99astrohacks 6 10 - mystic medusa of course he became this global brand success coach. so there is...

99 Astro Hacks 6 10 Astro Hack 06 – Working your Angles Astro Hack 07 – The Nodes Astro Hack 08 – Clocking Saturn Astro Hack 09 – Squares are your Mutant Superpowers Astro Hack 10 – Chart Patterns

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99  Astro  Hacks  6  -­‐  10                                                                          Astro  Hack  06  –  Working  your  Angles  

Astro  Hack  07  –  The  Nodes  

Astro  Hack  08  –  Clocking  Saturn  

Astro  Hack  09  –  Squares  are  your  Mutant  Superpowers  

Astro  Hack  10  –  Chart  Patterns  



Working Your Angles - an Introduction

When we move more into transits, we will be talking about the angles of a chart in more depth.

But for now - let us get real clear on what they are ways in which you can start thinking about them.

There are four angles - like archangels, if you want to get all flowing about this - and they are the Ascendant, the Immum Coeli (usually just called the I.C.) the Midheaven (abbreviated to the MC) and the Descendant.

The Ascendant is AKA the Rising Sign. The Descendant is always exactly opposite it. So if you have a 16 degrees of Leo Ascendant, your Descendant will be exactly the opposite - 16 Aquarius.

The Midheaven is the Cusp of your Brilliant Career sector. If it is - say - 8 Scorpio, then the IC will be the opposite of that; 8 Taurus.

They are always in bold on the chart and they kind of work as anchors.

Transits to the angles from OUTER planets (Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto) are big-deal events. They tend to correspond with visible events. They manifest at large.

A transit to the Ascendant or Descendant - the so-called relationship axis - often shows as a new relationship officially formed or an official separation. The transits to the MC/IC are moving house, changing job or even whole career, shifting countries even.

So a fun way to think about them is that the Ascendant is how people who know you see you - it's your image, your vibe and your self-image in relationships. So you may have Venus in Pisces but if your Ascendant is Aquarius, you often cast yourself in "the Aquarius" role in relationships/friendships.

The Descendant is what you seek in relationships and significant one-on-one relationships, biz or pleasure. YES, Mars/Venus and Sun/Moon also talk of this but the Dsc is what you gravitate towards when you want to do something in partnership with someone else. Scorpio Descendant want DEPTH and binding emotional ties. Sagittarius Descendant needs stimulus and SPACE. Leo Descendant can't help but be drawn to status-infused people. These are just to get you thinking.



The Midheaven is your PUBLIC image, how the world at large sees you. It is a good idea to align with that vibe and incorporate it into your professional reputation, your brand D.N.A. The I.C. is how you are in seclusion, how you regenerate. Quite often the signs on the MC/IC axis are in square to the Asc/Dsc - that's where the fun begins!

YES planets or Sun/Moon on the angles are EXTRA strong. But for now, have a think a la how these different aspects of self work/don't work for you. We are doing transits later but a bonus if you want; If any of these angles are in Aries, Capricorn or Pisces, have a crack at working out when Uranus, Pluto and/or Neptune crossed them or will cross them. Those are BIG changes. And there is MORE on the Astro-Hacks Number 6 page here!

Astro  Hack  6:  Work  Your  Angles  Support  Materials    

Rachel Bennett

Okay so you have seen the guff on the Astro-Hack email. These are just some celebrity charts to get you thinking! And serve as examples.




this is the chart of the champion tennis player, Roger Federer. Interestingly, his Mars is in Cancer and so in old-fashioned astrology, in its fall as it is opposite the sign in which Mars is exalted, Capricorn. This is just an aside but remember never to freak out about those sorts of judgments. Federer is one of the highest ranked and well rewarded athletes in the world. Clearly that sort of focus, determination and stamina does not come from a “weak” Mars. ANYWAY, his Ascendant is Virgo, his midheaven is Gemini, his IC is Sagittarius and his Descendant is Pisces. At first, when you are learning astrology, it feels like you are forever looking things up. WHAT is that squiggle? But it’s like learning a language, at first you are always looking up the glossary and then one day you realize that you’re just understanding it. You are fluent.



