9/11 & directed energy technology

9/11 & Directed Energy Technology A sample of the large body of empirical evidence from 9/11 This presentation was created in honor of, and with permission from, the brave scientist who assembled the large body of empirical evidence from 9/11, Dr. Judy Wood, Ph.D.

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Page 1: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

9/11 & Directed Energy Technology A sample of the large body of empirical evidence from 9/11

This presentation was created in honor of, and with permission from, the brave scientist who assembled the large body of empirical evidence from 9/11, Dr. Judy Wood, Ph.D.

Page 2: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

Theory, speculation, and belief are not necessary to understand that directed energy was used on 9/11, rather, only detailed study of the empirical evidence from 9/11 is necessary. Situations like this are rare in science, where there is so much empirical evidence that one can bypass theory and speculation to draw an irrefutable conclusion from the evidence. This also helps to illustrate a major difference between Dr. Judy Wood and other 9/11 researchers, as she did not start with theory or speculation and then begin researching to see if it was consistent with the evidence. Instead, Dr. Wood simply did what any objective, vigilant scientist would do, she gathered and studied as much of the empirical evidence from 9/11 as possible, assembling a monumental database of verifiable physical evidence that dwarfs the efforts of any other 9/11 "research", including the unscientific '9/11 Commission Report'. After gathering and studying all of this important evidence, Dr. Wood arrived at the only logical, inescapable conclusion that explains all of this empirical evidence, a general category of weapon technology known as 'directed energy weapons' (DEW). It would be theory or speculation to go beyond that by trying to name a specific weapon technology or location, because that is not what the evidence allows us to irrefutably conclude. This is why the term is left as a general one, because that is the only logical, conclusive, and irrefutable conclusion that the evidence allows us to make.

Please consider the following simplified example as it helps to crudely illustrate this principle. Let's pretend my attorney provided you with the following verified and certified factual evidence: I own a common household pet, that's a mammal, has four legs, has sharp teeth, eats meat, has lots of hair, barks very loudly, drools when I place food in front of him, wags his tail when excited, eats from under the table, often chases cats, can be trained to do many tricks including 'sit', 'stay', and 'roll over', can play "fetch", has a strong sense of smell, is often used by law enforcement to fight crime, is often used for hunting, is closely related to wolves, and is known as "man's best friend". Based on this factual information, you can irrefutably conclude that I own a dog, because there is no other possible explanation to account for all of the verifiable facts that are available to describe my pet. You don't need theory or speculation, rather, you simply need to study all of the factual evidence that's available to describe my pet in order to be absolutely certain that it's a dog. By studying all of the available factual evidence in this exercise, you can irrefutably know that I own a general category of animal known as a dog, because the evidence is overwhelmingly conclusive. However, if you were to try and guess the specific breed or color of the dog I own, that would be theory or speculation, because the verifiable body of factual evidence only allows you to irrefutably conclude that I own a general category of animal known as a dog.

The empirical evidence from 9/11 is also overwhelmingly conclusive, because there is only one thing that can explain it all, and nothing else comes close. Only the general category of weapon technology known as 'directed energy weapons' (DEW) can explain all of the empirical evidence from 9/11, and it does so completely and irrefutably. I hope this helps clarify the difference between theory versus a conclusive body of evidence, and why studying all of the empirical evidence from 9/11 is so important.

Be skeptical…

…but don’t close your mind.

Page 3: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

Table that briefly summarizes and compares the various explanations that attempt to address the large body of empirical evidence from 9/11 (table from Dr. Judy Wood's presentation at the 2012 'Breakthrough Energy Movement' conference in Holland).Source: http://drjudywood.com/ &http://vimeo.com/57923364

The large body of empirical evidence from 9/11 is overwhelmingly conclusive, because there is only one thing that can explain it all, and nothing else comes close. Only the general category of weapon technology known as 'directed energy weapons' (DEW) can explain all of the empirical evidence from 9/11, and it does so completely and irrefutably. In other words, a general type of weapon technology known as 'directed energy weapons' was used to transform the WTC buildings mostly into dust in midair on 9/11, and this conclusion is irrefutable because the large body of publicly available, easily verifiable, empirical evidence from 9/11 shows us this beyond any reasonable doubt. Jetfuel, airliners, explosives of any kind, and all other types of destructive forces are not even remotely consistent with the large body of empirical evidence from 9/11, but directed energy weapons are overwhelmingly consistent with the evidence.

Although it is possible that other methods may have been used to help destroy the WTC towers in addition to directed energy, this seems to be very unlikely, because the general category of weapon technology known as 'directed energy weapons' can account for ALL of the anomalous destruction that occurred on 9/11 (while nothing else comes close to doing so). Based on the conclusive body of empirical evidence from 9/11, and the important concept known as 'Occam's Razor', there is no scientific reason to conclude that other methods of destruction were used on 9/11 in addition to directed energy.

Page 4: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

In 2007, Dr. Judy Wood and the brave attorney Dr. Jerry Leaphart took legal action against the corporations that the National Institute for Standards and Technology (NIST) had contracted to conduct the 9/11 "investigations", many of which are leading military / defense / weapons corporations involved in directed energy research (an enormous conflict-of-interest). The filings in these legal efforts included Requests For Corrections (RFC) based on the Data Quality Act, and a Qui-Tam federal whistleblower lawsuit. The federal qui-tam case was so strong, thanks to all the physical evidence this researcher has assembled, that it was successfully appealed to the level of the U.S. Supreme Court in October 2009, despite the attempts of the corporate defense lawyers pushing for premature dismissal of the case at each level of appeal. The case was abruptly and unlawfully dismissed by the Supreme Court, and this is detailed in the legal documents found on this researcher’s website at the links below, so please do not be fooled by those who claim that the case was not appealed to this level. Surprisingly, Dr. Judy Wood is the only 9/11 researcher who has submitted evidence to the courts in pursuit of the truth. The legal documents from her court cases can be viewed at the following links:

1. http://www.drjudywood.com/articles/NIST/NIST_RFC.html2. http://www.drjudywood.com/articles/NIST/Qui_Tam_Wood.shtml

Page 5: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

Official cover of Dr. Judy Wood's scientific textbook, 'Where Did The Towers Go?', published in 2010.ISBN-10: 0615412564 | ISBN-13: 978-0615412566Source: http://wheredidthetowersgo.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/12/CoverPage_blue_s.jpg

"This book is a forensic analysis of what effectively is a crime scene. Ground Zero and the surrounding areas were photographed countless thousands of times, yet no one really assessed all of the phenomena found in these photographs. What is presented in this book is not a theory and it is not speculation. It is evidence. It is the body of empirical evidence that must be explained in order to determine what happened at Ground Zero.

Anyone declaring who did what or how they did it before they have determined what was done is merely promoting either speculation or propaganda. The popular chant, "9/11 was an inside job," is, scientifically speaking, no different from the chant that "19 bad guys with box cutters did it." Neither one is the result of a scientific investigation supported by evidence that would be admissible in court. Neither identifies what crime was committed or how it was committed.

The order of crime solving is to determine

1) WHAT happened, then

2) HOW it happened (e.g., what weapon), then

3) WHO did it. And only then can we address

4) WHY they did it (i.e. motive).

Let us remember what is required to (legally) convict someone of a crime. You cannot convict someone of a crime based on belief. You cannot convict someone of a crime if you don't even know what crime to charge them with. If you accuse someone of murder using a gun, you'd better be sure the body has a bullet hole in it. Yet, before noon on 9/11/01, we were told who did it, how they did it, and why they did it (they hate us for our freedoms); before any investigation had been conducted to determine what had even been done.

Many people have speculated as to who committed the crimes of 9/11 and/or how they did so. But without addressing what happened, speculation of this kind is nothing more than conspiracy theory. My research is not speculation. It is a forensic investigation of what happened to the WTC complex on 9/11." -Dr. Judy Wood, PhD (Materials Science Engineering)

The book can be purchased here:www.wheredidthetowersgo.com andhttp://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0615412564/

"Peter Santilli is offering an unconditional 100% satisfaction guarantee. If you purchase this 540 page textbook and do not believe this is the most important book of our lifetime, you may return the book and receive a full refund including all shipping costs." from:www.petersantilli.com/where-did-the-towers-go/

Page 6: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

World Trade Center buildings 1 & 2 (WTC1 & 2), also known as the WTC Twin Towers, towering over the skyscrapers of lower Manhattan. The Bankers Trust building is the 40-story black skyscraper in the bottom right corner of the photo, and is useful for comparison to the height of the 110-story WTC towers and their resulting "rubble pile".Source: http://img83.imageshack.us/img83/1059/1di7.jpg

World Trade Center Facts:

110 stories in each tower1368 feet high—the North Tower1362 feet high—the South Tower10,000,000 square feet of rentable space in the Twin Towers1 acre of rentable space on each floor of the Twin Towers50,000 people worked in the Twin Towers150,000 people used the World Trade Center subway stations daily7 underground levels—included services, shopping, and a subway station200,000 tons of steel used in the construction of the World Trade Center complex425,000 cubic yards of concrete used in the construction of the World Trade Center complex43,600 windows in the twin towers—over 600,000 square feet of glass239 elevators in the World Trade Center complex71 escalators in the complex2,000 parking spaces in the complex’s 5 underground parking levels70 feet of foundation excavated so that the Twin Towers rested on solid bedrock1,500,000 tons—the weight of the Twin Towers198 miles of heating ducts in the Twin Towers3,800 gold bars weighing 12 tons and worth $100 million stored in the basement vaultssource: http://www.nysm.nysed.gov/wtc/about/facts.html

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Photograph of the WTC complex, surrounding buildings, and streets from a perspective similar to the map from the previous image.

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Map of the WTC complex and surrounding area, with each WTC building, some surrounding buildings, and streets labeled.

Page 9: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

Smoke from the towers blows to the southeast and travels along a fairly horizontal path. It is not blowing up and it is not blowing down. It is blowing out over Brooklyn.(9/11/01) Source: http://www.amanzafar.com/WTC/wtc-16_1_small.jpg

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Notice the white "silly string" coming from the tower in the lower part of this photo. What could have caused this?(9/11/01) Source: http://www.amanzafar.com/WTC/wtc-32_1_small.jpg

Page 11: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

WTC2 is being transformed into dust. This does not look like a "collapse".(9/11/01) Source: http://www.amanzafar.com/WTC/wtc-40_1_small.jpg

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WTC2 is being transformed into dust. This does not look like a "collapse".(9/11/01) Source: http://www.amanzafar.com/WTC/wtc-41_1_small.jpg

Page 13: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

WTC2 has been transformed into dust. Notice the light colored dust that is now beginning to come from the right face of WTC1, just above the dust cloud from WTC2. Immediately after WTC2 was destroyed, WTC1 was 'lathered up'.(9/11/01) Source: http://www.amanzafar.com/WTC/wtc-43_1_small.jpg

Page 14: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

WTC2 has just been destroyed, but WTC1 still remains. The dust is so thick it blocks the sunlight, casting a shadow over ground zero and the adjacent river front.Source: http://www.geocities.com/debunking911/wtc1heli.jpg

Page 15: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

WTC2 has just been transformed into dust, but WTC1 remains standing. Immediately after WTC2 was destroyed, WTC1 was 'lathered up'. Please click through the following sequence of photos, and note the light colored dust that begins pouring from the south side of tower WTC1.(9/11/01) Source: http://www.amanzafar.com/WTC/wtc-45_1_small.jpg

Page 16: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

Light colored dust is now coming from a larger area of the right face of WTC1. Immediately after WTC2 was destroyed, WTC1 was 'lathered up'. With the distraction of WTC2 going poof, perhaps they were hoping folks wouldn't notice? Please click through the following sequence of photos, and note the light colored dust that begins pouring from the south side of tower WTC1.(9/11/01) Source: http://www.amanzafar.com/WTC/wtc-48_1_small.jpg

Page 17: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

Light colored dust is now coming from a larger area of the right face of WTC1. Immediately after WTC2 was destroyed, WTC1 was 'lathered up'. With the distraction of WTC2 going poof, perhaps they were hoping folks wouldn't notice?(9/11/01) Source: http://www.amanzafar.com/WTC/wtc-49_1_small.jpg

Page 18: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

Light colored dust is now coming from most of the right face of WTC1. Immediately after WTC2 was destroyed, WTC1 was 'lathered up'. Notice the distinct color difference between the dark smoke and the light dust. With the distraction of WTC2 going poof, perhaps they were hoping folks wouldn't notice?(9/11/01) Source: http://www.amanzafar.com/WTC/wtc-51_1_small.jpg

Page 19: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

Light colored dust is now coming from the entire right face of WTC1. Immediately after WTC2 was destroyed, WTC1 was 'lathered up'. Notice the distinct color difference between the dark smoke and the light dust. With the distraction of WTC2 going poof, perhaps they were hoping folks wouldn't notice?(9/11/01) Source: http://www.amanzafar.com/WTC/wtc-52_1_small.jpg

Page 20: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

Light colored dust is now coming from the entire right face of WTC1. Immediately after WTC2 was destroyed, WTC1 was 'lathered up'. Notice the distinct color difference between the dark smoke and the light dust. With the distraction of WTC2 going poof, perhaps they were hoping folks wouldn't notice?(9/11/01) Source: http://www.amanzafar.com/WTC/wtc-53_1_small.jpg

Page 21: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

Immediately after WTC2 was destroyed, WTC1 was 'lathered up'. Notice the distinct color difference between the dark smoke and the light dust. With the distraction of WTC2 going poof, perhaps they were hoping folks wouldn't notice? Please click through the following sequence of photos, and note the cloud of white dust that pours from the south side of tower WTC1.(9/11/01) Source: http://wtcdata.nist.gov/gallery2/v/Collected+Materials/Organized+Photos+and+Video+Clips/Photos/

Page 22: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

Immediately after WTC2 was destroyed, WTC1 was 'lathered up'. Notice the distinct color difference between the dark smoke and the light dust. With the distraction of WTC2 going poof, perhaps they were hoping folks wouldn't notice? Please click through the following sequence of photos, and note the cloud of white dust that pours from the south side of tower WTC1.(9/11/01) Source: http://wtcdata.nist.gov/gallery2/v/Collected+Materials/Organized+Photos+and+Video+Clips/Photos/

Page 23: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

Immediately after WTC2 was destroyed, WTC1 was 'lathered up'. Notice the distinct color difference between the dark smoke and the light dust. With the distraction of WTC2 going poof, perhaps they were hoping folks wouldn't notice?(9/11/01) Source: http://wtcdata.nist.gov/gallery2/v/Collected+Materials/Organized+Photos+and+Video+Clips/Photos/

Page 24: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

Immediately after WTC2 was destroyed, WTC1 was 'lathered up'. Notice the distinct color difference between the dark smoke and the light dust. With the distraction of WTC2 going poof, perhaps they were hoping folks wouldn't notice?(9/11/01) Source: http://wtcdata.nist.gov/gallery2/v/Collected+Materials/Organized+Photos+and+Video+Clips/Photos/

Page 25: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

Immediately after WTC2 was destroyed, WTC1 was 'lathered up'. Notice the distinct color difference between the dark smoke and the light dust. With the distraction of WTC2 going poof, perhaps they were hoping folks wouldn't notice?(9/11/01) Source: http://wtcdata.nist.gov/gallery2/v/Collected+Materials/Organized+Photos+and+Video+Clips/Photos/

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Immediately after WTC2 was destroyed, WTC1 was 'lathered up'. Notice the distinct color difference between the dark smoke and the light dust. With the distraction of WTC2 going poof, perhaps they were hoping folks wouldn't notice?(9/11/01) Source: http://911wtc.freehostia.com/gallery/originalimages/GJS-WTC10.jpg

Page 27: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

The second tower (WTC1) is now being destroyed after the "lathering up" process. This does not look like a "collapse". See a high definition, slow motion video clip of WTC1's destruction below.(9/11/01) Source: http://wtcdata.nist.gov/gallery2/v/Collected+Materials/Organized+Photos+and+Video+Clips/Photos/

High Definition Clip of WTC Turning to Dust on 9/11 (Slow Motion): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dueVm1UGvXo

Steel Column 'Spire' Turns to Dust on 9/11 | CNN News: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dzm2wfiXdW4

Media Acknowledges Steel Turned to Dust on 9/11 (Full Clip) | ABC News http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eJb-GPtb2I0

Page 28: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

The second tower (WTC1) is now being destroyed after the "lathering up" process. This does not look like a "collapse". See a high definition, slow motion video clip of WTC1's destruction below.(9/11/01) Source: http://wtcdata.nist.gov/gallery2/v/Collected+Materials/Organized+Photos+and+Video+Clips/Photos/

High Definition Clip of WTC Turning to Dust on 9/11 (Slow Motion): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dueVm1UGvXo

Steel Column 'Spire' Turns to Dust on 9/11 | CNN News: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dzm2wfiXdW4

Media Acknowledges Steel Turned to Dust on 9/11 (Full Clip) | ABC News http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eJb-GPtb2I0

Page 29: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

The second tower (WTC1) is now being destroyed after the "lathering up" process. This does not look like a "collapse". See a high definition, slow motion video clip of WTC1's destruction below.(9/11/01) Source: http://wtcdata.nist.gov/gallery2/v/Collected+Materials/Organized+Photos+and+Video+Clips/Photos/

High Definition Clip of WTC Turning to Dust on 9/11 (Slow Motion): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dueVm1UGvXo

Steel Column 'Spire' Turns to Dust on 9/11 | CNN News: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dzm2wfiXdW4

Media Acknowledges Steel Turned to Dust on 9/11 (Full Clip) | ABC News http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eJb-GPtb2I0

Page 30: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

The second tower (WTC1) is now being destroyed after the "lathering up" process. This does not look like a "collapse". See a high definition, slow motion video clip of WTC1's destruction below.(9/11/01) Source: http://wtcdata.nist.gov/gallery2/v/Collected+Materials/Organized+Photos+and+Video+Clips/Photos/

High Definition Clip of WTC Turning to Dust on 9/11 (Slow Motion): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dueVm1UGvXo

Steel Column 'Spire' Turns to Dust on 9/11 | CNN News: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dzm2wfiXdW4

Media Acknowledges Steel Turned to Dust on 9/11 (Full Clip) | ABC News http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eJb-GPtb2I0

Page 31: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

The second tower (WTC1) is now being destroyed after the "lathering up" process. This does not look like a "collapse". See a high definition, slow motion video clip of WTC1's destruction below.(9/11/01) Source: http://wtcdata.nist.gov/gallery2/v/Collected+Materials/Organized+Photos+and+Video+Clips/Photos/

High Definition Clip of WTC Turning to Dust on 9/11 (Slow Motion): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dueVm1UGvXo

Steel Column 'Spire' Turns to Dust on 9/11 | CNN News: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dzm2wfiXdW4

Media Acknowledges Steel Turned to Dust on 9/11 (Full Clip) | ABC News http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eJb-GPtb2I0

Page 32: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

The second tower (WTC1) is now being destroyed after the "lathering up" process. This does not look like a "collapse". Notice the large ejection of dust from the right face of the tower many floors below the zone of destruction. See a high definition, slow motion video clip of WTC1's destruction below.(9/11/01) Source: http://wtcdata.nist.gov/gallery2/v/Collected+Materials/Organized+Photos+and+Video+Clips/Photos/

High Definition Clip of WTC Turning to Dust on 9/11 (Slow Motion): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dueVm1UGvXo

Steel Column 'Spire' Turns to Dust on 9/11 | CNN News: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dzm2wfiXdW4

Media Acknowledges Steel Turned to Dust on 9/11 (Full Clip) | ABC News http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eJb-GPtb2I0

Page 33: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

The second tower (WTC1) is now being destroyed after the "lathering up" process. This does not look like a "collapse". Notice that material from intact floors far below the 'airplane impact' zone are now beginning to disintegrate into dust as they peel away from the core structure of the building. See a high definition, slow motion video clip of WTC1's destruction below.(9/11/01) Source: http://wtcdata.nist.gov/gallery2/v/Collected+Materials/Organized+Photos+and+Video+Clips/Photos/

High Definition Clip of WTC Turning to Dust on 9/11 (Slow Motion): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dueVm1UGvXo

Steel Column 'Spire' Turns to Dust on 9/11 | CNN News: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dzm2wfiXdW4

Media Acknowledges Steel Turned to Dust on 9/11 (Full Clip) | ABC News http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eJb-GPtb2I0

Page 34: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

The second tower (WTC1) is now being destroyed after the "lathering up" process. This does not look like a "collapse". Notice that material from intact floors far below the 'airplane impact' zone are now beginning to disintegrate into dust as they peel away from the core structure of the building. See a high definition, slow motion video clip of WTC1's destruction below.(9/11/01) Source: http://wtcdata.nist.gov/gallery2/v/Collected+Materials/Organized+Photos+and+Video+Clips/Photos/

High Definition Clip of WTC Turning to Dust on 9/11 (Slow Motion): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dueVm1UGvXo

Steel Column 'Spire' Turns to Dust on 9/11 | CNN News: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dzm2wfiXdW4

Media Acknowledges Steel Turned to Dust on 9/11 (Full Clip) | ABC News http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eJb-GPtb2I0

Page 35: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

The second tower (WTC1) is now being destroyed after the "lathering up" process. This does not look like a "collapse". Notice that material from intact floors far below the 'airplane impact' zone are now beginning to disintegrate into dust as they peel away from the core structure of the building. See a high definition, slow motion video clip of WTC1's destruction below.(9/11/01) Source: http://wtcdata.nist.gov/gallery2/v/Collected+Materials/Organized+Photos+and+Video+Clips/Photos/

High Definition Clip of WTC Turning to Dust on 9/11 (Slow Motion): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dueVm1UGvXo

Steel Column 'Spire' Turns to Dust on 9/11 | CNN News: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dzm2wfiXdW4

Media Acknowledges Steel Turned to Dust on 9/11 (Full Clip) | ABC News http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eJb-GPtb2I0

Page 36: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

The second tower (WTC1) is now being destroyed after the "lathering up" process. This does not look like a "collapse". Notice that material from intact floors far below the 'airplane impact' zone are now disintegrating into dust as they peel away from the core structure of the building. Large chunks of structural steel can be seen giving off enormous trails of fine dust. What could cause steel to become dust in midair? See a high definition, slow motion video clip of WTC1's destruction below.(9/11/01) Source: http://wtcdata.nist.gov/gallery2/v/Collected+Materials/Organized+Photos+and+Video+Clips/Photos/

High Definition Clip of WTC Turning to Dust on 9/11 (Slow Motion): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dueVm1UGvXo

Steel Column 'Spire' Turns to Dust on 9/11 | CNN News: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dzm2wfiXdW4

Media Acknowledges Steel Turned to Dust on 9/11 (Full Clip) | ABC News http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eJb-GPtb2I0

Page 37: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

Notice that material from intact floors far below the 'airplane impact' zone are now disintegrating into dust as they peel away from the core structure of the building. Large chunks of structural steel can be seen giving off enormous trails of fine dust. What could cause steel to become dust in midair? (9/11/01) Source: http://wtcdata.nist.gov/gallery2/v/Collected+Materials/Organized+Photos+and+Video+Clips/Photos/

High Definition Clip of WTC Turning to Dust on 9/11 (Slow Motion): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dueVm1UGvXo

Steel Column 'Spire' Turns to Dust on 9/11 | CNN News: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dzm2wfiXdW4

Media Acknowledges Steel Turned to Dust on 9/11 (Full Clip) | ABC News http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eJb-GPtb2I0

Page 38: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

Notice that material from intact floors far below the 'airplane impact' zone are disintegrating into dust as they peel away from the core structure of the building. Large chunks of structural steel can be seen giving off enormous trails of fine dust. What could cause steel to become dust in midair? See a high definition, slow motion video clip of WTC1's destruction below.(9/11/01) Source: http://wtcdata.nist.gov/gallery2/v/Collected+Materials/Organized+Photos+and+Video+Clips/Photos/

High Definition Clip of WTC Turning to Dust on 9/11 (Slow Motion): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dueVm1UGvXo

Steel Column 'Spire' Turns to Dust on 9/11 | CNN News: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dzm2wfiXdW4

Media Acknowledges Steel Turned to Dust on 9/11 (Full Clip) | ABC News http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eJb-GPtb2I0

Page 39: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

Material is being launched upward and outward. The whitish material in the foreground spills downward while the southern portion (away from the camera) appears to shoot straight up. Notice that material from intact floors far below the 'airplane impact' zone are disintegrating into dust as they peel away from the core structure of the building. Large chunks of structural steel can be seen giving off enormous trails of fine dust. What could cause steel to become dust in midair. (9/11/01) Source: http://wtcdata.nist.gov/gallery2/v/Collected+Materials/Organized+Photos+and+Video+Clips/Photos/

High Definition Clip of WTC Turning to Dust on 9/11 (Slow Motion): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dueVm1UGvXo

Steel Column 'Spire' Turns to Dust on 9/11 | CNN News: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dzm2wfiXdW4

Media Acknowledges Steel Turned to Dust on 9/11 (Full Clip) | ABC News http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eJb-GPtb2I0

Page 40: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

This does not look like a "collapse." Material is being launched upward and outward. The whitish material in the foreground spills downward while the southern portion (away from the camera) appears to shoot straight up. Notice that material from intact floors far below the 'airplane impact' zone are disintegrating into dust as they peel away from the core structure of the building. Large chunks of structural steel can be seen giving off enormous trails of fine dust. What could cause steel to become dust in midair? See a high definition, slow motion video clip of WTC1's destruction below.(9/11/01) Source: http://wtcdata.nist.gov/gallery2/v/Collected+Materials/Organized+Photos+and+Video+Clips/Photos/

High Definition Clip of WTC Turning to Dust on 9/11 (Slow Motion): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dueVm1UGvXo

Steel Column 'Spire' Turns to Dust on 9/11 | CNN News: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dzm2wfiXdW4

Media Acknowledges Steel Turned to Dust on 9/11 (Full Clip) | ABC News http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eJb-GPtb2I0

Page 41: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

This does not look like a "collapse." Material is being launched upward and outward. The whitish material in the foreground spills downward while the southern portion (away from the camera) appears to shoot straight up. Notice that material from intact floors far below the 'airplane impact' zone are disintegrating into dust as they peel away from the core structure of the building. Large chunks of structural steel can be seen giving off enormous trails of fine dust. What could cause steel to become dust in midair? See a high definition, slow motion video clip of WTC1's destruction below.(9/11/01) Source: http://wtcdata.nist.gov/gallery2/v/Collected+Materials/Organized+Photos+and+Video+Clips/Photos/

High Definition Clip of WTC Turning to Dust on 9/11 (Slow Motion): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dueVm1UGvXo

Steel Column 'Spire' Turns to Dust on 9/11 | CNN News: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dzm2wfiXdW4

Media Acknowledges Steel Turned to Dust on 9/11 (Full Clip) | ABC News http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eJb-GPtb2I0

Page 42: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

This does not look like a "collapse." Material is being launched upward and outward. The whitish material in the foreground spills downward while the southern portion (away from the camera) appears to shoot straight up. Notice that material from intact floors far below the 'airplane impact' zone are disintegrating into dust as they peel away from the core structure of the building. Large chunks of structural steel can be seen giving off enormous trails of fine dust. What could cause steel to become dust in midair? See a high definition, slow motion video clip of WTC1's destruction below.(9/11/01) Source: http://wtcdata.nist.gov/gallery2/v/Collected+Materials/Organized+Photos+and+Video+Clips/Photos/

High Definition Clip of WTC Turning to Dust on 9/11 (Slow Motion): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dueVm1UGvXo

Steel Column 'Spire' Turns to Dust on 9/11 | CNN News: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dzm2wfiXdW4

Media Acknowledges Steel Turned to Dust on 9/11 (Full Clip) | ABC News http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eJb-GPtb2I0

Page 43: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

This does not look like a "collapse." Material is being launched upward and outward. The whitish material in the foreground spills downward while the southern portion (away from the camera) appears to shoot straight up. Notice that material from intact floors far below the 'airplane impact' zone are disintegrating into dust as they peel away from the core structure of the building. Large chunks of structural steel can be seen giving off enormous trails of fine dust. What could cause steel to become dust in midair? See a high definition, slow motion video clip of WTC1's destruction below.(9/11/01) Source: http://wtcdata.nist.gov/gallery2/v/Collected+Materials/Organized+Photos+and+Video+Clips/Photos/

High Definition Clip of WTC Turning to Dust on 9/11 (Slow Motion): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dueVm1UGvXo

Steel Column 'Spire' Turns to Dust on 9/11 | CNN News: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dzm2wfiXdW4

Media Acknowledges Steel Turned to Dust on 9/11 (Full Clip) | ABC News http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eJb-GPtb2I0

Page 44: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

This does not look like a "collapse." Material is being launched upward and outward. The whitish material in the foreground spills downward while the southern portion (away from the camera) appears to shoot straight up. Notice that material from intact floors far below the 'airplane impact' zone are disintegrating into dust as they peel away from the core structure of the building. Large chunks of structural steel can be seen giving off enormous trails of fine dust. What could cause steel to become dust in midair? See a high definition, slow motion video clip of WTC1's destruction below.(9/11/01) Source: http://wtcdata.nist.gov/gallery2/v/Collected+Materials/Organized+Photos+and+Video+Clips/Photos/

High Definition Clip of WTC Turning to Dust on 9/11 (Slow Motion): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dueVm1UGvXo

Steel Column 'Spire' Turns to Dust on 9/11 | CNN News: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dzm2wfiXdW4

Media Acknowledges Steel Turned to Dust on 9/11 (Full Clip) | ABC News http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eJb-GPtb2I0

Page 45: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

This does not look like a "collapse." Material is being launched upward and outward. The whitish material in the foreground spills downward while the southern portion (away from the camera) appears to shoot straight up. Notice that material from intact floors far below the 'airplane impact' zone are disintegrating into dust as they peel away from the core structure of the building. Large chunks of structural steel can be seen giving off enormous trails of fine dust. What could cause steel to become dust in midair? See a high definition, slow motion video clip of WTC1's destruction below.(9/11/01) Source: http://wtcdata.nist.gov/gallery2/v/Collected+Materials/Organized+Photos+and+Video+Clips/Photos/

High Definition Clip of WTC Turning to Dust on 9/11 (Slow Motion): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dueVm1UGvXo

Steel Column 'Spire' Turns to Dust on 9/11 | CNN News: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dzm2wfiXdW4

Media Acknowledges Steel Turned to Dust on 9/11 (Full Clip) | ABC News http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eJb-GPtb2I0

Page 46: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

This does not look like a "collapse." Material is being launched upward and outward. The whitish material in the foreground spills downward while the southern portion (away from the camera) appears to shoot straight up. Notice that material from intact floors far below the 'airplane impact' zone are disintegrating into dust as they peel away from the core structure of the building. Large chunks of structural steel can be seen giving off enormous trails of fine dust. What could cause steel to become dust in midair? See a high definition, slow motion video clip of WTC1's destruction below.(9/11/01) Source: http://wtcdata.nist.gov/gallery2/v/Collected+Materials/Organized+Photos+and+Video+Clips/Photos/

High Definition Clip of WTC Turning to Dust on 9/11 (Slow Motion): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dueVm1UGvXo

Steel Column 'Spire' Turns to Dust on 9/11 | CNN News: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dzm2wfiXdW4

Media Acknowledges Steel Turned to Dust on 9/11 (Full Clip) | ABC News http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eJb-GPtb2I0

Page 47: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

This does not look like a "collapse." Material is being launched upward and outward. The whitish material in the foreground spills downward while the southern portion (away from the camera) appears to shoot straight up. Notice that material from intact floors far below the 'airplane impact' zone are disintegrating into dust as they peel away from the core structure of the building. Large chunks of structural steel can be seen giving off enormous trails of fine dust. What could cause steel to become dust in midair? See a high definition, slow motion video clip of WTC1's destruction below.(9/11/01) Source: http://wtcdata.nist.gov/gallery2/v/Collected+Materials/Organized+Photos+and+Video+Clips/Photos/

High Definition Clip of WTC Turning to Dust on 9/11 (Slow Motion): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dueVm1UGvXo

Steel Column 'Spire' Turns to Dust on 9/11 | CNN News: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dzm2wfiXdW4

Media Acknowledges Steel Turned to Dust on 9/11 (Full Clip) | ABC News http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eJb-GPtb2I0

Page 48: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

This does not look like a "collapse." Material is being launched upward and outward. A massive column of dust now remains where the tower once stood. Notice that material from intact floors far below the 'airplane impact' zone are disintegrating into dust as they peel away from the core structure of the building. Large chunks of structural steel can be seen giving off enormous trails of fine dust. What could cause steel to become dust in midair? Also note the large "spire" of steel columns, to the right of the dust plume, that temporarily remained standing before it disintegrated into dust. See a high definition, slow motion video clip of WTC1's destruction below.(9/11/01) Source: http://wtcdata.nist.gov/gallery2/v/Collected+Materials/Organized+Photos+and+Video+Clips/Photos/

High Definition Clip of WTC Turning to Dust on 9/11 (Slow Motion): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dueVm1UGvXo

Steel Column 'Spire' Turns to Dust on 9/11 | CNN News: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dzm2wfiXdW4

Media Acknowledges Steel Turned to Dust on 9/11 (Full Clip) | ABC News http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eJb-GPtb2I0

Page 49: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

This does not look like a "collapse." Material is being launched upward and outward. A massive column of dust now remains where the tower once stood. Notice that material from intact floors far below the 'airplane impact' zone are disintegrating into dust as they peel away from the core structure of the building. Large chunks of structural steel can be seen giving off enormous trails of fine dust. What could cause steel to become dust in midair? Also note the large "spire" of steel columns, to the right of the dust plume, that temporarily remained standing before it disintegrated into dust. See a high definition, slow motion video clip of WTC1's destruction below.(9/11/01) Source: http://wtcdata.nist.gov/gallery2/v/Collected+Materials/Organized+Photos+and+Video+Clips/Photos/

High Definition Clip of WTC Turning to Dust on 9/11 (Slow Motion): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dueVm1UGvXo

Steel Column 'Spire' Turns to Dust on 9/11 | CNN News: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dzm2wfiXdW4

Media Acknowledges Steel Turned to Dust on 9/11 (Full Clip) | ABC News http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eJb-GPtb2I0

Page 50: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

This does not look like a "collapse." Material is being launched upward and outward. A massive column of dust now remains where the tower once stood. Notice that material from intact floors far below the 'airplane impact' zone are disintegrating into dust as they peel away from the core structure of the building. Large chunks of structural steel can be seen giving off enormous trails of fine dust. What could cause steel to become dust in midair? Also note the large "spire" of steel columns, to the right of the dust plume, that temporarily remained standing before it disintegrated into dust. See a high definition, slow motion video clip of WTC1's destruction below.(9/11/01) Source: http://wtcdata.nist.gov/gallery2/v/Collected+Materials/Organized+Photos+and+Video+Clips/Photos/

High Definition Clip of WTC Turning to Dust on 9/11 (Slow Motion): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dueVm1UGvXo

Steel Column 'Spire' Turns to Dust on 9/11 | CNN News: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dzm2wfiXdW4

Media Acknowledges Steel Turned to Dust on 9/11 (Full Clip) | ABC News http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eJb-GPtb2I0

Page 51: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

This does not look like a "collapse." Material is being launched upward and outward. A massive column of dust now remains where the tower once stood. Notice that material from intact floors far below the 'airplane impact' zone are disintegrating into dust as they peel away from the core structure of the building. Large chunks of structural steel can be seen giving off enormous trails of fine dust. What could cause steel to become dust in midair? Also note the large "spire" of steel columns, to the right of the dust plume, that temporarily remained standing before it disintegrated into dust. See a high definition, slow motion video clip of WTC1's destruction below.(9/11/01) Source: http://wtcdata.nist.gov/gallery2/v/Collected+Materials/Organized+Photos+and+Video+Clips/Photos/

High Definition Clip of WTC Turning to Dust on 9/11 (Slow Motion): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dueVm1UGvXo

Steel Column 'Spire' Turns to Dust on 9/11 | CNN News: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dzm2wfiXdW4

Media Acknowledges Steel Turned to Dust on 9/11 (Full Clip) | ABC News http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eJb-GPtb2I0

Page 52: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

This does not look like a "collapse." Material is being launched upward and outward. A massive column of dust now remains where the tower once stood. Notice that material from intact floors far below the 'airplane impact' zone are disintegrating into dust as they peel away from the core structure of the building. Large chunks of structural steel can be seen giving off enormous trails of fine dust. What could cause steel to become dust in midair? Also note the large "spire" of steel columns, to the right of the dust plume, that temporarily remained standing before it disintegrated into dust. See a high definition, slow motion video clip of WTC1's destruction below.(9/11/01) Source: http://wtcdata.nist.gov/gallery2/v/Collected+Materials/Organized+Photos+and+Video+Clips/Photos/

High Definition Clip of WTC Turning to Dust on 9/11 (Slow Motion): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dueVm1UGvXo

Steel Column 'Spire' Turns to Dust on 9/11 | CNN News: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dzm2wfiXdW4

Media Acknowledges Steel Turned to Dust on 9/11 (Full Clip) | ABC News http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eJb-GPtb2I0

Page 53: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

This does not look like a "collapse." Material is being launched upward and outward. A massive column of dust now remains where the tower once stood. Notice that material from intact floors far below the 'airplane impact' zone are disintegrating into dust as they peel away from the core structure of the building. Large chunks of structural steel can be seen giving off enormous trails of fine dust. What could cause steel to become dust in midair? Also note the large "spire" of steel columns, to the right of the dust plume, that temporarily remained standing before it disintegrated into dust. See a high definition, slow motion video clip of WTC1's destruction below.(9/11/01) Source: http://wtcdata.nist.gov/gallery2/v/Collected+Materials/Organized+Photos+and+Video+Clips/Photos/

High Definition Clip of WTC Turning to Dust on 9/11 (Slow Motion): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dueVm1UGvXo

Steel Column 'Spire' Turns to Dust on 9/11 | CNN News: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dzm2wfiXdW4

Media Acknowledges Steel Turned to Dust on 9/11 (Full Clip) | ABC News http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eJb-GPtb2I0

Page 54: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

This does not look like a "collapse." Material is being launched upward and outward. A massive column of dust now remains where the tower once stood. Notice that material from intact floors far below the 'airplane impact' zone are disintegrating into dust as they peel away from the core structure of the building. Large chunks of structural steel can be seen giving off enormous trails of fine dust. What could cause steel to become dust in midair? Also note the large "spire" of steel columns, to the right of the dust plume, that is now being transformed into dust. See a high definition, slow motion video clip of WTC1's destruction below.(9/11/01) Source: http://wtcdata.nist.gov/gallery2/v/Collected+Materials/Organized+Photos+and+Video+Clips/Photos/

High Definition Clip of WTC Turning to Dust on 9/11 (Slow Motion): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dueVm1UGvXo

Steel Column 'Spire' Turns to Dust on 9/11 | CNN News: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dzm2wfiXdW4

Media Acknowledges Steel Turned to Dust on 9/11 (Full Clip) | ABC News http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eJb-GPtb2I0

Page 55: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

This does not look like a "collapse." Material is being launched upward and outward. A massive column of dust now remains where the tower once stood. Notice that material from intact floors far below the 'airplane impact' zone are disintegrating into dust as they peel away from the core structure of the building. Large chunks of structural steel can be seen giving off enormous trails of fine dust. What could cause steel to become dust in midair? Also note the large "spire" of steel columns, to the right of the dust plume, that is now being transformed into dust. See a high definition, slow motion video clip of WTC1's destruction below.(9/11/01) Source: http://wtcdata.nist.gov/gallery2/v/Collected+Materials/Organized+Photos+and+Video+Clips/Photos/

High Definition Clip of WTC Turning to Dust on 9/11 (Slow Motion): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dueVm1UGvXo

Steel Column 'Spire' Turns to Dust on 9/11 | CNN News: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dzm2wfiXdW4

Media Acknowledges Steel Turned to Dust on 9/11 (Full Clip) | ABC News http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eJb-GPtb2I0

Page 56: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

This does not look like a "collapse." Material is being launched upward and outward. A massive column of dust now remains where the tower once stood. Notice that material from intact floors far below the 'airplane impact' zone are disintegrating into dust as they peel away from the core structure of the building. Large chunks of structural steel can be seen giving off enormous trails of fine dust. What could cause steel to become dust in midair? Also note the large "spire" of steel columns, to the right of the dust plume, that is being transformed into dust. See a high definition, slow motion video clip of WTC1's destruction below.(9/11/01) Source: http://wtcdata.nist.gov/gallery2/v/Collected+Materials/Organized+Photos+and+Video+Clips/Photos/

High Definition Clip of WTC Turning to Dust on 9/11 (Slow Motion): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dueVm1UGvXo

Steel Column 'Spire' Turns to Dust on 9/11 | CNN News: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dzm2wfiXdW4

Media Acknowledges Steel Turned to Dust on 9/11 (Full Clip) | ABC News http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eJb-GPtb2I0

Page 57: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

This does not look like a "collapse." Material is being launched upward and outward. A massive column of dust now remains where the tower once stood. Notice that material from intact floors far below the 'airplane impact' zone are disintegrating into dust as they peel away from the core structure of the building. Large chunks of structural steel can be seen giving off enormous trails of fine dust. What could cause steel to become dust in midair? Also note the large "spire" of steel columns, to the right of the dust plume, has just been transformed into dust. See a high definition, slow motion video clip of WTC1's destruction below.(9/11/01) Source: http://wtcdata.nist.gov/gallery2/v/Collected+Materials/Organized+Photos+and+Video+Clips/Photos/

High Definition Clip of WTC Turning to Dust on 9/11 (Slow Motion): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dueVm1UGvXo

Steel Column 'Spire' Turns to Dust on 9/11 | CNN News: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dzm2wfiXdW4

Media Acknowledges Steel Turned to Dust on 9/11 (Full Clip) | ABC News http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eJb-GPtb2I0

Page 58: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

This does not look like a "collapse." Material is being launched upward and outward. A massive column of dust now remains where the tower once stood. Notice that material from intact floors far below the 'airplane impact' zone are disintegrating into dust as they peel away from the core structure of the building. Large chunks of structural steel can be seen giving off enormous trails of fine dust. What could cause steel to become dust in midair? Also note the large "spire" of steel columns, to the right of the dust plume, has just been transformed into dust. See a high definition, slow motion video clip of WTC1's destruction below.(9/11/01) Source: http://wtcdata.nist.gov/gallery2/v/Collected+Materials/Organized+Photos+and+Video+Clips/Photos/

High Definition Clip of WTC Turning to Dust on 9/11 (Slow Motion): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dueVm1UGvXo

Steel Column 'Spire' Turns to Dust on 9/11 | CNN News: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dzm2wfiXdW4

Media Acknowledges Steel Turned to Dust on 9/11 (Full Clip) | ABC News http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eJb-GPtb2I0

Page 59: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

This does not look like a "collapse." Material is being launched upward and outward. A massive column of dust now remains where the tower once stood. Notice that material from intact floors far below the 'airplane impact' zone are disintegrating into dust as they peel away from the core structure of the building. Large chunks of structural steel can be seen giving off enormous trails of fine dust. What could cause steel to become dust in midair? Also note the large "spire" of steel columns, to the right of the dust plume, has just been transformed into dust. See a high definition, slow motion video clip of WTC1's destruction below.(9/11/01) Source: http://wtcdata.nist.gov/gallery2/v/Collected+Materials/Organized+Photos+and+Video+Clips/Photos/

High Definition Clip of WTC Turning to Dust on 9/11 (Slow Motion): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dueVm1UGvXo

Steel Column 'Spire' Turns to Dust on 9/11 | CNN News: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dzm2wfiXdW4

Media Acknowledges Steel Turned to Dust on 9/11 (Full Clip) | ABC News http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eJb-GPtb2I0

Page 60: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

This does not look like a "collapse." Material is being launched upward and outward. A massive column of dust now remains where the tower once stood. Notice that material from intact floors far below the 'airplane impact' zone are disintegrating into dust as they peel away from the core structure of the building. Large chunks of structural steel can be seen giving off enormous trails of fine dust. What could cause steel to become dust in midair? Also note the large "spire" of steel columns, to the right of the dust plume, has just been transformed into dust. See a high definition, slow motion video clip of WTC1's destruction below.(9/11/01) Source: http://wtcdata.nist.gov/gallery2/v/Collected+Materials/Organized+Photos+and+Video+Clips/Photos/

High Definition Clip of WTC Turning to Dust on 9/11 (Slow Motion): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dueVm1UGvXo

Steel Column 'Spire' Turns to Dust on 9/11 | CNN News: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dzm2wfiXdW4

Media Acknowledges Steel Turned to Dust on 9/11 (Full Clip) | ABC News http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eJb-GPtb2I0

Page 61: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

This does not look like a "collapse." Material is being launched upward and outward. A massive column of dust now remains where the tower once stood. Notice that material from intact floors far below the 'airplane impact' zone are disintegrating into dust as they peel away from the core structure of the building. Large chunks of structural steel can be seen giving off enormous trails of fine dust. What could cause steel to become dust in midair? Also note the large "spire" of steel columns, to the right of the dust plume, has just been transformed into dust. See a high definition, slow motion video clip of WTC1's destruction below.(9/11/01) Source: http://wtcdata.nist.gov/gallery2/v/Collected+Materials/Organized+Photos+and+Video+Clips/Photos/

High Definition Clip of WTC Turning to Dust on 9/11 (Slow Motion): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dueVm1UGvXo

Steel Column 'Spire' Turns to Dust on 9/11 | CNN News: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dzm2wfiXdW4

Media Acknowledges Steel Turned to Dust on 9/11 (Full Clip) | ABC News http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eJb-GPtb2I0

Page 62: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

This does not look like a "collapse." Material is being launched upward and outward. The whitish material in the foreground spills downward while the southern portion (away from the camera) appears to shoot straight up. Notice that material from intact floors far below the 'airplane impact' zone are disintegrating into dust as they peel away from the core structure of the building. Large chunks of structural steel can be seen giving off enormous trails of fine dust. What could cause steel to become dust in midair? See a high definition, slow motion video clip of WTC1's destruction below.(9/11/01) Source: http://wtcdata.nist.gov/gallery2/v/Collected+Materials/Organized+Photos+and+Video+Clips/Photos/

High Definition Clip of WTC Turning to Dust on 9/11 (Slow Motion): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dueVm1UGvXo

Steel Column 'Spire' Turns to Dust on 9/11 | CNN News: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dzm2wfiXdW4

Media Acknowledges Steel Turned to Dust on 9/11 (Full Clip) | ABC News http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eJb-GPtb2I0

Page 63: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

"The Snowball." A minute before this photo was taken from the southeast of the WTC complex, WTC2 (110 stories) would have been towering over Bankers Trust (40 stories). Bankers Trust (BT) is the black building across the street from WTC2, and is between WTC2 and the camera. The building in the distance is WTC7 (47 stories).

The whitish mass of debris is round like a "snowball" and appears to be about all that is left of the upper 2/3 of WTC2. The lower 1/3 appears to still be intact. Notice little or no material has fallen below the level of the 'snowball'. This implies that the "snowball" phenomena has been progressing down the building faster than free-falling objects are traveling through the air.

Essentially no material has fallen below the snowball. There is no building above the snowball. Nearly 2/3 of the building is missing. It is hard to believe that the snowball is large enough to contain all of the missing material. Where did it go?(9/11/01) Source: http://hereisnewyork.org/jpegs/photos/5245.jpg

Page 64: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

Closeup of "The Snowball." A minute before this photo was taken from the southeast of the WTC complex, WTC2 (110 stories) would have been towering over Bankers Trust (40 stories). Bankers Trust (BT) is the black building across the street from WTC2, and is between WTC2 and the camera. The building in the distance is WTC7 (47 stories).

The whitish mass of debris is round like a "snowball" and appears to be about all that is left of the upper 2/3 of WTC2. The lower 1/3 appears to still be intact and little material with little material having fallen below the snowball. This implies that the "snowball" phenomena has been progressing down the building faster than free-falling objects would travel in air.

Essentially no material has fallen below the snowball. There is no building above the snowball. Nearly 2/3 of the building is missing. It is hard to believe that the snowball is large enough to contain all of the missing material. Where did it go?(9/11/01) Source: http://hereisnewyork.org/jpegs/photos/5245.jpg

Page 65: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

The 'snowball', closeup. Notice the honeycombing-like pattern in the dust on the bottom surface of the debris cloud.Source: http://hereisnewyork.org/jpegs/photos/5245.jpg

Page 66: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

This does not look like a "collapse." Material is being launched upward and outward. The whitish material in the foreground spills downward while the southern portion (away from the camera) appears to shoot straight up. Notice that material from intact floors far below the 'airplane impact' zone are disintegrating into dust as they peel away from the core structure of the building. Large chunks of structural steel can be seen giving off enormous trails of fine dust. What could cause steel to become dust in midair? See a high definition, slow motion video clip of WTC1's destruction below.(9/11/01) Source: http://www.amanzafar.com/WTC/

High Definition Clip of WTC Turning to Dust on 9/11 (Slow Motion): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dueVm1UGvXo

Steel Column 'Spire' Turns to Dust on 9/11 | CNN News: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dzm2wfiXdW4

Media Acknowledges Steel Turned to Dust on 9/11 (Full Clip) | ABC News http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eJb-GPtb2I0

Page 67: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

This does not look like a "collapse." Material is being launched upward and outward. The whitish material in the foreground spills downward while the southern portion (away from the camera) appears to shoot straight up. Notice that material from intact floors far below the 'airplane impact' zone are disintegrating into dust as they peel away from the core structure of the building. Large chunks of structural steel can be seen giving off enormous trails of fine dust. What could cause steel to become dust in midair? See a high definition, slow motion video clip of WTC1's destruction below.(9/11/01) Source: http://www.amanzafar.com/WTC/

High Definition Clip of WTC Turning to Dust on 9/11 (Slow Motion): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dueVm1UGvXo

Steel Column 'Spire' Turns to Dust on 9/11 | CNN News: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dzm2wfiXdW4

Media Acknowledges Steel Turned to Dust on 9/11 (Full Clip) | ABC News http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eJb-GPtb2I0

Page 68: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

This does not look like a "collapse." Material is being launched upward and outward. The whitish material in the foreground spills downward while the southern portion (away from the camera) appears to shoot straight up. Notice that material from intact floors far below the 'airplane impact' zone are disintegrating into dust as they peel away from the core structure of the building. Large chunks of structural steel can be seen giving off enormous trails of fine dust. What could cause steel to become dust in midair? See a high definition, slow motion video clip of WTC1's destruction below.(9/11/01) Source: http://www.amanzafar.com/WTC/

High Definition Clip of WTC Turning to Dust on 9/11 (Slow Motion): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dueVm1UGvXo

Steel Column 'Spire' Turns to Dust on 9/11 | CNN News: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dzm2wfiXdW4

Media Acknowledges Steel Turned to Dust on 9/11 (Full Clip) | ABC News http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eJb-GPtb2I0

Page 69: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

This does not look like a "collapse." Material is being launched upward and outward. The whitish material in the foreground spills downward while the southern portion (away from the camera) appears to shoot straight up. Notice that material from intact floors far below the 'airplane impact' zone are disintegrating into dust as they peel away from the core structure of the building. Large chunks of structural steel can be seen giving off enormous trails of fine dust. What could cause steel to become dust in midair? See a high definition, slow motion video clip of WTC1's destruction below. This image is believed to be a color enhanced version of the previous photo.(9/11/01) Source: http://www.amanzafar.com/WTC/

High Definition Clip of WTC Turning to Dust on 9/11 (Slow Motion): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dueVm1UGvXo

Steel Column 'Spire' Turns to Dust on 9/11 | CNN News: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dzm2wfiXdW4

Media Acknowledges Steel Turned to Dust on 9/11 (Full Clip) | ABC News http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eJb-GPtb2I0

Page 70: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

"The Bubbler." This view of WTC1 (from the northeast) looks like a "bubbler" of dust. This does not look like a "collapse." Material is being

launched upward and outward. The whitishmaterial arcs over and begins to fall downward while the southern portion (away from the camera) appears to shoot straight up.(9/11/01) Source: http://911wtc.freehostia.com/gallery/originalimages/GJS-WTC28.jpg

High Definition Clip of WTC Turning to Dust on 9/11 (Slow Motion): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dueVm1UGvXo

Steel Column 'Spire' Turns to Dust on 9/11 | CNN News: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dzm2wfiXdW4

Media Acknowledges Steel Turned to Dust on 9/11 (Full Clip) | ABC News http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eJb-GPtb2I0

Page 71: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

"The Bubbler." This view of WTC1 (from the northeast) looks like a "bubbler" of dust. This does not look like a "collapse." Material is being launched upward and outward. The whitish material arcs over and begins to fall downward while the southern portion (away from the camera) appears to shoot straight up.(9/11/01) Source: http://911wtc.freehostia.com/gallery/originalimages/GJS-WTC28.jpg

High Definition Clip of WTC Turning to Dust on 9/11 (Slow Motion): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dueVm1UGvXo

Steel Column 'Spire' Turns to Dust on 9/11 | CNN News: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dzm2wfiXdW4

Media Acknowledges Steel Turned to Dust on 9/11 (Full Clip) | ABC News http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eJb-GPtb2I0

Page 72: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

This does not look like a "collapse." Material is being launched upward and outward. The whitish material in the foreground spills downward while the southern portion (away from the camera) appears to shoot straight up.(9/11/01 entered) Source: http://911wtc.freehostia.com/gallery/originalimages/GJS-WTC29.jpg

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During 'dustification'. Notice the large amount of dust already traveling upwards, and the steel columns that remain standing to the right of this dust.(9/11/01) Source: http://wtcdata.nist.gov/gallery2/v/Collected+Materials/Organized+Photos+and+Video+Clips/Photos/

High Definition Clip of WTC Turning to Dust on 9/11 (Slow Motion): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dueVm1UGvXo

Steel Column 'Spire' Turns to Dust on 9/11 | CNN News: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dzm2wfiXdW4

Media Acknowledges Steel Turned to Dust on 9/11 (Full Clip) | ABC News http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eJb-GPtb2I0

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Closeup of steel columns from last image. Notice the steel beams appear to disintegrate into steel dust. See video evidence of this below.(9/11/01) Source: http://wtcdata.nist.gov/gallery2/v/Collected+Materials/Organized+Photos+and+Video+Clips/Photos/

Steel Column 'Spire' Turns to Dust on 9/11 | CNN News: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dzm2wfiXdW4

High Definition Clip of WTC Turning to Dust on 9/11 (Slow Motion): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dueVm1UGvXo

Media Acknowledges Steel Turned to Dust on 9/11 (Full Clip) | ABC News http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eJb-GPtb2I0

Page 75: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

During 'dustification'. Notice the large amount of dust already traveling upwards, and the steel columns that remain standing to the right of this dust. These steel columns appear to disintegrate into steel dust. See video evidence of this below.(9/11/01) Source: http://wtcdata.nist.gov/gallery2/v/Collected+Materials/Organized+Photos+and+Video+Clips/Photos/

Steel Column 'Spire' Turns to Dust on 9/11 | CNN News: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dzm2wfiXdW4

High Definition Clip of WTC Turning to Dust on 9/11 (Slow Motion): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dueVm1UGvXo

Media Acknowledges Steel Turned to Dust on 9/11 (Full Clip) | ABC News http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eJb-GPtb2I0

Page 76: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

Notice the steel beams appear to disintegrate into steel dust. See video evidence of this below.(9/11/01) Source: http://wtcdata.nist.gov/gallery2/v/Collected+Materials/Organized+Photos+and+Video+Clips/Photos/

Steel Column 'Spire' Turns to Dust on 9/11 | CNN News: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dzm2wfiXdW4

High Definition Clip of WTC Turning to Dust on 9/11 (Slow Motion): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dueVm1UGvXo

Media Acknowledges Steel Turned to Dust on 9/11 (Full Clip) | ABC News http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eJb-GPtb2I0

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Sequence of photos showing the 'dustification' of the steel columns that remained standing. Notice the steel beams appear to disintegrate into steel dust. See video evidence of this below:

Steel Column 'Spire' Turns to Dust on 9/11 | CNN News: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dzm2wfiXdW4

High Definition Clip of WTC Turning to Dust on 9/11 (Slow Motion): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dueVm1UGvXo

Media Acknowledges Steel Turned to Dust on 9/11 (Full Clip) | ABC News http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eJb-GPtb2I0

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World Trade Center steel columns during construction, notice the distinctive "wheatchex" grid pattern.Source: http://killtown.911review.org/images/wtc-gallery/fema403-2/2-8_exterior-wall.jpg

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"Shaving cream"/"Alkaseltzer". Notice the steel "wheatchex" turning to dust in midair, yet the pieces of aluminum cladding in the air do not. Why?(9/11/01) Source: http://hereisnewyork.org/jpegs/photos/1539.jpg

Why are the steel "wheatchex" turning to dust in midair? Notice the massive dust trail being generated by the steel "wheatchex" in the bottom half of this image. The smaller debris in the air are aluminum cladding from the exterior of the building, but the large slabs/grids turning to dust towards the bottom of the image are steel. What can transform steel to fine dust?

