomson John res 1749 13th St W -.._„.W1039

lomson John H R res S36 Bidcau lid......-....S080Slomson Mrs M res 2005 IDtfa Ave SW.-.„._„.W293i

tomson Mary P res 2318 2nd St W —......M1309lomson W res 520 1st St E -..._......M7226torbum Mrs W res 1412 3rd St E RI1721lordarson Mrs John res 10 Moxam Apts R2709horlakson £ J res 1801 lOlh Ave W.... .W3321horn~See also Thome

horn Fred S res 709 lOlb St W Mie46horn W C res 821 7th Ave W M1592

horndyke Mrs Geo res SIS 3rd Ave NW L1311home—See also Thornrhorne B L res 3027 Cth St W .-..,50182rhorne Edward res 332 21st Avs W —MS974rhorne J T—Calgary - .91-4411rhornton R H res 327 2nd Ave HE. H2890Diornton W 0 res 1524 83rd Ave SSV .....50527rhorpe Miss Eileen M res 1619 3rd St NW HlSSaThorpe Frank res 3820 7th St W £0285Thorpe Mrs Malhca res SQ8 2nd Ave W R2714Thorpe Dr Roy C Dentist lOlS Southam Bids M2212

Dr Roy C Thorpe res 1 Jensen Apts M2750Thorpe S C res 408 I2th St NW L2731Thorson T G res 1611 4-A St NW H3459Thorssen Theo A res 1316 ISlh Ave W .W16S2Threadgould William res 9 Westminster Blk...M35S7Throop G R res 3235 Alfege St W1557Thurber James res I9 Crown Bids R1416Tidlbury Geo L res 231 9th Ave NW ..._ H3409Tierney Mrs M res 133 14th Ave W -.M3079Tigerstedt Albert F Photosrapbcr 225 10th

Ave NE H1144TIghe John J res i840 13th Ave W -.-.....W4670Tllley W M res 1605 8th St W - R2H2Time Service 46 Cnion Bldg —

Advcrlishig Oflice ..-....-.M4747Timmlns A C res 443 12th St NW ...L2415Timmins H £ res 935 Riverdale Ave ......S0544Timmlns W 5—Calgary —.—.-...91-3324TImms P J res 3640 Cth St W -.-,50316Timms Vcra E res 5 Cornell Apu .W23S&Tims Archdeacon J W res 1616 lllh Ave W ...-W3138Tin Kong & Co Fruit & Produce 204 Centre St....R1123Tinney Ernest S res 1221 12th Ave W .W4460Tiny Tots Toggery 723 dth St W M7472Tip Top Service Station S Skov. 6th Ave &

2nd St E - M182STip Top Tailors 817 1st St W M1782

TtSDAL.E O E AGENCY losuranee57 Canada Lite Hide ...M3040E S Buchan Mgr res —...W2004

Tllterington Rilcy res 1816 ITth St W .W4120Tobias D res 714 90th Ave W - S0366Todd Miss Florence S res 6 Rivermeade Apts....M4814Todd Rev J E Central United Parsousge 318

Roxboro Rd-..- S1122

Todd Sydney ros 640 14th Ave W —,M2175Todd Mrs William James rea 1839 18-A St W....W1718Todesco P res ff02 8th Ave E -...£5445Todofuk William res 338 7th Ave NB H2857Toledo Scales W S TnTT Agent 1002 2aU St E M2e44Tolllngton George r»i 1618 lOfh Ave W W3520Tolion W E rei 227 14th Ave W M4S44Tom's Smoke Shop 1118 l.st St W M3326Toinllnson A r«» 808 7lh Ave W M5414Tomlinson A Wlllred res 310 Uiiderwooil Bllc....M9466Tomlinson Lt Col D H r«s 2747 WoKt Si W1254Tomllnson H res 2712 10th St SW /. W1881


Tompklns L E res 920 Snd St. NE H2322

Tompkins W H res 1414 4-A St NW H3213

Toms A E res 2339 21»t Ave W —..W3606Toms Peter C res 566 9th Ave NW L1837

Tomson A E res 1913 5lh St W - M3239Tonks W H res 717 19th Ave NW H2441Toogood T F res 323 Uth ^ve W .....M5675Tooker H W res 822 HiUcrest Ave ...W2128Toolc A J res 714 S2nd Ave W 50216Toole Helen res 811 11th Ave W R1733

TOOLE PEET <& CO LTDToole Pcet Bldg 809 2nd St W R1041Private Branch Eschange connecting alt DcptsBonds. Stocks, Real Estate, Loans, Insurance, Rentals, Coal


Bond Dcpt N Clement res ,W4613Mortgages 6c Loans U S Jones res - M2903Real Estate E E Campbell res - S0470Rentals A J Toolc res - S0216Insurance S 0 J Robbina res ...- W2844Insurance G G Eaton res ,..W1099

TOOLE PEET TRUST COToole Pflct Bldg 809 2nd St W R1041

Toele W res 709 11th Ave W M4552Toombs W W res 114 2nd St W R2436Toon'e Wm res 814 2nd Ave W —- R1482Toothe Harold res 624 22nd Ave W M9372Toplcy Clare G res 824 19th Ave W MS135Topley D J res 1020 1st Ave NW L1359Topfey George C res 1616 16th Ave W .W3516Topley Mrs Ophelia res 1032 6lh Ave W. M7319Topley W H res 1720 11th Ave W .W321SToppin S S res 1325 11th Ave W .W220aTorchlnsky Max res 1205 6th St E M5105

TORONTO GENERAL TRUSTSCORPN THE 315 8th Ave W B1071Manager C B ClarkSecretary J G Lewis

Torrance J R res 1236 13th Ave W .W4622Tory 0 C res 3217 Elbow Drive S0621Tosh Miss M res 915 I4th Ave W — W1993Totten Frank res 122 25lh Ave W ft2882Touche George A 8c Co Chartered Accountants

430 Loughecd Bldg - M2459Ales J 3 Fansliaw Resident Partner

Tourigny A J res 7 Mount Pu>yal Blk. ......W4976Tovcll A H res lODS Frontenac Ave — W1126Tovell Willard res 14 Central Bldg M2085Towell^ F B res 502 3rd St W M2403Towell Mrs M A res 505 5th Ave W .............M1246Toviets H res 738 1st Ave NW L1087Towers W E res 1703 2Blh St W —.W1349Towers Wm res 204-1 4(h St W ..-;..S0844Towner Mrs C res 934 lOlh Ave W —.W1836Towner E—Midnapote 91-5433Townley W J res 2 Compton Place R2250Townsend A res 1709 25lb Ave SW .W479STowitsend D T res 3810 7th St W - 50282Townsend E J res 012 lOtli Ave NE —.-..H1650Townsend L res 1309 IZth St W W2078Townshend A F res 1711 IIU. St W W3090Townshend Mrs C res 1513 15th Ave W W3678Townshend K W res 808a 10th Ave W R2253Toyno J res 2.507 18ll« St E ES397Tracy M S res 1023 ISlli Ave E E5975Traders Cigar & Hews Store 1113 1st St W...M4983

TRADERS PtNANCE CORP LTDSoa Lancaster Bldg M7353

Trainer Mrs E res 3800 lit St SW S0493Trafflor Frank J res 2403 l-\ St E -M4251

Trainor C A Barr & Sol 308 Leeson-LinehamBlk MW30

Trainor Mrs John F res 814 IBlh Ave W _.M9631Tranter Ellaabeth res 75 'B-A St W R2693Tranter Mrs Verona Chrlstbn Science Prac

titioner 310 Lancaster Bldg M1661Tranter Mrs Verona res 8048 1st St VV 50874

TRAUNWEISER CHAS OinceUl>slnira 7lOa 1st St E M3204Residence 1145 Sydtnham Rd (22 Ave W}....W1626


Traunwelser H Co Oil Brokers 9 Central Blilg M58SI

Travelers' Insurance Co of Hartford 813Southam Bldg —.M5072

Traves C W res 418 14lh St NW —L2689

Treglllus Mrs A M res 432 14th St NW 1.1256Treglllus S 0—Calgary —.91-64UTregilius Sydney 0 res 1328 18th St W .W1593Treglllus Mrs W J res 432 14th St NW — L12SSTremalne V C res 240S 3-A St E M2701Tremeer Gilbert rca 314 26th Ave W 1713118Trennum 5 M res 1314 20th Ave NW — H1607Trcvclyan Fred res 222 15th St NW ...— L1983Trcvclyan Geo res 217 15th St NW —L1113Trcvclyan Howard res 1618 8lh Ave NW —..U511Trevett J J res 2308 4lh St NW — H3223Trcvoy H V res 1319 14tU Ave W —.W2739Trickey A W res 140R Premier Way _.W1739Trickcy H N res 1432 Wcstmount Blvd..._.._.L2414Trigg C E res 037 3rd Ave NW U622Tfigg Mrs E F res 712 3rd Ave W ..,R2415Trigg Mrs G M res 314 11th St NW U514Trim R W res 817 2Bth Ave W —— M2483Trimble H M res 73S 12th Ave W —.R1755Trimmer Arthur res 216 12th St NW L1313Trinder R res 344 4lh Ave NE H3133Triploir Co 1006 8tU St E E5432Trivett E W res 210 19lh Ave NW H2B7SStter DWres Shepard .E55S7

tier J 0 res 9^4 Sifton BJvd 50337,TROTTER & MORTON LTD

Sanitary Engineers Plumbing KeatingSprinkler Contr's 512\it 12th Ave WW B Trotter res 1919 25-A St W ..._11 Morinn res 3040 Stii St W

Trowsdale R S res 8007 7tU St WTrue Blue Elettric 127 11th Ave ETrucsdate F V rsi 2134 17th St W —.Truman M E res 3006 14lh St W .W3637Truscott H W res 1809 18-A St W — W2457Trusler Mrs M D res 208 Devenlsh Apts W1757.


