9 ideas to create a solid leadership foundation

9 Ideas to Create a Solid Leadership Foundation A Special Report Prepared by Billy Arcement, MEd—The Leadership Strategist “Leadership Solutions that Improve Performance” 36570 Swamp Road South, Prairieville, LA 70769 Office: 225-572-2804 © 2015 All Rights Reserved Page1 From managing corporations to home management, there is a need for a strong and wise leadership style. This report covers nine of the most important leader characteristics that work in any leadership environment. Taking action on these ideas is really taking action to make yourself a strong and wise leader. Billy Arcement

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Key elements effective leaders use to lead others


Page 1: 9 ideas to create a solid leadership foundation

9 Ideas to Create a Solid Leadership Foundation A Special Report Prepared by

Billy Arcement, MEd—The Leadership Strategist

“Leadership Solutions that Improve Performance”

  36570 Swamp Road South, Prairieville, LA 70769 Office: 225-572-2804

© 2015 All Rights Reserved


From managing corporations to home management, there is a need for a strong and wise leadership style. This report covers nine of the most important leader characteristics that work in any leadership environment. Taking action on these ideas is really taking action to make yourself a strong and wise leader. Billy Arcement

Page 2: 9 ideas to create a solid leadership foundation

9 Ideas to Create a Solid Leadership Foundation A Special Report Prepared by

Billy Arcement, MEd—The Leadership Strategist

“Leadership Solutions that Improve Performance”

  36570 Swamp Road South, Prairieville, LA 70769 Office: 225-572-2804

© 2015 All Rights Reserved


Certainly, one could come up with over 100 ideas on how to build a solid leadership foundation. And, for the most part, all the ideas would work to some degree. But, as I’ve studied leadership skills most of my life, I’ve come to the realization that the following leader characteristics, properly implemented, will clearly impact the effectiveness of a leader as well as strengthening the organization or entity they lead. This is a win-win combination few would dispute.

As you read through this list, I encourage you to think about your own performance in a very honest and open fashion. What I’m striving to achieve is for you to really become introspective, come up with a game plan for self-improvement, and then get to work on yourself to produce a renascence in your leadership style. The review starts now!

# 1: Be Professionally Competent:

There are few people who would willingly follow a leader that is incompetent, although this does happen in all fields—business, education and politics. No one would go into battle with an incompetent leader. That’s a sure fire way to get killed. Likewise, few people enjoy working for an incompetent leader or playing for an incompetent coach. In both situations, people are looking for insights and direction that propels the organization forward and helps make their work situation an enjoyable experience. As leaders, we should stay on the cutting edge of knowledge and skills required to lead in our industry. That requires a constant vigil of the information highway for help in maintaining a high degree of competency.

In a family business, some leaders reach a stage in their career when they “inherit” the position of leader. Other times, people really function well at one level but when given more responsibility, they simply cannot carry out the needed functions of a leader. These individuals reach their personal level of incompetence fulfilling what has become known as The Peter Principle.

Page 3: 9 ideas to create a solid leadership foundation

9 Ideas to Create a Solid Leadership Foundation A Special Report Prepared by

Billy Arcement, MEd—The Leadership Strategist

“Leadership Solutions that Improve Performance”

  36570 Swamp Road South, Prairieville, LA 70769 Office: 225-572-2804

© 2015 All Rights Reserved


Similarly at times an education leader might use who they know, not what they know as the criteria justifying their promotion. For instance, a school has an incompetent principal—a magnet for poor classroom management and below average student performance. To rid the school of this incompetent leader, he or she is moved into another position or worst, promoted.

Few would argue that in the world of politics, those with the deepest pockets or the most support from special interest groups are head and shoulders ahead of their opponents. This financial and connective advantage most often is the difference maker why someone wins or loses. Every now and again, competency is the measuring stick used by voters for a candidate. But sadly, a huge percentage of voters don’t take the time to follow the record of their representatives thus providing incumbent superiority when it comes to gathering votes.

Now I don’t wish to imply that all leaders are incompetent although it can generally be said that all leaders have at least one area of incompetency. A great leader learns how to overcome this deficiency and still produce outstanding results on every front.

What are sensible expectations?

What we all want and expect from our leaders is that they have a thorough understanding of the skills and knowledge needed to make leadership work for the benefit of employees and stockholders. They must have a good grasp of the culture, requirements, and vision of the organization. If they are deficient in an area, great leaders find a resource to shore up the crack. They understand that they must perform with a level of excellence required to complete all facets of their job responsibilities.

It’s essential, as an organization seeks leadership, that it reflects the competencies necessary for the success of the company. And, taking it a step further, the organization needs a leader that allows for growth and the development of a competitive advantage.