Voila Angela Merkel, the

Chancellor of Germany. She has Sagittarius/Gemini on her Ascendant/Descendant axis and Libra-Aries with the MC/IC. Note that her Aries IC is about to be blasted by Uranus – anything to an angle automatically affects the angle opposite. A conjunction from Uranus to the IC is an opposition to the MC. So we would say that there would be a drastic change to her location, status, career when Uranus first reaches this point in April-May 2016. 2002 – when Pluto first crossed her Sagittarius Ascendant was when she first ran for election. It was the beginning of her path to power and clearly involved quite the massive transformation of her image.

Don’t forget, you can just google for the ephemeris of any year. If you suspect, for example, that Pluto might have crossed YOUR Sagittarius Ascendant in 2005, Google “2005 ephemeris” and run your eye down the Pluto column to check for that degree. AND know your angles. The more you think on that different aspects of YOU that they represent, the more profound insights occur.



Federer looking super-Virgo Rising. Lithe & focused. 2003, the year he has Saturn on his Midheaven, was when he was first ranked in top ten of tennis players world-wide. It began his rise & dominance of the sport.

   Astro-­‐Hacks  07  –  The  Nodes      

Hey  Astro-­‐Homies!      

Okay  so  this  hack  is  about  the  Nodes  -­‐  the  North  Node  and  the  South  Node.  

  These  are  essentially  hypothetical  points.  They're  not  whizzing  about  there  in  the  galaxy.  

      So  the  North  Node  was  once  called  the  

Dragon's  Head  and  the  South  Node  the  Dragon's  Tail.  

   Whilst  this  sounds  satisfyingly  

medieval,  we  will  just  be  modern  today.    The  South  Node  does  not  usually  show  on  the  chart  although  you  can  check  a  box  on  the  Astrodienst  Extended  Chart  Options  and  voila,  you  will  see  it.    However,  the  Nodes  are  always  exactly  opposite  one  another.    



So  if  your  North  Node  is  8  Scorpio  -­‐  your  South  Node  will  be  8  Taurus.  If  your  North  Node  is  in  the  6th  House  -­‐  your  South  Node  will  be  directly  across  their  in  the  12th  house.    People  often  refer  to  the  Nodal  Axis  as  really,  whatever  affects  one  affects  the  other.    If  Saturn  is  squaring  your  North  Node  in  Leo  (lucky  you)  it  will  also  be  squaring  your  South  Node  in  Aquarius.    Now  a  lot  of  rot  is  talked  about  the  Nodes  in  that  some  say  they  compel  you  to  this  or  mean  you  are  fated  to  that.  I  don't  believe  that.    Some  say  that  challenging  aspects  to  the  Nodes  means  you  have  struggles  achieving  your  destiny.    I  don't  believe  that  either.  Anthony  Robbins,  our  sample  chart  person  this  week,  has  Jupiter  square  his  North  Node.    The  dude  is  not  exactly  an  under-­‐achiever.    So  the  North  Node  is  meant  to  be  your  path  in  "this  life"  and  the  South  Node  the  door  that  you  came  through.  We  had  great  fun  with  this  concept  in  a  post  on  the  site  called  It's  Your  Past  Life  Competition.  People  competed  to  come  up  with  the  most  fanciful  interpretations  of  their  past  lives,  based  on  the  South  Node.    But  honestly,  we  can  speculate  as  much  as  we  want.  Mars  on  the  South  Node  -­‐  warrior  vibe  -­‐  and  all  but  the  point  is  to  work  with  the  Nodes  to  stay  on  track.  Study  the  House/Sign  of  your  North  Node  as  see  that  as  where  you  are  most  productive.    Aligning  with  the  values  of  your  North  Node  are  where  you're  being  whom  you  were  intended  to  be.  Shunning  the  South  Node  vibe  helps  you  be  more  you.  This  is  not  exactly  prescriptive  but  it  is  a  good  way  to  think.  You  don't  do  it  in  some  super  detailed  way  but  you  check  in  with  the  values  of  your  North  Node  to  see  whether  situations  and  relationships  go  with  that.    Planets  on  the  North  Node  augment  your  ability  to  move  forward  and  maintain  momentum.  Planets  on  the  South  Node  can  trap  you  in  your  past  -­‐  you  can  become  unwittingly  stuck.    Transits  to  the  North  Node  tend  to  bring  people  who  will  be  instrumental  to  your  future  -­‐  the  classic  reset  romance,  people  you  were  meant  to  meet.    Transits  to  the  South  Node  often  bring  people  you  totally  feel  like  you  knew  before  but  they  are  not  necessarily  good  relationships  or  scenes  to  be  in.  South  Node  energy  and  often  the  PEOPLE  with  strong  energies  in  your  South  Node  sign  feel/feels  poignant  and  achingly  familiar.  But  they  can  take  you  off-­‐track  like  a  lunatic.    If  in  doubt,  just  DO  your  North  Node.    



