9 sneaky social cues you can use for an epic fundraising event

9 Sneaky Social Cues You Can Use For An Epic Fundraising Event

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9 Sneaky Social Cues You Can Use For An

Epic Fundraising Event

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What makes in-person events so effective?

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What makes in-person events so effective?

they’re social!

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One of the best ways to encourage giving is to create an atmosphere of shared responsibility towards the fundraising goal.

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How do you create an atmosphere of shared responsibility?

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How do you create an atmosphere of shared responsibility?

Try these 9 sneaky social cues to get people in the giving spirit!

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Set a funding goal (and make sure everyone knows it)

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Set a funding goal (and make sure everyone knows it)

We’re much more likely to take action

when we know there’s a “finish line.”

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Suggest giving levels that are realistic for your attendees.

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Suggest giving levels that are realistic for your attendees.

Keep in mind:

•  # of attendees

•  Funding goal

•  Giving capacity of attendees

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Project your campaign’s progress prominently

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Project your campaign’s progress prominently

This will help build momentum

and urgency as the night


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Screen your campaign video (if you made one)

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Screen your campaign video (if you made one)

The more footage of donor

dollars at work, the better!

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Appoint “table captains” (staff, board members, volunteers)

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Appoint “table captains” (staff, board members, volunteers)

Your table captains will be the

“cheerleaders” for each table,

encouraging them to give

when the time comes,

cheering on their efforts, and

breaking the ice.

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Set individual “table goals” and create a

friendly competition to see which table can hit

their goal first.

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Have staff/volunteers “working the room” to

offer assistance in completing donations.

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Have staff/volunteers “working the room” to

offer assistance in completing donations.

If you’re utilizing iPads for

donation processing, have

staff members encourage

attendees to pass them

around to keep donations

coming in.

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Considering making multiple “hard asks” after the initial

announcement that fundraising has begun.

(i.e. – “If everybody donates $100, we’ll hit our goal right now!”)

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Considering making multiple “hard asks” after the initial

announcement that fundraising has begun.

(i.e. – “If everybody donates $100, we’ll hit our goal right now!”)

This helps create the

atmosphere of shared

responsibility by encouraging

everyone to take a specific

action to “do their part.”

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If using incentives to donate at specific levels, make sure those incentives are well publicized

(this means making the announcement multiple times).

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If using incentives to donate at specific levels, make sure those incentives are well publicized

(this means making the announcement multiple times).

While incentives aren’t the

“end-all, be-all” motivator for

donors, they can help. If there

are only limited supplies

available, make sure that’s

known as well!

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If you capitalize on these strategies, you’ll create an atmosphere of shared responsibility and hit your funding goal with no problem!

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Looking for more tips on fundraising, prospect research, and development?

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Looking for more tips on fundraising, prospect research, and development?

Subscribe to the WeDidIt Fundraising Blog!

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Looking for more tips on fundraising, prospect research, and development?

Subscribe to the WeDidIt Fundraising Blog!


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