Page 4: 9 ideas to create a solid leadership foundation

9 Ideas to Create a Solid Leadership Foundation A Special Report Prepared by

Billy Arcement, MEd—The Leadership Strategist

“Leadership Solutions that Improve Performance”

  36570 Swamp Road South, Prairieville, LA 70769 Office: 225-572-2804

© 2015 All Rights Reserved


Key Leadership Competencies

Here is a partial list of competencies all organizations need in their leaders: (1) The ability to oversee the day to day management responsibilities needed to keep the company flourishing. (2) The ability to work with and through all the layers of the organization, establishing the right protocol to get things done. (3) The ability to identify changes that are needed and to manage change that is thrust upon the company. (4) An impeccable level of integrity that blankets all decisions. (5) An impeccable degree of ethics that always follows the legal requirements governing the organization without compromise. (6) A high degree of problem solving skills with the ability to make problems become opportunities for the organization. (7) Having the capacity to be understood and to understand when engaged in the communication process. (8) Being able to grow employee skills and competencies as well and his or her own competencies. (9) Having the ability to make the complex simple. (10) Being able to comfortably take risks as needed to keep the organization on the right track.

# 2: Possess a Willingness to Work

Anyone who has ever risen to a leadership role understands that they must consistently and constantly engage in some work activity. There is little resting time for a busy executive with lots of responsibilities. That means pushing a bit to get the job done even when there might be a desire to slow down. Leading at the top cannot just be about getting a bigger paycheck. What comes with the higher check is a higher degree of responsibility. And, that increased load of responsibility demands that one not be embarrassed to put in a strong day of work. Laziness has no place in the character of a strong and successful leader. There must be a measure of tenacity that enables one to take another step, complete another task, engage in another meeting, or persist long after others might quit.

Along with the willingness to work is the self-motivation and competiveness one must possess. Having a high degree of self-motivation helps one continue on when the going gets tough. During my youth, I participated in a variety of sporting

Page 5: 9 ideas to create a solid leadership foundation

9 Ideas to Create a Solid Leadership Foundation A Special Report Prepared by

Billy Arcement, MEd—The Leadership Strategist

“Leadership Solutions that Improve Performance”

  36570 Swamp Road South, Prairieville, LA 70769 Office: 225-572-2804

© 2015 All Rights Reserved


activities. The desire to win in those circumstances was fueled with my personal motivation to do well and come out on top. When the fires of self-motivation roar, there is enough energy to make things happen instead of sitting around wondering what is happening.

Along with the two other traits, leaders have a spirit of competiveness that creates momentum and a never say die attitude. It’s a competitiveness tempered in such a way that ruthlessness is removed and replaced with a sense of fair play. Being devious is not in the lexicon of outstanding leaders. They are always straight forward with their actions displayed by that willingness to see the job through to the end.

One caveat is to bring challenging projects to the forefront. It’s the energy generated from the excitement of conquering that drives people. Yes, I understand that sometimes too great a challenge might stifle some workers and cause them to quit. But, which would you rather have—a tenacious and ambitious worker or one that isn’t willing to exert any more than a minimum effort? I believe the answer is very clear who would get selected.

Penny Loretto in an About.Com article cites these characteristics of top level employees: (1) A strong work ethic. (2) Dependability and responsibility (3) Positive attitude (4) Adaptability (5) Honesty and Integrity (6) Self-motivated (7) Motivated to learn (8) Self-confidence (9) Professionalism (10) Loyalty.

As you look through this report, you will note that at one point or another, I discuss each of these as characteristics of outstanding leaders. And, I believe it’s safe to make the assumption that if you have a worker or leader who displays and lives these characteristics you’ve found someone that is also willing to work.

Page 6: 9 ideas to create a solid leadership foundation

9 Ideas to Create a Solid Leadership Foundation A Special Report Prepared by

Billy Arcement, MEd—The Leadership Strategist

“Leadership Solutions that Improve Performance”

  36570 Swamp Road South, Prairieville, LA 70769 Office: 225-572-2804

© 2015 All Rights Reserved


# 3: Build respect, trust, and morale in the workforce


Leaders that demand respect have it all wrong. Yes, their position may be one that others respect but it’s the man or woman that earns respect who truly possess it.

The “R” in respect stands for responsibility. Leaders don’t shuck their responsibilities. Rather, they place them squarely on their shoulders and see them through to completion.

The “E” in respect stands for enthusiasm. Followers want to see a high energy presence in their leader. They appreciate the culture such an attitude produces. They are always positive, excited, and determined to produce an atmosphere where excellence flourishes.

The “S” in respect stands for sensitivity. Leaders are sensitive to the wants and needs of employees. They have a level of sensitivity that helps employees experience a balanced lifestyle. They have sensitivity to potential dangers facing the organization and work to overcome them. They are not embarrassed to show their sensitivity, understanding that is a sign of strength rather than one of weakness.

