9.28.12 classwork friday

Christy Samira Leon Kareena Philicia Ayanna Lilah Remy Donovan Michael Yamilee Jessica Leslie Jose Carlos Bryan Ricardo Alexis David Jordan Alejandra Kathy Diana Ixza Emily Jaileen Jeffrey Friday September 28, 2012 Pretend that you are a dog that belongs to the president of the United States. Describe your typical day. Edward Adrianette

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  1. 1. Pretend that you are a dog that belongs to thepresident of the United States. Describe your typicalday.JoseFridayBryanSeptember 28, 2012 Adrianette Leslie Emily Christy PhiliciaAyannaDonovan Ricardo Ixza Samira DavidJessica Leon Diana AlexisMichael Remy Alejandra Jordan Yamilee Kathy KareenaLilahJaileenJeffreyCarlos Edward
  2. 2. Morning WritingImagine that youtake a sip of yourfriends drink andsomething strangebegins to happen.Write about whathappens next.
  3. 3. Reading Jobs In Space (p. 92)Context CluesDescriptions orexplanations can beContext Clues that willhelp you figure out themeaning of unfamiliarwords. Sometimes you canWhat is a Summary?find these clues if you keep A summary is a short statementreading until the end of a of the most important ideas or TAP TO REVEALsentence or paragraph. information in a selection.
  4. 4. Main Ideas Main Ideas Main Ideas Astronaut pilotsAstronaut pilotsand mission control and specialists work direct the for NASA and Educatorspace shuttle. train in specialastronauts areMission settings. teachers whospecialists runPayloadtravel in space.tests and takespecialists arecare ofin charge ofequipment. specialprojects.Summary Astronauts do many kinds of jobs.
  5. 5. Reading Ultimate Field Trip 5 (p. 94)GenreNonfiction gives facts about realpeople, living things, places, orevents.Generate QuestionsSummarizeAs you read, use your SummaryChart.Read to Find OutHow do astronauts prepare forspace travel?
  6. 6. Main IdeasMain Ideas Main IdeasThe camperssaw different kinds of machines that real astronauts use to train forspace travel.They were beingused by otherteams.Summary
  7. 7. x2 2x1=2 2 x 6 = 12 2x2=4 2 x 7 = 14 2x3=6 2 x 8 = 16 2x4=8 2 x 9 = 182 x 5 = 102 x 10 = 20
  8. 8. Math Prime Factorization (p. 81) factor: numbers that aremultiplied together. prime number: 1 and thenumber itself. composite number:whole number that hasmore than two factors. Factoring a whole number into its primeWhat is Prime Factorization? factors.
  9. 9. Spelling Word Sort1. heart 11. barge2. swear 12. thorn3. aboard13. marsh4. squares 14. force5. swore 15. harsh6. chart 16. scarce7. scorn 17. coarse8. starch18. flare9. source19. course10. fare 20. sword
  10. 10. ELA Combining Sentences: Nouns (p. 104) FeetRULES Inch examplesSentences with similarmeainformation about two Feetdifferent nouns may beof mcombined.ThinkandWrite Nouns In your writing book,Use the conjunction and or explain how joiningor to join nouns in anouns to combine similar sentencessentence.can make your writing more interesting.
  11. 11. One Page EssayWrite about why it is important tofollow classroom rules. Why is itimportant to care for school property?If you were in charge of the SMARTResponse clickers, how would youdistribute them? What are some waysyou would care for them.
  12. 12. D.E.A.R. Time
  13. 13. Scholastic Code JYYWZ
  14. 14. Homework Summary Friday, September 28, 2012"No Homework Friday!"Math Study for quiz on MondayScholastic Monday is the last day to bring your money
  15. 15. Range: Mode:Median: Mean:Reward10 Pizza Party89 Wheel of Fun7 Spelling6 BrainPOP45 Silent Snack23 Class Work1 No Snack
  16. 16. Today is first day of school. Imagine that you have justanonymously received the perfect gift. Write about whatit is and how you will figure out who gave it to you.Wednesday September 5, 2012 Emily AyannaBryanJaileenChristy LeslieJose EdwardPhilicia SamiraIxza RicardoLeon JessicaAlexisMichaelDavidDonovan JordanKareenaLilah Yamilee Remy Kathy Alejandra DianaCarlos Jeffrey Adrianette
  17. 17. Attachments 1314158