TRUSTS AND GUARANTEE COLTD THE 227 8th Ave W M5518Private Brandt Exchange connecting all DeptsManager H A IlotvardAccounting Dept John McLurs AccountantEstates Dept T W Swanborough MgtLoan Dept C J Jones ManagerLiquidation Dcpt U H Fletcher MgeNIGHT CALLS—Manager's residence 2132 Hope St .W1508Accountant's res 1603 12th Ave W .VII3363Estates Manager's res ST03 Slh St W W121SLiquidation Mgr's res 1607 Ccntre-A St NW....H1331

Tuberculosis Bureau Calgary Tuberculosis AssnPulinc Blilg 7 Ave E .Local 36 M1151

Tucker C res 429 24lh Ave NW — _..H2120Tucker F res 1943 lllh St W ——...W1345Tucker F W res 824 4'/2 St NE ...— —..H2124Tucker G P res 1126 15th Ave W - W2S77Tucker Mrs Grace res 923 &tli Ave W .M9925Tucker H—IIR 3 Catgary ...91-6034Tucker Thos res 608 7th St W - —M3923Tucker W J res 1210 13th Ave W ,„.W276STuckett F C ret 403 Roxboro Rd 50697

TUCKETT LTD Tobacco Mntrs R M RoySupervisor 206 11th Ave E M3Q04

Tulln D J res 210 14th Avo E M2570Tully J res 1240 Frontenac Ave —.._...W1424Tumber Mrs Geo res 1317 Bowness Rd - -...L2504Tupllng R Cordon res 1018 0th St NW -.H3351Tupper L A res 17J12 O'/g St W -...W4891Turnbull A res 316 0th Ave W M5723TuriibuM H res 1205 I'rcmisr Way — W2613Turnbull Mrs M tea 425 10th Ave NE H2383Turnbull N H res 420 flth Ave NE H3276Turnbull R res 2034 8th Avo E ...E5978Turnbull T M tes 3904 3rd St W .50954Turner A res 111.3 Centre St N H2417Turner A C res 1415 Prospect Ave .W1479






5000 Pipes From Which to ChooseINews&Tobacco Shop ||/|7Q^R• I 109 Eighth Avenue West •¥• M


Tuiner A i t« 436 ISih Ave E JU11879

Tumir Ulst A M rei 022 E'/a St KW L2226

Tumw A R TM 1827 14tU St W ,....W1973

Turner G F Scmng Machine* 1329 1st St W....M7S82

Turner C F res 2-12 5ist Ave NIV ......H2817

Turner Harry res 1731 33nii Ave SW ,50215

Turner J H re» 1020 4.A St NW ......__.....,H25Q1

Turner J H res 1410 4lh St E M9789

Turner Jes res 005 lit St NW ........_.„....,Hi04STurner M res 1041 21st Ave W V/2327Turner Mrs N res 614 17th Ave E.,_..M9148Turner Mrs R F res 161S Bowncss ltd L204&Turner Ted res C13 18lh Ave NW 81450Turner Valley Oil Co Ltd 631 Lousbecd Bldg....M5805Turner W E res 039 13lh Ave W M5930Turner W G res IRll lOlh Ave W ....WJllOTurney A H res 3802 6th St W S0733Turpln Mrs Louisa res 013 Clti Ave W M9081Turtle H M res 256 17lh Ave NE H1774Tutlle Edward J res 600 15tb Ave W MZ280


Tuxeda Grocery J S Johnstoo 117 27 Ave ME...H21dlTweddle J A res 3027 7tb St W 50152TweddlB J A Ltd General Contractors 1018

9th Ave W M9282Two Brothers Valley Gold Mines Ltd 300

Lancaslcr BId|[ M3&28Tyhurst Harry res 2010 Sth Ave E .,.........£5869Tyler C M res 2U8 6a St W - .,M4938Tyler 0 A res 110 Sth Ave NE ..82583Tyler S res 2504 17-A St SW „___..W4461Tyler Walter res 302 8lh Ave NC .,..82282

TYNAN JOHN & CO LTDWholesale Upholslerins 1222-1234 lltbAve W W4200

Tynan John J res 343 Superior Ave W467S

TVNDALE-AUSTIN AGENCIESLTD Insurance lU Est Rentals Se Loans807 LancasUr Didg M2510

Tyndale S 0 res 20 Colicge Apts M2503Tyndall Leslie S res 2240 6lh Ave NW U679Tyo Mrs Audrey res 1214 7th St W R1953Tyson Samuel res 1214 20lh Ave NW... H1498Tyson W J res 326 ISth Ave E M7646


UccI Salvator re* 426 14th Ave E. M3439Uifsten J rc5 C & D Argylc Court R1294Undcrhlll G H res 110 15th St NW UlSOUnderhill John res 1320 14th Ave W .W2160


Underwood T Ltd Office 1316 1st St W M32S2Underwood Thos res 6S8 13th Ave W M7502Underwood W C res 32!) 38th Ave W .60413Unecda Bakery R W Long 110 10th St NW L2378Unetnploycd Co-operative Self Help Assn 024

41h St E M2410

Uncmplcyed Ex-Service Men's Assocn 127 8tbAve E M4727

Unemployed Married Men's Assn 4 Robinson& Linton Blk M9681


Union Finance Co 211 Commcrei.il Bids M5267UNION INSURANCE SOCIETY

OF CANTON LTD Toole Pect i,Co Ltd Prov Mgrs Toole Peet Bldg 809 2sdSt W B1041

UNION IRON A FOUNDRYlaih St i ITth Ave E E5154


UNION MILK CO LTD Car 1st StE i Blh Ave M4686Private Branch Exchange connecting oUOcplsNIGirrS SUNDAYS AND HOUDAYS—Wholesale Orders Only - _.M468SComplaints 4 Private House Ofdere...—...M4687

UNION OIL CO OF CANADA jM7667LTD District Office 627 7th Ava W |M3275J Venus ManagerF 4 Reid Office 4 Credit MgrLocal Sato St Warehouse 1004 9th Ave W....M7671W M Martlndale Local Mgr ro _...W311SJ A Sloan Asst Ixical Mgr res - .W1896SERVICE STATIONS (Day or Night)Service Station No BSl 137 Ttli Ave E ,.,.M3466Service Station No 662 20th Ave Sc 4th

St W ....M7858

UNION PACKING CO LTDPackers & Provisioners Office Nose Creek....R230SPres is Gen Manager A H MaylandCity Orders ,.,.R2308Country Orders R2310Superintendent Harry Stubbs ............R2310Credit Dept F A Badley R2309Sales Dept Gco £ Goudie _.-...R230SBeef Dept A Sales R2311Uveslock Buyer C I (Bud) Sewall res W1437A H Maylund Office 800 Lancaster BIdg MS218

Union Tax! 330 9lh Ave E - M7708

UNION TRACTOR A HARVESTER CO LTD cor Sth Av & 8tb St W M5916Caterpillar Tractors Combines Road Machinery Sawycr-Masscy Road Macliineiy Pioneer Gravel Plants Killefcr Tool* Etc


Service J Costello ....E5796Parts J Ring M1544

Union Transfer James Grey Prop 219 12tbAve E MS710

Unique Home Industries 1109 lit St W M4904United Arilits Corporation Ltd 708 Sth Ave W..M3779

DirectoryAdvertising Pays

United Brvkera 4 A Masleaa higr Toole PeetBIdg R1041J A Maclean res .........

United Cigar Stores Sth Ave &1st St VVSth Ave 4: 2nd St E ...

8th Ave dt 2nd St \V _

Sth Ave & Centre St ..



United Engine* & Threshers Ltd 321 lOtfaAve F. _...M2092T R Scott Manager res _..,.W4532

UNITED FARMER THE (OUicialOrgan of the United Fanners of Alberta)Loughced Building .....Jd9S85Editor W Norman Smith.Managing Director N F Priestley M96S6Advertising hlannger Miss A .M Turner MS685

UNITED FARMERS OFALBERTA INC Loughced BIdg GeneralOffice Secretary Mlsa E Bireh .......M9686Vice Pre* N F Priestley


, Mis* E Bireh M968&

UNITED FIREMEN'S INSURANCE CO OF PHILADELPHIAE F Grcgoire Branch Mgr 409 Grain Exchange BIdg M3993

UNITED GRAIN GROWERSLTD Westers Dlvisiea General OfileeeLoiigheed BIdg MS561Private Branch Exchange ronoecting aBDept* 8,30 am to 6.30 pmNIGHT CALLS—-After 650 pm, SaturdayS pm and Holiday*Manager E S McRory ..MS564Asst Manager Gco ^worthySecretary C C dackson ._..,M5561Accountant te Offiee Mgr J J Flurey „..._.M55^Elevator DepartmentDili No 1 F N SandgatfaeDlst No 2 W 4 GarlandDial No 3 W R 4 KeyDlst No 4 E 4 MacKsy

Grain Commission Dept .MSSfilGroin Sampling Dept F T Allison ..„_....JilS561

Farm Supplies Dept A T Kloepfer.

Organimtion Dept M W Molyneaux .Construction Dept Jame* S MillerInsurance Dept W F Solomon



UNITED GRAIN GROWERSSECURITIES CO LTD .MSSSlLnugheed BIdg (see also United Grain Cron-era Ltd) Insurance Department—NIGHTCALLS^After 5.30 pm, Saturday 3 pm "idHolidaysW F Solomon .4145563

United Mine Worker* of Amerlet District 151O1-102 P Burns BIdg -.'M3253

United Motors 112 Cth Ave E _.W9mUnited States Fidelity & Guaranty Ca Cnsada

Life BIdg BIOK




90 Uni

United Typewriter Co Ltd SOT 7tb Ave W...-.M1973Unity Centre Church of Truth 22Ja 8Ut Ave W M475SUniversal Utilities 219 lOLh Ave W M201SUptsn Or E R Dentist 211-212 Souiham Old; M3704Upton Or E R res 8027 1st St W .S1220

UPTON DR W WESTON Flty> &Snrseoo 211-212 Souttiara Bid; M37MDr W Westoa Upton res CIS 22nd Ave W_-M3705If so answer esO - - U4747

UPTOWN MEAT MARKETG F Sfcssnsje 340 gtii Ave IV —HS303

Ure R Walter res 428 12th St NW —«_„»...L1210Oren R H res 1726 10th St W „W4336

UREN'S L.TD Diamond Merchants letr-elten & Opticians 223 Sth Ave W ..._„__...K9141

UrsenbJch C res 1809 12th Ave W __.W3313Ursullne Convent 717 Royal Ave .W4401


Vahey C K res 535 17th Ave WValr A D res 314 11-A St KVf LX044Vale Chas H res 1? Thomsos BIk .M71Q8Valentine C T resi 3047 6th St W ».._.50192Valentine Cearpe T res 10 Belvedere Apts-—..-.M4115Valentine L J res 2 Bamhart Annes R145ZValet Service Calpary F T McNeil 1411 2nd

St E - .M2745Valk John res 1723 9lH St W W4732Valkenburj A P res 633 3rd Ave RldCSVillante J D res 73S 19th Ave HVf. „_.H2144

