9 11 event,alyssaclaveau2

9-11 Event By: Alyssa Claveau

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9-11 Event

By: Alyssa Claveau

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My Focus Question

My Focus Question For my presentation is…..Will the 9/11 event effect the World in the future?

We will find out if it will or not. Enjoy!

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The Issue

On September 11th, 2001(Tuesday), terrorists from the Islamist militant group, Al-queda hijacked four passenger jets. The hijackers intentionally piloted two of those planes into the Twin Towers of New of the World Trade Center in New York. Both of the Towers collapsed within two hours. Nearly 3,000 people died in the attack. This is a story to never forget.

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9/11’s Thesis Statement

A thesis for my presentation is about the 9/11 event and Will it affect the world in the future? My presentation will may or may not prove that the 9/11 event affect the future or not because we are talking about the future and this happened.

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Worst Cases of 9/11

• The worst cases of the 9/11 event took place in the Twin Towers in New York.

• There was so much smoke around people tried to survive through it but for some people, they couldn’t resist it.

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Affection on Children Negatively

This problem occurs and it affects children negatively because over 3,000 people died from the attack and the some children are sad because maybe one of their relatives or friends died from all the smoke and they couldn’t take it much longer.

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Why is it such a Problem?

The 9/11 event is such a problem in New York because from all the fire in the Twin Towers, the Towers were collapsing and the construction workers had to buy all the materials for the Towers and re-build them, and it cost a lot of money to buy all the materials.

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The event occurred (arrow) in New York and that is where the most problems are.

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My Solution

A solution that I have for this issue is that I would do is talk to some people that were there and saw it happen and let their feelings come out and make them feel a little bit better. Also I would ask some airports if they could check the luggage really good just to be sure if the people are safe, and also make sure to check the people going on the airplane a little bit better too so that the planes and the people are more safer.

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Supporting Details

My idea would help to solve this problem because people would be less scared about less plane crashes and less pollution in the world from all the smoke.

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Financial Impact on 9/11

The financial impact of the 9/11 event is that when it was all over and the fire was out, the clean up crew had to clean up everything that was laying on the ground and in the Twin Towers. Also some investigators had to investigate the crime scene and the construction workers had to fix up the Twin Towers again, so really the whole thing was a financial impact.

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Will the 9/11 problem be solved soon?

I hope the problem will be solved soon because everyone in the world can be a little bit safer than what we are right now, and our world can do many things if we support it.

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