Astro  Hack  7:  The  Nodes  Support  Materials  

So today’s sample chart is from Anthony Robbins – the motivator extraordinaire. I have Awaken The Giant Within and even though i am fully aware of the criticisms leveled against Robbins, it is a whole level above in terms of motivation. He describes being his helicopter flying over some city and recognizing this building as the factory he used to janitor at.

He asks his pilot to zoom in closer so he can have a look and it calls come back to him. He hated his job, he hated his life, he hated his physique and his biggest thrill every night was to get home and binge-eat junk food or drink. He describes this hilariously well.

His early life was dark – his alcoholic mother chased him out of the house with a knife, according to his Wiki, and he never went back. Then of course he became this global brand success coach.

So there is his North Node on the left, in Virgo and the 12th House. His South Node is not set be visible in this chart but if you prefer to see it as well, it is a box you check on the Astrodienst Extended Chart options.

So Mercury on the South Node means he – in some way – draws off past experiences. The karmic astrologers would say he recalls his past lives, that he has wisdom from other times and other spaces.

So he is a classic Sun-Pluto person – when he decides to self-actualize (the Sun) he goes way over the top (Pluto). But his Node in the 12th House/Virgo is drawn toward service. He wants to fix things (Virgo) and to follow a spiritual path.



So imagine that your North Node is a North Star and that if you feel off course, you look for that and start aligning with those values to be back on track again or navigate through treacherous terrain. Try to combine the sign and the house of it without getting too hung up on exact definitions, it’s more of a

vibe. You’ll start to get a feel for if something feels South Node or North Node.

For instance, the 11th House is the social sector and the 5th house is more like “Leo” vibe so if your South Node was in the 11th and obviously your North (they are always opposite each other, remember) you would be better off creating and/or in small tight circles, rather than with a huge social group, networking, being a “joiner” or a community activist.

North Node in Aries/the 1st house may be tempted to identify via partnerships/the other but is way better off being self-defined. North Node in 9th House NEEDS study and higher education. North Node in 3rd is more the kind of person who is insanely well informed about a variety to things, the classic media persona.

So try this out!




Astro-Hacks 08 – Clocking Saturn

Greetings  Guys  and  i  hope  you  are  having  an  amazing  weekend.    Astro  Hack  #8  is  about  Clocking  Saturn  -­‐  the  Time  God  and  Planet  of  Worldly  Success.    When  Saturn  hits  an  area  of  your  life  (a  house,  a  planet,  whatever)  where  you  are  already  proficient,  you  get  big-­‐time  success  and  structure  there.    If  it  is  an  area  of  life  where  you're  not  so  shit-­‐hot  or  are  in  massive  denial,  wham  -­‐  it's  lesson  time.    So  say  Saturn  comes  roaring  along  to  your  $$$  sector  and  you're  non-­‐stop  in  "dumb  debt",  tortured  by  crazy  cravings  to  buy  crap,  lazy  and/or  entitled  for  no  good  reason  -­‐  you  are  going  to  learn  some  important  lessons  about  personal  finance  and  self-­‐worth.    The  person  who  has  been  cultivating  genuine  prosperity,  pouring  energy  into  a  genuine  biz  or  career  and  denying  instant  gratification  to  carry  out  a  deeper  strategy  will  have  some  massive  wealth  breakthrough  when  Saturn  comes  to  town.    Saturn-­‐Venus  can  be  a  significant  and  enduring  alliance  or  it  can  be  learning  the  hard  way  not  to  date  lunatics.  Or  blend  finances  with  someone  you  barely  know.    You  get  it.  But  in  this  Astro-­‐Hack  #8,  you  are  going  to  learn  about  Saturn  from  your  own  life.  