The “P” in respect stands for persistence. When the Germans attacked England in WWII, Winston Churchill strongly urged his fellow Englishman to never, never, never, ever give up. He insisted on a persistence of this attitude every day and eventually, with the help of other nations, they prevailed. But, do you think the outcome would have been the same if they were not able to persist until they succeeded? It was that spirit of completing the mission that kept soldiers fighting until victory was achieved. Persistence enables one to take another step when quitting is the desired action. Persistence enabled Thomas Edison to continuously seek a new way to produce a light bulb. Persistence pays the dues for those hungry for success.

Page 7: 9 ideas to create a solid leadership foundation

9 Ideas to Create a Solid Leadership Foundation A Special Report Prepared by

Billy Arcement, MEd—The Leadership Strategist

“Leadership Solutions that Improve Performance”

  36570 Swamp Road South, Prairieville, LA 70769 Office: 225-572-2804

© 2015 All Rights Reserved


The second “E” in respect stands for empathy. Leaders with this character trait can walk in the shoes of their employees to help them overcome obstacles. They would never think of asking an employee to do a task they would be unwilling to undertake. Emotions, thoughts and feelings experienced by employees are in the forefront of the mind and awareness of empathetic leaders. Employees need this type of support and such leaders willingly provide it.

The final letter, “T” in respect stands for thanks. Leaders never forget to acknowledge a job well done with a sincere thank you. This may be sincere words exchanged or it could be some type of monetary reward. Everyone loves to be appreciated. Leaders that don’t forget this fact, in the end will be leaders who never have to seek support. A support cast will always be there willing to complete a job, to solve a problem or to keep things going in a successful manner.


Like respect, trust is something that is earned by the behavior of a leader. However we know there are events where a leader opens the door to mistrust. But the better path is to earn trust from employees by utilizing as simple a process as telling the truth and keeping their word. When a leader loses trust, they have lost one of the most critical support mechanisms for keeping their leadership intact. So how does a leader build trust? Here are a few techniques every leader must have in their arsenal of actions.

Predictability: There should never be surprises. Behavior and positions on issues are clear and don’t stray off course. Employees also know how their leader will react to a certain situation because that’s how they behaved in a similar situation in the past. Predictability means consistency.

Congruency: Saying one thing and then doing another is one of the quickest ways to lose trust. Walk the talk and you are congruent. Anything else is unacceptable behavior.

Reliability: As an employee, I want to be able to count on you for support in my time of need. Great leaders are there for their people and don’t abandon

Page 8: 9 ideas to create a solid leadership foundation

9 Ideas to Create a Solid Leadership Foundation A Special Report Prepared by

Billy Arcement, MEd—The Leadership Strategist

“Leadership Solutions that Improve Performance”

  36570 Swamp Road South, Prairieville, LA 70769 Office: 225-572-2804

© 2015 All Rights Reserved


ship when things get rough. Unreliable leaders will soon find themselves on an island, surrounded by treacherous waters that drown their leadership abilities.


Like respect and trust, a lack of morale is a killer. When employee morale is very low or nonexistent, a leader is in trouble. When self-motivation diminishes because morale is missing, the work will not be done in a manner that can sustain the existence of an organization. Low morale is a poison pill for an organization. So how can a leader stop morale from dropping? Here are a few tips how that can be done.

Let people in on the action. When I’m part of the solution, I’m energized to solve any problems that may arise. When I know what is going on, I’m increasingly able to keep things going in an efficient manner. We cannot treat people like mushrooms keeping them in the dark. Great leaders share their knowledge and involve people at every opportunity. Involvement produces ownership and ownership produces positive results.

Be a cheerful leader of people. No one likes a sourpuss. A smiling face and an encouraging word go a long way towards building morale. Be consistently energized and positive and you quickly become the catalyst for improving morale.

Offer fair and appropriate compensation. I’ve not mentioned money so far but let’s face it; we all work for some compensation and enjoy the financial rewards of our labor. Now I realize that a line worker cannot be paid as well as a brain surgeon. But paying wages comparable to others doing the same job in the same industry is a smart approach to keeping morale high. If financially feasible, strive to keep benefits close to the industry leader. I understand this is only possible with a strong cash flow. But by keeping morale high, you dramatically increase your ability to get sufficient performances to keep the cash flowing.

Page 9: 9 ideas to create a solid leadership foundation

9 Ideas to Create a Solid Leadership Foundation A Special Report Prepared by

Billy Arcement, MEd—The Leadership Strategist

“Leadership Solutions that Improve Performance”

  36570 Swamp Road South, Prairieville, LA 70769 Office: 225-572-2804

© 2015 All Rights Reserved


Support personal growth. At every opportunity, an organization should strive to build a knowledge base. Look at every position and determine what knowledge is needed to perform the work at maximum levels. Workers can be energized by allowing them the opportunity to learn a new skill or to improve on their current skill level. Many companies cut out training when times get tough financially. That is exactly the wrong thing to do. There are creative ways to grow employee knowledge in these circumstances and the effective leader seeks to implement those methods. Don’t get caught in the trap of not growing employees. Doing so will soon have the organization going the way of the Dodo bird.