VALLANCE SYDNEY R Barrister& Solicitor 328a Sth Ave W M3130

Vailance Sydney R res 31S 23rd Ave IV, M4003Valiee Miss Yvonne res 411 Gth Ave E...— M1385Van Alstlne Mrs M L res 909 Gth Ave W.„-...M252BVance Miss Bculah res 626 6lh Ave B — „..M2149Vance Hre H A res 2115 2nd St W _...M3180Vance R J res S3 Central BIdg M2840

VANCOUVER TERMINAL COLTD 4th Floor Herald Bldj M88 41D Maekenile res - W1961

Van Dellnder Norman res 1106 13lh St W....W1473Van Dellnder T res 1512 4th St W —M4422Vinderdoom Mrs Mary res 226 3rd Ave W....R2537Vanderlake 2 A res 7 Donegal Mansions L268&Van Der Unden E J P res 215 1st Ave NE H314aVandermark C H les 1903 11th Ave W ..W3075Vandermeer P Office di res 333 13th Ave E...M25S7

Van Duzee David res 3710 ISth St SW .S0S75Van Gastel A res 335 2and Ave W ...M5236Van Hooydsnk A res 431 7th Ave E ......._»,.M9721Vanlderstine R I res 827 19lh Ave W .W1470Van Larken Mrs Mary res 103 14th Ave E..-.M12S9Van Loo Mrs J res 0940 Blvd NW „._..L272SVanloo»' C res 628 11th Ave W .M7186Van Ostrand A M res 3617 6lh St W _...S0502Van Ostrand Grain Co 317 lancaster BIdg ....M7718Van Sickle Gordon res 806 lOj'a St NW,.._.._.U.098Van Stockum M J res 681 Sth Ave W ...,.M2204Van Winkle Mrs Haal res 453 I7th Ave E...M9429Van's Specialty Meats 43 Sanitary .Market M9045Variety Furniture Store 314 Sth Ave E M24{L1Variety Theatre Sth Avo 4c 2ad St E.— M5129Varley J E res 1 Bryant Apis JVI2272Veilleux C B res 732 14th Ave W R1972Velvet Confectionery 8e Grocery A Shund ISOl

IRlh Ave W W3129

VELVET ICE CREAM Campi>en 4cGrlfCrt Ltd 348 Ilth Ave W ...R1028

VELVET OIL CO Lubrlcallng OilsW Wntkins Mgr 1944 10th Ave W .W30U

Venables A M res 1434 Sth St NW. H1365Venablea C R res 3629 6th St W $1284Veitabiw Charlie res 1403b 14tb St W -.W34B3Venables Ralph E res 621 Alexander Crescent.. H2576Vtndomo Block 940 2nd Ave NW L2703Vcnlnl G D res 348 Scarboro Ave...W4273Venlnl M S res 1730 24-A St W ..... ....».„.W4832Veninl W B res SB9 Superior A^•« ._.._.W3365Venus J ra H35 13th Ave W WZdSSVorbunt Jot res 928 18th Ava W W2237


Verge J W res 115 7th Ave KW _.._...H2S71Veraon C K res 1709 4th St NW H2IJ49Vernon Harold res 4 Scarboro Apts W2206Verrier Wm res 513 IGth Ave W .........MS290

VETERINARY INFIRMARY M3237Dr J Gordon Anderson 110 6th Ave E

Night Calls Dr J Cordon Anderson res...-...H1453Vets Cartage & Storage George D Alexander

319 11th Ave E - M2127Viau C E rea 6 Gtenwood Manor L2635Viau Mrs L B res 809 12lh Ave W R2474Viavi Co Alberta Mrs M'E Wilton Mgr 206

Underwood Blk - M1844Vieary Wm res 234 13th Ave £ _idl714

VICCARS HARRY Grocer 608 17thAve W M739a

Viccars Harry res 1621 Sth St W ._,M4944Vice G A res 428 15th Ave E ....„.M7185Vlckerman S res 103 President Apts -..——R1782Vickers E I res 634 Rldeau Rd .,,...80893VIckers Frank res 521 llth Ave E M2582Vickers Thoa res 1614 8lh Ave KW. L1994Vlckerson Mrs F res 915 18tb Ava W.»_..W1771Vickerson J L res 3046 Sod St W ....,.....—50459Victor Radiator Co 106 4th Ave E R2991

VICTOR RADIO HU Master's VoiceLtd Northern Electric Biiig M447S

Victoria Hotel 121a Sth Ave E _...M3g32

VICTORIA PARK MEAT MARKET .Mrs A Peel 531 13th Ave E M1957

Victorian Order of Nurses 205-206 lOOF BIdg M4861li no answer call M4747

Vigor Mr* J res 1S02 24lh Ave NW,.., H2519Vijrass John T res 1771 1st Ave tW L1409Vince A R res 1922 12th St W .T, -...WlOSlVincent F—Calgary _..91-111SVine F S ICS 905 IGlh Ave NW H1991VIollnl Giovanni res 110 9th St KW —._....U383Vielini N res 343 2nd Ave NE ..K2791

Vipond R A res H 822 Blvd NW ._...L2756Vltagraph Ltd 704 Sth Ave W ... M1606Voets Robt ret 6 Fraur BIk - C5551Voice of the Prairies Ltd CFCN Toronto Gen

eral Trusts DIdg _.R215SVolk A E res 62 New St £5867Voss Bros Grain Elcv Contra di BIdrs 416

Lancaster BIdg M3020C W Voss hfgr res 624 20(h Ave W M285ZA J Voss Supt r*s 1123 Frontenac Ave...-.W1477E J Voss Supt ret 3419 Elbow Drive S0598

Vouri Maurice E res 719 18th Are NW H2532



W K Chop Suey House 209 Centre St R2234Waddell £ T res 1629 12ih Ave W ............W33S2Waddell Ken A res SOS 16th Ave NE.. H2950Waddell N V res 2-109 Carieton St W3080Waddell S J—Midnspore ,....,.91-5322Wade Mrs Edith res 1527 12th Ave W .W3025Wade Joe rea 217 14th St NW U760Wade John rea G09 Zlit Ave NE ..H1343Wade Mn L S res 326 18th Ave W ..,.M928aWagner A C ret 1034 6tb Ave W M395BWagner R D res 417 llth St NW .... ...L1448Wain—See elio WayneWain H C rea 238 llth St NW L2567Waines E Duncan res 605 Alexander Crcieent... H3156Waines Ed rea 807 4tU Avo W M3381Waines F D res 1721 llth Ave W W1374

Wainwrlght J C res 723 St NE H2203Wait B C res 1737 10th Ave W W2625Wait Walter res 709 Slflon Blvd S1103Wake J R res 226 4th Ave E —...ft2964Wakefield 6 W res 727 Bth St NW Lld87Wakefield J P rea 521 15th Ave W ..M5281Wakeford S reo 803 11}^ St NW LZZeOWakelyn A tee 614 lOlh St NW LlOUWales Coffee Shoppa 716 2nd St W .....MSdeS

WALES HOTEL 709 2nd St W R1031Private Branch Exch connecting ell Boom*


Wiles i E rea 1C29 2Glh Ave W -..W2497Walford J G Office 218 llth Ave W ....M7678Walford J C re* 1038 19th Ave W .-.WU29Walgren Fred rej 730 4lh Ave W. R2595V/alker Mn A res 510 21st Ave NW H263aWalker Alex «* 603 13lh Ave W M7179Walker Alex J res 828 4th Ave NW L2072Walker Miss Connie res 1407 2tid St W - M9134Walker Mrs F res 202 Anderson Apli W253SWalker Mrs Fanny ChrUliait Science Prai-

tllioner 310 Lancaster BIdg —,_.M1661Walker G A res 2917 Wnlfe St _..W2232Walker Mrs George rea 2126 9ih Ave E ".E5495Walker J res 1730 llth Ave W ,..„.-...W3060Walker J R rea 1626 lath Ave W .... .V/3379Walker Col Jas SS Linehara Blk M2203Walker Jas 0 res 207 llth St NW U398Walker L S rea 210 3glh St NW U697Walker Mary L res 1 Bratslde Lodge .„_.._.._...W442lWalker Ora M res 1810 1st St E M339aWalker Rhca M Reslaumnt Basement l.aug-

heed BIdg M2303Walker Robert res 1026 14lh Ava W W4068VJalkar Mrs W rea 1614 IGth St E E5573

WALKER W J S Real Estate & FireInsurance 33 Lincliam Blk M2203

Walker W J S res Inglcwood Federal BirdSanctuary Sth Ave E E5147

Walker W P res Oil 25ili Ave W —M1713Walker William res 628 24lh Ave NW H1103V/alk«r Mrs'William res 110 3rd Ave W R2717Walkling Mrs Fannie res 114 Sth Ave NW H1204Wall Ceo—Calgary .-..91-2022Wallace—See also WsiiU

Wallace A J res 2105 1st St NE -,„..H2497Wallace 8 res 817 Isl Ave NW L1438Wallace Bruce tea 2115 Sncl St W M9326Wallace D J res 720 14-A St E ,.-...._.ESB45Wallace E 0 tea SB31 7-A St W S0106Wallace G B res 3211 Elbom Drive S0254

WALLACE GEORGE B Watchmaker St Jeweller 238 Sth Ave W _.M9913

Wallace H A res G Marittorough Apts _,.,M9976Wallace Mrs J B res 1321 ISlh Ave W. W1636Wallace J N—Bowncss -...-91-6413Wallace James W res 506 Gth Ave W _„_.M5495Wallace Mrs M Ross res 223 15th Ave W. M150SWallace Mervyn N res 112 18lh Ave NW K2618

WALLACE Oc NORMAN LTDWholesale Tobacco Sc Confectionery (M2346211 7th Avo E {M7701

Wallace R W res 1D25 lOlh St W W2141Wallace Mrs Richard res 1701 23th St W .... W4033

Wallace Richard H res 720 IGth Ave W R267S

Wallace Mrs Robert ret 240 ISth Ave W M3S40Wallace William res 919 Riverdolc Ave S0479

Wallace Wm F res 3628 7lh St W .S0789Waller Mrs 1 res 1216 Weitmotint Blvd.... L1232Waller P P res 227 llth St NW L2007

Wallick K A res 1429 Premier Way. W4404Wallis—See also WallaceWallis Frank res 3S3 9a St NW L1155Waills H L res 415 floxborough Rd S0403Wallis Mrs M Dcwcy res 619 2Bth Ave W... M5472Walls George res 2007 Sih Ava E ..,.£5902Walls J res 228 3rd A\-e^W R1957Walls Peter tes 2088 8lh Ave E ..,.. £5033Walmsley T res 716 Clh Ave W M4025

