8th grade writting portfolio

Kayleigh Willeroy’s Chaffin Seventh Period Language Arts 11 May 2014

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Kayleigh Willeroy’s


Seventh Period Language Arts

11 May 2014

Eighth Grade Writing Portfolio

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Table of Contents:

Pg. 1-Cover Page Pg. 18-Personal Choice 1/ Reality Check

Pg. 2-Table of Contents Pg. 19-Personal Choice 1/ Reality Cont.

Pg. 3-Persuasive/ Healthier School lunches Pg. 20-Personal Choice 2/ Nothing

Pg. 4-Persuasive/ Healthier School lunches cont. Pg. 21-Personal Choice 3/ Spanish Weather

Pg. 5-Persuasive Reflection Pg. 22-Personal Choice 4/ Science Fair Org.

Pg. 6-Informational/ Acting as a career choice Pg. 23-Personal Choice 4/ Science F. cont.

Pg. 7-Informational/ Acting as a career choice cont. Pg. 24-Per. Ch.5/ Never in a Million Years

Pg. 8-Informational/ Acting as a c. choice cont.2 Pg. 25-Personal Choice 6/ Gov. Shut Down

Pg. 9-Informational Reflection Pg. 26-Personal Choice Writing Reflection

Pg. 10-Narrative/ Zach Pg. 27-Upgrade 1

Pg. 11-Narrative/ Zach cont. Pg. 28-Upgrade 1 cont.

Pg. 12-Narrative Reflection Pg. 29-Upgrade 1 cont.

Pg. 13- Literary Response/ Monica Lin Pg. 30-Upgrade 1 cont.

Pg. 14-Literary Response Reflection Pg. 31-Yearbook Upgrade Reflection

Pg. 15-Subjunctive Mood Poem/ Friends are trees Pg. 32- Upgrade 2

Pg. 16-Personal Choice Poem/ Broken Toys Pg. 34- Digital Upgrade Reflection

Pg. 17- Poetry Reflection Pg. 35- Feedback

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Kayleigh Willeroy


Seventh Period Language Arts

9 May 2014

Adding more healthy choices to school lunches.

Studies show that prison lunches are often significantly healthier than school lunches.

This is sad considering America’s criminals are receiving better food than America’s students.

By changing the menu at schools and adding healthier options we can change problems like

diabetes in children and childhood obesity. Of course this will be a rigorous process but once

completed we can turn the horrid statistics around.

I am aware that schools receive free food from the government to help feed students.

Many of these prepackaged frozen meals contain countless amounts of preservatives that can be

harmful to the human body. If we raised the prices on lunches this would help cover the cost of

buying organic and fresh foods. Eliminating preservatives.

Another way to help the school be able to purchase healthier foods is fundraisers. The

schools could hold races or runs to help make money. Students could also sell items to make

money for the schools.

If schools bought less food that would help reduce the cost as well. Most of the time

when a student purchases lunch they have two different options. Students don’t always like one

of these options and waste food in turn wasting money. If the school lets the student have more

choices students will eat what they pick out. Wasting less money.

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School lunches are a serious problem especially in America’s schools. If we can change

this by purchasing healthier food items why don’t we! Let’s make a difference

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Kayleigh Willeroy


Seventh Period Language Arts

10 May 2014

I picked this specific topic of school lunches because, I truly believe that this is an

epidemic in our schools. This paper helped me research the topic more closely. I learned that

making changes to better school lunches would be expensive and rigorous however, there are

still ways. I also learned the statistic that prisoners often eat healthier than students.

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Kayleigh Willeroy


Seventh Period Language Arts

9 September 2013

The career cluster that I chose this fine arts, my specific career is acting.

       In the career of acting you do a variety of different things. You need lots of skills continue

into the world of acting. I was surprised by the list of activities that you might encounter while

completing his career! Being able to complete many of these skills will be very helpful to you

receiving a role in the television or movie industry. Acting may look easy but not everything is

as it seems to be!