Be open to new ideas. Don’t overlook the power of the collective minds of your employees. Be open to suggestions for improvement. Encourage participation. Toyota built their corporation on the ideas provided by thousands of their employees. And, if you approach your leadership role with an open mind always encouraging participation, your organization may just become another Toyota.

Keep the job interesting. In this final point, I want to emphasize very strongly that as you hire employees match job requirements to employee skills. The better the fit, the more proficient the performance. For example, some workers are quickly bored with repetitive tasks. Such workers will either eventually just coast on the job or quit. When interviewing or considering a current employee for this type of job, these traits should be identified before placing them in the position. Such behavior is a costly practice that serves no beneficial purpose for the organization. This is a tricky practice because sometimes finding the match becomes difficult. But when your antenna is high and looking for signals, there will probably be opportunities to help employees find ways to make a stronger contribution while keeping their interest at peak levels.

Page 10: 9 ideas to create a solid leadership foundation

9 Ideas to Create a Solid Leadership Foundation A Special Report Prepared by

Billy Arcement, MEd—The Leadership Strategist

“Leadership Solutions that Improve Performance”

  36570 Swamp Road South, Prairieville, LA 70769 Office: 225-572-2804

© 2015 All Rights Reserved


# 4: Create a Sense of Loyalty to the Organization

There are many facets of society that depend upon loyalty as a major source of their success. Certainly, soldiers must be loyal to their country. Married couples should be loyal to each other. And, in an organizational structure, loyalty is a key component that makes profitability more possible and helps to create a team spirit not present in a group of disloyal employees.

So what can a leader do to build a sense of loyalty within the ranks of those he or she leads? Here are several ideas to ponder if you are in a leadership role and if you wish to examine how your workplace fares with each point.

1. Create an enjoyable workplace: There are times when work gets tense and filled with pressure moments. Few can sustain that intensity for too long. When people enjoy their jobs, enjoy their peers, and enjoy being led by their leaders, loyalty will become part of the culture. I’m not suggesting that you take away responsibility and accountability. These can never go away. However, you want employees who look forward to coming to work, not looking for any excuse to get out of work.

2. Develop an Open Dialog with Employees: This is a two-way street. One path includes keeping employees informed on what is going on within the company. Share everything that is possible to share. The more you inform employees regarding the state of the company, the more they will feel a loyalty to help keep things going well and the more they will engage in corrective actions to grow the organization. The second path has to do with involving employees in decision making. When I have ownership of a decision, I’m going to support it. And ownership develops when I’m involved in the process. Both of these techniques keep employees out of the dark and willing to bask in the sunshine of success.

3. Display Integrity at Every Turn: It’s hard for an employee to remain loyal to an individual that shows no signs of possessing personal integrity. Such

Page 11: 9 ideas to create a solid leadership foundation

9 Ideas to Create a Solid Leadership Foundation A Special Report Prepared by

Billy Arcement, MEd—The Leadership Strategist

“Leadership Solutions that Improve Performance”

  36570 Swamp Road South, Prairieville, LA 70769 Office: 225-572-2804

© 2015 All Rights Reserved


individuals make decisions that favor them over the organization. They try underhanded tactics in the name of making a buck. In short, they display a characteristic that cannot ever create confidence and loyalty. Integrity is probably the most frequently mentioned characteristic of successful leaders. And, when it comes to creating a loyal following, it is one of the most significant traits a leader can demonstrate and expect from those working under their charge.

4. Values Aligned: The closer the alignment between company values and personal values of employees, the happier and more engaged employee you will have. By avoiding the conflict that is always present when values are not congruent, one opens the door of loyalty. First, the organization should articulate exactly what it stands for. Crystal clear and consistent application of values is key. Next, when you hire employees, strive to bring people in that compliment and agree with company values. Doing so creates a culture of success and personal happiness on the job. Work can get hectic enough under normal circumstances. No need to complicate the issue by a values clash.

5. Be a Reliable Leader: As a worker, I need to be able to depend upon support when it is needed to complete my work assignments. This is not to say that leaders should take over employee responsibilities as a support mechanism. No, responsibility and accountability never vanish from the scene of reliability. Sometimes employees need protection and support when they end up in a venerable posture. That is the type of reliability workers need and deserve if a leader wishes to create a loyal following.