WALSH LEGH A KC Barrister andSolicitor 303 Insurnnce Exchange M3096

Walsh Legh A res 1028 FronCeoec Ave W2467Walsh Mrs Lillian res 628 Elbow Drive M4797Walsti Mrs Lucy res 1834 14th St W W2751

. Walshaw E M res 341 3rd Ave NE H1533Walt S E res 828 Srd Ave W HZjaSWalter R L tes 4 Campion Place R2376Walters A res 903 Otb Ave NE .....R1282Wallers A E res 234 4th Ave NE ....H2056Walters Mrs F J res 106 38'A Ave E S0015Walters George res 1129 7th Ave W M9965Walters J res 2527 17th St E £5871Wallers W A res 2419 1st St SE M7235Waitham C A res 134 lOlh Ave NW ...H2444

Wal CAL6AST Wes 91

For Long Distance Rates to All Parts of the WorldSee Pases V to Vn

Wilfort E J—RR2 Caijaiy .91-6532

WALTON FRED Cabinet Maker 135Ifllh Avc E _.,.._....M4482

Walton Mrs J H Rs 2714 IG-A St E „.__._.E5693

Wilton Mrs J 1 r« 1011 8th St E rnnitft

Vim Mrs C rcB 831 12lh Are W R2274

War Veterans* Recreation Kail SIO 9tb Are E....M470IV/ard A S rc.i 1023 12th St W Va971Ward eiock Janitor 14-lOS 8th Are W..._ R1547Ward Daisy res 6IS Cih Are W M1381Ward e P res 1428 8tb Are E E5281Ward Ernest Iverson res 3715 5th St W......1.S1210Ward Frank E res 1410 la St NW H1694Ward H—MidnaporcWard Harry rts 2101 lOlh Ave W .,„....._„,W3004

• Ward Ira res 3610 2nd St SW _._....S0792V/ard J res 3517 14lh St W S0620V/ard J C rc» 911 17th Ave E „_„>„..E5S43Ward J T res 623 ISlIi Are E __»^-.MS222Ward L res 209 29lh Avc SE ...-.____„.,M5667V/ard L D res 8.2140 IGth St W W2469Ward R W res 114 Scarboro Ava ,..W4103Warde B M r«s 2325 2-A St E _...„__..M9312

Ware G S res 820 5th Ave W _....M2211Ware W H res 509 Alexander Crescent H290S

WARE'S 60o TAXI (M3333II Ware Mgr 134s 9lh Ave W -.._.IM333S

Wares D rra 1116 8th St E E5207Warinj Mrs Mary E res 1132 9lh St E ES165Wirk Mrs A rca 1317 13th Ave W _.W2864Warner H A 0 res 10 Sandringham Apti W4760V/amer Mrs H A 0 res C Sandringham Apts ..W3482Warner James res 211 Mls^on Rd S0927Warren A H res 202 4th Avc NE -...H1869Warren E P res 1002 13th Ave W .W4749

V/arten Ella M res 6-510 6lh Ave W .,...„_„.M9136Warren G B res 400 Royal Hotel M9109

WARREN DR «l M Dentist (OverKretge's) 2-230 Slh Ave W M3447

V/arren Dr J Milton res 207 4th Avo HE .,..N3262Warren James F res 2403 6th St W S0666V/arren Mary res 634 17lh Ave E R1370Warren Mrs Verne res 1708 27lh Ave SW WlllOWarrlngton A E S res 213 38th Avc W S0S16Warthe Carl res 816 4tb Ave W M3194V/ashhourne W W res 602 27lh Avc NE H1702Warhburne C S res 3-917a I7th Ave W W3664V/atchom C E res 536 ISlh Ave W M1097Water Treatments Ltd C-2SSa 8tb Ave W M2823

WATERLOO MANUFACTURINGCO LTD 629 lOth Ave W M9927R J A Thompson Mgr res 24 Lorrtune Apia M107J

Waterman Charles res 709 14th Ave W M9618Waterman F W res 328 22nd Ave W M2597Waterman Gerald res 449 11-A St NW ....L1324Waterman Mrs Rose res 1303 Centre St N H3344Waters W Brooks res 804 13th St NW L2225Watklns F J—Midnapere M...91-5535Wltklns W res 126 Scarboro Ave ,.W3193Watklns WHIred res 1632 4tb St NW ..H2735Walmore W C res 234 lO A St KW L2294V/alson A res 912 Rideau Rd S1183Watson A L res 1412 20th Ave NW U337

Watson & Abercromble Ltd General Contractors021 8th Ave W M2771O Watson res 2014 Srd St W S0859

Watson Bros—Calgary ...91-2524

WATSON St CAMPBELL LTD224 lltb Avc W M1720F C WatiOD Pros res 12-510 19th Ave W . M1339

Watson 0 res 3014 3rd St W S0B59WaUon 0 C res 728 14lh Ave W R2521Watson Edward res 710 4tli St NE. - _..H13S1Wauon e. tu 802 12tfa St NW ^.U257

Watson F A (Burns Ss Co Ltd) res 632 17iliAve NIV H1395

Watson F C res 12-610 19th Ava W..._.-_....M1339

WaUon F L res 209 2nd Ave NE. Htnoi

Watson Harry res 403 11-A St NIV tphoc

Wauon Ian res 1513 16th Ave W .W3K1

Watson J C ru 624 9lh Ava NE. H1573

Wauon J Marshall ret 3610 7-A St W ..._._.SD174

Watson J Seymour res 1920'l3th St W .WU77Wauon John F res 1802 lltb Ave W -W3073Watson L J res 313 7lh Ave NE H284S

WaUon R W rep Grecnshlcldt Ltd RS 640Rosedale Crescent „..__..„_....H1924

Watson Thos res 629 9lh Ave NE _..H1327

Wauon W K res 1116 Gtli Are NW ...L2542Watson William H res 2003 SStb Ave SW ....S0329Watt G E res 631 7th Ave W M5048

Watt Joseph res 26 Seven Oaks C<nirt...__ ES72SWatt MIsv Mary res 110 Anderson ApCa...__.._.W4697Watt Ovington res 302 SSth Are W........ ...S0630Watt S R res 622 15th Ave W _...M7136Walters Everett rca 345 7th Ave NE. H2032

Walters Mrs Ceo res 1320 17th Avc W .......W1049Wattcfs Mrs W res 420 12tli Are NW _...H3ia6Watts Arthur J res 526 Rnsedole Crescent H2035WatU Barber & Beauty Shoppe 836 17 Av W W2423WalU C D res 219 2nd Are E .._._..„_.._.R1165WatU F H res 423 13th St NW „_..__.U524WatU Frank W res 624 Ca St NE __..R1474WatU Mrs G F res 1210 6th St W M453SWatU H Stanley res 838 lUdeau Rd <UtfW;WalU J H res 1612 6th St NW . : HlfiP?WatU M L res 708 Crescent Rd _..._.H2209WatU Mrs Margaret res 247 23rd Ave NW. HldSlWatU V/allcr—Calgary .91-5814Wave Confectionery Sam Maerov 536 Slh Av W M5Q56


Way E J res 236 17lh Avc NE .......,H2132Wayman Mrs E res 2026 Olh Ave NW U28IWayman George S res 436 14th Ave NE...._.H3430Waymark R T res 2011 Srd Ave NW. ....L2046Wayne—See also Wain

WAYNE CO LTD Gasoline Fnmps etcLand Bldg M9740

Weart Mrs A J res 440 14tb St NW L1498Weatherhead Brock res 1708 27th Ave W W4381Weatherhead Edward res 439 13th Are NE....H14S3Weatherup W J—Shepard ..91-3614Weaver G R res 304 Superior Ave .„ Wd23AWebb A res 1788 8tb Avo NW i tanaWebb A M res 1040 6th Ave WWebh A T res 1110 17th Ave W ._.„..„...W1776Webb George ret St George's Island .............E5088Webb H G res 218 12th St NW . t.?MlWebb J D res 3226 6th St W tntAoWebb R D ret 982 18lb Ave W ..._.._.___.W1895Webb W J res 1714 12th Ave W W3a44Webb Wm A ret 446 39tb Ave NIV.... H1541

WEBB'S Dry Goods Men's Furnishings &Shoes Ross B)k 111 lOtb St NW HilJIiunL M9501Private Branch Elxch connecting all Dcpta

WEBBER F G HARDWARETraders Bldg 1119 1st St W JH174S

Webber Frank G res 8311 7th St W S119SWebber J Painter & Oecr 2302 16-A St W .. .W4031

WE3ER BROS AGENCIES LTDFinancial Agents 218 7th Ave W .M1820

Webster A R res 1118 I4tb Ave W. W24e5Webster C W—Calgary .91-2113

WEBSTER ELECTRIC CO214 7lli Ave W . . M2930

Erie Wcbtiu Mgr to J161S Scotland gL..-W2L92

Your Ad. Here


Produce ResultsWebster F R 8e Co Ltd Stock Brokers 516

Grain ErchongeStock Excliangc Phone ....M7044

Webster Frank R res 18th St & 19th Ave W.. W1236V/ebster George H res 2726 Montealm Cret...W4237Webster Gerald—Calgary __._._.91-5414Webster Gordon res 1406 2Ca St E E546SWebster Jos J res 3 Huntly Apts .R11&9Webster W A res 1236 loth Ave W __..W4906

Wedflell A res ISIS 17-A St W

Weeks A res 60S 17th Avo NW

Weeks J W res 126 24th Ave W „._>.._J«7554

Wcldeman Dave res 409 8-A St NS —.R2262Wcidenhamer Mrs 0 ret 526 Srd* Avp<<W..»...fi24S4Wclghu & Measures Inspection Service

A E II Cable DUt Insp Customs House .._.M3740Weinlleld John J res 3028 2nd St W .....S0871Wclr C Aubrey res 1420 3rd St NW H3165Weir F D res 286 Superior Ave .~__.W4734Weir George res 1024 ISth Ave W ... Wip7SWeir R H (Tavender & Wclr) res 839 14lh

Are W .W4512Weir Robt H res 8 Moxam Apts _..,R127DWeir Walter Plbg Hig Gasltg 1406 4th St W....MS032Weir Walter res 637 Alexander Crescent ._...H2D19

