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Post on 23-Mar-2016




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robin bertram Robin Bertram is a native of Virginia, with a Bachelors of Science Degree in Psychology, an ordained minister, a Christian speaker, an author, and executive producer and host of the national and international television show “Freedom Today.” Robin has appeared as a guest on numerous tel television shows, such as TCT’s “Rejoice”, “The Mike Simon Show” of Promiseland Network, “How to Beat the Odds”, LeSEA’s “The Harvest Show”, CTN’s “Bridges” and “The Herman and Sharron Show”,WATC TV 57’s “Atlanta Live” and “Friends and Family”, and Dove’s “Niteline.” Robin’s television show, “Freedom Today” is presently being aired by NRB on Direct TV throughout the USA, Parables Network, Legacy Network, and Isaac TV throughout thecontinent of Asia.

RRobin is the Regional Director for Christian Women in Media, Southeast/Nashville regions. Christian Women in Media is an organization dedicated to connecting women who are active in Christian media, to bring spiritual and professional enrichment. She serves on the National Advisory Board and was honored with the 2010 Exceptional Service Award and the 2012 National Advisory Board Service Award. Robin hosts CWIMA events in Nashville, TN, Atlanta, GA, and Dallas, TX.

Robin is the Founder and President of Robin Bertram Ministries. She hosts “T“Transformed” and “Freedom Today” conferences in cities across the US. She is also keynote speaker for Bella Women’s Network and Igniting Women Conferences. Robin resides in South Carolina with her husband Ken, and has a son, Logan, and daughter, Taylor.