8.6 partial orderings

8.6 Partial Orderings

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8.6 Partial Orderings. Definition. Partial ordering – a relation R on a set S that is Reflexive, Antisymmetric , and Transitive Examples? R={( a,b )| a is a subset of b } R={( a,b )| a divides b } on {1,2,3,4} R={(1,1),(1,2),(1,3),(1,4),(2,2),…} R={( a,b )| a≤ b } - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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8.6 Partial Orderings

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DefinitionPartial ordering– a relation R on a set S that is Reflexive, Antisymmetric,

and Transitive

Examples?• R={(a,b)| a is a subset of b }

• R={(a,b)| a divides b } on {1,2,3,4}– R={(1,1),(1,2),(1,3),(1,4),(2,2),…}

• R={(a,b)| a≤ b }

• R={(a,b)| a=b+1 }

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Partially ordered set (poset)

• (S,R) -- a set S and a relation R on S, that is R, A, and T.

• Often we use (S, ≼) • Note: is a generic symbol for R≼• It includes the usual ≤, but it is more general. It also

covers other poset relations: divides, subset,…

• We say a b iff aRb≼• Also a b iff a≺ ≺ b and a≠b

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Examples and non-examples of posets (S, ≼)

• 1. (Z, ≤) proof

• 2. (Z, ≥)

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More examples

• 3. (Z, |) where | is “divides”

• 4. ( Z+ , |)

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…examples• 5. (P(S), ) where S={1,2,3} and P(S) is the

power set

• 6. (P(S), ) where S is a set and P(S) is the power set

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• Def: The elements a and b of a poset (S, ≼) are said to be “comparable” if either a ≼b or b ≼a.• Otherwise, they are “incomparable.”

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Comparable, incomparable elements• For each set, find

comparable elements incomparable (if any):

1. (Z, ≤ ) using the usual ≤ 2. (Z+, |)

3. (P(S), ) where S={1,2,3}

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totally (linearly) ordered set

• Def:• A poset (S, ≼) is a totally (linearly) ordered set

if every two elements of S are comparable. • ≼ is then a total order, and S is a chain.

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Are these examples total orders or not?

• (Z, ≤ )

• (Z+, |)

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Lexicographic Order (dictionary)

Things to consider:Longer lengths or different lengths in words Ex: Discreet<discreteDiscreet<discreetnessDiscrete<discretion

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Lexicographic order

• Suppose (A1, ≼1) and (A2, ≼2) are two posets.

• Let (a1, a2), (b1, b2) A1xA2

• Let (a1, a2) ≺ (b1, b2) in case either a1 ≺ 1 b1 or (a1=b1 and a2 ≺ 2 b2)

• Letter or number examples

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(A1xA2, ≼) is a poset

• Proof Method?• Proof – see book

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Hasse diagram

• Hasse diagram—a diagram that contains sufficient information to find a partial ordering

• Algorithm:– create a digraph with directed edges pointing up– remove all loops (reflexive is assumed)– remove any (a,c) where (a,b) and (b,c) are present

(transitivity assumed)– remove arrows (direction up is assumed)

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Ex. 1. S={1,2,3,4}; poset (S, ≤)

Original digraph reduced diagram4|3|2|1

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Ex. 2: (S, ≼) where S={1,2,3,4,6,8,12} and ≼ ={(a,b)|a divides b}

Shorthand: ({1,2,3,4,6,8,12}, | ) 8 12| |4 6| |2 3|1

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Ex 3: Hasse diagram of (P({a,b,c}), )

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Ex. 4: Hasse of ({2,4,5,10,12,20,25,}, | )

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Maximal, minimal…• Def:• Let (S, ≼) be a poset and a S.– a is maximal in (S, ≼) if there does not exist b S such that a ≺

b.– a is minimal in (S, ≼) if there does not exist b S such that b ≺

a.– a is the greatest element of (S, ≼) if b ≼ a for all b S.– a is the least element of (S, ≼) if a ≼ b for all b S.

• • Find examples of maximal, greatest elements,… in above


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greatest element

• Claim: The greatest element, when it exists, is unique.

• Proof:– Method?

• Similarly, the least element, when it exists, is unique.

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Upper bound,…

• Def: Let (S, ≼) be a poset and A S.– If uS and a ≼ u for all aA,u is an upper bound of A.– If l S and l ≼ a for all a A, l is an lower bound of A.– x is a least upper bound of A , lub(A), if x is an upper

bound and x ≼ z for every upper bound z of A.– y is a greatest lower bound of A , glb(A), if y is a lower

bound and z ≼ y for every lower bound z of A.

– Remark: lub and glb are unique when they exist.

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Ex. 5(S, ≼ )A={b,d,g}, B=(d,e}

h i upper bounds of A:| lub(A)=

g f lower bounds of A:| | glb(A)=d e| | upper bounds of Bb c

lower bounds of Ba

• find lub and glb

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Ex. 6: A={4,6,8} with “divides” relation


Note: lub=?glb=?

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Well-ordered set

Def: (S, ≼) is well-ordered set if it is a poset such that ≼ is a total ordering and every nonempty subset of S has a least element.

Find Ex and non-ex.:• (Z+, ≤)• (Z, ≤)• (Z+ x Z+, lexicographic order)• (R+, ≤)

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Topological sorting

Use: for project ordering Def:A total ordering ≼ is compatible with the partial order R if

a ≼ b whenever aRb.The construction of such a total order is called a

topological sorting. Lemma: Every finite non-empty poset (S, ≼ ) has a minimal


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({2,4,5,10,12,20,25}, | )Recall Hasse diagram for ({2,4,5,10,12,20,25}, | )

Create several topological sorts.

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House Ex- book

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Advising example