Weismore Mrs N M res 785 llih Are W. JMSOZl

WEISMOSE NIELS Catunet Maker636 i'th Ave W M2023

Weiss—See also WicseWeiss Mrs R res 3-1731 College Lane „_„.W400SWeisz Glas GItel res 239a 4lb Ave £ .... R1219Weilzer Mrs Eva res 512 15th Ave W _._,.JA524lWelch Charles C res 025 16tb St NW ........ U322

Welch G W ret 1612 12lh Ave W .W3630Welch Herbert M ret 1434 Kenalngten Itd...-.L2335Welch Mrs J res 2307 26lh Ave NW - L2609Welter Mrs Waiter res 1514 2Sth Are SW.....W2671Wells Fred res 330 22nd Ave W M2693Wells H J OIRcc 229 8th Ave W Jd2359Wells K J res 736 Blvd NW ....L2528Wells J Geo res 630 11th Ave W MS7aOWells J W res 803 9% St NW ,.„.._..L1S08Wells Juliana res 503 22nd Ave W .M425SWclli Wm L res 1510 lOlb Si W ,„....W1130Welter Mrs Helen res 210 Morgan Blfc .......M24S4Welton J R res 1005 19lb Ave W ...._...W2S48Welly L A res 509 3rd St W ..JdSfrlSWener Gertrude res 716 12tb Ave W R191ZWener I res 101 Deventsh Apts _„,._.W2X50Wener M A res 1312 ICth Avc W .......W4117Wensley A F res 15 Barnhart Apts R232SWcrnlng Rev W H Lutheran Pastor res 405

4lh Avc W ...R2B12Wesley United Church of Canada Rev Thomas

T Fnlchney 1315 7th St W R1403West Mrs A H res 821 3cd Ave NW ...__...L2405West A J res 1086 14tb Are W W2230West Arthur res 534 21st Are W M937SWest C H res 2021 34th Avc SW .S01S8

WEST DISINFECTING CO.Mfg Chemists 215 lOib Ave W M7998

WEST END FEED STOREC.slUvan Bros 1520 I4th St W ..,W4747

WEST END GARAGE Bert HlscosPrep 1208 CUi gt W ..............lyMTM



92 Wes

West End ShM JRebuKders Ci Dyers 780 ITlbAve W - R2989

West Mrs Eram S res 937 S8th Ave S0476West Mrs M re# 320 17th Ave W „_..__.M43&5West Petroleum Co 1806 11th Ave W ..^,._...W4514

WEST PRINTING CO LTD22Ss.22T3 7th Ave W M4006A West Moaager res 634 2Xst Ave \V„___-M9375A S Darroch ns 319 14th Ave W M1059

West W C res 6 Georpan Court »._.».M70£4West W S res 2102 7th Ave NW .,.,L2073Westaway Rev R 4 res 724 ISth Ave W. R2782WESTCHESTBR FIRE INSUR

ANCE CO (Hail & Fire) T J S SkinnerCo htd Provincial Agents 817 Ist St E. U3910

WestcoK Mrs A L res 925 4lh Ave W M3179Westergaard Jens res 218 4th Ave S R29S6

WESTERN BARBER SUPPLY1001 1st St \V M4761James Ferguson Prop res 2307 2nd St W.. M7401

Western Battery Co Robt Dich 229 Ttb Av E....M5345

WESTERN CANADA FLOURMILLS CO LTD 14th St E E565SPrivate Branch Ezch connecting aD OeptaiS'lGirr CALLS after 17 o'clock sod SundaysH J hfarrioit Manager residence W4S41A Buchner Traffic Manager residence.—...H22L3A E MacArthur Grain Supt residence ..M3420C Kairsine Sales Staaager residence .,._.W4155

WESTER{J CANADA IMPORTERSChas Waterman ManagerCutfery Tools etc 1003a 1st St .M9120Nights Sundays & Holidays MgPs RS ...M961S

Western Canada Institute Ltd Educational Pub

lishers 22-236 8tb Ave W - M9124Western Canada Insurance Underwriters' As

sociation 31 Canada Life BIdg _.M1444

WESTERN CREDIT (BONDED)LIMITED Collections & Credit Reports )M404D204-G 3263 Sth Ave \V (M4340

Western Dairy S Ilnddow 1510 14th St W W439S

WESTERN EMPIRE LIFE ASSURANCE CO 512 Grain Ezchanse....M1042A W Boeder Oivisiona! ManagerGeorge F Driver Qty Manager

Western Farmers Milling Co—llubalta 91-2634Western Fruit 721 2nd St E M1535Western Gold Development Syndicate 318 Lan

caster BIdg M2501Western Grain Dealers Association 601-503

Herald Bldg __,..M3013

WESTERN GROCERS LTDCorner lOtb Are & 5th St W

City Orders City Shipper & Gty Invoices....M5S73Country Orders & Shipper W L Loeklurt,.,.M1770Country CVdeis M5883City Sc Country Orders Additional M4715CosUug ic Freights C Suritfa M471SFruit Dept W S McIJntock M'ia53Credit Manager J N Mawer Msa43Accoimiing Dept E A Richardson ^...._......M5843Manager W A Logaii ^.._,.„_,MS833

Western Hospital S03 14Ui Ave W M484aWestern Life Assurance Co 43 Union Bldg M4217WESTERN METAL BEARING

WORKS Operated by Motor Car SirpjdyCo of Canada Lid 317-331 Olh Ave W M4631



Western Nurseries Ltd C D Smith Fre» 613P Bums Bldg I M75d3

Western Pacific Fruit Shop 144a lOtb St NW....L2601

WESTERN PRINTING A (MS140LITHOGRAPHING CO LTD (M4731Cor 2iid Avo & 6lh St Wi Wemyss Hentoa Vice PresidentC W Loney Sales Manager

Western Radiator & Mfg Co 1100 Centre Se....M5S3B

WESTERN SALES BOOK COL.TD H R Dial Supervisor 88 Utdats Bldg....M5987.


WESTERN SAVINGS A LOANASSOCIATION M4097Cgultable Agencies Ltd Alberta ProvincialAgeols 221a Sth Ave W

Western Second Hand Furniture Exchange 337Sth Avo E M7669

WESTERN STEEL PRODUCTSLIMITED Sales & Order Desk E56311903 nth St E

Manager's Office .E4040E A Thccd Manager res R1744E P Ward Superintendent res E5281


WESTERN TENT & AWNINGCO THE 133 lOtb Ave E .M2573P D Sprung Mgr res i.....W1985

Western Tire Service 204 11th Ave E M7141

WESTERN VINEGARS LTD1906 lOtb Ave W W3012W J Morrison Branch Mgr res 402 SuperiorAve W1031

WESTINGHOUSE CANADIANCOMPANY LTD „„M7906(See Caaadian Wcstfaghouse Co Ltd)

WesUake M res 327 9ia St NW L2333Westminster Grocery 1007 Jst St E M2417Wesimore Chas H res 2S Argj'le Court M4453Weston G res 3501 29th St SW W4944

Westre John res 620 17th Av* NW H2787Westfop Mrs G A res 211 Sth Ave NB H1846WetheralE & Company Customs Brokers CIS s

ifaclean Bik M3638

Wetherali F A res 1737 27th Avo SW _..W1145

Wetherall F S res 3626 13A St W S0611Wetmore J A res 807 20th Ave W W2045

Whalcn G R res 1420 8lh Ave E. E5697

Whalley James Brakcr 226a 8(h Ave W M1935WhaKcy James res 820 38th Ave W W1203

WHEAT POOL—See AJberU Wl.eatPool M4661

Whealley E H res 1611 14tb Avo W.,., W3069WheaUey Mrs Eva res 1037 13th Ave W .W4071Wheatley J.S res 4D6 22ftd Ave NW H1707Whealley L F res 1417 Ist Ave NW L2442Wheeler F B—Calgary .._.91.5715Wheeler H W res 310 39th Ave W. S0776

WHETHAM J D Barriiter di Solfdtor203 Lancaster Bldg M1B90

Whetham J D tet 1900 S-A St W M9224Whillans J A res 313 ISth Avo E M1807Whistlccroft C S Watchmaker JSt JexvcUor 1124

1st St W ai914

WHISTLECROPT J A PlumbingHeating it Cosfitling 414 17th Av* E..-..-.M1927

Whitaker—See also WliitlakerWhitaker E R res 333 Sth Av* NE HI43SWhitaker Fred Accountant Henfreiv Btdg.M...._.M45S8Whitaker Fred res 1731 10th St W W1619Whitaker Henry res 1813 12tli Ave W- W3441Whithread E res 1915 8tb Ave E E5726Whiiaread J T res 723 14lh Ave W. ....Ria35Whftbred Mrs E res 205 12th Ave NE... .K1S48Whitbum C res 841 P.ldeau Rd S008S

WHITBURN W F Florist Retail Store1st St W A Olh Ave M33e8Greenhouses Rideau Parle .......50093

Whllcombe H L res 210 14th Ave E M7216Whil^—See also WliyleWhite Mrs A res 914 20lK St E „..E5750White Mrs A C res 1720 lOVa St W .... .W4026White Arthur res 2727 17th St E ..,......,....£5853White C res 2318 2nd St W Mie09White Cartage W Widte Prop 116 lllh Av W....M3677White Rev Dr M m 1426 4th St NW H1426White E A res 831 ISlh Avo W W1394While Mrs Eleda M ret 1718 lllh Ave W .W3064White Elephant Air Service C Park A S WUUs

Municipal Airport H1421White F J res 218 Crescent Rd _...H2365White Fred R res 615 20th Av» W _..„.....M5914WhiU G res 1712 HDi Ave W W3442White H A res 1712 1st St E


White Capt H E t*s 1317 18-A Sc W ....W4304While 4 Elliott res 2-1620 13lh Ave W. ,W3:B9WhIU John rts 217 88lh Avt W „,-..S0361White Lunch Ltd

Olfice 225 Sth Ave W .._—....M1933No 2 128 Sth Ave E _™.M2S86No 3 226 Sth Avo' W 50067Bakery 131 2nd Avo W M9094

WHITE MRS M E Electrolysis 113 5tfaAve W JM3323

White Mrs Marguerite H re* 834 Clh Avo W....M284SWhite H H res 1321 11th Avo W ...„_.....W46«dWhile Naldfolt re* 2201 10th St W .W2802While R H res 625 12lh Avo NE H2375White R J ret 3431 Elbon Drive 31274White R J G res 2022 12th Avo \V. _.W3330While Ranald M res SOG 20th Ave W .M9317White Sewing Machine Stare 137 Clh Ave W....M5950While Spot Ltd 307 8tli Ave E M3701White Star Cale 220 Sth Avo E M5790White &' Walker Groeerieo & Dry Goods 1403

