8x8 virtual contact center -...

PRODUCT OVERVIEW Virtual Contact Center 8x8 Virtual Contact Center Powerful, easy to use hosted call center solution 8x8 Virtual Contact Center is a hosted call center solution that delivers greater agent productivity and flexible call center management, at a fraction of the cost of traditional call center solutions. The 8x8 Virtual Contact Center works with 8x8 Virtual Office VoIP phone service to give you an easy-to-use yet extremely powerful contact center. 8x8 for Call/Contact Centers 8x8 Virtual Contact Center is a full-featured, enterprise-class contact center for businesses of all sizes. With 8x8 Virtual Contact Center, you don’t have to worry about expensive hardware, software, training, and administrative costs or integration headaches. 8x8 Virtual Contact Center’s on-demand platform delivers world-class contact center functionality without the need for specialized premises-based infrastructure. With 8x8 Virtual Contact Center, your agents, supervisors, and system administrators require nothing more than a web browser and a phone (or softphone) to use the service. These simple requirements enable agents to be deployed cost effectively, regardless of their location. Its minimal infrastructure and centralized management make it the ideal solution for blending in-house and offsite or multi-site agents. 8x8 Virtual Contact Center includes multimedia routing and reporting (voice, voicemail, email, chat, and fax) so you can connect with customers and prospects in whatever manner they prefer. 8x8 Virtual Contact Center services include: Multimedia contact management including phone, chat, email, voicemail, and third-party Internet fax Skills-based routing allows transactions to be distributed based on skill level (high, medium, or low skill level) An easy-to-use customizable IVR Contact and case management tool Computer telephony integration (CTI) Real-time Monitoring Historical and on-demand reporting Optional services include: Customizable CRM solution provides up to 60 user-defined fields to manage customer data. Recording service allows you to specify percentage of calls to be recorded by agent and/or queue. API for integration with Netsuite, Salesforce.com, Zendesk, Zoho, Microsoft Dynamics and other third- party applications.

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PRODUCT OVERVIEWVirtual Contact Center

8x8 Virtual Contact Center

Powerful, easy to use hosted call center solution

8x8 Virtual Contact Center is a hosted call center solution that delivers greater agent productivity and flexible call center management, at a fraction of the cost of traditional call center solutions. The 8x8 Virtual Contact Center works with 8x8 Virtual Office VoIP phone service to give you an easy-to-use yet extremely powerful contact center.

8x8 for Call/Contact Centers

8x8 Virtual Contact Center is a full-featured, enterprise-class contact center for

businesses of all sizes.

With 8x8 Virtual Contact Center, you don’t have to worry about expensive hardware,

software, training, and administrative costs or integration headaches. 8x8 Virtual Contact

Center’s on-demand platform delivers world-class contact center functionality without the

need for specialized premises-based infrastructure. With 8x8 Virtual Contact Center, your

agents, supervisors, and system administrators require nothing more than a web browser and

a phone (or softphone) to use the service.

These simple requirements enable agents to be deployed cost effectively, regardless of their

location. Its minimal infrastructure and centralized management make it the ideal solution for

blending in-house and offsite or multi-site agents.

8x8 Virtual Contact Center includes multimedia routing and reporting (voice, voicemail, email,

chat, and fax) so you can connect with customers and prospects in whatever manner they


8x8 Virtual Contact Center services include:

•Multimedia contact management

including phone, chat, email,

voicemail, and third-party

Internet fax

•Skills-based routing allows

transactions to be distributed

based on skill level (high, medium,

or low skill level)

•An easy-to-use customizable IVR

•Contact and case management tool

•Computer telephony

integration (CTI)

•Real-time Monitoring

•Historical and on-demand reporting

Optional services include:

•Customizable CRM solution provides

up to 60 user-defined fields to

manage customer data.

•Recording service allows you to

specify percentage of calls to be

recorded by agent and/or queue.

• API for integration with Netsuite,

Salesforce.com, Zendesk, Zoho,

Microsoft Dynamics and other third-

party applications.

