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And 3 Advanced Affiliate Marketing Tactics That Can Double TRIPLE Your Income in 30 Days

Craig Dawber & John Chadwick


Copyright Craig Dawber / John Chadwick & Digital Marketing Supremacy 2016. All rights reserved. You may share this report with others for free, if ALL content remains as is, including text, images, copyright and credit details.


The publisher has used its best efforts in preparing this book. The information provided within the book is provided “as is”. Neither Craig Dawber nor John Chadwick make no representation or warranties with respect to the accuracy or completeness of the contents of this book and specifically disclaim any implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for any particular purpose and shall in no even be liable for any loss of profit or any other commercial damage, including but not limited to special, incidental, consequential, or other damages.


This report is considered accurate as of the time of publication (December 2016). Due to the fast-changing nature of the Internet, some of the processes may have changed. To download an up-to-date version of this report, please click here.

INTRODUCTIONNew and seasoned affiliate marketers tend to make the same mistakes over and over again – and it’s costing them sales and money.

Hello, we’re Craig Dawber and John Chadwick, and our goal is to help you make more affiliate commissions without breaking your back or the bank.

In fact, we teach affiliate marketers how to do LESS work while actually making MORE money. More on this later.

Right now, let’s reveal the mistakes you might be making, as well as offer you 3 advanced tactics that can double or even triple your income in the next 30 days.


Mistake #1 Selling Instead Of Helping

It surprises most new affiliates to learn that their job isn’t to sell – it’s to educate and help.

Many new affiliate marketers fill their pages and emails with things like, “BUY THIS NOW!”, but this is exactly the wrong thing to do if you want your prospect to remain open minded and interested in the product being sold. A heavy sales pitch will immediately throw up the defenses of the reader and often prevent them from even clicking the link in the first place.

And if they do click, their guard is up and they’re not receptive to the sales message. The sales page and the entire marketing funnel is designed to sell. Your job as an affiliate is to simply get them to that page with their minds open to discover more.

People want to hear the honest recommendations from you when they’re making a buying decision. That’s why Amazon reviews are so powerful – people trust them to help in making the correct choices.

When you position yourself as their advocate - with helping them as your FIRST goal and making a profit as a distant secondary goal - more people will trust your recommendations. And they’ll be more likely to take your advice in the future as well. 02

Mistake #2 Too Many Promotions

This is a big mistake on two levels.

Firstly, if you are promoting too many products to your list members, blog readers, social media followers, you will be viewed as someone out to make money, not help people.

And once you get branded as someone who is only looking out for yourself, people will stop buying your recommendations altogether.

Secondly, joining too many affiliate programs and promoting too many products just gets too confusing.

Yes, multiple streams of income are great.

But focusing your efforts on just a few of the best affiliate products can often result in more sales as well as a better reputation for yourself.


Mistake #3 Not Testing The Product

Suppose you see a great offer for what looks like a terrific product. It just went live today and it appears to be selling really well. So you quickly sign up to become an affiliate, and then send out an email to your entire list to let them know.

A few hours later you check your email and you find two things: Plenty of sales, and plenty of hate mail.

That’s right – the product turned out to be a dud, overpriced, a scam or simply not at all as advertised.

Whatever the problem, your list now thinks you’re a scammer for recommending the product.

This is NOT a good situation to be in.

For one thing, you can never recover the trust of those buyers.

For another thing, you feel lousy. Here these people TRUSTED you to make great recommendations, and you told them to waste their money on junk. OUCH! 04

Mistake #4 Not Testing The Affiliate

Let’s say you sign up to promote a product. You tell your list all about it, and quite a few of them buy it.

Next thing you know, you’re hearing from those buyers that they are being bombarded mercilessly with offers from the product owner, as well as suddenly receiving a lot more spam.

Because I can tell you how your buyers will feel - they will blame you for making the recommendation in the first place, and you will have permanently lost their trust.

That’s why you always want to put yourself in the shoes of your customers.

Buy the product yourself and see how many upsells there are, how many emails you receive over the next 1-2 weeks, the content of those emails and so forth.

Otherwise you may be hit with some pretty nasty surprises that ruin the reputation you’ve been working so hard to build. 05

How would you feel?

Let’s say your niche is weight loss. If you’ve actually lost 50 pounds, for example, then it’s fine to tell your story and show your ‘before’ and ‘after’ pictures.

In fact it lends you a tremendous amount of credibility when you do that.

But if you’ve been skinny your entire life, it’s best not to fake a major weight loss experience. Sooner or later you will be found out (most likely through social media and people who know you personally) and the reputation you’ve built will be shattered.

Or perhaps you’re in the make money online niche. You post on an IM forum that you’re having trouble and looking for help in making your first dollar. That’s fine, except your signature says that you make $50,000 a month and you’re teaching others to do the same. Whoops. Credibility shot.

It’s okay to admit that you don’t know things in your niche.