11th St W W436SWhile Wm res 1021 4th Ave W M31UWhiUhead J res 402 12th St NW - .-.L1601Whltelaw Mrs J A res 520 7th Ave NE ...H2988Whiteley E D res 1014 15th Ave W W1282Whitcman Miss Dorothy res 447 ^carboro Avc.,..W4769Whiteoak Jas T res 230 Ulh Ave NW H141SWhiOey M W res 636 20lh Avo W M7873Whillock Archie res 1032 2lst Ave E E5713Whitlock Mils E B res 1007 14tli Ave W W1408Whftlock Electric F E Wliltioek Mgr 706 14-A

St E E5B83Whitlock W E rci 1019 Shelbounie St .W1794


Whitman Dr Orman B res 20 Bandiart Apt>..,.R1805Whitney 6 L res 233 9tli Ave NE H1035Whitney Dan res 3815 Clh St W S0349Whitney Daniel Olfice 120 gih Ave W MX805Whitney Mrs E res 117 1st Ave W R2512Whitney Frank H res 320 39(h Av* W..,.. S0006Whiltaker—See also WhllikcrWhittaker H L—Ckilgary .91-3432Whiltaker R Lloyd—Calgary 91-3422Whittemore H T res 4009 Elbow Drive - S0119Whlttick Geo S res 638 13th Ave NE H3251Whiltleton Mrs Charlotte res 7 College Apl5....R1375Whittlngham's Meat Market Stall 26 Gty Hall

Market R202SWhittled H res 1028 WestniounC Rd ..L1860Whyle—See also UTilt*WhyU A res 1019 15lh Ave W ......_...W2130Whyt* A L res 606 Scarboro Ave W1129Whyte Andrew S Watchmaker & Jeweller 704a

Centre St ....MCOSBWhyle J D res 834 13lh Aye W ..„.„._.._..-RlM3Whyte W res 118 IStli jAve E __.-..-M5203Whyte W A res 1420 ScolUnd St -W4160Whyte WHIistm—Mldnaport ..,.........91-S421Witer H S res 611 3rd Ave W R21S6Wice L res 1810 1st St E M3001Wick S res 1319 ISth Ave W -V/3312WIckcns W J—Balne _.,„..„_-..-.91-1923Wicks Fred res 221 lllh St NW .L1603

WICO MAGNETO DISTRIBUTORSllutlon's Eioetric 131 lllh Ave W -.M5895

Wldncy-Uyingstene Anaconda Well 229 SthAve W M2832

WIdney Oils Ltd 229 8ib Ave W M2832Widncy RelineriM 229 Sth Ave W M2832Wieners John—Drlacour .91-2731Wlens Miss Agnete J res 613 17th Ave W M9895

' Wlens Miss Justfna res Upstairs 613 17(h Av*W _,.M3329

WleS^—See also WdssWIese H res 4.223 Clh Av* E M1860WKfin F W res 1207 17th Ave W _....WU47Wlgmore WJ res 3043 Olh St SW - S0652Wigwam The 0 I Harmor 834 12th Av* W. M2412Wilcox Mrs A res 211 6ih St NEWilcox E B res 417 6Ui Ave M3976WILDFIRE GOAL SALES

Wboiesal* only SOS Bay Bik

Wi! CALGARY vm 93


Wiley—S«e also Wllley, Wylle and Wyllie

WIKans A C 387 Sharon Ave -...W35S2WllkCi John W r«s 1 Uoulcon House,

Wllkln J F res 1732 12(h Ave \V .W313S

Wtlkln Joseph res 244 23rd Avo NW H2159

WIlUn M K—?lOdnapor» .91-5422

Wilkinson E M W res UIO lUverdalo Ave S0352

WILKINSON ELECTRIC COLTD 129 7th Ave W M3633C M Wilkinson Mgr res 524 Rosedala Cres... H20S0

Wilkinson Mrs F res S36 Gth Ave W

Wilkinson G M res 524 Rosedale Crescent H2050

V/llklnson Mrs H—Calgary 91-1212

WILKINSON & MoCLEAN LTD803 8th Ave W M4351

V/ilklnson R B res 3620 Gth St W S0328Wilkinson Robert res 3409 Elbow Drive S0231Wilkinson W H res 633 MeDougaU Kd R1S67Wilkinson's Rest Home 700 Lougheed Bldg M1241Wilks H B—Bou-ness _.91-6423Willeni Dorothy res 511 Gth St W JVI5249Wilians T res Windsor Park S0724Wlllins Wm E res 3005 4th St W S030I

WILLARD BATTERY DISTRUBUTORS .Motor Car Supply Co of Can-•Ja Ltd 317-321 6lh Ave W M4631

Willard Cummins & Robertson Grain Co GroinMerchants 406 Lancaster BliJg M1288

WlHerl Bros Welders 810 4th St W M5081WlHett 4 R res 1409 4lh St NW H146SWllley—Sec also Wiley, Wylie and Wyllle 'Wllley G W res 1300 6lh St NW H2680Williams Mrs A res 710 12th Ave W R1921WHtiams Mrs A res 1010 Ist St NW H3063Williams A H CPil Coal Conir 0'225a 8th

Avt W M2823Williams A H res 1754 1st Ave NW L2026iWilllims Mrs Allcen res 1602 lOth Ave W W3019WILLIAMS BROS -Mail Order House IM1516

Groceries Hardware etc 117 lOlii Ave W (MS75SCeo Williams

Frank Williams Office ....._.M5?71Ceo Williams rea 523 20lh Ave W ,...M7159Frank Williams res 3S34 Elliow Drive 50526

V/illiams Chester J res 3427 Elbow Drive SOS&S


Williams David S ru 3417 Elbow-Drive ........31127Williams E S res 3017 6tli St W S1196Williams Edwin rea 436 12lh Ave NE H1622Williams F C rea 803 SZnd Ave SB E4059Williams F H rrs 314 7th Si NW U882V/illlams F W res 004 15th Ave W ..W1171Williams Get) A res 1635 Bownesa Rd L1893Williams Henry res 215 12th Ave NW H1870Williams J A res 322 Otli Ave W M4S40V/llllims J D res 3S33 7-A St W .S0612Wplllams Mrs J E rcs'1807 J8ih St W W1467Williams J Flsner res QIC 14th Ave W .M7445Williams John res 824 20tb Ave W .W201S

WILLIAMS JOHN H CharteredAccountant 531 Lougheed Blilg M580S

Williams Jirhn H res 800 Rldeau Rood ...S0976Williams John M res 330 3Ulh Ave W.... 50321

Williams L res 504 8th Ave E M5603

Williams L C res 1735 S4lh Ave SW SOOOS

Williams Lewis T rea 1429 4th St NW H18a4

Williams M 4 res 623 2nd Ave W _....R2237

Williams Marcus res 1638 Broadview Rd L2779

Williams Miss Margueretla res 29-236 8tbAve W M4473

Williams Milton—Calgary .91-4822Williams Norman R res 1426 Westmount Blvd... L1019

WILLIAMS OR R G Phys & Surgeon3 4 4 231 Slh Ave W H3534Dr R G Williams tea 937 ISth Ave W W46S8

Williams Rev R H res 803 13lh St E E5011

WILLIAMS R H CO LTD THEladies' Heady-lo-Wear 1411-1415 4lh St W„..M74S2

WILLIAMS RAY Garage 900 ITtliAve W .W2123

Williams T J res 3212 6th St W S0230Williams Ted res Belfast Subdivision R1103Williams Thomas B res 3406 OCb St W ..._.....S0369Williams W B res 230 11-A St NW -....L2782Williams W G res 320 8th Ave NE __.H1386Williams W J res 1647 21st Ave W ......W1309Williams W J res 1128 8th Ave W M9013Williams W P res 1719 S3rd Ave W _— S069S

WILLIAMS A WILLIAMS QurterirdAccountants 531 Lougheed Bldg MSSOS

Williamson A J res 1G15 llth Ave W ,...W3357Williamson J C res 1216 lath Ave W .192003

Williamson Robert res 1322 1st St NW ........H3402

Williamson W E rea 309 13th St NW a764

Williamson's Paint Shop Auto Painters 209 8rdSt W R2432

Willis C E res 327 10^ St NW L2382Willis E T Groin Broker 514 & 618 Herald

Bldg M2587

Willis E T rea 3623 Elbow Drive S0305

Willis Ernest rea 1027 ISlh Ave W W4422

Willis-Harris K M res 322 24th Ave W M2769Willis Robin res 3901 3rd St W 50731Wllllson Mrs 0 res £18 2nd Ave NE..,_ H2028Willlts L D S res 1110 16lh Ave W _.,.....W4489Wllloughby M M r«a 314 Slst Ave W ._.,._...M9122Witlour Mrs Evva res 26 Lorraine Apts M9804Willows S res 1718 10 A St W W1144Wlllox G H res 410 Scarboro Ave .............W3689Wills K W—RH 2 Calgary 91-6013Wllljon A H res 133 20ili Ave NE H1567Wlllson C res 1414 lOlh Ave E ESS94

WILLSON STATIONERY COLTD THE Olfice SupjiUes (M39S4323 8th Ave W tM7767Wm Hughes Mgr res 723 8rd Ave W R2319

WUIson W H res 310 12lh Ave W M7320Wlllumscn Lars res 1451 Slst Ave W W1B73Wllmot H G rts 1813 30th Avo SW .W2207Wilmott Harry F res 2-510 nth Ave W M3594Wilson—See also WlilsonWilson A res 810 Blvd NW UOSSWilson A res 327 3rd Ave NE H3132Wilson A R res 33 0 12ih St NW - L19S8

Wilson Amos res 224 12cli Ave W M3293Wilson Andrew res 1614 8rd 51 NW H1908

Wilson Archibald E res 1730 5^2 St W M7309Wilson Arnold E Wilson Apts 1533 15 Av W...W3485

WILSON COAL A COKE LTDRetaU Yards lOdi Ave 4 10th St W W1343Wlmlesale Olfice 325 Slh Ave W M102G

A E tVilson Managing Director

Wilson Mrs D B res 1022 19(h Ave SE -.£5884Wilson 0 F res 348 I4lh Avo W __._..M9070Wilson Dave rea 119 18th Ave E .M4576

WILSON DISTRIBUTING COSee Wilson Transit 4 Dialributing Co Ltd101 12lh Ave W JA3567