PRODUCT OVERVIEWVirtual Contact Center


Agents Anywhere

Agents at home or in the office, local or offshore are all handled in a uniform manner. Agent,

supervisor, and administration GUIs are all securely accessible from anywhere in the world

through a standard web browser with a high-speed Internet connection. The Agent Desktop

provides office and ACD phone features such as multiple lines, conference, transfer, hold, mute,

record, ready, after-call work, break, etc. with just a phone or softphone.

Call Queue and Skills-based Priority Routing

•Each incoming dialed number can have its own IVR/routing script or share a script with

another incoming number.

•A script can provide different routing strategies based upon the time-of-day, day-of-week

and specific dates.

•An incoming call script can solicit DTMF input and/or use dialed number and calling line-ID

to make a direct routing decision. Alternatively, this information can be used to check the

Virtual Contact Center database or an external database to make a routing decision.

•The Contact Center can check if the queue is overloaded. If the queue threshold or overload

is met, the call, chat or email can be routed differently.

•Contact Center phone queues may offload inbound calls into voicemail if the queue

gets overloaded.

• Inbound calls are routed to the agents with the highest skill level. If those agents are logged

out, busy or otherwise unavailable, the call goes to the medium-skilled agents, and then the

lowest-skilled agents.

Customizable IVR

The service includes IVR (Interactive Voice Response) capabilities managed through a web

administrator interface. The IVR supports multi-tier menus, customer-entered digits, queue

look-ahead logic for number of calls in queue and expected wait time.

Multiple schedules with special day exceptions are supported in the IVR logic. Database

dip results can be used to alter routing and call priority as well as being forwarded with the

call to support intelligent screen pops. Each incoming channel (DNIS) can have its own IVR

script and localized message set. Each queue or skill can have its own on-hold message. This

supports varied applications including multi-language localizations. Testing can be done on

test channels. Once the application is correct, a production channel can use the tested script.

Changes can be made on-the-fly.

PRODUCT OVERVIEWVirtual Contact Center


A key benefit of 8x8 Virtual Contact Center’s built-in IVR is its ease of use. 8x8 Virtual Contact

Center provides the tools to easily manage schedules, prompts, announcements, database

dips, skills and priorities.

•Upload, select, and review: prompts, in-queue waiting music, and voicemail prompts

•100% configurable through web browser interface

•Create/modify IVR scripts with local and remote host data dips

•Set up schedule variables with time of day/day of week with alternate greetings and

holiday exceptions

•Create routing scripts using caller data (caller ID) and make a routing decision based

on results

•Play greetings based on contact center status and loads

•The 8x8 Virtual Contact Center IVR has the ability to pass through the following values and

make a routing decision:

– Numbers (e.g. account numbers)

– Currency (e.g. account balances)

– Dates

– External variables 1 and 2

The use of external variables allows queries to be made to external resources such as another

CRM from your IVR script.

8x8 Virtual Contact Center’s built-in IVR uses a point and click interface that allows each

customer to create and modify their own scripts.

IVR Script Management User Interface

PRODUCT OVERVIEWVirtual Contact Center


Multimedia Queue Management Tools

Advanced Service Level Alerting

8x8 Virtual Contact Center supports separate service level objectives for each queue. Service

level notifications can generate emails whenever a target SLA is not met. This also extends

to case management. If cases are stalled or have no activity, an email alert can be triggered to

notify a group of supervisors or administrators.

Queued Phone Calls

8x8 Virtual Contact Center allows customized audio files to be uploaded for in-queue waiting

music. Phone queues also feature overload process rules which enable calls to follow an

overload script if no agents are available, or if a predefined queue threshold has been reached.

These overload scripts allow further action such as forwarding the call to voicemail or to an

overload menu.

Queued Chat Sessions

Chat sessions initiated from a web page link are queued and distributed to agents.

Queued Email

Email scripts can be created to intelligently route emails based on sender, recipient, keywords

in subject line, and lookup CRM values/data. They are also scanned for viruses and spam.

These emails are placed into a queue and dynamically created as “Customers” and “Cases” and

automatically assigned a new case number once accepted by the agent.

Queued Fax Sessions

8x8 Virtual Contact Center supports queued faxes through a third-party Internet fax service

which sends the fax to an email address configured for the Virtual Contact Center. This service

requires the custom CRM solution.

