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During WW2 germany a group within the british army with a certain set of skills work to make sure they win the war by embarking on covert missions to capture strong political figures. With plenty of drama, some laughs ,sad moments and with a hint of action. And different twists will keep the viewer wanting to watch more and see what happens. In WW2 Germany 5 men are in a special force group in the british army with a certain set of skills that put them above everyone else. They work on capturing and rescuing political figures to try and gain the upper hand in the war. Doc - Is the leader and commands the missions, Frankie- Is the muscle of the group usually doing the physically demanding tasks, Lil bill- The buffoon of the group but is a professional at infiltration, J.R.- an all round perfect soldier trying to prove he can live up to his fathers name and Jo- The teams medic with perfect skills in first day who is made fun out of as for he has a girls name. With twists and drama through the whole series with laughs and sad moments thrown in as well. The target audience would be around 16 onwards, this is because although it is a time classic style the action and laughs will appeal to all age ranges but is on late due to some graphic scenes. The show will mainly artificially built places but made to look old and outside just like in the war, mainly war style tents and blown up buildings. The visuals will be limited as in the show we wonʼt show blood and gore but leave it to the audience to realize that someone has been shot or blown up. The camera set up wonʼt be to hard, sticking to close up shots and mid shots every now and then a wide shot to establish a location, as we want to make it seem like weʼre there with basic camera work. I think that this should be made now because there isnʼt a really good TV drama just about war focusing on lives of people who are in the background gaining the upper hand other than fighting in the trenches in the mud. Also there hasnʼt been a show like this since the days of the A team and some people could like our show as there similar in places.

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Post on 19-Aug-2015




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Page 1: 9968291 red hand-gang_treatment logo

During WW2 germany a group within the british army with a certain set of skills work to make sure they win the war by embarking on covert missions to capture strong political figures. With plenty of drama, some laughs ,sad moments and with a hint of action. And different twists will keep the viewer wanting to watch more and see what happens.

In WW2 Germany 5 men are in a special force group in the british army with a certain set of skills that put them above everyone else. They work on capturing and rescuing political figures to try and gain the upper hand in the war. Doc - Is the leader and commands the missions, Frankie- Is the muscle of the group usually doing the physically demanding tasks, Lil bill- The buffoon of the group but is a professional at infiltration, J.R.- an all round perfect soldier trying to prove he can live up to his fathers name and Jo- The teams medic with perfect skills in first day who is made fun out of as for he has a girls name. With twists and drama through the whole series with laughs and sad moments thrown in as well. The target audience would be around 16 onwards, this is because although it is a time classic style the action and laughs will appeal to all age ranges but is on late due to some graphic scenes. The show will mainly artificially built places but made to look old and outside just like in the war, mainly war style tents and blown up buildings. The visuals will be limited as in the show we wonʼt show blood and gore but leave it to the audience to realize that someone has been shot or blown up. The camera set up wonʼt be to hard, sticking to close up shots and mid shots every now and then a wide shot to establish a location, as we want to make it seem like weʼre there with basic camera work. I think that this should be made now because there isnʼt a really good TV drama just about war focusing on lives of people who are in the background gaining the upper hand other than fighting in the trenches in the mud. Also there hasnʼt been a show like this since the days of the A team and some people could like our show as there similar in places.