6. Provide Rewards and Recognition: We all enjoy our 15 minutes of fame. In the workplace, leaders have multiple opportunities to recognize a job well done. Most of the time a simple and sincere “Thank you” is all an employee seeks. They just want to know that their leaders recognize their contributions and acknowledge it either on a private or public level. While recognition works well in most cases, adding a reward to the mix certainly is a

Page 12: 9 ideas to create a solid leadership foundation

9 Ideas to Create a Solid Leadership Foundation A Special Report Prepared by

Billy Arcement, MEd—The Leadership Strategist

“Leadership Solutions that Improve Performance”

  36570 Swamp Road South, Prairieville, LA 70769 Office: 225-572-2804

© 2015 All Rights Reserved


welcomed addition. When I managed the safety process in the chemical industry, we offered rewards for each year without a lost-time injury. We felt this was important because we did not want employees getting hurt or worst case, getting killed because of an unsafe work practice. So, we educated, monitored, and never stopped emphasizing the need for everyone to work safety and look out for the safety of their peers. The result of this effort produced a ten year period where we did not experience a lost time accident.

7. Grow Employees and Their Career Options: This is a two-fold set of actions. The first is to engage in a consistent and constant training effort. You want employees to have a thorough, cutting edge knowledge of how to do their work and the technology it requires. Unfortunately, many companies stop training as a cost cutting maneuver. This is a tragic mistake that will eventually come back to haunt an organization. Temper training a bit if you must but don’t eliminate it entirely. Secondly, help employees see their job as a career building process, not just a paycheck every two weeks. Offer opportunities to grow skills through training and on-the-job activities. Encourage the development of your knowledge base and open the door of opportunity for those employees that are capable of handling a higher level of responsibility. Make employees see their job as a career and you’ve built a strong base for loyalty to the organization.

8. Make the Workplace a Fun Place to Be: Yes, the task required to fulfill our job must be done as well as possible. That is our obligation as an employee. But striving to make the work environment an enjoyable one is possible in almost every job scheme. This is an objective that should be part of the strategic process used to manage the company. When work is enjoyable and fun, absenteeism drops, employee retention is greater, and profits soar. Who could argue with those results?

Page 13: 9 ideas to create a solid leadership foundation

9 Ideas to Create a Solid Leadership Foundation A Special Report Prepared by

Billy Arcement, MEd—The Leadership Strategist

“Leadership Solutions that Improve Performance”

  36570 Swamp Road South, Prairieville, LA 70769 Office: 225-572-2804

© 2015 All Rights Reserved


# 5: Demonstrate a Cooperative Spirit Where Ideas are Valued and Continuous Improvement is Part of Everyday Activities

Any organization that lacks a cooperative atmosphere will eventually pay a severe price for such a culture. Success demands cooperation between entities striving to bring success to an enterprise. Let me be clear on one point—you don’t have to like everyone but, as a professional, you have an obligation to work in a cooperative fashion. That statement may sound contradictory but such an arrangement can and must occur if there is any animosity between company leaders. In the end, a team spirit is the expectation. As a leader, it’s your job to make sure cooperation occurs and a team spirit permeates all undertakings. Anything less will affect the bottom line. And that’s not an acceptable outcome.

In the 1980’s I was in charge of bringing TQM concepts to the organization in which I worked. A few years later, ISO 9000 became the world-wide quality standard companies were striving to achieve. In both cases, a key component was the idea of continuous improvement. The Japanese called this method of getting better, Kaizen. In summary, Kaizen is a commitment to end the year in a better position than where the organization was when the year began. This is accomplished by a daily search for a better way to carry out our duties. Even if it’s just a micro move—moving forward is the course that must be traversed on a continuous basis. Learning from mistakes, an organization seeks to correct and improve. Looking at things that work well with an eye for how can I make it just a bit better is the path to continuous improvement.

# 6: Finish What Gets Started

Can you imagine a racer in the Indianapolis 500 driving only 499 miles and then stopping? Would a marathon runner quite running 100 yards from the finish line? Certainly, anyone knowing a bit about both events can see the absurdity of that type of performance. No one with any piece of common sense understands that by not completing either event, there really is no reason to have begun in the first place.

Page 14: 9 ideas to create a solid leadership foundation

9 Ideas to Create a Solid Leadership Foundation A Special Report Prepared by

Billy Arcement, MEd—The Leadership Strategist

“Leadership Solutions that Improve Performance”

  36570 Swamp Road South, Prairieville, LA 70769 Office: 225-572-2804

© 2015 All Rights Reserved


In the workplace, the commitment to complete a task begun has to be an everyday event. And it’s the job of a leader to manage this function. Again, this is part of the responsibility and accountability mindset. Leaders, to help this process efficiency are obligated to provide the necessary resources to get the job done. Not doing this would be like asking someone to compete in the Indy 500 with no car!

Leaders must be encouragers, mentors, disciplinarians, providers, and a host of other roles and responsibilities to create an atmosphere of finishing what gets started. This is a primarily critical responsibility of leaders. With no follow-through on work assigned, a leader invites chaos, criticism and cynicism. Finishing is what winners do. Quitting before one finishes defines a loser.