All  you  need  is  Google  -­‐  so  you  can  look  up  every  single  ephemeris  from  the  year  you  were  born,  your  birth  chart  and  something  you  can  take  notes  on.    And  all  you  need  to  is  read  down  the  Saturn  column  of  the  ephemeris  (there  is  more  on  the  Astro  Hacks  #8  page,  comparing  it  to  your  chart  and  noting  when  Saturn  crosses  a  house  cusp  and/or  hits  on  a  planet.    Please  do  NOT  throw  a  pile  of  asteroids  into  this.  Just  keep  your  chart  as  vanilla  



as  possible.  There  is  quite  enough  work  in  clocking  Saturn  from  birth  to  now  without  getting  fancy  about  it.    But  i  promise  you,  that  once  you  end  up  with  this  list  of  dates  on  the  left  hand  side  of  your  pad  or  screen  (  i  think  writing  by  hand  is  better  for  this  sort  of  thing)  and  the  house/planet/Sun-­‐Moon  Saturn  was  in  on  the  right,  you  will  have  some  perspective.    I  think  you  are  gradually  picking  up  the  meaning  of  the  houses  as  you  go  but  i  will  put  a  diagram  up  on  the  page  as  well.      Once  you  have  your  list  of  significant  Saturn  shifts  you  will  start  to  see  the  CLOCK  that  is  Saturn.  Saturn  also  means  CHRONOS  from  where  we  get  "chronology".    A  watch  is  a  chronometer.  Saturn  cycles  are  like  giant  clocks  and  every  seven  years,  Saturn  makes  a  significant  aspect  to  a  previous  Saturn  check  point.    Once  you  have  your  list  of  Saturn  movements  and  then  compare  it  to  your  life,  you  will  see  patterns  you  did  not  see  before.  Understanding  how  you  personally  experienced  and  dealt  with  Saturn  energy  in  the  past  will  help  you  make  more  sense  of  Saturn  in  your  life  and  those  of  other  peeps.    People  always  love  to  know  about  sexy  Venus  transits  or  hot  Jupiter-­‐go-­‐lucky  things  but  Saturn  is  always  the  one  you  should  look  at  first.  Never  take  your  eye  off  this  mo-­‐fo.  ALWAYS  know  where  Saturn  is  hanging  out  and  that  area  is  where  you  can  achieve  ENDURING  results  if  you  knuckle  down,  turn  pro  and  do  the  work.    So  for  more,  go  see  the  page!      

Astro-­‐Hacks  #8  –  Clocking  Saturn  



Keiji Sugita

Astro-Hack #8.

So, yes clocking Saturn.

You are doing this by reading the ephemeris because it is a much easier way to grasp the “hands” of Saturn moving around your chart than it is to just generate the chart with transits off Astrodienst.

But we ARE moving into other styles of looking at transits later, i promise. But reading an ephemeris is a natural art that will soon – if if has not already – become actual leisure to you, like reading a good book.

So grab a big pad of paper, a pen and your birth chart. Then google XXXX (year of your birth) ephemeris.

I have just grabbed 1978 here & our sample Saturn person is going to be Amal Alamuddin Clooney. We do not have a time of birth for her but for the purposes of THIS exercise, it does not matter.



An aside – she has Sun/Venus in Aquarius and Moon/Neptune in Sagittarius. Mars/Lilith both Retrograde in Cancer.

ANYWAY she was born in 1978 and voila the ephemeris (that you just google for – 1978 ephemeris brings it up.) Here is Feb 1978.



Saturn is nine columns across from the left. You can see hers is at 28 Leo. So you just read down, down, down the columns and over the years – checking it off against the chart and noting any crossings into new sectors or houses, any conjunctions to planets, the Sun or Moon.

When you get one of those, note the date. Don’t go back to assess it all until you are up till NOW.

Now we obviously all know how insanely accomplished this woman is, a human rights lawyer who routinely faces down some of the scariest tyrants on the planet. And we don’t – infuriatingly – have a birth time for her. But we can still clock some relevant Saturn dates.

• Saturn  into  Libra,  when  was  aged  two:  Her  family  fled  Beirut  and  the  Lebanese  Civil  War  –  Saturn  on  North  Node  in  Libra.  

• 2000  –  Saturn  square  Sun/Venus  and  opposite  Uranus  –  graduates  from  Oxford.  