Wilson E res 1811 28t3i Ave SW W2S17Wilson E tea 2216 20-A St W ....W2847Wilson Mrs E G res 331 19th Ave W ..._.„_.M9630Wilson Mrs Edith L res 230 8th Ave NW _._...H3319


WILSON DR P D Phyaidan 202Dominion Bank Bldg M3622

Wilton Dr F D res 1928 llth St W .....W4360Wilson F H res 2iS 27th Ave SE _..,M5605

Wilson Floral Greenhouses Col Walker EititeE Calgary E5544

Wilson Frank rea 2805 1st St E „_.,M4593Wilson G M rea lOSO 13th Ave W wanop•^ilson Geo rea 820 13th Ave W ,, R1J83Wilson George rea 907 6tb Ave NE R127SWilson George res 1420 2nii St NW_ H1514Wilson George A rea 319 9^4 St NW U510Wilson Glen 8—Albert Park _..91.2S34Wilson H B rea 104 1st St W R2116Wilson H e rea 627 2nd Ave NWWilson H E res 414 12th Ave NW

Wilson M W res 1520 28lh Ave SWWilson 1 L res 1935 2$th St WWilson Ivan N res 1911 llth St WWilson J tea 1610 15th St E

Wilson J res 122 Uth Ave WWilson J Add res 6 Bryant Apts -Wilson J 0 res 1117 Slh Ave KW ..Wilson J K res 1032 19th Ave E ..Wilson J Roy res 616 lOch Ave W „__..„..,M7.240Wilson James rvs 812 8rd Ave W .._.„_-R2475Wilson John res 612 Rldeau Rd S0312Wilson John A res 318 25tli Ave W ....... M44S4Wilson K B res 836 17lh Ave NW H2506Wilson Mrs L F res 732 18th Ave W 82792

WILSON A OSBORNE SHOESTORE 308a 8th Ave W _..,M1888Walter J Wibon res 107 Superior Ave ...... W4123

Wilson R rea 520 3rd Ave W R2494Wilson R E res 529a inth Ave W ,M7134Wilson Mrs R L rea 702 Blvd NW S'slde...^.. L2193Wilson Ralph B res 1402 6th St NW H346SWilson Richard rna 1025 2nd Ave NW 1.2580Wilson Richard M res 1229 10-A St NW U075Wilson Hobt res iOlOa 8tl> Avo E ES998Wilson Russell res 2 Cornell Apts W1540Wilson MissBadie L rea 502 Hlh Ave W R1727Wilson Mrs Sam rea C'J3 l.lib Ave E M1694Wilson Thos res 1215 8th Ave E E5803Wilson Transit & Distributing Ci» Ltd 101

12th Ave W M3S67Wilson W A res 1607 llth Ave W W3176Wilson W G res 930 14th Ave W .W2087


.. H1330




... E5S37.M33S3

.M3205....... L2577



THREE MINUTESPinsDominion Taxto OTTAWA - $6.75


94 ^

WiUon W W res 212 19lh Avc NE H1050

Wilson W W res 312 ISih Ave W M18D6

Wilson W W (BillJ res 1937 11th St \V .W2765Wilson W W W res 402 Anderson Apis ,.._.W3260Wilson's Book Store L C Wlson 105 8 Ave E...M1&47Wilson's Furniture Mart—Sec Calgary Furni

ture Store U1316Wilson's Seed Store 809 2nd St E M3660Wilton Harry res 211 14th St NW L2736Winands H J ns 2713 10th St SW _...W1222WTnohester Chas B Calgary Hardwood Flooring

Co HQS Munloek Rd RI166 •

Windsor-—See also Winser and IVlnaor

Windsor Bowling Alley 330 8lh Ave W M45&9Windsor Mrs M m 1206 3rd St E R182SWindsor Service Station Wm Faulkner 4th Are

& 9ih St W M5618

Wingfield H E res SOT 2Sth Ave NE H2137Winkelaar & res 235 25th Ave NE HlTll

WINNIPEG CASKET CO LTDLlndertakcra Supplies 402 11th Avo E M9393M Millard Manager res .*„.W1742

Winnipeg Dry Cleaners 1205a Ist St E M9321Winnipeg Grocery LIbin Bros 502 olh Ave \V,„.M3888WINNIPEG UNDERWRITERS


BREEDERS SUPPLY CO LTD—See Bartlett S Alyira (Chaunccy's Jewellery Store) 115a Slli Are E M2684

V/lnser—See alto Wndsor onii WiujorWmser Mrs A S E res 815 13lli Ave W R2754Winsor James H rea 70S 14lh St E. _.ES171Winspear W Willan res 114 Garden Cresccal... M5917WINSTANLEY G C Optometrist it

Opticiarr 401402 Soulhim BlJg M9259/Winltanley C C res 224 40lh Ave W S0384'WINTER AUSTIN de B Barrister

55 Canada Lilv BIdg M4563Winter Austin dc B res 2201 Ho:^ St W1230Winter Thomas B Grocery 2707 17th Ave W....W1829Winters A P rv» 910 Boulevard NiV USSSWinters Mrs L $ res llS 9iii Ave NE H1202WintJe Mrs Mabel res 428 13th St NW _.,,L2022Winton J res 1001 lOlh St W VV3183Wisharl L N res 1320 1st St NVf ._.H29S5Wishart Mrs M E res 726 8th Ave W M59B5Wishart Tom res 144S 24lh St W W2044Witard Mrs G res 1745 34lh Ave SW _.,.S0142V/iteher C J res 211 21st Ave NW H16S4Witnell P J >e» 1610 lath Avo W W4S43Wilheli W H res 1212 ISth Avc tV _._..W42BaWilt Mrs Percy res 420 Memorial Drive R1633Witlichen Mis Hard res 621 lOlh Ave W M9S69

WITTICHEN'S LTD CBl Slock Brokers9-23G Bill Ave W _.M4170

Wittup H res 819 Srii Ave NW L2413wodell J E res 842 Rldeau Rd S0087Woelk R F res 837 IStli Ave WWolf S res S49 McPhenoB Rd R1592Wolfe J H res 23(1 5ih Ave NE H2319Wolfe 0 E res 312 3rd Ave NE __,„H1036Wolfson S res 519 13th Ave E .M7197Wollcy-Dod U Col A G res BIS 30lh Ave IV ..,,$13691VVoiley-Ood W R res 3O20 7th St W S1191Woiochow M rra A f.'imnaiight Apis M5690WollhuiS M B ns 302 5lh Ave W M9928Wolfon Allrcd res Ronlrtw Bldg M2S7SWolton Ell E res 416 17tli Ave NW H131iWoilon H res 528 Uth Avc NE _.H2315Wolton Mrs H W res C36 7th Ave W „.1 MS929Women's Exchange Calgary 1307 Ist St VV ... M9e30Wong George Fru'rt Merchant Stall 16 Gty Hall

Market H2026Wong King Fruit Merchant Stall 82 Gty Hall

Market R2026Wong Rung Hal Tong res SOS GeaUe SI B2312Wong M C Cafe 210 Centre St R1S84Wong M C res 216 (Tentre St RZ702Wong Peter Fruit Merchant Stall 34 City Hall

Wong Wun Sun na 808 Gnlre St R2359Wong Von res 208 Centre St '.R2862Wong Vue Fruit Mereluuit Stall IB City iiaU

Market R2026


Wonnacott A E res 3S19 1st St SE S1225V/onnacott A Roy res 1116 IGth Ave W W4545Wonnacott Mrs E—Midnapors 91-5312Wonnacott F A—De Winton ..._ .91-5111Wood A D res 1731 Westmoimt Rd L2310

Wood A H Red & Wlilte Grocery 1436 Ken-ainglon Rd L1870

Wood C F res 823 3rd Avc NW L2623Wood Mrs 0 res 507 ISlh Si NW U686V/ood E M res 901 "iVs. St NW H225IWood E W res 1207 Bownesa Rd L2227Wood Geo I res 3826 8th St SW S039SWood George J res IGll Shdboume St W1939Wood H—Hubalta .91-3425Wood H W Chairman Alta Wheat Fool Olfico

802 Loughced BIdg M46GGWood Harold 6 res 723 5ih St NW L1573Wood Harry res 1417 la St NW H1812Wood Hugh res 3617 Centre B St NW H^29Wood J Harris res 908 2nd Ave NW L2120Wood J 0 res 428 Kith Ave NE H1118Wood L R res 2605 8th St W W1728

Wood Mrs M res 100 City Hall Comer R1610Wood Mrs R H res 1128 17th Ave W W15Z0Wood Ronald res 1333 13th Avc W W4652Wood V J res Ell 2nd St NE HUlO


Wholesale Hardware 118 lllb Avc E M5505

Private Branch Exchange connecting all DcplsGeneral Olfitc and EngulryGeneral Manager W M IrivinCredit Afanager E J UurkellPurcliasing Sales Dcpl R A FryRadio A Refrigeration II L JeffriesSpocting Goods 4t Cutlery[Auto Accessories j MC RiceAccountant D D LivingstonePricing Dcpt E G .McLeanFrelgtit Oeparttnenl TAdjusiment & Claims >W T Hunle*Office Manager JGty Order DcplStock Room & Slielf HardwareShipping h Heavy Goods Dopartmer)l

Wood W C res 620 ISlh Av» W M21T9Wood Waiter res 619 C-A St NE ;.,..R1604Wood Wilfred res 820 Ist Si NW H19S4Wood's Christian Homes—Bowncss L2021Woodali Frank res 3835 Centre St S ..._ S0938Woadail H B res 307 25tli Ave W M3555Woodcrafts Julin L Eillund Mgr j}l9a 17th

Ave W W2328Woodferd Mrs U M res SOU ]2th Ave SE H3242Woodhall P S res 319 15th Ave W M1554Wooding A W res 829 7th Ave W ..M2926Woodley Art res 625 nth Ave W M2033Woodley H T res 624 2l5t Avc W ,M'1158Woodlock P A res 1811 Centre St S .MS261Woodman Frank L res 1318 Montiva) Ave W2396Woodfow G F res 314 lOlh Ave NE H2014Woodrow L H res 1168 Weslmount Blvd L2211Woodrufl H R res 601 6th St W M1378Woods B M—Balrne 91-1623Woods Dan res 5014 2nd St SW S0029Woods F G (Cliestermerc Lake) Forest Lawn 91-2915Woods F W S res 712 14-A St E E5866