So how can one develop the will to finish what gets started? One component is to develop a sincere desire to accomplish something. The stronger the desire, the greater the potential to make that desire a reality. Leaders need to search within the ranks of those they lead to identify and unleash their career ambitions. Doing so creates a drive to complete what gets started.

Secondly, as a task is identified, spend time planning the action steps needed for its accomplishment. Some believe planning is a waste of time. But to the contrary, the more detailed our planning cycle, the greater the potential for completing the tasks. Planning provides momentum. A lack of planning produces inertia.

Third, adapt a never-say-die attitude. Maintaining a positive belief that you can do something increases the success odds. Positive thinking provides energy and enlightened ideas. Positive thinking blankets a work environment or team with energy to fuel momentum.

Lastly, utilization of the team concept is an asset. In my business, I’m engaged in a mastermind association. This is basically a group of like-minded individual that plan achievements and support each other to make those achievement possible. As mentioned earlier, the power of many exceeds the power of one. So it’s a natural outcome of a team or mastermind group to be more powerful and able to finish what gets started.

Page 15: 9 ideas to create a solid leadership foundation

9 Ideas to Create a Solid Leadership Foundation A Special Report Prepared by

Billy Arcement, MEd—The Leadership Strategist

“Leadership Solutions that Improve Performance”

  36570 Swamp Road South, Prairieville, LA 70769 Office: 225-572-2804

© 2015 All Rights Reserved


# 7: Create a Team Spirit

There has been much written about teamwork. Why? Simply put, it’s because when a team is effective, great things can get done. But there is a dark side to this situation as well. If the team is ineffective, not much of any value gets done. Nowhere can we find a better example of these two ideas than in the world of sports. When a team clicks on all cylinders, they are unbeatable—no matter the sporting event. However, when players appear dazed, confused and negative with their attitude, it’s going to be a long day.

As leaders, it’s our prime responsibility to get the best out of every member of the team just like it’s the responsibility of a great coaching staff to get the best out of every member of their team. How can this be accomplished? Permit me to share some of the key ideas I’ve learned over the course of my work as a manager and leader and now as someone who helps develop leadership and teamwork skills in others.

1. Someone on the team must assume the leadership role: You may be wondering why I used the word “someone” rather than saying the one in charge of the team should assume the leadership role. I will agree that in most instances, the appointed leader is in charge. But throughout the course of projects undertaken by a team, the momentary role of leader will shift to other team members. And, that is a good thing. Think about your workplace. Chances are that while the supervisor may be in charge of a team, there are times when team members get out front and lead. As a leader if you recognize this fact, you are then better able to keep the team moving forward and making progress on assigned projects or work responsibilities.

In the 1980’s Quality Circles were in vogue and the labeled the teamwork of the moment. As one involved in training and managing QC teams in that timeframe, I saw how effective they could be. These teams were able to make significant changes and implement cost-saving practices. Today, QC

Page 16: 9 ideas to create a solid leadership foundation

9 Ideas to Create a Solid Leadership Foundation A Special Report Prepared by

Billy Arcement, MEd—The Leadership Strategist

“Leadership Solutions that Improve Performance”

  36570 Swamp Road South, Prairieville, LA 70769 Office: 225-572-2804

© 2015 All Rights Reserved


teams are not as popular but organizations have evolved into less formal team set up while still utilizing the basic principles of QC teams.

2. The character of team members is critical for the team’s success: While the team itself has obligations of behavior, the cast of characters making up the team must also be carefully considered as a team is created. It’s important that team members be committed to the goals of the team and enthusiastically embraces whatever tasks are assigned to them. Possessing the knowledge and skills to complete the assigned tasks is another important consideration. Competency is critical. Having the ability to express thoughts in an easily understood and succinct manner takes away lots of communication fog that can mask reality. Team members should never forget that if they cannot get understanding they have not successfully communicated anything. Lastly, a “never say die” attitude is often needed, particularly when things get tough and obstacles seem to appear like mushrooms in the night. The ability to have a tenacious spirit is sometimes the difference maker between victory and defeat.

3. Collaboration produces the cohesion: Like glue, collaborative efforts are the principle parts of a successful team effort. As anyone can surmise, team members must work together to get a job done. If one person could do it, why would a team be formed in the first place? So a critical component is the ability to work together in a professional and proficient manner. The power of two or more always supersedes the power of one. Using the collective brainpower in a positive collaboration is a key component of team success.

4. Keep the questions coming: I love questions. They challenge and prod us towards a successful end. Teams understand that they must question each other and question the team decision before a final resolution can be agreed on. Also asking questions unfolds the unknown and brings forth facts able to be used to make a sound decision or to move in a different direction. Team members should not be offended by questions raised as they are thought

Page 17: 9 ideas to create a solid leadership foundation

9 Ideas to Create a Solid Leadership Foundation A Special Report Prepared by

Billy Arcement, MEd—The Leadership Strategist

“Leadership Solutions that Improve Performance”

  36570 Swamp Road South, Prairieville, LA 70769 Office: 225-572-2804

© 2015 All Rights Reserved


stimulators. And, in the absence of any thought process, nothing of great value gets done.