Simply take the tactic of being a newbie like everyone else in the niche, and investigating the various programs to recommend the very best ones to your readers.

Mistake #5 Exaggerating Your Accomplishments


Mistake #6 Not Collecting Email Addresses

Affiliate marketing without collecting email addresses is like trying to win big at poker, but never playing your best cards.

Or maybe it’s like trying to win a race by hopping on one foot.

Or perhaps it’s best summed up as telling all your prospects that you won’t allow them to buy from you in the future. Are you getting the point?

Not collecting email addresses is putting you at a serious disadvantage when it comes to making money.

Let’s say you’ve got two affiliate marketers, Bob and Carol. Bob doesn’t collect email address, Carol does. They send the same traffic through the same funnels, and the end of the campaign they’ve made the exact same amount of money.

But here’s where it gets interesting. Because Bob didn’t collect email addresses, he now has to drive an entirely new batch of traffic through his funnel to make the same amount of money this month. Carol is going to drive traffic to her funnel as well, and make the same money Bob does. BUT… 07

(And it’s a really BIG ‘but’…)

Carol is also going to send emails to her subscribers. And in those emails, she’s going to sell her readers on purchasing the affiliate product(s) she’s promoting.

And she’s going to make sales to her list, too. Obviously, she’ll make more money this month than Bob, but it doesn’t stop there.

Carol will continue to email to those same people who joined her list in month one, but she’s also going to be adding new people to her list all the time. This means each month the income from her list is going to go up and up and up. Pretty soon all Carol will need to do to add an extra $100, $500, $1,000 or more to her income for the day is to send out an email.

Bob, on the other hand, is continually looking for new traffic to send to his offers.

Bob makes money, but Carol eventually gets rich.

And the only difference between the two is Carol collected email addresses, while Bob did not.

So how do you collect email addresses? Simple – add a squeeze page into your funnel that offers something enticing, such as a lead magnet.

More on this in our course, Affiliate Supremacy. 08

Mistake #7 Not Having A Blog Or Website

Okay, I’m the first one to admit that you CAN INDEED sell affiliate products without a website of your own.

That said, I think it’s a bad move, and here’s why:

You can sell a great deal MORE affiliate products if you do have a website. I’ll explain this in a minute.

Plus, you can also build a list if you have a squeeze page, and we just covered why it’s so important to have a list.

Okay then, why and how can you sell more affiliate products if you have a website?

Here are 6 reasons:

1. Instant credibility - If you’re just another person on a forum slapping up affiliate links, you have nocredibility. But if you have a website telling who you are and why you recommend XYZ product, now you’resomebody the prospect can begin to have faith in and follow.


2. Branding - Through your website your visitors learn what makesyou different or unique from every other person recommendingproducts. They begin to follow you and get to know you and clickyour links.

3. Preselling - Suppose you place an affiliate link in your socialmedia message. People are going to go straight from yourmessage to the sales page with no warm-up what-so-ever. But ifyou first send them to a review on your site, now they’re primed tosee the offer and more likely to purchase.

4. Branded links - Instead of using those horribly long and uglyaffiliate links, you can use something that looks professional andbrands your links as belonging to you, such as YourSite.com/Offer.This way your commissions don’t get stolen and people aren’tafraid to click your links.

5. Relationship building - This is especially important if you have a list or use social media to drive traffic. Youcan write blogposts and then send your list and your social media followers to the posts. Again, readers get toknow you, like you, trust you and purchase your recommendations.

6. Guest blogging - A great way to drive traffic is to write blogposts for other popular blogs. But to get traffic,you need a blog of your own (or at least a squeeze page) to send people to. Plus most bloggers won’t let youwrite a guest post for their blog until they’ve seen your website.

There are other reasons, of course, but these are some of the biggest on why it’s important to have a blog or website of your own. 10

Mistake #8 Not Having Comparison Pages

This one is so simple, yet very few affiliates ever do it.

One of the best-selling tactics can be to compare three different products on one page.

For example, you might compare the 3 best traffic generating programs. You can do a review on each one, and then create a chart for easy comparisons.

Not only will it help your readers make a choice – you’ll also have your affiliate links there for all three products, not just one.

Over time you can track the three products to see which one converts the best, and then move that one to the top of the page and also to the left-hand column of the chart for even higher conversions.

Comparison pages are very popular with buyers because it’s providing real help in making a buying decision. And they can also become some of your most profitable pages, too.


Mistake #9 “Oh Look!...A Squirrel!”

We’ve saved this one for last for a very good reason – it is the number one downfall of new affiliate marketers.

In fact, it can cause issues for new and seasoned affiliate marketers alike if they’re not careful.

Let’s say you’re working on one thing and it’s starting to show promise. But then you see something else that looks shinier, so you drop what you’re doing and chase that.

