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JobLog Usman Kulasi, Amar Gudka, Toby Oestel, Ewan Sleath

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Post on 21-Nov-2014




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Apps for Good Competition Entry


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Usman Kulasi, Amar Gudka, Toby Oestel, Ewan Sleath

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Status• Our app is aimed at teenage students

• Students are looking for work experience and internships

• Mostly during year 10, however, we also plan to help those who wish to partake in internships during their holidays

• People who use our app will still be in education and majority of their time will be divided by school, home and recreation

• Quality, fulfilling work experience is hard to find and interferes with studying for exams


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The BIG Problem

As a busy student that is unlikely to have much spare time between school and

recreation you are unable to: devote time to finding work experience that will help

your future career prospects


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The Question

How can students find profitable work experience without losing track of their studies?


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What problem are we solving?

• You can find companies in your preferred field easily

• You can access and apply to work experience effortlessly

• You can see previous users reviews on a particular company, what there time was like etc.


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Elevator Pitch


JobLog is a safe, user-friendly web app that allows students to efficiently search for work experience that applies to their future career prospects. The intuitive user interface that we have designed allows our users to easily manage their offers online. Companies can apply to our system to advertise their offers of work experience.

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User Profiles• Person 1 – Bob is a year 11 student that is preparing for his GCSE’s. He

hopes to have a successful career in programming. He would like to become a game engineer and developer. During year 10, he worked as an assistant at his old primary school. He regrets that he never had the time to look for an opportunity where he could learn about the field he wanted to work in one day and says that if JobLog had been created, he probably would of found a chance to work somewhere that would benefit his career prospects.

• Person 2 – Jack is a year 10 student that very recently finished work experience. He wishes to be a journalist and was thrilled when he was offered a chance to work for the Guardian Newspaper. However, he spent his two weeks doing the dishes and bringing coffee to the existing staff. If JobLog had been previously created, he would’ve known before what he would be doing whilst working for The Guardian.


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Competitors• After much research, we have discovered that

all the existing work experience websites aim at helping graduate/gap year students as well as paid apprenticeships

• Any existing application that gives work experience advice, ONLY GIVES ADVICE. There is no existing platform for companies to advertise work experience for YOUNG people


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Core FeaturesThe app has one core feature and that is it’s ability to search for work experience placements and apply for them

The intuitive UI allows students to easily access the information at hand

MVP User StoriesHamad (YR10) – I found the MVP to be very functional. The app’s core features are all you really need. After using the MVP, I imagine that the fully completed product would be far more useful and helpful.Joseph (YR9) – The MVP for JobLog was immersive and intuitive. The platform of JobLog is unlike any other and the product itself is simple and effective.


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User feedback stated that each stage of the process flowed well and was easy to use. It is simple and effective.


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FeasibilityAs a team, we have learnt that data is essential in order to produce a feasible product. In order for the app to work, we needed relevant data from our users without their privacy feeling violated. We found that a typical user is less likely to sign up for something if private information is a requirement. Therefore, we decided that the app would communicate with users on a email + notification basis.

Content does not apply to our app at the moment because we need to be fully functional before companies can be listed on the product.

We have learnt that we will need to use GPS mapping and notification features in order for the app to be technically feasible.


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Business Model, Pledges

If someone successfully finds a work experience placement through our app, they will be charged a small fee (around £1.50 - £2.00) in order to bring in revenue. We will also charge for companies that want to place their advertisement on our site, a fee that is entirely dependent on how much they advertise and if they successfully find applicants. Our customer base is young people, from Year 10 to university students looking for summer internships.

We have received a multitude of pledges from students who would make full use of a platform like JobLog if it materialises. The number of pledges was 32, however we did not have the chance to ask as many people as we would have hoped.


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Marketing Activities

Social Media – We could build profiles on Facebook, Twitter etc. and monitor our presence, respond to comments and show that we are listening.

School Promotion – We could presentations for older students showing them the app and how useful it could be for them.

SEO – Search engine optimisation – We could write useful keywords in the titles, heading tags etc.


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Meet The Team