5. Survival is not possible without trust and integrity: Of all the elements comprising a team, few are more important than having complete trust in the integrity of each member. When there is a breech in trust and integrity that is the beginning of the end. The only result of this situation is the creation of chaos. Trust is greatly enhanced if team members share a common set of values. The closer the congruency of values, the more harmonious a team becomes. On the integrity front, if a team member promises to complete an assignment, they should complete the task or give the team a sound reason why the task couldn’t be completed. When integrity and trust are present, a team truly has the IT factor in place.

6. Teams turn problems into opportunities: An important environmental consideration of teams is that they work and thrive in a positive atmosphere. Team members believe in positive thinking and that possibility is always an option. With this mindset, effective teams view any obstacle as an opportunity to make positive change. When I worked in the private sector, I had oversight of our global customer/technical service activities. We initially began the program to solve problems. In a short time, because of the negative connotations of the word problem, we changed our approach to taking those problems and turning them into an opportunity. The goal becomes to not only resolve a situation for a customer but to also improve our overall approach to customer service. We eventually coined the word, “CustOp” to represent a customer opportunity.

7. The four “R’s” are Present: Effective teams look to apply four “R” words in their makeup. These are Responsiveness, Responsibility, Respect and Results.

Certainly, for a team to be effective, it must be responsive to the needs of the people within the organization or to the needs of their customers. Dealing

Page 18: 9 ideas to create a solid leadership foundation

9 Ideas to Create a Solid Leadership Foundation A Special Report Prepared by

Billy Arcement, MEd—The Leadership Strategist

“Leadership Solutions that Improve Performance”

  36570 Swamp Road South, Prairieville, LA 70769 Office: 225-572-2804

© 2015 All Rights Reserved


with any issue in a timely fashion is step one. Step two is getting back to whoever’s needs are served with possible solutions. Within the team structure, everyone has a role to make the entire team work like a well-oiled machine. And that means that everyone accepts their personal responsibilities and sees to it that every responsibility is carried out. It goes without saying that team members should have respect for each other. As mentioned earlier, one doesn’t have to like all team members but has a professional obligation to work with everyone. And doing so displays a respect for that individual. Finally, teams worth their salt want to produce positive results from all their actions. The bottom line in any organization or any team structure is to get results that resolve issues, make changes or creates new opportunities. The Four “R’s” are truly critical to the make-up of any team.

# 8: Create Possibilities

Robert Schuller, former pastor of the Crystal Cathedral in Anaheim, CA created an audio program entitled Possibility Thinking. In his educational program Schuller emphasized how important dreaming big is to the creation and completion of an ambitious project. As with most successful efforts, keeping thoughts focused on possibility rather than impossibilities is a critical component for creating positive results. Leaders with their attitude and leadership elements need to keep an open mind and a positive mindset towards every project assigned. Looking at all the possibilities and visualizing how possibilities can become reality greatly enhances the odds for success. Create possibilities and you create a bright and successful future.

# 9: Be a Willing Servant

I’m a huge proponent of service. Being a servant leader is the core of the principles that govern how to lead effectively. The true servant leader displays the following characteristics:

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9 Ideas to Create a Solid Leadership Foundation A Special Report Prepared by

Billy Arcement, MEd—The Leadership Strategist

“Leadership Solutions that Improve Performance”

  36570 Swamp Road South, Prairieville, LA 70769 Office: 225-572-2804

© 2015 All Rights Reserved


1. Maintains humility while being fiercely and unwaveringly resolved to do whatever it takes to improve organizational performance.

2. Places honesty and being trustworthy at the forefront of their character traits.

3. Understands that under the banner of servant leadership, people will flourish.

4. Unleashes the strengths, talents, and passions of those they serve.

5. Gives direct credit to others; let’s go of their ego and constantly seeks ways to build up others.

6. Continually raises the bar of expectations, meeting daily to discuss goals, and uses weekly and quarterly reviews to keep up with progress. If performance doesn’t improve over time, helps the individual find a position elsewhere. You get greatness out of people by expecting it.

7. Teaches others the knowledge, skills and strategies they need to succeed.

8. Focuses on strengths and away from weaknesses.

9. Assembles a team where individual strengths offset individual weaknesses.

Closing Thoughts

With the ideas shared in this report, I’ve only covered the peak of the leadership iceberg. There are many more characteristics and ideas that are available on the topic of leadership. Let me encourage each of you to continue studying how you might become a better leader. Doing so opens the door of opportunity to a bigger and better career and life. Leadership is where “the rubber meets the road.” It’s at the heart of every success and accomplishment mankind has had since the dawn of time. Yes, I realize this is a very powerful statement. But, can you think of a situation where either organizational and/or personal leadership is not utilized?