     Here are some tasks that you might encounter, thinking creatively, making decisions and

solving problems, memorizing countless lines, organize, plan and privatize work, develop and

build teams. The list continues on and on these are just a few of the tasks you come to face to

face with on a daily basis. Here are some other activities that you will complete; perform

activities that use the whole body, coordinate the work and activities of others, develop goals and

strategies, communicate with supervisors and peers, establish relationships, perform for the

public and, get information needed to complete the assigned activity.

     I choose acting for many reasons. One of the reason is I used to perform in drama club and I

loved it more than anything. Unfortunately, I moved to a different school and they didn't offer

such programs. I also enjoy working with others which is a huge part of acting. Overall I love

acting, I love being on stage in front of large groups and being portray someone else. The

average pay for an actor or actress varies. And Georgia GCIS categorized the pay into three

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separate tiers, starting is about $12.39 an hour and medium is 16.03 hourly. What is even more

surprising is the top tier at $36.96 hourly!

     The future job outlook for acting is semi high in the state of Georgia but unfortunately,

decreases in other states. The reason I believe that the number of job increased is due to the fact

that most movies are filmed in Georgia.

     There are several high school courses recommended. Some of these courses are chorus,

dance, drama, stagecraft and, public speaking. Some actors or actresses are self-employed. If that

is the case then you should also take accounting, entrepreneurship and, introduction to business.

     The three colleges that would be recommended for my career of acting are as follows

University of Georgia, California State University and Ohio State University. They all offer

programs in the career of acting. All three of these colleges also offer at least a bachelors and

masters degree in this field.

     The University of Georgia only accepts students with a 2.0 GPA, a 28 on the ACT, and a SAT

score of reading- 608, math-  617 and, writing- 607. California State University only requires a

2.0 GPA and an ACT score of 21. Ohio State University requires a 2.5 GPA.

     My favorite college out of my options is University of Georgia because here I could receive

the Hope scholarship and receive the in-state tuition price instead of the out of state tuition price

which is significantly higher. It's also closer to home so I won't have to make tons of new

friends! The things they look for when deciding whether not to except applicants is as follows,

high school GPA, difficulty of high school courses, standardized test scores, high school rank,

application essay and, talent or ability.

     As funding and scholarships proceed, I plan on getting a 3.0 GPA and use the Hope

scholarship. In addition to the Hope scholarship I found an organization called SAG which

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awards up to $40,000 and money to go toward my college fund. If all else fails I plan on

applying for financial aid and taking a loan out from the bank!

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Kayleigh Willeroy


Seventh Period Language Arts

10 May 2014

I competed this paper for career management, this course was one of my favorite middle

school classes. This was my “final paper” for his class and I am very happy with it. I learned

more about my plan for college. By having to research this project I learned about a large amount

of colleges that offer different programs.

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Kayleigh Willeroy


Seventh Period Language Arts

3 January 2014


Singing in the rain, I danced like I meant it. I was having the time of my life. I figured I

wasn’t going to hold back anymore since I had only two weeks to live. Having a measly twenty

dollars in my pocket, I held my icy cold white fingers over my pants pocket so the rain wouldn’t

dare touch the money my mother had given me. I had received the money from my mom after

radiation to go get a snack from the 7/11 about two blocks away. I know the only reason she ever

gave me money after radiation was so she could have “alone time” with her boyfriend of seven

months even though she told me that I got the money as a treat for going to radiation.

Born to die was playing on the store radio when I entered the musty 7/11 which was

strangely ironic because after all I was going to die soon. The underpaid and un-friendly Indian

man who was always in the store stared at me with his cold hard brown eyes as if the boy with

no hair was going to steal his cheap merchandise.

Knowing my plans to purchase cigarettes were completely futile because my mother

came into this 7/11 often and even though brown eyes probably wouldn’t say anything I wasn’t

going to push my luck. So I calmly but quickly walked over to the dust covered sloppy Slurpee

machine and picked up the largest cup I could muster out of the cup holder then I filled it with

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the Coca-Cola flavor and topped it with some of the cherry flavor since cherry coke is my

absolute favorite. I knew that the Slurpee wouldn’t cover the twenty like the cigarettes did so I

grabbed my favorite food in the world, Doritos. Finally I walked up to the register and set down

my merchandise. As brown eyes rang up my merchandise my head spun and that little voice in

my head who normally urged me not to was telling me to do.