Queued Voicemail

Messages left in voicemail queues are associated with skills-based routing and delivered to

the next available agent with the highest skill level. When the agent becomes available, the

agent’s phone will ring. Upon pickup, the voicemail will be played back to the agent. Optionally,

the voicemail can also be delivered by email.

PRODUCT OVERVIEWVirtual Contact Center


Contacts and Case Management Tool

A basic Contacts and Case Management Tool solution is included for customers who need

a simple yet effective way to manage their contacts and cases. A centralized repository of

customer data ensures that agents have current information at their fingertips, regardless of

the communication source.

Screen pops are based on information gathered from Caller ID, DTMF digit selection through

the IVR, or information pulled from the CRM.

Basic Contacts and Case Management Tool

CRM Integration

8x8 Virtual Contact Center also offers out-of-the-box integration with NetSuite,

Salesforce.com, Zendesk, Zoho and Microsoft Dynamics through the optional web API:

•Single Sign-on — Don’t worry about logging into two separate applications! Just sign into

8x8 Virtual Contact Center and we’ll bring up your NetSuite, Salesforce.com, Zendesk, Zoho

or Microsoft Dynamics application.

•Click to Dial — Save time by easily contacting your customers by clicking on a phone number

inside a Contact record.

•Screen Pops — Quickly identify who’s calling and their history by having the caller’s

NetSuite, Salesforce.com, Zendesk, Zoho or Microsoft Dynamics record pop up once your

representative answers the call. The Virtual Contact Center API allows synchronization with

third-party CRM solutions, databases, and/or custom applications.

PRODUCT OVERVIEWVirtual Contact Center


CTI (Computer Telephony Integration)

8x8’s built-in CTI allows you to leverage telephone functionality using virtually any web-based

API. We’ve also built out-of-the-box CTI integrations to leading CRM products, meaning there’s

no need for expensive third-party software or hardware. The 8x8 CTI includes:

•Coordination of telephony and data delivery to the agent via screen pops

•Control of telephone functionality directly from the desktop (transfer, mute, conference, etc)

CTI Benefits

• Improves productivity as agents can immediately identify the caller and access their


• Increases customer satisfaction since customers no longer need to repeat information

should they be transferred.

Call Recording

Call recording is an optional feature within Virtual Contact Center. Selectable criteria for

recording are 1) percentage of calls by skill, 2) percentage by agent ID inbound and/or

outbound and 3) on demand using a button on the agent toolbar. Recordings are indexed and

viewable from any authorized supervisor position. Individual recordings can be played back

or saved to disk as .wav files. A secure FTP site is provided to download recordings in bulk.

Recordings are removed once the recording storage space has been consumed. The newest

recording will overwrite and replace the oldest recording. The SFTP server allows users to bulk

download files and store them locally, to ensure nothing is lost.

8x8 Virtual Contact Center records conversations based on any and all of the

following criteria:

•Percent of calls handled by a particular queue

•Percent of calls handled by a particular agent

•Percent of direct calls to a particular agent

•Percent of outbound calls made by a particular agent

•On demand from the Agent Desktop

Other recording benefits:

•Monitor quality assurance by recording calls

•Supervisors may retrieve call recordings through the Agent Desktop

•Bulk downloads to local server through secure FTP

PRODUCT OVERVIEWVirtual Contact Center


Robust Reporting and Monitoring

8x8 Virtual Contact Center uses a browser-based Agent Desktop to present and control agent

interaction. No client software installation is required.

Agents can view the status of other agents within the Agent Desktop. Agents and

supervisors can view the status of their queues. Supervisor logins show greater detail such

as monitoring and reporting options. In addition, the Agent Desktop will present transaction

details: who’s calling, the number they dialed, the queue selected, and the wait time in

the queue.

Agent Desktop displaying customer

contact information for an

incoming transaction

Agent Desktop displaying

queue/agent status

PRODUCT OVERVIEWVirtual Contact Center


Supervisor monitoring capabilities available with our solution include the following:

•View current status of all agents

•Listen in and/or view the live interaction status

• Join the interaction

•Receives the same screen pop data that the agent receives

•Supervisor can see attached data associated with agent call

The supervisor is presented real-time information and tools needed to track agent efficiency

as well as queue efficiency.