Page 20: 9 ideas to create a solid leadership foundation

9 Ideas to Create a Solid Leadership Foundation A Special Report Prepared by

Billy Arcement, MEd—The Leadership Strategist

“Leadership Solutions that Improve Performance”

  36570 Swamp Road South, Prairieville, LA 70769 Office: 225-572-2804

© 2015 All Rights Reserved


Become a leader and you will separate yourself from others because most people are content to be followers. Separate yourself from the crowd by building your expertise on how to be a successful leader of others and of yourself. If you take this challenge, I guarantee you will experience opportunities beyond your comprehension at the moment.

The Speaker That Gets Results

For 36 years, Billy has promoted and taught results-oriented leadership for association meetings, government agencies, corporations, and school districts. His diversified list of clients, from ExxonMobil Chemical to the National School Boards Association, speaks to the wide-range of leadership expertise he brings to his presentations. He has shared his messages with thousands of attendees across America, with economic leaders in the People’s Republic of China, and with world-wide business leaders in Hong Kong. He understands the rudiments of effective leadership at every level of the organization and is a much sought after speaker and consultant for both corporate and educational institutions.

Billy writes nationally published articles on management, leadership, success principles, safety concepts and school board service. He authored, Searching for Success, a book praised for the practical and challenging messages it contains, now published internationally in seven foreign countries. His newest book, Journeying on Holy Ground—Christian Strategies to Reach Your Personal, Professional, and Spiritual Destiny, is a “life manual” for establishing the right priorities required to bring true happiness and success to life.

His programs focus on both organizational and personal leadership. He delivers conference keynotes; break-out sessions and in-house seminars. He provides memorable messages, practical information, and just the right amount of laughter to energize, delight, and inspire every audience. Using his special blend of “Cajun Humor” to drive home the points of his message, Billy uses laughter and learning—a proven, winning combination that permeates every presentation.

Recognized for his keen observation skills, Billy is acknowledged as a successful coach and mentor for leaders. His many years of corporate leadership experiences help him get to the heart of issues. His candid approach to developing individuals to their full potential makes his consulting services game changers.

Page 21: 9 ideas to create a solid leadership foundation

9 Ideas to Create a Solid Leadership Foundation A Special Report Prepared by

Billy Arcement, MEd—The Leadership Strategist

“Leadership Solutions that Improve Performance”

  36570 Swamp Road South, Prairieville, LA 70769 Office: 225-572-2804

© 2015 All Rights Reserved


Billy is considered one of the leading presenters for school board association conferences and is an experienced facilitator for school board retreats and strategic planning sessions. His 12 years of school board service and two year tenure as state President of the Louisiana School Boards Association lend credibility to his message of “Keeping Children First.” He also speaks to school district administrators, teachers and support personnel.

Based upon his many years of safety and environmental management oversight in the chemical industry, Billy offers leadership training and consulting services in these fields. He helped introduce and train thousands of Entergy Corporation employees on Human Performance safety concepts in TX, AR, LA, MI, FL and MS. He also worked with Entergy contractors in KY, NC and VA.

He received his BS in Physical Education and Science, earned his Masters of Education with a major in Administration and Supervision and also completed 36 additional hours of graduate studies with an emphasis on Counseling.

Through his speaking and consulting services, Billy helps organizations develop cultural changes that enhance teamwork, productivity, and profits. Why not bring Billy in to work with or speak to your organizational leaders. His many satisfied clients would simply recommend to youDo It!

Page 22: 9 ideas to create a solid leadership foundation

9 Ideas to Create a Solid Leadership Foundation A Special Report Prepared by

Billy Arcement, MEd—The Leadership Strategist

“Leadership Solutions that Improve Performance”

  36570 Swamp Road South, Prairieville, LA 70769 Office: 225-572-2804

© 2015 All Rights Reserved


Sample Program Titles (Call about other topic / presentation options)

Leadership Strategies in a Downturn Economy

Creating and Sustaining High Performance Teams

How to Master Your Time and Bring Balance to Your Life

How to Get the Most From Your Team

Everything Counts

Effectively Developing and Growing Employees

Three Keys for Building Success in Your Business and Your Life

It’s Attitude, Not Aptitude that Gives You Altitude

From Good to Great—Using the Power of Goals and Strategies

The Servant Leader—A Different Kind of Leader

Creating an Exceptional Teamwork and Leadership Environment

Job Talk—Creating an Exceptional Communication Process for On-the-Job Success

For information about Billy’s services as a speaker or consultant for your organization, go to www.SearchingForSuccess.com, call him at 225-572-2804 or email [email protected].