But then this third thing comes along that’s got to be better than the first two, and pretty soon a year has gone by, you’ve started a half dozen different projects and have zero results to show for your efforts.

Here’s how to combat “shiny new object” syndrome: Pick ONE thing and stick to it. It might be one sub-niche with one website in that sub-niche with one affiliate product, for example. Put on your blinders and do nothing else but make it a success.

And it’s a whole lot easier, too, when you simply focus on ONE thing at a time.


So now we have covered the 9 BIG MISTAKES, let’s be a little more positive and look at some ADVANCED TACTICS that will substantially improve your chances of success and therefore your earning potential as an affiliate.

But before we go any further why not short cut your way to successful affiliate campaigns with our fantastic “Affiliate Supremacy” course.

Upgrade to Affiliate Supremacy Now For a limited time only, you can save 89% on our course

“Affiliate Supremacy” and learn the right way to launch & profit from a successful affiliate marketing campaign. Even if you are a complete newbie, starting out with

nothing. Click below to grab your copy for just $9.

Now, let’s have a look at the 3 advanced tactics … 13

Advanced Tactic #1 Believing In Yourself

“Woah, guys, are you going to tell me that ‘believing in myself’ is actually an advanced tactic? It sounds like new age mumbo magic nonsense to me.”

I get your point. You think that as long as you do what’s necessary, it won’t matter if you believe in yourself or what you’re doing. You’ll still get the same result.

Let me ask you – if someone is training for a major competition, do you think it matters if they believe in themselves and their abilities? Of course it does.

Granted, affiliate marketing isn’t an athletic competition.

But it does take stamina. You can’t jump in on Monday and expect to be rich by Tuesday. And guess what happens if you don’t believe in yourself?

You’ll meet the first obstacle and you’ll give up. You’ll quit.

Or maybe you believe in yourself, but not your niche... 14

For example, you’re in the weight loss niche but you don’t want to help people lose weight.

After all, if they hadn’t eaten so much, they wouldn’t need help, right? (I actually knew someone who felt this way.)

And since you don’t believe in your niche, you’re not going to give it much of an effort. You’ll quit before you reach success.

Believing you can do something is crucial to achieving that goal.

Belief alone won’t take you where you want to go, but it’s a crucial ingredient that will give you that extra energy and confidence to power through and get it done.


Advanced Tactic #2Taking The Long View

This relates to what we just said – affiliate marketing is a marathon, not a sprint. You won’t get rich overnight.

But you can become extremely wealthy IF you’re willing to take the long view and IF you’re willing to do what it takes.

Let’s say you want to be a doctor. Do you sign up to be a doctor on Monday and start seeing patients on Tuesday and retire by Friday?

No. There is school, more school, more school after that.

Then there is an internship.

Then you get to see your own patients.

By now you’re in so much debt from school that you think you’ll never get out of debt.

But a quick 30-40 years later and you’re suddenly retired.

Yeah – not exactly overnight wealth, is it?

Affiliate marketing is at least better than being a doctor...16

You don’t need years and years of school.

However, you do need to know what you’re doing. And for that, you need training. See below for the best training available for new and seasoned affiliate marketers alike.

You also need to do a few things. Again, we can show you what those things are.

NOT the things you would need to do to be successful at affiliate marketing in the year 2005, or even the year 2015, but the things you need to do NOW.

It takes a little time. It takes a little patience.

It takes getting the right education in affiliate marketing...

And putting that education to work.

Then maybe you can retire in 5 to 10 years, instead of 30 to 40 years.

And without all the student loans, too!


Advanced Tactic #3 Investing In Education

We’ve already touched on this.

If you want to be a doctor, you’ve got a lot of school to go to.

Or an engineer.

Or a lawyer or whatever.

Same way with affiliate marketing.

Except it’s not 4 plus years of college – it’s much faster and cheaper than that.

But it is every bit as important.

So here are your options:

1. Try to wing it. After 6 months to a year, you’ll probably give up without having made much money at all.

2. Buy a whole bunch of programs. Then get confused on which one to follow.18

3. Read as much as you can online for free. Mind you, you get whatyou pay for. Do you really think the latest affiliate marketingtactics are being given away for free?

4. Get a coach. Expect to pay thousands per month.


Get Affiliate Supremacy and discover…

• The 5 letter acronym that will help you join the 5% elite band ofmake money online.

• The simple secret of success regardless of your level of intelligence.

• Affiliate marketing made simple (This short expose reveals all).

• The turbo-charger that DOUBLES the number of leads you get.

• The ‘McSecret’ and how to deploy it in your business to send those profits off the chart.

• The key tactic that persuades your buyers to continue buying higher and higher priced products.

• The top 4 sources of targeted FREE traffic for testing your sales funnel.


• The little known ‘Fabulous 5’ Facebook groups holding the power to set your marketingcampaign ablaze.

• The science behind why folks buy stuff – and how you can use it to maximize your profits

We wish you every success!

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