• 2013  –  it  all  starts  really  going  down  –  i  am  taking  this  from  Wikipedia  as  do  not  want  to  paraphrase:“Clooney  was  appointed  to  a  number  of  United  Nations  commissions,  including  as  adviser  to  Special  Envoy  Kofi  Annan  on  Syria  and  as  Counsel  to  the  2013  Drone  Inquiry  by  UN  human  rights  rapporteur  Ben  Emmerson  QC  into  the  use  of  drones  in  counter-­‐terrorism  operations.She  has  been  involved  in  high-­‐profile  cases  representing  the  state  of  Cambodia,  the  former  Libyan  intelligence  chief  Abdallah  Al  Senussi,  Yulia  Tymoshenko[30]  and  Julian  Assange,  and  is  an  adviser  to  the  King  of  Bahrain  in  connection  with  the  Bahrain  Independent  Commission  of  Inquiry  headed  by  Professor  M.  Cherif  Bassiouni”    

Saturn AGAIN square her Sun/Venus but this time ON Uranus.

So have fun Saturn clocking YOUR life. Pay particular attention to the “angles” – the Midheaven, I.C., Ascendant and Descendant. You will find interesting connections that you perhaps had not noticed before and gain fresh insight into how you respond to Saturn vibes.

And here is a diagram of the houses – these are standard, old school descriptions, for reference only. I personally think this version of the 12th House is a bit dour.



AND remember that the house cusps or boundaries are helpfully on the left hand side of the Astrodienst charts. They don’t list 2 and 8 or 3 and 6 (and so on) as they are same, albeit in opposite signs. So in the example below, the 2nd House is 21 Pisces (only worry about the first one or two numbers) and the 8th House is thus 21 Virgo, directly opposite 21 Pisces.




Astro-Hack #09 - Squares Are Your Mutant SuperPowers  

Hey  Astro-­‐Hackers!    SO  squares  are  our  mutant  super-­‐powers.  I  actually  owe  this  fab  description  to  one  of  the  commenters  on  the  blog.  I  can't  recall  who  but  if  it  is  YOU,  email  me!    Anyway,  it's  true.  Squares  get  a  ludicrously  bad  rap  a  lot  of  the  time  and  it  is  simply  uncalled  for.    A  square  is  a  90  degree  angle  between  two  points  in  a  chart.    See  the  Astro  Hacks  #9  page  for  an  illustration  of  this.    The  two  energies  (say  Sun  versus  Moon  or  Venus  square  Mars,  whatever)  are  technically  at  odds  with  one  another.    They  are  always  of  the  same  modality  (Cardinal,  Fixed  or  Mutable)  but  of  different  elements.    The  "incompatible"  Sun  Signs  theory  that  some  subscribe  to  comes  out  of  the  

"incompatible"  Sun  Signs  squaring  (or  opposing)  one  another.    Eg;  Virgo  squares  Gemini  and  Sagittarius.    But  squares  in  your  chart  are  what  motivates  you.  Too  many  trines  (a  classically  "easy"  aspect)  make  you  complacent.  Those  energies  flow  real  well.    Squares  are  like  Saturn  energy.  You  have  to  work  at  them.  So  often  they  show  up  in  your  life  as  circumstances  or  people  outside  of  yourself.    For  instance,  Mars  (assertion,  will-­‐power,  ambition)  square  Saturn  (authority,  structure,  power)  can  be  like  perpetual  butting  up  against  either  indomitable  father  figures,  government  and  bureaucracy.  You  can  even  try  and  avoid  the  whole  deal  by  just  becoming  an  outsider  -­‐  fuq  the  system  and  all  that.    Venus  square  Neptune  has  classic  love  zombie  potential.  Or  addictive  tendencies.  And  it  can  seem  like  -­‐  for  no  reason  that  feels  like  "your  fault"  this  shit  just  keeps  showing  up  again  and  again.  But  once  you  get  a  grip  on  your  squares  and  apply  yourself  to  really  working  on  making  those  disparate  elements  of  your  life/chart  work  together  productively,  they  operate  like  super  versions  of  trines.  