High Definition Clip of WTC Turning to Dust on 9/11 (Slow Motion): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dueVm1UGvXo

Steel Column 'Spire' Turns to Dust on 9/11 | CNN News: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dzm2wfiXdW4

Media Acknowledges Steel Turned to Dust on 9/11 (Full Clip) | ABC News http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eJb-GPtb2I0

How come most of the Twin Towers’ steel and concrete was transformed into a fine dust, while large quantities of aluminum exhibited strange electrical burns, yet paper was unharmed? Extreme heat from jet fuel (or explosives) does not selectively damage certain materials, so how come some materials turned to dust, while other materials were bent or burnt, and yet other materials were completely unharmed?

Page 80: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

"Shaving cream"/"Alkaseltzer". Notice the steel "wheatchex" turning to dust in midair, yet the pieces of aluminum cladding in the air do not. Why?(Photo by Shannon Stapleton, Reuters, 9/11/01) Source: http://www.digitalbui.com/WTC2/MVFN1MP7.JPG

Why are the steel "wheatchex" turning to dust in midair? Notice the massive dust trail being generated by the steel "wheatchex" in the bottom half of this image (the piece is seen edge-on). The smaller debris in the air are aluminum cladding from the exterior of the building, but the large slab being turned to dust towards the bottom of the image is steel.

High Definition Clip of WTC Turning to Dust on 9/11 (Slow Motion): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dueVm1UGvXo

Steel Column 'Spire' Turns to Dust on 9/11 | CNN News: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dzm2wfiXdW4

Media Acknowledges Steel Turned to Dust on 9/11 (Full Clip) | ABC News http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eJb-GPtb2I0

How come most of the Twin Towers’ steel and concrete was transformed into a fine dust, while large quantities of aluminum exhibited strange electrical burns, yet paper was unharmed? Extreme heat from jet fuel (or explosives) does not selectively damage certain materials, so how come some materials turned to dust, while other materials were bent or burnt, and yet other materials were completely unharmed?

Page 81: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

As WTC2 is destroyed, disintegrating steel "wheatchex" showered down on WTC3, the Marriott Hotel. Notice the steel "wheatchex" turning to dust in midair, yet pieces of aluminum cladding in the air did not. Why?Source: http://www.digitalbui.com/WTC2/MVQVJLJK.JPG

Why are the steel "wheatchex" turning to dust in midair? Notice the massive dust trail being generated by the steel "wheatchex", especially the one in the bottom right of the image.

High Definition Clip of WTC Turning to Dust on 9/11 (Slow Motion): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dueVm1UGvXo

Steel Column 'Spire' Turns to Dust on 9/11 | CNN News: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dzm2wfiXdW4

Media Acknowledges Steel Turned to Dust on 9/11 (Full Clip) | ABC News http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eJb-GPtb2I0

Page 82: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

The building appears to be dissolving into powder. We don't see any solid parts of a falling building, here.Source: http://hereisnewyork.org/jpegs/photos/5711.jpg

High Definition Clip of WTC Turning to Dust on 9/11 (Slow Motion): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dueVm1UGvXo

Steel Column 'Spire' Turns to Dust on 9/11 | CNN News: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dzm2wfiXdW4

Media Acknowledges Steel Turned to Dust on 9/11 (Full Clip) | ABC News http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eJb-GPtb2I0

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A view west along Vesey Street. We didn't see or hear of any streets filled with burned bodies. So, I don't believe that cloud is hot.(AP Photo/Suzanne Plunkett, 9/11/01) Source: http://the.honoluluadvertiser.com/dailypix/2001/Sep/11/running_b.jpg

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This is a view north, across Pine Street, which is parallel to Liberty Street and a block or two south of Liberty Street.(Photo by Kelly Price, Reuters, 9/11/01) Source: http://digitaljournalist.org/issue0110/original_images/Reuters/rtr08.jpg

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West Broadway is the street just to the left of WTC7 and runs top-to-bottom in this photo. A particularly energetic dust cloud rolls down West Broadway, ahead of the other ground level dust clouds.(9/11/01 entered) Source (NYPD Aviation Unit): http://911wtc.freehostia.com/gallery/originalimages/GJS-WTC33.jpg

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The dust from the WTC towers covered NYC in a matter of minutes.(9/11/01 entered) Source (NYPD Aviation Unit): http://911wtc.freehostia.com/gallery/originalimages/GJS-WTC35.jpg

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This is the cloud flow from the destruction of WTC1. The white dust that is already on West street was left by the cloud from the destruction of WTC2, 30 minutes earlier.(9/11/01 entered) Source (NYPD Aviation Unit): http://911wtc.freehostia.com/gallery/originalimages/GJS-WTC32.jpg

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Note the two-toned coloration.(9/11/01 entered) Source: http://hereisnewyork.org/jpegs/photos/5704.jpg

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NYC is thoroughly blanketed by fine dust from the WTC buildings. (9/11/01) Source (NYPD Aviation Unit): http://wtcdata.nist.gov/gallery2/v/Collected+Materials/Organized+Photos+and+Video+Clips/Photos/

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NYC is thoroughly blanketed by fine dust from the WTC buildings. (9/11/01) Source (NYPD Aviation Unit): http://wtcdata.nist.gov/gallery2/v/Collected+Materials/Organized+Photos+and+Video+Clips/Photos/

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The destruction of WTC2 envelops lower Manhattan in a blizzard of ultra-fine dust.(9/11/01) Source: http://uploads.abovetopsecret.com/ats37434_wtc_2_60kb.jpg

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The destruction of WTC2 envelops lower Manhattan in a blizzard of ultra-fine dust.(9/11/01) Source: http://wtcdata.nist.gov/gallery2/v/Collected+Materials/Organized+Photos+and+Video+Clips/Photos/

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The destruction of WTC2 envelops lower Manhattan in a blizzard of ultra-fine dust.(9/11/01) Source: http://wtcdata.nist.gov/gallery2/v/Collected+Materials/Organized+Photos+and+Video+Clips/Photos/

Page 94: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

Ground-level view of the southeast tip of Manhattan after being covered in fine white dust in a matter of seconds. Notice the enormous quantity of dust wafting skyward. After the towers were destroyed, most of the resulting dust cloud either rolled along the ground or began rising. The large amount of rising dust does not appear to be moving horizontally or downward. Dust generated from conventional building demolitions and "collapses" does not do this.(9/11/01) Source: http://hereisnewyork.org/jpegs/photos/5717.jpg

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Notice the enormous quantity of dust wafting skyward, which suggests the dust was very fine. After the towers were destroyed, most of the resulting dust cloud either rolled along the ground or began rising. The large amount of rising dust does not appear to be moving horizontally or downward. Dust generated from conventional building demolitions and "collapses" does not do this.(9/11/01 entered) Source: http://911wtc.freehostia.com/gallery/originalimages/GJS-WTC56.jpg

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This is a satellite image captured on 9/12/01. Notice the enormous quantity of dust wafting skyward, which suggests the dust was very fine. It appears that the cloud emerging from the WTC site stays together until it reaches a particular altitude where it finally begins to significantly disperse. There appears to be a kink in the cloud trail where this occurs. Black smoke travels west, white dust travels south.(9/12/01) Source: http://archive.spaceimaging.com/ikonos/2/kpms/2001/09//browse.108668.crss_sat.0.0.jpg

The WTC buildings were transformed to dust so fine that a large portion of it floated high up into our atmosphere before diffusing (if you look closely, you can also see the small black plume of smoke rising from the debris). What could transform a steel building into dust this fine, while warping and burning aluminum, yet leaving paper and plastic virtually unharmed? Why did the dust stay in a column until it reached a certain point in our atmosphere at which it finally began diffusing?

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The dust was not hot, which is why it did not burn the skin or clothing of pedestrians. What could transform most of the Twin Towers’ steel and concrete into fine dust, while burning or bending aluminum, yet leaving paper, plastic, and pedestrians virtually unharmed?(9/11/01) Source: http://www.september11news.com/111WTCPeopleBW.jpg

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The dust was not hot, which is why it did not burn the skin or clothing of pedestrians. That was not simple dust that hit this guy’s shirt. Whatever it was had direction and didn’t hit the white part of his shirt. It looks like he was sprayed with brown paint while his tie was tucked in. But, why didn't it seep under the tie and wick across the fabric? It seems like it had to be a dry blast (unlike the familiar mud-puddle splash).Source: http://image03.webshots.com/3/0/28/90/21202890ZKjyEQrhBA_ph.jpg

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The dust was not hot, which is why it did not burn the skin or clothing of pedestrians. "Fuzzballs" can be seen scattered along the ground in many pictures of ground zero. These hazy collections of dust do not resemble a normal dust cloud.(Photo by Tricia Meadows, Globe Photos, 9/11/01) Source: http://digitaljournalist.org/issue0110/images/m15a.jpg

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The dust was not hot, which is why it did not burn the skin or clothing of pedestrians. The dust was so fine that it was easily inhaled by pedestrians. Could the dust have contributed to the development of major respiratory illnesses in 9/11 ground zero workers?(Photo by AP, 9/11/01) Source: http://www.september11news.com/AASreeetStunnedAP.jpg

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The dust was not hot, which is why it did not burn the paper it covered on the streets of NYC. Notice that most of the curb looks filled in, suggesting the blanket of dust and unburned paper on the ground is deep.(9/11/01) Source: http://www.studyof911.com/gallery/albums/userpics/10003/Ground_Zero_Streets_17.jpg

Page 102: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

The dust was not hot, which is why it did not burn the paper it covered on the streets of NYC. The streets were a dark place after 9/11 because the dust cloud was thick. Notice that even though much of the dust is still suspended in air, the layer of dust on the ground is already deep.Source: http://www.september11news.com/CNNAPrubblesoot.jpg

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The dust was not hot, which is why it did not burn the paper it covered on the streets of NYC. The layer of dust and unburned paper that coated NYC was quite thick.(9/11/01) Source: http://memory.loc.gov/service/pnp/ppmsca/02100/02139v.jpg

Page 104: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

The layer of dust and unburned paper that coated the street was quite thick, and seemed to give off some type of 'haze' or 'fumes' even after most of the dust had settled. The dust was not hot, which is why it did not burn the paper it covered on the streets of NYC.(9/11/01) Source: http://hereisnewyork.org/jpegs/photos/7604.jpg

Page 105: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

The layer of dust and unburned paper that coated the street was quite thick, and seemed to give off some type of 'haze' or 'fumes' even after most of the dust had settled. The dust was not hot, which is why it did not burn the paper it covered on the streets of NYC.(9/11/01) Source: http://www.studyof911.com/gallery/albums/userpics/10003/Ground_Zero_Streets_19.jpg

Page 106: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

The layer of dust and unburned paper that coated the street was quite thick, and seemed to give off some type of 'haze' or 'fumes' even after most of the dust had settled. The dust was not hot, which is why it did not burn the paper it covered on the streets of NYC.(9/11/01) Source: http://www.studyof911.com/gallery/albums/userpics/10003/Ground_Zero_Streets_19.jpg

Page 107: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

The layer of dust and unburned paper that coated the street was quite thick, and seemed to give off some type of 'haze' or 'fumes' even after most of the dust had settled. The dust was not hot, which is why it did not burn the paper it covered on the streets of NYC.(9/11/01) Source: http://hereisnewyork.org/jpegs/photos/3317.jpg

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"The slot." This looks like a "slot" is down the middle of West Street which is probably a ramp to an underground parking garage. There are several "fuzzyblobs" of blue-gray haze which appears to be a harmful material. An firefighter near the right side of the photo is holding his nose, showing us that he senses and unusual odor. The fuzzyblob behind the yellow cooler drapes down over the concrete wall. The firefighter rubs his eyes while leaning on the wall, just in front of the cooler. Another firefighter runs toward the cooler (or away from what is behind him) with urgency. There is a firefighter slumped over, down on the left side of the slot and he doesn't look very good. The firefighter closest to him looks concerned as he approaches. Just behind the concerned firefighter is another fuzzyblob. What is this material? A fellow wearing a blue hard hat (and sleeveless shirt) stands down on the right side of the slot and looks over at the slumped-over firefighter with concern. Nothing about this scene is familiar to these firefighters. That is, a lot of strange things are happening, here. And why are the trees missing their leaves?

This photo appears to have been taken after both towers were destroyed, based on the sunlight. But this may have been taken just after WTC1 was destroyed (which was after WTC2 was destroyed).(9/11/01) Source: http://memory.loc.gov/service/pnp/ppmsca/02100/02150v.jpg

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The dust was not hot, which is why it did not burn the paper it covered on the streets of NYC. Notice the damaged tree, as well as the thick layer of dust and unburned paper strewn about.(9/11/01) Source: http://memory.loc.gov/service/pnp/ppmsca/02100/02121/0130v.jpg

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Dust and paper were spread throughout NYC. The dust was not hot, which is why it did not burn the paper it covered on the streets of NYC.

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Mostly unburned paper was mixed with the dust from the WTC Twin Towers. As seen a block away, a large portion of the towers remain suspended in air. This dust looks deeper than one inch. Notice that most of the curb looks filled in, suggesting the blanket of dust on the ground is deep.Source: Terry Schmidt

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Dust covers an abandoned produce stand in lower Manhattan. Notice how fine the dust particles appear to be.Source: http://digitaljournalist.org/issue0111/images/aris11.jpg

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Scooping up the buildings.(Photo by Andrea Booher, FEMA)

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Ground zero workers walk in thick dust atop the rubble pile, hardly higher than the lobby level.(Photo by Andrea Booher, FEMA)

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The United States Geological Survey (USGS) discovered that the WTC dust which blanketed NYC contained a significant quantity of these unique micrometer-scale iron-rich spheres. What could have caused these unique iron-rich microspheres to form, without burning pedestrians, clothing, paper, or leaves? What can transform steel buildings into iron-rich, microspheric dust in midair, without generating high heat? (Steel is mainly iron and carbon.)Source: http://pubs.usgs.gov/of/2005/1165/table_1.html

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The United States Geological Survey (USGS) discovered that the WTC dust which blanketed NYC contained a significant quantity of these unique micrometer-scale iron-rich spheres. What could have caused these unique iron-rich microspheres to form, without burning pedestrians, clothing, paper, or leaves? What can transform steel buildings into iron-rich, microsphericdust in midair, without generating high heat? (Steel is mainly iron and carbon.)Source: http://pubs.usgs.gov/of/2005/1165/table_1.html

How come most of the Twin Towers’ steel and concrete was transformed into a fine dust, while large quantities of aluminum exhibited strange electrical burns, yet paper was unharmed? Extreme heat from jet fuel (or explosives) does not selectively damage certain materials, so how come some materials turned to dust, while other materials were bent or burnt, and yet other materials were completely unharmed?

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USGS Dust Figure 1a. Dust/Debris plume map. The plume map in Dust Figures 1 and 2 indicate an asymmetry in the dust/debris distribution, with more iron bearing materials to the south by southeast. Why do these maps show an asymmetric distribution of iron bearing materials to the south-southeast of ground zero (steel is mostly iron and carbon)? Similar distribution patterns are seen on the ferric-ferrous map as well as the vibrational absorption map, indicating a consistent finding of asymmetric distribution.(9/16/01) Source: http://pubs.usgs.gov/of/2001/ofr-01-0429/wtc.Sept16.2001.usgs.r091011.plume1+bw.tgif.gif

United States Geological Survey (USGS) - Maps of dust and debris show asymmetric distribution of materials.

"The map images on this page (Dust Figures 1a, 1b, 2a, 2b) show locations of materials with spectral shapes similar to the spectra of field samples of dust and debris collected around the lower Manhattan area. These materials/minerals include common building materials; therefore, the maps may include materials in buildings not associated with the World Trade Center (WTC) collapse. While the minerals mapped in any one location may or may not be associated with the WTC event, a pattern is seen that appears to show the distribution of materials related to the WTC collapse. Further, the debris map qualitatively agrees with on scene observations 2 days after the imaging spectroscopy data were acquired. Production of a dust/debris map was challenging because building materials are similar all over the city (e.g. concrete occurs in many locations). However, the pulverized dust/debris does have some general spectral characteristics that can be used.Spectra of the field samples shows a general range of spectral characteristics (Dust Figure 3). Samples WTC01-37B and WTC01-37Am are concrete that display ferrous iron absorptions (most likely due to the aggregate). The spectrum of concrete minus the aggregate is shown in sample WTC01-37A: the cement shows less ferrous absorption. Pervasive in the spectra of the debris is gypsum, and with the variations in abundance of other components, spectra of the dust and debris show the spectral variations seen in Dust Figure 3. We mapped for these general spectral shapes over the spectral range 0.5 to 2.4 microns. The ultraviolet was not included because scattering from smoke affects shorter wavelengths to much. The strategy proved effective. The maps should not be interpreted as indicating that these specific materials were mapped, only that the spectral shape is similar. However, red and yellow colors indicate areas showing more ferrous-like absorptions, and this is apparent in the WTC core zone where many steel girders dominate. Green copper roofs have a similar absorption to ferrous minerals, so they would map as red or yellow.Two versions of the dust/debris map are shown (Dust Figure 1a, 1b, 2a and 2b). Dust Figure 2a, b is the same as Dust Figure 1a, b but without the grey-scale image background. Dust Figure 2a, b allows one to see the mapped materials without the apparent clutter of the grey-scale image.The plume map in Dust Figures 1 and 2 indicate an asymmetry in the dust/debris distribution, with more iron bearing materials to the south by southeast. It is difficult to locate the outer boundary of the dust/debris because of the problem of matching common materials throughout the city."Source: http://pubs.usgs.gov/of/2001/ofr-01-0429/dustplume.html

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USGS Dust Figure 1b. Dust/Debris plume map, same as previous image, but zoomed in to lower Manhattan. The plume map in Dust Figures 1 and 2 indicate an asymmetry in the dust/debris distribution, with more iron bearing materials to the south by southeast. Why do these maps show an asymmetric distribution of iron bearing materials to the south-southeast of ground zero (steel is mostly iron and carbon)? Similar distribution patterns are seen on the ferric-ferrous map as well as the vibrational absorption map, indicating a consistent finding of asymmetric distribution.(9/16/01) Source: http://pubs.usgs.gov/of/2001/ofr-01-0429/wtc.Sept16.2001.usgs.r091011.plume1+bw.lowermhtn.tgif.gif

United States Geological Survey (USGS) - Maps of dust and debris show asymmetric distribution of materials.

"The map images on this page (Dust Figures 1a, 1b, 2a, 2b) show locations of materials with spectral shapes similar to the spectra of field samples of dust and debris collected around the lower Manhattan area. These materials/minerals include common building materials; therefore, the maps may include materials in buildings not associated with the World Trade Center (WTC) collapse. While the minerals mapped in any one location may or may not be associated with the WTC event, a pattern is seen that appears to show the distribution of materials related to the WTC collapse. Further, the debris map qualitatively agrees with on scene observations 2 days after the imaging spectroscopy data were acquired. Production of a dust/debris map was challenging because building materials are similar all over the city (e.g. concrete occurs in many locations). However, the pulverized dust/debris does have some general spectral characteristics that can be used.Spectra of the field samples shows a general range of spectral characteristics (Dust Figure 3). Samples WTC01-37B and WTC01-37Am are concrete that display ferrous iron absorptions (most likely due to the aggregate). The spectrum of concrete minus the aggregate is shown in sample WTC01-37A: the cement shows less ferrous absorption. Pervasive in the spectra of the debris is gypsum, and with the variations in abundance of other components, spectra of the dust and debris show the spectral variations seen in Dust Figure 3. We mapped for these general spectral shapes over the spectral range 0.5 to 2.4 microns. The ultraviolet was not included because scattering from smoke affects shorter wavelengths to much. The strategy proved effective. The maps should not be interpreted as indicating that these specific materials were mapped, only that the spectral shape is similar. However, red and yellow colors indicate areas showing more ferrous-like absorptions, and this is apparent in the WTC core zone where many steel girders dominate. Green copper roofs have a similar absorption to ferrous minerals, so they would map as red or yellow.Two versions of the dust/debris map are shown (Dust Figure 1a, 1b, 2a and 2b). Dust Figure 2a, b is the same as Dust Figure 1a, b but without the grey-scale image background. Dust Figure 2a, b allows one to see the mapped materials without the apparent clutter of the grey-scale image.The plume map in Dust Figures 1 and 2 indicate an asymmetry in the dust/debris distribution, with more iron bearing materials to the south by southeast. It is difficult to locate the outer boundary of the dust/debris because of the problem of matching common materials throughout the city."Source: http://pubs.usgs.gov/of/2001/ofr-01-0429/dustplume.html

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USGS Dust Figure 2a. Dust/Debris plume map without the image background so the mapped materials are easier to see. The plume map in Dust Figures 1 and 2 indicate an asymmetry in the dust/debris distribution, with more iron bearing materials to the south by southeast. Why do these maps show an asymmetric distribution of iron bearing materials to the south-southeast of ground zero (steel is mostly iron and carbon)? Similar distribution patterns are seen on the ferric-ferrous map as well as the vibrational absorption map, indicating a consistent finding of asymmetric distribution.(9/16/01) Source: http://pubs.usgs.gov/of/2001/ofr-01-0429/wtc.Sept16.2001.usgs.r091011.plume1.tgif.gif

United States Geological Survey (USGS) - Maps of dust and debris show asymmetric distribution of materials.

"The map images on this page (Dust Figures 1a, 1b, 2a, 2b) show locations of materials with spectral shapes similar to the spectra of field samples of dust and debris collected around the lower Manhattan area. These materials/minerals include common building materials; therefore, the maps may include materials in buildings not associated with the World Trade Center (WTC) collapse. While the minerals mapped in any one location may or may not be associated with the WTC event, a pattern is seen that appears to show the distribution of materials related to the WTC collapse. Further, the debris map qualitatively agrees with on scene observations 2 days after the imaging spectroscopy data were acquired. Production of a dust/debris map was challenging because building materials are similar all over the city (e.g. concrete occurs in many locations). However, the pulverized dust/debris does have some general spectral characteristics that can be used.Spectra of the field samples shows a general range of spectral characteristics (Dust Figure 3). Samples WTC01-37B and WTC01-37Am are concrete that display ferrous iron absorptions (most likely due to the aggregate). The spectrum of concrete minus the aggregate is shown in sample WTC01-37A: the cement shows less ferrous absorption. Pervasive in the spectra of the debris is gypsum, and with the variations in abundance of other components, spectra of the dust and debris show the spectral variations seen in Dust Figure 3. We mapped for these general spectral shapes over the spectral range 0.5 to 2.4 microns. The ultraviolet was not included because scattering from smoke affects shorter wavelengths to much. The strategy proved effective. The maps should not be interpreted as indicating that these specific materials were mapped, only that the spectral shape is similar. However, red and yellow colors indicate areas showing more ferrous-like absorptions, and this is apparent in the WTC core zone where many steel girders dominate. Green copper roofs have a similar absorption to ferrous minerals, so they would map as red or yellow.Two versions of the dust/debris map are shown (Dust Figure 1a, 1b, 2a and 2b). Dust Figure 2a, b is the same as Dust Figure 1a, b but without the grey-scale image background. Dust Figure 2a, b allows one to see the mapped materials without the apparent clutter of the grey-scale image.The plume map in Dust Figures 1 and 2 indicate an asymmetry in the dust/debris distribution, with more iron bearing materials to the south by southeast. It is difficult to locate the outer boundary of the dust/debris because of the problem of matching common materials throughout the city."Source: http://pubs.usgs.gov/of/2001/ofr-01-0429/dustplume.html

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USGS Dust Figure 2b. Dust/Debris plume map, same as at right, but zoomed in to lower Manhattan. The plume map in Dust Figures 1 and 2 indicate an asymmetry in the dust/debris distribution, with more iron bearing materials to the south by southeast. Why do these maps show an asymmetric distribution of iron bearing materials to the south-southeast of ground zero (steel is mostly iron and carbon)? Similar distribution patterns are seen on the ferric-ferrous map as well as the vibrational absorption map, indicating a consistent finding of asymmetric distribution.(9/16/01) Source: http://pubs.usgs.gov/of/2001/ofr-01-0429/wtc.Sept16.2001.usgs.r091011.plume1.lowermhtn.tgif.gif

United States Geological Survey (USGS) - Maps of dust and debris show asymmetric distribution of materials.

"The map images on this page (Dust Figures 1a, 1b, 2a, 2b) show locations of materials with spectral shapes similar to the spectra of field samples of dust and debris collected around the lower Manhattan area. These materials/minerals include common building materials; therefore, the maps may include materials in buildings not associated with the World Trade Center (WTC) collapse. While the minerals mapped in any one location may or may not be associated with the WTC event, a pattern is seen that appears to show the distribution of materials related to the WTC collapse. Further, the debris map qualitatively agrees with on scene observations 2 days after the imaging spectroscopy data were acquired. Production of a dust/debris map was challenging because building materials are similar all over the city (e.g. concrete occurs in many locations). However, the pulverized dust/debris does have some general spectral characteristics that can be used.Spectra of the field samples shows a general range of spectral characteristics (Dust Figure 3). Samples WTC01-37B and WTC01-37Am are concrete that display ferrous iron absorptions (most likely due to the aggregate). The spectrum of concrete minus the aggregate is shown in sample WTC01-37A: the cement shows less ferrous absorption. Pervasive in the spectra of the debris is gypsum, and with the variations in abundance of other components, spectra of the dust and debris show the spectral variations seen in Dust Figure 3. We mapped for these general spectral shapes over the spectral range 0.5 to 2.4 microns. The ultraviolet was not included because scattering from smoke affects shorter wavelengths to much. The strategy proved effective. The maps should not be interpreted as indicating that these specific materials were mapped, only that the spectral shape is similar. However, red and yellow colors indicate areas showing more ferrous-like absorptions, and this is apparent in the WTC core zone where many steel girders dominate. Green copper roofs have a similar absorption to ferrous minerals, so they would map as red or yellow.Two versions of the dust/debris map are shown (Dust Figure 1a, 1b, 2a and 2b). Dust Figure 2a, b is the same as Dust Figure 1a, b but without the grey-scale image background. Dust Figure 2a, b allows one to see the mapped materials without the apparent clutter of the grey-scale image.The plume map in Dust Figures 1 and 2 indicate an asymmetry in the dust/debris distribution, with more iron bearing materials to the south by southeast. It is difficult to locate the outer boundary of the dust/debris because of the problem of matching common materials throughout the city."Source: http://pubs.usgs.gov/of/2001/ofr-01-0429/dustplume.html

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USGS 'Iron Figure 1a'. Ferrous, ferric iron absorption features map. The map shows an asymmetric distribution of debris that extends to the south-southeast of the WTC complex. The ferric absorptions are interpreted to be due to hematite (Fe2O3 - iron rust), or goethite (FeOOH). The red coatings on iron beams seen in news reports and by are field team are consistent with hematite or goethite. Why do these maps show an asymmetric distribution of iron bearing materials to the south-southeast of ground zero (steel is mostly iron and carbon)? Similar distribution patterns are seen on the dust and debris map as well as the vibrational absorption map, indicating a consistent finding of asymmetric distribution.(9/16/01) Source: http://pubs.usgs.gov/of/2001/ofr-01-0429/wtc.Sept16.2001.usgs.r091011.1um.18fe+bw.tgif.gif

United States Geological Survey (USGS) - Images of the World Trade Center site show significant patterns of materials with spectral absorptions near 1-micron.

"The images on this page (Iron Figures 1a, 1b, 2a, 2b) show locations of materials with ferric and ferrous absorption features. These materials/minerals may include common building materials; therefore, the map may include materials in buildings not associated with the World Trade Center (WTC) collapse. While the minerals mapped in any one location may or may not be associated with the WTC event, a pattern is seen that shows the distribution of materials related to the WTC collapse. This is because the debris from the collapse tends to appear contiguous near the WTC or in patches unrelated to the layout of roads and buildings. Building materials that map with sharp boundaries as roads and building shapes may not be WTC debris.Fe-bearing materials occur in the WTC area and appear to be distributed in and around the collapse zone. Materials that were mapped show absorption features indicative of both ferric (Fe3+) and ferrous iron (Fe2+). Many minerals have similar ferrous absorptions, so maps show only the presence of Fe-bearing minerals and not specific mineralogy. In the maps below, the ferric and ferrous materials are identified only by numbered color. Pixels mapped as each numbered color indicate similar absorption position and shape and are likely similar in composition, but that composition is not generally a unique identifier of mineralogy.The ferric absorptions are interpreted to be due to hematite (Fe2O3 - iron rust), or goethite (FeOOH). The red coatings on iron beams seen in news reports and by are field team are consistent with hematite or goethite.Fe-bearing minerals are common in the aggregate in concrete. The Fe-absorptions appear in spectra of the debris samples and are prominent in spectra of the concrete debris.The map shows an asymmetric distribution of debris that extends to the SSE of the site. Similar distribution patterns are seen on the dust and debris map as well as the vibrational absorption map, indicating a consistent finding of asymmetric distribution. Iron Figure 2 is the same as Iron Figure 1 but without the grey-scale image background. The debris pattern is more obvious without the background.The asymmetry in the iron-bearing materials map may be related to the asymmetry in the asbestiform minerals map. The AVIRIS data and the laboratory analyses of the field samples indicate a lower abundance of chrysotile in the thesouthern direction from the WTC, the same direction of the increase in iron-bearing materials."Source: http://pubs.usgs.gov/of/2001/ofr-01-0429/feats-1um.html

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USGS Iron Figure 1b. Ferrous, ferric iron absorption features map, same as previous image, but zoomed in to lower Manhattan. The map shows an asymmetric distribution of debris that extends to the south-southeast of the WTC complex. The ferric absorptions are interpreted to be due to hematite (Fe2O3 - iron rust), or goethite (FeOOH). The red coatings on iron beams seen in news reports and by are field team are consistent with hematite or goethite. Why do these maps show an asymmetric distribution of iron bearing materials to the south-southeast of ground zero (steel is mostly iron and carbon)? Similar distribution patterns are seen on the dust and debris map as well as the vibrational absorption map, indicating a consistent finding of asymmetric distribution.(9/16/01) Source: http://pubs.usgs.gov/of/2001/ofr-01-0429/wtc.Sept16.2001.usgs.r091011.1um.18fe+bw.lowermhtn.tgif.gif

United States Geological Survey (USGS) - Images of the World Trade Center site show significant patterns of materials with spectral absorptions near 1-micron.

"The images on this page (Iron Figures 1a, 1b, 2a, 2b) show locations of materials with ferric and ferrous absorption features. These materials/minerals may include common building materials; therefore, the map may include materials in buildings not associated with the World Trade Center (WTC) collapse. While the minerals mapped in any one location may or may not be associated with the WTC event, a pattern is seen that shows the distribution of materials related to the WTC collapse. This is because the debris from the collapse tends to appear contiguous near the WTC or in patches unrelated to the layout of roads and buildings. Building materials that map with sharp boundaries as roads and building shapes may not be WTC debris.Fe-bearing materials occur in the WTC area and appear to be distributed in and around the collapse zone. Materials that were mapped show absorption features indicative of both ferric (Fe3+) and ferrous iron (Fe2+). Many minerals have similar ferrous absorptions, so maps show only the presence of Fe-bearing minerals and not specific mineralogy. In the maps below, the ferric and ferrous materials are identified only by numbered color. Pixels mapped as each numbered color indicate similar absorption position and shape and are likely similar in composition, but that composition is not generally a unique identifier of mineralogy.The ferric absorptions are interpreted to be due to hematite (Fe2O3 -iron rust), or goethite (FeOOH). The red coatings on iron beams seen in news reports and by are field team are consistent with hematite or goethite.Fe-bearing minerals are common in the aggregate in concrete. The Fe-absorptions appear in spectra of the debris samples and are prominent in spectra of the concrete debris.The map shows an asymmetric distribution of debris that extends to the SSE of the site. Similar distribution patterns are seen on the dust and debris map as well as the vibrational absorption map, indicating a consistent finding of asymmetric distribution. Iron Figure 2 is the same as Iron Figure 1 but without the grey-scale image background. The debris pattern is more obvious without the background.The asymmetry in the iron-bearing materials map may be related to the asymmetry in the asbestiform minerals map. The AVIRIS data and the laboratory analyses of the field samples indicate a lower abundance of chrysotile in the the southern direction from the WTC, the same direction of the increase in iron-bearing materials."Source: http://pubs.usgs.gov/of/2001/ofr-01-0429/feats-1um.html

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USGS Iron Figure 2a. Ferrous, ferric iron absorption features map, without the grey-scale image background so the mapped materials are easier to see. The map shows an asymmetric distribution of debris that extends to the south-southeast of the WTC complex. The ferric absorptions are interpreted to be due to hematite (Fe2O3 - iron rust), or goethite (FeOOH). The red coatings on iron beams seen in news reports and by are field team are consistent with hematite or goethite. Why do these maps show an asymmetric distribution of iron bearing materials to the south-southeast of ground zero (steel is mostly iron and carbon)? Similar distribution patterns are seen on the dust and debris map as well as the vibrational absorption map, indicating a consistent finding of asymmetric distribution.(9/16/01) Source: http://pubs.usgs.gov/of/2001/ofr-01-0429/wtc.Sept16.2001.usgs.r091011.1um.18fe.tgif.gif

United States Geological Survey (USGS) - Images of the World Trade Center site show significant patterns of materials with spectral absorptions near 1-micron.

"The images on this page (Iron Figures 1a, 1b, 2a, 2b) show locations of materials with ferric and ferrous absorption features. These materials/minerals may include common building materials; therefore, the map may include materials in buildings not associated with the World Trade Center (WTC) collapse. While the minerals mapped in any one location may or may not be associated with the WTC event, a pattern is seen that shows the distribution of materials related to the WTC collapse. This is because the debris from the collapse tends to appear contiguous near the WTC or in patches unrelated to the layout of roads and buildings. Building materials that map with sharp boundaries as roads and building shapes may not be WTC debris.Fe-bearing materials occur in the WTC area and appear to be distributed in and around the collapse zone. Materials that were mapped show absorption features indicative of both ferric (Fe3+) and ferrous iron (Fe2+). Many minerals have similar ferrous absorptions, so maps show only the presence of Fe-bearing minerals and not specific mineralogy. In the maps below, the ferric and ferrous materials are identified only by numbered color. Pixels mapped as each numbered color indicate similar absorption position and shape and are likely similar in composition, but that composition is not generally a unique identifier of mineralogy.The ferric absorptions are interpreted to be due to hematite (Fe2O3 - iron rust), or goethite (FeOOH). The red coatings on iron beams seen in news reports and by are field team are consistent with hematite or goethite.Fe-bearing minerals are common in the aggregate in concrete. The Fe-absorptions appear in spectra of the debris samples and are prominent in spectra of the concrete debris.The map shows an asymmetric distribution of debris that extends to the SSE of the site. Similar distribution patterns are seen on the dust and debris map as well as the vibrational absorption map, indicating a consistent finding of asymmetric distribution. Iron Figure 2 is the same as Iron Figure 1 but without the grey-scale image background. The debris pattern is more obvious without the background.The asymmetry in the iron-bearing materials map may be related to the asymmetry in the asbestiform minerals map. The AVIRIS data and the laboratory analyses of the field samples indicate a lower abundance of chrysotile in the thesouthern direction from the WTC, the same direction of the increase in iron-bearing materials."Source: http://pubs.usgs.gov/of/2001/ofr-01-0429/feats-1um.html

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USGS Iron Figure 2b. Ferrous, ferric iron absorption features map, same as pervious image, but zoomed in to lower Manhattan. The map shows an asymmetric distribution of debris that extends to the south-southeast of the WTC complex. The ferric absorptions are interpreted to be due to hematite (Fe2O3 - iron rust), or goethite (FeOOH). The red coatings on iron beams seen in news reports and by are field team are consistent with hematite or goethite. Why do these maps show an asymmetric distribution of iron bearing materials to the south-southeast of ground zero (steel is mostly iron and carbon)? Similar distribution patterns are seen on the dust and debris map as well as the vibrational absorption map, indicating a consistent finding of asymmetric distribution.(9/16/01) Source: http://pubs.usgs.gov/of/2001/ofr-01-0429/wtc.Sept16.2001.usgs.r091011.1um.18fe.lowermhtn.tgif.gif

United States Geological Survey (USGS) - Images of the World Trade Center site show significant patterns of materials with spectral absorptions near 1-micron.

"The images on this page (Iron Figures 1a, 1b, 2a, 2b) show locations of materials with ferric and ferrous absorption features. These materials/minerals may include common building materials; therefore, the map may include materials in buildings not associated with the World Trade Center (WTC) collapse. While the minerals mapped in any one location may or may not be associated with the WTC event, a pattern is seen that shows the distribution of materials related to the WTC collapse. This is because the debris from the collapse tends to appear contiguous near the WTC or in patches unrelated to the layout of roads and buildings. Building materials that map with sharp boundaries as roads and building shapes may not be WTC debris.Fe-bearing materials occur in the WTC area and appear to be distributed in and around the collapse zone. Materials that were mapped show absorption features indicative of both ferric (Fe3+) and ferrous iron (Fe2+). Many minerals have similar ferrous absorptions, so maps show only the presence of Fe-bearing minerals and not specific mineralogy. In the maps below, the ferric and ferrous materials are identified only by numbered color. Pixels mapped as each numbered color indicate similar absorption position and shape and are likely similar in composition, but that composition is not generally a unique identifier of mineralogy.The ferric absorptions are interpreted to be due to hematite (Fe2O3 -iron rust), or goethite (FeOOH). The red coatings on iron beams seen in news reports and by are field team are consistent with hematite or goethite.Fe-bearing minerals are common in the aggregate in concrete. The Fe-absorptions appear in spectra of the debris samples and are prominent in spectra of the concrete debris.The map shows an asymmetric distribution of debris that extends to the SSE of the site. Similar distribution patterns are seen on the dust and debris map as well as the vibrational absorption map, indicating a consistent finding of asymmetric distribution. Iron Figure 2 is the same as Iron Figure 1 but without the grey-scale image background. The debris pattern is more obvious without the background.The asymmetry in the iron-bearing materials map may be related to the asymmetry in the asbestiform minerals map. The AVIRIS data and the laboratory analyses of the field samples indicate a lower abundance of chrysotile in the the southern direction from the WTC, the same direction of the increase in iron-bearing materials."Source: http://pubs.usgs.gov/of/2001/ofr-01-0429/feats-1um.html

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'Seismic Waves Generated by Aircraft Impacts and Building Collapses at World Trade Center, New York City' Figure 2: Seismograph stations and topography for greater New York City area. Solid triangles indicate stations that recorded events at WTC (solid red circle); black circle, epicenter of the earthquake of January 17, 2001. N.B. denotes Newark basin; H.H., Hudson Highlands; M.P., Manhattan Prong.Source: http://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/LCSN/Eq/20010911_WTC/WTC_LDEO_KIM.pdf

Physics calculations show that the top floor of the WTC towers should have taken at least ~100 seconds to reach the ground in a floor-by-floor 'pancake collapse', so why was the seismic activity from the destruction of the WTC towers so brief, only lasting about 8 seconds for WTC1 and 10 seconds for WTC2? Additionally, the seismographic magnitude of each WTC tower "collapse" should have registered as 3.8 or greater on the Richter scale if each tower slammed to the ground so quickly. In comparison, the much smaller, mostly hollow Seattle Kingdome registered as 2.3 magnitude on the Richter scale as it hit the ground when it was demolished. The WTC towers were many times larger than the Seattle Kingdome, so why did the seismic activity from the rapid destruction of WTC1, WTC2, and WTC7 only register as 2.3, 2.1, and 0.6 magnitude on the Richter scale (respectively)? Also, the Seattle Kingdome was mostly hollow, gutted prior to demolition, and was brought down with thoroughly planted explosives, leaving a rubble pile approximately ~12.5% of its original height. Amazingly, the vertical steel WTC twin towers, despite being filled with bookshelves, office equipment, toilets, file cabinets, furniture, and more, somehow left a "rubble pile" only 1-4% of their original height (~4% in the tallest area). It is all three of these facts, the seismic duration, the seismic magnitude, and the rubble height, that are astonishing, not just one.Sources:1. http://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/LCSN/Eq/20010911_wtc.html2. http://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/LCSN/Eq/20010911_WTC/fact_sheet.htm3. http://drjudywood.com/articles/BBE/BilliardBalls.html4. http://drjudywood.com/articles/DEW/StarWarsBeam2.html5. http://drjudywood.com/wtc/#G

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Columbia University's Seismology Group recorded seismic events of 10 seconds and 8 seconds in duration, which correspond to the destruction of WTC2 and WTC1, respectively. In comparison, if a billiard ball was dropped from the roof of WTC1 (North Tower) it would take approximately 9.22 seconds to hit the ground. Why was the seismic activity from the WTC destruction so brief? Furthermore, the destruction of each tower should have registered as magnitude 3.8 or greater on the Richter scale, so why was the seismic activity from the WTC destruction so weak? It is both of the findings that are astonishing, not just one.Source: http://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/LCSN/Eq/20010911_WTC/fact_sheet.htm &http://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/LCSN/Eq/20010911_wtc.html

Physics calculations show that the top floor of the WTC towers should have taken at least ~100 seconds to reach the ground in a floor-by-floor 'pancake collapse', so why was the seismic activity from the destruction of the WTC towers so brief, only lasting about 8 seconds for WTC1 and 10 seconds for WTC2? Additionally, the seismographic magnitude of each WTC tower "collapse" should have registered as 3.8 or greater on the Richter scale if each tower slammed to the ground so quickly. In comparison, the much smaller, mostly hollow Seattle Kingdome registered as 2.3 magnitude on the Richter scale as it hit the ground when it was demolished. The WTC towers were many times larger than the Seattle Kingdome, so why did the seismic activity from the rapid destruction of WTC1, WTC2, and WTC7 only register as 2.3, 2.1, and 0.6 magnitude on the Richter scale (respectively)? Also, the Seattle Kingdome was mostly hollow, gutted prior to demolition, and was brought down with thoroughly planted explosives, leaving a rubble pile approximately ~12.5% of its original height. Amazingly, the vertical steel WTC twin towers, despite being filled with bookshelves, office equipment, toilets, file cabinets, furniture, and more, somehow left a "rubble pile" only 1-4% of their original height (~4% in the tallest area). It is all three of these facts, the seismic duration, the seismic magnitude, and the rubble height, that are astonishing, not just one.Sources:1. http://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/LCSN/Eq/20010911_wtc.html2. http://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/LCSN/Eq/20010911_WTC/fact_sheet.htm3. http://drjudywood.com/articles/BBE/BilliardBalls.html4. http://drjudywood.com/articles/DEW/StarWarsBeam2.html5. http://drjudywood.com/wtc/#G

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Seismic Record at Palisades, NY, 34 km North of the World Trade Center Disaster. Four seismogram traces showing the two hours of seismogram recorded at Palisades (PAL), New York. Each trace is 30 minutes long. The first trace starts at 08:40 (EDT), second trace starts at 09:10 (EDT), third at 09:40 and the last trace starts at 10:10 (EDT; 14:10 UTC). Notice the seismic signals from the first impact at 08:46 EDT, second impact at 09:03 (very small), two large signals due to collapse of the World Trade Center buildings at 09:59 and 10:28 (EDT). We understand from news reports, that the first impact (0846 EDT) resulted in the second collapse (1028 EDT), and the second impact (0903 EDT) resulted in the first collapse (0959 EDT).Source: http://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/LCSN/Eq/20010911_wtc.html

Physics calculations show that the top floor of the WTC towers should have taken at least ~100 seconds to reach the ground in a floor-by-floor 'pancake collapse', so why was the seismic activity from the destruction of the WTC towers so brief, only lasting about 8 seconds for WTC1 and 10 seconds for WTC2? Additionally, the seismographic magnitude of each WTC tower "collapse" should have registered as 3.8 or greater on the Richter scale if each tower slammed to the ground so quickly. In comparison, the much smaller, mostly hollow Seattle Kingdome registered as 2.3 magnitude on the Richter scale as it hit the ground when it was demolished. The WTC towers were many times larger than the Seattle Kingdome, so why did the seismic activity from the rapid destruction of WTC1, WTC2, and WTC7 only register as 2.3, 2.1, and 0.6 magnitude on the Richter scale (respectively)? Also, the Seattle Kingdome was mostly hollow, gutted prior to demolition, and was brought down with thoroughly planted explosives, leaving a rubble pile approximately ~12.5% of its original height. Amazingly, the vertical steel WTC twin towers, despite being filled with bookshelves, office equipment, toilets, file cabinets, furniture, and more, somehow left a "rubble pile" only 1-4% of their original height (~4% in the tallest area). It is all three of these facts, the seismic duration, the seismic magnitude, and the rubble height, that are astonishing, not just one.Sources:1. http://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/LCSN/Eq/20010911_wtc.html2. http://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/LCSN/Eq/20010911_WTC/fact_sheet.htm3. http://drjudywood.com/articles/BBE/BilliardBalls.html4. http://drjudywood.com/articles/DEW/StarWarsBeam2.html5. http://drjudywood.com/wtc/#G

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First Collapse (WTC2): 13:59:04 (UTC), 09:59:04 (EDT); Magnitude = 2.1. Notice the significant portion of the seismic activity only lasts about 10 seconds. Columbia University's Seismology Group recorded seismic events of 10 seconds and 8 seconds in duration, which correspond to the destruction of WTC2 and WTC1, respectively. In comparison, if a billiard ball was dropped from the roof of WTC1 (North Tower) it would take approximately 9.22 seconds to hit the ground, so why was the seismic activity from the WTC destruction so brief? Furthermore, the destruction of each tower should have registered as 3.8 magnitude or greater on the Richter scale, so why was the seismic activity from the WTC destruction so weak? It is both of the findings that are astonishing, not just one.Source: http://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/LCSN/Eq/WTC_20010911.html

Physics calculations show that the top floor of the WTC towers should have taken at least ~100 seconds to reach the ground in a floor-by-floor 'pancake collapse', so why was the seismic activity from the destruction of the WTC towers so brief, only lasting about 8 seconds for WTC1 and 10 seconds for WTC2? Additionally, the seismographic magnitude of each WTC tower "collapse" should have registered as 3.8 or greater on the Richter scale if each tower slammed to the ground so quickly. In comparison, the much smaller, mostly hollow Seattle Kingdome registered as 2.3 magnitude on the Richter scale as it hit the ground when it was demolished. The WTC towers were many times larger than the Seattle Kingdome, so why did the seismic activity from the rapid destruction of WTC1, WTC2, and WTC7 only register as 2.3, 2.1, and 0.6 magnitude on the Richter scale (respectively)? Also, the Seattle Kingdome was mostly hollow, gutted prior to demolition, and was brought down with thoroughly planted explosives, leaving a rubble pile approximately ~12.5% of its original height. Amazingly, the vertical steel WTC twin towers, despite being filled with bookshelves, office equipment, toilets, file cabinets, furniture, and more, somehow left a "rubble pile" only 1-4% of their original height (~4% in the tallest area). It is all three of these facts, the seismic duration, the seismic magnitude, and the rubble height, that are astonishing, not just one.Sources:1. http://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/LCSN/Eq/20010911_wtc.html2. http://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/LCSN/Eq/20010911_WTC/fact_sheet.htm3. http://drjudywood.com/articles/BBE/BilliardBalls.html4. http://drjudywood.com/articles/DEW/StarWarsBeam2.html5. http://drjudywood.com/wtc/#G

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Second Collapse (WTC1): 14:28:31 (UTC), 10:28:31 (EDT); Magnitude = 2.3. Notice the significant portion of the seismic activity only lasts about 8 seconds. Columbia University's Seismology Group recorded seismic events of 10 seconds and 8 seconds in duration, which correspond to the destruction of WTC2 and WTC1, respectively. In comparison, if a billiard ball was dropped from the roof of WTC1 (North Tower) it would take approximately 9.22 seconds to hit the ground, so why was the seismic activity from the WTC destruction so brief? Furthermore, the destruction of each tower should have registered as 3.8 magnitude or greater on the Richter scale, so why was the seismic activity from the WTC destruction so weak? It is both of the findings that are astonishing, not just one.Source: http://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/LCSN/Eq/WTC_20010911.html

Physics calculations show that the top floor of the WTC towers should have taken at least ~100 seconds to reach the ground in a floor-by-floor 'pancake collapse', so why was the seismic activity from the destruction of the WTC towers so brief, only lasting about 8 seconds for WTC1 and 10 seconds for WTC2? Additionally, the seismographic magnitude of each WTC tower "collapse" should have registered as 3.8 or greater on the Richter scale if each tower slammed to the ground so quickly. In comparison, the much smaller, mostly hollow Seattle Kingdome registered as 2.3 magnitude on the Richter scale as it hit the ground when it was demolished. The WTC towers were many times larger than the Seattle Kingdome, so why did the seismic activity from the rapid destruction of WTC1, WTC2, and WTC7 only register as 2.3, 2.1, and 0.6 magnitude on the Richter scale (respectively)? Also, the Seattle Kingdome was mostly hollow, gutted prior to demolition, and was brought down with thoroughly planted explosives, leaving a rubble pile approximately ~12.5% of its original height. Amazingly, the vertical steel WTC twin towers, despite being filled with bookshelves, office equipment, toilets, file cabinets, furniture, and more, somehow left a "rubble pile" only 1-4% of their original height (~4% in the tallest area). It is all three of these facts, the seismic duration, the seismic magnitude, and the rubble height, that are astonishing, not just one.Sources:1. http://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/LCSN/Eq/20010911_wtc.html2. http://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/LCSN/Eq/20010911_WTC/fact_sheet.htm3. http://drjudywood.com/articles/BBE/BilliardBalls.html4. http://drjudywood.com/articles/DEW/StarWarsBeam2.html5. http://drjudywood.com/wtc/#G

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The destruction of WTC1 (North Tower), Sept. 11, 2001, Magnitude = 2.3. Notice the significant portion of the seismic activity only lasts about 8 seconds (10:28:48.5-10:28:56.5). Columbia University's Seismology Group recorded seismic events of 10 seconds and 8 seconds in duration, which correspond to the destruction of WTC2 and WTC1, respectively. In comparison, if a billiard ball was dropped from the roof of WTC1 (North Tower) it would take approximately 9.22 seconds to hit the ground, so why was the seismic activity from the WTC destruction so brief? Furthermore, the destruction of each tower should have registered as 3.8 magnitude or greater on the Richter scale, so why was the seismic activity from the WTC destruction so weak? It is both of the findings that are astonishing, not just one.Source: http://www.nytimes.com/library/national/index_QUAKE.html

Physics calculations show that the top floor of the WTC towers should have taken at least ~100 seconds to reach the ground in a floor-by-floor 'pancake collapse', so why was the seismic activity from the destruction of the WTC towers so brief, only lasting about 8 seconds for WTC1 and 10 seconds for WTC2? Additionally, the seismographic magnitude of each WTC tower "collapse" should have registered as 3.8 or greater on the Richter scale if each tower slammed to the ground so quickly. In comparison, the much smaller, mostly hollow Seattle Kingdome registered as 2.3 magnitude on the Richter scale as it hit the ground when it was demolished. The WTC towers were many times larger than the Seattle Kingdome, so why did the seismic activity from the rapid destruction of WTC1, WTC2, and WTC7 only register as 2.3, 2.1, and 0.6 magnitude on the Richter scale (respectively)? Also, the Seattle Kingdome was mostly hollow, gutted prior to demolition, and was brought down with thoroughly planted explosives, leaving a rubble pile approximately ~12.5% of its original height. Amazingly, the vertical steel WTC twin towers, despite being filled with bookshelves, office equipment, toilets, file cabinets, furniture, and more, somehow left a "rubble pile" only 1-4% of their original height (~4% in the tallest area). It is all three of these facts, the seismic duration, the seismic magnitude, and the rubble height, that are astonishing, not just one.Sources:1. http://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/LCSN/Eq/20010911_wtc.html2. http://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/LCSN/Eq/20010911_WTC/fact_sheet.htm3. http://drjudywood.com/articles/BBE/BilliardBalls.html4. http://drjudywood.com/articles/DEW/StarWarsBeam2.html5. http://drjudywood.com/wtc/#G

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'Seismic Waves Generated by Aircraft Impacts and Building Collapses at World Trade Center, New York City' Figure 4: Comparison of Palisades seismograms for collapse 2 (WTC1) and earthquake of January 17th 2001. Arrows at left indicate computed origin times. Note the data for WTC1 appear very different from those for the January 2001 earthquake, as it is smoother, has fewer spikes, with less complexity, and lacks distinctive S and P waves. There would also have been a delay between the P and S waves if it had been an earthquake, or even a conventional controlled demolition with explosives. Most importantly, the amplitude of the 9/11 disturbance is less than half of the January earthquake, despite a similar peak Richter reading. What could have caused this?Source: http://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/LCSN/Eq/20010911_WTC/WTC_LDEO_KIM.pdf

Physics calculations show that the top floor of the WTC towers should have taken at least ~100 seconds to reach the ground in a floor-by-floor 'pancake collapse', so why was the seismic activity from the destruction of the WTC towers so brief, only lasting about 8 seconds for WTC1 and 10 seconds for WTC2? Additionally, the seismographic magnitude of each WTC tower "collapse" should have registered as 3.8 or greater on the Richter scale if each tower slammed to the ground so quickly. In comparison, the much smaller, mostly hollow Seattle Kingdome registered as 2.3 magnitude on the Richter scale as it hit the ground when it was demolished. The WTC towers were many times larger than the Seattle Kingdome, so why did the seismic activity from the rapid destruction of WTC1, WTC2, and WTC7 only register as 2.3, 2.1, and 0.6 magnitude on the Richter scale (respectively)? Also, the Seattle Kingdome was mostly hollow, gutted prior to demolition, and was brought down with thoroughly planted explosives, leaving a rubble pile approximately ~12.5% of its original height. Amazingly, the vertical steel WTC twin towers, despite being filled with bookshelves, office equipment, toilets, file cabinets, furniture, and more, somehow left a "rubble pile" only 1-4% of their original height (~4% in the tallest area). It is all three of these facts, the seismic duration, the seismic magnitude, and the rubble height, that are astonishing, not just one.Sources:1. http://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/LCSN/Eq/20010911_wtc.html2. http://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/LCSN/Eq/20010911_WTC/fact_sheet.htm3. http://drjudywood.com/articles/BBE/BilliardBalls.html4. http://drjudywood.com/articles/DEW/StarWarsBeam2.html5. http://drjudywood.com/wtc/#G

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Case 1: Free-fall time of a billiard ball dropped from the roof of WTC1, in a vacuum (without air resistance)Source: http://drjudywood.com/articles/BBE/BilliardBalls.html

First, a short exercise to explain the following 'billiard ball' case studies:

"Let's say I tell you that I ran, by foot,to a store (10 miles away), thento the bank (5 more miles), thento the dog track (7 more miles), thento my friend's house (21 more miles), then home ...all in 2 minutes.

To disprove my story, you could present a simple case. You could present to me that the world's record for running just one mile is 3:43.13, or just under four minutes. So, it does not seem possible that I could have ran over 40 miles in 2 minutes (i.e. It does not seem possible for me to have ran 43 miles in half the time it would take the holder of the world's record to run just one mile). Even if you gave me the benefit of having run all 43 miles at world-record pace, it would not have been possible for me to have covered that distance in two minutes.

Remember, the proof need not be complicated. You don't need to prove exactly how long it should have taken me to run that distance. Nor do you need to prove how much longer it would have taken if I stopped to place a bet at the dog track. To disprove my story, you only need to show that the story I gave you is not physically possible.

Now, let us consider if any of those collapse times provided to us seem possible with the story we were given..."

Consider the minimum time it would take the blue billiard ball in Case 1 to hit the pavement, more than 1/4 mile below (see image). Start the timer when the ball is dropped from the roof of WTC1. We'll assume this is in a vacuum, with no air resistance. (Note, large chunks of the building will have a very low surface area-to-mass ratio, so air resistance can be neglected.)

From the rooftop of WTC1, drop one (dark-blue) billiard ball over the edge. As it falls, it accelerates. If it were in a vacuum, it would hit the pavement, 1368 feet below, in 9.22 seconds, shown by the blue curve in the figure, below. It will take longer if air resistance is considered, but for simplicity, we'll neglect air resistance. This means that the calculated collapse times are more generous to the official story than they need to be. Notice that the billiard ball begins to drop very slowly, then accelerates with the pull of gravity. If in a vacuum, the blue ball will hit the pavement, 1368 ft. below, 9.22 seconds after it is dropped. That is, unless it is propelled downward by a force in addition to gravity, it will take at least 9.22 seconds to reach the ground (assuming no air resistance).