Quickly with a little bit of fear I grabbed the things as he handed me the stuff and when

he asked me the method of payment I sprinted out of the door and heard a faint yelling from the

man who never spoke. However I didn’t stop I didn’t want two. Two weeks was all I had left and

in those two weeks I, Zach am going to create chaos in my little farm town and break society.

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Kayleigh Willeroy


Seventh Period Language Arts

10 May 2014

I choose to include this piece because, it is some of my favorite work. It shows my great

word choice off and my use of descriptive words and phrases. I wish I could of made it longer I

feel as if this would be a good story.

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Kayleigh Willeroy


Seventh Period Language Arts

10 May 2014


“You said you would teach her how to swim, but instead you were the reason she


- Monica Lin

This is one of my absolute poems and poets. I have an ex-stepdad who would always say I can

teach Kayleigh to ride a bicycle and he would. But I would always forget. One day I was riding

my bike down a hill and Trey yells turn but I don’t and I glide straight into a brick wall. I can

relate this poem to him because, when he left it hurt really badly everything he taught me I didn’t

want to do. To be honest he was never a good person but, he did try and I truly believe he always

tried to make me fly even if it was impossible. Most of the time I would just crash and burn.

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Kayleigh Willeroy


Seventh Period Language Arts

10 May 2014

I love the poem that I choose however, I feel my writing was a little off and at times

didn’t make sense. I feel my connection to the poem was weak and lacking in reasons. It was

difficult for me to explain the connection without going onto a life story!

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Kayleigh Willeroy


Seventh Period Language Arts

April 30, 2014

Friends are trees.

The branches are your strong friends; they don’t snap easily. They are always there to

comfort you, coddle you. They can protect you. When the wind blows they stay.

Leaves are weak. Some friends are similar to leaves, they are there but, aren’t there when

the wind howls and rain pours. They are fragile and blow away and sometimes never return.

The roots of a tree are the friends that make up you. There is no chance they are ever


Without them you wouldn’t be you. They help you grow and learn they nourish you and only are


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Kayleigh Willeroy


Seventh Period Language Arts

12 February 2014

Broken Toys

If you do the same thing over and how could you possibly expect a different outcome?

You can fix a broken toy but, at the end of the day the toy is still broken and is more fragile than

before. You can glue back a precious moment’s ceramic figure but you can still see the cracks.

So why do people give relationships second chances. Why do they try to rekindle or

spark new flames.

Things that get broken in battle will still be broken and the scars will never truly

forgotten even if forgotten.

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Kayleigh Willeroy


Seventh Period Language Arts

10 May 2014

I love both of my poems. I wish I had written a rhyming poem. I like the second one

especially because, I can connect this to my home life and relationships. My friends are trees

poem I wish I had spent more time on that because I think that the analogy that friends are trees

is a great concept ready to be further explored.

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Kayleigh Willeroy


Seventh Period Language Arts

8 May 2014

Reality Check

The concrete is cold and I can feel the hard itchy rocks underneath my feet. My eyes are

shut as tight as possible they start to swell from all of the tears. What I just saw changes

absolutely everything. It will change who I am, who I want to be, what I care about, whom I care

about. I will never have great grades again or have many friends. I will shut out the world close

myself of to the pain. I itch my face and my finger traces a deep wound in which there is an

immense amount of dried blood. The wound is still bleeding just a little though. I am not even

worried about it. I normally would be freaking out that there is something unattractive on my

face challenging my beautiful complexion but, I didn't care. My head is pounding like crazy and

I suddenly feel extremely dizzy so I take a seat on the blue bench in the park. The bench was

even colder than my body and it stung as my bare legs made contact with the bench. Causing me

to jump. I look down at my legs and realize little red speckles trickling down to my inner thighs.

