82223 guidelines

8/19/2019 82223 Guidelines http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/82223-guidelines 1/5 Format and Rules for Dissertation Batch 2011-16  The Dissertation submitted to the University shall be in accordance with the structure and format laid down as follows: 1. Research report should be printed on A4 size paper on one side with font size 12, 1! "ine spacin# in $%imes &ew Roman' alon# with foot notes font size 10 line spacin# 1 in $%imes &ew Roman'()nd notes shall not *e accepted+with minimum 1!0 num*er of pa#es 2. There must be a preliminary submission of Research synopsis to the panel of faculty members appointed for the said purpose. Modications if any! su""ested by #anel members must be incorporated and then the nal copies shall be submitted. $. Research report %inal! should be in properl ard *ound form and must be submitted in . copies to the University after panel approval. 4  All students are re/uired to su*mit their respectie topic of dissertation (%opic selected specicall from onors aper+ on or *efore 20th of Deceme*er, 201! positiel %he hae to send their topic of dissertation to their respectie #uides within stipulated time limit onl &. %inal dissertation topic shall be selected and re"istered after consultation with the allotted 'upervisor. %opic and 3uperisor once allotted shall not *e su*ect to an chan#e . (. )ll the students are e*pected to submit their ori"inal wor+. )ny form of pla"iarism found in the nal copy of the research report submitted by the students!, he-she shall be subected to disciplinary action of the appropriate authority. /. The allotted "uide shall have the discretion of not to accept the nal research report submitted by the students!, if he-'he is not satised by the wor+ done by the said students!.

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Format and Rules for Dissertation

Batch 2011-16

 The Dissertation submitted to the University shall be in accordance with the

structure and format laid down as follows:

1. Research report should be printed on A4 size paper on one side

with font size 12, 1! "ine spacin# in $%imes &ew Roman'

alon# with foot notes font size 10 line spacin# 1 in $%imes &ew

Roman'()nd notes shall not *e accepted+with minimum 1!0

num*er of pa#es2. There must be a preliminary submission of Research synopsis to the

panel of faculty members appointed for the said purpose. Modications

if any! su""ested by #anel members must be incorporated and then

the nal copies shall be submitted.$. Research report %inal! should be in properl ard *ound form and

must be submitted in . copies to the University after panel approval.4   All students are re/uired to su*mit their respectie topic of 

dissertation (%opic selected specicall from onors aper+ on

or *efore 20th of Deceme*er, 201! positiel %he hae to

send their topic of dissertation to their respectie #uides

within stipulated time limit onl&. %inal dissertation topic shall be selected and re"istered after

consultation with the allotted 'upervisor. %opic and 3uperisor once

allotted shall not *e su*ect to an chan#e.(. )ll the students are e*pected to submit their ori"inal wor+. )ny form of 

pla"iarism found in the nal copy of the research report submitted by

the students!, he-she shall be subected to disciplinary action of the

appropriate authority./. The allotted "uide shall have the discretion of not to accept the nal

research report submitted by the students!, if he-'he is not satised

by the wor+ done by the said students!.

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0. 'tudents are supposed to submit their nal research report alon# with

the soft cop within the stipulated time. Research report produced

after the said stipulated time shall not *e accepted  by the

appropriate authority.

5 'tudents are supposed to "ive the presentations for minimum 10

minutes to maimum 1! minutes *efore the panel1. itations should follow the rules as detailed in The 3lueboo+: )

Uniform 'ystem of itation, 14th 5dition! for a simple idea, contributors

may refer to the table below which deals with some important formats

of citation accordin" to the 3lueboo+. This is not an e*haustive list and

is not intended to be a comprehensive "uide to the 3lueboo+ itself.

ontributors are encoura"ed to adhere to the 3lueboo+ in its entirety

for the purpose of maintainin" uniformity in their citation format.

3ource to *e 7ited 7itation 8uideBoo9s  Tripathi '. , ompetition 6aw, %irst

5dition 212, entral 6aw #ublication,

)llahabad, 21&.

Mishra '. 7, 8ndian #enal ode,

'i*teenth 5dition 20, entral 6aw

#ublication, )llahabad. :ournal Article David . %ortney, Thinking Outside

the “Black Box”: Tailored

Enforcement in Environmental

Criminal Law, 01 T59)' 6. R5. 1(4


&ewspaper Article harles 6ane, Law Curbing !"!#

$unded %ttorne&s is 'e(ected, ;)'<.

#='T, Mar. 1, 21, at )>.;e*site  ?onathan <. )dler, % $ew Thoughts on

the "econd Circuit)s *O+% *ecision,

 T<5 =6=@< =7'#8R)A, =ct. 14,

212, 0:2( )M!,


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domaBdecision- last visited 7ov. 2,

212!.7ases #ro. Covt. .#. 3erar v. 3alaram,

).8.R. 14$4 7a"pur 1$4

Mahesh Mahto v. 'tate of 3ihar, 144/

ri. 6.? >>2 '..!

3i#nals   'upportive citations when the te*t

cited may be derived from the

footnoted authority!

  ontradiction used to show that

the authority cited e*presses a

diEerent viewpoint than the

precedin" authority!

 8bid3ac+"round F used to provide a

bac+"round for the statement in the


e."'upportive Fused when "ivin"

one e*ample amon" several in

support of the te*t!

8d. Used when the citation is e*actly

the same as the citation made

directly before the said citationG may

be followed by a diEerent pa"e

number if reHuired with IatJ in no

italics succeeded by the relevant

pa"e number!

'upra Used when the same source

has been cited elsewhere in the

document but not immediately

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precedin" the said citationG must be

followed by the words Inote Knumber

of the citationLJ!

11. Research report should be properly pa"e numbered, ali"ned,

 ?ustied and chronolo"ically arran"ed as per the under mentioned


7hronolo#ical structure of the Research Report<

 Title #a"e

erticate Duly 'i"ned by the 'upervisor!

)c+nowled"ement Duly 'i"ned by the 'tudent!

 Table of ontents

6ist of ases

6iterature Review

=bective of 'tudy

'tatement of #roblem


Research Methodolo"y

Research Desi"n

hapter 1 8ntroduction

hapter 2 <istorical 3ac+"round

hapter $,>, &,. )ccordin" to the Topic!

hapter (: onclusion and 'u""estions


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3iblio"raphy )lphabetically =rder!

 K7ote: 8t is to inform all students of 'em. 89 that compulsory classes will be

held on =th  Dec to 5th  Dec, 201!  durin" which "uidelines for research

methodolo"y- clinical <onors will be briefed and supervisor will be allotted.

>mportant dates<

  Date of su*mission of topic< on or *efore

2012 1!

  Date of snopsis su*mission< on or *efore