In comparison, the major seismic activity from the destruction of the WTC towers only lasted about 8 and 10 seconds. Why was the seismic activity from the WTC destruction so brief?Sources:1. http://www.nytimes.com/library/national/index_QUAKE.html2. http://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/LCSN/Eq/20010911_WTC/fact_sheet.htm

Physics calculations show that the top floor of the WTC towers should have taken at least ~100 seconds to reach the ground in a floor-by-floor 'pancake collapse', so why was the seismic activity from the destruction of the WTC towers so brief, only lasting about 8 seconds for WTC1 and 10 seconds for WTC2? Additionally, the seismographic magnitude of each WTC tower "collapse" should have registered as 3.8 or greater on the Richter scale if each tower slammed to the ground so quickly. In comparison, the much smaller, mostly hollow Seattle Kingdome registered as 2.3 magnitude on the Richter scale as it hit the ground when it was demolished. The WTC towers were many times larger than the Seattle Kingdome, so why did the seismic activity from the rapid destruction of WTC1, WTC2, and WTC7 only register as 2.3, 2.1, and 0.6 magnitude on the Richter scale (respectively)? Also, the Seattle Kingdome was mostly hollow, gutted prior to demolition, and was brought down with thoroughly planted explosives, leaving a rubble pile approximately ~12.5% of its original height. Amazingly, the vertical steel WTC twin towers, despite being filled with bookshelves, office equipment, toilets, file cabinets, furniture, and more, somehow left a "rubble pile" only 1-4% of their original height (~4% in the tallest area). It is all three of these facts, the seismic duration, the seismic magnitude, and the rubble height, that are astonishing, not just one.Sources:1. http://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/LCSN/Eq/20010911_wtc.html2. http://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/LCSN/Eq/20010911_WTC/fact_sheet.htm3. http://drjudywood.com/articles/BBE/BilliardBalls.html4. http://drjudywood.com/articles/DEW/StarWarsBeam2.html5. http://drjudywood.com/wtc/#G

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Case 2: ‘Progressive Collapse’ in ten-floor intervals.Source: http://drjudywood.com/articles/BBE/BilliardBalls.html

To account for the damaged zone, let’s simulate the floor beams collapsing every 10th floor, as if something has destroyed 9 out of every 10 floors for the entire height of the building. This assumes there is no resistance within each 10-floor interval. i.e. We use the conservative approach that there is no resistance between floor impacts. In reality there is, which would slow the collapse time further. Also, there was only damage in one 10-floor interval, not the entire height of the building. Thus, if anything, this means the calculated collapse times are more generous to the official story than they need to be.

The clock starts when the blue ball is dropped from the roof (110th floor). Just as the blue ball passes the 100th floor, the red ball drops from the 100th floor. When the red ball passes the 90th floor, the orange ball drops from the 90th floor, ... etc. Notice that the red ball (at floor 100) cannot begin moving until the blue ball reaches that level, which is 2.8 seconds after the blue ball begins to drop.

This approximates the "pancaking" theory, assuming that each floor within the "pancaking" (collapsing) interval provides no resistance at all. With this theory, no floor below the "pancake" can begin to move until the progressive collapse has reached that level. For example, there is no reason for the 20th floor to suddenly collapse before it is damaged.

With this model, a minimum of 30.6 seconds is required for the roof to hit the ground. Of course it would take longer if accounting for air resistance. It would take longer if accounting for the structure's resistance that allows pulverization. The columns at each level would be expected to absorb a great deal of the energy of the falling floors. Thus, if anything, this means the calculated collapse times are more generous to the official story than they need to be.

In comparison, the major seismic activity from the destruction of the WTC towers only lasted about 8 and 10 seconds. Why was the seismic activity from the WTC destruction so brief?Sources:1. http://www.nytimes.com/library/national/index_QUAKE.html2. http://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/LCSN/Eq/20010911_WTC/fact_sheet.htm

Physics calculations show that the top floor of the WTC towers should have taken at least ~100 seconds to reach the ground in a floor-by-floor 'pancake collapse', so why was the seismic activity from the destruction of the WTC towers so brief, only lasting about 8 seconds for WTC1 and 10 seconds for WTC2? Additionally, the seismographic magnitude of each WTC tower "collapse" should have registered as 3.8 or greater on the Richter scale if each tower slammed to the ground so quickly. In comparison, the much smaller, mostly hollow Seattle Kingdome registered as 2.3 magnitude on the Richter scale as it hit the ground when it was demolished. The WTC towers were many times larger than the Seattle Kingdome, so why did the seismic activity from the rapid destruction of WTC1, WTC2, and WTC7 only register as 2.3, 2.1, and 0.6 magnitude on the Richter scale (respectively)? Also, the Seattle Kingdome was mostly hollow, gutted prior to demolition, and was brought down with thoroughly planted explosives, leaving a rubble pile approximately ~12.5% of its original height. Amazingly, the vertical steel WTC twin towers, despite being filled with bookshelves, office equipment, toilets, file cabinets, furniture, and more, somehow left a "rubble pile" only 1-4% of their original height (~4% in the tallest area). It is all three of these facts, the seismic duration, the seismic magnitude, and the rubble height, that are astonishing, not just one.Sources:1. http://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/LCSN/Eq/20010911_wtc.html2. http://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/LCSN/Eq/20010911_WTC/fact_sheet.htm3. http://drjudywood.com/articles/BBE/BilliardBalls.html4. http://drjudywood.com/articles/DEW/StarWarsBeam2.html5. http://drjudywood.com/wtc/#G

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Case 3: ‘Progressive Collapse’ in one-floor intervals.Source: http://drjudywood.com/articles/BBE/BilliardBalls.html

Similar to Case 2 (previous image), let's consider a floor-by-floor pancake collapse. This graph shows the minimum time required for a WTC tower to collapse if every floor collapsed progressively like dominos. A "collapse" like this would take nearly ~100 seconds at the very least.

In comparison, the major seismic activity from the destruction of the WTC towers only lasted about 8 and 10 seconds. Why was the seismic activity from the WTC destruction so brief?Sources:1. http://www.nytimes.com/library/national/index_QUAKE.html2. http://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/LCSN/Eq/20010911_WTC/fact_sheet.htm

Physics calculations show that the top floor of the WTC towers should have taken at least ~100 seconds to reach the ground in a floor-by-floor 'pancake collapse', so why was the seismic activity from the destruction of the WTC towers so brief, only lasting about 8 seconds for WTC1 and 10 seconds for WTC2? Additionally, the seismographic magnitude of each WTC tower "collapse" should have registered as 3.8 or greater on the Richter scale if each tower slammed to the ground so quickly. In comparison, the much smaller, mostly hollow Seattle Kingdome registered as 2.3 magnitude on the Richter scale as it hit the ground when it was demolished. The WTC towers were many times larger than the Seattle Kingdome, so why did the seismic activity from the rapid destruction of WTC1, WTC2, and WTC7 only register as 2.3, 2.1, and 0.6 magnitude on the Richter scale (respectively)? Also, the Seattle Kingdome was mostly hollow, gutted prior to demolition, and was brought down with thoroughly planted explosives, leaving a rubble pile approximately ~12.5% of its original height. Amazingly, the vertical steel WTC twin towers, despite being filled with bookshelves, office equipment, toilets, file cabinets, furniture, and more, somehow left a "rubble pile" only 1-4% of their original height (~4% in the tallest area). It is all three of these facts, the seismic duration, the seismic magnitude, and the rubble height, that are astonishing, not just one.Sources:1. http://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/LCSN/Eq/20010911_wtc.html2. http://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/LCSN/Eq/20010911_WTC/fact_sheet.htm3. http://drjudywood.com/articles/BBE/BilliardBalls.html4. http://drjudywood.com/articles/DEW/StarWarsBeam2.html5. http://drjudywood.com/wtc/#G

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Case 4: ‘Progressive Collapse’ at near free-fall speed.Source: http://drjudywood.com/articles/BBE/BilliardBalls.html

Let's say that we want to bring down the entire building in the time it takes for free-fall of the top floor of WTC1. (Use 9.22 seconds as the time it would take the blue ball to drop from the roof to the street below, in a vacuum.) So, If the entire building is to be on the ground in 9.22 seconds, the floors below the "pancaking" must start moving before the "pancaking" ("progressive collapse”) reaches that floor, below. To illustrate this, use the concept of the billiard balls. If the red ball (dropped from the 100th floor) is to reach the ground at the same time as the blue ball (dropped from the 110th floor), the red ball must be dropped 0.429 seconds after the blue ball is dropped. But, the blue ball will take 2.8 seconds after it is dropped, just to reach the 100th floor in free fall. So, the red ball needs to begin moving 2.4 seconds before the blue ball arrives to "trigger" the red ball's motion. That is, each of these floors will need a 2.4 second head start for falling -- before the "free falling" floor is triggered to drop. But this also creates yet another problem: "the resistance paradox." How can the upper floor be destroyed by slamming into a lower floor if the lower floor has already moved out of the way?

So, for the building to be collapsed in about 10 seconds, the lower floors would have to start moving before the upper floors could reach them by gravity alone. Did we see this? I believe it's pretty clear in some of the videos. The "wave" of collapse, progressing down the building, is moving faster than free-fall speed. This would require something like a detonation or destruction sequence. This would explain why the seismic activity from the destruction of the WTC towers was so brief, lasting only about 8 and 10 seconds.Sources:1. http://www.nytimes.com/library/national/index_QUAKE.html2. http://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/LCSN/Eq/20010911_WTC/fact_sheet.htm

Physics calculations show that the top floor of the WTC towers should have taken at least ~100 seconds to reach the ground in a floor-by-floor 'pancake collapse', so why was the seismic activity from the destruction of the WTC towers so brief, only lasting about 8 seconds for WTC1 and 10 seconds for WTC2? Additionally, the seismographic magnitude of each WTC tower "collapse" should have registered as 3.8 or greater on the Richter scale if each tower slammed to the ground so quickly. In comparison, the much smaller, mostly hollow Seattle Kingdome registered as 2.3 magnitude on the Richter scale as it hit the ground when it was demolished. The WTC towers were many times larger than the Seattle Kingdome, so why did the seismic activity from the rapid destruction of WTC1, WTC2, and WTC7 only register as 2.3, 2.1, and 0.6 magnitude on the Richter scale (respectively)? Also, the Seattle Kingdome was mostly hollow, gutted prior to demolition, and was brought down with thoroughly planted explosives, leaving a rubble pile approximately ~12.5% of its original height. Amazingly, the vertical steel WTC twin towers, despite being filled with bookshelves, office equipment, toilets, file cabinets, furniture, and more, somehow left a "rubble pile" only 1-4% of their original height (~4% in the tallest area). It is all three of these facts, the seismic duration, the seismic magnitude, and the rubble height, that are astonishing, not just one.Sources:1. http://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/LCSN/Eq/20010911_wtc.html2. http://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/LCSN/Eq/20010911_WTC/fact_sheet.htm3. http://drjudywood.com/articles/BBE/BilliardBalls.html4. http://drjudywood.com/articles/DEW/StarWarsBeam2.html5. http://drjudywood.com/wtc/#G

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Using the well documented Seattle Kingdome demolition for comparison, one can calculate that the seismographic magnitude of each WTC tower "collapse" should have registered as 3.8 (2.3+1.5=3.8) magnitude or greater on the Richter scale. In comparison, the much smaller Seattle Kingdome registered as 2.3 magnitude on the Richter scale as it hit the ground when it was demolished. The WTC twin towers were many times larger than the Seattle Kingdome, so why did the seismic activity from the destruction of the twin towers only register as 2.1 and 2.3 magnitude on the Richter scale? Furthermore, why was the seismic activity from the destruction of the WTC towers so brief, only lasting about 8 and 10 seconds?Sources:1. http://www.nytimes.com/library/national/index_QUAKE.html2. http://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/LCSN/Eq/20010911_WTC/fact_sheet.htm3. http://drjudywood.com/articles/DEW/StarWarsBeam2.html

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Seattle Kingdome with the Olympic Mountains across Puget Sound.Source: http://www.kingdome.org/images/img0045.jpg

Physics calculations show that the top floor of the WTC towers should have taken at least ~100 seconds to reach the ground in a floor-by-floor 'pancake collapse', so why was the seismic activity from the destruction of the WTC towers so brief, only lasting about 8 seconds for WTC1 and 10 seconds for WTC2? Additionally, the seismographic magnitude of each WTC tower "collapse" should have registered as 3.8 or greater on the Richter scale if each tower slammed to the ground so quickly. In comparison, the much smaller, mostly hollow Seattle Kingdome registered as 2.3 magnitude on the Richter scale as it hit the ground when it was demolished. The WTC towers were many times larger than the Seattle Kingdome, so why did the seismic activity from the rapid destruction of WTC1, WTC2, and WTC7 only register as 2.3, 2.1, and 0.6 magnitude on the Richter scale (respectively)? Also, the Seattle Kingdome was mostly hollow, gutted prior to demolition, and was brought down with thoroughly planted explosives, leaving a rubble pile approximately ~12.5% of its original height. Amazingly, the vertical steel WTC twin towers, despite being filled with bookshelves, office equipment, toilets, file cabinets, furniture, and more, somehow left a "rubble pile" only 1-4% of their original height (~4% in the tallest area). It is all three of these facts, the seismic duration, the seismic magnitude, and the rubble height, that are astonishing, not just one.Sources:1. http://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/LCSN/Eq/20010911_wtc.html2. http://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/LCSN/Eq/20010911_WTC/fact_sheet.htm3. http://drjudywood.com/articles/BBE/BilliardBalls.html4. http://drjudywood.com/articles/DEW/StarWarsBeam2.html5. http://drjudywood.com/wtc/#G

Page 138: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

Finishing the interior of the Seattle Kingdome.Source: http://www.kingdome.org/images/img0030.jpg

Physics calculations show that the top floor of the WTC towers should have taken at least ~100 seconds to reach the ground in a floor-by-floor 'pancake collapse', so why was the seismic activity from the destruction of the WTC towers so brief, only lasting about 8 seconds for WTC1 and 10 seconds for WTC2? Additionally, the seismographic magnitude of each WTC tower "collapse" should have registered as 3.8 or greater on the Richter scale if each tower slammed to the ground so quickly. In comparison, the much smaller, mostly hollow Seattle Kingdome registered as 2.3 magnitude on the Richter scale as it hit the ground when it was demolished. The WTC towers were many times larger than the Seattle Kingdome, so why did the seismic activity from the rapid destruction of WTC1, WTC2, and WTC7 only register as 2.3, 2.1, and 0.6 magnitude on the Richter scale (respectively)? Also, the Seattle Kingdome was mostly hollow, gutted prior to demolition, and was brought down with thoroughly planted explosives, leaving a rubble pile approximately ~12.5% of its original height. Amazingly, the vertical steel WTC twin towers, despite being filled with bookshelves, office equipment, toilets, file cabinets, furniture, and more, somehow left a "rubble pile" only 1-4% of their original height (~4% in the tallest area). It is all three of these facts, the seismic duration, the seismic magnitude, and the rubble height, that are astonishing, not just one.Sources:1. http://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/LCSN/Eq/20010911_wtc.html2. http://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/LCSN/Eq/20010911_WTC/fact_sheet.htm3. http://drjudywood.com/articles/BBE/BilliardBalls.html4. http://drjudywood.com/articles/DEW/StarWarsBeam2.html5. http://drjudywood.com/wtc/#G

Page 139: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

The Seattle Kingdome demolition starts.Source: http://seattletimes.nwsource.com/kingdome/gallery/photos/photo_07.jpgVideo: http://portland.indymedia.org/media/media/2005/06/319180.mpg

Physics calculations show that the top floor of the WTC towers should have taken at least ~100 seconds to reach the ground in a floor-by-floor 'pancake collapse', so why was the seismic activity from the destruction of the WTC towers so brief, only lasting about 8 seconds for WTC1 and 10 seconds for WTC2? Additionally, the seismographic magnitude of each WTC tower "collapse" should have registered as 3.8 or greater on the Richter scale if each tower slammed to the ground so quickly. In comparison, the much smaller, mostly hollow Seattle Kingdome registered as 2.3 magnitude on the Richter scale as it hit the ground when it was demolished. The WTC towers were many times larger than the Seattle Kingdome, so why did the seismic activity from the rapid destruction of WTC1, WTC2, and WTC7 only register as 2.3, 2.1, and 0.6 magnitude on the Richter scale (respectively)? Also, the Seattle Kingdome was mostly hollow, gutted prior to demolition, and was brought down with thoroughly planted explosives, leaving a rubble pile approximately ~12.5% of its original height. Amazingly, the vertical steel WTC twin towers, despite being filled with bookshelves, office equipment, toilets, file cabinets, furniture, and more, somehow left a "rubble pile" only 1-4% of their original height (~4% in the tallest area). It is all three of these facts, the seismic duration, the seismic magnitude, and the rubble height, that are astonishing, not just one.Sources:1. http://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/LCSN/Eq/20010911_wtc.html2. http://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/LCSN/Eq/20010911_WTC/fact_sheet.htm3. http://drjudywood.com/articles/BBE/BilliardBalls.html4. http://drjudywood.com/articles/DEW/StarWarsBeam2.html5. http://drjudywood.com/wtc/#G

Page 140: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

The right and left sides are destroyed first to fold the building inward.Source: http://seattletimes.nwsource.com/kingdome/gallery/photos/photo_08.jpgVideo: http://portland.indymedia.org/media/media/2005/06/319180.mpg

Physics calculations show that the top floor of the WTC towers should have taken at least ~100 seconds to reach the ground in a floor-by-floor 'pancake collapse', so why was the seismic activity from the destruction of the WTC towers so brief, only lasting about 8 seconds for WTC1 and 10 seconds for WTC2? Additionally, the seismographic magnitude of each WTC tower "collapse" should have registered as 3.8 or greater on the Richter scale if each tower slammed to the ground so quickly. In comparison, the much smaller, mostly hollow Seattle Kingdome registered as 2.3 magnitude on the Richter scale as it hit the ground when it was demolished. The WTC towers were many times larger than the Seattle Kingdome, so why did the seismic activity from the rapid destruction of WTC1, WTC2, and WTC7 only register as 2.3, 2.1, and 0.6 magnitude on the Richter scale (respectively)? Also, the Seattle Kingdome was mostly hollow, gutted prior to demolition, and was brought down with thoroughly planted explosives, leaving a rubble pile approximately ~12.5% of its original height. Amazingly, the vertical steel WTC twin towers, despite being filled with bookshelves, office equipment, toilets, file cabinets, furniture, and more, somehow left a "rubble pile" only 1-4% of their original height (~4% in the tallest area). It is all three of these facts, the seismic duration, the seismic magnitude, and the rubble height, that are astonishing, not just one.Sources:1. http://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/LCSN/Eq/20010911_wtc.html2. http://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/LCSN/Eq/20010911_WTC/fact_sheet.htm3. http://drjudywood.com/articles/BBE/BilliardBalls.html4. http://drjudywood.com/articles/DEW/StarWarsBeam2.html5. http://drjudywood.com/wtc/#G

Page 141: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

Demolition of the Seattle Kingdome. The rest of the building is now coming down.Source: http://seattletimes.nwsource.com/kingdome/gallery/photos/photo_09.jpgVideo: http://portland.indymedia.org/media/media/2005/06/319180.mpg

Physics calculations show that the top floor of the WTC towers should have taken at least ~100 seconds to reach the ground in a floor-by-floor 'pancake collapse', so why was the seismic activity from the destruction of the WTC towers so brief, only lasting about 8 seconds for WTC1 and 10 seconds for WTC2? Additionally, the seismographic magnitude of each WTC tower "collapse" should have registered as 3.8 or greater on the Richter scale if each tower slammed to the ground so quickly. In comparison, the much smaller, mostly hollow Seattle Kingdome registered as 2.3 magnitude on the Richter scale as it hit the ground when it was demolished. The WTC towers were many times larger than the Seattle Kingdome, so why did the seismic activity from the rapid destruction of WTC1, WTC2, and WTC7 only register as 2.3, 2.1, and 0.6 magnitude on the Richter scale (respectively)? Also, the Seattle Kingdome was mostly hollow, gutted prior to demolition, and was brought down with thoroughly planted explosives, leaving a rubble pile approximately ~12.5% of its original height. Amazingly, the vertical steel WTC twin towers, despite being filled with bookshelves, office equipment, toilets, file cabinets, furniture, and more, somehow left a "rubble pile" only 1-4% of their original height (~4% in the tallest area). It is all three of these facts, the seismic duration, the seismic magnitude, and the rubble height, that are astonishing, not just one.Sources:1. http://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/LCSN/Eq/20010911_wtc.html2. http://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/LCSN/Eq/20010911_WTC/fact_sheet.htm3. http://drjudywood.com/articles/BBE/BilliardBalls.html4. http://drjudywood.com/articles/DEW/StarWarsBeam2.html5. http://drjudywood.com/wtc/#G

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The dust barely goes higher than the original height of the Kingdome.Source: http://seattletimes.nwsource.com/kingdome/gallery/photos/photo_10.jpgVideo: http://portland.indymedia.org/media/media/2005/06/319180.mpg

Physics calculations show that the top floor of the WTC towers should have taken at least ~100 seconds to reach the ground in a floor-by-floor 'pancake collapse', so why was the seismic activity from the destruction of the WTC towers so brief, only lasting about 8 seconds for WTC1 and 10 seconds for WTC2? Additionally, the seismographic magnitude of each WTC tower "collapse" should have registered as 3.8 or greater on the Richter scale if each tower slammed to the ground so quickly. In comparison, the much smaller, mostly hollow Seattle Kingdome registered as 2.3 magnitude on the Richter scale as it hit the ground when it was demolished. The WTC towers were many times larger than the Seattle Kingdome, so why did the seismic activity from the rapid destruction of WTC1, WTC2, and WTC7 only register as 2.3, 2.1, and 0.6 magnitude on the Richter scale (respectively)? Also, the Seattle Kingdome was mostly hollow, gutted prior to demolition, and was brought down with thoroughly planted explosives, leaving a rubble pile approximately ~12.5% of its original height. Amazingly, the vertical steel WTC twin towers, despite being filled with bookshelves, office equipment, toilets, file cabinets, furniture, and more, somehow left a "rubble pile" only 1-4% of their original height (~4% in the tallest area). It is all three of these facts, the seismic duration, the seismic magnitude, and the rubble height, that are astonishing, not just one.Sources:1. http://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/LCSN/Eq/20010911_wtc.html2. http://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/LCSN/Eq/20010911_WTC/fact_sheet.htm3. http://drjudywood.com/articles/BBE/BilliardBalls.html4. http://drjudywood.com/articles/DEW/StarWarsBeam2.html5. http://drjudywood.com/wtc/#G

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The dust barely goes higher than the original height of the Kingdome.Source: http://seattletimes.nwsource.com/kingdome/gallery/photos/photo_11.jpgVideo: http://portland.indymedia.org/media/media/2005/06/319180.mpg

Physics calculations show that the top floor of the WTC towers should have taken at least ~100 seconds to reach the ground in a floor-by-floor 'pancake collapse', so why was the seismic activity from the destruction of the WTC towers so brief, only lasting about 8 seconds for WTC1 and 10 seconds for WTC2? Additionally, the seismographic magnitude of each WTC tower "collapse" should have registered as 3.8 or greater on the Richter scale if each tower slammed to the ground so quickly. In comparison, the much smaller, mostly hollow Seattle Kingdome registered as 2.3 magnitude on the Richter scale as it hit the ground when it was demolished. The WTC towers were many times larger than the Seattle Kingdome, so why did the seismic activity from the rapid destruction of WTC1, WTC2, and WTC7 only register as 2.3, 2.1, and 0.6 magnitude on the Richter scale (respectively)? Also, the Seattle Kingdome was mostly hollow, gutted prior to demolition, and was brought down with thoroughly planted explosives, leaving a rubble pile approximately ~12.5% of its original height. Amazingly, the vertical steel WTC twin towers, despite being filled with bookshelves, office equipment, toilets, file cabinets, furniture, and more, somehow left a "rubble pile" only 1-4% of their original height (~4% in the tallest area). It is all three of these facts, the seismic duration, the seismic magnitude, and the rubble height, that are astonishing, not just one.Sources:1. http://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/LCSN/Eq/20010911_wtc.html2. http://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/LCSN/Eq/20010911_WTC/fact_sheet.htm3. http://drjudywood.com/articles/BBE/BilliardBalls.html4. http://drjudywood.com/articles/DEW/StarWarsBeam2.html5. http://drjudywood.com/wtc/#G

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The pile of rubble that remains from the Seattle Kingdome includes all of the beams and concrete. Unlike the WTC, all of the valuable furniture and fixtures were removed from the Kingdome before it was destroyed. After being brought down by controlled, explosive demolition, the Seattle Kingdome left a debris pile about 30 feet high, approximately 12% of its former height. Why was the debris pile of the WTC twin towers only a few stories high, approximately 2-3% of their original height (110 stories)?Source: http://seattletimes.nwsource.com/kingdome/gallery/photos/photo_12.jpgVideo: http://portland.indymedia.org/media/media/2005/06/319180.mpg

The following videos touch upon the lack of rubble in greater detail:

What Transformed the Twin Towers to Dust on 9/11? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lGXDmNZCeKo

ABC News 'Where’s all the rubble gone?" (12:44pm on 9/12/2001): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GdBQOe85i3M

Media Acknowledges Steel Turned to Dust on 9/11 (Full Clip) | ABC News http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eJb-GPtb2I0

Physics calculations show that the top floor of the WTC towers should have taken at least ~100 seconds to reach the ground in a floor-by-floor 'pancake collapse', so why was the seismic activity from the destruction of the WTC towers so brief, only lasting about 8 seconds for WTC1 and 10 seconds for WTC2? Additionally, the seismographic magnitude of each WTC tower "collapse" should have registered as 3.8 or greater on the Richter scale if each tower slammed to the ground so quickly. In comparison, the much smaller, mostly hollow Seattle Kingdome registered as 2.3 magnitude on the Richter scale as it hit the ground when it was demolished. The WTC towers were many times larger than the Seattle Kingdome, so why did the seismic activity from the rapid destruction of WTC1, WTC2, and WTC7 only register as 2.3, 2.1, and 0.6 magnitude on the Richter scale (respectively)? Also, the Seattle Kingdome was mostly hollow, gutted prior to demolition, and was brought down with thoroughly planted explosives, leaving a rubble pile approximately ~12.5% of its original height. Amazingly, the vertical steel WTC twin towers, despite being filled with bookshelves, office equipment, toilets, file cabinets, furniture, and more, somehow left a "rubble pile" only 1-4% of their original height (~4% in the tallest area). It is all three of these facts, the seismic duration, the seismic magnitude, and the rubble height, that are astonishing, not just one.Sources:1. http://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/LCSN/Eq/20010911_wtc.html2. http://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/LCSN/Eq/20010911_WTC/fact_sheet.htm3. http://drjudywood.com/articles/BBE/BilliardBalls.html4. http://drjudywood.com/articles/DEW/StarWarsBeam2.html5. http://drjudywood.com/wtc/#G

Page 145: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

The debris pile that remains from the Seattle Kingdome includes all of the beams and concrete. Notice how small the people are in comparison to the debris pile. Unlike the WTC, all of the valuable furniture and fixtures were removed from the Kingdome before it was destroyed. After being brought down by controlled, explosive demolition, the Seattle Kingdome left a debris pile about 30 feet high, approximately 12% of its former height. Why was the debris pile of the WTC twin towers only a few stories high, approximately 2-3% of their original height (110 stories)?Source: http://seattletimes.nwsource.com/kingdome/gallery/photos/photo_05.jpgVideo: http://portland.indymedia.org/media/media/2005/06/319180.mpg

The following videos touch upon the lack of rubble in greater detail:

What Transformed the Twin Towers to Dust on 9/11? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lGXDmNZCeKo

ABC News 'Where’s all the rubble gone?" (12:44pm on 9/12/2001): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GdBQOe85i3M

Media Acknowledges Steel Turned to Dust on 9/11 (Full Clip) | ABC News http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eJb-GPtb2I0

Physics calculations show that the top floor of the WTC towers should have taken at least ~100 seconds to reach the ground in a floor-by-floor 'pancake collapse', so why was the seismic activity from the destruction of the WTC towers so brief, only lasting about 8 seconds for WTC1 and 10 seconds for WTC2? Additionally, the seismographic magnitude of each WTC tower "collapse" should have registered as 3.8 or greater on the Richter scale if each tower slammed to the ground so quickly. In comparison, the much smaller, mostly hollow Seattle Kingdome registered as 2.3 magnitude on the Richter scale as it hit the ground when it was demolished. The WTC towers were many times larger than the Seattle Kingdome, so why did the seismic activity from the rapid destruction of WTC1, WTC2, and WTC7 only register as 2.3, 2.1, and 0.6 magnitude on the Richter scale (respectively)? Also, the Seattle Kingdome was mostly hollow, gutted prior to demolition, and was brought down with thoroughly planted explosives, leaving a rubble pile approximately ~12.5% of its original height. Amazingly, the vertical steel WTC twin towers, despite being filled with bookshelves, office equipment, toilets, file cabinets, furniture, and more, somehow left a "rubble pile" only 1-4% of their original height (~4% in the tallest area). It is all three of these facts, the seismic duration, the seismic magnitude, and the rubble height, that are astonishing, not just one.Sources:1. http://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/LCSN/Eq/20010911_wtc.html2. http://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/LCSN/Eq/20010911_WTC/fact_sheet.htm3. http://drjudywood.com/articles/BBE/BilliardBalls.html4. http://drjudywood.com/articles/DEW/StarWarsBeam2.html5. http://drjudywood.com/wtc/#G

Page 146: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

An illustration of what a WTC tower "pancake collapse" would look like, similar to the story that is told to us by the '9/11 Commission Report'. The rubble pile should be at least 1/8 of the original building height (12.5%), but the actual WTC rubble pile was no more than ~4% of the original height at the tallest areas. What could have caused this?

The following videos touch upon the lack of rubble in greater detail:

What Transformed the Twin Towers to Dust on 9/11? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lGXDmNZCeKo

ABC News 'Where’s all the rubble gone?" (12:44pm on 9/12/2001): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GdBQOe85i3M

Media Acknowledges Steel Turned to Dust on 9/11 (Full Clip) | ABC News http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eJb-GPtb2I0

Page 147: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

"Pancake" collapse of a smaller, non-steel building, after an earthquake in Pakistan-Asia. Notice how large the rubble pile is when compared to the people, despite the much smaller, weaker nature of this building. The point of this image is to demonstrate how quickly debris piles up in a true "pancake" collapse.(Photo from Rolling Stone Magazine / posted on post-gazette.com AP) Source: http://i18.photobucket.com/albums/b108/janedoe444/trouble/25_pancake_quake051009.jpg

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An illustration of what the actual WTC tower destruction looked like. The WTC rubble pile was no more than ~4% of the original building height at the tallest areas. Both towers went "poof." What could have caused this?

The following videos touch upon the lack of rubble in greater detail:

What Transformed the Twin Towers to Dust on 9/11? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lGXDmNZCeKo

ABC News 'Where’s all the rubble gone?" (12:44pm on 9/12/2001): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GdBQOe85i3M

Media Acknowledges Steel Turned to Dust on 9/11 (Full Clip) | ABC News http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eJb-GPtb2I0

Page 149: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

This is a view from West St., looking east across the remains of WTC1 shortly after the 9/11 attacks. Notice the distinct columns of the WTC tower lobby and the dust-covered ambulance at street level. Why is the WTC rubble pile so small? Where are the concrete floors? Where is the office furniture? Where is the office machinery? Where are the filing cabinets? Where is the wall board? Where are the bookcases? Where are the toilets? If the Seattle Kingdome left a debris pile approximately 12% of its original height after being destroyed via controlled, explosive demolition, then why was the debris pile from the "collapse" of the WTC twin towers only a few stories high, approximately 2-3% of their original height (110 stories)?

FEMA entered this photo on 9/13/01, which is the earliest date for any of their 9/11 photo posts. Other photos they have for 9/13/01 show much more people and equipment present, so it is believed this photo was taken on 9/11/01 then entered into their files on 9/13/01. The large amount of dust that remains in the air further suggests that this photo was taken on 9/11/01.(9/13/01 entered, likely taken on 9/11/01) Source:http://www.photolibrary.fema.gov/photodata/original/5316.jpg

The following videos touch upon the lack of rubble in greater detail:

ABC News 'Where’s all the rubble gone?" (12:44pm on 9/12/2001): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GdBQOe85i3M

What Transformed the Twin Towers to Dust on 9/11? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lGXDmNZCeKo

Media Acknowledges Steel Turned to Dust on 9/11 (Full Clip) | ABC Newshttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eJb-GPtb2I0

Page 150: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

Here is a pre-9/11 image of the WTC tower lobby, which was only a few stories tall. Notice the distinctive support columns/beams and tall windows all around the perimeter of the lobby. The lobby would have been buried by an enormous pile of debris in a "collapse", so use this image as a reference to compare the height of the debris pile to the height of the WTC tower lobby in other images.

Page 151: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

Here is a pre-9/11 image of the WTC Tower 1 lobby, looking south along the east side of the building. Notice the distinctive support columns/beams and tall windows all around the perimeter of the lobby. The lobby would have been buried by an enormous pile of debris in a "collapse", so use this image as a reference to compare the height of the debris pile to the height of the WTC tower lobby in other images.Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:World_Trade_Center_lobby,_08-19-2000.png

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The height of the WTC towers compared to the height of WTC6 and the small "rubble pile". Notice the distinct columns of the WTC tower lobby near ground level. See next photo for comparison. If the Seattle Kingdome left a debris pile approximately ~12% of its original height after being destroyed via controlled, explosive demolition, then why was the debris pile from the "collapse" of the WTC twin towers only a few stories high, approximately 2-3% of their original height (110 stories)?(1978) Source: http://911digitalarchive.org/REPOSITORY/IMAGES/PHOTOS/1273.pjpeg

The following videos touch upon the lack of rubble in greater detail:

ABC News 'Where’s all the rubble gone?" (12:44pm on 9/12/2001): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GdBQOe85i3M

What Transformed the Twin Towers to Dust on 9/11? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lGXDmNZCeKo

Media Acknowledges Steel Turned to Dust on 9/11 (Full Clip) | ABC News http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eJb-GPtb2I0

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This photo was taken around noon on 9/11/01, and is the same photo as the next one but with added yellow lines to emphasize the height of WTC6 compared to the tallest portion of the WTC1 "rubble pile," which is seen in the foreground. Where did the towers go? Compare this image to the previous one. WTC6, an 8-story building, towers over the "rubble pile" remaining from WTC1 and 2. WTC7 can be seen in the distance as it has not yet been destroyed. The Verizon Building is at a distance on the left. Why is the WTC rubble pile so small? Where are the concrete floors? Where is the office furniture? Where is the office machinery? Where are the filing cabinets? Where is the wall board? Where are the bookcases? Where are the toilets? If the Seattle Kingdome left a debris pile approximately 12% of its original height after being destroyed via controlled, explosive demolition, then why was the debris pile from the "collapse" of the WTC twin towers only a few stories high, approximately 2-3% of their original height (110 stories)?(9/11/01) Source: http://img.timeinc.net/time/photoessays/shattered/search2.jpg & http://www.september11news.com/JamesNachtweyTime_search2.jpg

The following videos touch upon the lack of rubble in greater detail:

ABC News 'Where’s all the rubble gone?" (12:44pm on 9/12/2001): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GdBQOe85i3M

What Transformed the Twin Towers to Dust on 9/11? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lGXDmNZCeKo

Media Acknowledges Steel Turned to Dust on 9/11 (Full Clip) | ABC News http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eJb-GPtb2I0

Page 154: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

This photo was taken around noon on 9/11/01, and is the same photo as the previous one but without the added yellow lines. Notice the height of WTC6 compared to the tallest portion of the WTC1 "rubble pile," which is seen in the foreground. Where did the towers go? Compare this image to the previous one. WTC6, an 8-story building, towers over the "rubble pile" remaining from WTC1 and 2. WTC7 can be seen in the distance as it has not yet been destroyed. The Verizon Building is at a distance on the left. Why is the WTC rubble pile so small? Where are the concrete floors? Where is the office furniture? Where is the office machinery? Where are the filing cabinets? Where is the wall board? Where are the bookcases? Where are the toilets? If the Seattle Kingdome left a debris pile approximately 12% of its original height after being destroyed via controlled, explosive demolition, then why was the debris pile from the "collapse" of the WTC twin towers only a few stories high, approximately 2-3% of their original height (110 stories)?(9/11/01) Source: http://img.timeinc.net/time/photoessays/shattered/search2.jpg & http://www.september11news.com/JamesNachtweyTime_search2.jpg

The following videos touch upon the lack of rubble in greater detail:

ABC News 'Where’s all the rubble gone?" (12:44pm on 9/12/2001): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GdBQOe85i3M

What Transformed the Twin Towers to Dust on 9/11? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lGXDmNZCeKo

Media Acknowledges Steel Turned to Dust on 9/11 (Full Clip) | ABC News http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eJb-GPtb2I0

Page 155: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

This photo was taken around noon on 9/11/01. Notice the small height of the "rubble pile" from the twin towers (WTC1 & 2). The distinct columns of the WTC1 tower lobby were astonishingly not buried by debris, and can be seen towering over the tiny "rubble pile" and rescue personnel near the center of the photo. WTC7 can be seen "lathering up" in the distance as it has not yet been destroyed. Why is the WTC rubble pile so small? Where are the concrete floors? Where is the office furniture? Where is the office machinery? Where are the filing cabinets? Where is the wall board? Where are the bookcases? Where are the toilets? If the Seattle Kingdome left a debris pile approximately 12% of its original height after being destroyed via controlled, explosive demolition, then why was the debris pile from the "collapse" of the WTC twin towers only a few stories high, approximately 2-3% of their original height (110 stories)? This photo appears to be darkened as indicated by the deep blue sky.(9/11/01) Source: http://www.911myths.com/assets/images/db_images/db_Magnum21.jpg

The following videos touch upon the lack of rubble in greater detail:

ABC News 'Where’s all the rubble gone?" (12:44pm on 9/12/2001): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GdBQOe85i3M

What Transformed the Twin Towers to Dust on 9/11? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lGXDmNZCeKo

Media Acknowledges Steel Turned to Dust on 9/11 (Full Clip) | ABC News http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eJb-GPtb2I0

Page 156: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

Where did the towers go? Moments earlier, the world's largest office buildings stood here. Notice the traffic light at street level in front of ground zero. Why is the WTC rubble pile so small? Where are the concrete floors? Where is the office furniture? Where is the office machinery? Where are the filing cabinets? Where is the wall board? Where are the bookcases? Where are the toilets? If the Seattle Kingdome left a debris pile approximately 12% of its original height after being destroyed via controlled, explosive demolition, then why was the debris pile from the "collapse" of the WTC twin towers only a few stories high, approximately 2-3% of their original height (110 stories)? The large amount of dust in the air and the abscence of rescue efforts suggest this photo was taken rather early on September 11th, 2001.(9/11/01)

The following videos touch upon the lack of rubble in greater detail:

ABC News 'Where’s all the rubble gone?" (12:44pm on 9/12/2001): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GdBQOe85i3M

What Transformed the Twin Towers to Dust on 9/11? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lGXDmNZCeKo

Media Acknowledges Steel Turned to Dust on 9/11 (Full Clip) | ABC News http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eJb-GPtb2I0

Page 157: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

The black building in the foreground is the Bankers Trust Building (130 Liberty Street), which has a total volume of approximately 28% of the volume of one WTC tower. So two WTC towers had seven times the volume of the Bankers Trust Building. How could the equivalent of seven collapsed Bankers Trust buildings leave so little debris? [(182.5ft x 182.5ft x 40floors) versus 2x(207ft x 207ft x 110floors)] If the Seattle Kingdome left a debris pile approximately 12% of its original height after being destroyed via controlled, explosive demolition, then why was the debris pile from the "collapse" of the WTC twin towers only a few stories high, approximately 2-3% of their original height (110 stories)? This photo was most likely taken within a day of the 9/11 attacks, as suggested by the haze in the air above ground zero and the lack of extensive cleanup equipment.

The following videos touch upon the lack of rubble in greater detail:

ABC News 'Where’s all the rubble gone?" (12:44pm on 9/12/2001): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GdBQOe85i3M

What Transformed the Twin Towers to Dust on 9/11? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lGXDmNZCeKo

Media Acknowledges Steel Turned to Dust on 9/11 (Full Clip) | ABC News http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eJb-GPtb2I0

Page 158: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

A view of ground zero, where WTC1 stood just the day before. Notice the distinct WTC tower lobby columns (compare to previous photos). Where did the towers go? If the Seattle Kingdome left a debris pile approximately 12% of its original height after being destroyed via controlled, explosive demolition, then why was the debris pile from the "collapse" of the WTC twin towers only a few stories high, approximately 2-3% of their original height (110 stories)? This photo was most likely taken within a day of the 9/11 attacks, as suggested by the large amount of fumes coming from ground zero, and the lack of dirt and cleanup efforts. Also note the large vertical holes in surrounding buildings.(9/12/01)

The following videos touch upon the lack of rubble in greater detail:

ABC News 'Where’s all the rubble gone?" (12:44pm on 9/12/2001): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GdBQOe85i3M

What Transformed the Twin Towers to Dust on 9/11? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lGXDmNZCeKo

Media Acknowledges Steel Turned to Dust on 9/11 (Full Clip) | ABC News http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eJb-GPtb2I0

Page 159: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

The remains of WTC2 are in the foreground. Immediately behind WTC2 is where WTC3 (Marriott Hotel) once stood. Where did it go? In the background (upper left) the World Financial Center (WFC) buildings have blown-out windows and other damage. The remains of WTC6, an 8-story building, towers over the remains of WTC1 (upper right). Notice the distinct columns of the WTC twin tower lobbies and the fumes coming from the small "rubble pile". If the Seattle Kingdome left a debris pile approximately 12% of its original height after being destroyed via controlled, explosive demolition, then why was the debris pile from the "collapse" of the WTC twin towers only a few stories high, approximately 2-3% of their original height (110 stories)?(Morning of 9/13/01) Source: http://www.hybrideb.com/source/eyewitness/groundzero/groundzero_07.jpg

The following videos touch upon the lack of rubble in greater detail:

ABC News 'Where’s all the rubble gone?" (12:44pm on 9/12/2001): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GdBQOe85i3M

What Transformed the Twin Towers to Dust on 9/11? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lGXDmNZCeKo

Media Acknowledges Steel Turned to Dust on 9/11 (Full Clip) | ABC News http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eJb-GPtb2I0

Page 160: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

WTC3 was reduced to this 3-4 story high, narrow debris stack. A lower section of WTC1's west wall lays across the West Side Highway. Notice the distinct WTC tower lobby columns. If the Seattle Kingdome left a debris pile approximately 12% of its original height after being destroyed via controlled, explosive demolition, then why was the debris pile from the "collapse" of the WTC twin towers only a few stories high, approximately 2-3% of their original height (110 stories)?(9/13/01) Source: http://www.photolibrary.fema.gov/photodata/original/3887.jpg

The following videos touch upon the lack of rubble in greater detail:

ABC News 'Where’s all the rubble gone?" (12:44pm on 9/12/2001): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GdBQOe85i3M

What Transformed the Twin Towers to Dust on 9/11? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lGXDmNZCeKo

Media Acknowledges Steel Turned to Dust on 9/11 (Full Clip) | ABC News http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eJb-GPtb2I0

Page 161: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

Three steel "wheatchex" are stabbed into West Street in the foreground, and the remaining portion of WTC3 (Marriott Hotel) is covered by debris in the background. The west wall of tower WTC2 is standing just behind and to the left of WTC3. Notice the distinct WTC tower lobby columns and how small the "rubble pile" is in comparison. Also note the hazy appearance of the fumes still coming from ground zero. If the Seattle Kingdome left a debris pile approximately 12% of its original height after being destroyed via controlled, explosive demolition, then why was the debris pile from the "collapse" of the WTC twin towers only a few stories high, approximately 2-3% of their original height (110 stories)?(Photo by Andrea Booher, FEMA, 9/15/01) Source:http://www.photolibrary.fema.gov/photodata/original/3930.jpg

The following videos touch upon the lack of rubble in greater detail:

ABC News 'Where’s all the rubble gone?" (12:44pm on 9/12/2001): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GdBQOe85i3M

What Transformed the Twin Towers to Dust on 9/11? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lGXDmNZCeKo

Media Acknowledges Steel Turned to Dust on 9/11 (Full Clip) | ABC News http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eJb-GPtb2I0

Page 162: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

WTC3 was partly destroyed in bizarre fashion during the destruction of WTC2. Notice the large vertical hole in WTC3 (left side of photo). What could have caused this? Special thanks to Bill Biggartfor this very valuable piece of the puzzle. If the Seattle Kingdome left a debris pile approximately 12% of its original height after being destroyed via controlled, explosive demolition, then why was the debris pile from the "collapse" of the WTC twin towers only a few stories high, approximately 2-3% of their original height (110 stories)?(Photo by Bill Biggart, 9/11/01) Source: http://digitaljournalist.org/issue0111/images/Biggart1836.jpg

The following videos touch upon the lack of rubble in greater detail:

ABC News 'Where’s all the rubble gone?" (12:44pm on 9/12/2001): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GdBQOe85i3M

What Transformed the Twin Towers to Dust on 9/11? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lGXDmNZCeKo

Media Acknowledges Steel Turned to Dust on 9/11 (Full Clip) | ABC News http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eJb-GPtb2I0

Page 163: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

WTC3 (Marriott Hotel) was partly destroyed in bizarre fashion during the destruction of WTC2. The upper half of Bankers Trust building can be seen towering over ground zero in the distance, thanks to the giant vertical hole in WTC3 (left side of photo). No large pieces of the WTC towers can be seen that could have created this massive hole in WTC3. What caused this? A few moments before this photo was taken, the world's two largest office buildings stood here. Where did the towers go? Special thanks to Bill Biggartfor this very valuable piece of the puzzle. If the Seattle Kingdome left a debris pile approximately 12% of its original height after being destroyed via controlled, explosive demolition, then why was the debris pile from the "collapse" of the WTC twin towers only a few stories high, approximately 2-3% of their original height (110 stories)?(Photo by Bill Biggart, 9/11/01) Source: http://digitaljournalist.org/issue0111/images/Biggart1836.jpg

The following videos touch upon the lack of rubble in greater detail:

ABC News 'Where’s all the rubble gone?" (12:44pm on 9/12/2001): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GdBQOe85i3M

What Transformed the Twin Towers to Dust on 9/11? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lGXDmNZCeKo

Media Acknowledges Steel Turned to Dust on 9/11 (Full Clip) | ABC News http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eJb-GPtb2I0

Page 164: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

Looking east on Vesey Street from the West Street intersection after WTC1 was destroyed, but before WTC7 was destroyed. The Verizon building is on the left, WTC7 is behind the Verizon building, and WTC6 is on the right. A truck or SUV could easily traverse this debris, which is mainly aluminum cladding and paper. This photo shows that most of WTC1 did not fall onto nearby Vesey Street, so where did it go? If the Seattle Kingdome left a debris pile approximately 12% of its original height after being destroyed via controlled, explosive demolition, then why was the debris pile from the "collapse" of the WTC twin towers only a few stories high, approximately 2-3% of their original height (110 stories)?(Photo by Steve Spak, 9/11/01)

The following videos touch upon the lack of rubble in greater detail:

ABC News 'Where’s all the rubble gone?" (12:44pm on 9/12/2001): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GdBQOe85i3M

What Transformed the Twin Towers to Dust on 9/11? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lGXDmNZCeKo

Media Acknowledges Steel Turned to Dust on 9/11 (Full Clip) | ABC News http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eJb-GPtb2I0

Page 165: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

Another view looking east on Vesey Street. The Verizon building on the left suffered minor damage from a piece of WTC1 steel. A truck or SUV could easily traverse this debris, which is mainly aluminum cladding and paper. This photo shows that most of WTC1 did not fall onto nearby Vesey Street, so where did it go? If the Seattle Kingdome left a debris pile approximately 12% of its original height after being destroyed via controlled, explosive demolition, then why was the debris pile from the "collapse" of the WTC twin towers only a few stories high, approximately 2-3% of their original height (110 stories)?(Photo by Steve Spak, 9/11/01)

The following videos touch upon the lack of rubble in greater detail:

ABC News 'Where’s all the rubble gone?" (12:44pm on 9/12/2001): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GdBQOe85i3M

What Transformed the Twin Towers to Dust on 9/11? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lGXDmNZCeKo

Media Acknowledges Steel Turned to Dust on 9/11 (Full Clip) | ABC News http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eJb-GPtb2I0

Page 166: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

WTC7 before the 9/11 attacks, located just across the street from the main WTC complex. This large 47-story building was destroyed in near perfect fashion, "collapsing" into its very own footprint, despite never being 'hit by an airplane'. If the office fires were localized to a small number of floors, why was the entire south face of WTC7 seen "lathering up" before it was destroyed, while WTC1 was still standing?(pre 9/11/01) Source: http://i56.photobucket.com/albums/g171/boloboffin2/911/WTC7TopfromWTC2.jpgVideo: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V_AoDyEObvE

Page 167: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

Photo showing the localized office fires that allegedly caused the total "collapse" of WTC7. We were told these fires were caused by falling debris from the WTC twin towers. WTC7 was just across the street from the main WTC complex. This large 47-story building was destroyed in near perfect fashion, "collapsing" into its very own footprint, despite never being 'hit by an airplane'. If the office fires were localized to a small number of floors, why was the entire south face of WTC7 seen "lathering up" before it was destroyed, while WTC1 was still standing?(9/11/01)Video (at 9:10): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V_AoDyEObvE

Page 168: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

WTC7 is "lathering up", similar to WTC1 & 2. It's fairly clear that dust is pouring from almost the entire south side of WTC7. This large amount of grey dust is very distinct in comparison to the small amount of black smoke that was seen coming from the few levels of office fires on the side of the building (see previous photo). WTC7 was just across the street from the main WTC complex. This large 47-story building was destroyed in near perfect fashion, "collapsing" into its very own footprint, despite never being 'hit by an airplane'.(9/11/01) Source: http://www.911myths.com/assets/images/WTC7_Smoke.jpgVideo (at 9:10): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V_AoDyEObvE

Page 169: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

WTC7 is "lathering up", similar to WTC1 & 2. It's fairly clear that dust is pouring from almost the entire south side of WTC7. This large amount of grey dust is very distinct in comparison to the small amount of black smoke that was seen coming from the few levels of office fires on the side of the building. WTC7 was just across the street from the main WTC complex. This large 47-story building was destroyed in near perfect fashion, "collapsing" into its very own footprint, despite never being 'hit by an airplane'. Also note the strange round holes in the windows of the building on the left, yet there are many unbroken windows nearby and the facade of this building does not appear to be damaged.(9/11/01) Source: http://wtcdata.nist.gov/gallery2/v/Collected+Materials/Organized+Photos+and+Video+Clips/Photos/ (to access the link, first go to wtcdata.nist.gov and click 'accept' when the user agreement appears)Video (at 9:10): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V_AoDyEObvE

Page 170: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

WTC7 is "lathering up", similar to WTC1 & 2. It's fairly clear that dust is pouring from almost the entire south side of WTC7. These firefighters appear to be interested in this phenomenon. This large amount of grey dust is very distinct in comparison to the small amount of black smoke that was seen coming from the few levels of office fires on the side of the building. WTC7 was just across the street from the main WTC complex. This large 47-story building was destroyed in near perfect fashion, "collapsing" into its very own footprint, despite never being 'hit by an airplane'. The deep blue sky suggests this photo has been darkened.(9/11/01) Source: http://wtcdata.nist.gov/gallery2/v/Collected+Materials/Organized+Photos+and+Video+Clips/Photos/ (to access the link, first go to wtcdata.nist.gov and click 'accept' when the user agreement appears)Video (at 9:10): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V_AoDyEObvE

Page 171: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

WTC7 is "lathering up", similar to WTC1 & 2. It's fairly clear that dust is pouring from almost the entire south side of WTC7. This large amount of grey dust is very distinct in comparison to the small amount of black smoke that was seen coming from the few levels of office fires on the side of the building. WTC7 was just across the street from the main WTC complex. This large 47-story building was destroyed in near perfect fashion, "collapsing" into its very own footprint, despite never being 'hit by an airplane'.(9/11/01) Source: http://wtcdata.nist.gov/gallery2/v/Collected+Materials/Organized+Photos+and+Video+Clips/Photos/ (to access the link, first go to wtcdata.nist.gov and click 'accept' when the user agreement appears)Video (at 9:10): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V_AoDyEObvE

Page 172: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

WTC7 is "lathering up", similar to WTC1 & 2. It's fairly clear that dust is pouring from almost the entire south side of WTC7. These firefighters appear to be interested in this phenomenon. The large amount of grey dust is very distinct in comparison to the small amount of black smoke that was seen coming from the few levels of office fires on the side of the building. WTC7 was just across the street from the main WTC complex. This large 47-story building was destroyed in near perfect fashion, "collapsing" into its very own footprint, despite never being 'hit by an airplane'.(9/11/01) Source: http://www.spesh.com/mirrors/wtc2/IMG_1502.JPGVideo (at 9:10): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V_AoDyEObvE

Page 173: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

WTC7 is "lathering up", similar to WTC1 & 2. It's fairly clear that dust is pouring from almost the entire south side of WTC7. This large amount of grey dust is very distinct in comparison to the small amount of black smoke that was seen coming from the few levels of office fires on the side of the building. This photo was taken around noon on 9/11. Notice the distinct WTC tower lobby columns and the small amount of debris left from destruction of WTC2 on the right side of the photo. WTC7 was just across the street from the main WTC complex. This large 47-story building was destroyed in near perfect fashion, "collapsing" into its very own footprint, despite never being 'hit by an airplane'. This photo appears to be darkened as indicated by the deep blue sky.(9/11/01)Video (at 9:10): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V_AoDyEObvE

Page 174: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

WTC7 is "lathering up" along with WTC1. It's fairly clear that dust is pouring from almost the entire south sides of these two buildings. The pedestrians appear to be interested in this phenomenon. The large amount of grey dust is very distinct in comparison to the small amount of black smoke that was seen coming from the few levels that were on fire. WTC1 is still standing, so "debris from the collapse of WTC1" cannot explain why there is "smoke" pouring out of WTC7. This is the intersection of Church and Reade, looking southward. WTC7 was just across the street from the main WTC complex. This large 47-story building was destroyed in near perfect fashion, "collapsing" into its very own footprint, despite never being 'hit by an airplane'.(9/11/01) Source: http://www.magnumphotos.com/CoreXDoc/MAG/Media/TR3/F/P/J/F/NYC20193.jpgVideo (at 9:10): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V_AoDyEObvE

Page 175: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

WTC7 is "lathering up" along with WTC1. It's fairly clear that dust is pouring from almost the entire south sides of these two buildings. The pedestrians appear to be interested in this phenomenon. This large amount of grey dust is very distinct in comparison to the small amount of black smoke that was seen coming from the few levels that were on fire. WTC1 is still standing, so "debris from the collapse of WTC1" cannot explain why there is "smoke" pouring out of WTC7. This is the intersection of Church and Reade, looking southward. WTC7 was just across the street from the main WTC complex. This large 47-story building was destroyed in near perfect fashion, "collapsing" into its very own footprint, despite never being 'hit by an airplane'.(9/11/01) Source: http://www.magnumphotos.com/CoreXDoc/MAG/Media/TR3/F/W/7/X/NYC20197.jpgVideo (at 9:10): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V_AoDyEObvE

Page 176: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

WTC7 rubble pile after the 9/11 attacks, located just across the street from the main WTC complex. This large 47-story building was destroyed in near perfect fashion, "collapsing" into its very own footprint, despite never being 'hit by an airplane'. WTC7 left a bigger rubble pile than the twin towers (WTC1 & 2) because it was not completely pulverized. Notice the wall-board that remained on the pile's surface. No major debris appears to have landed on adjacent buildings. If the office fires were localized to a small number of floors, why was the entire south face of WTC7 seen "lathering up" before it was destroyed, while WTC1 was still standing? Also note the strange vertical holes in the WTC buildings across the street, near the bottom of the photo.(Photo by USGS/NOAA, 9/23/01) Source:http://www.hybrideb.com/images/newyork/overhead_hires.jpgVideo: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V_AoDyEObvE

Page 177: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

WTC7 rubble pile, looking south, down W. Broadway. WTC7 was just across the street from the main WTC complex. This large 47-story building was destroyed in near perfect fashion, "collapsing" into its very own footprint, despite never being 'hit by an airplane'. WTC7 left a bigger rubble pile than the twin towers (WTC1 & 2) because it was not completely pulverized. Notice how small the people are relative to the "pile," and the wall-board that remained on the pile's surface. Notice the stack of toasted, deformed cars on the street.(Photo entered 9/18/01, most likely taken 9/12-13/01) Source: http://www.infowarsmedia.com/images/sept11/sept_11.zipVideo: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V_AoDyEObvE

Page 178: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

Closeup of last image. WTC7 rubble pile, looking south, down W. Broadway. WTC7 was just across the street from the main WTC complex. This large 47-story building was destroyed in near perfect fashion, "collapsing" into its very own footprint, despite never being 'hit by an airplane'. WTC7 left a bigger rubble pile than the twin towers (WTC1 & 2) because it was not completely pulverized. Notice how small the people are relative to the "pile," and the wall-board that remained on the pile's surface. Notice the stack of toasted, deformed cars on the street.(Photo entered 9/18/01, most likely taken 9/12-13/01) Source: http://www.infowarsmedia.com/images/sept11/sept_11.zipVideo: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V_AoDyEObvE

Page 179: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

Closeup of the WTC7 rubble pile, located just across the street from the main WTC complex. This large 47-story building was destroyed in near perfect fashion, "collapsing" into its very own footprint, despite never being 'hit by an airplane'. WTC7 left a bigger rubble pile than the twin towers (WTC1 & 2) because it was not completely pulverized. Notice the wall-board that remained on the pile's surface.(after 9/11/01)Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V_AoDyEObvE

Page 180: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

WTC7 rubble pile, looking south, down Greenwich Street. WTC7 was just across the street from the main WTC complex. This large 47-story building was destroyed in near perfect fashion, "collapsing" into its very own footprint, despite never being 'hit by an airplane'. WTC7 left a bigger rubble pile than the twin towers (WTC1 & 2) because it was not completely pulverized. Notice how small the people are relative to the "pile," and the wall-board that remained on the pile's surface. Notice the stack of toasted, deformed cars on the street.(Photo entered 9/18/01) Source: http://www.infowarsmedia.com/images/sept11/sept_11.zipVideo: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V_AoDyEObvE

Page 181: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

WTC7 rubble pile, located just across the street from the main WTC complex. This large 47-story building was destroyed in near perfect fashion, "collapsing" into its very own footprint, despite never being 'hit by an airplane'. WTC7 left a bigger rubble pile than the twin towers (WTC1 & 2) because it was not completely pulverized. Notice how small the people are relative to the "pile," and the wall-board that remained on the pile's surface.Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V_AoDyEObvE

Page 182: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

Looking at the WTC7 rubble pile from a window of the Verizon building. Note the ongoing fuming and the large amount of dirt that has now appeared in the debris pile. This looks more like a Dagwood Sandwich than a building "collapse". How did all this dirt get here? WTC7 was just across the street from the main WTC complex. This large 47-story building was destroyed in near perfect fashion, "collapsing" into its very own footprint, despite never being 'hit by an airplane'. WTC7 left a bigger rubble pile than the twin towers (WTC1 & 2) because it was not completely pulverized.(9/?/01) Source: http://forums.therandirhodesshow.com/index.php?act=Attach&type=post&id=19355Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V_AoDyEObvE

Page 183: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

Another view of the WTC7 pile from Barclay Street. Notice the fuming and how large the amount of dirt is in comparison to the workers. Many of the dirt piles are taller than the people standing in the debris. How did all this dirt get here? WTC7 was just across the street from the main WTC complex. This large 47-story building was destroyed in near perfect fashion, "collapsing" into its very own footprint, despite never being 'hit by an airplane'. WTC7 left a bigger rubble pile than the twin towers (WTC1 & 2) because it was not completely pulverized.(9/20?/01 date on photo) Source: http://forums.therandirhodesshow.com/index.php?act=Attach&type=post&id=19358Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V_AoDyEObvE

Page 184: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

WTC7 was just across the street from the main WTC complex. This large 47-story building was destroyed in near perfect fashion, "collapsing" into its very own footprint, despite never being 'hit by an airplane'. WTC7 left a bigger rubble pile than the twin towers (WTC1 & 2) because it was not completely pulverized. Notice the wall-board that remained on the pile's surface. No major debris appears to have landed on adjacent buildings. If the office fires were localized to a small number of floors, why was the entire south face of WTC7 seen "lathering up" before it was destroyed, while WTC1 was still standing? Also note the strange vertical holes in the WTC buildings across the street, near the bottom of the photo.(Top: pre-9/11) Source: http://i56.photobucket.com/albums/g171/boloboffin2/911/WTC7TopfromWTC2.jpg(Bottom: Photo by USGS/NOAA, 9/23/01) Source:http://www.hybrideb.com/images/newyork/overhead_hires.jpgVideo: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V_AoDyEObvE

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Columbia University Seismology Group summary of seismic observations of the two impacts and the three WTC "collapses". Notice the particularly weak seismic signal from the destruction of WTC7, with a magnitude of only 0.6 on the Richter scale.Source: http://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/LCSN/Eq/20010911_wtc.html & http://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/LCSN/Eq/20010911_WTC/fact_sheet.htm

Physics calculations show that the top floor of the WTC towers should have taken at least ~100 seconds to reach the ground in a floor-by-floor 'pancake collapse', so why was the seismic activity from the destruction of the WTC towers so brief, only lasting about 8 seconds for WTC1 and 10 seconds for WTC2? Additionally, the seismographic magnitude of each WTC tower "collapse" should have registered as 3.8 or greater on the Richter scale if each tower slammed to the ground so quickly. In comparison, the much smaller, mostly hollow Seattle Kingdome registered as 2.3 magnitude on the Richter scale as it hit the ground when it was demolished. The WTC towers were many times larger than the Seattle Kingdome, so why did the seismic activity from the rapid destruction of WTC1, WTC2, and WTC7 only register as 2.3, 2.1, and 0.6 magnitude on the Richter scale (respectively)? Also, the Seattle Kingdome was mostly hollow, gutted prior to demolition, and was brought down with thoroughly planted explosives, leaving a rubble pile approximately ~12.5% of its original height. Amazingly, the vertical steel WTC twin towers, despite being filled with bookshelves, office equipment, toilets, file cabinets, furniture, and more, somehow left a "rubble pile" only 1-4% of their original height (~4% in the tallest area). It is all three of these facts, the seismic duration, the seismic magnitude, and the rubble height, that are astonishing, not just one.