 So  in  this  exercise,  you  will  find  your  three  most  powerful  squares  and  get  to  grips  with  how  you  manifest  and  operate  them.  Are  they  undermining  you?  Or  supporting  you.  If  in  doubt,  think  back  to  the  Gods/Goddess  behind  the  planets.  We  will  revisit  aspects  later  -­‐  all  these  early  hacks  are  really  just  to  get  you  thinking  astrologically.    Two  ideas:    People  who  automatically  hate  us  tend  to  have  squared  versions  of  stuff  we  have  either  mastered  or  do  really  well  in  the  first  place.  Eg:  If  you're  Mars  conjunct  Pluto  you  regenerate  automatically  and  with  glee.  People  with  Mars  square  Pluto  -­‐  they  WANT  to  and  they  are  aware  of  the  stale  qi  but  they  feel  blocked  or  scared  -­‐  will  take  a  dislike  to  you.  If  you're  Mercury  trine  Uranus  (easy  flow  of  fresh  and  original  ideas),  a  person  with  Mercury  square  Uranus  (they  come  but  erratically  and  feel  always  ahead  or  behind  time)  will  find  you  a  threat.    Idea  Two:  When  thinking  about  transits.  Again,  we  will  do  this  down  the  track  but  something  to  watch  out  for  is  when  a  transit  makes  an  "easy"  aspect  out  of  something  you  have  in  "hard"  aspect  natally.  Eg;  you  have  a  Jupiter  Pluto  square  but  then  Jupiter  comes  along  to  trine  your  Pluto.  Those  are  really  good  times  to  make  BIG  leaps  in  your  life.  At  other  times,  when  a  big  outer  planet  transit  triggers  a  natal  square  in  your  chart,  you  are  going  to  want  to  be  on  top  of  this  square  then.    So  go  check  out  the  sample  chart  on  the  Astro  Hacks  #9  page  and  have  fun  identifying  your  THREE  TIGHTEST  SQUARES.    This  will  give  you  radical  insights  and  self-­‐mastery  -­‐  especially  if  you  can  be  forthright  with  yourself  re  this  AND  detached.  Because  some  squares  operate  as  more  of  a  subconscious  script,  woven  so  tightly  into  our  world  view  we  think  they  are  the  Everything.      

Astro-­‐Hack  #9  Squares  Support  Material                                  



Squares = 90 degree aspects or relations between planets, the Sun, Moon or Ascendant. Once upon a time they were seen as “malefic” or at least adversarial. But a square conquered IS a strength indeed, the more so because you appreciate it.

And actually, too many easy aspects can make you damn complacent.

So here, as an example of a chart with some hefty squares, is Steve Jobs, the founder of Apple.





So at a glance, you can see that all those red lines at right angles to one another are his squares. You could also look at the aspects grid which is in the middle at the bottom of the page. And you can see from that what squares what. But pretty quickly, this becomes an at-a-glance process.

Basically, something at (say) 15 degrees of a Cardinal Sign is square anything at 10 to 20 degrees of the Cardinal Signs on either side. If your Venus is 15 Capricorn, it is square anything at 10 to 20 Aries and Libra. But the closer the numbers, the tighter the square.

So in Steve Jobs chart, you can see his Mars at 29 Aries is square his Uranus at 24 Cancer. It is also square his Venus at 21 Cancer. Never mind about the other aspects for now. This is an example.

So the challenge is to find your three tightest squares and muse as to how these show up in your chart and life energies.

Remember – squares are your mutant super-powers. Conquer these so that they are operating consciously and not unconsciously for a GOOD TIME. Squares mean you don’t stagnate. You’re innovating. And actually there is a clue to squares in this Rolling Stone coverline story on Jobs – maybe squares are where you ARE insecure and so you DO have to reinvent yourself.

“Your time is limited, don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma, which is living the result of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of other opinions drown your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition, they somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.” Steve Jobs.




Astro-Hack #10 - Chart Patterns


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Chart  Patterns  Heyo  Hackers,    It’s  Kim  Falconer  here,  (Kimmy  in  the  comment),  offering  you  the  next  five  of  the  99  Hacks  while  Mystic  is  away  on  a  much  deserved  holiday.    Today  we’re  looking  at  Chart  Patterns.    What  are  Chart  Patterns?    They  are  seven  arrangements  or  patterns  the  planets  form  within  the  circle.  We  call  them  bundle,  bowl,  seesaw,  bucket,  splash,  locomotive  and  splay.    Marc  Edmund  Jones  first  described  these  patterns  in  the  40s,  associating  them  with  distinct  personality  types  (in  natal  charts)  and  prognostic  indicators  (in  transit,  progressed,  returns  or  horary  charts).  Let’s  stick  with  natal  charts  for  now  and  play  with  this  a  little.    Note:  Only  the  ten  planets  are  considered  in  determining  the  chart  pattern.  Leave  out  the  Nodes,  