Agent Monitoring

PRODUCT OVERVIEWVirtual Contact Center


Real-Time Monitoring

Real Time Agent and Queue Monitoring

Supervisor positions are able to see the real-time status of their agents and the time the

agent has been on a particular status. They are also able to see the number of calls in progress,

the number waiting, and the longest waiting call per queue/skill. Supervisors have access to

real-time service level screens and real-time agent status graphs indicating the percentage of

time in various states (e.g. on call, waiting, after work, on break, etc.).

Real-time Display Window

•Queue Management Statistics

•Agent Management Statistics

•Agent activity bar graph last 30 minutes

•Agent activity bar graph all day

8x8 Virtual Contact Center’s Real-Time Reporting View

PRODUCT OVERVIEWVirtual Contact Center


Live Call Monitoring

Authorized supervisors can monitor live agent calls from any location. A supervisor uses a web

browser to pick an agent to monitor. The system calls the supervisor’s phone with the call in

progress and the microphone muted. Buttons allow the supervisor to barge-in, select another

agent, or quit monitoring. Supervisors have scoped visibility to monitor and playback recordings

only within their own agent groups.

Supervisor Panel to select and monitor live calls.

PRODUCT OVERVIEWVirtual Contact Center


Historical Reporting

8x8 Virtual Contact Center provides 37 standard reports with extensive filtering capabilities. Reports are generated on demand and can be

selected by date interval, agent groups, queues and media type. Reports are accessible though the supervisor Agent Desktop and are delivered

in Excel-compatible formats or through the Contact Center Historical Reporting XML API.

Generating Historical Reports


Detailed Transactions Activity


– Time on status

– Login time

– Status change details

– Inbound transactions

– Inbound transactions per media

– Inbound transactions per media per queue – Inbound transactions per media per

channel per queue – Processing and post processing times – Processing and post processing times per

media – Processing and post processing times per

media per queue – Processing and post processing times per

media per channel per queue

List of Historical Reports

These reports can be exported into Excel to be forwarded as reported and/or manipulated further if required.

Agents (continued)

– Time on break/offline with status codes

– Other transactions analysis

– Detailed outbound call activity

– Detailed accepted transactions activity

– Detailed accepted transactions activity

with wrap up codes

– Detailed outbound transactions activity

with wrap up codes

– Transactions grouped by wrap up codes


– Time on status


– Inbound transactions

– Abandoned transactions

– Accepted transactions - online media

– Accepted transactions - offline media


– Inbound transactions

– Abandoned transactions

– Accepted transactions - online media

– Accepted transactions - offline media

– Detailed entered transactions activity

– Detailed accepted transactions activity


– Inbound transactions

– Abandoned transactions

– Accepted transactions - online media

– Accepted transactions - offline media


– Campaign details

– Campaign record details

– Campaign transaction details

PRODUCT OVERVIEWVirtual Contact Center

P: 888.898.8733 (Toll-Free)P: 408.687.4120 (Outside US)F: 408.980.0432

NASDAQ: EGHTwww.8x8.com

© 2012. The 8x8, Inc. logo is a registered trademark of 8x8, Inc. 8x8, Inc. is a publicly traded company. SALES286/410


The 8x8 Virtual Contact Center is the fastest, easiest way to deploy a world-class

contact center.

8x8 Virtual Contact Center Benefits

•Low start-up costs, low monthly fees—Implement with no hardware (except phones) to

install or manage, just one low monthly fee.

•Advanced call center features—Empower your team with advanced capabilities like skills-

based routing, multimedia queuing, and realtime monitoring and reporting.

•Your agents, anywhere—Unite local and remote agents under one virtual call center. All

information is routed through our hosted call center application, so you can establish routing

rules and agent groups without limiting you to a single physical location.

•Get started quickly—Deploying a call center is now fast and easy; our Jumpstart program gets

you up and running fast.

•Easy to use—Configure your call center or make changes on the fly, without any assistance

from your IT department.

•Grows with you—No need to pay for more seats than you need. Start small and grow with

8x8’s scalable solution and the pay-as-you-grow pricing model.

For more information, call 1.866.913.7684 or visit www.8x8.com.