1. http://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/LCSN/Eq/20010911_wtc.html

2. http://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/LCSN/Eq/20010911_WTC/fact_sheet.htm

3. http://drjudywood.com/articles/BBE/BilliardBalls.html

4. http://drjudywood.com/articles/DEW/StarWarsBeam2.html

5. http://drjudywood.com/wtc/#G

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Third Collapse (WTC7): 21:20:33 (UTC), 17:20:33 (EDT); Magnitude = 0.6. Notice the significant portion of seismic activity cannot easily be distinguished from the background data since the magnitude of the signal is so small.Source: http://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/LCSN/Eq/WTC_20010911.html

Physics calculations show that the top floor of the WTC towers should have taken at least ~100 seconds to reach the ground in a floor-by-floor 'pancake collapse', so why was the seismic activity from the destruction of the WTC towers so brief, only lasting about 8 seconds for WTC1 and 10 seconds for WTC2? Additionally, the seismographic magnitude of each WTC tower "collapse" should have registered as 3.8 or greater on the Richter scale if each tower slammed to the ground so quickly. In comparison, the much smaller, mostly hollow Seattle Kingdome registered as 2.3 magnitude on the Richter scale as it hit the ground when it was demolished. The WTC towers were many times larger than the Seattle Kingdome, so why did the seismic activity from the rapid destruction of WTC1, WTC2, and WTC7 only register as 2.3, 2.1, and 0.6 magnitude on the Richter scale (respectively)? Also, the Seattle Kingdome was mostly hollow, gutted prior to demolition, and was brought down with thoroughly planted explosives, leaving a rubble pile approximately ~12.5% of its original height. Amazingly, the vertical steel WTC twin towers, despite being filled with bookshelves, office equipment, toilets, file cabinets, furniture, and more, somehow left a "rubble pile" only 1-4% of their original height (~4% in the tallest area). It is all three of these facts, the seismic duration, the seismic magnitude, and the rubble height, that are astonishing, not just one. Sources: 1. http://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/LCSN/Eq/20010911_wtc.html2. http://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/LCSN/Eq/20010911_WTC/fact_sheet.htm3. http://drjudywood.com/articles/BBE/BilliardBalls.html4. http://drjudywood.com/articles/DEW/StarWarsBeam2.html5. http://drjudywood.com/wtc/#G

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Vertical-component seismic signals generated by the destruction of WTC7 on 9/11/2001. 'Rg' indicates the arrival of the seismic surface wave of the Rayleigh type which propagated with a speed of 2.4 km/s. Pg and Sg indicate P-wave and S-wave estimated arrival times from the WTC site using a velocity model for the region (these wave arrivals were not detectable). The Rayleigh waves were quite weak and difficult to discern clearly at most of the stations. Nevertheless, Rg waves at PAL, BRNJ, TBR, and ARNY were stronger than the background noise in Figure B5. In other words, there's little or no detectable seismic signals corresponding to the destruction of WTC7.Source: NIST NCSTAR 1-9 Vol.2 Figure B-5 http://www.nist.gov/manuscript-publication-search.cfm?pub_id=909257 (doc page 658 / pdf page 320 of 382)

Physics calculations show that the top floor of the WTC towers should have taken at least ~100 seconds to reach the ground in a floor-by-floor 'pancake collapse', so why was the seismic activity from the destruction of the WTC towers so brief, only lasting about 8 seconds for WTC1 and 10 seconds for WTC2? Additionally, the seismographic magnitude of each WTC tower "collapse" should have registered as 3.8 or greater on the Richter scale if each tower slammed to the ground so quickly. In comparison, the much smaller, mostly hollow Seattle Kingdome registered as 2.3 magnitude on the Richter scale as it hit the ground when it was demolished. The WTC towers were many times larger than the Seattle Kingdome, so why did the seismic activity from the rapid destruction of WTC1, WTC2, and WTC7 only register as 2.3, 2.1, and 0.6 magnitude on the Richter scale (respectively)? Also, the Seattle Kingdome was mostly hollow, gutted prior to demolition, and was brought down with thoroughly planted explosives, leaving a rubble pile approximately ~12.5% of its original height. Amazingly, the vertical steel WTC twin towers, despite being filled with bookshelves, office equipment, toilets, file cabinets, furniture, and more, somehow left a "rubble pile" only 1-4% of their original height (~4% in the tallest area). It is all three of these facts, the seismic duration, the seismic magnitude, and the rubble height, that are astonishing, not just one.


1. http://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/LCSN/Eq/20010911_wtc.html

2. http://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/LCSN/Eq/20010911_WTC/fact_sheet.htm

3. http://drjudywood.com/articles/BBE/BilliardBalls.html

4. http://drjudywood.com/articles/DEW/StarWarsBeam2.html

5. http://drjudywood.com/wtc/#G

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Using the well documented Seattle Kingdome demolition for comparison, one can calculate that the seismographic magnitude of tower WTC7's "collapse" should have registered as 3.1 (2.3+0.8=3.1) magnitude or greater on the Richter scale. In comparison, the much smaller Seattle Kingdome registered as 2.3 magnitude on the Richter scale as it hit the ground when it was demolished. The WTC7 tower was many times larger than the Seattle Kingdome, so why did the seismic activity from the destruction of WTC7 only register as 0.6 magnitude on the Richter scale?Sources:1. http://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/LCSN/Eq/20010911_wtc.html2. http://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/LCSN/Eq/20010911_WTC/fact_sheet.htm3. http://drjudywood.com/wtc/#G

Physics calculations show that the top floor of the WTC towers should have taken at least ~100 seconds to reach the ground in a floor-by-floor 'pancake collapse', so why was the seismic activity from the destruction of the WTC towers so brief, only lasting about 8 seconds for WTC1 and 10 seconds for WTC2? Additionally, the seismographic magnitude of each WTC tower "collapse" should have registered as 3.8 or greater on the Richter scale if each tower slammed to the ground so quickly. In comparison, the much smaller, mostly hollow Seattle Kingdome registered as 2.3 magnitude on the Richter scale as it hit the ground when it was demolished. The WTC towers were many times larger than the Seattle Kingdome, so why did the seismic activity from the rapid destruction of WTC1, WTC2, and WTC7 only register as 2.3, 2.1, and 0.6 magnitude on the Richter scale (respectively)? Also, the Seattle Kingdome was mostly hollow, gutted prior to demolition, and was brought down with thoroughly planted explosives, leaving a rubble pile approximately ~12.5% of its original height. Amazingly, the vertical steel WTC twin towers, despite being filled with bookshelves, office equipment, toilets, file cabinets, furniture, and more, somehow left a "rubble pile" only 1-4% of their original height (~4% in the tallest area). It is all three of these facts, the seismic duration, the seismic magnitude, and the rubble height, that are astonishing, not just one. Sources: 1. http://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/LCSN/Eq/20010911_wtc.html2. http://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/LCSN/Eq/20010911_WTC/fact_sheet.htm3. http://drjudywood.com/articles/BBE/BilliardBalls.html4. http://drjudywood.com/articles/DEW/StarWarsBeam2.html5. http://drjudywood.com/wtc/#G

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Every building that was destroyed had a prefix of WTC. There was surprisingly little collateral damage to nearby buildings that were not targeted. The WTC buildings that were not totally destroyed had multiple circular holes visible at Ground Zero --especially in buildings WTC5 and WTC6. Please view the other photos in this series to see these holes from different angles.(Photo by USGS/NOAA, 9/23/01) Source:http://www.hybrideb.com/images/newyork/overhead_hires.jpg

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Red box outlines the region of the last image and locates the WTC buildings.(Photo by USGS/NOAA, 9/23/01) Source:http://www.hybrideb.com/images/newyork/overhead_hires.jpg

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Overhead view of ground zero. Notice the strange vertical holes in the surrounding buildings (WTC6, 5, 4), yet no large pieces of debris can be seen within the holes. Many of these strange holes are circular in shape, such as the nearly perfect circle seen in WTC5, located in the bottom right corner of the photo. Also notice that all of WTC4 has disappeared except for the square-shaped north wing that remains standing just to the left of WTC5. Hazy fumes continue to rise from ground zero. What could have caused this? Please view the other photos in this series to see these holes from different angles.(Photo by USGS/NOAA, 9/23/01) Source:http://www.hybrideb.com/images/newyork/overhead_hires.jpg

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A close-up of WTC5 and its strange vertical holes. Notice the distinct circular hole located just above the midpoint of this photo. There are no significant piles of debris in these holes to account for the missing building material. What could have caused this? Please view the other photos in this series to see these strange phenomena from different angles.(Photo by USGS/NOAA, 9/23/01) Source:http://www.hybrideb.com/images/newyork/overhead_hires.jpg

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Top right corner of previous overhead image of ground zero. Notice the vertical cut-outs in the center of WTC6 on the right side of the photo. To the left of WTC6 are the remains of WTC1. Note the fairly consistent diameter of the vertical holes. The holes are essentially empty other than an abnormally small amount of debris that remains inside of them. Please view the other photos in this series to see these holes from different angles.(Photo by USGS/NOAA, 9/23/01) Source:http://www.hybrideb.com/images/newyork/overhead_hires.jpg

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This photo highlights the depth of the hole in WTC6. The dust from the WTC towers appears to have mostly cleared. While there is abundance of aluminum cladding on the roofs of buildings 5 and 6, there is little or none in the holes. Please view the other photos in this series to see these holes from different angles.(9/??/01)

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Notice the strange holes in WTC6, located near the center of this photo, and the distinct vertical edges of these holes. To the left of WTC6 is the remaining north wall of tower WTC1, which leans toward WTC6. Where did the top 100 floors of the north wall of WTC1 go? They did not fall on WTC6 or WTC7 because there are no steel "wheatchex" seen there, and the large vertical holes are not filled with debris. Some of WTC1's core remains standing at ground zero, but where is the rest of the core? The relatively small amount of steel on the ground barely covers ground zero, and does not account for the large amount of steel that was used to construct the twin towers. Across the street to the right is the remains of WTC7. Its debris stack is at least five stories tall, even though the "rubble piles" from the twin towers were astonishingly only 2-3 stories tall. Please view the other photos in this series to see these holes from different angles.(9/??/01)

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A view over the dome of WFC2 shows the damage and strange vertical holes of WTC6, in the center of the photo. Notice the vertical edges of these strange holes. To the right of WTC6 is the remaining north wall of tower WTC1, which leans toward WTC6. Where did the top 100 floors of the north wall of WTC1 go? They did not fall on WTC6 or WTC7, as there are no steel "wheatchex" seen there, and the large vertical holes are not filled with debris. Some of WTC1's core remains standing at ground zero, but where is the rest of the core? The relatively small amount of steel on the ground barely covers ground zero, and does not account for the large amount of steel that was used to construct the twin towers. Across the street to the left is the remains of WTC7. Its debris stack is at least five stories tall, even though the "rubble piles" from the twin towers were astonishingly only 2-3 stories tall. Please view the other photos in this series to see these holes from different angles.(9/??/01) Source: http://covertoperations.blogspot.com/2006/11/ground-zero-smoking-gun-3-what-hell.html

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Overhead photo of WTC6 hole, rotated 180° to more naturally match the corresponding points in the previous photo. Notice the lack of steel "wheatchex" in the hole. Please view the other photos in this series to see these holes from different angles.(Photo by USGS/NOAA, 9/23/01) Source:http://www.hybrideb.com/images/newyork/overhead_hires.jpg

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This photo was taken from inside the 8-story WTC6 hole. The vertical cut-outs seen in the previous images do indeed appear to go completely to the ground floor, with relatively little debris remaining. Notice how straight the vertical edges are within the hole. The number of floors within the building can be counted, and eight floors are visible (counting floors on the far side, top-down, appears easiest). The empirical evidence suggests that the 8 floors of building material that used to be here was somehow pulverized or "disappeared", since it clearly was not crushed or buried by a pile of debris. What could have caused this? Please view the other photos in this series to see these holes from different angles. Also notice the bright orange metal beams and pipes on the ground and around the edges of the vertical hole, indicating spontaneous, rapid rusting.(Photo by Andrea Booher/ FEMA News Photo, filed 9/27/01) Source: http://www.photolibrary.fema.gov/photodata/original/5395.jpg

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Holes in ground zero. Closeup of 'Hole 1' can be seen in the next image.Source: NOAA/USGS

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This hole adjacent to WTC2 is through sidewalk and pavement. This hole contains more debris than the 8-story WTC6 hole discussed in the previous image. Note the scale, shown in the next image.(Photo filed 9/21/01) Source: http://www.photolibrary.fema.gov/photodata/original/4015.jpg

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Spacing of columns underground and approximate floor height from last image.(Photo filed 9/21/01) Source: http://www.photolibrary.fema.gov/photodata/original/4015.jpg

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Hutchison Effect sample. Deep hole in solid aluminum bar after exposure to directed energy. Notice the odd appearance of the metal adjacent to the hole.Source: http://www.thehutchisoneffect.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=19&Itemid=47

'The Hutchison Effect' has generated a large amount of parallel empirical evidence, that contributes to the large body of empirical evidence from 9/11. In other words, on top of all the empirical evidence directly from 9/11, there is also laboratory generated anomalies, using directed energy, that are strikingly similar to what we see at ground zero after 9/11. Perhaps these technologies are related in some way, perhaps they are not, but either way, these strong correlations are important and must be considered due to the numerous similarities between 'The Hutchison Effect' and what occurred on 9/11.

John Hutchison has submitted a sworn affidavit to the courts to legally testify to the validity of his informal research. See a copy of the official affadavit here (from his website): http://www.thehutchisoneffect.com/docs/AffJHutchison4.pdf

Lockheed Martin aerospace and weapons corporation is also interested in 'The Hutchison Effect'. Boyd Bushman, a Senior Scientist of Lockheed Martin, on The Hutchison Effect: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=57ZKTA7nx8U

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Close up of Hutchison Effect sample from last image. Hole in solid aluminum bar after exposure to directed energy. Notice the odd appearance of the metal adjacent to the hole.(1983-2006?) Source: http://www.thehutchisoneffect.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=19&Itemid=47

'The Hutchison Effect' has generated a large amount of parallel empirical evidence, that contributes to the large body of empirical evidence from 9/11. In other words, on top of all the empirical evidence directly from 9/11, there is also laboratory generated anomalies, using directed energy, that are strikingly similar to what we see at ground zero after 9/11. Perhaps these technologies are related in some way, perhaps they are not, but either way, these strong correlations are important and must be considered due to the numerous similarities between 'The Hutchison Effect' and what occurred on 9/11.

John Hutchison has submitted a sworn affidavit to the courts to legally testify to the validity of his informal research. See a copy of the official affadavit here (from his website): http://www.thehutchisoneffect.com/docs/AffJHutchison4.pdf

Lockheed Martin aerospace and weapons corporation is also interested in 'The Hutchison Effect'. Boyd Bushman, a Senior Scientist of Lockheed Martin, on The Hutchison Effect: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=57ZKTA7nx8U

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The remains of WTC4, a 9-story building, are at the lower left. The remains of WTC5, a 9-story building, are on the right. Notice the strange vertical holes in WTC5, yet no large pieces of debris can be seen within the holes. Some of these strange holes are circular in shape, such as the nearly perfect circle seen in WTC5 on the right side of the photo (see tag). Also notice that all of WTC4 has disappeared except for the square-shaped north wing that remains standing just to the left of WTC5. What could have caused this? Please view the other photos in this series to see these strange phenomena from different angles.(Photo by USGS/NOAA, 9/23/01) Source:http://www.hybrideb.com/images/newyork/overhead_hires.jpg

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The yellow box locates the north wing of WTC4 which survived the 9/11 attacks despite the mysterious disappearance of the rest of the building.(Photo by USGS/NOAA, 9/23/01) Source:http://www.hybrideb.com/images/newyork/overhead_hires.jpg

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This is a closeup of the remains of WTC4, located in the lower half of the image. The small WTC2 "rubble pile" is located in the top half of the image. Notice the majority of WTC4 appears to have disappeared, but the square-shaped north wing, located in the lower right, appears to remain standing without significant damage. Why did the majority of WTC4 mysteriously disappear? Please view the other photos in this album to see the strange remains of WTC4 from different angles.(Photo by USGS/NOAA, 9/23/01) Source:http://www.hybrideb.com/images/newyork/overhead_hires.jpg

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This is a closeup of the remains of WTC4. The majority of WTC4 has disappeared, but the square-shaped north wing appears to remain intact. Notice the greyish rectangular area of ground zero in the foreground where the majority of WTC4 once stood. Why did the majority of WTC4 mysteriously disappear? Notice how sharp the cut is between the north wing which still stands, and the foreground area where the rest of WTC4 once stood. Please view the other photos in this album to see the strange remains of WTC4 from different angles. Also note the presence of rust on many of the steel "wheatchex" on the ground.

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Notice the majority of WTC4 has disappeared (left), but the north wing appears to remain intact (right). The virtually flat debris field on the left is where the rest of WTC4 once stood. Why did the majority of WTC4 mysteriously disappear? Notice how sharp the cut is between the north wing which still stands, and the virtually flat debris field where the rest of WTC4 once stood.

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Banker's Trust, a 40-story building, had pulverized dust and some WTC aluminum cladding on its roof --plus some damage mostly confined to its lower floors. This same pattern prevails in other damaged buildings adjacent to the WTC complex. (See Figure 9, below.) This is surprisingly little damage following destruction of 110-story buildings directly across the street. Why is there no serious damage to the adjacent buildings above the 20th floors of those buildings? Such damage is less than 20% of the height of a Twin Tower. What would explain why this? Disintegration and pulverization into talcum-powder-sized dust above the 20th floors would explain this.(Photo by USGS/NOAA, 9/23/01) Source:http://www.hybrideb.com/images/newyork/overhead_hires.jpg

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WFC2 had only pulverized dust and WTC aluminum cladding on its roofs. WFC2 suffered only window damage primarily to its lower floors, despite the destruction of a 1/4-mile high building across the street.(Photo by USGS/NOAA, 9/23/01) Source:http://www.hybrideb.com/images/newyork/overhead_hires.jpg

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General schematic of the 'bathtub' foundation located beneath the WTC twin towers, which kept the Hudson River at bay.1. Slurry walls form water-tight bathtub.2. PATH rail lines pass under WTC 2.3. Even cracks in the bathtub would allow water inside.Source: http://news.bbc.co.uk/olmedia/1550000/images/_1553074_flooding_300inf.gif

There was no significant damage to the WTC foundation 'bathtub' on 9/11. If 'falling debris' crashed into the 'bathtub' beneath the WTC towers, then why does it appear to be virtually unharmed?

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Map of the deep foundation (big bathtub) and shallow foundation (little bathtub). There was no significant damage to the WTC foundation 'bathtub' on 9/11. If 'falling debris' crashed into the 'bathtub' beneath the WTC towers, then why does it appear to be virtually unharmed?Source: http://www.serendipity.li/wot/wtc_ch2b/fig-2-11.jpe

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An overhead view of the post-9/11 WTC foundation 'bathtub' shows the uncrushed PATH rail lines and terminal, sitting on mostly undamaged bedrock. The subway line and platform are to the right of the big bathtub wall. This photo is from August 2005 after the debris had been cleared, showing that no subway tracks or terminals needed relocation, and there was not significant damage to the WTC foundation 'bathtub' on 9/11. If 'falling debris' crashed into the 'bathtub' beneath the WTC towers, then why does it appear to be virtually unharmed?Source: http://www.world-heritage-tour.org/america/us/newYork/WTC/map.jpg

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There was no significant damage to the WTC foundation 'bathtub' on 9/11. If 'falling debris' crashed into the 'bathtub' beneath the WTC towers, then why does it appear to be virtually unharmed? Notice the absence of cracks or gouges in the foundation beneath the WTC towers after the debris has been cleared. This picture looks west-northwest, from the center of the WTC 1 footprint. The parking garage can be seen on the right.Source: http://911research.wtc7.net/wtc/arch/docs/bathtub_wall1.jpg

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Cross section of the WTC complex, highlighting buildings 2 and 3 and the seven subbasements. Note the shopping mall at the ground level, on the right, below WTC4 and above the PATH and subway rail lines. If tons of falling steel and other building materials came crashing down on the WTC shopping mall and PATH trains, why weren't they crushed and buried by debris?Source: Mueser Rutledge Consulting Engineers / Cristina Rivero - The Washington Post

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Ground Zero workers near a stepladder in hole 2 in LibertyStreet, identified by the guide in Figure 302(b). The remaining wall of WTC2 is in the background.(Photo by Michael Rieger, FEMA, filed 9/18/01) Source: http://www.photolibrary.fema.gov/photodata/original/3952.jpg

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9/11 ground zero workers descend into the basements below WTC2. While there is extensive damage, there is little building debris at the bottom of the hole. There is no sign of molten metal. A worker in the distance walks along a massive steel column.(Photo filed 9/18/01) Source: http://www.photolibrary.fema.gov/photodata/original/3946.jpg

Why isn't this hole filled with debris as the first-responders descend into the WTC basement? The basement would have been filled with debris and the lobbies would have been buried, had the buildings not been turned to dust. This short video shows clips of when the first group of rescuers descended into the basement levels beneath the smaller-than-expected rubble: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7-IPSTK313Q

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Ground zero rescue workers exploring the WTC shopping mall. Notice the "Innovation" store located on the left. A few pieces of aluminum cladding and other small pieces of debris can be seen, but where are the countless tons of steel and other building materials that rained down on the WTC shopping mall? If tons of falling steel and other building materials came crashing down on the WTC shopping mall and PATH trains, why weren't they crushed by debris?(Photo filed 9/19/01) Source: http://www.photolibrary.fema.gov/photodata/original/5345.jpgVideo: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7-IPSTK313Q

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Warner Bros. store contents from the WTC shopping mall appears virtually unharmed. If tons of falling steel and other building materials came crashing down on the WTC shopping mall and PATH trains, why weren't they crushed by debris?Source: http://www.amny.com/media/photo/2006-08/24928918.jpg

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Warner Bros. figures from the WTC shopping mall appear undamaged. If tons of falling steel and other building materials came crashing down on the WTC shopping mall and PATH trains, why weren't they crushed by debris?Source: http://www.amny.com/media/photo/2006-08/24928782.jpg

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Ground zero workers begin to search the WTC basement. If tons of falling steel and other building materials came crashing down on the WTC shopping mall, basement floors, and PATH trains, why weren't they crushed by debris? Notice the damp ground and lack of molten metal.(Photo filed 9/19/01) Source: http://www.photolibrary.fema.gov/photodata/original/5347.jpgVideo: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7-IPSTK313Q

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WTC Station PATH Train Platform after 9/11. These PATH train cars were not crushed. If tons of falling steel and other building materials came crashing down on the WTC shopping mall, basement floors, and PATH trains, why weren't they crushed by debris?Source: http://www.hudsoncity.net/tubes/pathcarwtc-250.jpg

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PATH Train cars were not crushed and were lifted from the WTC bathtub February 22, 2002. If tons of falling steel and other building materials came crashing down on the WTC shopping mall, basement floors, and PATH trains, why weren't they crushed by debris?Source: http://img.timeinc.net/time/photoessays/groundzero/zero09.jpg

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New York Times sketch of alleged damage to the underground portion of the WTC within the bathtub. Four of the seven PATH train cars under WTC were not damaged. It seems odd that the center of the PATH platforms were "not inspected or undetermined." Why? As seen in the preceding photos, there was virtually no significant structural damage at that section of the platform, only water damage. We are not entirely confident that this NYT sketch is an accurate picture of the damage pattern in the bathtub. Interestingly, the west or Hudson side of each tower is damage-free, according to the NYT. Also, the PATH tunnel entrances, rigidly connected to the bathtub and bedrock, are "intact or mostly intact." Only three of seven PATH cars were damaged. While NYT uses the term "crushed," it seems unlikely that three cars could be totally crushed while leaving four cars intact. If tons of falling steel and other building materials came crashing down on the WTC shopping mall, basement floors, and PATH trains, why weren't they crushed by debris?Source: http://www.nytimes.com/library/national/index_WALL.html

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A more detailed map of the rail lines and WTC complex. If tons of falling steel and other building materials came crashing down on the WTC shopping mall, basement floors, and PATH trains, why weren't they crushed by debris?Source: http://911research.wtc7.net/wtc/arch/docs/bathtub_plan2.jpg

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In Stairwell B of the North Tower, 16 people lived amid the avalanche of concrete and steel. This is a photo of survivor Pasquale Buzzelli with his wife and children. He reported, "I felt nothing at all. I just opened my eyes and saw blue sky." How could so many tons of steel, concrete, and other materials not crush these individuals? If tons of falling steel and other building materials came crashing down on the WTC lobby, shopping mall, basement floors, and PATH trains, why weren't they crushed by debris?Source: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2198838/9-11-Survivors-Pasquale-Buzzelli-survived-surfing-wave-falling-debris-speaks-miracle.html#axzz2KJeg3Ffn &http://nymag.com/nymetro/news/sept11/2003/n_9189/

Page 227: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

This was the only file cabinet found in the WTC "rubble pile". What happened to the thousands of file cabinets contained in the WTC towers? The paper still has its color, indicating this filing cabinet did not shrivel due to conventional heat. What can explain thousands of missing file cabinets, office machinery, office furniture, toilets, door knobs, and other building materials that mysteriously disappeared?Source: http://thewebfairy.com/911/h-effect/filingcabinet.htm

Why was there only one metal file cabinet found in the rubble of the WTC towers? Why were metal door knobs virtually non-existent in the debris pile as well? Only one metal file cabinet of thousands survived the 'collapse' of two of the largest office buildings in the world? Why did the metal of this single surviving file cabinet show severe distortion/warping that is characteristic of the metal distortion/warping seen in The Hutchison Effect experiments? Why were there pieces of paper fused to the metal inside this remaining file cabinet, yet the paper was unburnt? Furthermore, why were numerous intact plastic ID cards found in the rubble? How did numerous plastic ID cards survive the 'collapses', yet thousands of metal file cabinets and door knobs did not? The following video explains these facts more clearly:

Relics from the Dust | Directed Energy Weapons (DEW) & 9/11 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HrY_PRji34g

Page 228: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

Where were the toilets from the buildings? There should have been thousands of toilet fixtures in the "rubble pile", so why can't investigators find even ONE? What can explain thousands of missing file cabinets, office machinery, office furniture, toilets, door knobs, and other building materials that mysteriously disappeared?

Why was there only one metal file cabinet found in the rubble of the WTC towers? Why were metal door knobs virtually non-existent in the debris pile as well? Only one metal file cabinet of thousands survived the 'collapse' of two of the largest office buildings in the world? Why did the metal of this single surviving file cabinet show severe distortion/warping that is characteristic of the metal distortion/warping seen in The Hutchison Effect experiments? Why were there pieces of paper fused to the metal inside this remaining file cabinet, yet the paper was unburnt? Furthermore, why were numerous intact plastic ID cards found in the rubble? How did numerous plastic ID cards survive the 'collapses', yet thousands of metal file cabinets and door knobs did not? The following video explains these facts more clearly:

Relics from the Dust | Directed Energy Weapons (DEW) & 9/11 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HrY_PRji34g

Page 229: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

Fused block of WTC debris referred to as the 9/11 "meteorite". Notice the numerous pieces of solid metal. Paper with readable print was also found in the "meteorite". If molten metal caused this, the paper would have been incinerated.Video: http://drjudywood.co.uk/media/wtc_meteorite.wmv

The 9/11 "meteorite". An anomalous chunk of debris, composed of a variety of materials which were all fusedtogether during the attacks. Paper with readable print was also found in this object, further indicating that high heat did not cause this. (see other photos). An excellent video which touches upon the meteorite can be seen below.

Relics from the Dust | Directed Energy Weapons (DEW) & 9/11: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HrY_PRji34g

Page 230: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

Note the compressed pieces of paper found in the 9/11 "meteorite". If molten metal caused this, the paper would have been incinerated.(2002?) Source: http://www.amny.com/media/photo/2006-08/24912492.jpgVideo: http://drjudywood.co.uk/media/wtc_meteorite.wmv

The 9/11 "meteorite". An anomalous chunk of debris, composed of a variety of materials which were all fused together during the attacks. Paper with readable print was also found in this object, further indicating that high heat did not cause this. (see other photos). An excellent video which touches upon the meteorite can be seen below.

Relics from the Dust | Directed Energy Weapons (DEW) & 9/11: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HrY_PRji34g

Page 231: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

Note the print on these compressed pieces of paper found in the 9/11 "meteorite". If molten metal caused this, the paper would have been incinerated.(2002?) Source: http://www.amny.com/media/photo/2006-08/24912511.jpgVideo: http://drjudywood.co.uk/media/wtc_meteorite.wmv

The 9/11 "meteorite". An anomalous chunk of debris, composed of a variety of materials which were all fused together during the attacks. Paper with readable print was also found in this object, further indicating that high heat did not cause this. (see other photos). An excellent video which touches upon the meteorite can be seen below.

Relics from the Dust | Directed Energy Weapons (DEW) & 9/11: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HrY_PRji34g

Page 232: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

Note the print on these compressed pieces of paper within the 9/11 "meteorite". If molten metal caused this, the paper would have been incinerated.(2002?) Source: http://www.amny.com/media/photo/2006-08/24912512.jpgVideo: http://drjudywood.co.uk/media/wtc_meteorite.wmv

The 9/11 "meteorite". An anomalous chunk of debris, composed of a variety of materials which were all fused together during the attacks. Paper with readable print was also found in this object, further indicating that high heat did not cause this. (see other photos). An excellent video which touches upon the meteorite can be seen below.

Relics from the Dust | Directed Energy Weapons (DEW) & 9/11: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HrY_PRji34g

Page 233: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

Penny in aluminum, Hutchison Effect sample.(1983-2006?) Source: http://www.thehutchisoneffect.com/images/stories/MetalSamples/Metal%20Samples%204.jpg

'The Hutchison Effect' has generated a large amount of parallel empirical evidence, that contributes to the large body of empirical evidence from 9/11. In other words, on top of all the empirical evidence directly from 9/11, there is also laboratory generated anomalies, using directed energy, that are strikingly similar to what we see at ground zero after 9/11. Perhaps these technologies are related in some way, perhaps they are not, but either way, these strong correlations are important and must be considered due to the numerous similarities between 'The Hutchison Effect' and what occurred on 9/11.

John Hutchison has submitted a sworn affidavit to the courts to legally testify to the validity of his informal research. See a copy of the official affadavit here (from his website): http://www.thehutchisoneffect.com/docs/AffJHutchison4.pdf

Lockheed Martin aerospace and weapons corporation is also interested in 'The Hutchison Effect'. Boyd Bushman, a Senior Scientist of Lockheed Martin, on The Hutchison Effect: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=57ZKTA7nx8U

Page 234: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

Closeup of sample from last image. Penny in aluminum, Hutchison Effect sample.(1983-2006?) Source: http://www.thehutchisoneffect.com/images/stories/MetalSamples/Metal%20Samples%204.jpg

'The Hutchison Effect' has generated a large amount of parallel empirical evidence, that contributes to the large body of empirical evidence from 9/11. In other words, on top of all the empirical evidence directly from 9/11, there is also laboratory generated anomalies, using directed energy, that are strikingly similar to what we see at ground zero after 9/11. Perhaps these technologies are related in some way, perhaps they are not, but either way, these strong correlations are important and must be considered due to the numerous similarities between 'The Hutchison Effect' and what occurred on 9/11.

John Hutchison has submitted a sworn affidavit to the courts to legally testify to the validity of his informal research. See a copy of the official affadavithere (from his website): http://www.thehutchisoneffect.com/docs/AffJHutchison4.pdf

Lockheed Martin aerospace and weapons corporation is also interested in 'The Hutchison Effect'. Boyd Bushman, a Senior Scientist of Lockheed Martin, on The Hutchison Effect: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=57ZKTA7nx8U

Page 235: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

Knife in aluminum, Hutchison Effect sample.(1983-2006?) Source: http://www.thehutchisoneffect.com/images/stories/MetalSamples/Metal%20Samples%202.jpg

'The Hutchison Effect' has generated a large amount of parallel empirical evidence, that contributes to the large body of empirical evidence from 9/11. In other words, on top of all the empirical evidence directly from 9/11, there is also laboratory generated anomalies, using directed energy, that are strikingly similar to what we see at ground zero after 9/11. Perhaps these technologies are related in some way, perhaps they are not, but either way, these strong correlations are important and must be considered due to the numerous similarities between 'The Hutchison Effect' and what occurred on 9/11.

John Hutchison has submitted a sworn affidavit to the courts to legally testify to the validity of his informal research. See a copy of the official affadavithere (from his website): http://www.thehutchisoneffect.com/docs/AffJHutchison4.pdf

Lockheed Martin aerospace and weapons corporation is also interested in 'The Hutchison Effect'. Boyd Bushman, a Senior Scientist of Lockheed Martin, on The Hutchison Effect: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=57ZKTA7nx8U

Page 236: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

Wood in aluminum, Hutchison Effect sample. The fusing of these two objects did not require high heat. The heat required to melt aluminum to this degree would have burnt the wood.Source: http://www.thehutchisoneffect.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=19&Itemid=47

'The Hutchison Effect' has generated a large amount of parallel empirical evidence, that contributes to the large body of empirical evidence from 9/11. In other words, on top of all the empirical evidence directly from 9/11, there is also laboratory generated anomalies, using directed energy, that are strikingly similar to what we see at ground zero after 9/11. Perhaps these technologies are related in some way, perhaps they are not, but either way, these strong correlations are important and must be considered due to the numerous similarities between 'The Hutchison Effect' and what occurred on 9/11.

John Hutchison has submitted a sworn affidavit to the courts to legally testify to the validity of his informal research. See a copy of the official affadavit here (from his website): http://www.thehutchisoneffect.com/docs/AffJHutchison4.pdf

Lockheed Martin aerospace and weapons corporation is also interested in 'The Hutchison Effect'. Boyd Bushman, a Senior Scientist of Lockheed Martin, on The Hutchison Effect: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=57ZKTA7nx8U

Page 237: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

Closeup of last image. Wood fused with aluminum after being affected by directed energy in a laboratory setting, Hutchison Effect sample. The fusing of these objects did not require high heat. The heat required to melt aluminum to this degree would have burnt the wood.Source: http://www.thehutchisoneffect.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=19&Itemid=47

'The Hutchison Effect' has generated a large amount of parallel empirical evidence, that contributes to the large body of empirical evidence from 9/11. In other words, on top of all the empirical evidence directly from 9/11, there is also laboratory generated anomalies, using directed energy, that are strikingly similar to what we see at ground zero after 9/11. Perhaps these technologies are related in some way, perhaps they are not, but either way, these strong correlations are important and must be considered due to the numerous similarities between 'The Hutchison Effect' and what occurred on 9/11.

John Hutchison has submitted a sworn affidavit to the courts to legally testify to the validity of his informal research. See a copy of the official affadavit here (from his website): http://www.thehutchisoneffect.com/docs/AffJHutchison4.pdf

Lockheed Martin aerospace and weapons corporation is also interested in 'The Hutchison Effect'. Boyd Bushman, a Senior Scientist of Lockheed Martin, on The Hutchison Effect: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=57ZKTA7nx8U

Page 238: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

WTC steel columns were assembled in a pattern that resembles "wheatchex".

Page 239: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

The forces of a heat and gravity driven collapse would cause bending along a horizontal axis as depicted in this image, not along a vertical axis as seen in many steel beams from the WTC towers.Source: http://drjudywood.com/articles/JJ/JJ4.html

Page 240: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

Map of the north face of WTC north tower (WTC1), depicting the location of the steel column shown in the previous photos, at the site of the airplane impact (black box).Source: FEMA

Page 241: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

The bundle of steel "wheatchex" on the floor looks like a rolled-up carpet. The forces of a heat and gravity driven collapse would cause bending along a horizontal axis, not along a vertical axis like these steel beams. What caused them to roll up in this strange way? Why are there no signs of cracking or high heat?Source: http://wtc.nist.gov/images/steel11_hires.jpg

Why was there only one metal file cabinet found in the rubble of the WTC towers? Why were metal door knobs virtually non-existent in the debris pile as well? Only one metal file cabinet of thousands survived the 'collapse' of two of the largest office buildings in the world? Why did the metal of this single surviving file cabinet show severe distortion/warping that is characteristic of the metal distortion/warping seen in The Hutchison Effect experiments? Why were there pieces of paper fused to the metal inside this remaining file cabinet, yet the paper was unburnt? Furthermore, why were numerous intact plastic ID cards found in the rubble? How did numerous plastic ID cards survive the 'collapses', yet thousands of metal file cabinets and door knobs did not? The following video explains these facts more clearly:

Relics from the Dust | Directed Energy Weapons (DEW) & 9/11 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HrY_PRji34g

Page 242: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

The bundle of steel "wheatchex" on the floor looks like a rolled-up carpet. The forces of a heat and gravity driven collapse would cause bending along a horizontal axis, not along a vertical axis like these steel beams. What caused them to roll up in this strange way? Why are there no signs of cracking or high heat?Source: http://wtc.nist.gov/images/WTC-003_hires.jpg

Page 243: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

Closeup of the steel "wheatchex" from previous photo. The forces of a heat and gravity driven collapse would cause bending along a horizontal axis, not along a vertical axis like these steel beams. Note the wavy appearance of the steel. What caused them to roll up in this strange way? Why are there no signs of cracking or high heat?Source: http://wtcdata.nist.gov/gallery2/v/NIST+Materials+and+Data/Collected+Steel/Photos/

Page 244: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

Top of the steel "wheatchex" from previous photo. The forces of a heat and gravity driven collapse would cause bending along a horizontal axis, not along a vertical axis like these steel beams. Notice the wavy pattern in the steel, and the presence of rust. What could have caused this?(Photo from NIST) Source: http://wtcdata.nist.gov/gallery2/v/NIST+Materials+and+Data/Collected+Steel/Photos/

Page 245: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

The forces of a heat and gravity driven collapse would cause bending along a horizontal axis, not along a vertical axis like these steel beams. Notice the 'rolled up', warped appearance of the steel, and the presence of rust. Some of the steel spandrels, which run perpendicular to the steel columns, look as though they are wet red towels that have become rigid after being folded in various ways. What caused them to roll up and become warped in this strange way? Why are there no signs of cracking or high heat?Source: http://wtcdata.nist.gov/gallery2/v/NIST+Materials+and+Data/Collected+Steel/Photos/(must enter from main page and accept user agreement to access this link)

Page 246: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

The forces of a heat and gravity driven collapse would cause bending along a horizontal axis, not along a vertical axis like these steel beams. Notice the 'rolled up', warped appearance of the steel, and the presence of rust. Why are there no signs of severe heat or buckling stress? What could have caused this?Source: http://wtcdata.nist.gov/gallery2/v/NIST+Materials+and+Data/Collected+Steel/Photos/(must enter from main page and accept user agreement to access this link)Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HrY_PRji34g

Page 247: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

The forces of a heat and gravity driven collapse would cause bending along a horizontal axis, not along a vertical axis like these steel beams. Notice the 'rolled up', warped appearance of the steel columns. Also note how the spandrel belt connecting the two steel beams has a strange smooth curve that looks more like wet tissue that was draped across the beams and painted bright red before becoming rigid once again. What could have caused this? Why are there no signs of cracking or high heat?Source: WJE No. 2003.0323.0, Page B-520, NISTNCSTAR 1-3C Appxs.pdf (page 234 of 258)

Page 248: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

Steel beams were bent and warped in odd ways, without any signs of severe heat or buckling stress. Notice how smooth the curve of this steel column is, and the presence of rusting. What can cause steel to bend in this strange way? Why are there no signs of cracking or high heat?(2002) Source: http://www.thewebfairy.com/911/h-effect/image/horseshoe_r1_c2.jpgVideo: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HrY_PRji34g

Page 249: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

Steel beams were bent and warped in odd ways, without any signs of severe heat or buckling stress. Notice how smooth the curve of these steel columns are, and the presence of rusting. What can cause steel to bend in this strange way? Why are there no signs of cracking or high heat?(2002) Source: http://wtc.nist.gov/images/DSCN0941_hires.jpgVideo: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HrY_PRji34g

Page 250: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

Steel beams were bent and warped in odd ways, without any signs of severe heat or buckling stress. Notice how smooth the curve of this steel column is, and the presence of rusting. What can cause steel to bend in this strange way? Why are there no signs of cracking or high heat?Source: http://wtcdata.nist.gov/gallery2/v/NIST+Materials+and+Data/Collected+Steel/Photos/(must enter from main page and accept user agreement to access this link)Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HrY_PRji34g

Page 251: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

Steel beams were bent and warped in odd ways, without any signs of severe heat or buckling stress. Notice how smooth the curve of this steel column is, and the presence of rusting. What can cause steel to bend in this strange way? Why are there no signs of cracking or high heat?Source: http://wtcdata.nist.gov/gallery2/v/NIST+Materials+and+Data/Collected+Steel/Photos/(must enter from main page and accept user agreement to access this link)Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HrY_PRji34g

Page 252: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

Steel beams were bent and warped in odd ways, without any signs of severe heat or buckling stress. Notice how smooth the curve of this steel column is, and the shriveled appearance of the segment in the background. What can cause steel to bend in this strange way? Why are there no signs of cracking or high heat?Source: http://wtcdata.nist.gov/gallery2/v/NIST+Materials+and+Data/Collected+Steel/Photos/(must enter from main page and accept user agreement to access this link)Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HrY_PRji34g

Page 253: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

Steel beams were bent and warped in odd ways, without any signs of severe heat or buckling stress. Notice how smooth the curve of this steel column is, and the presence of rust. What can cause steel to bend in this strange way? Why are there no signs of cracking or high heat?Source: http://wtcdata.nist.gov/gallery2/v/NIST+Materials+and+Data/Collected+Steel/Photos/(must enter from main page and accept user agreement to access this link)Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HrY_PRji34g

Page 254: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

Steel beams were bent and warped in odd ways, without any signs of severe heat or buckling stress. Notice how smooth the curve of this steel column is, and the presence of rust. What can cause steel to bend in this strange way? Why are there no signs of cracking or high heat?Source: http://911research.wtc7.net/wtc/evidence/photos/docs/hanger17/core1.jpgVideo: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HrY_PRji34g

Page 255: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

Steel beams were bent and warped in odd ways, without any signs of severe heat or buckling stress. Notice how smooth the curve of this steel column is, and the presence of rust. What can cause steel to bend in this strange way? Why are there no signs of cracking or high heat?Source: http://911research.wtc7.net/wtc/evidence/photos/docs/hanger17/core4.jpgVideo: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HrY_PRji34g

Page 256: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

Steel beams were bent and warped in odd ways, without any signs of severe heat or buckling stress. A portion of this steel beam has partially separated into individual components. Notice how smooth the curve of this steel column is, and the presence of rust. What can cause steel to bend in this strange way? Why are there no signs of cracking or high heat?Source: http://wtcdata.nist.gov/gallery2/v/NIST+Materials+and+Data/Collected+Steel/Photos/ (must enter from main page and accept user agreement to access this link)Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HrY_PRji34g

Page 257: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

Steel beams were bent and warped in odd ways, without any signs of severe heat or buckling stress. A portion of this steel beam has partially separated into individual components. Notice how smooth the curve of this steel column is, and the presence of rust. What can cause steel to bend in this strange way? Why are there no signs of cracking or high heat?Source: http://wtcdata.nist.gov/gallery2/v/NIST+Materials+and+Data/Collected+Steel/Photos/ (must enter from main page and accept user agreement to access this link)Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HrY_PRji34g

Page 258: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

Steel beams were bent and warped in odd ways, without any signs of severe heat or buckling stress. A portion of this steel beam has partially separated into individual components. Notice how smooth the curve of this steel column is, and the presence of rust. What can cause steel to bend in this strange way? Why are there no signs of cracking or high heat?Source: http://wtcdata.nist.gov/gallery2/v/NIST+Materials+and+Data/Collected+Steel/Photos/ (must enter from main page and accept user agreement to access this link)Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HrY_PRji34g

Page 259: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

Solid copper bar after being affected by directed energy in a laboratory setting, showing significant bending without evidence of charring, cracking, or warping, even at the area of greatest curvature; Hutchison Effect sample.Source: http://bp0.blogger.com/_SkyVfBO47ts/R0zDfYhJliI/AAAAAAAAGu0/QDhXJ3u33_c/s1600/Picture+317.jpg

'The Hutchison Effect' has generated a large amount of parallel empirical evidence, that contributes to the large body of empirical evidence from 9/11. In other words, on top of all the empirical evidence directly from 9/11, there is also laboratory generated anomalies, using directed energy, that are strikingly similar to what we see at ground zero after 9/11. Perhaps these technologies are related in some way, perhaps they are not, but either way, these strong correlations are important and must be considered due to the numerous similarities between 'The Hutchison Effect' and what occurred on 9/11.

John Hutchison has submitted a sworn affidavit to the courts to legally testify to the validity of his informal research. See a copy of the official affadavit here (from his website): http://www.thehutchisoneffect.com/docs/AffJHutchison4.pdf

Lockheed Martin aerospace and weapons corporation is also interested in 'The Hutchison Effect'. Boyd Bushman, a Senior Scientist of Lockheed Martin, on The Hutchison Effect: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=57ZKTA7nx8U

Page 260: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

Steel beams were wilted and warped in odd ways, without any signs of severe heat or buckling stress. This steel beam has partially separated into individual components. Notice the unusual wavy appearance of the steel, and the presence of rust. What could have caused this?Source: http://wtcdata.nist.gov/gallery2/v/NIST+Materials+and+Data/Collected+Steel/Photos/(must enter from main page and accept user agreement to access this link)

Page 261: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

Steel beams were wilted and warped in odd ways, without any signs of severe heat or buckling stress. This steel beam has partially separated into individual components. Notice the unusual wavy appearance of the steel, and the presence of rust. What could have caused this?(Photo from NIST) Source: http://wtcdata.nist.gov/gallery2/v/NIST+Materials+and+Data/Collected+Steel/Photos/

Page 262: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

Steel beams were wilted and warped in odd ways, without any signs of severe heat or buckling stress. Notice the unusual wavy appearance of this steel beam, and the presence of rust. What could have caused this?(Photo from NIST) Source: http://wtcdata.nist.gov/gallery2/v/NIST+Materials+and+Data/Collected+Steel/Photos/

Page 263: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

Steel beams were wilted and warped in odd ways, without any signs of severe heat or buckling stress. Notice the unusual wavy appearance of these steel beams, and the presence of rust. The edges of the beams are especially wavy and wrinkled. What could have caused this?(Photo from NIST) Source: http://wtcdata.nist.gov/gallery2/v/NIST+Materials+and+Data/Collected+Steel/Photos/

Page 264: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

Steel beams were wilted and warped in odd ways, without any signs of severe heat or buckling stress. Notice the unusual wavy appearance of these steel beams, and the presence of rust. The edges of the beams are especially wavy and wrinkled. What could have caused this?(Photo from NIST) Source: http://wtcdata.nist.gov/gallery2/v/NIST+Materials+and+Data/Collected+Steel/Photos/

Page 265: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

Steel beams were wilted and warped in odd ways, without any signs of severe heat or buckling stress. Notice the unusual wavy appearance of this steel beam, and the presence of rust. The edges of the beam are especially wavy and wrinkled. What could have caused this?Source: http://wtcdata.nist.gov/gallery2/v/NIST+Materials+and+Data/Collected+Steel/Photos/(must enter from wtcdata.nist.gov main page and accept user agreement to access the link)

Page 266: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

Steel beams were wilted and warped in odd ways, without any signs of severe heat or buckling stress. Notice the unusual wavy appearance of this steel beam, and the presence of rust. The edges of the beam are especially wavy and wrinkled. What could have caused this?Source: http://wtcdata.nist.gov/gallery2/v/NIST+Materials+and+Data/Collected+Steel/Photos/(must enter from wtcdata.nist.gov main page and accept user agreement to access the link)

Page 267: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

Steel beams were wilted and warped in odd ways, without any signs of severe heat or buckling stress. Notice the unusual wavy appearance of this steel beam, and the presence of rust. The edges of the beam are especially wavy and wrinkled. What could have caused this?(Photo from NIST) Source: http://wtcdata.nist.gov/gallery2/v/NIST+Materials+and+Data/Collected+Steel/Photos/

Page 268: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

Steel beams were wilted and warped in odd ways, without any signs of severe heat or buckling stress. Notice the unusual wavy appearance of these steel beams, and the presence of rust. The edges of the beams are especially wavy and wrinkled. What could have caused this?Source: http://wtcdata.nist.gov/gallery2/v/NIST+Materials+and+Data/Collected+Steel/Photos/(must enter from wtcdata.nist.gov main page and accept user agreement to access the link)

Page 269: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

Steel beams were warped and wilted in odd ways, without any signs of severe heat or buckling stress. Notice the unusual wavy appearance of these steel beams, and the presence of rust. The edges of the beams are especially wavy and wrinkled. What could have caused this?Source: http://wtcdata.nist.gov/gallery2/v/NIST+Materials+and+Data/Collected+Steel/Photos/ (to access the link, first go to wtcdata.nist.gov and click 'accept' when the user agreement appears)

Page 270: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

Steel beams were wrinkled and warped in odd ways, without any signs of severe heat or buckling stress. Notice the unusual wrinkled appearance of this steel beam, and the presence of rust. The edges of the beam are especially wavy and wrinkled. What could have caused this?Source: http://wtcdata.nist.gov/gallery2/v/NIST+Materials+and+Data/Collected+Steel/Photos/ (to access the link, first go to wtcdata.nist.gov and click 'accept' when the user agreement appears)

Page 271: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

Steel beams were shriveled and warped in odd ways, without any signs of severe heat or buckling stress. Notice the unusual shriveled appearance of this steel beam, and the presence of rust. Heat from jetfuel or explosives do not explain this, so what could have caused this steel beam to shrivel?Source: http://wtcdata.nist.gov/gallery2/v/NIST+Materials+and+Data/Collected+Steel/Photos/ (to access the link, first go to wtcdata.nist.gov and click 'accept' when the user agreement appears)

Page 272: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

Closeup of shriveled steel from last image. Steel beams were shriveled and warped in odd ways, without any signs of severe heat or buckling stress. Notice the unusual shriveled appearance of this steel beam, and the presence of rust. Heat from jetfuel or explosives do not explain this, so what could have caused this steel beam to shrivel?Source: http://wtcdata.nist.gov/gallery2/v/NIST+Materials+and+Data/Collected+Steel/Photos/ (to access the link, first go to wtcdata.nist.gov and click 'accept' when the user agreement appears)

Page 273: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

Shriveled steel from previous image. This person appears to be taking a sample of the steel for analysis. Notice the unusual shriveled appearance of this steel beam, and the presence of rust. Heat from jetfuel or explosives do not explain this, so what could have caused this steel beam to shrivel?Source: http://wtcdata.nist.gov/gallery2/v/NIST+Materials+and+Data/Collected+Steel/Photos/ (to access the link, first go to wtcdata.nist.gov and click 'accept' when the user agreement appears)

Page 274: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

Shriveled steel from previous image. This person appears to be taking a sample of the steel for analysis. Notice the unusual shriveled appearance of this steel beam, and the presence of rust. Heat from jetfuel or explosives do not explain this, so what could have caused this steel beam to shrivel?Source: http://wtcdata.nist.gov/gallery2/v/NIST+Materials+and+Data/Collected+Steel/Photos/ (to access the link, first go to wtcdata.nist.gov and click 'accept' when the user agreement appears)

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Steel trusses were twisted and warped in odd ways, without any signs of severe heat or buckling stress. Notice the unusual curvy, twisted appearance of these steel trusses, and the presence of rust. What could have caused this?(Photo from NIST) Source: http://wtcdata.nist.gov/gallery2/v/NIST+Materials+and+Data/Collected+Steel/Photos/(to access the link, first go to wtcdata.nist.gov and click 'accept' when the user agreement appears)

Page 276: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

Steel trusses were twisted and warped in odd ways, without any signs of severe heat or buckling stress. Notice the unusual curvy, twisted appearance of these steel trusses, and the presence of rust. What could have caused this?(Photo from NIST) Source: http://wtcdata.nist.gov/gallery2/v/NIST+Materials+and+Data/Collected+Steel/Photos/ (to access the link, first go to wtcdata.nist.gov and click 'accept' when the user agreement appears)

Page 277: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

Steel trusses were twisted and warped in odd ways, without any signs of severe heat or buckling stress. Notice the unusual curvy, twisted appearance of these steel trusses, and the presence of rust. What could have caused this?(Photo from NIST) Source: http://wtcdata.nist.gov/gallery2/v/NIST+Materials+and+Data/Collected+Steel/Photos/ (to access the link, first go to wtcdata.nist.gov and click 'accept' when the user agreement appears)

Page 278: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

Steel trusses were twisted and warped in odd ways, without any signs of severe heat or buckling stress. Notice the unusual curvy, twisted appearance of these steel trusses, and the presence of rust. What could have caused this?(Photo from NIST) Source: http://wtcdata.nist.gov/gallery2/v/NIST+Materials+and+Data/Collected+Steel/Photos/ (to access the link, first go to wtcdata.nist.gov and click 'accept' when the user agreement appears)

Page 279: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

Steel trusses were twisted and warped in odd ways, without any signs of severe heat or buckling stress. Notice the unusual curvy, twisted appearance of these steel trusses, and the presence of rust. What could have caused this?(Photo from NIST) Source: http://wtcdata.nist.gov/gallery2/v/NIST+Materials+and+Data/Collected+Steel/Photos/ (to access the link, first go to wtcdata.nist.gov and click 'accept' when the user agreement appears)

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There was no fire in this building, so what caused this beam to shrivel? This photo is from the Bankers Trust building, which was directly across the street from WTC2. Notice the shriveled, warped metal beam hanging at the top of the photo. The FEMA report (Fig6-10) states there were no fires in this building, so why is this beam shriveled and burnt in appearance? Note the holes in the beam, yet the white paint above the shriveled portion is still good.Source (Fig6-10): http://www.fema.gov/pdf/library/fema403_ch6.pdf

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Close up of the shriveled metal beam from the last image. There was no fire in this building, so what caused this beam to shrivel? This photo is from the Bankers Trust building, which was directly across the street from WTC2. Notice the wrinkled, warped metal beam hanging at the top of the photo. The FEMA report (Fig6-10) states there were no fires in this building, so why is this beam shriveled and burnt in appearance? Note the holes in the beam, yet the white paint above the shriveled portion is still good.Source (Fig6-10): http://www.fema.gov/pdf/library/fema403_ch6.pdf

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Hutchison Effect sample, Molybdenum bar after being affected by directed energy in a laboratory setting. Notice the strange curvature in the metal, without any signs of cracking, charring, or warping, even at the areas of greatest curvature.Source: http://hutchison2006.blogspot.com/2007/07/more.html

'The Hutchison Effect' has generated a large amount of parallel empirical evidence, that contributes to the large body of empirical evidence from 9/11. In other words, on top of all the empirical evidence directly from 9/11, there is also laboratory generated anomalies, using directed energy, that are strikingly similar to what we see at ground zero after 9/11. Perhaps these technologies are related in some way, perhaps they are not, but either way, these strong correlations are important and must be considered due to the numerous similarities between 'The Hutchison Effect' and what occurred on 9/11.