Something else must be bleeding I think to myself I take my cold little fingers and firmly grasp

my nose and tilt my head towards the sky but, that makes me even dizzier so I stand up straight

and continue walking. All of a sudden I am awaken from my mindless walking. They are police

sirens and I realize Derrick must have called the police. Derrick is my next door neighbor. He

had never really introduced himself he was quite but waved when I walked by. I didn't think he

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would be the one to call but everyone else is away for spring break. Well mostly everyone accept

for me and this girl 5 blocks down. Let's just say we don't get along. I start walking towards the

sirens. I must have walked really far away because I am past the 7/11 and my mom says that's the

farthest point I can go to when with friends or alone. Oh god mom. MOM I start to scream at the

top of my lungs MOM MOM I continuously shout this over and over and my eyes become

swollen once again and I can't feel my toes. I start to jog and then in to a panicked run. I make it

to my neighborhood stop sign before collapsing in the mud. Then it hits me she is dead.

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Kayleigh Willeroy


Seventh Period Language Arts

3 March 2014


When you see things fail. When you hear things break. When you can feel the

heartlessness in the room. When you can smell the hate. When you can taste the pain. You start

to think to yourself even before you can truly comprehend life (which you never really can)

before you can get a job or live by yourself, you think and feel these strong emotions. You think

some people must be truly blessed to never have to feel emotions like these. You just hope and

pray that you will never have to deal with things like these again.

You are at an age where you can’t do anything or change anything. So you just stand

helplessly. You watch adults make decisions blindlessly that might hurt your future. However,

you still can’t do anything even though what is happening will affect you forever.

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Kayleigh Willeroy


Seventh Period Language Arts

14 December 2014

Spanish Weather Script

Buenos Dias, damas y caballeros de Espana. Me llamo Kayleigh. Son las cinco en punto de la

manana. Hoy es sabado el catorce de deciembre. Tengo tu pronostico de tiempo.

Que tiempo hace hoy? En Barcelona hace fresco y hace buen tiempo. Tenemos una tempetura

minima de siete y una tempetura maxima de once. Todo el mundo camina el perro in el parque.

Manana es domingo el quince de diecembre. Esta nublado y hace sol. Vamos a tener una

tempetura minima de cinco y una maxima de doce. Necesitas una gafas de sol.

Good Morning, ladies and gentlemen of Spain. My name is Kayleigh. It's five o'clock in the

morning. Today is Saturday the fourteenth of December. I have your forecast.

What’s the weather like today? In Barcelona it's cool and nice weather. We have a minimum of

seventy one and a maximum of eighty. Everybody should walk the dog in the park.

Tomorrow is Sunday the fifteenth of December. It will be cloudy and sunny. We will have a

minimum of 51 and a maximum of 60. You will need sunglasses.

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Kayleigh Willeroy


Seventh Period Language Arts

3 November 2013

Science Fair Problem/ Solution Organizer


Do test subjects find celebrities who have facial measurements that are closest to the golden ratio

to be more pleasing to the eye?


Test subjects will find those celebrities whose facial measurements come closest to the golden

ratio to be more attractive.


First I will find four different celebrities two females two males and one of each that I found

unattractive. Then I will measure the celebrities faces for the golden ratio. After doing so I will

gather my test subjects and ask them to rate the celebrities 1-10 10 being the most attractive and

1 being the least attractive. Then I will tally up the results and find whether or not the golden

ratio affects attractiveness.

There are close to none safety risks. I will take precaution by only interviewing test

subjects that I know.

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To analyze my results for testing I will take all four celebrities and add their ratings together the

celebrity with the highest overall score will be the closest person to the golden ratio.

Kayleigh Willeroy


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Seventh Period Language Arts

5 September 2013

Never in a million years

I could tell the minute I got in the door and drop my bag, I wasn't staying she looked at me with

wide eyes "we have rules in this house missy" " yes ma'am" I responded "after you unpack your

belongings come seemingly dining room for meeting" . I finished packing my things into my

new room. The walls were so bare except for a few physics posters. From what I have seen I

don't want to stay there not warm and loving like my counselor had told me while I lived in the

shelter, I trotted downstairs to find dinner and my new mother and father sitting at the plain oak

kitchen table. I look at kitchen and I gaze for some color or some flowers or maybe a little bit of

art but nothing. It was weird because when I lived with my real parents my mom was very

creative she hung things places and she couldn't stand the color brown or black because it would

make everything look dull. The house is so full of life but this one is full of feelings of death and

it kind of reminded me of the day that my parents died. So I for sure was not staying there.