WOODS H Phimblns and Beating 793 7thAve W M4137

Woods J H ICS 323 3Qlb Ave W S0534Woods L—Calgary 91-5712Woods Robin res 440 20lh Are NW H1748Woods Underwear Co Ltd 16 Union BIdg M7484Woods W res 1920 28th Ave SW W4481

WOODSIDE C T WlioIesaJe GroceryBroker 204 Toole Feet Biilg R1041

Woodside C 7 res 110 Roihoro Rd S0491Woodward N P res 720 38th Ave W S0641Woodworth A K res 1501 10th St W. W3125Woalle J res 117 11th Ave NE .. H1461Woolley H G res 1220 llfh Ave W W1365Woolley J P res 206 21st Ave NW H1092Woolley R A res 226 GiU Ave W M7752Woolley Mrs T H tc* 1425 10th Avo E...„ E5199


Woolliaras Bros—Calgary .91-1221Woolliams W 0—Balrae .91-2414

WoDlrlch Mis M res 3 Bessborough Apts R1134Woolston R res 1327 Bowiiess Rd U331Wofllworth F W Co Ltd 226 228 Slh Ava W....H589DWordcn Mrs H G res 820 14lh Avc W .R2381Wordie James res 711 2nd St NE „...H2954Wordie Wm res 129 9lli Ave NE ...H2ai5Worger F J res 133 23rd Ava NE ...H31S0Workmen's Compensation Board 1-128 7th

Ave W IV1295S


Worrall Mrs Olive res 309 ISth Ave NE ,..H162SWorsicy James E—Calgary .91-3114Worsnop Mrs B Grocery 1S30 17th St W W4430Worsnop W Shoe Repair & Grocery 1201 1st

St E .,M2957Wralhall Geo res'807 6th Ave W M914SWfay—See also Rae Ray and ReaWray Charles res 1011 lllh Avo W. .W2d33Wray H H res 610 Crescent Rd H1S13Wray T K res 315 6tli Ave NE H2008Wren Roy res 14 Aberdeen Apts. .M397IIWright Alex res 1022 ICtli Avo NW HidSSWright Arthur R res 332 25lh Ave W .M4844Wright Dr C B res B Sills Apts MJ448Wright C E res 1028 15th Ave W W4390Wright Chas res 2031 36IU Ave SW 30382Wright F T res 614 24lti Ave W _-M9889

Wright Frederick J ce.v 218 4th Avc NE H1079Wright G T res 1039 14lli Avc W W2727Wright G W res 1315 Bowncss Rd L1333Wright H res 014 1211i Avc NE H30S5

Wright H E res 1833 Shclbournc St W1453Wright Harry res 3-13 8lh Avo NE H312aWright Mrs Harry P. res 7 Aberdeirn Apts M1394

WRIGHT DR HERBERT WDonllsi 220a 8tli Ave W .M1249

Wright Of Hirbcrl W res 810 ISlh Avc W R1464Wright J Efros 3212 Gth St W S0230WRIGHT DR J ELMER Dentist

1-2 Lsngmsn BIdg 3fd St IV di Slh Avo M77-I4

Wright Or J Elmer res 1S35 Montreal Ave ...W4146Wright Jack res 124 ISlJi Ave NW H2231Wright James res 318 Slh Avo W _...M725SWright James res 3218 14lh St W S0634Wright Jesse D res 603 5th Ave W M5737Wright Jos res 1114 15th Ave W W1908Wright L ret 914 6-A St NW L1343Wright Miss M G Millinery 3.31a Sth Ave W... M2&35Wright Miss Mildred res S lleaty Apts ... M4990Wright Mrs S L rw 816 3rd Ave W R2566Wright Mrs T A res 111 Devenlsh Apis .W3142Wright Or Victor W Phys & Surg 1-308 Slh

Ave W M3768

Wright Or Victor W res 636 ISlh Ave W R1448Wright W H rr.s 4115 Kensinglon Rd L1M5Wnght W R rss 614 23rd Avc W M4958Wright William J n-s 3519 15lh St W S0758

WrighUon Thos M res 327 13lh Ave NW. H2D37

WRIGHTSON'S MEAT MARKETThos M Wrightson Prop 1203 20 Ave NW . H1637

WuBhbtmhetsl Mrs M A res 1603 I2lh Ave W W1503Wirnsth Adale rej 2111 2nd St W M544EWyalt J A rcj 305 7th Ave NE H3371Wyckofi B W res 312 22nil Ave W M1565Wyers Hubert A res 834 20ili Avc W W2668Wylle—See also Wiley, Willcy and WyllieWylle A J res 427 19th Avc NE H2109Wylle A P res 1031 IBtii Ave W W4966.Wylle Alex W res 1222 iDih Ave W W2329Wylle 0 res 812 21$t Ave E a ES172Wyilte John res 902 l£tli Avc W W1791Wytile W J E res 1129 13th Ave W ._„...W1929Wyman J res 3009 6tlt St W S0266Wynne F C res 3U8 Devenlsh Apts W4il2

Tac CALGARY 2]a 95

Prompt Courteous Serviceto Ladies 110 A 7



Yackneit M res 1651 Bomcn Rd ..^./...L267?

Yale AoartmcnU Rental OCflce 229 Alberta

Gomer M2i4S

Vale Gco E res 3 !3 6th Ave NE . H2125

YALE HOTEL E S Campbell Mfr Opposite CPR Depot ,.M4604Pdvale Branch Exchange connecting all Rooms

Yale Nellie Maud res 337 6th Ave NE K174S

Yardicy P J—Calgary ,91-4723

Yarnell R H res B14 22nd Ave W M5807

Vales—See also Yeats

VaUS Mrs Marcello res 633 Ctb Avi E.._.-...M533«

Veabslcy F res 1636 SCth St SW W2929

Yeanvood C C res 2204 14-A St W W3714

Ycalman Mrs Helen L res S Saundcrs A|i(s,...M9941

Yeats—See alto Vatea

Yeau Mrs Alex tea 1818 ZDlh Ave SW .W2086

Yeats C W res 1604 lolh St E E5947

VtO A P res 317 4th Ave NE H2521

Ye Olde English Fish Restaurant F Bartlett Prop705a Centre St M2L35

Yeomsns A G res 442 13tfa Ave NE H262S

Veomins E H res 412 12th Ave NE H222a

Yeoward Miss E res 6 Houllon House R1917

Yorath D K rc» 1014 34lh Ave SW S0763York Cigar & News Stand in4a 7lh Ave E .. M9066York Friscur Salon Barber Shop fit Beauty

Parlor 102 7th Ave E R1597York Grocery 1 Sigal Prop U20 17th Ave E ES37S

YORK HOTEL 7th Ave & Centre St.. M5S85Private Branch Exchange connecting all Rooms

York Hotel Collec Shop 7tb Ave & Centre St M4746York Service Station E Kill 6 Av & Centre St... M1408

York Thos res 305 II A Si NW U968Younj A C D res 1913 10-A St W W465SYoung A D res 400 Scarboro Ave W3532Young Alnsiey res 2204 7th St W W1539Young Airtsley—Calgary .91*3532Young Andrew res 221 13lh Ave NW H2535Young C E res 1602 Broadview Rd L1228Young 0 J res 2106 8lh St W W40B2

YOUNG O J <Bs CO LTD Books AStationery 233 Sth A\x W M294&

Young e C res 918 Ifitb Ave B £4063

Young Electric Walter A Young 034 17th Av W R1729

Young Erriest J res 614 25th Avo W ..........M4185Young F C res 411 I2th Ave E -T". M9073Young Frank E-'Calgary .........91-6121Young Frank R res 106 34th Ave E M24S7Young Fred G res 1301 Sth St NW H2657Young Fred W- -Springbank _.._..__..,91-6125Young Gco res 3662 la St SW .S0272Young Gco & Sons--Calgary . .__..-.91-6029Young Riiv H res 3826 Rtb Si W 50541Young Hugh res 1139 Sth St E - E5504Young Hugh M res 1530 17th Ave W ._..W4038Young Mrs J res 2.17 Slst Ave SE ; M3948Young i E «s 82? 20th Ave NW H1988Young J Earle res 601 18th Ave W M4979Young John rei 818 I7lh Aw NW H1681Young John R res 219 lOlh St NW L269SYoung John T res SOS 6th St W R23S3Ygung Mrs K C res 316 40lb Ave W ........ S03B1Young Mrs M A res 236 5th Ave W M2550Young Marlln H re* 2 Avonlca Apts. M7130Young R Uelghlon res 2415 Sml St SC M2S0SYoung R N res 904 ZOih Ave W 194844Young R S res I Connaught Apt* R2374Young T W res 1112 3nd St NE H1388Young Waiter J—RR 3 Calgary _91*6124Young Wm res 2126 Xfilh St W ....... W4771Young William—RR 1 Balaao 91-1534Young's Garage 123 6lh Ave E M2427Voungblood Fred res 4 Rosamore Apt* M9021Youngman Harry Meat Market Stall 20 City

Hall Market n2026

Youngman Henry res 514 10th St NE R147S


YOUNG WOMEN'S CHRISTIANASSOCIATION Oinee 223 12 Av W... M1425Cenrral Secretary & Departmental Staff M4060

Yuen Bew 8r Co Market Gardens 4Cth Av NB. H2366Yuen Nue Nsm Tong res 123a 2n<i Ave B . R1964Yuen Toy Market Gardener 3714 4tb St NE. H2157Yule J res 30.71 4tli St W ,50083


Zahaw Joe res 230 Underwood Blk .M1635Zahara Roy Cartage—Forest Lawn ...91-3221ZbryskI J Well Driller—Forest Lawn .91-3213Zetnans H W res 602 Rideau Rd .50577


Zerrweek C F res 545*l4th Ave W M7455ziegler A G res 2311 14th St W W4938Zlmmertnxn Or James Dentist 810 Soulham

Bldg M7272Zimmerman Or James res 2 Harvard Apts ... W1434Zimmermann Stephanie res 521 13th Ave E ... M4724Ziialman I res 210 Dcvcnisli Apes _._...W4761Zoraltl John res 315 19th Ave W M4002Zuldema Charles res 503 11th Ave W M3SS8





If not, you are missingOpportunities, of wnichYour Competitors Avail


For Advertitlzig Rates Apply

DIRECTORY AOVERtlSING DEPARTMENTAltrerts Government Telephones

119 Sixth Avenue West, CalgaryMATSa Phones M4T3A


Closes for Press May Ist, 1933

Reserve a Space for Your Ad. NOW! Phone M4733