John Hutchison has submitted a sworn affidavit to the courts to legally testify to the validity of his informal research. See a copy of the official affadavithere (from his website): http://www.thehutchisoneffect.com/docs/AffJHutchison4.pdf

Lockheed Martin aerospace and weapons corporation is also interested in 'The Hutchison Effect'. Boyd Bushman, a Senior Scientist of Lockheed Martin, on The Hutchison Effect: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=57ZKTA7nx8U

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Figure C-1 of FEMA's Limited WTC Metallurgic Examination. Warped portion of an A36 wide-flange steel beam, thought to be from WTC7, appearing very thin, partially disintegrated, and severely rusted. Why is this steel beam as thin as toilet paper in some areas? If temperatures inside the WTC buildings did not reach the melting point of steel (2,800F), then what caused this?Source: http://www.fema.gov/pdf/library/fema403_apc.pdf

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Figure C-2 of FEMA's Limited WTC Metallurgic Examination. Closeup of the A36 wide-flange steel beam from the previous image, appearing very thin, partially disintegrated, and severely rusted. Why is this steel beam as thin as toilet paper in some areas? If temperatures inside the WTC buildings did not reach the melting point of steel (2,800F), then what caused this?Source:http://www.fema.gov/pdf/library/fema403_apc.pdf

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Figure C-3 of FEMA's Limited WTC Metallurgic Examination. Qualitative chemical analysis of a mounted and polished sample from the severely thinned section of the A36 wide-flange beam seen in Figures C-1 and C-2 of the FEMA Limited Metallurgic Examination (previous image). Why is this steel beam as thin as toilet paper in some areas? If temperatures inside the WTC buildings did not reach the melting point of steel (2,800F), then what caused this?Source: http://www.fema.gov/pdf/library/fema403_apc.pdf

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Figure C-9 of FEMA's Limited WTC Metallurgic Examination. Warped portion of a high-strength low-alloy (HSLA) steel beam, thought to be from tower WTC1 or 2, appearing very thin, partially disintegrated, and severely rusted. Why is this steel beam as thin as toilet paper in some areas? If temperatures inside the WTC buildings did not reach the melting point of steel (2,800F), then what caused this steel to become so thin?Source: http://www.fema.gov/pdf/library/fema403_apc.pdf

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Figure C-9 of FEMA's Limited WTC Metallurgic Examination. Qualitative chemical analysis of a mounted and polished sample of the high-strength low-alloy (HSLA) steel beam seen in Figure C-9 of the FEMA Limited Metallurgic Examination (previous image). Why is this WTC steel beam as thin as toilet paper in some areas? If temperatures inside the WTC buildings did not reach the melting point of steel (2,800F), then what caused this?Source: http://www.fema.gov/pdf/library/fema403_apc.pdf

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This is a photo from the 'World Trade Center Post-Disaster Reconnaissance and Perishable Structural Engineering Data Collection' study done by researchers from the University of California-Berkeley. Notice the strange warping, corrosion, and "bites" in this steel beam. If temperatures inside the WTC buildings did not reach the melting point of steel (2,800F), then what caused this?(10/2001-9/2002) Source: http://www.nistreview.org/WTC-ASTANEH.pdf

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Degradation and corrosion of a metal pipe caused by directed energy in a laboratory setting, Hutchison Effect sample.Source: http://bp0.blogger.com/_SkyVfBO47ts/RmRZQQJNkfI/AAAAAAAACDU/Tuht-Ky6rOE/s1600/y1pl90TVU-OcIwKX5Iy-uhazrus4Knwykeh6kh3OqqV5XnV7U57UWrDhQXPLnX559EL.jpg

'The Hutchison Effect' has generated a large amount of parallel empirical evidence, that contributes to the large body of empirical evidence from 9/11. In other words, on top of all the empirical evidence directly from 9/11, there is also laboratory generated anomalies, using directed energy, that are strikingly similar to what we see at ground zero after 9/11. Perhaps these technologies are related in some way, perhaps they are not, but either way, these strong correlations are important and must be considered due to the numerous similarities between 'The Hutchison Effect' and what occurred on 9/11.

John Hutchison has submitted a sworn affidavit to the courts to legally testify to the validity of his informal research. See a copy of the official affadavit here (from his website): http://www.thehutchisoneffect.com/docs/AffJHutchison4.pdf

Lockheed Martin aerospace and weapons corporation is also interested in 'The Hutchison Effect'. Boyd Bushman, a Senior Scientist of Lockheed Martin, on The Hutchison Effect: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=57ZKTA7nx8U

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Hurricane Erin, a category 3 hurricane, during mid-morning on 9/11/01. Notice how close Hurricane Erin is to New York City. A column of dust can be seen coming from ground zero, and the hurricane's eye has an unusual appearance. Why didn't the morning news inform us about the category 3 hurricane that was headed straight for NYC on 9/11?(9/11/01) Source: http://svs.gsfc.nasa.gov/vis/a000000/a002500/a002521/wtc_terra1.tif

Why was Hurricane Erin (category 3) travelling in a straight line towards NYC and the 2001 magnetic north pole, along the minus-15 magnetic declination line of earth's magnetic field for 4+ days, from September 7th-11th 2001? Despite Hurricane Erin's threatening trajectory, why weren't we warned by most corporate news broadcasts in the days leading up to 9/11, or on the morning of 9/11? When most corporate news channels displayed schematic weather maps of the northeast U.S. coastline, why was Hurricane Erin not shown? Hurricane Erin was similar in size to Hurricane Katrina and similar in strength to Hurricane Sandy (category 3), and hurricanes rarely head straight for NYC, so why weren't we warned by most corporate news outlets that Hurricane Erin was heading straight for such a densely populated city? It is widely known that major corporate news channels do not hesitate to report on category 3 hurricanes that are heading straight for the east coast. Instead, they warn people that a hurricane is coming, and they report on it frequently, giving regular updates and alerting the public in case a potential evacuation becomes necessary, and so preparations can be made. You can view a compilation of news clips and weather reports from the morning of September 11th 2001, here:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1xWjdYnpxUg

Astonishingly, Hurricane Erin reached its closest point to NYC on the morning of September 11th, before it did a strange ~150° turn away from its straight-line trajectory later that day and headed back out to sea. Hurricane Erin got so close to NYC that thunder and rain were reported and/or measured at nearby international airports, including Newark, JFK, and LaGuardia, even though skies were clear in NYC.Sources:1. JFK: http://www.farmersalmanac.com/weather-history/11430/2001/09/11/2. Newark: http://www.farmersalmanac.com/weather-history/07114/2001/09/11/3. LaGuardia: http://www.farmersalmanac.com/weather-history/11371/2001/09/11/

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Hurricane Erin, a category 3 hurricane, during mid-morning on 9/11/01. Notice how close Hurricane Erin is to New York City. A column of dust can be seen coming from ground zero, and the hurricane's eye has an unusual appearance. Why didn't the morning news inform us about the category 3 hurricane that was headed straight for NYC on 9/11?(9/11/01) Source: http://svs.gsfc.nasa.gov/vis/a000000/a002500/a002521/wtc_terra1.tif

Why was Hurricane Erin (category 3) travelling in a straight line towards NYC and the 2001 magnetic north pole, along the minus-15 magnetic declination line of earth's magnetic field for 4+ days, from September 7th-11th 2001? Despite Hurricane Erin's threatening trajectory, why weren't we warned by most corporate news broadcasts in the days leading up to 9/11, or on the morning of 9/11? When most corporate news channels displayed schematic weather maps of the northeast U.S. coastline, why was Hurricane Erin not shown? Hurricane Erin was similar in size to Hurricane Katrina and similar in strength to Hurricane Sandy (category 3), and hurricanes rarely head straight for NYC, so why weren't we warned by most corporate news outlets that Hurricane Erin was heading straight for such a densely populated city? It is widely known that major corporate news channels do not hesitate to report on category 3 hurricanes that are heading straight for the east coast. Instead, they warn people that a hurricane is coming, and they report on it frequently, giving regular updates and alerting the public in case a potential evacuation becomes necessary, and so preparations can be made. You can view a compilation of news clips and weather reports from the morning of September 11th 2001, here:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1xWjdYnpxUg

Astonishingly, Hurricane Erin reached its closest point to NYC on the morning of September 11th, before it did a strange ~150° turn away from its straight-line trajectory later that day and headed back out to sea. Hurricane Erin got so close to NYC that thunder and rain were reported and/or measured at nearby international airports, including Newark, JFK, and LaGuardia, even though skies were clear in NYC.Sources:1. JFK: http://www.farmersalmanac.com/weather-history/11430/2001/09/11/2. Newark: http://www.farmersalmanac.com/weather-history/07114/2001/09/11/3. LaGuardia: http://www.farmersalmanac.com/weather-history/11371/2001/09/11/

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Hurricane Erin (category 3) approaches New York City during mid-morning on 9/11/01. Notice how close Hurricane Erin is to NYC. A column of dust can be seen coming from ground zero. Why didn't the morning news inform us about the category 3 hurricane that was headed straight for NYC on 9/11?(9/11/01) Source: http://svs.gsfc.nasa.gov/vis/a000000/a002500/a002521/wtc_terra1.tif

Why was Hurricane Erin (category 3) travelling in a straight line towards NYC and the 2001 magnetic north pole, along the minus-15 magnetic declination line of earth's magnetic field for 4+ days, from September 7th-11th 2001? Despite Hurricane Erin's threatening trajectory, why weren't we warned by most corporate news broadcasts in the days leading up to 9/11, or on the morning of 9/11? When most corporate news channels displayed schematic weather maps of the northeast U.S. coastline, why was Hurricane Erin not shown? Hurricane Erin was similar in size to Hurricane Katrina and similar in strength to Hurricane Sandy (category 3), and hurricanes rarely head straight for NYC, so why weren't we warned by most corporate news outlets that Hurricane Erin was heading straight for such a densely populated city? It is widely known that major corporate news channels do not hesitate to report on category 3 hurricanes that are heading straight for the east coast. Instead, they warn people that a hurricane is coming, and they report on it frequently, giving regular updates and alerting the public in case a potential evacuation becomes necessary, and so preparations can be made. You can view a compilation of news clips and weather reports from the morning of September 11th 2001, here:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1xWjdYnpxUg

Astonishingly, Hurricane Erin reached its closest point to NYC on the morning of September 11th, before it did a strange ~150° turn away from its straight-line trajectory later that day and headed back out to sea. Hurricane Erin got so close to NYC that thunder and rain were reported and/or measured at nearby international airports, including Newark, JFK, and LaGuardia, even though skies were clear in NYC.Sources:1. JFK: http://www.farmersalmanac.com/weather-history/11430/2001/09/11/2. Newark: http://www.farmersalmanac.com/weather-history/07114/2001/09/11/3. LaGuardia: http://www.farmersalmanac.com/weather-history/11371/2001/09/11/

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Hurricane Erin (category 3) approaches New York City during mid-morning on 9/11/01. Notice how close Hurricane Erin is to NYC. A column of dust can be seen coming from ground zero, and the western edge of Hurricane Erin can be seen at the bottom of the photo. Why didn't the morning news inform us about the category 3 hurricane that was headed straight for NYC on 9/11?(9/11/01) Source: http://svs.gsfc.nasa.gov/vis/a000000/a002500/a002521/wtc_terra1.tif

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National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) National Hurricane Center 'Best Track' figure showing the recorded path of Hurricane Erin from September 1-17, 2001. Notice the hurricane was headed straight for NYC for several days, reaching its nearest point to NYC on the morning of 9/11. If one studies Atlantic hurricane paths tracked from 1995 to 2010, one can easily see that Hurricane Erin's path is unique in its suddenly getting locked onto a straight line towards NYC and the 2001 magnetic north pole, along the minus-15 declination line of earth's magnetic field for 4+ days, then making a strange ~150° turn after reaching its closest point to NYC, before heading northeast away from the U.S. eastern coast. Turns of 45° to 90° are fairly common for northern Atlantic hurricanes, but not sharp ~150° turns.Sources:1. http://www.nhc.noaa.gov/prelims/2001erin1.gif2. http://www.nhc.noaa.gov/2001erin.html3. http://weather.about.com/od/hurricanes/a/cyclonemaps.htm

Why was Hurricane Erin (category 3) travelling in a straight line towards NYC and the 2001 magnetic north pole, along the minus-15 magnetic declination line of earth's magnetic field for 4+ days, from September 7th-11th 2001? Despite Hurricane Erin's threatening trajectory, why weren't we warned by most corporate news broadcasts in the days leading up to 9/11, or on the morning of 9/11? When most corporate news channels displayed schematic weather maps of the northeast U.S. coastline, why was Hurricane Erin not shown? Hurricane Erin was similar in size to Hurricane Katrina and similar in strength to Hurricane Sandy (category 3), and hurricanes rarely head straight for NYC, so why weren't we warned by most corporate news outlets that Hurricane Erin was heading straight for such a densely populated city? It is widely known that major corporate news channels do not hesitate to report on category 3 hurricanes that are heading straight for the east coast. Instead, they warn people that a hurricane is coming, and they report on it frequently, giving regular updates and alerting the public in case a potential evacuation becomes necessary, and so preparations can be made. You can view a compilation of news clips and weather reports from the morning of September 11th 2001, here:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1xWjdYnpxUg

Astonishingly, Hurricane Erin reached its closest point to NYC on the morning of September 11th, before it did a strange ~150° turn away from its straight-line trajectory later that day and headed back out to sea. Hurricane Erin got so close to NYC that thunder and rain were reported and/or measured at nearby international airports, including Newark, JFK, and LaGuardia, even though skies were clear in NYC.Sources:1. JFK: http://www.farmersalmanac.com/weather-history/11430/2001/09/11/2. Newark: http://www.farmersalmanac.com/weather-history/07114/2001/09/11/3. LaGuardia: http://www.farmersalmanac.com/weather-history/11371/2001/09/11/

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Cooperative Institute for Meteorological Satellite Studies at the University of Wisconsin-Madison figure showing the recorded path of Hurricane Erin from September 1-15, 2001. Notice that the hurricane was headed straight for NYC for several days, reaching its nearest point to NYC on 9/11. If one studies Atlantic hurricane paths tracked from 1995 to 2010, one can easily see that Hurricane Erin's path is unique in its suddenly getting locked onto a straight line towards NYC and the 2001 magnetic north pole, along the minus-15 declination line of earth's magnetic field for 4+ days, then making a strange ~150° turn after reaching its closest point to NYC, before heading northeast away from the U.S. eastern coast. Turns of 45° to 90° are fairly common for northern Atlantic hurricanes, but not sharp ~150° turns.Sources:1. http://tropic.ssec.wisc.edu/storm_archive/2001/storms/erin/erin.html2. http://weather.about.com/od/hurricanes/a/cyclonemaps.htm

Why was Hurricane Erin (category 3) travelling in a straight line towards NYC and the 2001 magnetic north pole, along the minus-15 magnetic declination line of earth's magnetic field for 4+ days, from September 7th-11th 2001? Despite Hurricane Erin's threatening trajectory, why weren't we warned by most corporate news broadcasts in the days leading up to 9/11, or on the morning of 9/11? When most corporate news channels displayed schematic weather maps of the northeast U.S. coastline, why was Hurricane Erin not shown? Hurricane Erin was similar in size to Hurricane Katrina and similar in strength to Hurricane Sandy (category 3), and hurricanes rarely head straight for NYC, so why weren't we warned by most corporate news outlets that Hurricane Erin was heading straight for such a densely populated city? It is widely known that major corporate news channels do not hesitate to report on category 3 hurricanes that are heading straight for the east coast. Instead, they warn people that a hurricane is coming, and they report on it frequently, giving regular updates and alerting the public in case a potential evacuation becomes necessary, and so preparations can be made. You can view a compilation of news clips and weather reports from the morning of September 11th 2001, here:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1xWjdYnpxUg

Astonishingly, Hurricane Erin reached its closest point to NYC on the morning of September 11th, before it did a strange ~150° turn away from its straight-line trajectory later that day and headed back out to sea. Hurricane Erin got so close to NYC that thunder and rain were reported and/or measured at nearby international airports, including Newark, JFK, and LaGuardia, even though skies were clear in NYC.Sources:1. JFK: http://www.farmersalmanac.com/weather-history/11430/2001/09/11/2. Newark: http://www.farmersalmanac.com/weather-history/07114/2001/09/11/3. LaGuardia: http://www.farmersalmanac.com/weather-history/11371/2001/09/11/

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National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) 2010 Atlantic hurricane season map showing wind speeds, category levels, and tracked paths. Each storm is color coded and labeled with the name of the storm. If one studies Atlantic hurricane paths tracked from 1995 to 2010, one can easily see that Hurricane Erin's path is unique in its suddenly getting locked onto a straight line towards NYC and the 2001 magnetic north pole, along the minus-15 declination line of earth's magnetic field for 4+ days, then making a strange ~150° turn after reaching its closest point to NYC, before heading northeast away from the U.S. eastern coast. Turns of 45° to 90° are fairly common for northern Atlantic hurricanes, but not sharp ~150° turns.Source:1. http://www.noaanews.noaa.gov/stories2010/images/atlantictrackmap2010.jpg2. http://weather.about.com/od/imagegallery/ig/Hurricane-Tracking-Maps/2010-Atlantic-Hurricane-Map.htm3. http://weather.about.com/od/hurricanes/a/cyclonemaps.htm

Why was Hurricane Erin (category 3) travelling in a straight line towards NYC and the 2001 magnetic north pole, along the minus-15 magnetic declination line of earth's magnetic field for 4+ days, from September 7th-11th 2001? Despite Hurricane Erin's threatening trajectory, why weren't we warned by most corporate news broadcasts in the days leading up to 9/11, or on the morning of 9/11? When most corporate news channels displayed schematic weather maps of the northeast U.S. coastline, why was Hurricane Erin not shown? Hurricane Erin was similar in size to Hurricane Katrina and similar in strength to Hurricane Sandy (category 3), and hurricanes rarely head straight for NYC, so why weren't we warned by most corporate news outlets that Hurricane Erin was heading straight for such a densely populated city? It is widely known that major corporate news channels do not hesitate to report on category 3 hurricanes that are heading straight for the east coast. Instead, they warn people that a hurricane is coming, and they report on it frequently, giving regular updates and alerting the public in case a potential evacuation becomes necessary, and so preparations can be made. You can view a compilation of news clips and weather reports from the morning of September 11th 2001, here:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1xWjdYnpxUg

Astonishingly, Hurricane Erin reached its closest point to NYC on the morning of September 11th, before it did a strange ~150° turn away from its straight-line trajectory later that day and headed back out to sea. Hurricane Erin got so close to NYC that thunder and rain were reported and/or measured at nearby international airports, including Newark, JFK, and LaGuardia, even though skies were clear in NYC.Sources:1. JFK: http://www.farmersalmanac.com/weather-history/11430/2001/09/11/2. Newark: http://www.farmersalmanac.com/weather-history/07114/2001/09/11/3. LaGuardia: http://www.farmersalmanac.com/weather-history/11371/2001/09/11/

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NBC Morning News forecast on September 11th, 2001. Where is Hurricane Erin? The hurricane was headed straight for NYC for several days, reaching its nearest point to NYC on 9/11. Why didn't the morning news inform us about the category 3 hurricane that was headed straight for NYC on 9/11?Source: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1xWjdYnpxUg

Why was Hurricane Erin (category 3) travelling in a straight line towards NYC and the 2001 magnetic north pole, along the minus-15 magnetic declination line of earth's magnetic field for 4+ days, from September 7th-11th 2001? Despite Hurricane Erin's threatening trajectory, why weren't we warned by most corporate news broadcasts in the days leading up to 9/11, or on the morning of 9/11? When most corporate news channels displayed schematic weather maps of the northeast U.S. coastline, why was Hurricane Erin not shown? Hurricane Erin was similar in size to Hurricane Katrina and similar in strength to Hurricane Sandy (category 3), and hurricanes rarely head straight for NYC, so why weren't we warned by most corporate news outlets that Hurricane Erin was heading straight for such a densely populated city? It is widely known that major corporate news channels do not hesitate to report on category 3 hurricanes that are heading straight for the east coast. Instead, they warn people that a hurricane is coming, and they report on it frequently, giving regular updates and alerting the public in case a potential evacuation becomes necessary, and so preparations can be made. You can view a compilation of news clips and weather reports from the morning of September 11th 2001, here:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1xWjdYnpxUg

Astonishingly, Hurricane Erin reached its closest point to NYC on the morning of September 11th, before it did a strange ~150° turn away from its straight-line trajectory later that day and headed back out to sea. Hurricane Erin got so close to NYC that thunder and rain were reported and/or measured at nearby international airports, including Newark, JFK, and LaGuardia, even though skies were clear in NYC.Sources:1. JFK: http://www.farmersalmanac.com/weather-history/11430/2001/09/11/2. Newark: http://www.farmersalmanac.com/weather-history/07114/2001/09/11/3. LaGuardia: http://www.farmersalmanac.com/weather-history/11371/2001/09/11/

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CBS Morning News forecast on September 11th, 2001. Where is Hurricane Erin? The hurricane was headed straight for NYC for several days, reaching its nearest point to NYC on 9/11. Why didn't the morning news inform us about the category 3 hurricane that was headed straight for NYC on 9/11?Source: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1xWjdYnpxUg

Why was Hurricane Erin (category 3) travelling in a straight line towards NYC and the 2001 magnetic north pole, along the minus-15 magnetic declination line of earth's magnetic field for 4+ days, from September 7th-11th 2001? Despite Hurricane Erin's threatening trajectory, why weren't we warned by most corporate news broadcasts in the days leading up to 9/11, or on the morning of 9/11? When most corporate news channels displayed schematic weather maps of the northeast U.S. coastline, why was Hurricane Erin not shown? Hurricane Erin was similar in size to Hurricane Katrina and similar in strength to Hurricane Sandy (category 3), and hurricanes rarely head straight for NYC, so why weren't we warned by most corporate news outlets that Hurricane Erin was heading straight for such a densely populated city? It is widely known that major corporate news channels do not hesitate to report on category 3 hurricanes that are heading straight for the east coast. Instead, they warn people that a hurricane is coming, and they report on it frequently, giving regular updates and alerting the public in case a potential evacuation becomes necessary, and so preparations can be made. You can view a compilation of news clips and weather reports from the morning of September 11th 2001, here:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1xWjdYnpxUg

Astonishingly, Hurricane Erin reached its closest point to NYC on the morning of September 11th, before it did a strange ~150° turn away from its straight-line trajectory later that day and headed back out to sea. Hurricane Erin got so close to NYC that thunder and rain were reported and/or measured at nearby international airports, including Newark, JFK, and LaGuardia, even though skies were clear in NYC.Sources:1. JFK: http://www.farmersalmanac.com/weather-history/11430/2001/09/11/2. Newark: http://www.farmersalmanac.com/weather-history/07114/2001/09/11/3. LaGuardia: http://www.farmersalmanac.com/weather-history/11371/2001/09/11/

Page 299: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

University of Alaska magnetometer stations detected normal readings in the days leading up to 9/11, but detected a significant electromagnetic disturbance in the Earth's magnetosphere precisely as the 9/11 attacks occurred. This chart was plotted by Dr. Judy Wood using the raw University of Alaska magnetometer data found at the source link below, for better visual comparison of the data. A link to a larger version of this graph is also available below. Why were there significant fluctuations in the Earth's magnetosphere at the very same time of the 9/11 attacks, as recorded by 6 different University ofAlaska magnetometer stations?Source: http://magnet.gi.alaska.edu/table_index/2001_table.htmlLarger: http://drjudywood.com/articles/erin/mpics/H2.jpg

According to the Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellites (GOES), and as described on Page 425-426 of Dr. Judy Wood's textbook 'Where Did The Towers Go?', there were no solar storms or other significant space-weather events in the days leading up to 9/11, or during the 9/11 attacks, that could account for the significant magnetometer fluctuations detected by the University of Alaska.Source: http://satdat.ngdc.noaa.gov/sem/goes/data/plots/2001/GOES-200109.pdf

Page 300: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

University of Alaska magnetometer stations detected normal readings in the days leading up to 9/11, but detected a significant electromagnetic disturbance in the Earth's magnetosphere precisely as the 9/11 attacks occurred. This chart was plotted by Dr. Judy Wood using the raw University of Alaska magnetometer data found at the source link below, for better visual comparison of the data. A link to a larger version of this graph is also available below. Why were there significant fluctuations in the Earth's magnetosphere at the very same time of the 9/11 attacks, as recorded by 6 different University of Alaska magnetometer stations?Source: http://magnet.gi.alaska.edu/table_index/2001_table.htmlLarger: http://drjudywood.com/articles/erin/mpics/H2.jpg

According to the Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellites (GOES), and as described on Page 425-426 of Dr. Judy Wood's textbook 'Where Did The Towers Go?', there were no solar storms or other significant space-weather events in the days leading upto 9/11, or during the 9/11 attacks, that could account for the significant magnetometer fluctuations detected by the University of Alaska.Source: http://satdat.ngdc.noaa.gov/sem/goes/data/plots/2001/GOES-200109.pdf

Page 301: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

University of Alaska 'Arctic Village' magnetometer deviation tracings in gammas for September 11th, 2001. The horizontal ('X') axis shows time in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). The vertical ('Y') axis shows magnetosphere deviation on a scale of 250 nano-Tesla per grid line. The mean value (in nano-Tesla) printed off the right hand edge of the plot is the average magnetic field strength for that day for each component. The magnetic deviation displayed is computed from that value. The H-component (deviations down indicate the local field has dipped southward) has the greatest deviations in that direction and so is plotted on top. The D-component dips are magnetic west deviations as the magnetometer head is oriented in magnetic coordinates not geographic. The Z component is vertical component. Each of the three components is offset by 2 vertical grid boxes (500 nT) where the component letter indicator off the left and the mean value on the right indicate the zero reference point for each curve. This was done so each component could be identified separately and does not reflect the absolute magnitude of the magnetic field of the component.Source: http://magnet.asf.alaska.edu/cgi-bin/display_plot.cgi?site=Arctic&doy=254&year=2001

Why were there significant fluctuations in the Earth's magnetosphere at the very same time of the 9/11 attacks, as recorded by 6 different University of Alaska magnetometer stations? University of Alaska's magnetometer stations detected normal readings in the days leading up to 9/11, but detected a significant electromagnetic disturbance in the Earth's magnetosphere precisely as the 9/11 attacks occurred. According to the Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellites (GOES), and as described on Page 425-426 of Dr. Judy Wood's textbook 'Where Did The Towers Go?', there were no solar storms or other significant space-weather events in the days leading up to 9/11, or during the 9/11 attacks, that could account for the significant magnetometer fluctuations detected by the University of Alaska.Source: http://satdat.ngdc.noaa.gov/sem/goes/data/plots/2001/GOES-200109.pdf

Page 302: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

University of Alaska 'Bettles' magnetometer deviation tracings in gammas for September 11th, 2001. The horizontal ('X') axis shows time in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). The vertical ('Y') axis shows magnetosphere deviation on a scale of 250 nano-Tesla per grid line. The mean value (in nano-Tesla) printed off the right hand edge of the plot is the average magnetic field strength for that day for each component. The magnetic deviation displayed is computed from that value. The H-component (deviations down indicate the local field has dipped southward) has the greatest deviations in that direction and so is plotted on top. The D-component dips are magnetic west deviations as the magnetometer head is oriented in magnetic coordinates not geographic. The Z component is vertical component. Each of the three components is offset by 2 vertical grid boxes (500 nT) where the component letter indicator off the left and the mean value on the right indicate the zero reference point for each curve. This was done so each component could be identified separately and does not reflect the absolute magnitude of the magnetic field of the component.Source: http://magnet.asf.alaska.edu/cgi-bin/display_plot.cgi?site=Bettles&doy=254&year=2001

Why were there significant fluctuations in the Earth's magnetosphere at the very same time of the 9/11 attacks, as recorded by 6 different University of Alaska magnetometer stations? University of Alaska's magnetometer stations detected normal readings in the days leading up to 9/11, but detected a significant electromagnetic disturbance in the Earth's magnetosphere precisely as the 9/11 attacks occurred. According to the Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellites (GOES), and as described on Page 425-426 of Dr. Judy Wood's textbook 'Where Did The Towers Go?', there were no solar storms or other significant space-weather events in the days leading up to 9/11, or during the 9/11 attacks, that could account for the significant magnetometer fluctuations detected by the University of Alaska.Source: http://satdat.ngdc.noaa.gov/sem/goes/data/plots/2001/GOES-200109.pdf

Page 303: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

University of Alaska 'CIGO College Observatory' magnetometer deviation tracings in gammas for September 11th, 2001. The horizontal ('X') axis shows time in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). The vertical ('Y') axis shows magnetosphere deviation on a scale of 250 nano-Tesla per grid line. The mean value (in nano-Tesla) printed off the right hand edge of the plot is the average magnetic field strength for that day for each component. The magnetic deviation displayed is computed from that value. The H-component (deviations down indicate the local field has dipped southward) has the greatest deviations in that direction and so is plotted on top. The D-component dips are magnetic west deviations as the magnetometer head is oriented in magnetic coordinates not geographic. The Z component is vertical component. Each of the three components is offset by 2 vertical grid boxes (500 nT) where the component letter indicator off the left and the mean value on the right indicate the zero reference point for each curve. This was done so each component could be identified separately and does not reflect the absolute magnitude of the magnetic field of the component.Source: http://magnet.asf.alaska.edu/cgi-bin/display_plot.cgi?site=CIGO&doy=254&year=2001

Why were there significant fluctuations in the Earth's magnetosphere at the very same time of the 9/11 attacks, as recorded by 6 different University of Alaska magnetometer stations? University of Alaska's magnetometer stations detected normal readings in the days leading up to 9/11, but detected a significant electromagnetic disturbance in the Earth's magnetosphere precisely as the 9/11 attacks occurred. According to the Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellites (GOES), and as described on Page 425-426 of Dr. Judy Wood's textbook 'Where Did The Towers Go?', there were no solar storms or other significant space-weather events in the days leading up to 9/11, or during the 9/11 attacks, that could account for the significant magnetometer fluctuations detected by the University of Alaska.Source: http://satdat.ngdc.noaa.gov/sem/goes/data/plots/2001/GOES-200109.pdf

Page 304: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

University of Alaska 'Fort Yukon' magnetometer deviation tracings in gammas for September 11th, 2001. The horizontal ('X') axis shows time in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). The vertical ('Y') axis shows magnetosphere deviation on a scale of 250 nano-Tesla per grid line. The mean value (in nano-Tesla) printed off the right hand edge of the plot is the average magnetic field strength for that day for each component. The magnetic deviation displayed is computed from that value. The H-component (deviations down indicate the local field has dipped southward) has the greatest deviations in that direction and so is plotted on top. The D-component dips are magnetic west deviations as the magnetometer head is oriented in magnetic coordinates not geographic. The Z component is vertical component. Each of the three components is offset by 2 vertical grid boxes (500 nT) where the component letter indicator off the left and the mean value on the right indicate the zero reference point for each curve. This was done so each component could be identified separately and does not reflect the absolute magnitude of the magnetic field of the component.Source: http://magnet.asf.alaska.edu/cgi-bin/display_plot.cgi?site=FtYukon&doy=254&year=2001

Why were there significant fluctuations in the Earth's magnetosphere at the very same time of the 9/11 attacks, as recorded by 6 different University of Alaska magnetometer stations? University of Alaska's magnetometer stations detected normal readings in the days leading up to 9/11, but detected a significant electromagnetic disturbance in the Earth's magnetosphere precisely as the 9/11 attacks occurred. According to the Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellites (GOES), and as described on Page 425-426 of Dr. Judy Wood's textbook 'Where Did The Towers Go?', there were no solar storms or other significant space-weather events in the days leading up to 9/11, or during the 9/11 attacks, that could account for the significant magnetometer fluctuations detected by the University of Alaska.Source: http://satdat.ngdc.noaa.gov/sem/goes/data/plots/2001/GOES-200109.pdf

Page 305: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

University of Alaska 'Poker Flat' magnetometer deviation tracings in gammas for September 11th, 2001. The horizontal ('X') axis shows time in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). The vertical ('Y') axis shows magnetosphere deviation on a scale of 250 nano-Tesla per grid line. The mean value (in nano-Tesla) printed off the right hand edge of the plot is the average magnetic field strength for that day for each component. The magnetic deviation displayed is computed from that value. The H-component (deviations down indicate the local field has dipped southward) has the greatest deviations in that direction and so is plotted on top. The D-component dips are magnetic west deviations as the magnetometer head is oriented in magnetic coordinates not geographic. The Z component is vertical component. Each of the three components is offset by 2 vertical grid boxes (500 nT) where the component letter indicator off the left and the mean value on the right indicate the zero reference point for each curve. This was done so each component could be identified separately and does not reflect the absolute magnitude of the magnetic field of the component.Source: http://magnet.asf.alaska.edu/cgi-bin/display_plot.cgi?site=Poker&doy=254&year=2001

Why were there significant fluctuations in the Earth's magnetosphere at the very same time of the 9/11 attacks, as recorded by 6 different University of Alaska magnetometer stations? University of Alaska's magnetometer stations detected normal readings in the days leading up to 9/11, but detected a significant electromagnetic disturbance in the Earth's magnetosphere precisely as the 9/11 attacks occurred. According to the Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellites (GOES), and as described on Page 425-426 of Dr. Judy Wood's textbook 'Where Did The Towers Go?', there were no solar storms or other significant space-weather events in the days leading up to 9/11, or during the 9/11 attacks, that could account for the significant magnetometer fluctuations detected by the University of Alaska.Source: http://satdat.ngdc.noaa.gov/sem/goes/data/plots/2001/GOES-200109.pdf

Page 306: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

University of Alaska timeseries graph of the H-Component of magnetic field deviation where deviations to the magnetic North are above the reference line and deviations south are below it. Data for all currently available stations are on this one graph for this UTC day. The horizontal ('X') axis shows time in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). The vertical ('Y') axis shows magnetosphere deviation on a scale of 300 nano-Tesla per grid line. The mean value (in nano-tesla) from which the deviation is measured is printed off the right hand edge of the plot. Each station is offset by 2 vertical grid boxes (600 nT) where the station names on the left indicate the zero reference level for each curve. This was done so each station could be identified separately and does not reflect the absolute magnitude of the magnetic field at each station. Stations are ordered roughly from Northern most to Southern most. Please note also that stations vary in magnetic longitude as well. Where a station name is identified but no curve is drawn means no data was available from that station at this time. This way, the stations are drawn from the same reference line for every graph.Source: http://magnet.asf.alaska.edu/cgi-bin/display_plot.cgi?site=H_plot&doy=254&year=2001

Why were there significant fluctuations in the Earth's magnetosphere at the very same time of the 9/11 attacks, as recorded by 6 different University of Alaska magnetometer stations? University of Alaska's magnetometer stations detected normal readings in the days leading up to 9/11, but detected a significant electromagnetic disturbance in the Earth's magnetosphere precisely as the 9/11 attacks occurred. According to the Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellites (GOES), and as described on Page 425-426 of Dr. Judy Wood's textbook 'Where Did The Towers Go?', there were no solar storms or other significant space-weather events in the days leading up to 9/11, or during the 9/11 attacks, that could account for the significant magnetometer fluctuations detected by the University of Alaska.Source: http://satdat.ngdc.noaa.gov/sem/goes/data/plots/2001/GOES-200109.pdf

Page 307: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

Scientists from Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory identified elevated levels of tritium, a radioactive isotope of hydrogen, in samples taken from a WTC storm sewer and from the basement of WTC6, three and ten days, respectively, after the 9/11 attacks. The first group (brown bars) reflects the decrease in tritium levels following atmospheric nuclear detonations. The second group (green bars) shows the most recent tritium levels in the Great Lakes. There are no nuclear power plants on Lake Superior, so it is a good indicator for "background levels" of tritium. The middle group (yellow bars) shows tritium levels found at the WTC by Parekh, et al and Semkow, et al. These values measured at the WTC following the 9/11 attacks are about 50 times greater than background values. The fourth group (blue bars) shows values of tritium measured inside the cell of a Low Energy Nuclear Reaction (LENR) experiment (also known as "cold fusion"). Tritium in the LENR cell is about 50 times greater than what was seen at the WTC. The last group (red bars) are values measured in groundwater following a leak from a nuclear power plant ("hot fusion"), which is the type of reaction in nuclear and "mini-nuke" bombs or warheads. These values are 360 times greater than LENR values, and about 18,000 times greater than the WTC values (table from Dr. Judy Wood's presentation at the 2012 'Breakthrough Energy Movement' conference in Holland).Source: http://drjudywood.com/ & http://vimeo.com/57923364

Tritium is a radioactive isotope of hydrogen that is used in research, fusion reactors, and neutron generators. The half-life of tritium is about 12.32 years. The radioactive decay product of tritium is a low energy beta that cannot penetrate the outer dead layer of human skin. Therefore, the main hazard associated with tritium is internal exposure from inhalation or ingestion. Tritium is also used in watch faces and exit signs with chemicals (e.g. phosphor) that emit light in the presence of radiation. Rifle sites have about 12mCi of tritium and exit signs contain several curies of tritium. The curie is a unit measure of an amount of radioactivity. A curie (Ci) is the amount of a radioactive substance that has 3.7x10^10 decays per second, or 1 Bacquerel (Bq). The WTC contained no exit signs with tritium, according to the group studying the tritium samples found at the WTC. They concluded that the tritium must have come from exit signs on the two alleged planes. However, as the Idaho State University Tritium Information page states, "Signs often have several curies of tritium in them. If the exit signs were severely damaged, HT gas might escape into the local area, but it should be dispersed by ventilation or wind quickly." Thus, it does not seem plausible that all of the tritium in the four exit signs on the alleged planes made it into the groundwater of WTC6, especially when you consider that WTC6 was not hit by the alleged airliners, and because rain and fire hoses would have significantly diluted any tritium from the signs.Source: http://www.osti.gov/scitech/biblio/15002340

Page 308: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

This car is engulfed in a strange pattern of flames. The tires and even the pavement under the car are on fire, but no flaming paper is seen. The windows appear to be intact with no visible interior fire. There is line of fire along the trunk lid. The right front fender is deformed and has turned white. There are no signs of nearby flaming debris that might have hit this vehicle. If the dust clouds from the WTC towers were not hot enough to burn pedestrians, paper, leaves, or cars, why were there so many 'toasted' cars after 9/11?(9/11/01) Source: http://web.archive.org/web/20070622062322/http://www.studyof911.com/images/wtc/cars/2431.jpg

These 'weird' fires appear to have been caused by directed energy, similar to the fires generated during 'The Hutchison Effect' experiments, as seen in the video below.(6/6)-(11/29/07?) Source: http://drjudywood.com/media/JohnHutchison-Boat.mpg (4.7 Mb)

Astonishingly, 1400+ "toasted", warped, and mangled vehicles were recovered in total, some which were found roughly half of a mile away from ground zero. Vehicles that had been damaged as a result of the 9/11 attacks were delivered to the Fresh Kills Landfill of Staten Island, New York. Almost all of the vehicles recovered were recycled with the exception of approximately 17 vehicles, which were sent to museums.Source: http://www.apwa.net/Resources/Reporter/Articles/2004/3/Clearing-the-way-for-recovery-at-Ground-ZeroVideo #1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QogYKo-DBwkVideo #2: http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=1c9_1184090191

Page 309: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

The paper under the car does not appear to be burning, yet the 'dust' between the mail truck and the car does appear to be burning. There are no signs of nearby flaming debris that might have hit these vehicles. If the dust clouds from the WTC towers were not hot enough to burn pedestrians, paper, leaves, or cars, why were there so many 'toasted' cars after 9/11?(9/11/01) Source: http://www.digitalbui.com/WTC2/imdf11092001213918a.jpg

These 'weird' fires appear to have been caused by directed energy, similar to the fires generated during 'The Hutchison Effect' experiments, as seen in the video below.(6/6)-(11/29/07?) Source: http://drjudywood.com/media/JohnHutchison-Boat.mpg (4.7 Mb)

Astonishingly, 1400+ "toasted", warped, and mangled vehicles were recovered in total, some which were found roughly half of a mile away from ground zero. Vehicles that had been damaged as a result of the 9/11 attacks were delivered to the Fresh Kills Landfill of Staten Island, New York. Almost all of the vehicles recovered were recycled with the exception of approximately 17 vehicles, which were sent to museums.Source: http://www.apwa.net/Resources/Reporter/Articles/2004/3/Clearing-the-way-for-recovery-at-Ground-ZeroVideo #1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QogYKo-DBwkVideo #2: http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=1c9_1184090191

Page 310: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

A minivan is consumed by flames. The wheels and even the ground around the car are on fire, but no flaming paper is seen. The fire rages inside the vehicle, contained by the remaining windows. The fire appears more intense at the front where the engine is. In front of the minivan, an isolated portion of a vehicle's right rear fender is on fire as well. There are no signs of nearby flaming debris that might have hit this vehicle. If the dust clouds from the WTC towers were not hot enough to burn pedestrians, paper, leaves, or cars, why were there so many 'toasted' cars after 9/11?

These 'weird' fires appear to have been caused by directed energy, similar to the fires generated during 'The Hutchison Effect' experiments, as seen in the video below.(6/6)-(11/29/07?) Source: http://drjudywood.com/media/JohnHutchison-Boat.mpg (4.7 Mb)

Astonishingly, 1400+ "toasted", warped, and mangled vehicles were recovered in total, some which were found roughly half of a mile away from ground zero. Vehicles that had been damaged as a result of the 9/11 attacks were delivered to the Fresh Kills Landfill of Staten Island, New York. Almost all of the vehicles recovered were recycled with the exception of approximately 17 vehicles, which were sent to museums.Source: http://www.apwa.net/Resources/Reporter/Articles/2004/3/Clearing-the-way-for-recovery-at-Ground-ZeroVideo #1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QogYKo-DBwkVideo #2: http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=1c9_1184090191

Page 311: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

Vehicles burn, but the paper doesn't appear to catch fire. There are no signs of flaming debris that might have hit these vehicles. If the dust clouds from the WTC towers were not hot enough to burn pedestrians, paper, leaves, or cars, why were there so many 'toasted' cars after 9/11?(9/11/01) Source: http://www.debunking911.com/street1.jpg

These 'weird' fires appear to have been caused by directed energy, similar to the fires generated during 'The Hutchison Effect' experiments, as seen in the video below.(6/6)-(11/29/07?) Source: http://drjudywood.com/media/JohnHutchison-Boat.mpg (4.7 Mb)

Astonishingly, 1400+ "toasted", warped, and mangled vehicles were recovered in total, some which were found roughly half of a mile away from ground zero. Vehicles that had been damaged as a result of the 9/11 attacks were delivered to the Fresh Kills Landfill of Staten Island, New York. Almost all of the vehicles recovered were recycled with the exception of approximately 17 vehicles, which were sent to museums.Source: http://www.apwa.net/Resources/Reporter/Articles/2004/3/Clearing-the-way-for-recovery-at-Ground-ZeroVideo #1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QogYKo-DBwkVideo #2: http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=1c9_1184090191

Page 312: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

The vehicle fires were very selective. Is there something attractive about engine blocks? Why not gasoline fuel tanks? There are no signs of nearby flaming debris that might have hit this vehicle. If the dust clouds from the WTC towers were not hot enough to burn pedestrians, paper, leaves, or cars, why were there so many 'toasted' cars after 9/11?Source: http://web.archive.org/web/20071023092025/http://hereisnewyork.org//jpegs/photos/5244.jpg

These 'weird' fires appear to have been caused by directed energy, similar to the fires generated during 'The Hutchison Effect' experiments, as seen in the video below.(6/6)-(11/29/07?) Source: http://drjudywood.com/media/JohnHutchison-Boat.mpg (4.7 Mb)

Astonishingly, 1400+ "toasted", warped, and mangled vehicles were recovered in total, some which were found roughly half of a mile away from ground zero. Vehicles that had been damaged as a result of the 9/11 attacks were delivered to the Fresh Kills Landfill of Staten Island, New York. Almost all of the vehicles recovered were recycled with the exception of approximately 17 vehicles, which were sent to museums.Source: http://www.apwa.net/Resources/Reporter/Articles/2004/3/Clearing-the-way-for-recovery-at-Ground-ZeroVideo #1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QogYKo-DBwkVideo #2: http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=1c9_1184090191

Page 313: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

This fire seems to be very selective. There are no signs of nearby flaming debris that might have hit this vehicle. If the dust clouds from the WTC towers were not hot enough to burn pedestrians, paper, leaves, or cars, why were there so many 'toasted' cars after 9/11?Source: http://web.archive.org/web/20030715220336/http://hereisnewyork.org/jpegs/photos/5398.jpg

These 'weird' fires appear to have been caused by directed energy, similar to the fires generated during 'The Hutchison Effect' experiments, as seen in the video below.(6/6)-(11/29/07?) Source: http://drjudywood.com/media/JohnHutchison-Boat.mpg (4.7 Mb)

Astonishingly, 1400+ "toasted", warped, and mangled vehicles were recovered in total, some which were found roughly half of a mile away from ground zero. Vehicles that had been damaged as a result of the 9/11 attacks were delivered to the Fresh Kills Landfill of Staten Island, New York. Almost all of the vehicles recovered were recycled with the exception of approximately 17 vehicles, which were sent to museums.Source: http://www.apwa.net/Resources/Reporter/Articles/2004/3/Clearing-the-way-for-recovery-at-Ground-ZeroVideo #1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QogYKo-DBwkVideo #2: http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=1c9_1184090191

Page 314: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

Spontaneous fires, similar in appearance to those generated by 'The Hutchison Effect', located just south of WTC3. This vehicle was parked below the east end of the southern pedestrian walkway, which is near the corner of Liberty and West Streets. Note that the time stamp on the video shows it is 9:46AM on 9/11/01, which is after a hole appeared in each of the towers but before they were destroyed. WTC2 was not destroyed until 9:59AM EST, and WTC1 was not destroyed until 10:29AM EST, so what caused this car to catch on fire? There are no signs of nearby flaming debris that might have hit this vehicle. If the dust clouds from the WTC towers were not hot enough to burn pedestrians, paper, leaves, or cars, why were there so many 'toasted' cars after 9/11?Source #1 (no longer active): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qraALi7FlncSource #2: http://drjudywood.com/articles/JJ/JJ2.html#fire

These 'weird' fires appear to have been caused by directed energy, similar to the fires generated during 'The Hutchison Effect' experiments, as seen in the video below.(6/6)-(11/29/07?) Source: http://drjudywood.com/media/JohnHutchison-Boat.mpg (4.7 Mb)

Astonishingly, 1400+ "toasted", warped, and mangled vehicles were recovered in total, some which were found roughly half of a mile away from ground zero. Vehicles that had been damaged as a result of the 9/11 attacks were delivered to the Fresh Kills Landfill of Staten Island, New York. Almost all of the vehicles recovered were recycled with the exception of approximately 17 vehicles, which were sent to museums.Source: http://www.apwa.net/Resources/Reporter/Articles/2004/3/Clearing-the-way-for-recovery-at-Ground-ZeroVideo #1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QogYKo-DBwkVideo #2: http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=1c9_1184090191

Page 315: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

Frame from a video recording of the 'Hutchison Effect' showing spontaneous, localized fires on a model boat resulting from the use of directed energy.Source (11/2007): http://drjudywood.com/media/JohnHutchison-Boat.mpg (4.7 Mb)

'The Hutchison Effect' has generated a large amount of parallel empirical evidence, that contributes to the large and conclusive body of empirical evidence from 9/11. In other words, on top of all the empirical evidence directly from 9/11, there is also laboratory generated anomalies, using directed energy, that are strikingly similar to what we see at ground zero after 9/11. Perhaps these technologies are related in some way, and perhaps they are not, but regardless, these strong correlations are important and must be considered due to the numerous similarities between 'The Hutchison Effect' and what occurred on 9/11.