Never in a million years.

Kayleigh Willeroy


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Seventh Period Language Arts

1 October 2013

Government Shut Down

This is bad. Misses Obama is pacing up and down the Obama’s bedroom. “ we have to

fix this, you have to fix this” she says. Thinking about all of non-essentials who aren’t getting

paid some have children. Barack she yells are you listening to me. He just stares at the perfect

meadow painting. “If you aren’t going to do anything we might as well mark you un- essential as

well. Misses Obama is startled by a hurried almost panicked knocks she stops her frenzy and

opens the door. We need the president Misses.

Kayleigh Willeroy


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Seventh Period Language Arts

10 May 2014

My two favorite personal choices would probably be Reality Check and Nothing.

These are my favorite because these are pieces that I spent a lot of time on they are also written

in my free time. In Government Shut down I hope one day to return to the story and tell what

happens after the knock. My Spanish weather script I thought would be and interesting touch to

show some culture. Never In a Million Years is a piece that I wrote at the beginning of the school

year for a quick write and I liked it!

Kayleigh Willeroy


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Seventh Period Language Arts

10 May 2014

Upgrade 1: Yearbook

This photo was taken on the Roswell walking tour.

Vivian and Amber are in the photo. The tour was tons

of fun and gave me a better insight of Roswell during

the civil war.

This photo is of Mintie, Marissa and I. We were at the eighth grade dance!

Which was awesome!

Gina and I were at Mintie’s surprise


for her fourteenth birthday which is really the last

day of school.

This photo was taken in Athens, Georgia.

Mintie and I took a “daycation” to go visit campus

and the Botanical Gardens.

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These are some beautiful tuilips from when Mintie and I visited the Botanical


This photo is of Brianna, Camilla and I at

lunch one day this year. This photo is special

serving Brianna and Camilla’s favorite

lunch; pizza, tater tots and frozen fruit cups.

Shoes and more shoes. Flordia was probably

my favorite part of my eighth grade year. This

Gina, Sophie, Mintie and I all ready for Sea


One of my very besties all through middle school.

Her name is Camilla. This photo was taken at target after

getting Starbucks!

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This photo was taken after the awards ceremony.

Mintie and I are strutting down the hallway.

Yay! Scoliosis testing selfies. Left to right:


Jordan, Brianna, Camilla and, Desiree.

Lunch Club for the win! Selfies with Mr.

Pracht, Cara , Mintie and, I.

Valentine’s Day was the best with these ladies. Endless love was flawless and

Oreos are the bae!

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Aaron is a beautiful mother! Science class is

so much fun! Anna, Kyle and Cj are laughing too!

Snow apocalypse 2014 was a blast at

Camilla’s house! Hopefully it will snow

again soon! Not!

Flashback to making wishes and memories

with Camilla, Desiree and Brianna!

Oh Marissa! Target Starbucks Selfies!

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Caramel frapee’s at the mall with Camilla!

Why did I have that bow in my hair… gross!

The field trip to Phillips Arena was a lot of

fun! Especially sitting next to these two crazies;

Mintie and Camilla.

The Chattahoochee River is so beautiful. It

is also a great place to de stress from middle


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One of my favorite parts of this year would definitely be gate! Especially

because one of my very best friends were in my group.

Kayleigh Willeroy


Seventh Period Language Arts

10 May 2014

I choose this upgrade because, I love taking pictures of my friends and I. I am so glad that

I am one of those that have a difficult time deleting photos so I would have them for my project.

There is nothing that I would change about this portion of my project. I love it!

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Kayleigh Willeroy


Seventh Period Language Arts

10 May 2014

Digital Upgrade:


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Kayleigh Willeroy


Seventh Period Language Arts

10 May 2014

The reason I choose the digital upgrade for my second upgrade was online resources are

more accessible and can be shared easier. If my computer crashes the internet doesn’t so I will

still have all of my work! I used slide share over live binders because live binders was difficult to

use and you are un able to upload word documents!

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Kayleigh Willeroy


Seventh Period Language Arts

10 May 2014

Feedback Page-