POF,  asteroids,  trans-­‐Pluto  etc.  to  get  to  the  core  pattern.  If  you  add  too  many  elements,  everyone  becomes  a  Splash!      Seesaw  -­‐  Planets  occupy  two  opposing  areas  of  the  chart.  Focus  is  on  binary  opposites  requiring  objectivity,  awareness  and  balance.    Bowl  -­‐  Planets  all  within  180  degrees.  Self  contained  and  strong  core  values.  Focus  on  the  activated  hemisphere.    Bucket  -­‐  Bowl  pattern  with  one  planet  in  the  opposite  arc-­‐-­‐the  'handle  to  the  bucket.  A  strong  focus  with  much  energy  pivoting  around  the  singleton  planet.    Splash  -­‐  Planets  evenly  distributed  around  the  chart  -­‐  scattered  interests,  diversity,  flexibility  and  wide  range  of  interests.    Bundle  -­‐  Planets  all  within  120  degrees.  Focused  interest  in  the  houses  occupied.  Intense,  determined,  relentless.    Locomotive  -­‐  Planets  occupy  240  degrees  of  the  chart,  the  remaining  120  is  empty.  Emphasis  is  on  the  first  and  last  planet  to  rise.  Much  drive,  energy  and  enthusiasm.    Splay  -­‐  Planets  create  three  points  of  emphasis  -­‐  highly  individual,  grounded  and  confident.  Focus  on  occupied  houses.  If  grand  trine,  the  element  dominates.    For  the  discussion,  look  at  your  chart,  discover  the  pattern  and  think  about  what  it  might  mean  to  the  focus  you  have  you  in  your  life.  What  lights  you  up,  how  you  approach  your  aims  and  goals,  what  has  the  most  importance.?    Let’s  talk  about  it  here  on  the  comments  page.  I’ve  included  some  fun  celeb  examples.    xxKimmy




Hi Everyone,

Kimmy here for the examples and discussion component of Hack #10.

Let’s look at a few different chart patterns and what they might say about the personality type. Will Smith, with a BUCKET chart pattern, is a great example of a person of intense focus. He came from ‘nothing’, built his life from the ground up, and has a work ethic that would impress Saturn. Clearly it does impress Saturn! Check out some of his core value statements:

I strive to be like the greatest people who have ever lived. –Will Smith

I’ve always considered myself to be just average talent and what I have is a ridiculous insane obsessiveness for practice and preparation. -Will Smith

Stop letting people who do so little for you control so much of your mind, feelings and emotions. -Will Smith

Can you see from his Chart Pattern ONLY why he might have this level of focus and determination? Check the “handle” of the Bucket. What does that say?





Another Libra, and a wonderful example of the LOCOMOTIVE Chart Patter is Ursula K. Le Guin. She’s a powerful woman, born in a time when gender equality was not the norm. She’s dared to be different in her craft and in her life, excelling at taking her forward thinking ideas (Uranus) and bringing it into a tangible form for others to enjoy (Saturn). Note the “engine” and the “caboose” of her Locomotive.



My imagination makes me human and makes me a fool; it gives me all the world and exiles me from it. -Ursula K Le Guin

When  you  light  a  candle,  you  also  cast  a  shadow.  -­‐Ursula  K  Le  Guin  

The  only  thing  that  makes  life  possible  is  permanent,  intolerable  uncertainty;  not  knowing  what  comes  next.  -­‐Ursula  K  Le  Guin  





Check out Robert Downey Jr’s SEW SAW Pattern. The focus is powerfully placed in the occupied houses, and there can be a constant contrast and opposition.

Where do you think his oppositions would come from? How might they be integrated, or do they always remain “either/or”?

If I could eat whatever I wanted every day, I would have Domino’s pizza with pasta carbonara inside every slice. And at night, I would have Neapolitan ice cream until I felt absolutely toxic. And then I would drift off telling myself, ‘It’s going to be O.K… It’s going to be O.K. you’re going to train in the morning. -Robert Downey Jr

I guess the issue for me is to keep things dynamic. -Robert Downey Jr



Do I want to be a hero to my son? No. I would like to be a very real human being. That’s hard enough. -Robert Downey Jr

Quick  reference  to  Chart  Patters  here.