John Hutchison has submitted a sworn affidavit to the courts to legally testify to the validity of his informal research. See a copy of the official affadavithere (from his website): http://www.thehutchisoneffect.com/docs/AffJHutchison4.pdf

Lockheed Martin aerospace and weapons corporation is also interested in 'The Hutchison Effect'. Boyd Bushman, a Senior Scientist of Lockheed Martin, on The Hutchison Effect: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=57ZKTA7nx8U

Page 316: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

Vehicles in the parking lot on the left side of this photo were covered by dust during the destruction of the first tower (WTC2), but did not become 'toasted' as a result. Mysteriously, these vehicles suddenly burst into flames well after both towers were finally destroyed, but before WTC7 was destroyed, despite there being no flaming debris within or even near the parking lot. WTC1 is still standing, so we know this dust cloud is flowing from the destruction of the first tower (WTC2). If the dust clouds from the WTC towers were not hot enough to burn pedestrians, paper, leaves, or cars, why were there so many 'toasted' cars after 9/11?(9/11/01) Source: http://web.archive.org/web/20071023185018/http://hereisnewyork.org//jpegs/photos/5116.jpg

Astonishingly, 1400+ "toasted", warped, and mangled vehicles were recovered in total, some which were found roughly half of a mile away from ground zero. Vehicles that had been damaged as a result of the 9/11 attacks were delivered to the Fresh Kills Landfill of Staten Island, New York. Almost all of the vehicles recovered were recycled with the exception of approximately 17 vehicles, which were sent to museums.Source: http://www.apwa.net/Resources/Reporter/Articles/2004/3/Clearing-the-way-for-recovery-at-Ground-ZeroVideo #1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QogYKo-DBwkVideo #2: http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=1c9_1184090191

Page 317: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

Vehicles in the parking lot near the middle of this photo were covered by dust during the destruction of WTC2, but did not become 'toasted' as a result. Mysteriously, these vehicles suddenly burst into flames well after both towers were finally destroyed, but before WTC7 was destroyed, despite there being no flaming debris within or even near the parking lot. WTC1 is still standing, so we know this dust cloud is flowing from the destruction of the first tower, WTC2. If the dust clouds from the WTC towers were not hot enough to burn pedestrians, paper, leaves, or cars, why were there so many 'toasted' cars after 9/11?(9/11/01) Source: http://web.archive.org/web/20030715204812/http://hereisnewyork.org/jpegs/photos/5224.jpg

Astonishingly, 1400+ "toasted", warped, and mangled vehicles were recovered in total, some which were found roughly half of a mile away from ground zero. Vehicles that had been damaged as a result of the 9/11 attacks were delivered to the Fresh Kills Landfill of Staten Island, New York. Almost all of the vehicles recovered were recycled with the exception of approximately 17 vehicles, which were sent to museums.Source: http://www.apwa.net/Resources/Reporter/Articles/2004/3/Clearing-the-way-for-recovery-at-Ground-ZeroVideo #1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QogYKo-DBwkVideo #2: http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=1c9_1184090191

Page 318: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

Vehicles in the parking lot on the right side of this photo were covered by dust during the destruction of WTC2, but did not become 'toasted' as a result. The vehicles are not on fire even though they have already been hit by the dust cloud from WTC2. Mysteriously, these vehicles suddenly burst into flames well after both towers were finally destroyed, but before WTC7 was destroyed, despite there being no flaming debris within or even near the parking lot. WTC1 is still standing, so we know this dust is from the destruction of the first tower, WTC2. If the dust clouds from the WTC towers were not hot enough to burn pedestrians, paper, leaves, or cars, why were there so many 'toasted' cars after 9/11?(9/11/01) Source (no longer active): http://911wtc.freehostia.com/gallery/originalimages/GJS-WTC16.jpg

Astonishingly, 1400+ "toasted", warped, and mangled vehicles were recovered in total, some which were found roughly half of a mile away from ground zero. Vehicles that had been damaged as a result of the 9/11 attacks were delivered to the Fresh Kills Landfill of Staten Island, New York. Almost all of the vehicles recovered were recycled with the exception of approximately 17 vehicles, which were sent to museums.Source: http://www.apwa.net/Resources/Reporter/Articles/2004/3/Clearing-the-way-for-recovery-at-Ground-ZeroVideo #1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QogYKo-DBwkVideo #2: http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=1c9_1184090191

Page 319: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

Vehicles in the parking lot on the right side of this photo (red circle) were covered by dust during the destruction of WTC2, but did not become 'toasted' as a result. The second tower (WTC1) is now coming down, and the cloud from the destruction rolls toward the cars in the parking lot, which are still not on fire despite already being hit by the dust cloud from WTC2. Mysteriously, these vehicles suddenly burst into flames well after both towers were finally destroyed, but before WTC7 was destroyed, despite there being no flaming debris within or even near the parking lot. If the dust clouds from the WTC towers were not hot enough to burn pedestrians, paper, leaves, or cars, why were there so many 'toasted' cars after 9/11?(9/11/01) Source: http://web.archive.org/web/20070721151838/http://www.studyof911.com/gallery/albums/userpics/10002/wtc1.gif

Astonishingly, 1400+ "toasted", warped, and mangled vehicles were recovered in total, some which were found roughly half of a mile away from ground zero. Vehicles that had been damaged as a result of the 9/11 attacks were delivered to the Fresh Kills Landfill of Staten Island, New York. Almost all of the vehicles recovered were recycled with the exception of approximately 17 vehicles, which were sent to museums.Source: http://www.apwa.net/Resources/Reporter/Articles/2004/3/Clearing-the-way-for-recovery-at-Ground-ZeroVideo #1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QogYKo-DBwkVideo #2: http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=1c9_1184090191

Page 320: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

Both WTC twin towers have now been destroyed and the ground-level dust clouds have somewhat cleared the area just north of the WTC complex. Black smoke can now be seen rising from the parking lot (bottom of photo). Mysteriously, these vehicles suddenly burst into flames well after both towers were finally destroyed, but before WTC7 was destroyed, despite there being no flaming debris within or even near the parking lot. Whitish and faint dust clouds can be seen rising from Barclay Street, just behind WTC7. Stronger dust clouds are rising from in front of WTC7 along Vesey Street and streets east of the WTC complex. These vehicles did not catch fire after being hit by the dust cloud from WTC2, so what caused the vehicle fires in the parking lot? If the dust clouds from the WTC towers were not hot enough to burn pedestrians, paper, leaves, or cars, why were there so many 'toasted' cars after 9/11?(9/11/01 entered) Source: http://web.archive.org/web/20070918051502/http://911wtc.freehostia.com/gallery/originalimages/GJS-WTC100.jpg

Astonishingly, 1400+ "toasted", warped, and mangled vehicles were recovered in total, some which were found roughly half of a mile away from ground zero. Vehicles that had been damaged as a result of the 9/11 attacks were delivered to the Fresh Kills Landfill of Staten Island, New York. Almost all of the vehicles recovered were recycled with the exception of approximately 17 vehicles, which were sent to museums.Source: http://www.apwa.net/Resources/Reporter/Articles/2004/3/Clearing-the-way-for-recovery-at-Ground-ZeroVideo #1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QogYKo-DBwkVideo #2: http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=1c9_1184090191

Page 321: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

Mysteriously, the vehicles in the parking lot on the right side of this photo suddenly burst into flames well after both WTC twin towers were finally destroyed, but before WTC7 was destroyed, despite there being no flaming debris within or even near the parking lot. No flaming debris can be seen in the parking lot, or between the WTC complex and the parking lot, to account for the spontaneous vehicle fires. If the dust clouds from the WTC towers were not hot enough to burn pedestrians, paper, leaves, or cars, why were there so many 'toasted' cars after 9/11?(9/11/01) Source (no longer active): http://img271.imageshack.us/img271/5251/18wtc099sl7.jpg

Astonishingly, 1400+ "toasted", warped, and mangled vehicles were recovered in total, some which were found roughly half of a mile away from ground zero. Vehicles that had been damaged as a result of the 9/11 attacks were delivered to the Fresh Kills Landfill of Staten Island, New York. Almost all of the vehicles recovered were recycled with the exception of approximately 17 vehicles, which were sent to museums.Source: http://www.apwa.net/Resources/Reporter/Articles/2004/3/Clearing-the-way-for-recovery-at-Ground-ZeroVideo #1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QogYKo-DBwkVideo #2: http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=1c9_1184090191

Page 322: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

The intersection of West and Vesey streets (center). No flaming debris can be seen in the "toasted" parking lot, or between the WTC complex and the parking lot, to account for the spontaneous vehicle fires. Mysteriously, the vehicles in the parking lot on the right side of this photo suddenly burst into flames well after both WTC twin towers were finally destroyed, but before WTC7 was destroyed, despite there being no flaming debris within or even near the parking lot. Note the large black sign within the "toasted" parking lot (bottom right corner), as it can help identify this area in other photos. If the dust clouds from the WTC towers were not hot enough to burn pedestrians, paper, leaves, or cars, why were there so many 'toasted' cars after 9/11?(9/11/01) Source (no longer active): http://911wtc.freehostia.com/gallery/originalimages/GJS-WTC106.jpg

Astonishingly, 1400+ "toasted", warped, and mangled vehicles were recovered in total, some which were found roughly half of a mile away from ground zero. Vehicles that had been damaged as a result of the 9/11 attacks were delivered to the Fresh Kills Landfill of Staten Island, New York. Almost all of the vehicles recovered were recycled with the exception of approximately 17 vehicles, which were sent to museums.Source: http://www.apwa.net/Resources/Reporter/Articles/2004/3/Clearing-the-way-for-recovery-at-Ground-ZeroVideo #1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QogYKo-DBwkVideo #2: http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=1c9_1184090191

Page 323: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

Mysteriously, the vehicles in the parking lot (bottom right corner of photo) suddenly burst into flames well after both towers were finally destroyed, but before WTC7 was destroyed, despite there being no flaming debris within or even near the parking lot. The intersection of West and Vesey (center), and the "toasted" parking lot (lower right), are covered with paper and dust that did not burn, so what caused the vehicles to suddenly catch fire? No flaming debris can be seen in the parking lot, or between the WTC complex and the parking lot, to account for the spontaneous vehicle fires. If the dust clouds from the WTC towers were not hot enough to burn pedestrians, paper, leaves, or cars, why were there so many 'toasted' cars after 9/11?(9/11/01) Source (no longer active): http://911wtc.freehostia.com/gallery/originalimages/GJS-WTC109.jpg

Astonishingly, 1400+ "toasted", warped, and mangled vehicles were recovered in total, some which were found roughly half of a mile away from ground zero. Vehicles that had been damaged as a result of the 9/11 attacks were delivered to the Fresh Kills Landfill of Staten Island, New York. Almost all of the vehicles recovered were recycled with the exception of approximately 17 vehicles, which were sent to museums.Source: http://www.apwa.net/Resources/Reporter/Articles/2004/3/Clearing-the-way-for-recovery-at-Ground-ZeroVideo #1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QogYKo-DBwkVideo #2: http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=1c9_1184090191

Page 324: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

At the intersection of West and Vesey streets, looking south, toward the remains of the WTC complex. WTC1 was just destroyed and the people are cautiously emerging from their hiding places and slowly approaching the site with puzzled looks on their faces. Notice the lack of flaming debris to explain the countless "toasted" cars found in the nearby parking lot and all around ground zero. Paper and other materials in the foreground are not on fire, so why are vehicles burning in the parking lot at some distance away? No flaming debris can be seen in the parking lot, or between the WTC complex and the parking lot, to account for the spontaneous vehicle fires. These people are approximately 200 to 300 feet away from where the 1,368-foot north wall of WTC1 stood. There appear to be no obvious indications that a 110-story building, over a quarter mile tall, had been there earlier in the day. Except for a few pieces of aluminum cladding strewn to the side, some paper and dust are all that remain. If the dust clouds from the WTC towers were not hot enough to burn pedestrians, paper, leaves, or cars, why were there so many 'toasted' cars after 9/11?(9/11/01) Source: http://memory.loc.gov/service/pnp/ppmsca/02100/02121/0084v.jpg

Astonishingly, 1400+ "toasted", warped, and mangled vehicles were recovered in total, some which were found roughly half of a mile away from ground zero. Vehicles that had been damaged as a result of the 9/11 attacks were delivered to the Fresh Kills Landfill of Staten Island, New York. Almost all of the vehicles recovered were recycled with the exception of approximately 17 vehicles, which were sent to museums.Source: http://www.apwa.net/Resources/Reporter/Articles/2004/3/Clearing-the-way-for-recovery-at-Ground-ZeroVideo #1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QogYKo-DBwkVideo #2: http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=1c9_1184090191

Page 325: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

At the intersection of West and Vesey streets, looking west, away from the remains of the WTC complex. WTC1 was just destroyed and the people are cautiously navigating the area. Notice the lack of flaming debris to explain the countless "toasted" cars found in the nearby parking lot and all around ground zero. Paper and other materials in the foreground are not on fire, so why are vehicles burning in the parking lot at some distance away? No flaming debris can be seen in the parking lot, or between the WTC complex and the parking lot, to account for the spontaneous vehicle fires. These people are approximately 200 to 300 feet away from where the 1,368-foot north wall of WTC1 stood. There appear to be no obvious indications that a 110-story building, over a quarter mile tall, had been there earlier in the day. Except for a few pieces of aluminum cladding strewn to the side, some paper and dust are all that remain. If the dust clouds from the WTC towers were not hot enough to burn pedestrians, paper, leaves, or cars, why were there so many 'toasted' cars after 9/11?(9/11/01) Source: http://memory.loc.gov/service/pnp/ppmsca/02100/02121/0087v.jpg

Astonishingly, 1400+ "toasted", warped, and mangled vehicles were recovered in total, some which were found roughly half of a mile away from ground zero. Vehicles that had been damaged as a result of the 9/11 attacks were delivered to the Fresh Kills Landfill of Staten Island, New York. Almost all of the vehicles recovered were recycled with the exception of approximately 17 vehicles, which were sent to museums.Source: http://www.apwa.net/Resources/Reporter/Articles/2004/3/Clearing-the-way-for-recovery-at-Ground-ZeroVideo #1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QogYKo-DBwkVideo #2: http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=1c9_1184090191

Page 326: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

Facing the front of the "toasted" parking lot. The air has cleared after the destruction of WTC1, which makes sense since this area would be first to clear as it is upwind from the WTC complex. The fire in the "toasted" lot has increased in strength, consistent with it having started just recently. Paper and other materials in and around the parking lot are not on fire, so why are the vehicles burning, and what caused them to start on fire? No flaming debris can be seen in the parking lot, around the parking lot, or between the WTC complex and the parking lot, to account for the spontaneous vehicle fires. Note the large black sign within the "toasted" parking lot (center) as it can help identify this lot in other photos. If the dust clouds from the WTC towers were not hot enough to burn pedestrians, paper, leaves, or cars, why were there so many 'toasted' cars after 9/11?(9/11/01) Source: http://memory.loc.gov/service/pnp/ppmsca/02100/02121/0076v.jpg

These 'weird' fires appear to have been caused by directed energy, similar to the fires generated during 'The Hutchison Effect' experiments, as seen in the video below.(6/6)-(11/29/07?) Source: http://drjudywood.com/media/JohnHutchison-Boat.mpg (4.7 Mb)

Astonishingly, 1400+ "toasted", warped, and mangled vehicles were recovered in total, some which were found roughly half of a mile away from ground zero. Vehicles that had been damaged as a result of the 9/11 attacks were delivered to the Fresh Kills Landfill of Staten Island, New York. Almost all of the vehicles recovered were recycled with the exception of approximately 17 vehicles, which were sent to museums.Source: http://www.apwa.net/Resources/Reporter/Articles/2004/3/Clearing-the-way-for-recovery-at-Ground-ZeroVideo #1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QogYKo-DBwkVideo #2: http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=1c9_1184090191

Page 327: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

The "toasted" parking lot. The air upwind of the WTC has visibly become clearer. The vehicle fires in the parking lot continue increasing and flames can be seen. Paper and other materials in and around the parking lot are not on fire, so why are the vehicles burning, and what caused them to start on fire? No flaming debris can be seen in the parking lot, around the parking lot, or between the WTC complex and the parking lot, to account for the spontaneous vehicle fires. Note the large black sign within the "toasted" parking lot (bottom right), as it can help identify this lot in other photos. If the dust clouds from the WTC towers were not hot enough to burn pedestrians, paper, leaves, or cars, why were there so many 'toasted' cars after 9/11?(9/11/01) Source (no longer active): http://911wtc.freehostia.com/gallery/originalimages/GJS-WTC105.jpg

These 'weird' fires appear to have been caused by directed energy, similar to the fires generated during 'The Hutchison Effect' experiments, as seen in the video below.(6/6)-(11/29/07?) Source: http://drjudywood.com/media/JohnHutchison-Boat.mpg (4.7 Mb)

Astonishingly, 1400+ "toasted", warped, and mangled vehicles were recovered in total, some which were found roughly half of a mile away from ground zero. Vehicles that had been damaged as a result of the 9/11 attacks were delivered to the Fresh Kills Landfill of Staten Island, New York. Almost all of the vehicles recovered were recycled with the exception of approximately 17 vehicles, which were sent to museums.Source: http://www.apwa.net/Resources/Reporter/Articles/2004/3/Clearing-the-way-for-recovery-at-Ground-ZeroVideo #1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QogYKo-DBwkVideo #2: http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=1c9_1184090191

Page 328: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

The "toasted" parking lot. Paper and other materials in and around the parking lot are not on fire, so why are the vehicles burning, and what caused them to start on fire? No flaming debris can be seen in the parking lot, around the parking lot, or between the WTC complex and the parking lot, to account for the spontaneous vehicle fires. If the dust clouds from the WTC towers were not hot enough to burn pedestrians, paper, leaves, or cars, why were there so many 'toasted' cars after 9/11?(9/11/01)

These 'weird' fires appear to have been caused by directed energy, similar to the fires generated during 'The Hutchison Effect' experiments, as seen in the video below.(6/6)-(11/29/07?) Source: http://drjudywood.com/media/JohnHutchison-Boat.mpg (4.7 Mb)

Astonishingly, 1400+ "toasted", warped, and mangled vehicles were recovered in total, some which were found roughly half of a mile away from ground zero. Vehicles that had been damaged as a result of the 9/11 attacks were delivered to the Fresh Kills Landfill of Staten Island, New York. Almost all of the vehicles recovered were recycled with the exception of approximately 17 vehicles, which were sent to museums.Source: http://www.apwa.net/Resources/Reporter/Articles/2004/3/Clearing-the-way-for-recovery-at-Ground-ZeroVideo #1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QogYKo-DBwkVideo #2: http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=1c9_1184090191

Page 329: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

Rapid vehicle corrosion in the "toasted" parking lot is now noticeable, even from aerial photos. If the dust clouds from the WTC towers were not hot enough to burn pedestrians, paper, leaves, or cars, why were there so many 'toasted' cars after 9/11? What can cause 'weird' vehicle fires and spontaneous rapid corrosion all around ground zero?(9/23/01) Source: http://www.hybrideb.com/images/newyork/overhead_hires.jpg

Astonishingly, 1400+ "toasted", warped, and mangled vehicles were recovered in total, some which were found roughly half of a mile away from ground zero. Vehicles that had been damaged as a result of the 9/11 attacks were delivered to the Fresh Kills Landfill of Staten Island, New York. Almost all of the vehicles recovered were recycled with the exception of approximately 17 vehicles, which were sent to museums.Source: http://www.apwa.net/Resources/Reporter/Articles/2004/3/Clearing-the-way-for-recovery-at-Ground-ZeroVideo #1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QogYKo-DBwkVideo #2: http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=1c9_1184090191

Page 330: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

Vehicles from the "toasted" parking lot near the WTC complex. If the dust clouds from the WTC towers were not hot enough to burn pedestrians, paper, leaves, or cars, why were there so many 'toasted' cars after 9/11?(9/?/01) Source: http://drjudywood.com/articles/DEW/dewpics/Image8.jpg

Astonishingly, 1400+ "toasted", warped, and mangled vehicles were recovered in total, some which were found roughly half of a mile away from ground zero. Vehicles that had been damaged as a result of the 9/11 attacks were delivered to the Fresh Kills Landfill of Staten Island, New York. Almost all of the vehicles recovered were recycled with the exception of approximately 17 vehicles, which were sent to museums.Source: http://www.apwa.net/Resources/Reporter/Articles/2004/3/Clearing-the-way-for-recovery-at-Ground-ZeroVideo #1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QogYKo-DBwkVideo #2: http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=1c9_1184090191

Page 331: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

More vehicles in the "toasted" parking lot just northwest of the WTC complex. There is little visible rust, so this photo was probably taken within a day or two of 9/11/01. If the dust clouds from the WTC towers were not hot enough to burn pedestrians, paper, leaves, or cars, why were there so many 'toasted' cars after 9/11?Source: http://drjudywood.com/articles/DEW/dewpics/toastedlot_93a1f7e6e7.jpg

Astonishingly, 1400+ "toasted", warped, and mangled vehicles were recovered in total, some which were found roughly half of a mile away from ground zero. Vehicles that had been damaged as a result of the 9/11 attacks were delivered to the Fresh Kills Landfill of Staten Island, New York. Almost all of the vehicles recovered were recycled with the exception of approximately 17 vehicles, which were sent to museums.Source: http://www.apwa.net/Resources/Reporter/Articles/2004/3/Clearing-the-way-for-recovery-at-Ground-ZeroVideo #1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QogYKo-DBwkVideo #2: http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=1c9_1184090191

Page 332: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

More vehicles in the "toasted" parking lot. Notice the large amount of rust that is now present on some vehicles. If the dust clouds from the WTC towers were not hot enough to burn pedestrians, paper, leaves, or cars, why were there so many 'toasted' cars after 9/11?(9/?/01) Source: http://web.archive.org/web/20110920030507/http://inlinethumb64.webshots.com/959/1022378944031921077S600x600Q85.jpg

Astonishingly, 1400+ "toasted", warped, and mangled vehicles were recovered in total, some which were found roughly half of a mile away from ground zero. Vehicles that had been damaged as a result of the 9/11 attacks were delivered to the Fresh Kills Landfill of Staten Island, New York. Almost all of the vehicles recovered were recycled with the exception of approximately 17 vehicles, which were sent to museums.Source: http://www.apwa.net/Resources/Reporter/Articles/2004/3/Clearing-the-way-for-recovery-at-Ground-ZeroVideo #1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QogYKo-DBwkVideo #2: http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=1c9_1184090191

Page 333: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

Towing finally begins. The rapid rusting of the vehicles in the "toasted" parking lot is remarkable. If the dust clouds from the WTC towers were not hot enough to burn pedestrians, paper, leaves, or cars, why were there so many 'toasted' cars after 9/11?(9/?/01) Source: http://web.archive.org/web/20111013200121/http://inlinethumb32.webshots.com/1311/1022378952031921077S600x600Q85.jpg

Astonishingly, 1400+ "toasted", warped, and mangled vehicles were recovered in total, some which were found roughly half of a mile away from ground zero. Vehicles that had been damaged as a result of the 9/11 attacks were delivered to the Fresh Kills Landfill of Staten Island, New York. Almost all of the vehicles recovered were recycled with the exception of approximately 17 vehicles, which were sent to museums.Source: http://www.apwa.net/Resources/Reporter/Articles/2004/3/Clearing-the-way-for-recovery-at-Ground-ZeroVideo #1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QogYKo-DBwkVideo #2: http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=1c9_1184090191

Page 334: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

Presumably these cars are finally being towed away from the "toasted" parking lot. Notice the significant rusting of the vehicles. If the dust clouds from the WTC towers were not hot enough to burn pedestrians, paper, leaves, or cars, why were there so many 'toasted' cars after 9/11?(9/?/01) Source: http://inlinethumb17.webshots.com/1232/1026275165001123068S600x600Q85.jpg

Astonishingly, 1400+ "toasted", warped, and mangled vehicles were recovered in total, some which were found roughly half of a mile away from ground zero. Vehicles that had been damaged as a result of the 9/11 attacks were delivered to the Fresh Kills Landfill of Staten Island, New York. Almost all of the vehicles recovered were recycled with the exception of approximately 17 vehicles, which were sent to museums.Source: http://www.apwa.net/Resources/Reporter/Articles/2004/3/Clearing-the-way-for-recovery-at-Ground-ZeroVideo #1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QogYKo-DBwkVideo #2: http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=1c9_1184090191

Page 335: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

Presumably these cars are finally being towed away from the "toasted" parking lot. Notice the significant rusting of the vehicles. Those wheels look fairly good which means they probably aren't steel. If the dust clouds from the WTC towers were not hot enough to burn pedestrians, paper, leaves, or cars, why were there so many 'toasted' cars after 9/11?(9/?/01) Source: http://inlinethumb46.webshots.com/1645/1026275278001123068S600x600Q85.jpg

Astonishingly, 1400+ "toasted", warped, and mangled vehicles were recovered in total, some which were found roughly half of a mile away from ground zero. Vehicles that had been damaged as a result of the 9/11 attacks were delivered to the Fresh Kills Landfill of Staten Island, New York. Almost all of the vehicles recovered were recycled with the exception of approximately 17 vehicles, which were sent to museums.Source: http://www.apwa.net/Resources/Reporter/Articles/2004/3/Clearing-the-way-for-recovery-at-Ground-ZeroVideo #1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QogYKo-DBwkVideo #2: http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=1c9_1184090191

Page 336: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

Aerial view of lower Manhattan showing the WTC complex and FDR Drive, which are more than a half mile apart. Many "toasted" cars were found on FDR drive, which appeared to be pushed to the side of the road. If the dust clouds from the WTC towers were not hot enough to burn pedestrians, paper, leaves, or cars, why were there so many 'toasted' cars after 9/11?Source: http://www.loc.gov/exhibits/911/images/lg-map-aerial1.jpg

Some have argued that the wrecked vehicles on FDR drive were damaged at the WTC complex then loaded up, transported, and dumped on FDR drive for storage. First, there is no evidence that this was done. Second, it makes no sense to load up wrecks and transport them, only to dump them in a busy thoroughfare for storage. These wrecks would have had to be picked up yet again and transported a second time, which is very inefficient. Furthermore, if vehicles were truly moved from the WTC complex to FDR Drive, one must wonder why WTC steel beams and other debris were not stacked up on FDR drive as well, if it was such a good storage area. Third, it looks like the motive for this speculation about shifting wrecks around lower Manhattan is to protect the official story or thermite story or other unscientific theories. We fail to see any other explanation for such a "forced" interpretation of these photographs. Fourth, marks on the roadway suggest that some of these vehicles were pushed to the side of the roadway until they could be removed (for example, see this image: http://drjudywood.com/articles/DEW/dewpics/Image161.jpg). This is a more natural explanation for why some of the cars appear to have been moved from where they were damaged rather than all the way from the WTC complex.

Vehicles that had been damaged as a result of the 9/11 attacks were delivered to the Fresh Kills Landfill of Staten Island, New York. About 1,400 vehicles were recovered in total. Almost all of the vehicles recovered were recycled with the exception of approximately 17 vehicles, which were sent to museums.Source: http://www.apwa.net/Resources/Reporter/Articles/2004/3/Clearing-the-way-for-recovery-at-Ground-Zero

Page 337: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

This is thought to be the entrance ramp to the Brooklyn Bridge from southbound FDR Drive, roughly 1/2 mile away from ground zero. Notice the two dust-covered cars under the bridge. How did the dust fall there? Obviously there were strong enough air currents to put it there. It's interesting how the drying pavement looks similar in appearance to pavement that has been treated for snow and ice. If the dust clouds from the WTC towers were not hot enough to burn pedestrians, paper, leaves, or cars, why were there so many 'toasted' cars after 9/11?Source (no longer active): http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c49/IgnoranceIsntbliss/911/BurnedCars/21.jpg

Some have argued that the wrecked vehicles on FDR drive were damaged at the WTC complex then loaded up, transported, and dumped on FDR drive for storage. First, there is no evidence that this was done. Second, it makes no sense to load up wrecks and transport them, only to dump them in a busy thoroughfare for storage. These wrecks would have had to be picked up yet again and transported a second time, which is very inefficient. Furthermore, if vehicles were truly moved from the WTC complex to FDR Drive, one must wonder why WTC steel beams and other debris were not stacked up on FDR drive as well, if it was such a good storage area. Third, it looks like the motive for this speculation about shifting wrecks around lower Manhattan is to protect the official story or thermite story or other unscientific theories. We fail to see any other explanation for such a "forced" interpretation of these photographs. Fourth, marks on the roadway suggest that some of these vehicles were pushed to the side of the roadway until they could be removed (for example, see this image: http://drjudywood.com/articles/DEW/dewpics/Image161.jpg). This is a more natural explanation for why some of the cars appear to have been moved from where they were damaged rather than all the way from the WTC complex.

Vehicles that had been damaged as a result of the 9/11 attacks were delivered to the Fresh Kills Landfill of Staten Island, New York. About 1,400 vehicles were recovered in total. Almost all of the vehicles recovered were recycled with the exception of approximately 17 vehicles, which were sent to museums.Source: http://www.apwa.net/Resources/Reporter/Articles/2004/3/Clearing-the-way-for-recovery-at-Ground-Zero

Page 338: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

Cars along FDR drive were randomly toasted. These cars are at least 1/2 mile away from the WTC. The marks in the pavement suggest they were pushed to the side of the road rather than towed here. If the dust clouds from the WTC towers were not hot enough to burn pedestrians, paper, leaves, or cars, why were there so many 'toasted' cars after 9/11?Source: http://drjudywood.com/articles/DEW/dewpics/Image161.jpg

Some have argued that the wrecked vehicles on FDR drive were damaged at the WTC complex then loaded up, transported, and dumped on FDR drive for storage. First, there is no evidence that this was done. Second, it makes no sense to load up wrecks and transport them, only to dump them in a busy thoroughfare for storage. These wrecks would have had to be picked up yet again and transported a second time, which is very inefficient. Furthermore, if vehicles were truly moved from the WTC complex to FDR Drive, one must wonder why WTC steel beams and other debris were not stacked up on FDR drive as well, if it was such a good storage area. Third, it looks like the motive for this speculation about shifting wrecks around lower Manhattan is to protect the official story or thermite story or other unscientific theories. We fail to see any other explanation for such a "forced" interpretation of these photographs. Fourth, marks on the roadway suggest that some of these vehicles were pushed to the side of the roadway until they could be removed (for example, see this image: http://drjudywood.com/articles/DEW/dewpics/Image161.jpg). This is a more natural explanation for why some of the cars appear to have been moved from where they were damaged rather than all the way from the WTC complex.

Vehicles that had been damaged as a result of the 9/11 attacks were delivered to the Fresh Kills Landfill of Staten Island, New York. About 1,400 vehicles were recovered in total. Almost all of the vehicles recovered were recycled with the exception of approximately 17 vehicles, which were sent to museums.Source: http://www.apwa.net/Resources/Reporter/Articles/2004/3/Clearing-the-way-for-recovery-at-Ground-Zero

Page 339: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

Did one car run under the other during the attacks or were they stacked afterwards? The marks in the pavement suggest they were pushed to the side of the road rather than towed here. If the dust clouds from the WTC towers were not hot enough to burn pedestrians, paper, leaves, or cars, why were there so many 'toasted' cars after 9/11?Source: http://drjudywood.com/articles/DEW/dewpics/Image163.jpg

Some have argued that the wrecked vehicles on FDR drive were damaged at the WTC complex then loaded up, transported, and dumped on FDR drive for storage. First, there is no evidence that this was done. Second, it makes no sense to load up wrecks and transport them, only to dump them in a busy thoroughfare for storage. These wrecks would have had to be picked up yet again and transported a second time, which is very inefficient. Furthermore, if vehicles were truly moved from the WTC complex to FDR Drive, one must wonder why WTC steel beams and other debris were not stacked up on FDR drive as well, if it was such a good storage area. Third, it looks like the motive for this speculation about shifting wrecks around lower Manhattan is to protect the official story or thermite story or other unscientific theories. We fail to see any other explanation for such a "forced" interpretation of these photographs. Fourth, marks on the roadway suggest that some of these vehicles were pushed to the side of the roadway until they could be removed (for example, see this image: http://drjudywood.com/articles/DEW/dewpics/Image161.jpg). This is a more natural explanation for why some of the cars appear to have been moved from where they were damaged rather than all the way from the WTC complex.

Vehicles that had been damaged as a result of the 9/11 attacks were delivered to the Fresh Kills Landfill of Staten Island, New York. About 1,400 vehicles were recovered in total. Almost all of the vehicles recovered were recycled with the exception of approximately 17 vehicles, which were sent to museums.Source: http://www.apwa.net/Resources/Reporter/Articles/2004/3/Clearing-the-way-for-recovery-at-Ground-Zero

Page 340: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

Wheels appear to have steel-belts from the tires still on them, suggesting the tires were not removed. If the dust clouds from the WTC towers were not hot enough to burn pedestrians, paper, leaves, or cars, why were there so many 'toasted' cars after 9/11?Source: http://drjudywood.com/articles/DEW/dewpics/Image162.jpg

Some have argued that the wrecked vehicles on FDR drive were damaged at the WTC complex then loaded up, transported, and dumped on FDR drive for storage. First, there is no evidence that this was done. Second, it makes no sense to load up wrecks and transport them, only to dump them in a busy thoroughfare for storage. These wrecks would have had to be picked up yet again and transported a second time, which is very inefficient. Furthermore, if vehicles were truly moved from the WTC complex to FDR Drive, one must wonder why WTC steel beams and other debris were not stacked up on FDR drive as well, if it was such a good storage area. Third, it looks like the motive for this speculation about shifting wrecks around lower Manhattan is to protect the official story or thermite story or other unscientific theories. We fail to see any other explanation for such a "forced" interpretation of these photographs. Fourth, marks on the roadway suggest that some of these vehicles were pushed to the side of the roadway until they could be removed (for example, see this image: http://drjudywood.com/articles/DEW/dewpics/Image161.jpg). This is a more natural explanation for why some of the cars appear to have been moved from where they were damaged rather than all the way from the WTC complex.

Vehicles that had been damaged as a result of the 9/11 attacks were delivered to the Fresh Kills Landfill of Staten Island, New York. About 1,400 vehicles were recovered in total. Almost all of the vehicles recovered were recycled with the exception of approximately 17 vehicles, which were sent to museums.Source: http://www.apwa.net/Resources/Reporter/Articles/2004/3/Clearing-the-way-for-recovery-at-Ground-Zero

Page 341: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

The remains of a steel-belted tire without the rubber, suggesting the tires were not removed. This is a close-up of the vehicles in the last image. If the dust clouds from the WTC towers were not hot enough to burn pedestrians, paper, leaves, or cars, why were there so many 'toasted' cars after 9/11?Source: http://www.drjudywood.com/articles/DEW/dewpics/Image164.jpg

Some have argued that the wrecked vehicles on FDR drive were damaged at the WTC complex then loaded up, transported, and dumped on FDR drive for storage. First, there is no evidence that this was done. Second, it makes no sense to load up wrecks and transport them, only to dump them in a busy thoroughfare for storage. These wrecks would have had to be picked up yet again and transported a second time, which is very inefficient. Furthermore, if vehicles were truly moved from the WTC complex to FDR Drive, one must wonder why WTC steel beams and other debris were not stacked up on FDR drive as well, if it was such a good storage area. Third, it looks like the motive for this speculation about shifting wrecks around lower Manhattan is to protect the official story or thermitestory or other unscientific theories. We fail to see any other explanation for such a "forced" interpretation of these photographs. Fourth, marks on the roadway suggest that some of these vehicles were pushed to the side of the roadway until they could be removed (for example, see this image: http://drjudywood.com/articles/DEW/dewpics/Image161.jpg). This is a more natural explanation for why some of the cars appear to have been moved from where they were damaged rather than all the way from the WTC complex.

Vehicles that had been damaged as a result of the 9/11 attacks were delivered to the Fresh Kills Landfill of Staten Island, New York. About 1,400 vehicles were recovered in total. Almost all of the vehicles recovered were recycled with the exception of approximately 17 vehicles, which were sent to museums.Source: http://www.apwa.net/Resources/Reporter/Articles/2004/3/Clearing-the-way-for-recovery-at-Ground-Zero

Page 342: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

Another car from FDR drive, nearly 1/2 a mile away from the WTC complex. What 'toasted' these cars and dragged them to the side of the road? What caused the strange destruction to the left rear wheel? Where are the door handles? If the dust clouds from the WTC towers were not hot enough to burn pedestrians, paper, leaves, or cars, why were there so many 'toasted' cars after 9/11?Source: http://www.hybrideb.com/source/eyewitness/nyartlab/DSC07999.jpg

Some have argued that the wrecked vehicles on FDR drive were damaged at the WTC complex then loaded up, transported, and dumped on FDR drive for storage. First, there is no evidence that this was done. Second, it makes no sense to load up wrecks and transport them, only to dump them in a busy thoroughfare for storage. These wrecks would have had to be picked up yet again and transported a second time, which is very inefficient. Furthermore, if vehicles were truly moved from the WTC complex to FDR Drive, one must wonder why WTC steel beams and other debris were not stacked up on FDR drive as well, if it was such a good storage area. Third, it looks like the motive for this speculation about shifting wrecks around lower Manhattan is to protect the official story or thermite story or other unscientific theories. We fail to see any other explanation for such a "forced" interpretation of these photographs. Fourth, marks on the roadway suggest that some of these vehicles were pushed to the side of the roadway until they could be removed (for example, see this image: http://drjudywood.com/articles/DEW/dewpics/Image161.jpg). This is a more natural explanation for why some of the cars appear to have been moved from where they were damaged rather than all the way from the WTC complex.

Vehicles that had been damaged as a result of the 9/11 attacks were delivered to the Fresh Kills Landfill of Staten Island, New York. About 1,400 vehicles were recovered in total. Almost all of the vehicles recovered were recycled with the exception of approximately 17 vehicles, which were sent to museums.Source: http://www.apwa.net/Resources/Reporter/Articles/2004/3/Clearing-the-way-for-recovery-at-Ground-Zero

Page 343: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

Another car from FDR drive, nearly 1/2 a mile away from the WTC complex. While the bodies of these toasted vehicles still exist, they've been incinerated. All of the softer materials inside and out have disappeared. If the dust clouds from the WTC towers were not hot enough to burn pedestrians, paper, leaves, or cars, why were there so many 'toasted' cars after 9/11?Source: http://drjudywood.com/articles/DEW/dewpics/Image166.jpg

Some have argued that the wrecked vehicles on FDR drive were damaged at the WTC complex then loaded up, transported, and dumped on FDR drive for storage. First, there is no evidence that this was done. Second, it makes no sense to load up wrecks and transport them, only to dump them in a busy thoroughfare for storage. These wrecks would have had to be picked up yet again and transported a second time, which is very inefficient. Furthermore, if vehicles were truly moved from the WTC complex to FDR Drive, one must wonder why WTC steel beams and other debris were not stacked up on FDR drive as well, if it was such a good storage area. Third, it looks like the motive for this speculation about shifting wrecks around lower Manhattan is to protect the official story or thermite story or other unscientific theories. We fail to see any other explanation for such a "forced" interpretation of these photographs. Fourth, marks on the roadway suggest that some of these vehicles were pushed to the side of the roadway until they could be removed (for example, see this image: http://drjudywood.com/articles/DEW/dewpics/Image161.jpg). This is a more natural explanation for why some of the cars appear to have been moved from where they were damaged rather than all the way from the WTC complex.

Vehicles that had been damaged as a result of the 9/11 attacks were delivered to the Fresh Kills Landfill of Staten Island, New York. About 1,400 vehicles were recovered in total. Almost all of the vehicles recovered were recycled with the exception of approximately 17 vehicles, which were sent to museums.Source: http://www.apwa.net/Resources/Reporter/Articles/2004/3/Clearing-the-way-for-recovery-at-Ground-Zero

Page 344: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

Blistered car on FDR Drive, roughly a 1/2 mile away from ground zero. Strangely, the seat upholstery and plastic window molding are unburned. What could have caused this strange pattern of damage? If the dust clouds from the WTC towers were not hot enough to burn pedestrians, paper, leaves, or cars, why were there so many 'toasted' cars after 9/11?Source: http://www.hybrideb.com/source/eyewitness/nyartlab/DSC08002.jpg

Some have argued that the wrecked vehicles on FDR drive were damaged at the WTC complex then loaded up, transported, and dumped on FDR drive for storage. First, there is no evidence that this was done. Second, it makes no sense to load up wrecks and transport them, only to dump them in a busy thoroughfare for storage. These wrecks would have had to be picked up yet again and transported a second time, which is very inefficient. Furthermore, if vehicles were truly moved from the WTC complex to FDR Drive, one must wonder why WTC steel beams and other debris were not stacked up on FDR drive as well, if it was such a good storage area. Third, it looks like the motive for this speculation about shifting wrecks around lower Manhattan is to protect the official story or thermite story or other unscientific theories. We fail to see any other explanation for such a "forced" interpretation of these photographs. Fourth, marks on the roadway suggest that some of these vehicles were pushed to the side of the roadway until they could be removed (for example, see this image: http://drjudywood.com/articles/DEW/dewpics/Image161.jpg). This is a more natural explanation for why some of the cars appear to have been moved from where they were damaged rather than all the way from the WTC complex.

Vehicles that had been damaged as a result of the 9/11 attacks were delivered to the Fresh Kills Landfill of Staten Island, New York. About 1,400 vehicles were recovered in total. Almost all of the vehicles recovered were recycled with the exception of approximately 17 vehicles, which were sent to museums.Source: http://www.apwa.net/Resources/Reporter/Articles/2004/3/Clearing-the-way-for-recovery-at-Ground-Zero

Page 345: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

The front half of police car 2723 is 'toasted', but notice the undamaged wax job on the rear half, and the unmeltedplastic lights on top of the car. Also note the missing front door handle, the untouched rear door handle, and the rusted appearance of the interior. What could have caused this strange pattern of damage, and the sharp demarcation between the front and rear halves of the vehicle? If the dust clouds from the WTC towers were not hot enough to burn pedestrians, paper, leaves, or cars, why were there so many 'toasted' cars after 9/11?(9/12?/01) Source: http://drjudywood.com/articles/DEW/dewpics/Image172.jpg & http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v214/shadow-ace/sept%2011/policecar2.jpg

Some have argued that the wrecked vehicles on FDR drive were damaged at the WTC complex then loaded up, transported, and dumped on FDR drive for storage. First, there is no evidence that this was done. Second, it makes no sense to load up wrecks and transport them, only to dump them in a busy thoroughfare for storage. These wrecks would have had to be picked up yet again and transported a second time, which is very inefficient. Furthermore, if vehicles were truly moved from the WTC complex to FDR Drive, one must wonder why WTC steel beams and other debris were not stacked up on FDR drive as well, if it was such a good storage area. Third, it looks like the motive for this speculation about shifting wrecks around lower Manhattan is to protect the official story or thermite story or other unscientific theories. We fail to see any other explanation for such a "forced" interpretation of these photographs. Fourth, marks on the roadway suggest that some of these vehicles were pushed to the side of the roadway until they could be removed (for example, see this image: http://drjudywood.com/articles/DEW/dewpics/Image161.jpg). This is a more natural explanation for why some of the cars appear to have been moved from where they were damaged rather than all the way from the WTC complex.

Vehicles that had been damaged as a result of the 9/11 attacks were delivered to the Fresh Kills Landfill of Staten Island, New York. About 1,400 vehicles were recovered in total. Almost all of the vehicles recovered were recycled with the exception of approximately 17 vehicles, which were sent to museums.Source: http://www.apwa.net/Resources/Reporter/Articles/2004/3/Clearing-the-way-for-recovery-at-Ground-Zero

Page 346: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

This 'toasted' interior of car 2723 was consumed except for the fire extinguisher. How does a car rust this fast on the inside? If it had been on fire, shouldn't we see a blackened, charred appearance? Instead, we see a tremendous amount of rust and a complete lack of upholstery on the inside of the car. Fire does not explain the strange damage endured by this vehicle, so what could have caused this? If the dust clouds from the WTC towers were not hot enough to burn pedestrians, paper, leaves, or cars, why were there so many 'toasted' cars after 9/11?(9/12?/01)

Some have argued that the wrecked vehicles on FDR drive were damaged at the WTC complex then loaded up, transported, and dumped on FDR drive for storage. First, there is no evidence that this was done. Second, it makes no sense to load up wrecks and transport them, only to dump them in a busy thoroughfare for storage. These wrecks would have had to be picked up yet again and transported a second time, which is very inefficient. Furthermore, if vehicles were truly moved from the WTC complex to FDR Drive, one must wonder why WTC steel beams and other debris were not stacked up on FDR drive as well, if it was such a good storage area. Third, it looks like the motive for this speculation about shifting wrecks around lower Manhattan is to protect the official story or thermite story or other unscientific theories. We fail to see any other explanation for such a "forced" interpretation of these photographs. Fourth, marks on the roadway suggest that some of these vehicles were pushed to the side of the roadway until they could be removed (for example, see this image: http://drjudywood.com/articles/DEW/dewpics/Image161.jpg). This is a more natural explanation for why some of the cars appear to have been moved from where they were damaged rather than all the way from the WTC complex.

Vehicles that had been damaged as a result of the 9/11 attacks were delivered to the Fresh Kills Landfill of Staten Island, New York. About 1,400 vehicles were recovered in total. Almost all of the vehicles recovered were recycled with the exception of approximately 17 vehicles, which were sent to museums.Source: http://www.apwa.net/Resources/Reporter/Articles/2004/3/Clearing-the-way-for-recovery-at-Ground-Zero

Page 347: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

Notice the dust-covered car in front of the toasted police car. There is also debris on the pavement away from the main part of the road. They probably couldn't clean it very well because the toasted cars were there. If the dust clouds from the WTC towers were not hot enough to burn pedestrians, paper, leaves, or cars, why were there so many 'toasted' cars after 9/11?Source: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v214/shadow-ace/sept%2011/policecar3.jpg

Some have argued that the wrecked vehicles on FDR drive were damaged at the WTC complex then loaded up, transported, and dumped on FDR drive for storage. First, there is no evidence that this was done. Second, it makes no sense to load up wrecks and transport them, only to dump them in a busy thoroughfare for storage. These wrecks would have had to be picked up yet again and transported a second time, which is very inefficient. Furthermore, if vehicles were truly moved from the WTC complex to FDR Drive, one must wonder why WTC steel beams and other debris were not stacked up on FDR drive as well, if it was such a good storage area. Third, it looks like the motive for this speculation about shifting wrecks around lower Manhattan is to protect the official story or thermite story or other unscientific theories. We fail to see any other explanation for such a "forced" interpretation of these photographs. Fourth, marks on the roadway suggest that some of these vehicles were pushed to the side of the roadway until they could be removed (for example, see this image: http://drjudywood.com/articles/DEW/dewpics/Image161.jpg). This is a more natural explanation for why some of the cars appear to have been moved from where they were damaged rather than all the way from the WTC complex.

Vehicles that had been damaged as a result of the 9/11 attacks were delivered to the Fresh Kills Landfill of Staten Island, New York. About 1,400 vehicles were recovered in total. Almost all of the vehicles recovered were recycled with the exception of approximately 17 vehicles, which were sent to museums.Source: http://www.apwa.net/Resources/Reporter/Articles/2004/3/Clearing-the-way-for-recovery-at-Ground-Zero

Page 348: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

Peculiar wilting of car doors and deformed window frames from another vehicle on FDR Drive, approximately 1/2 a mile away from the WTC complex. There is extensive damage to the front of the car, including no door handle on the driver's door, but the rear portion of the vehicle shows significantly less damage, including a fully inflated tire and unexploded gas tank. What is responsible for this very strange pattern of damage, including the wilting of solid metal? If the dust clouds from the WTC towers were not hot enough to burn pedestrians, paper, leaves, or cars, why were there so many 'toasted' cars after 9/11?Source: http://www.hybrideb.com/source/eyewitness/nyartlab/DSC07998.jpg

Some have argued that the wrecked vehicles on FDR drive were damaged at the WTC complex then loaded up, transported, and dumped on FDR drive for storage. First, there is no evidence that this was done. Second, it makes no sense to load up wrecks and transport them, only to dump them in a busy thoroughfare for storage. These wrecks would have had to be picked up yet again and transported a second time, which is very inefficient. Furthermore, if vehicles were truly moved from the WTC complex to FDR Drive, one must wonder why WTC steel beams and other debris were not stacked up on FDR drive as well, if it was such a good storage area. Third, it looks like the motive for this speculation about shifting wrecks around lower Manhattan is to protect the official story or thermite story or other unscientific theories. We fail to see any other explanation for such a "forced" interpretation of these photographs. Fourth, marks on the roadway suggest that some of these vehicles were pushed to the side of the roadway until they could be removed (for example, see this image: http://drjudywood.com/articles/DEW/dewpics/Image161.jpg). This is a more natural explanation for why some of the cars appear to have been moved from where they were damaged rather than all the way from the WTC complex.

Vehicles that had been damaged as a result of the 9/11 attacks were delivered to the Fresh Kills Landfill of Staten Island, New York. About 1,400 vehicles were recovered in total. Almost all of the vehicles recovered were recycled with the exception of approximately 17 vehicles, which were sent to museums.Source: http://www.apwa.net/Resources/Reporter/Articles/2004/3/Clearing-the-way-for-recovery-at-Ground-Zero

Page 349: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

What happened to the top half of car 1250? The doors are crinkled up, but the rear tire looks OK. If the dust clouds from the WTC towers were not hot enough to burn pedestrians, paper, leaves, or cars, why were there so many 'toasted' cars after 9/11?Source: http://drjudywood.com/articles/DEW/dewpics/Image173.jpg

Some have argued that the wrecked vehicles on FDR drive were damaged at the WTC complex then loaded up, transported, and dumped on FDR drive for storage. First, there is no evidence that this was done. Second, it makes no sense to load up wrecks and transport them, only to dump them in a busy thoroughfare for storage. These wrecks would have had to be picked up yet again and transported a second time, which is very inefficient. Furthermore, if vehicles were truly moved from the WTC complex to FDR Drive, one must wonder why WTC steel beams and other debris were not stacked up on FDR drive as well, if it was such a good storage area. Third, it looks like the motive for this speculation about shifting wrecks around lower Manhattan is to protect the official story or thermite story or other unscientific theories. We fail to see any other explanation for such a "forced" interpretation of these photographs. Fourth, marks on the roadway suggest that some of these vehicles were pushed to the side of the roadway until they could be removed (for example, see this image: http://drjudywood.com/articles/DEW/dewpics/Image161.jpg). This is a more natural explanation for why some of the cars appear to have been moved from where they were damaged rather than all the way from the WTC complex.

Vehicles that had been damaged as a result of the 9/11 attacks were delivered to the Fresh Kills Landfill of Staten Island, New York. About 1,400 vehicles were recovered in total. Almost all of the vehicles recovered were recycled with the exception of approximately 17 vehicles, which were sent to museums.Source: http://www.apwa.net/Resources/Reporter/Articles/2004/3/Clearing-the-way-for-recovery-at-Ground-Zero

Page 350: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

Notice the dust-covered car behind the toasted police car. There is also debris on the pavement away from the main part of the road. So, it appears the roadway has been washed already. If the dust clouds from the WTC towers were not hot enough to burn pedestrians, paper, leaves, or cars, why were there so many 'toasted' cars after 9/11?Source: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v214/shadow-ace/sept%2011/policecar6.jpg

Some have argued that the wrecked vehicles on FDR drive were damaged at the WTC complex then loaded up, transported, and dumped on FDR drive for storage. First, there is no evidence that this was done. Second, it makes no sense to load up wrecks and transport them, only to dump them in a busy thoroughfare for storage. These wrecks would have had to be picked up yet again and transported a second time, which is very inefficient. Furthermore, if vehicles were truly moved from the WTC complex to FDR Drive, one must wonder why WTC steel beams and other debris were not stacked up on FDR drive as well, if it was such a good storage area. Third, it looks like the motive for this speculation about shifting wrecks around lower Manhattan is to protect the official story or thermite story or other unscientific theories. We fail to see any other explanation for such a "forced" interpretation of these photographs. Fourth, marks on the roadway suggest that some of these vehicles were pushed to the side of the roadway until they could be removed (for example, see this image: http://drjudywood.com/articles/DEW/dewpics/Image161.jpg). This is a more natural explanation for why some of the cars appear to have been moved from where they were damaged rather than all the way from the WTC complex.

Vehicles that had been damaged as a result of the 9/11 attacks were delivered to the Fresh Kills Landfill of Staten Island, New York. About 1,400 vehicles were recovered in total. Almost all of the vehicles recovered were recycled with the exception of approximately 17 vehicles, which were sent to museums.Source: http://www.apwa.net/Resources/Reporter/Articles/2004/3/Clearing-the-way-for-recovery-at-Ground-Zero

Page 351: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

These are "fuming cars" on Vesey Street, facing east, near the Church Street intersection. The Postal Building is on the left and WTC5 is on the right. If the dust clouds from the WTC towers were not hot enough to burn pedestrians, paper, leaves, or cars, why were there so many 'toasted' cars after 9/11?(9/11/01) Source (no longer active):http://www.studyof911.com/gallery/albums/userpics/10002/imdf11092001221934a.jpg

Astonishingly, 1400+ "toasted", warped, and mangled vehicles were recovered in total, some which were found roughly half of a mile away from ground zero. Vehicles that had been damaged as a result of the 9/11 attacks were delivered to the Fresh Kills Landfill of Staten Island, New York. Almost all of the vehicles recovered were recycled with the exception of approximately 17 vehicles, which were sent to museums.Source: http://www.apwa.net/Resources/Reporter/Articles/2004/3/Clearing-the-way-for-recovery-at-Ground-ZeroVideo #1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QogYKo-DBwkVideo #2: http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=1c9_1184090191

Page 352: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

"Toasted" cars and bus near WTC7. If the dust clouds from the WTC towers were not hot enough to burn pedestrians, paper, leaves, or cars, why were there so many 'toasted' cars after 9/11?Source: http://wtcdata.nist.gov/gallery2/v/Collected+Materials/Organized+Photos+and+Video+Clips/Photos/Video (at 9:22): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V_AoDyEObvE

Astonishingly, 1400+ "toasted", warped, and mangled vehicles were recovered in total, some which were found roughly half of a mile away from ground zero. Vehicles that had been damaged as a result of the 9/11 attacks were delivered to the Fresh Kills Landfill of Staten Island, New York. Almost all of the vehicles recovered were recycled with the exception of approximately 17 vehicles, which were sent to museums.Source: http://www.apwa.net/Resources/Reporter/Articles/2004/3/Clearing-the-way-for-recovery-at-Ground-ZeroVideo #1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QogYKo-DBwkVideo #2: http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=1c9_1184090191

Page 353: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

"Toasted" cars and bus along West Broadway. Consistently, they seem to have missing door handles. The gas tanks don't appear to explode, and the trees in the background appear to be unburned with their leaves still intact. If the dust clouds from the WTC towers were not hot enough to burn pedestrians, paper, leaves, or cars, why were there so many 'toasted' cars after 9/11?(9/11/01 entered) Source: http://web.archive.org/web/20111015000952/http://image03.webshots.com/3/3/40/70/21934070XFlNSYUYrp_ph.jpg

Astonishingly, 1400+ "toasted", warped, and mangled vehicles were recovered in total, some which were found roughly half of a mile away from ground zero. Vehicles that had been damaged as a result of the 9/11 attacks were delivered to the Fresh Kills Landfill of Staten Island, New York. Almost all of the vehicles recovered were recycled with the exception of approximately 17 vehicles, which were sent to museums.Source: http://www.apwa.net/Resources/Reporter/Articles/2004/3/Clearing-the-way-for-recovery-at-Ground-ZeroVideo #1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QogYKo-DBwkVideo #2: http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=1c9_1184090191

Page 354: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

"Toasted" cars and bus along West Broadway. Consistently, they seem to have missing door handles. The gas tanks don't appear to explode, and the trees in the background appear to be unburned with their leaves still intact. If the dust clouds from the WTC towers were not hot enough to burn pedestrians, paper, leaves, or cars, why were there so many 'toasted' cars after 9/11?Source: http://wtcdata.nist.gov/gallery2/v/Collected+Materials/Organized+Photos+and+Video+Clips/Photos/Video (at 9:22): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V_AoDyEObvE

Astonishingly, 1400+ "toasted", warped, and mangled vehicles were recovered in total, some which were found roughly half of a mile away from ground zero. Vehicles that had been damaged as a result of the 9/11 attacks were delivered to the Fresh Kills Landfill of Staten Island, New York. Almost all of the vehicles recovered were recycled with the exception of approximately 17 vehicles, which were sent to museums.Source: http://www.apwa.net/Resources/Reporter/Articles/2004/3/Clearing-the-way-for-recovery-at-Ground-ZeroVideo #1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QogYKo-DBwkVideo #2: http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=1c9_1184090191

Page 355: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

"Toasted" cars, postal truck, and bus along West Broadway Street. Consistently, they seem to have missing door handles. The gas tanks don't appear to explode, and the trees in the background appear to be unburned with their leaves still intact. If the dust clouds from the WTC towers were not hot enough to burn pedestrians, paper, leaves, or cars, why were there so many 'toasted' cars after 9/11?Source: http://web.archive.org/web/20111219081944/http://image03.webshots.com/3/3/41/28/21934128ZFFrTnkajW_ph.jpg

Astonishingly, 1400+ "toasted", warped, and mangled vehicles were recovered in total, some which were found roughly half of a mile away from ground zero. Vehicles that had been damaged as a result of the 9/11 attacks were delivered to the Fresh Kills Landfill of Staten Island, New York. Almost all of the vehicles recovered were recycled with the exception of approximately 17 vehicles, which were sent to museums.Source: http://www.apwa.net/Resources/Reporter/Articles/2004/3/Clearing-the-way-for-recovery-at-Ground-ZeroVideo #1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QogYKo-DBwkVideo #2: http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=1c9_1184090191

Page 356: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

"Toasted" mail truck from last image showing significant deformation. Notice the other toasted vehicles in the background, including the large bus and another mail truck, as well as the tree with intact leaves. The paint on the rear of the mail truck in the background looks relatively undamaged. If the dust clouds from the WTC towers were not hot enough to burn pedestrians, paper, leaves, or cars, why were there so many 'toasted' cars after 9/11?Source: http://web.archive.org/web/20111219084417/http://image03.webshots.com/3/3/42/18/21934218NQChpEAhHb_ph.jpg

Astonishingly, 1400+ "toasted", warped, and mangled vehicles were recovered in total, some which were found roughly half of a mile away from ground zero. Vehicles that had been damaged as a result of the 9/11 attacks were delivered to the Fresh Kills Landfill of Staten Island, New York. Almost all of the vehicles recovered were recycled with the exception of approximately 17 vehicles, which were sent to museums.Source: http://www.apwa.net/Resources/Reporter/Articles/2004/3/Clearing-the-way-for-recovery-at-Ground-ZeroVideo #1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QogYKo-DBwkVideo #2: http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=1c9_1184090191

Page 357: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

"Toasted" bus from previous images near the remains of WTC7. If the dust clouds from the WTC towers were not hot enough to burn pedestrians, paper, or cars, why were there so many 'toasted' cars after 9/11?(9/11/01) Source (no longer active):http://www.studyof911.com/gallery/albums/userpics/10003/Ground_Zero_Heat_01.jpg

Astonishingly, 1400+ "toasted", warped, and mangled vehicles were recovered in total, some which were found roughly half of a mile away from ground zero. Vehicles that had been damaged as a result of the 9/11 attacks were delivered to the Fresh Kills Landfill of Staten Island, New York. Almost all of the vehicles recovered were recycled with the exception of approximately 17 vehicles, which were sent to museums.Source: http://www.apwa.net/Resources/Reporter/Articles/2004/3/Clearing-the-way-for-recovery-at-Ground-ZeroVideo #1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QogYKo-DBwkVideo #2: http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=1c9_1184090191

Page 358: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

More "toasted" cars found near WTC7. Notice the 'toasted' bus from previous images in the distant background, the numerous missing door handles, the numerous missing tail light covers, and the strange peeling / delamination seen on the rear of the red van on the right side of the photo. If the dust clouds from the WTC towers were not hot enough to burn pedestrians, paper, leaves, or cars, why were there so many 'toasted' cars after 9/11?(9/11/01) Source: http://memory.loc.gov/service/pnp/ppmsca/02100/02114v.jpg

Astonishingly, 1400+ "toasted", warped, and mangled vehicles were recovered in total, some which were found roughly half of a mile away from ground zero. Vehicles that had been damaged as a result of the 9/11 attacks were delivered to the Fresh Kills Landfill of Staten Island, New York. Almost all of the vehicles recovered were recycled with the exception of approximately 17 vehicles, which were sent to museums.Source: http://www.apwa.net/Resources/Reporter/Articles/2004/3/Clearing-the-way-for-recovery-at-Ground-ZeroVideo #1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QogYKo-DBwkVideo #2: http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=1c9_1184090191

Page 359: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

More "toasted" cars located a few blocks from ground zero. No fallen debris appears in the street other than unburned paper and dust. The streets apparently have not yet been cleaned. If the dust clouds from the WTC towers were not hot enough to burn pedestrians, paper, leaves, or cars, why were there so many 'toasted' cars after 9/11?Source: http://wtcdata.nist.gov/gallery2/v/Collected+Materials/Organized+Photos+and+Video+Clips/Photos/

Astonishingly, 1400+ "toasted", warped, and mangled vehicles were recovered in total, some which were found roughly half of a mile away from ground zero. Vehicles that had been damaged as a result of the 9/11 attacks were delivered to the Fresh Kills Landfill of Staten Island, New York. Almost all of the vehicles recovered were recycled with the exception of approximately 17 vehicles, which were sent to museums.Source: http://www.apwa.net/Resources/Reporter/Articles/2004/3/Clearing-the-way-for-recovery-at-Ground-ZeroVideo #1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QogYKo-DBwkVideo #2: http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=1c9_1184090191

Page 360: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

Closeup of "toasted" mail truck from last photo. The truck is facing west and is parked behind the postal building on the north side of Barclay Street. City Hall Park can be seen in the distance, across Church street. This damage does not appear to have been caused by a "normal" fire. There is no obvious sign of burned paper or fallen debris, even though the streets apparently have not been cleaned yet. The appearance of the rear left wheel area of the mail truck looks as if a destructive force radiated outward from the wheel into the adjacent wheel well and fender. It is very unlikely that this mail truck was hit by falling debris, unless this debris did not follow the laws of physics and made several right-angle turns along its path to the mail truck parked at this particular location. Curiously, the mail truck parked behind it looks relatively unharmed. If the dust clouds from the WTC towers were not hot enough to burn pedestrians, paper, leaves, or cars, why were there so many 'toasted' cars after 9/11?(9/11/01) Source: http://www.hybrideb.com/source/eyewitness/complex/001.jpg

Astonishingly, 1400+ "toasted", warped, and mangled vehicles were recovered in total, some which were found roughly half of a mile away from ground zero. Vehicles that had been damaged as a result of the 9/11 attacks were delivered to the Fresh Kills Landfill of Staten Island, New York. Almost all of the vehicles recovered were recycled with the exception of approximately 17 vehicles, which were sent to museums.Source: http://www.apwa.net/Resources/Reporter/Articles/2004/3/Clearing-the-way-for-recovery-at-Ground-ZeroVideo #1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QogYKo-DBwkVideo #2: http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=1c9_1184090191

Page 361: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

The postal truck on the left side of the street nearest the camera appears fairly "eaten up" on its left side, while the postal truck on the right side of the street appears to be undamaged. Cars on the right side of the street near the undamaged postal truck appear to be completely 'toasted'. The postal truck on the left has a "fuzzy blob" under its left rear bumper. The building on the left is the USPS Federal Building and on the right is WTC7. WTC5 is on fire at the end of the street. If flaming debris caused this, where is that debris and why isn't any paper on fire? If this area is hot enough for spontaneous combustion, why isn't the paper on fire? If the dust clouds from the WTC towers were not hot enough to burn pedestrians, paper, leaves, or cars, why were there so many 'toasted' cars after 9/11?(9/11/01) Source: http://www.hybrideb.com/source/eyewitness/complex/069.jpg

Astonishingly, 1400+ "toasted", warped, and mangled vehicles were recovered in total, some which were found roughly half of a mile away from ground zero. Vehicles that had been damaged as a result of the 9/11 attacks were delivered to the Fresh Kills Landfill of Staten Island, New York. Almost all of the vehicles recovered were recycled with the exception of approximately 17 vehicles, which were sent to museums.Source: http://www.apwa.net/Resources/Reporter/Articles/2004/3/Clearing-the-way-for-recovery-at-Ground-ZeroVideo #1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QogYKo-DBwkVideo #2: http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=1c9_1184090191

Page 362: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

This "toasted" postal truck appears fairly "eaten up" on its left side. Notice the strange holes in the vehicle, despite the paint being relatively intact in many areas. The building on the right is WTC7, the building on the left is the USPS Federal Building (not visible), and WTC5 is located at the end of the street. If the dust clouds from the WTC towers were not hot enough to burn pedestrians, paper, leaves, or cars, why were there so many 'toasted' cars after 9/11?Source: http://wtcdata.nist.gov/gallery2/v/Collected+Materials/Organized+Photos+and+Video+Clips/Photos/

Astonishingly, 1400+ "toasted", warped, and mangled vehicles were recovered in total, some which were found roughly half of a mile away from ground zero. Vehicles that had been damaged as a result of the 9/11 attacks were delivered to the Fresh Kills Landfill of Staten Island, New York. Almost all of the vehicles recovered were recycled with the exception of approximately 17 vehicles, which were sent to museums.Source: http://www.apwa.net/Resources/Reporter/Articles/2004/3/Clearing-the-way-for-recovery-at-Ground-ZeroVideo #1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QogYKo-DBwkVideo #2: http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=1c9_1184090191

Page 363: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

More "toasted" cars. Notice how some cars appear relatively undamaged despite the severe destruction, such as the postal truck facing the camera on the right side of the photo, while other cars are completely destroyed, such as the vehicles on the left side of the photo. Strangely, the car just to the left of the photo's center appears to be missing the entire engine block, yet none of these vehicles appear to have exploded gas tanks. If the dust clouds from the WTC towers were not hot enough to burn pedestrians, paper, leaves, or cars, why were there so many 'toasted' cars after 9/11?Source: http://wtcdata.nist.gov/gallery2/v/Collected+Materials/Organized+Photos+and+Video+Clips/Photos/

Astonishingly, 1400+ "toasted", warped, and mangled vehicles were recovered in total, some which were found roughly half of a mile away from ground zero. Vehicles that had been damaged as a result of the 9/11 attacks were delivered to the Fresh Kills Landfill of Staten Island, New York. Almost all of the vehicles recovered were recycled with the exception of approximately 17 vehicles, which were sent to museums.Source: http://www.apwa.net/Resources/Reporter/Articles/2004/3/Clearing-the-way-for-recovery-at-Ground-ZeroVideo #1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QogYKo-DBwkVideo #2: http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=1c9_1184090191

Page 364: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

More "toasted" vehicles. Notice how severe the destruction is, yet how unharmed the adjacent buildings are. If the dust clouds from the WTC towers were not hot enough to burn pedestrians, paper, leaves, or cars, why were there so many 'toasted' cars after 9/11?Source: http://wtcdata.nist.gov/gallery2/v/Collected+Materials/Organized+Photos+and+Video+Clips/Photos/

Astonishingly, 1400+ "toasted", warped, and mangled vehicles were recovered in total, some which were found roughly half of a mile away from ground zero. Vehicles that had been damaged as a result of the 9/11 attacks were delivered to the Fresh Kills Landfill of Staten Island, New York. Almost all of the vehicles recovered were recycled with the exception of approximately 17 vehicles, which were sent to museums.Source: http://www.apwa.net/Resources/Reporter/Articles/2004/3/Clearing-the-way-for-recovery-at-Ground-ZeroVideo #1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QogYKo-DBwkVideo #2: http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=1c9_1184090191

Page 365: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

Why is this fire truck completely destroyed? It appears to be missing its front grill, headlights, and related front end bright-work, yet it does not appear to have been crushed by falling debris. The rear right tire remains, but where is the front right tire? If the dust clouds from the WTC towers were not hot enough to burn pedestrians, paper, leaves, or cars, why were there so many 'toasted' cars after 9/11?Source: http://drjudywood.com/articles/DEW/dewpics/Image184.jpg

Astonishingly, 1400+ "toasted", warped, and mangled vehicles were recovered in total, some which were found roughly half of a mile away from ground zero. Vehicles that had been damaged as a result of the 9/11 attacks were delivered to the Fresh Kills Landfill of Staten Island, New York. Almost all of the vehicles recovered were recycled with the exception of approximately 17 vehicles, which were sent to museums.Source: http://www.apwa.net/Resources/Reporter/Articles/2004/3/Clearing-the-way-for-recovery-at-Ground-ZeroVideo #1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QogYKo-DBwkVideo #2: http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=1c9_1184090191

Page 366: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

This vehicle is absolutely destroyed, yet it does not look like it was crushed by falling debris. If the dust clouds from the WTC towers were not hot enough to burn pedestrians, paper, leaves, or cars, why were there so many 'toasted' cars after 9/11?Source: http://web.archive.org/web/20071023110216/http://hereisnewyork.org//jpegs/photos/5773.jpg

Astonishingly, 1400+ "toasted", warped, and mangled vehicles were recovered in total, some which were found roughly half of a mile away from ground zero. Vehicles that had been damaged as a result of the 9/11 attacks were delivered to the Fresh Kills Landfill of Staten Island, New York. Almost all of the vehicles recovered were recycled with the exception of approximately 17 vehicles, which were sent to museums.Source: http://www.apwa.net/Resources/Reporter/Articles/2004/3/Clearing-the-way-for-recovery-at-Ground-ZeroVideo #1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QogYKo-DBwkVideo #2: http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=1c9_1184090191

Page 367: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

Why is this one car rusted and the other is not? What could have caused such spontaneous, rapid rusting? If the dust clouds from the WTC towers were not hot enough to burn pedestrians, paper, leaves, or cars, why were there so many 'toasted' cars after 9/11?Source (no longer active): http://inlinethumb37.webshots.com/1764/1507166974057018041S600x600Q85.jpg

Astonishingly, 1400+ "toasted", warped, and mangled vehicles were recovered in total, some which were found roughly half of a mile away from ground zero. Vehicles that had been damaged as a result of the 9/11 attacks were delivered to the Fresh Kills Landfill of Staten Island, New York. Almost all of the vehicles recovered were recycled with the exception of approximately 17 vehicles, which were sent to museums.Source: http://www.apwa.net/Resources/Reporter/Articles/2004/3/Clearing-the-way-for-recovery-at-Ground-ZeroVideo #1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QogYKo-DBwkVideo #2: http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=1c9_1184090191

Page 368: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

What could have caused such extensive damage to this car? Has the passenger side shoulder harness survived? Where's the steering wheel? If the dust clouds from the WTC towers were not hot enough to burn pedestrians, paper, leaves, or cars, why were there so many 'toasted' cars after 9/11?Source: http://drjudywood.com/articles/DEW/dewpics/Image183.jpg

Astonishingly, 1400+ "toasted", warped, and mangled vehicles were recovered in total, some which were found roughly half of a mile away from ground zero. Vehicles that had been damaged as a result of the 9/11 attacks were delivered to the Fresh Kills Landfill of Staten Island, New York. Almost all of the vehicles recovered were recycled with the exception of approximately 17 vehicles, which were sent to museums.Source: http://www.apwa.net/Resources/Reporter/Articles/2004/3/Clearing-the-way-for-recovery-at-Ground-ZeroVideo #1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QogYKo-DBwkVideo #2: http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=1c9_1184090191

Page 369: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

Toasted NYPD car. Why the back end and not the front? Notice the sharp border between the toasted and non-toasted areas towards the rear of the car. If the dust clouds from the WTC towers were not hot enough to burn pedestrians, paper, leaves, or cars, why were there so many 'toasted' cars after 9/11?Source: http://web.archive.org/web/20111219081951/http://image03.webshots.com/3/3/41/59/21934159QBVXpGOZjb_ph.jpg

Astonishingly, 1400+ "toasted", warped, and mangled vehicles were recovered in total, some which were found roughly half of a mile away from ground zero. Vehicles that had been damaged as a result of the 9/11 attacks were delivered to the Fresh Kills Landfill of Staten Island, New York. Almost all of the vehicles recovered were recycled with the exception of approximately 17 vehicles, which were sent to museums.Source: http://www.apwa.net/Resources/Reporter/Articles/2004/3/Clearing-the-way-for-recovery-at-Ground-ZeroVideo #1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QogYKo-DBwkVideo #2: http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=1c9_1184090191

Page 370: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

The front end of this FDNY car is toasted and mildly deformed, while the door appears undamaged and the window glass is intact. The debris on this car suggests it was near the WTC. Notice the sharp border between the toasted and non-toasted portions of the car. Also note that the damage reaches the tire well, yet the tire is not melted. If the dust clouds from the WTC towers were not hot enough to burn pedestrians, paper, leaves, or cars, why were there so many 'toasted' cars after 9/11?Source: http://drjudywood.com/articles/DEW/dewpics/Image170.jpg

Astonishingly, 1400+ "toasted", warped, and mangled vehicles were recovered in total, some which were found roughly half of a mile away from ground zero. Vehicles that had been damaged as a result of the 9/11 attacks were delivered to the Fresh Kills Landfill of Staten Island, New York. Almost all of the vehicles recovered were recycled with the exception of approximately 17 vehicles, which were sent to museums.Source: http://www.apwa.net/Resources/Reporter/Articles/2004/3/Clearing-the-way-for-recovery-at-Ground-ZeroVideo #1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QogYKo-DBwkVideo #2: http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=1c9_1184090191

Page 371: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

A severely damaged fire truck. Where did its engine go? The bottom of the tire has turned to goo below a distinct horizontal line in the tire. Note that the damage reaches the tire well, yet most of the tire is not melted. Also note the sharp border between the toasted and non-toasted portions of the truck, just in front of the tire well. If the dust clouds from the WTC towers were not hot enough to burn pedestrians, paper, leaves, or cars, why were there so many 'toasted' cars after 9/11?Source: http://web.archive.org/web/20070726140604/http://www.worldfiredepartments.com/animations/images/firetruck-3.jpg

Astonishingly, 1400+ "toasted", warped, and mangled vehicles were recovered in total, some which were found roughly half of a mile away from ground zero. Vehicles that had been damaged as a result of the 9/11 attacks were delivered to the Fresh Kills Landfill of Staten Island, New York. Almost all of the vehicles recovered were recycled with the exception of approximately 17 vehicles, which were sent to museums.Source: http://www.apwa.net/Resources/Reporter/Articles/2004/3/Clearing-the-way-for-recovery-at-Ground-ZeroVideo #1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QogYKo-DBwkVideo #2: http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=1c9_1184090191

Page 372: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

A 'toasted' ambulance from 9/11. Notice the severely damaged interior in contrast to the relatively undamaged exterior. The inner portion of the opened door has been destroyed, while the exterior portion looks relatively unharmed. The tires are fully inflated, and the gas tank has not exploded. If the dust clouds from the WTC towers were not hot enough to burn pedestrians, paper, leaves, or cars, why were there so many 'toasted' cars after 9/11?Source: http://web.archive.org/web/20070628071038/http://www.amny.com/media/photo/2006-08/24912294.jpg

Astonishingly, 1400+ "toasted", warped, and mangled vehicles were recovered in total, some which were found roughly half of a mile away from ground zero. Vehicles that had been damaged as a result of the 9/11 attacks were delivered to the Fresh Kills Landfill of Staten Island, New York. Almost all of the vehicles recovered were recycled with the exception of approximately 17 vehicles, which were sent to museums.Source: http://www.apwa.net/Resources/Reporter/Articles/2004/3/Clearing-the-way-for-recovery-at-Ground-ZeroVideo #1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QogYKo-DBwkVideo #2: http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=1c9_1184090191

Page 373: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

'Toasted' FDNY Hazmat truck in front of WTC6 on West Street. A significant portion of this truck has been peeled and disintegrated in many areas, leaving strange holes in the metal body. The upper part of the cab is gone and the engine block seems to have disappeared, yet the tires are not melted and the gas tank has not exploded. This photo was taken on 9/11 after WTC1 was destroyed but while WTC7 still remained standing, similar to the photo of the strange rusted and 'toasted' fire truck seen in a previous image. Notice the unburned paper around the vehicle and the lack of fire or flaming debris. If the dust clouds from the WTC towers were not hot enough to burn pedestrians, paper, leaves, or cars, why were there so many 'toasted' cars after 9/11?(9/11/01) Source: http://www.911pictures.com/images/previews_lg/911-1328.jpg

Astonishingly, 1400+ "toasted", warped, and mangled vehicles were recovered in total, some which were found roughly half of a mile away from ground zero. Vehicles that had been damaged as a result of the 9/11 attacks were delivered to the Fresh Kills Landfill of Staten Island, New York. Almost all of the vehicles recovered were recycled with the exception of approximately 17 vehicles, which were sent to museums.Source: http://www.apwa.net/Resources/Reporter/Articles/2004/3/Clearing-the-way-for-recovery-at-Ground-ZeroVideo #1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QogYKo-DBwkVideo #2: http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=1c9_1184090191

Page 374: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

Red Bull can affected by directed energy in a laboratory setting, 'Hutchison Effect' sample. Notice the similarities between the hole in this metal can and the holes observed in the vehicle from the previous image.Source: http://hutchisoneffect2008.blogspot.com/2007/12/dec-philly-testing-mini-warship.htmlVideo: http://drjudywood.com/media/JohnHutchison-RedBull.mpg

'The Hutchison Effect' has generated a large amount of parallel empirical evidence, that contributes to the large body of empirical evidence from 9/11. In other words, on top of all the empirical evidence directly from 9/11, there is also laboratory generated anomalies, using directed energy, that are strikingly similar to what we see at ground zero after 9/11. Perhaps these technologies are related in some way, perhaps they are not, but either way, these strong correlations are important and must be considered due to the numerous similarities between 'The Hutchison Effect' and what occurred on 9/11.

John Hutchison has submitted a sworn affidavit to the courts to legally testify to the validity of his informal research. See a copy of the official affadavithere (from his website): http://www.thehutchisoneffect.com/docs/AffJHutchison4.pdf

Lockheed Martin aerospace and weapons corporation is also interested in 'The Hutchison Effect'. Boyd Bushman, a Senior Scientist of Lockheed Martin, on The Hutchison Effect: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=57ZKTA7nx8U

Page 375: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

Closeup of Red Bull aluminum can from previous photo, 'Hutchison Effect' sample. Notice the strange "toasted" hole which was generated by directed energy in a laboratory setting. Compare the similarities between the hole in this metal can and the holes observed in some of the vehicles from previous images.Source: http://bp1.blogger.com/_SkyVfBO47ts/R13We9gny6I/AAAAAAAAHXI/lolE_aOZ0P4/s1600/Picture+625.jpgVideo: http://drjudywood.com/media/JohnHutchison-RedBull.mpg

'The Hutchison Effect' has generated a large amount of parallel empirical evidence, that contributes to the large body of empirical evidence from 9/11. In other words, on top of all the empirical evidence directly from 9/11, there is also laboratory generated anomalies, using directed energy, that are strikingly similar to what we see at ground zero after 9/11. Perhaps these technologies are related in some way, perhaps they are not, but either way, these strong correlations are important and must be considered due to the numerous similarities between 'The Hutchison Effect' and what occurred on 9/11.

John Hutchison has submitted a sworn affidavit to the courts to legally testify to the validity of his informal research. See a copy of the official affadavithere (from his website): http://www.thehutchisoneffect.com/docs/AffJHutchison4.pdf

Lockheed Martin aerospace and weapons corporation is also interested in 'The Hutchison Effect'. Boyd Bushman, a Senior Scientist of Lockheed Martin, on The Hutchison Effect: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=57ZKTA7nx8U

Page 376: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

On the left side of the photo, the upper portion of the toasted vehicle with the flat tire appears to have "wilted" from the top down, almost as though it was 'melted' in some strange way, leaving a peeling appearance on the rear end. Note that the damage reaches the tire well, yet the tire is not melted. The SUV to its right is missing all its window glass except for the windshield, despite the fact that it does not appear to have been crushed by debris. Oddly, the vehicle farthest to the right has no trace of tires, no door handles, no tail lights, and no windows. If the dust clouds from the WTC towers were not hot enough to burn pedestrians, paper, leaves, or cars, why were there so many 'toasted' cars after 9/11?Source: http://drjudywood.com/articles/DEW/dewpics/Image154.jpg

Astonishingly, 1400+ "toasted", warped, and mangled vehicles were recovered in total, some which were found roughly half of a mile away from ground zero. Vehicles that had been damaged as a result of the 9/11 attacks were delivered to the Fresh Kills Landfill of Staten Island, New York. Almost all of the vehicles recovered were recycled with the exception of approximately 17 vehicles, which were sent to museums.Source: http://www.apwa.net/Resources/Reporter/Articles/2004/3/Clearing-the-way-for-recovery-at-Ground-ZeroVideo #1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QogYKo-DBwkVideo #2: http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=1c9_1184090191

Page 377: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

The ConEdison 'Jelly Truck', reported on by the local news, seen across the street (see video below). In the left foreground, the strange remains of a vehicle sit atop a white sedan. The vehicle is so mangled and rusted that it is difficult to tell if we are looking at the front or back end. If the dust clouds from the WTC towers were not hot enough to burn pedestrians, paper, leaves, or cars, why were there so many 'toasted' cars after 9/11?Source: http://i18.photobucket.com/albums/b108/janedoe444/trouble/13_whatsitCar_6525.jpgVideo: http://drjudywood.com/media/V08574-06.mpg_from13.0.36.9.mp4 (10.2 MB)

Astonishingly, 1400+ "toasted", warped, and mangled vehicles were recovered in total, some which were found roughly half of a mile away from ground zero. Vehicles that had been damaged as a result of the 9/11 attacks were delivered to the Fresh Kills Landfill of Staten Island, New York. Almost all of the vehicles recovered were recycled with the exception of approximately 17 vehicles, which were sent to museums.Source: http://www.apwa.net/Resources/Reporter/Articles/2004/3/Clearing-the-way-for-recovery-at-Ground-ZeroVideo #1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QogYKo-DBwkVideo #2: http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=1c9_1184090191

Page 378: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

The ConEdison 'Jelly Truck', reported on by the local news (see video below). If the dust clouds from the WTC towers were not hot enough to burn pedestrians, paper, leaves, or cars, why were there so many 'toasted' cars after 9/11?Source (NBC News): http://drjudywood.com/media/V08574-06.mpg_from13.0.36.9.mp4 (10.2 MB)

Astonishingly, 1400+ "toasted", warped, and mangled vehicles were recovered in total, some which were found roughly half of a mile away from ground zero. Vehicles that had been damaged as a result of the 9/11 attacks were delivered to the Fresh Kills Landfill of Staten Island, New York. Almost all of the vehicles recovered were recycled with the exception of approximately 17 vehicles, which were sent to museums.Source: http://www.apwa.net/Resources/Reporter/Articles/2004/3/Clearing-the-way-for-recovery-at-Ground-ZeroVideo #1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QogYKo-DBwkVideo #2: http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=1c9_1184090191

Page 379: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

A mangled, warped fire truck from 9/11. Notice the warped, wilted appearance of the metal that once was the truck's front end, as well as the smooth curve of the ladder. The side rear-view mirror is mostly intact. If the dust clouds from the WTC towers were not hot enough to burn pedestrians, paper, leaves, or cars, why were there so many 'toasted' and warped vehicles after 9/11?Source: http://web.archive.org/web/20071022191348/http://hereisnewyork.org//jpegs/photos/2941.jpg

Astonishingly, 1400+ "toasted", warped, and mangled vehicles were recovered in total, some which were found roughly half of a mile away from ground zero. Vehicles that had been damaged as a result of the 9/11 attacks were delivered to the Fresh Kills Landfill of Staten Island, New York. Almost all of the vehicles recovered were recycled with the exception of approximately 17 vehicles, which were sent to museums.Source: http://www.apwa.net/Resources/Reporter/Articles/2004/3/Clearing-the-way-for-recovery-at-Ground-ZeroVideo #1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QogYKo-DBwkVideo #2: http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=1c9_1184090191

Page 380: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

Another view of the mangled, warped fire truck from the last image. Notice the warped, wilted appearance of the metal that once was the truck's front end, as well as the smooth curve of the ladder. The side rear-view mirror is mostly intact. If the dust clouds from the WTC towers were not hot enough to burn pedestrians, paper, leaves, or cars, why were there so many 'toasted' and warped vehicles after 9/11?Source: http://wtcdata.nist.gov/gallery2/v/Collected+Materials/Organized+Photos+and+Video+Clips/Photos/ (must enter from main page and accept user agreement to access this link)

Astonishingly, 1400+ "toasted", warped, and mangled vehicles were recovered in total, some which were found roughly half of a mile away from ground zero. Vehicles that had been damaged as a result of the 9/11 attacks were delivered to the Fresh Kills Landfill of Staten Island, New York. Almost all of the vehicles recovered were recycled with the exception of approximately 17 vehicles, which were sent to museums.Source: http://www.apwa.net/Resources/Reporter/Articles/2004/3/Clearing-the-way-for-recovery-at-Ground-ZeroVideo #1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QogYKo-DBwkVideo #2: http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=1c9_1184090191

Page 381: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

Another view of the mangled, warped fire truck from the previous image. Notice the warped, wilted appearance of the metal that once was the truck's front end, as well as the smooth curve of the ladder. The side rear-view mirror is mostly intact. If the dust clouds from the WTC towers were not hot enough to burn pedestrians, paper, leaves, or cars, why were there so many 'toasted' and warped vehicles after 9/11?Source: http://wtcdata.nist.gov/gallery2/v/Collected+Materials/Organized+Photos+and+Video+Clips/Photos/ (must enter from main page and accept user agreement to access this link)

Astonishingly, 1400+ "toasted", warped, and mangled vehicles were recovered in total, some which were found roughly half of a mile away from ground zero. Vehicles that had been damaged as a result of the 9/11 attacks were delivered to the Fresh Kills Landfill of Staten Island, New York. Almost all of the vehicles recovered were recycled with the exception of approximately 17 vehicles, which were sent to museums.Source: http://www.apwa.net/Resources/Reporter/Articles/2004/3/Clearing-the-way-for-recovery-at-Ground-ZeroVideo #1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QogYKo-DBwkVideo #2: http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=1c9_1184090191

Page 382: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

Solid aluminum bar affected by directed energy in a laboratory setting; aluminum-jellification phenomenon of the Hutchison Effect.Source: http://www.thehutchisoneffect.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=19&Itemid=47

'The Hutchison Effect' has generated a large amount of parallel empirical evidence, that contributes to the large body of empirical evidence from 9/11. In other words, on top of all the empirical evidence directly from 9/11, there is also laboratory generated anomalies, using directed energy, that are strikingly similar to what we see at ground zero after 9/11. Perhaps these technologies are related in some way, perhaps they are not, but either way, these strong correlations are important and must be considered due to the numerous similarities between 'The Hutchison Effect' and what occurred on 9/11.

John Hutchison has submitted a sworn affidavit to the courts to legally testify to the validity of his informal research. See a copy of the official affadavithere (from his website): http://www.thehutchisoneffect.com/docs/AffJHutchison4.pdf

Lockheed Martin aerospace and weapons corporation is also interested in 'The Hutchison Effect'. Boyd Bushman, a Senior Scientist of Lockheed Martin, on The Hutchison Effect: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=57ZKTA7nx8U

Page 383: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

Closeup of solid aluminum bar from previous image. This strange metal warping was caused by directed energy in a laboratory setting; aluminum-jellification phenomenon of the Hutchison Effect.Source: http://www.thehutchisoneffect.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=19&Itemid=47

'The Hutchison Effect' has generated a large amount of parallel empirical evidence, that contributes to the large body of empirical evidence from 9/11. In other words, on top of all the empirical evidence directly from 9/11, there is also laboratory generated anomalies, using directed energy, that are strikingly similar to what we see at ground zero after 9/11. Perhaps these technologies are related in some way, perhaps they are not, but either way, these strong correlations are important and must be considered due to the numerous similarities between 'The Hutchison Effect' and what occurred on 9/11.

John Hutchison has submitted a sworn affidavit to the courts to legally testify to the validity of his informal research. See a copy of the official affadavithere (from his website): http://www.thehutchisoneffect.com/docs/AffJHutchison4.pdf

Lockheed Martin aerospace and weapons corporation is also interested in 'The Hutchison Effect'. Boyd Bushman, a Senior Scientist of Lockheed Martin, on The Hutchison Effect: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=57ZKTA7nx8U

Page 384: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

Closeup of solid aluminum bar from previous image. This strange metal warping was caused by directed energy in a laboratory setting; aluminum-jellification phenomenon of the Hutchison Effect.Source: http://www.thehutchisoneffect.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=19&Itemid=47

'The Hutchison Effect' has generated a large amount of parallel empirical evidence, that contributes to the large body of empirical evidence from 9/11. In other words, on top of all the empirical evidence directly from 9/11, there is also laboratory generated anomalies, using directed energy, that are strikingly similar to what we see at ground zero after 9/11. Perhaps these technologies are related in some way, perhaps they are not, but either way, these strong correlations are important and must be considered due to the numerous similarities between 'The Hutchison Effect' and what occurred on 9/11.

John Hutchison has submitted a sworn affidavit to the courts to legally testify to the validity of his informal research. See a copy of the official affadavithere (from his website): http://www.thehutchisoneffect.com/docs/AffJHutchison4.pdf

Lockheed Martin aerospace and weapons corporation is also interested in 'The Hutchison Effect'. Boyd Bushman, a Senior Scientist of Lockheed Martin, on The Hutchison Effect: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=57ZKTA7nx8U

Page 385: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

'Jellification' of solid metals using directed energy in a laboratory setting. This strange metal warping is one of several phenomena collectively referred to as 'The Hutchison Effect'.Source: http://www.thehutchisoneffect.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=19&Itemid=47

'The Hutchison Effect' has generated a large amount of parallel empirical evidence, that contributes to the large body of empirical evidence from 9/11. In other words, on top of all the empirical evidence directly from 9/11, there is also laboratory generated anomalies, using directed energy, that are strikingly similar to what we see at ground zero after 9/11. Perhaps these technologies are related in some way, perhaps they are not, but either way, these strong correlations are important and must be considered due to the numerous similarities between 'The Hutchison Effect' and what occurred on 9/11.

John Hutchison has submitted a sworn affidavit to the courts to legally testify to the validity of his informal research. See a copy of the official affadavithere (from his website): http://www.thehutchisoneffect.com/docs/AffJHutchison4.pdf

Lockheed Martin aerospace and weapons corporation is also interested in 'The Hutchison Effect'. Boyd Bushman, a Senior Scientist of Lockheed Martin, on The Hutchison Effect: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=57ZKTA7nx8U

Page 386: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

'Jellification' of solid metals using directed energy in a laboratory setting. This strange metal warping is one of several phenomena collectively referred to as 'The Hutchison Effect'.Source: http://www.thehutchisoneffect.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=19&Itemid=47

'The Hutchison Effect' has generated a large amount of parallel empirical evidence, that contributes to the large body of empirical evidence from 9/11. In other words, on top of all the empirical evidence directly from 9/11, there is also laboratory generated anomalies, using directed energy, that are strikingly similar to what we see at ground zero after 9/11. Perhaps these technologies are related in some way, perhaps they are not, but either way, these strong correlations are important and must be considered due to the numerous similarities between 'The Hutchison Effect' and what occurred on 9/11.

John Hutchison has submitted a sworn affidavit to the courts to legally testify to the validity of his informal research. See a copy of the official affadavithere (from his website): http://www.thehutchisoneffect.com/docs/AffJHutchison4.pdf

Lockheed Martin aerospace and weapons corporation is also interested in 'The Hutchison Effect'. Boyd Bushman, a Senior Scientist of Lockheed Martin, on The Hutchison Effect: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=57ZKTA7nx8U

Page 387: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

What happened to the axles, wheels, and tires? On the doors, it appears that a heavy layer of paint peeled down from the top, yet the paint on the lower part of the doors has not been peeled away. How did the wheel get under the rear suspension? If the dust clouds from the WTC towers were not hot enough to burn pedestrians, paper, or cars, why were there so many 'toasted' cars after 9/11?Source: http://drjudywood.com/articles/DEW/dewpics/Image153.jpg

Astonishingly, 1400+ "toasted", warped, and mangled vehicles were recovered in total, some which were found roughly half of a mile away from ground zero. Vehicles that had been damaged as a result of the 9/11 attacks were delivered to the Fresh Kills Landfill of Staten Island, New York. Almost all of the vehicles recovered were recycled with the exception of approximately 17 vehicles, which were sent to museums.Source: http://www.apwa.net/Resources/Reporter/Articles/2004/3/Clearing-the-way-for-recovery-at-Ground-ZeroVideo #1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QogYKo-DBwkVideo #2: http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=1c9_1184090191

Page 388: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

Police vehicle damaged on 9/11/01. Note the 'peeling' / delamination effect on the passenger side door. Sheet metal is not laminated, so what caused this strange peeling, delamination effect? Certain isolated areas of the vehicle show bright orange rust. Also note that many areas of the truck appear 'toasted', including the hood, yet the tires are still intact. If the dust clouds from the WTC towers were not hot enough to burn pedestrians, paper, leaves, or cars, why were there so many 'toasted' cars after 9/11?Source: http://web.archive.org/web/20050108024739/http://hereisnewyork.org/jpegs/photos/1805.jpg

Astonishingly, 1400+ "toasted", warped, and mangled vehicles were recovered in total, some which were found roughly half of a mile away from ground zero. Vehicles that had been damaged as a result of the 9/11 attacks were delivered to the Fresh Kills Landfill of Staten Island, New York. Almost all of the vehicles recovered were recycled with the exception of approximately 17 vehicles, which were sent to museums.Source: http://www.apwa.net/Resources/Reporter/Articles/2004/3/Clearing-the-way-for-recovery-at-Ground-ZeroVideo #1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QogYKo-DBwkVideo #2: http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=1c9_1184090191

Page 389: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

Delamination of solid aluminum, Hutchison Effect sample. Notice the strange separation of metal layers, which was caused by directed energy interference in a laboratory setting.Source: http://drjudywood.com/articles/JJ/jjpics/DSC04645_s.jpg

'The Hutchison Effect' has generated a large amount of parallel empirical evidence, that contributes to the large body of empirical evidence from 9/11. In other words, on top of all the empirical evidence directly from 9/11, there is also laboratory generated anomalies, using directed energy, that are strikingly similar to what we see at ground zero after 9/11. Perhaps these technologies are related in some way, perhaps they are not, but either way, these strong correlations are important and must be considered due to the numerous similarities between 'The Hutchison Effect' and what occurred on 9/11.

John Hutchison has submitted a sworn affidavit to the courts to legally testify to the validity of his informal research. See a copy of the official affadavithere (from his website): http://www.thehutchisoneffect.com/docs/AffJHutchison4.pdf

Lockheed Martin aerospace and weapons corporation is also interested in 'The Hutchison Effect'. Boyd Bushman, a Senior Scientist of Lockheed Martin, on The Hutchison Effect: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=57ZKTA7nx8U

Page 390: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

Closeup of metal specimen from previous photo. Delamination of solid aluminum, Hutchison Effect sample. Notice the strange separation of metal layers, which was caused by directed energy interference in a laboratory setting.Source: http://drjudywood.com/articles/JJ/jjpics/DSC04649_s.jpg

'The Hutchison Effect' has generated a large amount of parallel empirical evidence, that contributes to the large body of empirical evidence from 9/11. In other words, on top of all the empirical evidence directly from 9/11, there is also laboratory generated anomalies, using directed energy, that are strikingly similar to what we see at ground zero after 9/11. Perhaps these technologies are related in some way, perhaps they are not, but either way, these strong correlations are important and must be considered due to the numerous similarities between 'The Hutchison Effect' and what occurred on 9/11.

John Hutchison has submitted a sworn affidavit to the courts to legally testify to the validity of his informal research. See a copy of the official affadavithere (from his website): http://www.thehutchisoneffect.com/docs/AffJHutchison4.pdf

Lockheed Martin aerospace and weapons corporation is also interested in 'The Hutchison Effect'. Boyd Bushman, a Senior Scientist of Lockheed Martin, on The Hutchison Effect: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=57ZKTA7nx8U

Page 391: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

Closeup of metal specimen from previous photos. Delamination of solid aluminum, Hutchison Effect sample. Notice the strange separation of metal layers, which was caused by directed energy interference in a laboratory setting.Source: http://www.thehutchisoneffect.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=19&Itemid=47

'The Hutchison Effect' has generated a large amount of parallel empirical evidence, that contributes to the large body of empirical evidence from 9/11. In other words, on top of all the empirical evidence directly from 9/11, there is also laboratory generated anomalies, using directed energy, that are strikingly similar to what we see at ground zero after 9/11. Perhaps these technologies are related in some way, perhaps they are not, but either way, these strong correlations are important and must be considered due to the numerous similarities between 'The Hutchison Effect' and what occurred on 9/11.

John Hutchison has submitted a sworn affidavit to the courts to legally testify to the validity of his informal research. See a copy of the official affadavithere (from his website): http://www.thehutchisoneffect.com/docs/AffJHutchison4.pdf

Lockheed Martin aerospace and weapons corporation is also interested in 'The Hutchison Effect'. Boyd Bushman, a Senior Scientist of Lockheed Martin, on The Hutchison Effect: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=57ZKTA7nx8U

Page 392: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

How did this car get upside down? What could have caused this?Source: http://memory.loc.gov/service/pnp/ppmsca/02100/02102v.jpg

Page 393: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

How did this car get upside down? What could have caused this? Also notice the round holes in the windows. Also, how did this car get upside down?(Photo by Michael Heller, 9/12?/01) Source:http://911pictures.com/images/previews_lg/911-1392.jpg

Page 394: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

How did this car get on its side? What could have caused this?Source: http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c49/IgnoranceIsntbliss/911/NonBurnedCars/a4.jpg

Page 395: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

How did this car get upside down, and why are the leaves still on the trees? What could have caused this?(9/12?/01) Source: http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c49/IgnoranceIsntbliss/911/NonBurnedCars/a3.jpg

Page 396: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

Water droplets levitating due to application of directed energy in a laboratory setting; Hutchison Effect experiment.

Source: http://drjudywood.com/articles/JJ/apics/Picture+762.jpg

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4hnsQXsqRao

'The Hutchison Effect' has generated a large amount of parallel empirical evidence, that contributes to the large body of empirical evidence from 9/11. In other words, on top of all the empirical evidence directly from 9/11, there is also laboratory generated anomalies, using directed energy, that are strikingly similar to what we see at ground zero after 9/11. Perhaps these technologies are related in some way, perhaps they are not, but either way, these strong correlations are important and must be considered due to the numerous similarities between 'The Hutchison Effect' and what occurred on 9/11.

John Hutchison has submitted a sworn affidavit to the courts to legally testify to the validity of his informal research. See a copy of the official affadavithere (from his website): http://www.thehutchisoneffect.com/docs/AffJHutchison4.pdf

Lockheed Martin aerospace and weapons corporation is also interested in 'The Hutchison Effect'. Boyd Bushman, a Senior Scientist of Lockheed Martin, on The Hutchison Effect: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=57ZKTA7nx8U

Page 397: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

Fuming from ground zero was visible for days, months, and years after 9/11. NASA AVIRIS thermal imaging shows that fires were out and temperatures were no longer hot by September 23rd 2001, so why was ground zero fuming and being hosed down for months and years after 9/11? What can cause long-term fuming without generating significant heat?Source: http://web.archive.org/web/20030708060109/http://hereisnewyork.org/jpegs/photos/6823.jpg

United States Geological Survey (USGS) analysis of National Aeronautics & Space Administration (NASA) Airborne Visible/Infrared Imaging Spectrometer (AVIRIS) remote sensing data and interpretations show the distribution and intensity of thermal hot spots in the area in and around the World Trade Center on September 16 and 23, 2001. Hot spots show as orange and yellow areas. Dozens of hot spots are seen on September 16, but most had cooled and the fires had been put out by September 23. Why did the fuming at ground zero continue for years after this time? What can cause long-term fuming without generating significant heat?Source: http://pubs.usgs.gov/of/2001/ofr-01-0429/thermal.r09.html

Page 398: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

Fumes emerging from ground zero during post-9/11 cleanup efforts. NASA AVIRIS thermal imaging shows that fires were out and temperatures were no longer hot by September 23rd 2001, so why was ground zero fuming and being hosed down for months and years after 9/11? What can cause long-term fuming without generating significant heat?Source: http://web.archive.org/web/20051201110345/http://www.w3.org/People/Jacobs/2001/10/wtc/pdrm1941.jpg

United States Geological Survey (USGS) analysis of National Aeronautics & Space Administration (NASA) Airborne Visible/Infrared Imaging Spectrometer (AVIRIS) remote sensing data and interpretations show the distribution and intensity of thermal hot spots in the area in and around the World Trade Center on September 16 and 23, 2001. Hot spots show as orange and yellow areas. Dozens of hot spots are seen on September 16, but most had cooled and the fires had been put out by September 23. Why did the fuming at ground zero continue for years after this time? What can cause long-term fuming without generating significant heat?Source: http://pubs.usgs.gov/of/2001/ofr-01-0429/thermal.r09.html

Page 399: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

Fumes rising from ground zero during post-9/11 cleanup efforts. NASA AVIRIS thermal imaging shows that fires were out and temperatures were no longer hot by September 23rd 2001, so why was ground zero fuming and being hosed down for months and years after 9/11? What can cause long-term fuming without generating significant heat?Source (no longer active): http://hereisnewyork.org/jpegs/photos/5159.jpg

United States Geological Survey (USGS) analysis of National Aeronautics & Space Administration (NASA) Airborne Visible/Infrared Imaging Spectrometer (AVIRIS) remote sensing data and interpretations show the distribution and intensity of thermal hot spots in the area in and around the World Trade Center on September 16 and 23, 2001. Hot spots show as orange and yellow areas. Dozens of hot spots are seen on September 16, but most had cooled and the fires had been put out by September 23. Why did the fuming at ground zero continue for years after this time? What can cause long-term fuming without generating significant heat?Source: http://pubs.usgs.gov/of/2001/ofr-01-0429/thermal.r09.html

Page 400: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

Fuming and glowing debris at ground zero. The steam-like appearance of the fumes suggests high heat may be involved, but note the exposed hydraulics and remember, not everything that glows is hot. If this was steam the pressure hydraulics equipment would malfunction.Source: http://img201.imageshack.us/img201/4509/hotslagil3.jpg

The claim that large amounts of molten steel were present on 9/11 is merely a rumor, because there is no verifiable empirical evidence conclusively showing it was present. Yes, small amounts of molten material were certainly observed in a few photographs and video recordings, but it is unscientific to assume this small amount of molten material is steel when other metals melt at lower temperatures and stresses. For example, it could have been molten aluminum that had been heated enough to appear orange instead of silver, because aluminum has a much lower melting point and is known to glow orange at temperatures far below what is required to melt steel.[1-3] If temperatures were hot enough to melt steel, there most likely was molten aluminum as well (and more of it since it is easier to melt), so witnessing a few pictures or videos of a small amount of molten material and claiming it is in fact molten "steel" is both misleading and unscientific.


1. Melting Aluminum In The Foundry: http://www.metalwebnews.com/howto/furnace2/melting.html

2. Aluminum Glows: http://drjudywood.com/articles/aluminum/Aluminum_Glows.html

3. Thermite and Glowing Liquid Aluminum (Section IV): http://drjudywood.com/articles/why/why_indeed.html

Page 401: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

Temperature/viscosity diagram for ISO viscosity grades. If these photos showed steam, the exposed hydraulic equipment would malfunction due to the heat.

"Hydraulic fluid temperatures above 82°C (180ºF) damage most seal compounds and accelerate oil degradation. A single [emphasis added] overtemperature event of sufficient magnitude can permanently damage all the seals in an entire hydraulic system, resulting in numerous leaks. The by-products of thermal degradation of the oil (soft particles) can cause reliability problems such as valve-spool stiction and filter clogging."

(6/16/07 accessed) Source: Brendan Casey, "Hydraulic Equipment Reliability: Beyond Contamination Control". Machinery Lubrication Magazine. July 2005 http://www.machinerylubrication.com/article_detail.asp?articleid=772

The claim that large amounts of molten steel were present on 9/11 is merely a rumor, because there is no verifiable empirical evidence conclusively showing it was present. Yes, small amounts of molten material were certainly observed in a few photographs and video recordings, but it is unscientific to assume this small amount of molten material is steel when other metals melt at lower temperatures and stresses. For example, it could have been molten aluminum that had been heated enough to appear orange instead of silver, because aluminum has a much lower melting point and is known to glow orange at temperatures far below what is required to melt steel.[1-3] If temperatures were hot enough to melt steel, there most likely was molten aluminum as well (and more of it since it is easier to melt), so witnessing a few pictures or videos of a small amount of molten material and claiming it is in fact molten "steel" is both misleading and unscientific.


1. Melting Aluminum In The Foundry: http://www.metalwebnews.com/howto/furnace2/melting.html

2. Aluminum Glows: http://drjudywood.com/articles/aluminum/Aluminum_Glows.html

3. Thermite and Glowing Liquid Aluminum (Section IV): http://drjudywood.com/articles/why/why_indeed.html

Page 402: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

USGS Thermal Figure 1. Results of NASA Airborne Visible/Infrared Imaging Spectrometer (AVIRIS) remote sensing data and interpretations show the distribution and intensity of thermal hot spots in the area in and around the World Trade Center on September 16 and 23, 2001. Hot spots show as orange and yellow areas. Dozens of hot spots are seen on September 16, but most had cooled and the fires had been put out by September 23. Why did the fuming at ground zero continue for years after this time? What can cause long-term fuming without generating significant heat?Source: http://pubs.usgs.gov/of/2001/ofr-01-0429/thermal.r09.html

The claim that large amounts of molten steel were present on 9/11 is merely a rumor, because there is no verifiable empirical evidence conclusively showing it was present. Yes, small amounts of molten material were certainly observed in a few photographs and video recordings, but it is unscientific to assume this small amount of molten material is steel when other metals melt at lower temperatures and stresses. For example, it could have been molten aluminum that had been heated enough to appear orange instead of silver, because aluminum has a much lower melting point and is known to glow orange at temperatures far below what is required to melt steel.[1-3] If temperatures were hot enough to melt steel, there most likely was molten aluminum as well (and more of it since it is easier to melt), so witnessing a few pictures or videos of a small amount of molten material and claiming it is in fact molten "steel" is both misleading and unscientific.


1. Melting Aluminum In The Foundry: http://www.metalwebnews.com/howto/furnace2/melting.html

2. Aluminum Glows: http://drjudywood.com/articles/aluminum/Aluminum_Glows.html

3. Thermite and Glowing Liquid Aluminum (Section IV): http://drjudywood.com/articles/why/why_indeed.html

Page 403: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

USGS Thermal Figure 2. Results of NASA Airborne Visible/Infrared Imaging Spectrometer (AVIRIS) remote sensing data and interpretations show the distribution and intensity of thermal hot spots in the area in and around the World Trade Center on September 16, 2001. Hot spots show as orange and yellow areas. Dozens of hot spots are seen on September 16, but most had cooled or the fires had been put out by September 23. Why did the fuming at ground zero continue for years after this time? What can cause long-term fuming without generating significant heat?(9/16/01) Source: http://pubs.usgs.gov/of/2001/ofr-01-0429/wtc-r09.091601.usgs-thermal.jpg &http://pubs.usgs.gov/of/2001/ofr-01-0429/thermal.r09.html

The claim that large amounts of molten steel were present on 9/11 is merely a rumor, because there is no verifiable empirical evidence conclusively showing it was present. Yes, small amounts of molten material were certainly observed in a few photographs and video recordings, but it is unscientific to assume this small amount of molten material is steel when other metals melt at lower temperatures and stresses. For example, it could have been molten aluminum that had been heated enough to appear orange instead of silver, because aluminum has a much lower melting point and is known to glow orange at temperatures far below what is required to melt steel.[1-3] If temperatures were hot enough to melt steel, there most likely was molten aluminum as well (and more of it since it is easier to melt), so witnessing a few pictures or videos of a small amount of molten material and claiming it is in fact molten "steel" is both misleading and unscientific.


1. Melting Aluminum In The Foundry: http://www.metalwebnews.com/howto/furnace2/melting.html

2. Aluminum Glows: http://drjudywood.com/articles/aluminum/Aluminum_Glows.html

3. Thermite and Glowing Liquid Aluminum (Section IV): http://drjudywood.com/articles/why/why_indeed.html

Page 404: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

USGS Thermal Figure 3. Results of NASA Airborne Visible/Infrared Imaging Spectrometer (AVIRIS) remote sensing data and interpretations show the distribution and intensity of thermal hot spots in the area in and around the World Trade Center on September 23, 2001. Hot spots that remain would show as orange and yellow areas. Dozens of hot spots were seen on September 16, but most had cooled or the fires had been put out by September 23. Why did the fuming at ground zero continue for years after this time? What can cause long-term fuming without generating significant heat?(9/23/01) Source: http://pubs.usgs.gov/of/2001/ofr-01-0429/wtc-r14.092301.usgs-thermal.jpg &http://pubs.usgs.gov/of/2001/ofr-01-0429/thermal.r09.html

The claim that large amounts of molten steel were present on 9/11 is merely a rumor, because there is no verifiable empirical evidence conclusively showing it was present. Yes, small amounts of molten material were certainly observed in a few photographs and video recordings, but it is unscientific to assume this small amount of molten material is steel when other metals melt at lower temperatures and stresses. For example, it could have been molten aluminum that had been heated enough to appear orange instead of silver, because aluminum has a much lower melting point and is known to glow orange at temperatures far below what is required to melt steel.[1-3] If temperatures were hot enough to melt steel, there most likely was molten aluminum as well (and more of it since it is easier to melt), so witnessing a few pictures or videos of a small amount of molten material and claiming it is in fact molten "steel" is both misleading and unscientific.


1. Melting Aluminum In The Foundry: http://www.metalwebnews.com/howto/furnace2/melting.html

2. Aluminum Glows: http://drjudywood.com/articles/aluminum/Aluminum_Glows.html

3. Thermite and Glowing Liquid Aluminum (Section IV): http://drjudywood.com/articles/why/why_indeed.html

Page 405: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

September 27th, 2001. No longer "venting," the pile is now just "fuming." A hazy cloud of fumes wafts up from the WTC1 and WTC2 rubble "piles". Where is it coming from? It does not seem to originate from a single point, but instead rises over a wide zone in a fairly uniform, hazy fashion. Most of WTC3 disappeared during the destruction of WTC1, and the pedestrian walkway over the West Side Highway was connected to something that is no longer there. The remains of WTC2 can be seen near the center of the photo and the remains of WTC1 are partly visible in the lower right corner. Notice the distinct columns of the WTC tower lobby. If NASA AVIRIS thermal imaging shows that fires were out and temperatures were no longer hot by September 23rd 2001, why is the ground still fuming for months and years?(9/27/01) Source (no longer active): http://www.photolibrary.fema.gov/photodata/original/4228.jpg

United States Geological Survey (USGS) analysis of National Aeronautics & Space Administration (NASA) Airborne Visible/Infrared Imaging Spectrometer (AVIRIS) remote sensing data and interpretations show the distribution and intensity of thermal hot spots in the area in and around the World Trade Center on September 16 and 23, 2001. Hot spots show as orange and yellow areas. Dozens of hot spots are seen on September 16, but most had cooled and the fires had been put out by September 23. Why did the fuming at ground zero continue for years after this time? What can cause long-term fuming without generating significant heat?Source: http://pubs.usgs.gov/of/2001/ofr-01-0429/thermal.r09.html

Page 406: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

October 13th, 2001. This is what is left of the WTC1 lobby. Notice the ongoing fuming as well as the lobby's distinct perimeter columns. If AVIRIS thermal imaging shows that fires were out and temperatures were no longer hot by September 23rd 2001, why is the ground still fuming and being covered with dirt?Source (10/13/01 FEMA.gov): http://drjudywood.com/articles/dirt/dirtpics/5445.jpg

United States Geological Survey (USGS) analysis of National Aeronautics & Space Administration (NASA) Airborne Visible/Infrared Imaging Spectrometer (AVIRIS) remote sensing data and interpretations show the distribution and intensity of thermal hot spots in the area in and around the World Trade Center on September 16 and 23, 2001. Hot spots show as orange and yellow areas. Dozens of hot spots are seen on September 16, but most had cooled and the fires had been put out by September 23. Why did the fuming at ground zero continue for years after this time? What can cause long-term fuming without generating significant heat?Source: http://pubs.usgs.gov/of/2001/ofr-01-0429/thermal.r09.html

Page 407: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

October 13th, 2001. Fuming continues at ground zero. Note the extraordinary orange rust on the steel beams (left side of photo). If AVIRIS thermal imaging shows that fires were out and temperatures were no longer hot by September 23rd 2001, why is the ground still fuming and being covered with dirt?Source (Photo by Andrea Booher/ FEMA, 10/13/01):http://drjudywood.com/articles/dirt/dirtpics/5449.jpg

United States Geological Survey (USGS) analysis of National Aeronautics & Space Administration (NASA) Airborne Visible/Infrared Imaging Spectrometer (AVIRIS) remote sensing data and interpretations show the distribution and intensity of thermal hot spots in the area in and around the World Trade Center on September 16 and 23, 2001. Hot spots show as orange and yellow areas. Dozens of hot spots are seen on September 16, but most had cooled and the fires had been put out by September 23. Why did the fuming at ground zero continue for years after this time? What can cause long-term fuming without generating significant heat?Source: http://pubs.usgs.gov/of/2001/ofr-01-0429/thermal.r09.html

Page 408: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

Looking west over the site where WTC7 previously stood. The water shooting out of the Verizon building does not cause steam (right side of photo). The appearance of "steam" is seen where there is no watering of the pile, because these are actually fumes. If AVIRIS thermal imaging shows that fires were out and temperatures were no longer hot by September 23rd 2001, why is the ground still fuming and being hosed down?(10/07/01)

United States Geological Survey (USGS) analysis of National Aeronautics & Space Administration (NASA) Airborne Visible/Infrared Imaging Spectrometer (AVIRIS) remote sensing data and interpretations show the distribution and intensity of thermal hot spots in the area in and around the World Trade Center on September 16 and 23, 2001. Hot spots show as orange and yellow areas. Dozens of hot spots are seen on September 16, but most had cooled and the fires had been put out by September 23. Why did the fuming at ground zero continue for years after this time? What can cause long-term fuming without generating significant heat?Source: http://pubs.usgs.gov/of/2001/ofr-01-0429/thermal.r09.html

Page 409: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

More fuming at ground zero. If this was steam, workers' faces would be burned and pressure hydraulics equipment would malfunction. If AVIRIS thermal imaging shows that fires were out and temperatures were no longer hot by September 23rd 2001, why is the ground still fuming and being hosed down?(10/31/01) Source: http://www.w3.org/People/Jacobs/2001/10/wtc/pdrm1955.jpg

United States Geological Survey (USGS) analysis of National Aeronautics & Space Administration (NASA) Airborne Visible/Infrared Imaging Spectrometer (AVIRIS) remote sensing data and interpretations show the distribution and intensity of thermal hot spots in the area in and around the World Trade Center on September 16 and 23, 2001. Hot spots show as orange and yellow areas. Dozens of hot spots are seen on September 16, but most had cooled and the fires had been put out by September 23. Why did the fuming at ground zero continue for years after this time? What can cause long-term fuming without generating significant heat?Source: http://pubs.usgs.gov/of/2001/ofr-01-0429/thermal.r09.html

Page 410: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

More fuming at ground zero, October 31st 2001. If AVIRIS thermal imaging shows that fires were out and temperatures were no longer hot by September 23rd 2001, why is the ground still fuming and being covered with dirt? If this was steam, workers' faces would be burned and pressure hydraulics equipment could malfunction.(10/31/01) Source: http://img.timeinc.net/time/photoessays/groundzero/zero04.jpg

United States Geological Survey (USGS) analysis of National Aeronautics & Space Administration (NASA) Airborne Visible/Infrared Imaging Spectrometer (AVIRIS) remote sensing data and interpretations show the distribution and intensity of thermal hot spots in the area in and around the World Trade Center on September 16 and 23, 2001. Hot spots show as orange and yellow areas. Dozens of hot spots are seen on September 16, but most had cooled and the fires had been put out by September 23. Why did the fuming at ground zero continue for years after this time? What can cause long-term fuming without generating significant heat?Source: http://pubs.usgs.gov/of/2001/ofr-01-0429/thermal.r09.html

Page 411: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

July 2007 steam explosion in NYC. Steam is hot and dangerous. Note that these firemen don't walk through the steam. Compare this with images of 9/11 ground zero workers, such as the previous one.(7/18/07) source: http://www.latimes.com/media/photo/2007-07/31280756.jpg

Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SImhkapRuIs

Page 412: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

Notice the rusty fumes at ground zero. If this area was hot enough to produce steam, the hoses to their thermitic torches would have melted and ignited the fuel. The hazy material coming from the ground is not steam, rather, it is chronic fuming that occurred for years after 9/11 but did not generate high heat.Source: http://web.archive.org/web/20060613070347/http://hereisnewyork.org/jpegs/photos/5103.jpgVideo: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5VskSiHS1r0

United States Geological Survey (USGS) analysis of National Aeronautics & Space Administration (NASA) Airborne Visible/Infrared Imaging Spectrometer (AVIRIS) remote sensing data and interpretations show the distribution and intensity of thermal hot spots in the area in and around the World Trade Center on September 16 and 23, 2001. Hot spots show as orange and yellow areas. Dozens of hot spots are seen on September 16, but most had cooled and the fires had been put out by September 23. Why did the fuming at ground zero continue for years after this time? What can cause long-term fuming without generating significant heat?Source: http://pubs.usgs.gov/of/2001/ofr-01-0429/thermal.r09.html

Page 413: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

October 20th, 2001. Notice the fumes still coming from the rubble, and the warped, twisted steel trusses on the left side of the photo. If AVIRIS thermal imaging shows that fires were out and temperatures were no longer hot by September 23rd 2001, why is the ground still fuming? A ground zero worker can be seen cutting steel beams using a thermic lance during cleanup operations. Steel beams sticking out of the ground were often cut at angles with these thermic lances. Video evidence of this can be seen at the links below.(Photo by Edward Keating/NYT, 10/20/01) Source:http://wtcdata.nist.gov/gallery2/v/Collected+Materials/Organized+Photos+and+Video+Clips/Photos/Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5VskSiHS1r0

United States Geological Survey (USGS) analysis of National Aeronautics & Space Administration (NASA) Airborne Visible/Infrared Imaging Spectrometer (AVIRIS) remote sensing data and interpretations show the distribution and intensity of thermal hot spots in the area in and around the World Trade Center on September 16 and 23, 2001. Hot spots show as orange and yellow areas. Dozens of hot spots are seen on September 16, but most had cooled and the fires had been put out by September 23. Why did the fuming at ground zero continue for years after this time? What can cause long-term fuming without generating significant heat?Source: http://pubs.usgs.gov/of/2001/ofr-01-0429/thermal.r09.html

Page 414: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

October 28th, 2001. Looking east, through the core of WTC1, there is still fuming from the wet dirt. Note the puddle near the orange cone in the center foreground. There are pools of water beneath a beautiful rainbow. Also notice the rusted core steel columns in the background that are bright orange. If AVIRIS thermal imaging shows that fires were out and temperatures were no longer hot by September 23rd 2001, why is the ground still fuming and being hosed down?Source (Photo by Andrea Booher/ FEMA News Photo, 10/28/01): http://drjudywood.com/articles/dirt/dirtpics/5508.jpg

United States Geological Survey (USGS) analysis of National Aeronautics & Space Administration (NASA) Airborne Visible/Infrared Imaging Spectrometer (AVIRIS) remote sensing data and interpretations show the distribution and intensity of thermal hot spots in the area in and around the World Trade Center on September 16 and 23, 2001. Hot spots show as orange and yellow areas. Dozens of hot spots are seen on September 16, but most had cooled and the fires had been put out by September 23. Why did the fuming at ground zero continue for years after this time? What can cause long-term fuming without generating significant heat?Source: http://pubs.usgs.gov/of/2001/ofr-01-0429/thermal.r09.html

Page 415: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

October 28th, 2001. Looking east, through the core of WTC1, there is still fuming from the wet dirt. Note the puddle in the foreground. There are pools of water under a beautiful rainbow. Those orange-rusted core columns are very bright. If AVIRIS thermal imaging shows that fires were out and temperatures were no longer hot by September 23rd 2001, why is the ground still fuming and being covered with dirt?Source (Photo by Andrea Booher/ FEMA News Photo, 10/28/01): http://drjudywood.com/articles/dirt/dirtpics/5509.jpg

United States Geological Survey (USGS) analysis of National Aeronautics & Space Administration (NASA) Airborne Visible/Infrared Imaging Spectrometer (AVIRIS) remote sensing data and interpretations show the distribution and intensity of thermal hot spots in the area in and around the World Trade Center on September 16 and 23, 2001. Hot spots show as orange and yellow areas. Dozens of hot spots are seen on September 16, but most had cooled and the fires had been put out by September 23. Why did the fuming at ground zero continue for years after this time? What can cause long-term fuming without generating significant heat?Source: http://pubs.usgs.gov/of/2001/ofr-01-0429/thermal.r09.html

Page 416: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

March 15th, 2002. Why are they still hosing down the "pile" in March 2002 (top right corner of image)? There appears to be smoke, dust, or vapor rising from the pile. Why? If AVIRIS thermal imaging shows that fires were out and temperatures were no longer hot by September 23rd 2001, why is the ground still fuming and being hosed down months later in March 2002? The light streaks across the photo appear to be reflections off the window of the photographer's aircraft.Source (Photo by Larry Lerner, FEMA, 3/15/02):http://drjudywood.com/articles/dirt/dirtpics/Image304.jpg

United States Geological Survey (USGS) analysis of National Aeronautics & Space Administration (NASA) Airborne Visible/Infrared Imaging Spectrometer (AVIRIS) remote sensing data and interpretations show the distribution and intensity of thermal hot spots in the area in and around the World Trade Center on September 16 and 23, 2001. Hot spots show as orange and yellow areas. Dozens of hot spots are seen on September 16, but most had cooled and the fires had been put out by September 23. Why did the fuming at ground zero continue for years after this time? What can cause long-term fuming without generating significant heat?Source: http://pubs.usgs.gov/of/2001/ofr-01-0429/thermal.r09.html

Page 417: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

The southeast corner of big bathtub is in the background. Why are they hosing down the pile? If AVIRIS thermal imaging shows that fires were out and temperatures were no longer hot by September 23rd 2001, why is the ground still fuming and being hosed down months later in March 2002?Source (Photo filed 3/15/02): http://drjudywood.com/articles/dirt/dirtpics/Image309.jpg

United States Geological Survey (USGS) analysis of National Aeronautics & Space Administration (NASA) Airborne Visible/Infrared Imaging Spectrometer (AVIRIS) remote sensing data and interpretations show the distribution and intensity of thermal hot spots in the area in and around the World Trade Center on September 16 and 23, 2001. Hot spots show as orange and yellow areas. Dozens of hot spots are seen on September 16, but most had cooled and the fires had been put out by September 23. Why did the fuming at ground zero continue for years after this time? What can cause long-term fuming without generating significant heat?Source: http://pubs.usgs.gov/of/2001/ofr-01-0429/thermal.r09.html

Page 418: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

The southeast corner of the big bathtub again. Dust or smoke rises from the pile. The workers are wearing respirators, not simple dust masks, six months after 9/11. The dust or haze is very fine and does not settle out like regular dust would behind a vehicle on a dirt road. If AVIRIS thermal imaging shows that fires were out and temperatures were no longer hot by September 23rd 2001, why is the ground still fuming and being hosed down months later in March 2002?Source (Photo filed 3/15/02): http://drjudywood.com/articles/dirt/dirtpics/Image308.jpg

United States Geological Survey (USGS) analysis of National Aeronautics & Space Administration (NASA) Airborne Visible/Infrared Imaging Spectrometer (AVIRIS) remote sensing data and interpretations show the distribution and intensity of thermal hot spots in the area in and around the World Trade Center on September 16 and 23, 2001. Hot spots show as orange and yellow areas. Dozens of hot spots are seen on September 16, but most had cooled and the fires had been put out by September 23. Why did the fuming at ground zero continue for years after this time? What can cause long-term fuming without generating significant heat?Source: http://pubs.usgs.gov/of/2001/ofr-01-0429/thermal.r09.html

Page 419: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

Rapid rusting into the air? Does fire cause spontaneous, rapid rusting? This strange, rapid rusting was seen as early as the afternoon on 9/11, while WTC7 was still standing. (10/13/01 entered) Source: http://www.photolibrary.fema.gov/photodata/original/5446.jpg

Page 420: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

Notice the strange rust on the body of this firetruck. WTC7 is still standing in the background, revealing that this photo was taken early on 9/11 before the building was destroyed. Some areas have turned white, and the front bumper looks undamaged. Notice the astonishing vehicle damage which reaches the tire well, yet the tire is not melted. Why is there so much rust on this vehicle already, despite the fact that this photo was taken early in the day on 9/11? This strange, rapid rusting was seen as early as the afternoon on 9/11, while WTC7 was still standing. Source: http://wtcdata.nist.gov/gallery2/v/Collected+Materials/Organized+Photos+and+Video+Clips/Photos/

Page 421: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

Spontaneous, rapid rusting. What could have caused this? These soldiers appear to be interested in this phenomenon. Notice how most of the truck is relatively undamaged. This strange, rapid rusting was seen as early as the afternoon on 9/11, while WTC7 was still standing. Source: http://drjudywood.com/articles/dirt/dirtpics/004_NR.jpg

Page 422: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

More strange rust from 9/11, this time on a fire truck. Notice the sharp border between the rusted and non-rusted portions of the truck (closeupin next image). What could have caused this spontaneous, rapid rusting? This strange, rapid rusting was seen as early as the afternoon on 9/11, while WTC7 was still standing. (9/13?/01) Source: http://drjudywood.com/articles/dirt/dirtpics/rust1.jpg

Page 423: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

Closeup of the partially rusted firetruck from the last image. Notice the sharp border between the rusted and non-rusted portions of this fire truck. What could have caused this strange, rapid rusting? This strange, rapid rusting was seen as early as the afternoon on 9/11, while WTC7 was still standing. (9/12-13?/01) Source: http://drjudywood.com/articles/dirt/dirtpics/113_13.jpg

Page 424: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

September 16, 2001. Notice the bright orange rust on the metal pipes located in the top left corner of the image. Many other metal beams in this image show substantial rusting already, but the pipes are most noticeable. It appears that pipes either rusted a lot or not at all. This strange, rapid rusting was seen as early as the afternoon on 9/11, while WTC7 was still standing.(Photo by Andrea Booher/ FEMA, 9/16/01) Source:http://drjudywood.com/articles/dirt/dirtpics/5326.jpg +http://www.photolibrary.fema.gov/photodata/original/5326.jpg

Page 425: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

Closeup of upper left quadrant of previous (original) photo showing thoroughly rusted pipes. Notice how bright their orange color is. The colors in this image have not been altered. Many other metal beams in this image show substantial rusting already, but the pipes are most noticeable. It appears that pipes either rusted a lot or not at all. What could have caused this strange, rapid rusting? This strange, rapid rusting was seen as early as the afternoon on 9/11, while WTC7 was still standing. (Photo by Andrea Booher/ FEMA, 9/16/01) Source:http://drjudywood.com/articles/dirt/dirtpics/5326.jpg +http://www.photolibrary.fema.gov/photodata/original/5326.jpg

Page 426: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

October 9, 2001. The remains of WTC2 are on the right and the 2-3 floor remaining "stub" of WTC3 is on the left. Note the intense rust hanging off the top of the WTC3 stub. Also, there is an impressive amount of rust on the tops of the steel 'wheatchex' just below the flag on WTC2. This strange, rapid rusting was seen as early as the afternoon on 9/11, while WTC7 was still standing. (Photo by Andrea Booher/ FEMA, 10/09/01) Source:http://drjudywood.com/articles/dirt/dirtpics/4260.jpg &http://www.photolibrary.fema.gov/photodata/original/4260.jpg

Page 427: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

September 13, 2001. Why did so much of this steel rust in only two days? What could have caused this? This strange, rapid rusting was seen as early as the afternoon on 9/11, while WTC7 was still standing. (Photo by Andrea Booher/ FEMA, 9/13/01 entered) Source: http://www.photolibrary.fema.gov/photodata/original/3886.jpg

Page 428: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

The amount of rust on beams adjacent to the hole in WTC6 is impressive. In the background, the remains of WTC1 can be seen on the other side of WTC6. This strange, rapid rusting was seen as early as the afternoon on 9/11, while WTC7 was still standing.

Page 429: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

More strange rusted steel beams from ground zero. Note the very selective pattern of where the rust has formed, and where it has not. Strange, rapid rusting, occurred on certain metals around ground zero starting as early as midday on 9/11, before the last tower was destroyed. This strange, rapid rusting was seen as early as the afternoon on 9/11, while WTC7 was still standing. (after 9/11/01) Source: http://bocadigital.smugmug.com/photos/10697258-O.jpg

Page 430: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

Rusted, twisted steel beams from ground zero. This strange, rapid rusting was seen as early as the afternoon on 9/11, while WTC7 was still standing. (Photo from NIST, taken after 9/11/01) Source:http://wtc.nist.gov/images/wtcsteel_homepage.jpg

Page 431: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

Closeup of spontaneous, rapid rusting of WTC steel columns. Note that the rust is most severe near the warped areas of the beam. What could have caused this? Note the very selective pattern of where the rust has formed, and where it has not. Strange, rapid rusting, occurred on certain metals around ground zero starting as early as midday on 9/11, before the last tower was destroyed. This strange, rapid rusting was seen as early as the afternoon on 9/11, while WTC7 was still standing. (Photo from NIST) Source: http://wtcdata.nist.gov/gallery2/v/NIST+Materials+and+Data/Collected+Steel/Photos/

Page 432: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

This is the Bankers Trust building, which neighbored the WTC towers, being taken apart years after the 9/11 attacks occurred. The FEMA report (Fig6-10) confirms there were no fires in this building. This ongoing spontaneous rusting appears to be related to the deconstruction. What caused this? How many years at the bottom of the ocean would be required to cause such thorough rusting of steel? This strange, rapid rusting was seen as early as the afternoon on 9/11, while WTC7 was still standing. (01/?/07) Source: http://graphics8.nytimes.com/images/2007/08/16/nyregion/17bank_CA07.jpg

Page 433: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

This is the nearby Bankers Trust building. Notice the rusty steel beam? The building was damaged in the 9/11 attacks, but it was successfully repaired, until... Many months later, the building had to be renovated yet again, because the damage caused by this type of energy causes an ongoing atomic reaction, which is what produces the fuming and rusting. This has been demonstrated during The Hutchison Effect experiments.This is the Bankers Trust building, which neighbored the WTC towers, being taken apart years after the 9/11 attacks occurred. The FEMA report (Fig6-10) confirms there were no fires in this building. This ongoing spontaneous rusting appears to be related to the deconstruction. What caused this? How many years at the bottom of the ocean would be required to cause such thorough rusting of steel? This strange, rapid rusting was seen as early as the afternoon on 9/11, while WTC7 was still standing. (01/?/07) Source: http://graphics8.nytimes.com/images/2007/08/16/nyregion/17bank_CA07.jpg

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Stainless steel bar exhibiting spontaneous, rapid corrosion after being affected by directed energy in a laboratory setting; Hutchison Effect sample.Source: http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_SkyVfBO47ts/R1H3q9gnuYI/AAAAAAAAGzA/YDGuW1VWm9I/s1600-R/Picture%2B347.jpg

'The Hutchison Effect' has generated a large amount of parallel empirical evidence, that contributes to the large body of empirical evidence from 9/11. In other words, on top of all the empirical evidence directly from 9/11, there is also laboratory generated anomalies, using directed energy, that are strikingly similar to what we see at ground zero after 9/11. Perhaps these technologies are related in some way, perhaps they are not, but either way, these strong correlations are important and must be considered due to the numerous similarities between 'The Hutchison Effect' and what occurred on 9/11.

John Hutchison has submitted a sworn affidavit to the courts to legally testify to the validity of his informal research. See a copy of the official affadavithere (from his website): http://www.thehutchisoneffect.com/docs/AffJHutchison4.pdf

Lockheed Martin aerospace and weapons corporation is also interested in 'The Hutchison Effect'. Boyd Bushman, a Senior Scientist of Lockheed Martin, on The Hutchison Effect: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=57ZKTA7nx8U

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Stainless Steel exhibiting spontaneous, rapid corrosion, Hutchison Effect sample.(?/?/?) Source: http://hutchison2006.blogspot.com/2007/07/more.html

'The Hutchison Effect' has generated a large amount of parallel empirical evidence, that contributes to the large body of empirical evidence from 9/11. In other words, on top of all the empirical evidence directly from 9/11, there is also laboratory generated anomalies, using directed energy, that are strikingly similar to what we see at ground zero after 9/11. Perhaps these technologies are related in some way, perhaps they are not, but either way, these strong correlations are important and must be considered due to the numerous similarities between 'The Hutchison Effect' and what occurred on 9/11.

John Hutchison has submitted a sworn affidavit to the courts to legally testify to the validity of his informal research. See a copy of the official affadavithere (from his website): http://www.thehutchisoneffect.com/docs/AffJHutchison4.pdf

Lockheed Martin aerospace and weapons corporation is also interested in 'The Hutchison Effect'. Boyd Bushman, a Senior Scientist of Lockheed Martin, on The Hutchison Effect: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=57ZKTA7nx8U

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The four yellow dump trucks are heading south on West Street, toward the WTC complex. Each of the dump trucks carries a uniform load of what appears to be dirt.(9/27/01) Source: http://www.photolibrary.fema.gov/photodata/original/5644.jpg

Why were dump trucks continually bringing in dirt to ground zero after the attacks, then hauling it out a few days later? The dirt was spread all over ground zero to absorb the harmful fumes that were rising out of the debris.

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The four yellow dump trucks are heading south on West Street, toward the WTC complex. Each of the dump trucks carries a uniform load of what appears to be dirt.(9/27/01) Source: http://www.photolibrary.fema.gov/photodata/original/5644.jpg

Why were dump trucks continually bringing in dirt to ground zero after the attacks, then hauling it out a few days later? The dirt was spread all over ground zero to absorb the harmful fumes that were rising out of the debris.

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This large truck, headed south on Broadway St. near the WTC complex, appears to be hauling dirt. This intersection is a block east of Church and Vesey, and the top of the photo is west towards the WTC complex. Broadway is the street running horizontally through the center of the photo that the large truck is on. So, the big truck, which appears to be loaded down with landfill dirt, has driven south on Broadway, past the Vesey Street intersection. It didn't come to where it is from Vesey Street; there are no tracks on Vesey Street.(9/23/01) Source: (thought to be from NOAA)

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September 16th, 2001. There is dirt spread all over ground zero, but the dirt does not add much mass to the already small WTC "rubble pile". Notice the size of the rubble pile in comparison to the distinct WTC tower lobby columns. Also note the "toasted" appearance of the buildings in the background, despite the fact that they were not on fire.(Photo by Andrea Booher/ FEMA, 9/16/01) Source:http://www.photolibrary.fema.gov/photodata/original/3925.jpg

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October 15th, 2001. Why, more than two weeks later is the dirt pile in front of (the former) WTC3 bigger? The quantity of dirt in this area has significantly increased since September 16th. If AVIRIS thermal imaging shows that fires were out and temperatures were no longer hot by September 23rd 2001, why is the ground still fuming and being covered with more dirt?(Photo by Andrea Booher/ FEMA, 10/05/01) Source:http://www.photolibrary.fema.gov/photodata/original/5707.jpg

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More dirt at ground zero.Source: G&S Technologies

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Why would there be dirt sprinkled on top of the rubble pile? The dirt arrived quickly. Is this from a landfill?(Photo by Andrea Booher/ FEMA, 9/13/01) Source:http://www.photolibrary.fema.gov/photodata/original/3885.jpg

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More dirt and fuming at ground zero. Notice the orange, rusty steel beams in the background. If AVIRIS thermal imaging shows that fires were out and temperatures were no longer hot by September 23rd 2001, why is the ground still fuming and being covered with dirt?(Photo by Andrea Booher, FEMA, filed 10/28/01) Source: http://www.photolibrary.fema.gov/photodata/original/5508.jpg

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More dirt and fuming at ground zero. The ground is clearly moist, yet fumes persist. If AVIRIS thermal imaging shows that fires were out and temperatures were no longer hot by September 23rd 2001, why is the ground still fuming and being covered with dirt?(Photo by Andrea Booher, FEMA, filed 10/28/01) Source: http://www.photolibrary.fema.gov/photodata/original/5509.jpg

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Notice this new load of dirt, which looks like potting soil. What possible explanations you can think of? Landscaping? They appear to have dumped fresh dirt on top of the fuming dust in the "front yard" of WFC2. A week later, they appear to scoop it up and haul it back out, as shown in other photos.(Photo by Andrea Booher/ FEMA, 9/16/01) Source:http://www.photolibrary.fema.gov/photodata/original/5320.jpg

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Where did all that dirt come from that these workers are standing on? Notice their protective masks.(Photo by Andrea Booher/ FEMA, 9/16/01) Source:http://www.photolibrary.fema.gov/photodata/original/5327.jpg

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Why is there dirt evenly spread over the walking area? This was the WTC plaza level that was covered with cement blocks. Where did all this dirt come from?(Photo by Andrea Booher, FEMA, 9/13/01 entered) Source: http://www.photolibrary.fema.gov/photodata/original/5313.jpg

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The dust spread all over ground zero arrived early and often.(9/13/01 entered) Source: http://www.photolibrary.fema.gov/photodata/original/3881.jpg

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Ground zero was sprinkled with fresh dirt early and often.Photo by Andrea Booher/ FEMA, 9/15/01) Source:http://www.photolibrary.fema.gov/photodata/original/3914.jpg

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Ground zero was sprinkled with fresh dirt early and often.(Photo by Andrea Booher/ FEMA, 9/17/01) Source:http://www.photolibrary.fema.gov/photodata/original/3926.jpg

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Why would there be dirt sprinkled on top of the WTC plaza remains, above the basement? The dirt arrived quickly.(Photo by Andrea Booher/ FEMA, 9/13/01) Source:http://www.photolibrary.fema.gov/photodata/original/3878.jpg

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Why would there be dirt sprinkled on top of the WTC plaza remains, above the basement? The dirt arrived quickly.(Photo by Andrea Booher/ FEMA, 9/16/01) Source:http://www.photolibrary.fema.gov/photodata/original/5324.jpg

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The pedestrian walkway over West St., between WFC3 and WTC6, can be seen in the background. Firemen appear to be hosing down an SUV in front of the walkway. In the next two images, we see that a large amount of dirt gets dumped on the walkway remains. Why? Also notice the discoloration of the street pole on the left side of the image, as well as the thick layer of dust and unburntpaper strewn about.(9/11/01) Source: http://memory.loc.gov/service/pnp/ppmsca/02100/02149v.jpg

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This was the pedestrian walkway over West St., between WFC3 and WTC6 (see previous image), a few days after 9/11. Why does it have a huge amount of dirt on it? If this enormous amount of dirt had been contained in potted plants from the walkway, pedestrians would not have been able to get through. Why was dirt dumped on the walkway remains?(Photo by SFC Thomas R. Roberts/ NGB-PASE, 9/14/01) Source: http://www.photolibrary.fema.gov/photodata/original/3897.jpg

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Closeup of the pedestrian walkway over West St., between WFC3 and WTC6 (see previous images), a few days after 9/11. Why does it have a huge amount of dirt on it? If this enormous amount of dirt had been contained in potted plants from the walkway, pedestrians would not have been able to get through. Why was dirt dumped on the walkway remains?(Photo by SFC Thomas R. Roberts/ NGB-PASE, 9/14/01) Source: http://www.photolibrary.fema.gov/photodata/original/3901.jpg

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It looks strange to have this dirt dumped on the fire truck and in the fire truck. Why were the remains of this fire truck sprinkled with what looks like moist potting soil? Clearly it didn't suffer from an out-of-control fire in these places. The paint above the tire does not look heat affected.(Photo by Andrea Booher/ FEMA News Photo, 9/16/01) Source: http://www.photolibrary.fema.gov/photodata/original/5321.jpg

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Why is dirt sprinkled on top of the beams? Those pipes on the ground have a lot of rust, located near the center of photo, between the two guys in the foreground. If they were looking for human remains, why would they dump dirt on it?Source: Photo by Andrea Booher/ FEMA News Photo (9/16/01)

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Facing the front of WFC1, notice that most debris has been cleaned up from the street and front yard, except for paper and other small items. The windows have round holes in them. They are double-paned windows, but the two windows do not show the same damage. In some cases, the inner window is intact while the majority of the outer window is missing. The marble-facade around the doorway is completely missing. The remaining building facade does not appear damaged. A few days later, the front yard of WFC1 appears to have fresh dirt on it (next image). Why?(9/12-13?/01) Source: http://911wtc.freehostia.com/gallery/originalimages/0002.JPG

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A few days after 9/11, the front yard of WFC1 appears to have fresh dirt on it. Why? The windows have round holes in them. These are double-paned windows, but very often the two panes do not show the same damage. In some cases, the inner window is intact while the majority of the outer window is missing. The marble-facade around the doorway is completely missing. The remaining building facade does not appear damaged.(9/13-14?/01) Source: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v214/shadow-ace/sept%2011/aftermast25h.jpg

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Just over a week later, yellow bulldozers appear to be scooping up and removing all the dirt from the front yard of WFC1, located on the left side of the photo.(9/23/01) Source: http://www.hybrideb.com/images/newyork/overhead_hires.jpg

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This appears to be dirt being trucked away from the WTC complex. Why is so much dirt coming and going? The four trucks ahead of the green one carry a uniform load of what appears to be dirt.(Photo by Andrea Booher, FEMA, 10/13/01) Source:http://www.photolibrary.fema.gov/photodata/original/5450.jpg

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September 2007. "'As we got deeper and deeper there was a lot more rock that had to be blasted and broken up," he said. Officials said that the work on the 1,700-foot Freedom Tower is not affected by the problems at the Silverstein tower sites." So, why are they hauling dirt away from ground zero in September 2007? Where did the dirt come from and why is it needed? If AVIRIS thermal imaging shows that fires were out and temperatures were no longer hot by September 23rd 2001, why was ground zero still fuming and being covered with fresh dirt for years?(9/?/07) Source: http://www.panynj.gov/drp/images/gallery/wtcth/2007/09/slurrywallS03.jpgQuoted from article: (1/1/08) Source:http://www.newsday.com/news/local/newyork/ny-nywtc015521942jan01,0,6782587,print.story

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The MilleniumHilton building had round holes with a very strange apperance. Weeks after 9/11, the marble facade was removed from this building. Why?(9/1?/01) Source: http://hereisnewyork.org/jpegs/photos/1217.jpg

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If the marble facade on the MilleniumHilton building was intact after 9/11, why was it removed weeks later? Compare to the last photo.(9/21/01) Source: http://bocadigital.smugmug.com/photos/10698640-D.jpg

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Notice the odd breakage pattern in the windows of the Barkley Street building on the left. This is right behind WTC7. These are double-paned windows and some have only one of the panes broken.(Photo by Andrea Booher, FEMA, 9/13/01) Source:http://www.photolibrary.fema.gov/photodata/original/3889.jpg

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Notice the odd breakage pattern in the windows of the Barkley Street building on the left. This is right behind WTC7. These are double-paned windows and some have only one of the panes broken.Source: http://wtcdata.nist.gov/gallery2/v/Collected+Materials/Organized+Photos+and+Video+Clips/Photos/

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Notice the odd breakage pattern in the window glass. These are double-paned windows and some have only one of the panes broken.Source: http://wtcdata.nist.gov/gallery2/v/Collected+Materials/Organized+Photos+and+Video+Clips/Photos/

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Notice the odd breakage pattern in the window glass. These are double-paned windows and some have only one of the panes broken.Source: http://wtcdata.nist.gov/gallery2/v/Collected+Materials/Organized+Photos+and+Video+Clips/Photos/

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Notice the odd breakage pattern in the window glass. These are double-paned windows and some have only one of the panes broken.Source: http://wtcdata.nist.gov/gallery2/v/Collected+Materials/Organized+Photos+and+Video+Clips/Photos/

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Close up of round holes in windows of Barkley-street building after 9/11. Notice the odd breakage pattern. These are double-paned windows, but very often the two panes do not show the same damage. Some windows have only one pane broken.(9/?/01) Source: http://hereisnewyork.org/jpegs/photos/6647.jpg

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Notice the odd breakage pattern in the window glass. These are double-paned windows and some have only one of the panes broken.Source: http://wtcdata.nist.gov/gallery2/v/Collected+Materials/Organized+Photos+and+Video+Clips/Photos/

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Round holes in the Century 21 building near ground zero. Notice the odd breakage pattern in the window glass. These are double-paned windows and some have only one of the panes broken.(after 9/11/01) Source: http://hereisnewyork.org/jpegs/photos/1899.jpg

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Round holes through glass, looking out of the One Liberty Plaza Building over the remains of WTC4 and WTC5, with WFC2 in the distance, viewed through the farl-left window.(after 9/11/01) Source: http://bocadigital.smugmug.com/photos/10746124-D.jpg

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Round holes in WFC2

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The World Financial Center buildings (WFC) are on the west side of West Street, across from the WTC. The Winter Garden, between WFC2 and WFC3, was destroyed by steel debris. However, WFC2 suffered no structural damage to the facade, only blown windows. WFC3 suffered structural damage to the southeast corner, but no steel beams hit above approximately the 20th floor. Note the blown out windows at the WFC. There appears to be no other damage to the facade of WFC2 (building on left side of image).Source: http://www.hybrideb.com/source/eyewitness/groundzero/groundzero_06.jpg

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View from the WFC2 exercise room. Notice the virtually undamaged exercise equipment on what appears to be ground level inside WFC2. The windows are blown. This "dust" looks like fine talc, especially the dust seen on the window sill and on the panel of the exercise equipment closest to the camera.(Photo by Andrea Booher, FEMA, 9/16/01) Source:http://www.photolibrary.fema.gov/photodata/original/3918.jpg

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Notice the holes in the windows of Bankers Trust building.(9/24/01) Source: http://www.photolibrary.fema.gov/photodata/original/4158.jpg

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Notice the holes in the windows of Bankers Trust building.(9/24/01) Source: http://www.photolibrary.fema.gov/photodata/original/4158.jpg

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Notice the holes in the windows of Bankers Trust building.(Photo by Bri Rodriguez, FEMA, 9/27/01) Source:http://www.photolibrary.fema.gov/photodata/original/5681.jpg

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Notice the holes in the windows of Bankers Trust building.(9/27/01) Source: http://www.photolibrary.fema.gov/photodata/original/5681.jpg

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Notice the holes in the windows of Bankers Trust building.(9/21/01) Source: http://www.photolibrary.fema.gov/photodata/original/4019.jpg

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Notice the holes in the windows of Bankers Trust building.(9/21/01) Source: http://www.photolibrary.fema.gov/photodata/original/4019.jpg

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How glass typically breaks. Notice how different this pattern is from the round hole breakage pattern seen in buildings near ground zero.Source: http://www.aceclear.com/smashglass.jpg

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How glass typically breaks. Notice how different this pattern is from the round hole breakage pattern seen in buildings near ground zero.Source: http://blogs.zdnet.com/microsoft/images/broken-window.jpg

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How glass typically breaks. Notice how different this pattern is from the round hole breakage pattern seen in buildings near ground zero.Source: http://www.aceclear.com/thwarted.jpg

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How glass typically breaks. Notice how different this pattern is from the round hole breakage pattern seen in buildings near ground zero.Source: http://www.rjgeib.com/blog/media/broken-window.jpg

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How glass typically breaks. Notice how different this pattern is from the round hole breakage pattern seen in buildings near ground zero.Source: http://guielautoglass.liveonatt.com/images/broken.jpg

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How glass typically breaks. Notice how different this pattern is from the round hole breakage pattern seen in buildings near ground zero.Source: http://blogs.zdnet.com/microsoft/images/broken-window.jpg

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How glass typically breaks. Notice how different this pattern is from the round hole breakage pattern seen in buildings near ground zero.Source: http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/yeariniraq/art/synp.jpg

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SCOTT air-pak (photo lightened)Source: http://memory.loc.gov/service/pnp/ppmsca/02100/02121/0211v.jpg

..."There was a Deputy Chief's rig on fire that was extended to 113's rig. There was a big ambulance, like a rescue company truck, but it wasn't a rescue company truck. It was a huge ambulance. It must have had Scott bottles or oxygen bottles on it. These were going off. You would hear the air go SSS boom and they were exploding. So we stretched a line and tried to put that out. He could only use booster water."WORLD TRADE CENTER TASK FORCE, FIREFIGHTER PATRICK SULLIVAN INTERVIEW, p. 8. Source: http://graphics8.nytimes.com/packages/pdf/nyregion/20050812_WTC_GRAPHIC/9110235.PDF

..."I remember getting a drink of water out of their cooler there, and then we just started to put out the car fires, and the rigs were going, ambulances. I mean, there must have been 50 of these things burning heavily. The Scott cylinders and the oxygen cylinders were all letting go. They were all blowing up left and right."WORLD TRADE CENTER TASK FORCE, FIREFIGHTER TODD HEANEY INTERVIEW, p. 13. Source: http://graphics8.nytimes.com/packages/pdf/nyregion/20050812_WTC_GRAPHIC/9110255.PDF

Q. At this point was your vehicle lost?A. Basically all we to do is go around the building, came around. But it took longer than usual because you're walking in like this shit.Like you move and it's this soot like heavy dust.

While we're walking I realize that we only have two people. I see my vehicle. The seats are covered. I've still got my bag. I hold it like a trophy. Like people collect basketballs. I haven't touched -- whatever the force was, it was so strong that it went inside of the bag.

But we were there. Vehicle 219 was destroyed.

Q. Was it on fire?A. What?Q. Was it on fire?A. Fire? We saw the sucker blow up. We heard "Boom!" We were walking up Fulton Street. I don't know how far we made it up when someone says, "The building's coming down." By the time I realized, it's a repeat.WORLD TRADE CENTER TASK FORCE, EMT RENE DAVILA INTERVIEW, pp. 27-28. Source: http://graphics8.nytimes.com/packages/pdf/nyregion/20050812_WTC_GRAPHIC/9110075.PDF

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Timeline of significant events on 9/11.

9:26 a.m.: Rookie FAA Manager Bans All Take Offs Nationwide, Including Most Military Flights? MinetaAsserts He Issues Order Minutes Later

9:30 a.m.: United Flights Are Instructed to Land Immediately; American Follows Suit

9:45 a.m.: Senior FAA Manager, on His First Day on the Job, Orders All Planes Out of the Sky Nationwide

After 9:55 a.m.: Langley Fighters Receive Vague Order to Protect White House

10:31 a.m.: Military and Law Enforcement Flights Resume

10:31 a.m.: NEADS Does Not Pass Along NORAD Shootdown Order

Source: http://www.historycommons.org/timeline.jsp?timeline=complete_911_timeline&day_of_9%2F11=dayOf911&startpos=200

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The Directed Energy Professional Society (DEPS) was founded in 1999 to foster research and development of Directed Energy (DE) technology for national defense and civil applications. DEPS has members and sponsors from many of the leading private weapons/defense/security corporations in the USA, some of which are suspected to be involved in the 9/11 attacks.

DEPS Sponsors:http://www.deps.org/DEPSpages/sponsors.html

DEPS Team: http://www.deps.org/DEPSpages/DEPSteam.html

The National Institute for Standards and Technology (NIST) and many leading private weapons/defense/security corporations [e.g. Science Applications International Corp. (SAIC), Applied Research Associates (ARA), and many others] engaged in an enormous conflict of interest when NIST contracted these private corporations to conduct the fraudulent 9/11 “investigations” using our tax dollars (it's like paying a fox to guard your chickens). It is NIST and these private weapons/defense/security corporations, many of which are associated with the Directed Energy Professional Society (DEPS), that are the primary suspects for 9/11, not necessarily our government. At the very least, NIST and these suspect corporations are the groups we absolutely must bring to court for evidence-based interrogation and questioning.

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In Spring of 2010 during my (Dr. Abraham Hafiz Rodriguez) first year of medical school, I messaged Richard Gage of AE911Truth to ask him if he knew about the large sum of important physical evidence that Dr. Judy Wood has discovered, and as a result, I was silently banned from AE911Truth, despite the fact that I have donated over $100 dollars to Richard Gage and his organization over the course of my ~1 year membership. As of the morning of March 4th 2010, my name was removed from the AE911Truth petition and my profile was deleted, so it appears that my account has been fully banned from the group simply for sharing evidence with Richard Gage in one private email. It is important to point out that I did not post any information about Dr. Judy Wood in my AE911Truth profile. I had only recently discovered Dr. Judy Wood, and soon after that I decided to send Mr. Gage the single email to ask him for his opinion about the evidence Dr. Wood has discovered. The spontaneous banning of a well-behaved AE911Truth supporter and donor is very concerning to me, because I have not done anything wrong by asking Richard Gage if he is aware of the large sum of empirical evidence Dr. Judy Wood has gathered, yet AE911Truth has banned me simply for trying to help without ever replying to my email. Furthermore, soon after I began posting on internet blogs and forums about what AE911Truth had done to me, it was then that I finally received a reply, from AE911Truth 'Volunteer Coordinator' Mark Graham, offering me a refund of my past donations because an AE911Truth member had noticed I was publicly sharing my story.

If Mr. Gage was searching for the truth, then he would not be trying to deceive his supporters and the American people by claiming to present the best "scientific forensic evidence", only to completely ignore the large sum of scientific forensic evidence that thermite does not explain. If a scientist or researcher only presented the evidence that supports their hypothesis while completely ignoring the evidence that countered their hypothesis, they could be stripped of their professional license or degree for presenting such an unscientific and biased fraction of the total sum of important physical evidence that demands consideration. Below is the two-part video recording of when I later confronted Mr. Gage in Peoria, IL:

Richard Gage Questioned at AE911Truth Presentation (4/12/2011) by Abraham Hafiz Rodriguez (Part 1/2): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ir0vukXoWGU

Richard Gage Questioned at AE911Truth Presentation (4/12/2011) by Abraham Hafiz Rodriguez (Part 2/2): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D9VvSBwVT_A

When I confronted Mr. Gage in Peoria, I found it very concerning to see him implying and/or stating things such as, "I don't understand the NYC seismographic data, I've never studied it," and "I know that 1,400+ mangled cars cannot be explained [by thermite], I don't know what can explain that", and "I don't want to ask questions that will raise more questions, I [only] want to ask questions that will motivate people to ask for a new investigation", and "it's up to you [public] to do something with this evidence and act on it, because I am working 80 hours per week managing this organization and no attorney has stepped up yet" (I wonder if Richard Gage forgot about James Gourley, the legal attorney, supporter of AE911Truth and the Journal of 9/11 Studies, and the Executive Director of the International Center for 9/11 Studies?), and other related statements.

Mr. Gage also lied to his audience during my confrontation, stating that I had posted information about Dr. Judy Wood in my AE911Truth profile, and this is untrue. I had only recently found out about Dr. Judy Wood, and shortly after was when I sent Mr. Gage the one and only email that resulted in the silent banning of my account. I never even tried to post any information in my AE911Truth profile about Dr. Judy Wood, or the large body of empirical evidence from 9/11 that she has assembled, yet Mr. Gage told his audience that my profile was "censored" for posting "confusing information" in it. It is a blatant lie to claim that I posted such information in my profile, because I never did. Another blatant lie is the idea that my profile were merely "censored", when in fact my entire account was banned and my name was removed from the AE911Truth petition. These are blatant lies, but this dishonesty is still not as important as the large body of empirical evidence from 9/11, so please do not let this information distract you from the empirical evidence.

Why is Mr. Gage ignoring so much important evidence? Why is Mr. Gage promoting an unscientific, discrediting theory that does not come close to explaining all of the evidence from 9/11? Why did Mr. Gage silently delete my AE911Truth account simply for asking about evidence in an email, and then lie to his audience about it? There is only a small amount of weak evidence, mostly personal testimony, which suggests that thermite or explosives were used on 9/11. In contrast, there is a very large, robust body of both empirical and testimonial evidence suggesting that explosives were not used on 9/11. Most importantly, the large body of empirical evidence from 9/11 can be explained by one thing, and one thing only, a general class of weaponry known as 'directed energy weapons' (DEW).

You can read more about my story and see the actual email from AE911Truth's Mark Graham at this link: http://www.checktheevidence.co.uk/cms/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=280&Itemid=60

Page 494: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

This is a small, partial list of the 9/11 "Truth" forums which have banned me or removed posts of mine just for discussing the evidence Dr. Judy Wood has gathered. It seems these groups are more interested in pushing the "explosives did it" story rather than discussing evidence. Explosives do not explain the evidence, so why are they pushing the explosives-only theory while censoring all the evidence which must be explained? These forums are obviously corrupt, as any real "truth" group would be interested in discussing the evidence, rather than censoring it. For example:

In Spring of 2010 during my (Dr. Abraham Hafiz Rodriguez) first year of medical school, I messaged Richard Gage of AE911Truth to ask him if he knew about the large sum of important physical evidence that Dr. Judy Wood has discovered, and as a result, I was silently banned from AE911Truth, despite the fact that I have donated over $100 dollars to Richard Gage and his organization over the course of my ~1 year membership. As of the morning of March 4th 2010, my name was removed from the AE911Truth petition and my profile was deleted, so it appears that my account has been fully banned from the group simply for sharing evidence with Richard Gage in one private email. It is important to point out that I did not post any information about Dr. Judy Wood in my AE911Truth profile. I had only recently discovered Dr. Judy Wood, and soon after that I decided to send Mr. Gage the single email to ask him for his opinion about the evidence Dr. Wood has discovered. The spontaneous banning of a well-behaved AE911Truth supporter and donor is very concerning to me, because I have not done anything wrong by asking Richard Gage if he is aware of the large sum of empirical evidence Dr. Judy Wood has gathered, yet AE911Truth has banned me simply for trying to help without ever replying to my email. Furthermore, soon after I began posting on internet blogs and forums about what AE911Truth had done to me, it was then that I finally received a reply, from AE911Truth 'Volunteer Coordinator' Mark Graham, offering me a refund of my past donations because an AE911Truth member had noticed I was publicly sharing my story.

If Mr. Gage was searching for the truth, then he would not be trying to deceive his supporters and the American people by claiming to present the best "scientific forensic evidence", only to completely ignore the large sum of scientific forensic evidence that thermite does not explain. If a scientist or researcher only presented the evidence that supports their hypothesis while completely ignoring the evidence that countered their hypothesis, they could be stripped of their professional license or degree for presenting such an unscientific and biased fraction of the total sum of important physical evidence that demands consideration. Below is the two-part video recording of when I later confronted Mr. Gage in Peoria, IL:

Richard Gage Questioned at AE911Truth Presentation (4/12/2011) by Abraham Hafiz Rodriguez (Part 1/2): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ir0vukXoWGU

Richard Gage Questioned at AE911Truth Presentation (4/12/2011) by Abraham Hafiz Rodriguez (Part 2/2): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D9VvSBwVT_A

When I confronted Mr. Gage in Peoria, I found it very concerning to see him implying and/or stating things such as, "I don't understand the NYC seismographic data, I've never studied it," and "I know that 1,400+ mangled cars cannot be explained [by thermite], I don't know what can explain that", and "I don't want to ask questions that will raise more questions, I [only] want to ask questions that will motivate people to ask for a new investigation", and "it's up to you [public] to do something with this evidence and act on it, because I am working 80 hours per week managing this organization and no attorney has stepped up yet" (I wonder if Richard Gage forgot about James Gourley, the legal attorney, supporter of AE911Truth and the Journal of 9/11 Studies, and the Executive Director of the International Center for 9/11 Studies?), and other related statements.

Mr. Gage also lied to his audience during my confrontation, stating that I had posted information about Dr. Judy Wood in my AE911Truth profile, and this is untrue. I had only recently found out about Dr. Judy Wood, and shortly after was when I sent Mr. Gage the one and only email that resulted in the silent banning of my account. I never even tried to post any information in my AE911Truth profile about Dr. Judy Wood, or the large body of empirical evidence from 9/11 that she has assembled, yet Mr. Gage told his audience that my profile was "censored" for posting "confusing information" in it. It is a blatant lie to claim that I posted such information in my profile, because I never did. Another blatant lie is the idea that my profile were merely "censored", when in fact my entire account was banned and my name was removed from the AE911Truth petition. These are blatant lies, but this dishonesty is still not as important as the large body of empirical evidence from 9/11, so please do not let this information distract you from the empirical evidence.

Why is Mr. Gage ignoring so much important evidence? Why is Mr. Gage promoting an unscientific, discrediting theory that does not come close to explaining all of the evidence from 9/11? Why did Mr. Gage silently delete my AE911Truth account simply for asking about evidence in an email, and then lie to his audience about it? There is only a small amount of weak evidence, mostly personal testimony, which suggests that thermite or explosives were used on 9/11. In contrast, there is a very large, robust body of both empirical and testimonial evidence suggesting that explosives were not used on 9/11. Most importantly, the large body of empirical evidence from 9/11 can be explained by one thing, and one thing only, a general class of weaponry known as 'directed energy weapons' (DEW).

You can read more about my story and see the actual email from AE911Truth's Mark Graham at this link: http://www.checktheevidence.co.uk/cms/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=280&Itemid=60

Page 495: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

This is a screenshot of the Wikipedia page I created to help spread the word about the evidence Dr. Judy Wood has gathered, before it was deleted (it was deleted within 12 hours of its creation).

Why was I quickly censored when I tried to create a Dr. Judy Wood Wikipedia page using her long list of 20+ peer-reviewed engineering publications? Why was I quickly censored when I tried to add Dr. Judy Wood’s name and website to the ‘9/11 Truth Movement’ Wikipedia page? How come David Ray Griffin and other less-qualified researchers are mentioned multiple times on the page, yet I wasn't even allowed to add one sentence about Dr. Judy Wood? When I tried to appeal the decision, a small group of moderators controlled the discussion and told me that if I appealed it again my account would be locked. According to Wikipedia policy, deletion-appeal discussions are to remain open for public comment and review for 5-7 days before a final decision is made, but my appeal was given a final decision by a small group of rude admins within 12 hours of the onset of my appeal, and the discussion was prematurely closed. After some research, I realized this was a violation of Wikipedia's policy, so I appealed it again, and my account was locked as a result. Below is an odd comment that one of the opposing moderators made to me in a private chat after my Dr. Judy Wood article was deleted:

“I would give Judy Woods a rest, seriously. Your own credibility over the topic has put her and you on the radar of a number of people and even if you came up with really good references from the NYTimes or Bloomberg you wouldn't be able to create the article anyways - the name is has [sic] been blocked for a while. If you really want to pursue it then I'd suggest creating a private page of your own to develop it. Nobody would fiddle with it and you can craft it until its acceptable. I could help you there. But the comments of the others are still very valid.--Hooperbloob (talk) 03:46, 10 April 2010 (UTC)”

You can read all the details and see actual screen shots of my Wikipedia incident here: http://www.checktheevidence.co.uk/cms/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=283&Itemid=60

Page 496: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

This is a screen shot showing the Wikipedia page I had created about Dr. Judy Wood, shortly after it was deleted (it was deleted within 12 hours of being created).

Why was I quickly censored when I tried to create a Dr. Judy Wood Wikipedia page using her long list of 20+ peer-reviewed engineering publications? Why was I quickly censored when I tried to add Dr. Judy Wood’s name and website to the ‘9/11 Truth Movement’ Wikipedia page? How come David Ray Griffin and other less-qualified researchers are mentioned multiple times on the page, yet I wasn't even allowed to add one sentence about Dr. Judy Wood? When I tried to appeal the decision, a small group of moderators controlled the discussion and told me that if I appealed it again my account would be locked. According to Wikipedia policy, deletion-appeal discussions are to remain open for public comment and review for 5-7 days before a final decision is made, but my appeal was given a final decision by a small group of rude admins within 12 hours of the onset of my appeal, and the discussion was prematurely closed. After some research, I realized this was a violation of Wikipedia's policy, so I appealed it again, and my account was locked as a result. Below is an odd comment that one of the opposing moderators made to me in a private chat after my Dr. Judy Wood article was deleted:

“I would give Judy Woods a rest, seriously. Your own credibility over the topic has put her and you on the radar of a number of people and even if you came up with really good references from the NYTimes or Bloomberg you wouldn't be able to create the article anyways - the name is has [sic] been blocked for a while. If you really want to pursue it then I'd suggest creating a private page of your own to develop it. Nobody would fiddle with it and you can craft it until its acceptable. I could help you there. But the comments of the others are still very valid.--Hooperbloob (talk) 03:46, 10 April 2010 (UTC)”

You can read all the details and see actual screen shots of my Wikipedia incident here: http://www.checktheevidence.co.uk/cms/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=283&Itemid=60

Page 497: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

Here is a screen shot showing that my account was blocked / locked by a small group of Wikipedia admins just for trying to appeal their decision to unfairly delete / censor the page I had created to spread awareness regarding Dr. Judy Wood.

Why was I quickly censored when I tried to create a Dr. Judy Wood Wikipedia page using her long list of 20+ peer-reviewed engineering publications? Why was I quickly censored when I tried to add Dr. Judy Wood’s name and website to the ‘9/11 Truth Movement’ Wikipedia page? How come David Ray Griffin and other less-qualified researchers are mentioned multiple times on the page, yet I wasn't even allowed to add one sentence about Dr. Judy Wood? When I tried to appeal the decision, a small group of moderators controlled the discussion and told me that if I appealed it again my account would be locked. According to Wikipedia policy, deletion-appeal discussions are to remain open for public comment and review for 5-7 days before a final decision is made, but my appeal was given a final decision by a small group of rude admins within 12 hours of the onset of my appeal, and the discussion was prematurely closed. After some research, I realized this was a violation of Wikipedia's policy, so I appealed it again, and my account was locked as a result. Below is an odd comment that one of the opposing moderators made to me in a private chat after my Dr. Judy Wood article was deleted:

“I would give Judy Woods a rest, seriously. Your own credibility over the topic has put her and you on the radar of a number of people and even if you came up with really good references from the NYTimes or Bloomberg you wouldn't be able to create the article anyways - the name is has [sic] been blocked for a while. If you really want to pursue it then I'd suggest creating a private page of your own to develop it. Nobody would fiddle with it and you can craft it until its acceptable. I could help you there. But the comments of the others are still very valid.--Hooperbloob (talk) 03:46, 10 April 2010 (UTC)”

You can read all the details and see actual screen shots of my Wikipedia incident here: http://www.checktheevidence.co.uk/cms/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=283&Itemid=60

Page 498: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

U.S. Army Major Doug Rokke (ret.) spontaneously contacted me on March 4th, 2010 and tried to convince me that only nano-thermite or other explosives were used on 9/11, but NOT directed energy weapons. He tried to convince me that directed energy weapons do not exist (other than lasers), despite the fact that easily verifiable physical evidence shows they are currently being used by our military and that they were used on 9/11. He refused to meet with me in public, but repeatedly insisted that I come meet him at his private dwelling just outside of Urbana-Champaign, IL.He contacted me shortly after I began raising awareness about Dr. Judy Wood and the thousands of photos, graphs, videos, and documents she has gathered, which conclusively show that directed energy weapons were used on 9/11. Despite my desire to meet in a public place, he repeatedly insisted that we meet in “private” at his home outside of town, so he could “show me something” related to proving that nano-thermite and other explosives were used on the WTC buildings, but not directed energy weapons.

I chose not to meet with him for several reasons, not only because whatever he wanted to show me in private he should have been able to show me in public, but also because after I had done some quick research, I had some other major concerns about the situation. Here is why:

First, I asked Dr. Judy Wood about him, and it turns out he is trying to discredit her and the enormous amount of evidence she has gathered. Major Rokke attended one of Dr. Judy Wood’s “New Hiroshima” presentations in Madison, WI, and he sat front and center and tried to disrupt her, interrupt her, and constantly yelled unprofessional statements throughout her lecture to try and discredit her. This is another reason why I chose not to meet with him.

Yet another reason why I chose not to meet with him is because I contacted one of my academic deans to share what had happened, and she informed me that Major Rokkewas actually fired from the University of Illinois a long time ago for lying by claiming he was a professor, when in fact he was not. It concerned me that Mr. Rokke had claimed that he 'retired' from the University of Illinois during our email exchange, when in fact, he was actually fired. It turns out that Major Rokke has a long history of lying and deceitfulness, so my dean strongly suggested that I do not meet with him as well, and she had already began making calls about him before I had left her office.

If you would like proof of my email exchange with Major Rokke, please email me at pookzta[at]gmail[dot]com and I will forward copies of the emails to you.

Although the incident was very suspicious, it was not until my next encounter that I realized what was going on. A few weeks after my encounter with Major Rokke...

Soviet Nuclear Intelligence Officer Dimitri Khalezov (ret.) contacted me and tried to convince me that underground nuclear devices were what turned the WTC buildings to dust, but NOT directed energy weapons. He claimed that Dr. Wood is 'wrong' in her conclusion, yet he could not provide any proof to back up his claim when I asked. He requested that I watch his 4-5 hour "WTC nuclear demolition" presentation, promising me that it was full of evidence I needed to consider. I agreed and watched his presentation, only to discover that a majority of the video was him making unsubstantiated claims and expecting the viewer to accept them as fact based solely on his 'expert testimony', without providing physical evidence. Considering that explosives of any kind do not explain the thousands of photos, graphs, videos, and documents Dr. Judy Wood has gathered, Mr. Khalezov's unscientific 'expert testimony' turned out to be much more like propaganda than a presentation of evidence. If you are interested, you can see some of the text from my exchange with Mr. Khalezovhere: http://www.checktheevidence.co.uk/cms/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=290&Itemid=60 I find it very odd that two high-ranking retired military officers spontaneously contacted me to try and convince me that only explosives (thermite or nukes) were used on 9/11, and that Dr. Judy Wood's conclusion (the only conclusion which explains ALL the evidence) is wrong, yet they couldn't even provide physical evidence to back up their claims...

...I also wonder why these high-ranking retired military officials have randomly contacted me, an insignificant medical student, when they should be contacting members of Congress and other high-ranking members of our government with their concerns…

Page 499: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

U.S. Army Major Doug Rokke (ret.) spontaneously contacted me on March 4th, 2010 and tried to convince me that only nano-thermite or other explosives were used on 9/11, but NOT directed energy weapons. He tried to convince me that directed energy weapons do not exist (other than lasers), despite the fact that easily verifiable physical evidence shows they are currently being used by our military and that they were used on 9/11. He refused to meet with me in public, but repeatedly insisted that I come meet him at his private dwelling just outside of Urbana-Champaign, IL.He contacted me shortly after I began raising awareness about Dr. Judy Wood and the thousands of photos, graphs, videos, and documents she has gathered, which conclusively show that directed energy weapons were used on 9/11. Despite my desire to meet in a public place, he repeatedly insisted that we meet in “private” at his home outside of town, so he could “show me something” related to proving that nano-thermite and other explosives were used on the WTC buildings, but not directed energy weapons.

I chose not to meet with him for several reasons, not only because whatever he wanted to show me in private he should have been able to show me in public, but also because after I had done some quick research, I had some other major concerns about the situation. Here is why:

First, I asked Dr. Judy Wood about him, and it turns out he is trying to discredit her and the enormous amount of evidence she has gathered. Major Rokke attended one of Dr. Judy Wood’s “New Hiroshima” presentations in Madison, WI, and he sat front and center and tried to disrupt her, interrupt her, and constantly yelled unprofessional statements throughout her lecture to try and discredit her. This is another reason why I chose not to meet with him.

Yet another reason why I chose not to meet with him is because I contacted one of my academic deans to share what had happened, and she informed me that Major Rokkewas actually fired from the University of Illinois a long time ago for lying by claiming he was a professor, when in fact he was not. It concerned me that Mr. Rokke had claimed that he 'retired' from the University of Illinois during our email exchange, when in fact, he was actually fired. It turns out that Major Rokke has a long history of lying and deceitfulness, so my dean strongly suggested that I do not meet with him as well, and she had already began making calls about him before I had left her office.

If you would like proof of my email exchange with Major Rokke, please email me at pookzta[at]gmail[dot]com and I will forward copies of the emails to you.

Although the incident was very suspicious, it was not until my next encounter that I realized what was going on. A few weeks after my encounter with Major Rokke...

Soviet Nuclear Intelligence Officer Dimitri Khalezov (ret.) contacted me and tried to convince me that underground nuclear devices were what turned the WTC buildings to dust, but NOT directed energy weapons. He claimed that Dr. Wood is 'wrong' in her conclusion, yet he could not provide any proof to back up his claim when I asked. He requested that I watch his 4-5 hour "WTC nuclear demolition" presentation, promising me that it was full of evidence I needed to consider. I agreed and watched his presentation, only to discover that a majority of the video was him making unsubstantiated claims and expecting the viewer to accept them as fact based solely on his 'expert testimony', without providing physical evidence. Considering that explosives of any kind do not explain the thousands of photos, graphs, videos, and documents Dr. Judy Wood has gathered, Mr. Khalezov's unscientific 'expert testimony' turned out to be much more like propaganda than a presentation of evidence. If you are interested, you can see some of the text from my exchange with Mr. Khalezovhere: http://www.checktheevidence.co.uk/cms/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=290&Itemid=60 I find it very odd that two high-ranking retired military officers spontaneously contacted me to try and convince me that only explosives (thermite or nukes) were used on 9/11, and that Dr. Judy Wood's conclusion (the only conclusion which explains ALL the evidence) is wrong, yet they couldn't even provide physical evidence to back up their claims...

...I also wonder why these high-ranking retired military officials have randomly contacted me, an insignificant medical student, when they should be contacting members of Congress and other high-ranking members of our government with their concerns...

Page 500: 9/11 & Directed Energy Technology

Dear World,

This is a very big deal. In fact, this is a very, very big deal. Humankind has made a major scientific discovery by learning to manipulate matter using directed energy in a new and extremely powerful way. This is one of the most important scientific discoveries since the nuclear fission technology that was used to create the atomic bomb.

I hope you are brave enough to consider my words with an open mind, and to not look negatively upon me for my attempts to make our world a better place. I must stress to you that despite the negative connotations associated with the tragedy of the 9/11 attacks, you may someday agree with me that 9/11 is one of the primary reasons that immensely positive changes and increasing levels of citizen activism are sweeping across our planet at a more rapid pace than ever before. To better understand my intention in sharing this information, please consider the following words from Martin Luther King, Jr.

"Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter." Martin Luther King Jr. (I Have a Dream: Writings and Speeches That Changed the World)

9/11 is irrefutable proof that highly advanced forms of energy technology, such as those discovered and inspired by the great Nikola Tesla, do indeed exist and could be providing our entire planet with a breakthrough form of energy technology, right now. 9/11 is irrefutable proof that countless lives and resources have been wasted on wars of death and destruction, all as a result of an extremely inaccurate, unscientific story, when these precious lives and resources could instead be used to improve our beautiful country and planet. Most importantly, 9/11 is irrefutable proof that each and every one of us is capable of seeing right through the dishonesty and deception by thinking critically and studying the available facts for ourselves, which is a self-empowering and life-transforming fact. The large body of empirical evidence from 9/11, gathered and assembled by materials science engineer Dr. Judy Wood PhD, is conclusive and irrefutable, so one only needs to study it in detail to prove this beyond any reasonable doubt, no theorizing or speculation are necessary.

Please study the publicly available, verifiable evidence from 9/11, including University of Alaska magnetometer data, Columbia University NYC seismographic data, United States Geological Survey (USGS) dust analysis, National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) AVIRIS thermal imaging, National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) AVIRIS dust and iron (ferrous/ferric) spectrometer imaging, WTC1 & 2 steel turning to dust in midair, WTC1 'lathering up', WTC7 'lathering up', WTC2 'sillystring' trails, WTC1 & 2 minimal seismic impact, WTC7 minimal seismic impact, WTC lack of P-wave seismic signal, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) verified Hurricane Erin (category 3), WTC1 & 2 rapid speed of destruction, WTC1 & 2 top-down direction of destruction, WTC7 'free fall' destruction, disappearance of most of WTC4, vertical cylindrical holes in surrounding WTC buildings, relative lack of rubble compared to explosive controlled demolitions, lack of major damage to surrounding non-WTC buildings other than Bankers Trust, rapid spontaneous rusting of metals, Bankers Trust rapid spontaneous rusting, Bankers Trust warped metal beams, 1400+ 'toasted' and warped cars up to 1/2 mile away, numerous flipped cars, spontaneous 'weird' fires, ground zero fuming for years without high heat, truck loads of fresh dirt being hauled in and out of ground zero for years, numerous unharmed survivors in WTC stairwells, mostly undamaged WTC shopping mall, mostly undamaged PATH trains, mostly undamaged WTC 'Bathtub' foundation, presence of dust 'fuzzballs', strange round window holes, shriveled steel beams, strangely curved steel beams, wavy steel beams, vertical axis 'rolling up' of steel beams, thinning of steel beams, holes in steel beams, objects fusing with unburned paper, missing file cabinets, missing office machinery, missing office furniture, missing toilets, missing door knobs, lack of high heat, cool temperature of WTC dust, unburned paper, unburned clothing, unburned pedestrians, elevated levels of tritium, lack of ionizing radiation, glowing and molten materials, spontaneous explosion of Scott air tanks, numerous similarities between 'The Hutchison Effect' and phenomena observed at ground zero, and much more.

This table briefly summarizes and compares the various explanations that attempt to address the large body of empirical evidence from 9/11 (table from Dr. Judy Wood's presentation at the 2012 'Breakthrough Energy Movement' conference in Holland).


Source: http://drjudywood.com/ & http://vimeo.com/57923364

Thanks to communication technology and passionate activism that are currently spreading throughout our world, this is the best chance we have ever had in all of history to escape this dishonesty and corruption, so we may create a magnificent future guided by truth, justice, freedom, peace, and love, for our children and all future generations. With all of my heart, I request that you please study the large body of empirical evidence from 9/11 in great detail, for our entire planet and everything on it will benefit if you do.









Abraham Hafiz Rodriguez, M.D.

PGY2 Neurological Surgery

B.S. Biology/Neurobiology